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Received: 21 October 2019 

|  Revised: 22 December 2019 

|  Accepted: 12 January 2020

DOI: 10.1111/ipd.12617


Adverse birth outcomes and the risk of dental caries at age

3 years

Fernanda Cunha Soares1   | Göran Dahllöf1,2,3   | Anders Hjern4   |

Annika Julihn1,2,5

Division of Orthodontics and Pediatric
Dentistry, Department of Dental Medicine,
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden Background: Since birth outcome is associated with maternal and newborn health,
Center for Pediatric Oral Health Research, it can be a predictor of the future health of the child.
Stockholm, Sweden
Aim: To investigate the association between adverse birth outcomes and dental
Center for Oral Health Services and
Research, Mid-Norway, TKMidt,
Trondheim, Norway Design: The present registry-based cohort study included all children born in 2000-
Clinical Epidemiology, Department of 2003, residing in Stockholm County, Sweden and who received a dental examination
Medicine, Karolinska Institutet and Centre at the age of 3 years (n = 74 748). National registries supplied data on socioeconomic
for Health Equity Studies, Stockholm,
Sweden conditions, maternal health, maternal health behavior, and birth outcomes. Forward
Department of Pediatric Dentistry, stepwise binary logistic regression was performed to determine predictors of caries
Eastman Institute, Public Dental Service, experience in the 3-year-olds.
Stockholm, Sweden
Results: Of the subjects, 6.0% had caries experience (decayed, extracted, and filled
Correspondence teeth [deft] ≥ 1), 5.6% were born preterm (<37 weeks); 2.2% were born small (SGA)
Fernanda Cunha Soares, Division of and 3.7% large (LGA) for gestational age. Of the studied adverse birth outcomes,
Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry,
Department of Dental Medicine, Karolinska
only SGA was significantly associated with caries experience at 3 years of age, and
Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. only for mothers who had refrained from smoking during pregnancy.
Email: Conclusions: SGA is associated with caries experience in 3-year-old children; how-
ever, this relationship occurs only in mothers who did not smoke during pregnancy.

child dentistry, oral health, risk indicator, small for gestational age

1  |   IN T RO D U C T ION preterm birth and low birth weight due to intrauterine growth
retardation.4 In Sweden, low birth weight occurs in 2.5% of
From a life course perspective, birth outcome is particularly newborns, 6% are born preterm, and ~2.5% are born small
relevant as an indicator of maternal and newborn health; birth for gestational age (SGA). These levels have remained un-
outcome represents both reproductive outcomes of the mother changed over the past decade.4
and predictors of well-being of the child.1-3 Infants with ad- Viral infections, as well as various maternal diseases such
verse birth outcomes are vulnerable to serious medical prob- as diabetes, conditions like preeclampsia, and maternal life-
lems. The most common causes of neonatal morbidity are style factors such as smoking and stress affect fetus growth,

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
work is properly cited.
© 2020 The Authors. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry published by BSPD, IAPD and John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Int J Paediatr Dent. 2020;00:1–6.  |     1
2       SOARES et al.

