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Christopher Gray 
1211 Everett Ave 
Kansas City, KS 66102 
(913) 251-5866 

15th April 2020 

Ronny Reader 
CEO, Company Name 
123 Address St  
Anytown, ST 12345 

Dear Mr. Reader, 

I am writing to you to address my interest in one of your positions. The 

position I would like is a team position, not one that necessarily involves 
management but involves some leadership. I found out about this position 
from advertisement as I have been a loyal customer to the company. 

To be able to work for this company would be amazing considering what kind 
of admiration I have for it. The atmosphere seems amazing and the staff is very 
friendly. I believe I am perfect for this position because I am very work and 
detail oriented. I am the type of person who likes to get the job done the first 
time. My work ethic is very high and is a huge part of who I am as a person.  

Based on this information, I would greatly appreciate it if you were to consider 

me for this position and to schedule an interview at your convenience.   

Thank You so much for your time and if you consider me for this position, I 
know I will make a great asset to your company. 


Christopher Gray 

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