J F M A M J J A S O N D: COMPLETE SB (57) .mp3

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Unit 10

It’s going to be sunny

Lead-in exercise. Write the next letter horizontally.
After you finished please open your student’s book on page 70
1. For exercise 1 answer: What can you see?
What I see in the photos the different seasons of the year, wich are spring,
summer, autumn, winter that are represented with people who do activities
according to the season.

2. For exercise 2 match the seasons with photo A-D

1) B spring
2) A summer
3) C autumn
4) D winter

3. For exercise 3 read the instructions, listen to this audio and answer.

COMPLETE SB (57).mp3

1) autumn
2) winter
3) summer
4) spring

4. Exercise 4. Answer the next questions please.

1 How many seasons does your country have?
Spring, summer, autumn, winter
2 Which months are in which seasons in your country?
Spring is of march to April, summer is of June to august, autumn is of September to October
and winter is of November to february
3 Which is your favorite seasons? Why?
Summer, because me and my friends go to the river in a bikes

Listening part 1
Lead-in exercise.

Guess the season: We star the new school year. It is often windy. The sea is quite warm at the star.


1. Read the “exam advice” then for exercise one underline the key word from exe. 2 (page 71)

1) japan

2) sunday

3) time

4) buy

5) airport

2. For exercise 2 on page 71 listen to this audio then choose the correct answer for each

1) A

2) B

3) C

4) A

5) C

COMPLETE SB (58).mp3

- Please go to your workbook and answer only the exercise 1 “Listening Part 1” questions 1 to 5
with this audio.

COMPLETE WB (11).mp3

1) C
2) A

3) A

4) B

5) C

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