and thus newborn birth weight.5-7 Children born preterm are

more often SGA than those born full-term.8 SGA is asso- Why this paper is important for paediatric
ciated with increased risks of metabolic and cardiovascular dentists
complications as well as suboptimal cognitive development
later in life.9 Children born very preterm run a higher risk • There is a stable incidence of adverse birth out-
of developing chronic lung disease,10 cerebral palsy, and im- comes such as low birth weight, preterm birth, and
paired vision4 and hearing.11 In addition, children with high small for gestational age.
birth weight (≥4000  g) have been reported to have higher • In this large cohort, small for gestational age was
risks of being overweight during adolescence,12 and later in associated with caries experience at 3  years of
life, of developing obesity,13,14 cancer,15 and diabetes.16 age, but only in mothers who had refrained from
An adverse birth outcome may also affect the oral health smoking during pregnancy.
of the preschool child.17,18 Preterm birth has been associated • The results suggest that adverse birth outcomes
with enamel defects in the dentition,19 with molar incisor should be explored as part of a comprehensive
hypomineralization, and with other developmental defects history, since this information can contribute to
in first molars.20,21 These types of developmental defects caries risk assessment of the child.
in enamel may increase susceptibility to dental caries.22,23
Although the association of dental caries with adverse birth
outcomes such as preterm birth, low and high birth weight, the probe under slight pressure. Proximal manifest caries was
and SGA has previously been studied, the results were in- diagnosed on bite-wing radiographs and defined as a lesion
conclusive.24-27 Julihn et al28 show that high birth weight clearly extending into the dentin.30 Only when indicated were
(>4500  g) is associated with higher caries risk in teenag- children radiographically examined.
ers, most likely due to an increased risk of obesity and other This study analyzed these adverse birth outcomes: SGA,
chronic disorders. large for gestational age (LGA), microcephaly, the Apgar
In light of these conflicting results concerning the associ- score, gestational age, weight at birth, and resuscitation. We
ation between adverse birth outcomes and dental caries, we retrieved birth outcomes from the Medical Birth Register
designed the present registry-based study. We hypothesized (MBR) at the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare.
that adverse birth outcomes would be significantly associated SGA and LGA were based on the intrauterine growth curve
with caries experience in 3-year-old children. and calculated using the cut-offs of weight <10th percentile
(SGA) and >90th percentile (LGA). Weight at birth was clas-
sified as low (<2500  g), normal (≥2500 and ≤4000  g), or
2  |  M AT E R IA L S A N D ME T HODS macrosomic (>4000 g). The head circumference was catego-
rized into tertiles, considering microcephaly children in the
In the present registry-based cohort study, data were obtained smallest tertile.
from the Public Health Care Administration in Stockholm We grouped the 5-min Apgar score into ≤8 or >8 and
and registries at the National Board of Health and Welfare gestational weeks into <37 weeks or ≥37 weeks. From the
and Statistics Sweden (SCB). The complete methodology MBR, we also retrieved data on maternal smoking habits
was previously published.29 This study included all children during early pregnancy (yes or no), maternal obesity, and
residing in Stockholm County, Sweden, who were born in maternal age at delivery: <25, 25-34, or ≥35  years. Body
2000-2003 and had a dental examination at 3 years of age at mass index (BMI) of the mother was calculated and grouped
a Public Dental Service clinic; with a private practitioner; or into <30 and ≥30. The Swedish National Tax Board supplied
at the Department of Dental Medicine, Division of Pediatric information on disposable family income in 2003; we cate-
Dentistry, Karolinska Institutet. The Regional Ethics Board gorized income as ≤20% (the lowest quintile) and >20% (all
in Stockholm and the Swedish Data Inspection Board, a na- other quintiles).
tional agency that serves as an institutional review board for
studies using database linkage, approved the protocol for this
study (Daybook no. 2010/1563-31/1). 2.1  |  Statistical analysis
Data on manifest caries lesions and on extracted and filled
teeth were collected from clinical and radiographic examina- We used STATA (Version 14.0; StataCorp LP) to manage and
tion records. The decayed, extracted, and filled primary teeth statistically analyze all data. Differences between categori-
(deft) index measured the severity of the caries experience in cal variables were assessed using the chi-square test. Forward
children aged 3 years. Manifest caries was defined as caries stepwise binary logistic regression was done to determine pre-
on smooth surfaces at the lowest level that can be verified as a dictors of caries experience in the 3-year-olds. The dependent
cavity and detectable by probing or, in fissures, by a catch of variable was dichotomized into caries free (deft = 0) and caries
SOARES et al.   
experience (deft ≥ 1) at 3 years of age. All variables with a P- 3  |  RESULTS
value lower than 0.05 in the chi-square test were entered in the
regression models as independent variables. Odds ratios (OR) The study sample of 3-year-olds comprising 74 748 children
with a 95% CI and all Ps < 0.05 were considered significant, had a slightly higher proportion of boys (51.2%). Mean birth
based on two-tailed tests. We tested two models to verify the weight was 3539  ±  581  g, and mean gestational age was
association between adverse birth outcomes and caries expe- 39.4 ± 1.9 weeks. In the study sample, 5.8% of the children
rience. In addition, the analyses were stratified into maternal had untreated caries and 0.2%, dental restorations.
smoking and no maternal smoking. At birth, 5.6% were preterm (<37 weeks); 2.2%, SGA; and
3.7%, LGA. Prevalence of microcephaly was 1.2%, and 0.6%
had been resuscitated. A 5-minute Apgar score of <8 was re-
T A B L E 1   Prevalence of adverse birth outcomes among all ported for 2.1%, and low birth weight, for 4.0% (Table 1).
Stockholm County 3-year-olds born 2000-2003 (n = 74 748) Table 2 presents a univariate analysis of the association be-
Birth outcomes Category n % tween adverse birth outcomes and caries experience (deft ≥ 1)
at 3 years. SGA was the only outcome associated with caries
SGA No 70 421 97.8
experience (OR, 1.49; 95% CI  =  1.24-1.78). A multivariate
Yes 1553 2.2
logistic regression model adjusting for gender, family income,
LGA No 69 294 96.3
maternal age at delivery, and maternal obesity found SGA to be
Yes 2680 3.7 significantly associated with caries experience at 3 years of age.
Apgar 5 ≥8 72 407 97.9 The second model adjusted for all of the first-model factors and
<8 1529 2.1 added maternal smoking, which was found to attenuate the OR
Gestational age (wk) ≥37 70 458 94.4 of the association of SGA with caries experience by approxi-
<37 4154 5.6 mately 50%, rendering this estimate non-significant (P = .102).
Weight at birth (g) Low 2986 4.0 To explain the relationship between maternal smoking,
SGA, and caries experience at 3 years of age, we stratified
Normal 56 828 79.7
the analyses by maternal smoking and no maternal smoking
Macrosomic 14 499 20.3
during pregnancy. There was no association between SGA
Resuscitation No 74 294 99.4
and caries experience at 3 years of age when evaluating ma-
Yes 454 0.6 ternal smoking during pregnancy; however, in analyses of
Abbreviations: LGA, large for gestational age; SGA, small for gestational age. non-smoking mothers only, we observed that children who

