Research Log 2

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Research Log #2 - Solutionary Project 2020 

Date: Feb. 14, 2020

Name: Celina Taramasco
Essential Question: How can our community support the older generation?
Three Points to Prove: #1:  Caring for the elderly prevents social isolation and reduces health risks.
                                        #2: Taking care of the elderly allows us to learn from their experiences.
                                        #3:  Helping the older generation gives them a sense of purpose.
Point that this Source Proves: #3: Helping the older generation gives them a sense of purpose .

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove): 

Eskaton of Sacramento, California states that, “of the older adults living outside nursing homes or
hospitals, nearly one third (11.3 million) live alone.”
Mary, a Eskaton Telephone Reassurance program participant explains that as “you get older and you feel
somehow that maybe you don’t have the value you used to. Your children are growing and your
grandchildren are older”

“Loneliness and isolation are leading causes of both mental and physical decline in older adults”, states

According to Eskaton, “for those receiving calls, it makes all the difference in the world, and for those
making calls, it is a heartfelt and rewarding experience.”

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?): 

This video by EskatonSeniors shows older adults talking about what it feels like to be lonely and
how a simple phone call can make their day better. There are about 11.3 million seniors that live alone in
their home. After adults retire, they don’t have much socialization with the community and start to get
depressed or lonely. There have been many studies that prove loneliness and isolation cause various
health risks. The elderly explains that as they get older, they feel they aren’t valued as much as they used
to be because they see their children and grandchildren growing up and doing their own things.
EskatonSeniors offers free phone calls to seniors that are lonely and need a pick me up
throughout the week. The older adults receiving these calls really appreciate the calls because it provides
socialization and comfort from hearing a friendly voice. If a small phone call can help boost someone’s
spirit, then helping someone at their home and just being there can really help the older generation in the
community. The elderly in our community need to know that someone cares.
The video also talks about how talking and taking care of the elderly not only benefits them, but
also the caregivers. It makes us feel good that we know we are helping someone and making their day.
Many of the workers for Eskaton emphasize how they enjoy the conversations just as much as the elderly
do. Helping the elderly in our community benefits both sides.
Work Cited (correct MLA format): 

 “Loneliness in Elders, How Does it Feel?” YouTube, uploaded by EskatonSeniors, 1 March 2019,
This is a reputable and reliable article because Eskaton is the largest nonprofit community organization
serving senior citizens and was publicly recognized by Doris O. Matsui, a California Congresswoman.

Celina Taramasco
Mrs. Nourrie
English 11E
14 February 2020

Journal 2

My partner and I have done a lot of research this week into why helping the elderly is

important and what causes them to need help. I learned that just a simple conversation with them

will help and we are expecting that the Kupuna Project will help them not only with their chores

but with any loneliness they might be feeling. My partner and I really hope that this project will

work and have a good impact on the community. However, we are realizing that it is hard to

focus on this project with all the other things that are going on like school and sports. We just

need to be able to manage our time more wisely and make sure that we are following the timeline

that we planned.

In the past week, my partner and I have not got done what we were planning on doing.

We were supposed to talk to some of the St. Rita staff and notify them about what we want to do

and ask for their help. However, we were not able to get in touch with them this week so we

really have to get that done. We are hoping that by next weekend’s Mass there will be a printed

out announcement on the bulletin and an announcement made during the Masses. We are also

going to make the request forms for the Kupuna to fill out if they need help. We will link the
request forms onto our websites so they can just got to our website and fill it out without having

to print. However, since we know that most of the older generation is not super tech savvy, we

will print out request forms for the church so they can grab it, fill it out, then submit. We are

hoping we can get back on track on the timeline and get the Kupuna Project started.

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