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Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire Complete Guide by YoyoYoshi

Version 3.6
---- 0 > GUIDE SUMMARY ----

To go directly to a chapter, type the text between the

brackets (), including the brackets, in the Search window.
You can usually press CTRL+F to bring the Search window.
1 - Version History (m1)
2 - Copyright Notes (m2)
3 - About Me (m3)
4 - Frequently Asked Questions (m4)
5 - Non-Spoiler Section (m5)
6 - New Features (m6)
7 - Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire Differences (m7)
8 - Before You Begin (m8)
9 - Gender Differences (m9)
10 - Introduction (m10)
11 - Starting Pokemon (m11)
12 - Walkthrough (m12)
13 - Pokedex * (m13)
14 - Battle Chart (m14)
15 - Shiny Pokemon ** (m15)
16 - Credits (m16)
* The Pokedex is a joint compilation by Kevin Tan
( and Marek 14
** The Shiny Pokemon section is a compilation by
PrinceYamiYugi (

---- 1 > VERSION HISTORY ----
Version 3.6 - 02/06/06 (331 KB)
- Reformatting the entire guide other than
the Walkthrough and Pokedex sections
into a more useable and readable format
(Looks like a lot better, doesn't it?)
- Reorganized the sections as well as some
of the text on a few sections
- 1 1/2 hour update
Version 3.5 - 06/26/04 (328 KB)
- Completed upgrade of the beginning of the
Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire guide to the
English version
- Guide formatting has improved up to
Dewford Cave
Version 3.4 - 05/16/03
- Changed email address
- Split About Me section into categories
rather than a paragraph info
- Swampert translation fixed
Version 3.3 - 05/07/03
- All Japanese names translated to English
except in Version History
Version 3.2 - 04/21/03
- Linked to ,
which has a map of the exact location
to dive at after you get 7 badges
to enter the final Team Magma/Aqua
Version 3.1 - 04/14/03
- Submissions of info from others have been
added about the egg, in the copyright and
the FAQ
Version 3.0 - 04/08/03
- Wrote a HM list, that can be found above
Non-Spoiler section
Version 2.9 - 04/06/03
- Blending berries info from has been added
- FAQ on how to catch Latios/Latias has
been added, from
- Info about Route 120's Goldeen giving 688
EXP has been put up, thanks to
- Pokedex chart updated to English names
Version 2.8 - 04/01/03
- Put up Hall of Shame
Version 2.7 - 03/21/03 to 03/23/03
- Added email statistics from November 2002
up to March 15th, 2003
- A few mistakes in the guide changed
- SSWebbster's information about a shortcut
in the game after the 5th gym has been
- Credit given to
about Poochyena running away if your
starter drops to 3HP in the battle
- Credit given to for
informing me that I put that Steel wasn't
immune to Poison types on Battle Chart
listings (it was right on the Battle
- Credit given to about the
egg in Lavaridge
- Credit given to for
useful information about Pokeblocks and
new bike type names
Version 2.6 - 03/20/03
- Better explanation about Pacifidlog
Town's location
- More details about the Secret Tower
Version 2.5 - 03/15/03
- New reformat of the FAQ, except for the
Version 2.4 - 03/14/03
- Changes from Other Pokemon Games renamed
New Features, and updated with more
- Walkthrough updated
- Over 50 English names changed, for
locations, gym leader names, and some
Pokemon names
Version 2.3 - 02/26/03
- Already known English names have been
converted from Japanese to English,
including all names mentioned in Version
- 2 people have been given credit for their
Version 2.2 - 01/27/03
- New English names added thanks to
Nintendo Power
- Name changes include:
Subame to Taillow, Houen to Hoenn,
Jiguzaguma to Zigzagoon, Mishiro Town to
Littleroot Town, Professor Odakami to
Professor Birch, Jupotol to Grovyle,
Wakashamo to Combusken, Numakuroo to
Marshtomp, Kemusso to Wurmple,
Karasarisu to Silcoon, Hasuboo to Lotad,
Taneboo to Seedot, Kyamome to Wingull,
Perippaa to Pelipper, Rarutosu to Ralis,
Kinokoko to Shroomish, Nozupasu to
Nosepass, Eneko to Skitty, Irumiize to
Illumise, Rozeria to Roselia, Samehadaa
to Sharpedo, Hoeruo to Wailord, Biburaaba
to Vibrava, Zanguusu to Zangoose, and
Pochena to Poochyena (21 New Names)
- Contact Info added to About Me (formerly
named Learn about me first!)
- Kept Japanese name layout for most of the
new Pokemon
Version 2.1 - 01/25/03
- Section 12, Shiny Pokemon has been added,
a compilation by PrinceYamiYugi
- Credit given to Ragnarok25
( for Battle Chart
listings errors
Version 2.0 - 01/17/03 (292KB)
- Emails from TRE taken in account and
there is now an in-depth walkthrough
up to the first trainer on Sea Route 124
after the cave.
Version 1.9 - 01/15/03
- Walkthrough has now been made in-depth
to Team Magma/Aqua Member #4 at the cave
after the Slateport City Museum visit
Version 1.8 - 01/12/03
- Gym leader charts created for all gym
- Badge names have been named more
- Contributor's Section has been renamed
the Non-Spoilers section
Version 1.7 - 01/07/03 (280KB)
- Berry information has been changed thanks
to Roma emu
- Real Pokedex has been added in, thanks
to the great compilation work of
Marek 14 (
Version 1.6 - 01/05/03 (128KB)
- Vidar ( has been
given credit for Mount Pyre and 2nd gym
leader missing trainer info
- Victor C ( has been
given credit for a few errors I made on
Routes 111-113's trainer info
Version 1.5 - 01/01/03 (128KB)
- Updated Izupasu name to Makunotsuta
- Walkthrough has been added a section from
Trainer 4 of Mount Pyre to Team Magma/
Aqua Member #1 of the cave after the
Slateport City Museum
- The Pokemon Contest section has been
lengthened by about 3X
- Nuts have been renamed berries
- Pokedex completed up to #38 Slaking
Version 1.4 - 12/31/02 (117KB)
- Dingocat85 ('s info
on Trainer 1B (Camper) on Route 112
after the Team Magma/Aqua battle has been
- First update on Latios/Latias as well as
other events that you'll come across
after you beat the Elite Four
- Table of Contents updated
- Battle Chart has been improved with
spelled-out types
- Pokedex improved up to #28 Pelipper
Version 1.3 - 12/26/02 (109KB)
- Walkthrough up to Trainer 4 of Mount
- Other small changes here and there
Version 1.2 - 12/25/02 (107KB)
- Walkthrough has been completed from
the Rival battle on Route 119 to Trainer
12 of Route 120
- Boxes have been made for Rival battle
- Horiuko (Japanese) name has been renamed
Wailmer (English) name
Version 1.1 - 12/24/02 (96KB)
- Other half of yesterday's update
- Walkthrough up to Route 119, before the
Rival battle
- Battle Chart mistakes have been fixed and
now uses a different text system
- Credit to Roma emu for spotting mistakes
on the Battle Chart
- Battle Chart's size has been increased,
and is less confusing
- Pokedex completed up to #28 Pelipper
Version 1.05 - 12/23/02 (85KB)
- Half-update on the walkthrough all the
way to just past Sea Route 118
Version 1.0 - 12/22/02 (79KB)
- Walkthrough has been made more in-depth
from the 4th gym leader to all of Sea
Route 107
Version 0.9 - 12/21/02 (72KB)
- Walkthrough's entire 4th gym has been
written to be more in-depth
Version 0.8 - 12/20/02 (70KB)
- Ziguzaguma Pokemon name renamed to
- In-depth walkthrough continued from the
start of Route 115 to just before the 4th
Version 0.7 - 12/19/02 (65KB)
- In-depth walkthrough continued from
the Slateport City Magma/Aqua battle to
the start of Route 115
Version 0.6 - 12/18/02
- In-depth walkthrough is now up to the
Slateport City team battle through the
help of going through Pokemon Sapphire
(I already beat Ruby)
- Reformatted guide to .txt from .doc/.rtf
- Pokemon locations up to Lavaridge Town
are now listed
- New introduction added
- Added Ruby/Sapphires differences section
- Battle chart back up
- 1 1/4 hour update
Version 0.5 - 12/17/02
- In-depth walkthrough is complete up to
Petalburg Woods
- Beat Pokemon Ruby on 12/15 with a Level
90 Groudon; now starting Pokemon Sapphire
with Haruka (the girl) with Torchic
instead of Treecko
- Ruby/Sapphire differences are now listed
- Sub-titles have been added to all major
- Added Gender Differences page
- 45 minute update
Version 0.4 - 12/14/02
- First part of the walkthrough (up to the
city with the 5th gym) has been made
greater in-depth
Version 0.3 - 11/30/02
- The Psychic weakness of Dark has been
- The mini-walkthrough has now been
completed up to just after the 8th gym
- 20 minute update
Version 0.2 - 11/25/02
- Fixed Torchic info and Poochyena battle
in the beginning
- Mini-walkthrough has been lengthened
- 10 minute update
Version 0.1 - 11/24/02
- First version of the Pokemon
Ruby/Sapphire guide
- Walkthrough is very detailed up to the
return to the professor's lab
- Mini-walkthrough is now up to the 5th
- 1 1/4 hour update

