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Lucas Stumbaugh

Mrs. Nourrie

Section S2-C

21 February 2020


I. Topic/EQ: How can the community support the homelessness crisis?

A. 1st point: Positive impact on lives
1. Source 1: TedTalk “How the Arts Help Homeless Youth Heal and Build.”
Malika Whitley

a. Whitely begins to explain how shew was able to escape her reality with
arts where she says, “A few hours of singing, writing poetry or
saving up enough money to disappear into another world at a
play kept me going and jolting me back to life when I felt at my lowest.”

b. She then goes on to introduce what her organization is which she then
states, “ChopArt uses the arts as a tool for trauma recovery by
taking what we know about building community and restoring dignity and
applying that to the creative process.”

c. To conclude her talk Whitely reaches her voice out to all of the youth
that may be experiencing homelessness where she says, “So never
stop fighting to stand in your light because even in your darkest
times, we see you.”

B. 2nd point: Promote awareness to higher level policy makers

1. Source 1: U.S. News, “Homelessness Is a National Crisis.” Therese Gallagher

a. When Gallagher begins to explain support systems for homelessness she

states, “Quite simply, not enough government-funded social programs
exist to aid the homeless in a meaningful way.”

b. Later in the articles Gallagher presses the issue that “there will not be
lasting, effective change until policymakers at all levels of
government treat homelessness as the national emergency it is.”

c. To finish Gallagher’s views on homelessness she raises a call to action

where she presents the idea, “Bridging the gap between public
policy and the needs of the homeless, this urgent issue needs attention
from every sector possible – individual, public, private and
institutional. It's only human.” 

2. Source 2: “Homeless Crisis in Hawaii Sparks State of Emergency” Chip Reid,


a. In the beginning of the video Mayor Kirk Caldwell states that, “people
want to come to paradise, they get here with a job, but they find
it’s really hard to live here.”

b. It is then stated later in the video that, “the city is making progress,
about 500 homeless moved into housing over the past year.”

c. An interview with Father David Girlock presses the claim that, “this is a
government problem and the government needs to step in and fix it.”

C. 3rd point: Provide volunteer work to lessen the severity of homelessness

1. Source 1: "Island Focus - Scott Morishige." YouTube,

a. Scott Morishige explains the different layers of the crisis at hand and
provides examples of ways to attack the issue and states that
“support from the community through nonprofits are an example of
a way to take care of the problem one issue at a time.”

b. During the interview Scott explains the way homelessness can happen
so quickly by stating that “it can happen to just about anyone.”

c. When asked how people can alleviate the issue of homelessness in

Hawaii, he explains that numbers of homelessness are going down
and, “people are coming together to solve the issue.”

2. Source 2: Interview with Lt. Governor Doctor Josh Green

a. When asked what younger people who can is to be active in helping the
cause he said, “Volunteer at H4, JOCs and shelters. Start
humanitarian programs.”

b. When asked if he sees homelessness ever going away, he responded

with, “It may never go away, but it will improve in the coming
c. When asked if he sees an increase in community involvement, he stated
that he sees the most involvement from, “especially churches and
philanthropists plus developers.”

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