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Research Log #4 - Solutionary Project 2020 

Date: Feb. 28, 2020

Name: Celina Taramasco
Essential Question: How can our community support the older generation?
Three Points to Prove: #1:  Caring for the elderly prevents social isolation and reduces health risks.
                                        #2: Taking care of the elderly allows us to learn from their experiences.
                                        #3:  Helping the older generation gives them a sense of purpose.
Point that this Source Proves: #3: Helping the older generation gives them a sense of purpose

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove): 

Edward Molkenboer’s explains that conversations with the elderly are good “not only because it is a nice
gesture, because it is, but you will be amazed what you can learn from them.”

Mrs. Van Huis explains in the Ted-Talk that “being alone is not much fun. You need someone who
actually talks to you, and who answers all your questions.”

“Sometimes there were days when I wouldn’t see anyone…no one…so you just sit there” explains Mrs.

In the Ted-Talk, Mrs. Huis says that “loneliness is best solved by…yes, making contact. And advice…by
giving good advice. And receiving it.”

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?): 

In a Ted-Talk, Edward Molkenboer talks about the foundation he set up called Goed doen voor
een Ander which means doing good for someone else. Edward built an online calendar that allows people
to plan a coffee meeting with an elderly person. He goes on to explain how important it is that we spend
time with the elderly because every little bit counts. Edward encourages us to spend a little time and to
laugh and learn from the older generation. Having a conversation with an elderly person is important
because it allows us to learn so many new things and it is also a nice gesture.
Edward Molkenboer interviewed Mrs. Van Huis, a ninety-eight-year-old women, who lost her
entire family. Mrs. Van Huis talks to the audience about how her life can become really lonely because
she has no family left. She explains that there have been days when she would not see anyone so she just
sits in her house doing nothing. She absolutely loves it when her helper comes to take care of her because
she can talk to her about anything and everything.
This Ted-Talk proves that helping the elderly has so many great benefits for everyone. Spending
time with them can give them a sense of purpose while at the same time be teaching us new ideas and life
skills. Going to an elderly person’s home to talk to them and help them do chores can really brighten
their life and make them feel less lonely. The Kupuna Project can make a big impact on the older
generation in the community.
Work Cited (correct MLA format): 

TEDxHaarlem. How The Lonely Elderly Can Teach You Lessons For Life. 2017,
_for_life. Accessed 26 Feb 2020.
This is a reputable and reliable article because Ted Talks are only given by people that present both
compelling and credible topics.

Celina Taramasco
Mrs. Nourrie
English 11E
28 February 2020
Journal 4:
So far, the project has been going pretty well and has been staying on track. However, it

is starting to get challenging to find new credible sources for my research logs because there is

not a huge amount of information on our topic. Hopefully, our project can change that and start

to spread awareness about the elderly in our community and how it is important that we take care

of them. I found a very good Ted-Talk this week about the benefits of simply having a

conversation with the elderly. I believe that the people will really appreciate our help when we

come in and offer our services. Another challenge that I have found is that it is hard to find a

good credible person to interview on our topic. It is especially hard because we only have one

semester for this project so we need to hear back from them as soon as possible.

Kaitlyn and I have been emailing Aunty Mele and were able to put an insert in the

Church’s bulletin. Aunty Mele is really happy with what we are doing and I think the rest of the

church will be happy too. The bulletin announcement asks for parishioners that need assistance

at home to fill out a service request form that is placed in the back of the church. We were also
able to ask to make an announcement during mass. On Sunday morning I will be making a small

announcement to the 9am Mass about our project and asking them if they can fill out a request

form if they need help at home. Once we start getting requests we will sort them by the urgency

of the task and start to schedule a date in April.

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