EO 20-030.7 COVID 19 Joint Reopen Order

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COUNTY EXECUTIVE ORDER NUMBER 20-030.7 JEFFERSON COUNTY, MISSOURI & HEALTH DIRECTOR ORDER NUMBER 20-04-28-01 JEFFERSON COUNTY, MISSOURI WHEREAS, the State of Emergency in Jefferson County, Missouri, remains in effect until modified or rescinded by further Order of the County Executive; and, WHEREAS, a State of Emergency still exists by virtue of the President of the United States and the Governor of the State of Missouri; and, WHEREAS, among other Federal and State laws, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA”) was passed by Congress and signed into law on March 18, 2020 as Public Law No. 116-127 to, among other things, assist employees with paid time off due to COVID-19; the FFCRA enacted certain paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave ible employees and exempted other types of employees from qualifying from paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave. There may be subsequent federal or state protections currently in place or which may later be passed which protect employment rights; and, WHEREAS, the Missouri Director of The Department of Health and Senior Services (“DHSS) issued an Order Dated April 27, 2020 and the Governor of the State of Missouri issued his guidelines regarding the DHSS Order under the Show-Me Strong Recovery Plan: Phase 1 Guidelines; and, WHEREAS, this Joint Order which becomes effective at 11:59 pm CDT on May 3, 2020, shall supersede the previous Stay-at-Home Orders and Restaurant Orders, their extensions, and amendments issued by Jefferson County, the Jefferson County Health Center, and the Health Director and not otherwise inconsistent with this new Joint Order; and, FILED oem APR 28 2020 KEN WALLER Coury cE, FFERSIN COUNTY, MO WHEREAS, due to the ongoing nature of COVID-19 and its potential risks and impact upon Jefferson County, Missouri, and its citizens, the County Executive and the Jefferson County Health Center Director find it necessary and proper to issue this instant Order to help continue to fight the spread of COVID-19, to protect the public health, safety and welfare, to provide essential protections to the citizens of Jefferson County, Missouri; and, WHEREAS, this Order is not intended to supersede the Federal, State and/or Local public health officials Orders, but shall be read in conjunction with the same. NOW THEREFORE, The Jefferson County, Missouri, County Executive and the Jefferson County Health Center Director Jointly Order: Section 1: e The State of Emergency in Jefferson County, Missouri, shall remain in effect u amended, modified or rescinded by further Order of the County Executive; and, ‘The County Executive and the Jefferson County Health Director hereby fully adopt the Missouri Director of The Department of Health and Senior Services Order Dated April 27, 2020 and the Show-Me Strong Recovery Plan: Phase 1 Guidelines of the Governor of the State of Missouri. This Joint Order, which becomes effective at 11:59 pm CDT on May 3, 2020, shall supersede the previous Stay-at-Home Orders and Restaurant Orders, their extensions, and amendments issued by Jefferson County, the Jefferson County Health Center, and the Jefferson County Health Director and not otherwise inconsistent with this new Joint Order; and, ns should limit unnecessary travel as much as is practical; limit close interactions by maintaining proper social distancing (6 feet); ensure proper hygiene to the greatest extent possible; work from home and/or utilize teleconferencing to the greatest extent possible; continue to utilize electronic financial and other transactions; and restaurants are urged to promote and continue, even while allowed to fully open, a full take-out service as much as possible. These Orders notwithstanding, all citizens and vulnerable populations should seek, at all times, to protect themselves based on their own health needs. Page 2 of 3 Section II, If any part of this Joint Order or its application to any business, person or circumstance is held to be invalid, then the remainder of the Joint Order including the application of such part or provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected and shall continue in full force and effect and to this end the provisions of this Order are severable. Section II. This Joint Order shall remain in full force and effect until further modified, amended, rescinded by the County Executive and Jefferson County Health Center Director Jointly, by the Governor of the State of Missouri, and/or the Missouri Director of The Department of Health and Senior Services. Section IV. The full public health order! from the State of Missouri and additional guidelines? for businesses, communities, and citizens are footnoted below. These documents are available on Governor Parson’s website, the DHSS website, and the Show Me Strong Recovery website. SO ORDERED: pate: 4|28(20z0 Dennis J. Gannoy, County Executive Jefferson County, Missouri Date: 4-88-G080 ‘elley Vollmhr, Director Jefferson County Health Center hnttos://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/MOGOV/2020/04/27/file_attachments/1437097/Economic%20Re0 ppenlng3200rder%204-27-20,pdf httos://content,govdelivery.com/attachments/MOGOV/2020/04/27/fil nts/1437023/Show%20Me%20 ‘Strong%20Recovery%70-%20Phase%201%20Guldance.pdf Page 3 of 3

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