Research Log 4

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Research Log #4 - Solutionary Project 2020

Date:   Feb. 27, 2020

Name:  Lucas Stumbaugh 
Essential Question:   How can the community support the homelessness crisis?
Three Points to Prove: #1:  Positive impact on lives
                                        #2:  Promote awareness to higher level policy makers
                                        #3: Provide volunteer work to lessen the severity of homelessness

Point that this Source Proves:   # 3
Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove): 

Early in the article during an interview with retired teachers who volunteer with the salvation
army stated, “It’s amazing how some people don’t care about how much it costs to make a
complete stranger happy.”

Next there is a section where it implies that volunteering will help with careers by saying, “It is
important for our students and graduates to have experience in engaging with homeless
individuals because they often seek services at the hospitals. This partnership will definitely
prepare them for the real world.”

Lastly the article describes how there is a deeper meaning to volunteering by saying, “Some may
think the volunteers provide the service, but the service always comes back to the volunteers.

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?): 

 The first quote refers to the point I am trying to prove because people often get carried away with
how hard it is to volunteer. Also, other times people feel that whatever they do won’t be enough to really
make a difference when in reality, anything helps. The second quote that was taken from this source helps
to prove my point because it is important especially for young students to volunteer because it can
eventually help lead them to certain career fields to further fight the crisis which in this case is
homelessness. The more younger age volunteers can start reaching out and experiencing what it is like to
take the problem head on the more likely they will be able to create a solution down the line when they
are older. And finally, the third quote taken from this article helps to support my claim because there is a
certain feeling you get when you volunteer where you can visibly see your actions and how they impact
another and could eventually end a crisis. Volunteers need to realize that there is no excuse for being able
to put some time aside to give back to those who may not be as fortunate as you because all it takes is a
spark to fan a flame.
Work Cited (correct MLA format): 
 “The Salvation Army Hawaiian and Pacific Islands Division.” Hawaiian and Pacific Islands Division -
"Volunteering Brings Us Joy.", The Salvation Army, Accessed 27 Feb. 2020. 

This is a reputable and reliable article because it was posted by the salvation army which is an
established non-profit organization.

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