Research Log 3

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Research Log #3 - Solutionary Project 2020 

Date: Feb. 20, 2020

Name: Celina Taramasco
Essential Question: How can our community support the older generation?
Three Points to Prove: #1:  Caring for the elderly prevents social isolation and reduces health risks.
                                        #2: Taking care of the elderly allows us to learn from their experiences.
                                        #3:  Helping the older generation gives them a sense of purpose.
Point that this Source Proves: #2: Taking care of the elderly allows us to learn from their experiences.

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove): 

“We have people from the age of three. If you give them a paintbrush they can do it” said John Minard.

Steve Uyehara of Hawaii News Now stated that “what they do is provide manpower for elderly in the
Nanakuli area. They take on any project.”

“They painted one woman's entire home, for another they redid the porch and even at another home, did
yard work” said Steve Uyehara.

Steve Uyehara explained that “John himself is used to a life of service, he’s a Vietnam veteran.”

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?): 

This newspaper article explains the start of the Kupuna Project back in 2012 and it also shows
that these projects don’t just benefit the elderly. These projects are also good for the volunteers because it
gives them a chance to talk to the elderly and learn about their life. The Kupuna Project started after John
Minard threw out his back and decided to go out and recruit parishioners to volunteer. They were able to
do many projects for elderly people in the Nanakuli area.
In the article, John Minard explains one of the service projects where weeds covered a house and
blocked air from going through the house. All the volunteers were able to work together and clean up the
house. With the Kupuna Project the volunteers can learn more about the people they are caring for and
even learn from their experiences. This article shows how the volunteers were able to spend time with the
person they were helping. They learned more about John Minard and his life story which is something
they would not have known if they didn’t spend time with him.
John was also able to pass on his moral values and incorporated that into their own lifestyle. John
Minard was able to pass on his experiences and passion. Pictures in the article show people of all ages
volunteering and doing it with a smile. Volunteers have fun when they work together and realize that
they are making a difference. Volunteers give their time and service but the elderly give back with their
ideas and values.

Work Cited (correct MLA format): (2020). Everyone has a Story: John Minard. [online] Available at: [Accessed
19 Feb. 2020].
This is a reputable and reliable article because Hawaii News Now reports factual news that is
happening in the local area.

Celina Taramasco
Mrs. Nourrie
English 11E
20 February 2020

Journal 3

My partner and I have done a lot of research this week and have learned a lot of new

information about our topic and how the Kupuna Program started. I learned more about John

Minard and his reasoning behind the start of the program and how much he has influenced the

people at the Church in Nanakuli. Since the death of John Minard there hasn’t been consistent

leadership to continue the program. We are hoping that for this project we can revive the

program and set it up so that it can continue even if we leave.

This past week, my partner and I sent an email to Aunty Mele, who is in charge of the

church announcements. We asked her if we could insert an announcement in the Church’s

Bulletin and also make a podium announcement during one of the Masses. We want to let the

church know what we are doing and start getting service requests so that we can set up a project

as soon as possible.

We are hoping that we can have a set date for a service project in April. However, I

believe April is the month of Easter and we have to make sure that we are not scheduling a
project on Easter weekend. It will be hard to find a day that most volunteers will be free. I

believe as soon as we get a response back from Aunty Mele, the project will start working well.

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