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Brain Computer Interface

Presented by:

Kulsoom Malik 07-E-182

Areej Dawood 07-E-194
What is BCI ?

Brain-computer interface (BCI)

is a collaboration between a brain and a device

How it works?
that enables signals from the brain to direct some
external activity, such as control of a cursor or a
prosthetic limb.

The interface enables a direct communications

pathway between the brain and the object to be

One of the biggest challenges BCI facing is the Basic Mechanism of the Interface itself.

Input from the user’s brain And output from the computer or other device is made
possible by either invasive or non invasive methods.

Invasive techniques include direct implantation of devices in the brain’s grey matter.

Noninvasive techniques include detection of brain activity through

• Electroencephalography (EEG)

• Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)




Clinical Research

The foremost application of BCI is in

development of prosthetic organs.

• Prosthetic limbs

• Artificial eye
• Ear chips

Honda Research Institute Japan, Advanced

Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR)
and Shimadzu Corporation have collaboratively developed
the world’s first Brain Machine Interface (BMI) technology
enable control of a robot by human thought alone.
BCI has revolutionized gaming and entertainment.

Controller less games are being developed that can be played using
your thoughts.

The Emotiv EPOC is a high resolution,

neuro-signal acquisition and processing
wireless neuroheadset. It uses a set of
sensors to tune into electric signals
produced by the brain to detect player
thoughts, feelings and expressions and
connects wirelessly to most PCs.

The Neural Impulse Actuator is a

device by OCZ Technology- the first
commercially available BCI intended
for PC gamers.
Clinical & Psychological Research

BCI is providing new insights into the human brain. The direct
recording of human brain activity has made possible simulations of the
human brain which can be used to study brain function and disorders.

Human perception, personality and lie detection are

new areas of research that utilize BCIs.
More direct links into the brain with the ability to read certain thoughts and copy a wide range
of data and information into various parts of the brain.

Direct control over the activities of all individual neurons by means of nanorobots. Arbitrary
read/write access to the whole brain.

The line between the mind and the computer is blurred.

…The future…
Partial or full uploading is possible and inevitable.

I think therefor I

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