T A B L E 2   Adverse birth outcomes and

deft ≥ 0 deft ≥ 1
the potential risk of caries experience at age
3 years Variable Category n % n % P
SGA No 66 317 94 4104 6 <.001
Yes 1422 91 131 9
LGA No 65 215 94 4079 6 .887
Yes 2524 94 156 6
Head circumference, Lowest 26 623 94 1686 6 .199
tertile Medium 32 516 94 2033 6
Highest 9565 95 554 4
Apgar 5 ≥8 68 169 94 4238 6 .788
<8 1442 94 87 6
Gestational age, ≥37 66 334 94 4124 6 .557
weeks <37 3920 94 234 6
Weight at birth, g Low 2791 94 195 6 .209
Normal 53 499 94 3329 6
Macrosomic 13 673 94 826 6
Resuscitation No 69 949 94 4345 6 .191
Yes 434 96 20 4
Abbreviations: SGA, small for gestational age; LGA, large for gestational age; deft, decayed, extracted, and
filled teeth.
4       SOARES et al.

were small for their gestational age were 1.3 times (OR, 1.3;

95% CI = 1.01-1.71) more likely to have caries experience

compared with those who were not (Table 3).

Adjusted I

(CI 95%)
4  |   D IS C U SS ION


Notes: Adjusted I: maternal age, family income, gender, foreign-born mother, maternal obesity. Adjusted II: maternal age, family income, gender, foreign-born mother, maternal obesity, maternal smoking.
This study found a significant association between SGA and

T A B L E 3   Crude and adjusted logistic regression analysis models exploring the association between small for gestational age (SGA) and caries experience at age 3 years

Maternal smoking

caries experience in 3-year-old children; however, the as-
sociation between SGA and caries experience at the age of

(CI 95%)
three was only significant if the mother had refrained from

smoking during pregnancy.