---- 2 > COPYRIGHT NOTES ----
©2006 YoyoYoshi.
Copyrighted 2006, YoyoYoshi. All rights reserved. No part of
this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of
YoyoYoshi. Full credit must also be given. Should you do
anything of the kind, you will be sued, and you will lose.
Good day.
The only site that can host this guide is:
- GameFAQs (

---- 3 > ABOUT ME ----
Name: YoyoYoshi
Location: Santa Clara, California, United States of America
Favorite Game series(es): Advance Wars, Mario Kart, NBA
Live, StarCraft
Webmaster of two websites:
Advance Wars Revolution ( )
Yoyo Revolution ( )

Any way I can thank you for this guide without emailing
A: If you joined my Advance Wars Revolution forum at ( ), I would greatly appreciate it.
It's a forum generally dedicated to the Advance Wars series,
but there is plenty of discussion on other games, including
Pokemon, as well as general discussion on just about
anything else. Thanks!
Q: What's the main goal of this guide?
A: To get you 8 badges and to beat the game. Unlike the
others, this will not focus very much on Item Lists, how to
get the best stats, that sort of thing. Most of this guide
will always be to get you through the game, especially by
getting you through the game with the most amount of EXP
without needing to get extra for the Pokemon League.
Q: Is Johto or Kanto in the game?
A: No, and never will. Hoenn is in a land far away from
Johto or Kanto.
Q: I deleted the TM Dig! What do I do now to get it back?
A: Get a ground type that learns Dig...some learn it in
their 40s.
Q: Can you trade back and forth from/to the older Pokemon
A: No, I'm sorry.
Q: How many save slots are in Ruby/Sapphire?
A: Sorry, but there is still only ONE save slot in either

