Task Analysis

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One of the most important applications of quadratic functions is solving real-world

problems. Many real life-applications can be modelled using quadratic functions. The students

will be required to complete the square, find the minimum or maximum point of the curve, and

solve the equation to obtain the roots. A task-analysis provides a framework that allows teachers

to monitor student achievement of a skill, based on the objectives in the behavior chain.

Task-Analysis for Quadratic Function Question


A ball is thrown straight up, from 3m above the ground. The height h (m), of the ball at any

given time t (s), is modelled by the equation ℎ(𝑡) = 3 + 14𝑡 − 5𝑡 2

i. Calculate the time the ball hits the ground

ii. Determine the maximum height the ball reaches and the time it reaches this maximum



i. Solve the quadratic equation when h = 0

ii. Express the quadratic function in completed square form

iii. Determine the maximum point of the function

Pre-Knowledge: Concept of a quadratic function, solving a quadratic equation by factorization,

completing the square, quadratic formula, discriminant, stationary point of a quadratic function
Student Skills required:

1. Recognize that when the ball hits the ground the height = 0, hence they must put the

equation equal to zero and solve.

2. Use any means to solve the quadratic equation.

3. Complete the square.

4. Use the completed square form to obtain the maximum point.

Step 1

Calculate the time the ball hits the ground

Behavior Chain

1. Put equation 3 + 14𝑡 − 5𝑡 2 = 0

2. Solve the equation by factorization or quadratic formula. 𝑡 = − 5 , 𝑡 = 3

3. Identify the positive value of t as the time the ball hits the ground. 𝑡 = 3 𝑠

Step 2

Express the quadratic equation in completed square form

Behavior Chain

1. Rewrite expression with term in t2 first, then term in t, then constant, −5𝑡 2 + 14𝑡 + 3

14 3
2. Factorize -5 throughout the equation −5 [𝑡 2 − 𝑡 − 5] = 0

3. Add and minus half coefficient of t, all squared inside the bracket of step 2

14 3 −7 2
−5 [𝑡 2 − 𝑡−5+(5) ]

4. Minus half coefficient of t, all squared inside the bracket of step 3

14 3 −7 2 −7 2
−5 [𝑡 2 − 𝑡−5+(5) −(5) ]

5. Switch the third and fourth terms inside the brackets in step 4

14 −7 2 3 −7 2
−5 [𝑡 2 − 𝑡+(5) −5−(5) ]

6. Rewrite the first three terms inside the bracket in perfect square form

7 2 3 7 2
−5 [(𝑡 − 5) − 5 − (5) ]

7 2 64
7. Simplify the remaining constant in the square brackets −5 [(𝑡 − 5) − 25]

7 2 64
8. Expand the square brackets, by multiplying throughout by -5. ℎ(𝑡) = −5 (𝑡 − 5) + 5

Step 3

Determine the maximum point of the function

Behavior Chain

7 2 64
1. Take completed square form of quadratic function ℎ(𝑡) = −5 (𝑡 − 5) + 5

2. Put expression in bracket equal to 0. 𝑡 − 5 = 0

3. Solve for t. 𝑡 = 5

4. Let h be equal to last term in completed square form. ℎ = 5

7 64
5. Maximum point is equal to values of t and h from steps 3 & 4 (t, h) = (5 , 5 )

6. Maximum height is equal to h, from step 4. ℎ = 5

7. Time that ball reaches maximum height is equal to t, from step 3. 𝑡 = 5

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