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Let’s learn the states of the United States!

Learning the states is a large part of our 5th grade curriculum. In this
lesson, you will use the codes provided as tools to learn the states. Pull
out your IPads and scan the codes to have fun!

A game to play:
A song to sing:

Check out this cool website: This is such a cool trick:

QR codes are helpful when trying to get to a website quickly and
In this document, the four QR codes are linked to helpful websites and videos that my

students can use in order to reach their requirement of knowing all 50 of the United States. In 5th

grade, one of the big goals is to know the states and their capitals. Not only do they need to

remember the states names and how to spell them, but also where it is on the map. The purple

QR code is linked to a video that is very helpful when trying to label the states using a blank

template. I wish it was a tool that my teachers gave to me during this time because it is very

helpful in using acronyms to label the states.

This is something that would be very useful in my classroom because of the fact that

students understand technology so much better than years prior. It is a great way to implement

technology into my classroom without it getting out of hand. In most schools, students have

IPads that they can pull out and use for activities such as this. They can open up their camera,

scan the QR code, and go to the website without taking time to type in the whole URL. Taking

the time to type out the URL not only takes time from the class, but also the activity, game, or

video that I ask them to watch. It is also a lot easier, as a teacher, to make these codes and hand

out sheets that they can use in order to find their information and learn the states. Not only is it

useful in this situation, but it will also be useful in activities prior. Specifically, if we have

weekly events that I want my students to read about, I can create a QR code that brings them to

the direct article or website. I could print off one page per table, that way the students are all

getting the links but I don't need to print 20 plus copies. This is a very effective and efficient way

to get my students to all be on the same website without causing a lot of problems. I look

forward to using QR codes in my classroom, I can only imagine what type of technology there

will be when I have my own classroom and how much my students will use it in their learning.

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