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Research Log #2 - Solutionary Project 2020

Date: February 14, 2020

Name: Tessa Domingo
Essential Question:
How does fast fashion negatively impact our environment?
Three Points to Prove: #1: fast fashion contributes to speeding up climate change
#2: fast fashion leads to a substantial amount of landfill waste
#3: fast fashion pollutes the ocean with microfibers

Point that this Source Proves: #1: fast fashion contributes to speeding up climate change

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

According to the United Nations, “Globally, the fashion industry is responsible for about 10
percent of all greenhouse gas emissions”.

According to Elizabeth Paton, “Scrutiny of the fashion industry’s impact on the global climate
crisis has hit new heights in recent months”.

The United Nations say that the fashion industry is responsible for “20 percent of all wastewater,
and consumes more energy than the international aviation and shipping industries combined”.

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

This article talks mainly about how people are planning on attacking the problem of
unsustainable fashion, or fast fashion. There are many reason why fast fashion is a contributor to
the speeding up of climate change brought up. According to the United Nations, “Globally, the
fashion industry is responsible for about 10 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions”. These
greenhouse gases they produce retains and keeps in all of the heat in our atmosphere. This
retained heat is what causes our earth to warm up, and causes the climate change. François-Henri
Pinault, who is the chief executive of Kering, says that “ ‘The global challenges we are facing
are complex’ ” and that “ ‘They know no borders. Only coalitions can overcome them’ ”. This is
saying that the problems that fast fashion is causing are very complicated and the only way that
we can help and stop this problem is for groups of people to work together.
The effect of fast fashion on climate change is continually rising. According to Elizabeth
Paton, “Scrutiny of the fashion industry’s impact on the global climate crisis has hit new heights
in recent months”. Rather than getting better, it seems that our world is still getting worse on
controlling and lowering the major effect of the greenhouse gas emissions of fast fashion. There
is also an expected growth worldwide of the apparel and footwear market. An Euromonitor
analysts says there will be an increase of about 5 percent through 2030. They also said that there
is a risk of “exerting an unprecedented strain on planetary resources”.
Fast fashion is not only hurting our world through greenhouse gases, but also through
other resources. The United Nations say that the fashion industry is responsible for “20 percent
of all wastewater, and consumes more energy than the international aviation and shipping
industries combined”. It is effecting planetary resources, increasing wastewater, and our energy
amount. Along with that, Ellen MacArthur Foundation, who is a British organization dedicated
to building a circular economy, says that “textile production emissions will rise more than 60
percent by 2030 if the industry stays on its current trajectory”. This shows that fast fashion is
only increasing their emissions unless there us a change.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Paton, Elizabeth. “Will a 'Fashion Pact' Make Fashion Greener?” The New York Times, The New
York Times, 23 Aug. 2019,

This is a reputable and reliable article because it was published by the New York Times and
found on Ebsco. Also, this article was published less than a year ago

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