---- 5 > HM LIST ----
HM01 Cut can be found in the house left of the Pokemon
Center in Rustboro City.
HM02 Fly can be found by beating your rival after you have 5
HM03 Surf can be found in Petalburg City in the house left
of the Pokemon Center.
HM04 Strength can be found after you Rock Smash the rocks in
Rusturf Tunnel.
HM05 Flash can be found at the entrance of Dewford Cave.
HM06 Rock Smash can be found in the southeast house in
Mauville City.
HM07 Waterfall can be found in the Sootopolis City Cave.
HM08 Dive can be found in the northwesternmost house in
Mossdeep City.

I won't do spoilers here, if you want them simply scroll to
the FAQ.
Anyway, here's what you'll probably want to know even if you
don't want spoilers:
The starters are:
Treecko - Grass Type, stays Grass Type even after
Torchic - Fire Type, when evolved will add Fighting Type
Mudkip - Water Type, when evolved will add Ground Type
There are no signs of Johto or Kanto in the game, as it is
far away from Hoenn, the land of Ruby/Sapphire.
The legendary Pokemon are (respective to their versions):
Ruby: Groudon, Latios
Sapphire: Kyogre, Latias
Both: Regi-Ice, Regi-Rock, Regi-Steel
There are 202 Pokemon you can get in both games combined.
There is no way of transferring Pokemon to Ruby/Sapphire
There are 8 gyms like in Blue/Red/Yellow, but it is much
longer than Blue/Red/Yellow. You can think of it as
something between the Gold/Silver/Crystal games and
Blue/Red/Yellow, as there is a lot more you can do even
after you beat the Elite Four and catch the legendary types.
There is a new Pokemon Contest you can join.
Your rival is a lot nicer in the game, and will always be
the gender opposite of who you choose. You will also meet
two "other" rivals that will fight you on the journey as
It has a lot nicer graphics than the previous games. All 2v2
battles are optional except the battle in the 7th gym, which
is required.
I hope this clears up some confusion to all. Have fun when
you get it!

---- 6 > NEW FEATURES ----
There have been quite a few new features in the first ever
Pokemon game on the Game Boy Advance. Here are the main
2v2 Battles - Optional battles. You go to twins who battle
you. You will use starting Pokemon and 1st one on the bench.
However, a gym leader will force you to have a 2v2 battle,
but that's cool, right? :)
There are three types of bikes in this game! A Regular Bike,
a Mach Bike, and an Acro Bike!
There is a new HM, Dive!
There are now Pokemon Contests your Pokemon can enter!
There is now a Trainer Dex you can get.
More Pokemon - Contrary to common belief, there are
supposedly 386 Pokemon in the game.
Pokemon Ruby-only:
- It's red!
- You'll only fight Team Magma.
- You get the Red Orb.
- Some Pokemon are Ruby-exclusive:
- Groudon
- Mawile
- Nuzleaf
- Seedot
- Shiftry
- Solrock
- Zangoose
- When Groudon is released from the underwater cave, Sunny
Day is activated into the weather.
Pokemon Sapphire-only:
- It's blue!
- You'll only fight Team Aqua.
- You get the Blue Orb.
- Some PoKeMoN are Sapphire exclusive:
- Kyogre
- Lombre
- Lotad
- Ludicolo
- Lunatone
- Sableye
- Seviper
- When Kyogre is released from the underwater, Rain Dance is
activated into the weather.
It's pretty much a decision of what color you like more, as
you will see more of that color in the game. I personally
like the name Sapphire better, but don't underestimate Ruby
as their legendaries are cool too :) . Red vs. blue, which
strikes out in your mind more?

---- 8 > BEFORE YOU BEGIN ----
Welcome to Pokemon Ruby or Sapphire! This section will
introduce you to the game.
Here's a quick review of the Main Menu:
Pokedex: This is the Pokemon dictionary. All Pokemon you've
seen go here.
Pokemon: See your Pokemon's stats and skills.
Pack: The pack is where almost all of your items are stored.
Split into categories to aid you.
The categories are:
TMs (and HMs)
Important Items
Pokemon Navigator: Basically your map is the Pokemon
Status: Status of your character, time, and badges you've
Save: Saving your game. You do want to save your game? :)
Settings: Put settings for the game. I suggest fast text
unless you can read Japanese.
The settings list is:
Text speed (Slow, Medium, or Fast? I suggest Fast.)
Battle animation (Do you want activated or not?)
Rules (Rules...)
Sound (On or Off?)
Window Type
Close: Leads you out of the main menu. You can also press
B which is a lot easier.
Battle Menu: It is the same as the earlier Pokemon games
(exception: Blue, Red, Yellow, which switched Switch and
|Attack |Item|
|Switch |Run |
ALL-NEW things in Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire: See section 6.

