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The Experience of a Lifetime

Franz Novelo
ENGL 1025
Mrs. Erica Aguilar
November 7, 2014
The Experience of a Lifetime 2

The Experience of a Lifetime

I have always been captivated by racing cars. It amazes me that on average, ordinary folks

eagerly engage in the hard-working exercise of running and riding bicycles. On the contrary I

have always felt the excitement of trying the ecstatic experience of velocity which results in a

high dosage of adrenaline rush running through my veins. It overwhelms me that at some point

in the past time someone had the brilliant idea that people would enjoy speed, and that person

invented what must have been the first racing automobile. That invention granted me the

opportunity to engage in a racing activity and it is precisely the thrill and excitement of having

survived the ride which keeps me coming back for more.

My very first experience with a vehicle was when my dad gave me his car to drive. It seemed to

be the most unique and stunning motorized stallion with shinning aluminum rims which left me

in such awe! The image of the vehicle was like that of an angel, both perfect and glowing before

my eyes. I was dumbstruck just thinking about the extreme speed, and traction that could be

enjoyed whilst driving this vehicle. In reality it was not such an enormous machine, nor

extremely speedy. In fact I can readily recall that when I first drove, my speed was like that of a

walking person and gradually I was able to increase my speed. However, ever since that first

driving lesson, I became obsessed with cars which I have constantly compared to running


At present I enjoy stepping on the accelerator of the Mustang that I now own. This engine has a

high potential for velocity and proves itself on the highway, making the ride feel as fast as the

wind. I am filled with pleasure seeing my passengers gripping on their seats and screaming in

frantic joy. Even the humming sound of the engine brings to my mind the great roar of a fire-
The Experience of a Lifetime 3

breathing dragon with smoke spewing from its exhaust-pipe nostrils. As the speed is increased

the streets look smaller and smaller, and I begin to feel as if the handle is slipping off my hand.

By that time, I had begun sweating and felt my body electrified with an indescribable sense of

gratification engulfing every inch of my body. That was my very first racing experience.

I aspire to someday drive a Formula One racing car and be a participant speeding like lightning

on the tracks of a grandiose racing coliseum. Formula one is designed with the most recent high

tech gadgets to improve efficiency while racing on the track. For instance, its aerodynamics

maintains gravitational pull, but also facilitates movement while speeding around corners at its

maximum acceleration rate. Additionally, the Energy Recovery System of the F1 cars allows the

vehicles to maintain high levels of strength even while slowing down, combining both the

system and energy giving twice the performance power. Just the thought of being like a thunder

bolt intrigues me and makes me yearn for that actual sensation. While I await for this dream to

become reality I will continue delight myself flying down the highway on my high performance

mustang and enjoying the mind blowing moment making each one the experience of a lifetime.

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