The reported prevalence of adverse birth outcomes in this

study are similar to in other population-based studies. In a

registry-based study of singleton birth in women with autism,

Sundelin et al (2018) reported that among controls, the prev-

Adjusted I

alence of preterm birth was 4.7%; of SGA, 9.5%; of LGA,

(CI 95%)
9.9%; and of Apgar 5 < 7, 1.3%.31 The corresponding figures

in this study are 5.6% for preterm birth, 2.2% for SGA, and

3.7% for LGA.

No maternal smoking

This study found registry reports of caries experience in
6.0% of the study sample among 3-year-old children. In 2006,

the Swedish Board of Health and Welfare reported the national

caries experience in 3-year-olds to be 5%, less than we found.32

(CI 95%)
One consideration is that our cohort lived in Stockholm County,

where the capital is situated. In Sweden, dental health in metro-

politan areas is somewhat poorer than elsewhere.32

The association between various adverse birth out-
comes and dental caries has not been extensively studied,
Adjusted II

and most of the studies have had few participants. Despite

(CI 95%)

an epidemiological-sized cohort, the present registry-based

study was also unable to show a significant association 1.21

between adverse birth outcomes and caries experience in

3-year-old children, except for the variable SGA in moth-

ers who had refrained from smoking during pregnancy.

The mechanism proposed in the literature is that develop-
Adjusted I

(CI 95%)

mental defects of enamel increase susceptibility to dental

caries.23,33,34 Several studies have failed to find a higher

prevalence of dental caries in children born preterm or


with low birth weight and have been unable to establish an


association between developmental defects of enamel and


dental caries.35-37
This study found an association between SGA and caries
(CI 95%)

experience at 3 years of age, but this association occurred


only in mothers who did not smoke during pregnancy.


When we only analyzed mothers who smoked during preg-

nancy, there was no association between SGA and caries
Birth outcome (SGA)

experience, probably because smoking during pregnancy

is a known risk factor of SGA.38 Cigarette smoking during
pregnancy is the single most important risk factor for SGA,

and the relationship between SGA and smoking is dose-de-

pendent.39 Nicotine, the active ingredient in tobacco, has

been found to have a 15% higher concentration in the

SOARES et al.   
placenta than the maternal blood. Nicotine causes uterine AUTHORS' CONTRIBUTION
vasoconstriction by inducing maternal catecholamine re- FC Soares contributed to data acquisition, analysis, and in-
lease.40 Furthermore, maternal smoking increases carboxy- terpretation; she also drafted and critically revised the manu-
hemoglobin levels of the umbilical arteries, which results script. G. Dahllöf and A. Hjern contributed to design, data
in fetal hypoxia.41 analysis, and interpretation; they also drafted and critically
Apart from an association with enamel hypoplasia, low revised the manuscript. A. Julihn, contributed to conception,
Apgar scores have been found to be associated with compro- design, data acquisition, analysis, and interpretation; she also
mised immunity and impaired resistance to infection, both of drafted and critically revised the manuscript. All authors
which may increase susceptibility to dental caries.42 In our gave their final approval of the text and agree to be account-
study, however, a low Apgar score was not associated with able for all aspects of the work.
caries experience.
An important strength of this study is that adverse birth ORCID
outcome data could be sourced from national registries of high Fernanda Cunha Soares  https://orcid.
quality. In contrast, most previous studies collected information org/0000-0001-6465-3164
on birth outcomes via questionnaires to the parents. In partic- Göran Dahllöf
ular, questions regarding perinatal health are difficult to verify Anders Hjern
without access to medical records. The sample size we used Annika Julihn
was large and made possible by the public health care admin-
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28. Julihn A, Jansson P, Regnstrand T, Modeer T. Is congenital mal- A, Julihn A. Adverse birth outcomes and the risk of
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29. Brandquist E, Dahllöf G, Hjern A, Julihn A. Caesarean section
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