There are not very big differences between choosing the Boy
or the Girl, but here's some noticeable ones as I beat Ruby
with Brendan and I'm using May for Sapphire:
You start out in the right house if you're May, left house
if you're Brendan. The lab will be on the other side all the
time. The lab would be in the
southwest of Littleroot Town if you're the May, southeast if
you're the Brendan. Your rival is Brendan if you're May, May
if you're the Brendan. Duh! And,
of course they look different. :P

---- 10 > INTRODUCTION ----
The characters of Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire:
Boy Brendan (Main Character) <= I chose for Ruby
Lives in: Littleroot Town
Description: You can either choose to be him or be a rival
to him (if you choose to play as May).
Girl May (Main Character) <= I chose for Sapphire
Lives in: Littleroot Town
Description: You can either choose to be her or be a rival
to her (if you choose to play as Brendan).
Lives in: Petalburg City
Description: You will first meet him the 5th city gym
(Petalburg City gym), and he will show you how to catch a
Pokemon. He is basically your second rival.
Lives in: Tokasane City
Description: He will eventually be the Steven of the Pokemon
League until you beat him. He pops up randomly through the
game, kind of like Lance in Gold/Silver/Crystal.
Professor Birch
Lives in: Littleroot Town
Description: The father of your rival, he will let you keep
your Pokemon once you save him from the Poochyena. He will
also give you a PoKeDeX.
Lives in: Littleroot Town/Petalburg City
Description: He will tell you to fight him again after you
go in for the first time when you have 4 badges. He will
give you a Boat Ticket after you beat the Pokemon League
after you walk down the stairs.
Archie is the leader of Team Aqua of Pokemon Sapphire, while
Maxie is the leader of Team Magma of Pokemon Ruby. They will
encounter you a few times in the game, as well.
The other characters have more minor roles as you will
barely see them as much as these listed above.
|Littleroot Town|
When you first start, you will be in Littleroot Town. You
start out in a truck where you and your family are moving in
to the Littleroot Town. Choose new game and start. You are
first asked if you want to play as a boy or girl in the game
(the first one is Boy, and the second is Girl). You are
asked for your name. I suggest you put in the same character
five times or something you recognize easily so you can see
when you're mentioned in the game (of course, if you have
the English version, there shouldn't be a problem). Choose
yes, which is the first option. When you hear the truck
stop, you will be able to move out of the truck (east).
Note by K_brainbox: You can press select to switch from
Japanese characters to English letters if you press select
twice for Pokemon and/or yourself.
Enter the house that you're next to, watch Machokes move
your furniture, and go upstairs to your room. Go to the PC
and take out a potion, and also set the clock. Set the time
right, for you will not be able to change it again at all.
Use left and right to set the minute hand. Now go back down
and your mom will let you get out of the house after you set
the clock. Now, if you're a girl you enter the left house,
and if you're a boy enter the right house. Go up the stairs
after your rival's mom talks to you. Talk to the person in
the opposite gender to you (which will be your future
rival). They seem to be much friendlier than in the previous
games, and will give you items during the journey. They will
tell you that their father (the Professor) is not there at
the moment. Exit the house, and go north onto Route 101.
|Route 101|
Pokemon on Route 101: Poochyena, Zigzagoon, Wingull,
It seems that someone (Professor Birch) is attacked by a
wild Poochyena. You should see a bag below it. Click A on it
and you will get your choice of your starter Ruby/Sapphire
---- 11 > STARTING POKEMON ----
Inside the bag, you find three Pokeballs. Unfortunately, you
can't choose all three (nice try though!) so choose one of
Your choices are:
Treecko lvl 16 (Grass)/Groyle lvl 36(Grass)/Sceptile (Grass)

- This is basically the fastest starter. Treecko and his

evolutions are effective for the first two gyms, but you
will find him not as useful later through the game as the
gyms are strong against him. Pick him if you want a
challenge (which is what I did in my Ruby game).
Torchic lvl 16 (fire) Combusken lvl 36 (Fire/Fighting)
Bashamo (Fire/Fighting)
- A fire type starter, Torchic is the slowest starter. He
gets more and more effective as the game goes along, similar
to Charmander in the RBY games.
Mudkip lvl 16 (Water) Marshtomp lvl 36 (Water/Ground)
Swampert (Water/Ground)
- The water starter, Mudkip also gets more useful through
the game, but he is not so effective as the Pokemon League
hits. The in-between extremes of Treecko and Torchic.
Remember that this decision affects your whole game.
Although all starters are useful somewhere, it varies! And
there's also a difference in what game you play in.
Ruby - I chose Treecko, but the best is Mudkip due to his
anti-fire resistance.
Sapphire - I chose Torchic, but the best is Treecko due to
his anti-water resistance.

