Joint Press Release 042820

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County of Jefferson

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PRESS RELEASE: Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Jefferson County Announces Plan and Guidelines for Reopening the County

HILLSBORO, MISSOURI – Today the Jefferson County, MO County Executive and Jefferson
County Health Department Director signed a joint order to reopen the county. The order follows
Governor Parson’s Show-Me Strong Recovery Plan for reopening. This plan will roll out in phases,
with Phase 1 beginning midnight May 4, 2020. The success of this plan hinges on strict adherence to
the guidelines set forth and taking proactive steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our

“We appreciate the emails, phone calls, and social media messages we received from residents and
local business owners,” states Jefferson County Health Department Director, Kelley Vollmar. “Your
feedback provided us various perspectives in order to make the best decision for our communities.”

In line with the governor’s order, Jefferson County Administration believe all county businesses are
important to our county’s economy and families’ wellbeing, therefore all businesses can reopen
effective midnight 11:59 P.M. CDT on May 3, 2020 while adhering to the Missouri Department of
Health and Senior Services Director Order dated April 27, 2020 and the Show-Me Strong Recovery
Plan Phase I Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions release by Governor Parson on April 27, 2020.

“We want to ask County residents and the business community to stay engaged and help us with
continued social distancing and hygiene mitigation strategies,” stated Executive Gannon.

General Guidelines for Jefferson County Residents

• Citizens who feel sick should stay home
• Continue to practice good hygiene, including:
o Washing hands with soap and water, or using hand sanitizer, especially after touching
frequently used items or surfaces
o Avoiding touching your face
o Sneezing or coughing into a tissue, or the inside of your elbow
o Disinfecting frequently used items and surfaces as much as possible
• Avoid socializing in groups that do not readily allow for appropriate physical distancing
(receptions, trade shows, etc.). When in public (parks, outdoor recreation spaces, shopping
malls, etc.), individuals should maximize physical distance from others
• Minimize travel to the extent possible.

General Guidelines for Businesses

• Prepare to implement basic infection prevention measures informed by industry best
practices, regarding:
o Protective equipment
o Temperature checks
o Sanitation, including disinfection of common and high-traffic areas (entrances,
breakrooms, locations where there is high-frequency employee interaction with the
• Modify physical workspaces to maximize social distancing
• Minimize business travel
• Develop an infectious disease preparedness and response plan, including policies and
procedures for workforce contact tracing when an employee tests positive for COVID-19
• Monitor workforce for indicative symptoms. Do not allow symptomatic people to physically
return to work until cleared by a medical provider
• Develop, implement, and communicate about workplace flexibilities and protections,
o Encouraging telework whenever possible and feasible with business operations
o Returning to work in phases and/or split shifts, if possible
o Limiting access to common areas where personnel are likely to congregate and
o Ensuring that sick leave policies are flexible and consistent with public health guidance

“We know there will be questions as we move forward and we will continue to do our best in
addressing those questions and finding solutions,” states Director Vollmar.

More information about the order and answers to frequently asked questions can be found on the
Jefferson County Government website at www. and the Jefferson County Health

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