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Research Log #3 - Solutionary Project 2020

Date: Feb. 20, 2020

Name: Lucas Stumbaugh
Essential Question: How can the community support the homelessness crisis?

Three Points to Prove: #1: Positive impact on lives

                                        #2:  Promote awareness to higher level policy makers
                                        #3: Provide volunteer work to lessen the severity of homelessness

Point that this Source Proves: # 2

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

In the beginning of the video Mayor Kirk Caldwell states that, “people want to come to paradise, they get here with a
job, but they find it’s really hard to live here.”

It is then stated later in the video that, “the city is making progress, about 500 homeless moved into housing over the
past year.”

An interview with Father David Girlock presses the claim that, “this is a government problem and the government
needs to step in and fix it.”

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

The first quote relates to my topic because it first initiates one of the big causes on why there is homelessness
in Hawaii to begin with. With the cost of living in Hawaii being so high it causes those who may not being earning a
lot of income to sustain for themselves and family, it causes them to be in a financial crisis where their only option is
to be forced out. Now with further research there is a type of homeless group that deals with financial crisis families
and those are the ones that usually take the least amount of time to get back on their feet. It is estimated on average that
it takes about 6 months for financial crisis-based homelessness to be eliminated and back on their feet. But this is a
sign to government that the cost of living is increasing at a fast rate that is being a “home-wrecker.”

The second quote relates to my topic because it shows that there is some progress being done to deal with
homelessness in Hawaii but shows at the same time that what has been done is not enough to fully eliminate the crisis.
During the video it was estimated that there was about 7000 homeless people in Hawaii and that 5000 of them were
scrunched into Honolulu. And this was a problem because it is taking the natural beauty away from our paradise and
what’s even worse is that for some of these people it’s not their fault that their homeless. A question can be raised from
this such as why hasn’t the city and county of Honolulu prioritize this issue if it is taking away our paradise that so
many come to take in?

The last quote backs up my claim because it is a clear and direct call to action from the public to government
officials. The public wants to no longer accept the fact that Hawaii has one of the worst homeless rates in the country
where our state is supposed to be paradise. Nobody believes that the issue is going to be taken care of overnight but
there needs to be a clear push in the right direction for the people that live here and the homeless community to feel
that their government is supporting them and defeating this ongoing crisis.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Reid, Chip, director. Homeless Crisis in Hawaii Sparks State of Emergency. YouTube, CBS Evening News, 2
Jan. 2016, Accessed 20 Feb. 2020.

This is a reputable and reliable article because it was sponsored by the CBS evening news which is a highly rated
news show.

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