---- 12 > WALKTHROUGH ----
|Route 101|
Level Range of Pokemon here: 2-3
Pokemon on Route 101: Poochyena, Zigzagoon, Wingull,
The Poochyena will immediately walk up to you and fight your
starter. Your battle has begun! It should not be hard
because your starter is Level 5 while the Poochyena is Level
2. If you attempt to lose and get down to 3 HP, the
Poochyena will run off so you won't die. Insane, isn't it?
You shouldn't lose more than a few HP anyway!
After you win, it turns out that the person you saved is
Professor Birch. Go back to Littleroot Town!
|Littleroot Town|
Talk to the professor in his lab (below your rival's house),
and he will be very grateful that you saved him. After a
little talking with the professor, you can nickname your new
starter Pokemon. As usual, yes is the top option. A second
choice comes up, and you will have to answer yes, possibly
asking you if you want to be a Pokemon Master. Now head out
north back on Route 101.
|Route 101|
Level Range of Pokemon here: 2-3
Pokemon on Route 101: Poochyena, Zigzagoon, Wingull,
Go back north to Route 101, and you will be able to fight
some wild Pokemon. It may be helpful for you to get to Level
6 by Oldale City, the city to the north. There are no
trainers on this path.
|Oldale City|
This is the first city you encounter, and city where you
will want to heal at the Pokemon Center. The Pokemon Center
is labeled P.C., of course. Healing is no different from the
other games, so talk to the lady behind the counter (still
Nurse Joy? I don't know...), and head your way north, as you
can not go west on Route 102 yet.
|Route 103|
Pokemon on Route 103: Poochyena, Zigzagoon, Wingull,
Wurmple, Surskit, Seedot (Ruby) or Lotad (Sapphire)
Now go north to Route 103, and at the northern part of the
route, you will meet your rival again. Be sure to be
completely healed and at Level 7 to guarantee a win. Your
rival's Pokemon is only Level 5, and doesn't have any
elemental attacks against yours yet, but you'll need it.
However, you don't need potions once you're Level 7, so just
go fight. Your rival is the person who was in the house
opposite to yours in Littleroot Town.
Your lineup should now be:
Level 7 Starter
|Rival (Brendan or May) Battle (Your Starter)
|Level 5 Treecko |Level 5 Torchic |Level 5
Mudkip |
|Level 5 Torchic (??? EXP)|Level 5 Mudkip (403 EXP)|Level 5
Treecko (??? EXP)|
|You get: 1860G
Unlike the previous Pokemon games, this rival seems to be a
lot nicer and will give you items on your journey. After you
beat your rival, go back south to Oldale City.
|Oldale City|
Your rival will be waiting for you just south of the city.
You will want to heal, as you may face some battles back to
Littleroot Town, so heal again.
|Route 101|
Level Range of Pokemon here: 2-3
Pokemon on Route 101: Poochyena, Zigzagoon, Wingull,
Your rival will once again go south to Littleroot Town, and
you will have to follow your rival down again. These wild
Pokemon should bare no threat anymore, and you can level up
to level 8 at this point.
|Littleroot Town|
Upon arriving in Littleroot Town, enter the Professor's lab
(southeast house)
where you
will receive Running Shoes (you can run by holding B, but
only outside) from
your mom, and
5 pokeballs from your rival, as well as a Pokedex from the
Professor. Once
again, head
back north, the only direction you can go.
|Route 101|
Level Range of Pokemon here: 2-3
Pokemon on Route 101: Poochyena, Zigzagoon, Wingull,
Head north from Route 101 back to Oldale City.
|Oldale City|
Instead of going north, this time go west to fight a few
trainers onto Route 102.
|Route 102|
Pokemon on Route 102: Poochyena, Zigzagoon, Wingull,
Wurmple, Lotad, Hassboh, Surskit, Ralis
Again, wild Pokemon are no match here, but you may get to
Level 11 here. However, you will fight your first trainer
battles here. Here's all the info you'll need:
Trainer 1: Youngster Calvin
Level 5 Zigzagoon (63 EXP)
You gain: 80G
Trainer 2: Bug Catcher Rick
Level 4 Wurmple (45 EXP)
Level 4 Wurmple (45 EXP)
You gain: 64G
Trainer 3: Youngster Allen
Level 5 Poochyena (58 EXP)
You gain: 48G
Trainer 4: Lass Tiana
Level 4 Zigzagoon (51 EXP)
Level 4 Zigzagoon (51 EXP)
You gain: 64G
You can also get 4 nuts and one item south of Trainer 4.
Since you get more EXP, take this as your chance to win big.
You should arrive at Petalburg City eventually.
|Petalburg City|
You will arrive at another city sooner or later, and it is
Petalburg City, where you will find a gym! The Hoenn League
requires you to get 8 badges. Go in the GYM and talk to the
person inside. Your father (5th gym leader) will talk to you
and say that you must need 4 badges to enter this gym.
Wally, one of your lesser rivals, will also show you how to
catch a Pokemon, which you should already know. He has a
Level 7 Zigzagoon, and catches a Level 5 Seedot with a
Pokeball. Now move west onto Route 104.
|Route 104|
Pokemon on Route 104: Namakoro, Zigzagoon, Wurmple, Silcoon,
Taillow, Nincada, Lalutos
Items on Route 104: Chesto Berry, Cheri Berries, Leppa
Berries, X Accuracy, TM09, Potion
You are now on Route 104. Move west to fight the boy with
the blue cap on the beach. According to Wildeboer
( he walks around like a stupid idiot
Trainer 1: Youngster Billy
