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The Electricity Group

Reagan, Zach, Tia, Alice

State the Problem:

What is the effect of the acidity of different fruits to make the best battery?

A fruit makes the best fruit battery depending on the pH and the voltage. We learned that the pH
scale is 0-14, and that pH stands for potential of hydrogen. We also learned that the citrus fruits
work better for a fruit battery better. Another fact we learned is that


2. › support › ph.-measurement
3. Fruit Battery Experiment -

The reason we are doing this experiment is this could help other people to make the best fruit
batteries and we could use them as an alternate for other batteries.
pH Level:

Tomato= 4.7
Orange = 3.7
Apple= 3.9
Banana = 5.3
Lemon = 2.7


Apple: 0.93 Volts

Orange: 0.90 Volts

Lemon: 0.87 Volts

Banana: Decided not to use.
Tomato: 0.85 Volts

Tia: My hypothesis is that the fruits that are most acidic will make the best battery.
Zach H: My hypothesis is that the banana will have the most volts because it has the most
acidic acid the acid level is 5-6, and that is a lot.
Reagan: My hypothesis is that the fruits that are the most acidic will be a better battery and will
therefore have more volts. I think this because 0 on the pH scale is battery acid, and 0 is the
most acidic. The pH scale is 0 – 14, and the lower the number is, the more acidic it is.

Alice: My hypothesis is that the lemon will have the best result as a battery because it is the
most acidic.

Our supplies:
1. A lemon
2. A tomato
3. An apple
4. A banana
5. An orange
6. A volt measuring thing for the Spark Link Air
7. An iPad with the app Spark Vue
8. A Spark Link Air
9. A pH sensor

Our Plan:

1. Get all the fruits stated above

2. Grab a pH sensor to show pH, and attach it to the Spark Link Air
3. Connect the iPad to the Spark Link Air with Bluetooth
4. Prepare a Spark Vue draft, and make it show the pH
5. Rinse the pH sensor in some room temperature water
6. Stick the stick in some of the fruit juice from crushing the fruit
7. Put the pieces of the fruit in the cup to squish its juice into the cup
8. Press the start button on the iPad (connect beforehand)
9. Stop when desired, and record the number that the iPad says
10. Repeat as necessary

Our pictures

Fruit pH Volts
Apple 3.9 0.93
Tomato 4.7 0.85
Lemon 2.7 0.87
Orange 3.7 0.90

Our Conclusion:

Looking at our results, our original hypothesis was fruits that are the most acidic will be a better
battery and will therefore have more volts. I think this because 0 on the pH scale is battery acid,
and 0 is the most acidic. One way we know it is wrong that when we did our tests, the apple, which is
not the least or the most acidic, gave the most volts. We think this happened because the internet
connection didn’t work correctly. Another interesting fact that that happened was when we were testing
the apple for volts, it didn’t work. The volts did not change at all, until we tried the very next week. I think
this was because the internet wasn’t working correctly. If I were to do this again, the first thing we would
change would be to put my hypothesis on the paper right when we started, not after doing some
research. The second thing I would change is to get all the fruits needed quickly so we can do the actual
experiment right away so we would have time for more trials.

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