Online Evaluation Exercise 1 Form 4 5

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APRIL 28TH 2020


 Use Microsoft Word/ Times New Roman/ Font Size 12/ Lines double spaced
 Copy and paste questions on blank document and type response under each item
 Email to:


1. (a) Define the term, ‘Family.’

A family consists of two or more persons living together, related by birth, marriage or

adoption with family members sharing goals and responsibilities.


1. (a) State TWO major family forms that exist in the Caribbean. (2mks)

(b) Describe TWO family functions that are also community functions. (4mks)

(c) Discuss TWO challenges that a family may experience while the father is abroad
working in the USA for six months. (4mks)

(d) For each of the challenge you mentioned above, suggest one way in which the family
could use available resources to overcome or reduce the negative effects. (4mks)

(e) Outline one benefit to the family derived from the father working in the USA. (2mks)

(16 marks)
2. (a) State TWO principles of management. (2mks)

(b) Outline TWO guidelines which families should follow when utilizing resources.

(4 mks)

Two sisters want to play professional football when they complete secondary school

however, their parents would prefer that they pursue a university education first.

(c) Identify the TWO conflicting values in the case above. (2 mks)

(d) Identify the TWO conflicting goals in the case above. (2mks)

(e) Explain TWO appropriate conflict management approaches that could be used by the

Family to resolve the conflict in a manner that will allow both the parents and

children to feel satisfied. (6 mks)

(16 marks)

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