Level 6 Tanebo (94 EXP)
Level 8 Lotad (100 EXP)
You get: 128G
Trainer: Rich Boy Winston
Level 7 Zigzagoon (90 EXP)
You get: 140G
Move north into Petalburg Woods.
|Petalburg Woods|
Pokemon on Route 102: Poochyena, Zigzagoon, Wingull,
Wurmple, Silcoon, Lotad
Items on Route 102: Pokeball, Paralyze Heal, Great Ball, PP
Recover (Thanks, Wildeboer!)
You can get four items here (not one, as I thought earlier).
Wildeboer says that if you go west from the entrance, and
then go south, you will find a Pokeball. Now head along the
route up to Trainer 1, the Bug Catcher.
Trainer 1: Bug Catcher Lyle
Level 3 Wurmple (34 EXP)
Level 3 Wurmple (34 EXP)
Level 3 Wurmple (34 EXP)
Level 3 Wurmple (34 EXP)
Level 3 Wurmple (34 EXP)
Level 3 Wurmple (34 EXP)
You get: 48G
Your lineup should now be:
Level 12 Starter
Your starting type should now be Level 12 after this battle,
and have 4 moves. The first and last should be your starting
normal move and your first elemental move. Go north and take
the item (Pokeball), then east and north to see a guy
spinning around. Depending on your game, a Team Magma (Ruby)
or Aqua (Sapphire) member will run towards you and battle
you with a Level 9 Poochyena.
Trainer 2: Team Magma/Aqua Grunt
Level 9 Poochyena (105 EXP)
You get: 180G
Your Level 12 starter should make mince-meat out of the
Poochyena. After you win, the Team Magma/Aqua member will
leave. The first man will give you an item (a great ball)
for your efforts, and then run north. Continue your way on
the path north, then west. Once you reach your way west, you
will see your next trainer battle, a Bug Catcher battle.
Torchic is highly effective in this forest, but you can
still win with Mudkip or Treecko. I suggest you catch a
second Pokemon (any) at this point. Maybe a Zigzagoon (if
you don't have Mudkip, for future reasons of having a
surfing type). If not, choose something else for Cut
in the future (in the case of Mudkip). You will want 2
Pokemon by the end of this forest. In the items list,
Pokeballs should be at X5. You should now be at the Bug
Catcher (Trainer 3).
Trainer 3: Bug Catcher James
Level 8 Silcoon (111 EXP)
You get: 128G
Torchic is highly effective against these bugs. Treecko and
Mudkip should just use normal elemental attacks. Anyway,
your starter should now be at Level 13, and you should have
now have a backup Pokemon. Continue your way north. Take the
item (a PP recover) north of Bug Catcher 3, and exit
Petalburg Woods to the north to Route 104.
|Route 104|
Pokemon on Route 104: Namakoro, Zigzagoon, Wurmple, Silcoon,
Taillow, Nincada, Lalutos
Items on Route 104: Chesto Berry, Cheri Berries, Leppa
Berries, X Accuracy,
TM09, Potion
Welcome back to the fourth route you've ever been on! This
second of Route 104 will feature your first ever 2v2 battle,
so you will want your second one now, right? :) It is
optional but you can get some extra EXP. Take the 4 nuts
from the trees west of the entrance to Route 104 and talk to
the lady east of the trees for TM09 (Seed Machine Gun). You
can also talk to the woman nearby to get another nut. Go
north around the house for a free item (a potion), then go
back to the front of the entrance, and then go east from
there where you will fight more trainers.
Trainer 1: Lady Cindy
Level 7 Zigzagoon (90 EXP)
You get: 1400G
Trainer 2: Lass Haley
Level 7 Lotad (111 EXP)
Level 7 Shroomish (97 EXP)
You get: 112G
Your starting Pokemon should now be at Level 14 unless
you've been training your second Pokemon. Continue your way
onto the river bridge and you will spot two twins. Will you
challenge them to a duel (2v2) battle? It's your choice!
Trainers 3-4: Twins Gia & Mia
Level 8 Massboh (63+63=126 EXP) <= 63 for one Pokemon, 63
for the other, or 126 for one
Level 8 Tanebo (63+63=126 EXP) <= 63 for one Pokemon, 63 for
the other, or 126 for one
You get: 192G
Trainer 5 is a fisherman that you can just talk to for a
Trainer 5: Fisherman Ivan
Level 6 Magikarp (25 EXP)
Level 6 Magikarp (25 EXP)
Level 6 Magikarp (25 EXP)
You get: 240G
Grab the 4 nuts on the trees east of the fisherman, get the
item from the lady next to the trees, and then head back
north on the path to Rustboro City, home of the 1st gym!
|Rustboro City|
Continue your way north to Rustboro City. Be prepared, as
this rock gym is one you will want to fight in. Have an
average of at least level 12 Pokemon (or just one strong
one). Treecko and Mudkip can just use their elementals, but
Torchic must be either very strong or have an alternate
grass type to aid the attack. The gym is in the northeast
corner of Rustboro City. If you use fire attacks (ember)
from Torchic for this gym, however, and it's either evolved
or just high level (14+), you can still take on the rock
types in this gym.
Youngster Josh
Level 10 Geodude (183 EXP)
Level 8 Geodude (147 EXP)
Level 6 Geodude (109 EXP)
You get: 96G
Treecko was about Level 13 at this point in Ruby due to
training two other Pokemon Shroomish and Dekukieru, but in
my Sapphire game after my Torchic victory (with half HP
left), he was Level 15.
Youngster Tommy
Level 11 Geodude (202 EXP)
You get: 176G
At this point, if you have a Torchic and will just use him,
you must evolve him by now (Level 16). If not, level him up
to Level 16 before facing the gym leader. If you have
Treecko or Mudkip, just beat him!
Your lineup should now be:
Level 16 Starter Evolution
Gym Leader Type: Rock
Level 14 Geodude (258 EXP)
Level 15 Nosepass (346 EXP)
You get: Stone Badge, $1,500G, & TM39
Strategy VERSUS Geodude: Use elemental/special moves. Don't
use any normal moves.
Strategy VERSUS Nosepass: Do the same with Nosepass.
If you have Torchic at this point, he MUST BE Level 16 and
evolved to Combusken, or you will basically die in this
battle. You may get lucky as the rock types 2/3 of the time
will use harden, so you CAN win. Use Ember on Geodude and
Double Kick on Nosepass. You can win easily! If you chose
Treecko or Mudkip, just beat the rock types as they are
easy. Also, talk to the red man in the house left of the
Pokemon Center in the city till you get HM01, Cut. It's not
very useful but it can get you some extra items. Now make
your way north on the route, grab the item near the sea,
come back to the city, and go east. The green-suited man
will ask you to watch out for Team Magma/Aqua. Now head east
onto Route 116 towards a cave.
|Route 116|
Pokemon on Route 116: Skitty, Taillow, Go'nyo'nyo, Nincada,
Zigzagoon, Silcoon
Items on Route 116: Item west of Trainer 2
Trainer 1: Youngster Joey
Level 8 Zigzagoon (? EXP)
Level 10 Machop (187 EXP)
You get: 160G
Trainer 2: Bug Catcher Jose
Level 8 Wurmple (91 EXP)
Level 8 Cascoon (121 EXP)
Level 8 Silcoon (111 EXP)
You get: 128G
Trainer 3: Lass Janice
Level 10 Marill (123 EXP)
You get: 160G
Trainer 4: Hiker Clark
Level 8 Geodude (147 EXP)
Level 8 Geodude (147 EXP)
Level 8 Geodude (147 EXP)
You get: 320G
Your starter should now be Level 18, unless you train a
balanced team of 2 :P . Anyway, good luck and go on! (Grab
the item west of the bug catcher as well) Now go east and
enter the cave in the east.
|Rusturf Tunnel|
Head north (grab the item) then east in the Rusturf Tunnel
(to the Team Magma/Aqua guy with the bird). He will
challenge you to a fight.
Team Magma/Aqua Grunt
Level 11 Poochyena (129 EXP)
You get: 220G, an item
If your starter IS Level 18, he should be no threat at all.
One kill: Poochyena's dead! Defeat the Team Magma/Aqua
member inside to rescue a man's Taillow. And old man will
come for his Taillow and will give you the Pokemon Navigator
after you win.
|Pokemon Navigator Features|
1. Map - Choosing this option will display the map of Hoenn
and your current location.
2. Pokemon Info - This shows info about your Pokemon.
3. Trainer-Dex - The Trainer-Dex shows you all trainers that
you have fought.
4. Exit
5. Hall of Fame - Shows all of the Hall of Famers in your
Pokemon Team of 6, but only appears after you have defeated
the Hoenn League members.)
Here, you will want to go back to Rustboro City. The green
man at the entrance of Route 116 and give you another 2
items, then talk to you in the Tower of Rustboro City. The
old man will also give you an item, probably also to
compensate for your help. :) Go back out and now go back
south through Route 104 and Petalburg Woods to the beach in
the west. Go in the first house on the beach, and find the
man that you met in the cave inside. If you talk to him, he
will offer you a boat ride to the second gym city, Dewford
Town. Accept it!
|Sea Routes 105-106|
Enjoy your speedboat ride to Dewford Town. You'd like one,
wouldn't you?
|Dewford Town|
Once you arrive to Dewford Town, you can fight in the
fighting gym. Although it is dark at first, there are only 3
trainers (1 optional) to fight before the gym leader. You
will firstone to go north to the wall from the green-suited
man, then go east to the first Junior Trainer battle.
Battle Girl Laura
Level 14Meditite (273 EXP)
You get: 336G
After this battle, Flash will automatically go on. You will
now see more! Go north from the trainer and then west, and
when there's the next split point, go a little northwest to
fight Junior Trainer 2, a Karate Master.
Black Belt Hideki
Level 14 Machop (264 EXP)
You get: 448G
After you win, more Flash :). Now onward to the 3rd and last
junior trainer. Go back out of the area east, then go north
onto the bigger path. Go west at the split point to the 3rd
junior trainer.
Battle Girl Teresa
Level 12 Meditite (??? EXP)
Level 12 Meditite (??? EXP)
Level 12 Machop (??? EXP)
You get: 288G
At this point, you can either go back and heal, or just
advance east and north to the gym leader. Healing is
suggested, and the extra vision should really help you out
as well.
|Gym Leader Name: Brawly |
|Gym Leader Type: Fighting |
|Level 17 Machop (319 EXP) |
|Level 18 Nosepass (334 EXP) |
|You get: Knuckle Badge, 1800G, |
|all Level 30 Pokemon and under obey you|
Next, go west onto Route 106.
|Route 106|
Trainer 1: Fisherman Ned
Level 12 Tentacool (270 EXP)
You get: 480G
Trainer 2: Fisherman Elliot
Level 11 Magikarp (46 EXP)
Level 8 Tentacool (180 EXP)
Level 11 Magikarp (46 EXP)
You get: 440G
Bonuses on check, eh? Easy EXP and easy battles! You get
more money versus trainers now. :) Now continue your way
west towards Dewford Cave and enter it!
|Dewford Cave|
Talk to the man just in the entrance of Dewford Town for
HM05! You may want to use Flash (HM05) in this Dewford Cave
as it is very dark...or just go through blindly, you will
get some sort of required item at the end. Grab the item as
you go west, and go down the ladder. Once the area becomes
dark, head EAST, and EAST only unless you hit a wall, then
go southeast to the ladder. Go down it, and now go WEST (a
little to the southwest at times) until it seems like a wall
to the left. Then go up the stairs (NORTH) instead of west,
and then head EAST there. Then go to the ladder. Go west to
the next ladder, and then you're out of dark again! Go west
from there, then south, and through the door. Talk to
Steven, the future Pokemon champ you will face later in the
game. You will get your required item from him, as well as
TM47! He will walk out,and now you will want to get back out
of the cave and back to Dewford Town by going the exact
opposite directions then you came in. This cave is still a
good for training as well as the required item. Your starter
should now be Level 23! Now the man who gave you the ride
has an extra option: you can now go to another place, a 2nd
option that gives you a chance to reach Slateport City.
Accept it and go
towards the 3rd gym!
Your lineup should now be:
Level 25 Starter Evolution
|Sea Routes 107, 108, 109|
Enjoy your ride! Only 2nd to Fly, which is even faster, of
course. :P
|Route 109|
You should now be on a beach (Route 109). Fight your way up,
and you should arrive at a city called Slateport City. Your
first trainer battle is just north of landing.
Sailor Huey
Level 14 Machop (264 EXP)
You get: 448G
Head directly north for your 2nd battle.
Tuber Ricky
Level 14 Zigzagoon (180 EXP)
You get: 56G
Your starter should now be at least Level 23, unless you use
more than one
Pokemon. :)
Head northwest to Trainer 3.
Sailor Edmond
Level 12 Wingull (163 EXP)
Level 12 Wingull (163 EXP)
Level 12 Machop (225 EXP)
You get: 384G
Level 24 starter now? Go north into the house for even more
EXP. You'll want it. After you go in, go right to the Beach
Tuber Simon
Level 12 Azurill (84 EXP)
Level 12 Marill (148 EXP)
You get: 48G
Now talk to the green-haired girl for Trainer 5 battle.
Beauty Johanna
Level 13 Goldeen (309 EXP)
You get: 1040G
Now go to the left of the house and talk to the blue-haired
Sailor Dwayne
Level 11 Wingull (150 EXP)
Level 11 Machop (207 EXP)
Level 11 Tentacool (247 EXP)
You get: 352G
Your starter should now be at Level 25 unless you like
balanced teams. Now
head back out
of the house and go east. Talk to the pink Beach Girl for
battle 7.
Trainer 7 - Beach Girl
Level 13 Marill (91 EXP)
Level 13 Marill (91 EXP)
You get: 52G
Now go north into Slateport City (heal if you need to).
|Slateport City|
Explore the city. You will notice Team Magma/Aqua members
blocking a
building, the Slateport
City Ocean Museum. You will now have to look for a building
that resembles a
warehouse and
talk to the man with the brown head there to deliver the
letter you were
asked to deliver
earlier. (southeast [more south than east] from Pokemon
Center). Once you do
this, you will
be able to enter the Ocean Museum after the Team Magma/Aqua
members will run
inside and
attack, but the people inside will force you to give up
100G. Go up the
museum and fight
two of their members upstairs by talking to the scientist
upstairs. This is
your third ever
meeting with Magma/Aqua.
Team Member #1
Level 15 Numel (??? EXP) <= Ruby
Level 15 Carvanha (282 EXP) <= Sapphire
You get: 300G
This battle would be a fire battle (#1) for Ruby instead of
a water one.
Immediately after
the second Team Magma/Aqua Member fights you.
Team Aqua Member #2
Level 14 Zubat (162 EXP)
Level 14 Numel (??? EXP) <= Ruby
Level 14 Carvanha (264 EXP) <= Sapphire
You get: 280G
They will leave after you win, of course. This water battle
vs. Carvanha
would be different
for Ruby's #2. The leader of Team Magma/Aqua will now walk
in and basically
warn you to go
away from their conflict against the other Team. You get an
item for saving
the scientist.
|Route 110|
Pokemon on Route 110: Zigzagoon, Electrike, Wingull,
Purasuru, Minun
Items on Route 110: One in the middle of the sea, one in
forest, 4 nuts in
Continue to fight your way north (at the intersection, go
west instead of
through the
underpass east as you can't go that way yet, after the Woman
battle). You
will face a
few opponents.
Trainer 1: Woman
Level 15 Plusle (Positive, 385 EXP)
Level 15 Minun (Negative, 385 EXP)
You get: 1200G
Here you will find the positive and negative rabbits for the
first time.
Positive is
+50% more offensive, but negative is +50% more defensive. So
watch out! Your
starter is
now probably Level 26. Anyway, you will want to heal
paralysis if paralyzed,
but if not,
continue west either way from there. You can go east too,
but you want EXP
first, right?
Trainer 2: Lady
Level 16 Roselia (520 EXP)
You get: 640G
Now, you can fight in your 2nd twin battle! (If you have 2
Pokemon, you can
freely choose).
Trainers 3-4: Twins
Level 16 Plusle (205+205=410 EXP)
Level 16 Minun (205+205=410 EXP)
You get: 384G
At this point you can use Cut to get the item north, but to
the west you can
Trainer 5.
Trainer 5: Man
Level 16 Skitty (222 EXP)
You get: 1280G
The moving fisherman west of the man will challenge you to a
battle once you
are in sight.
Trainer 6: Fisherman
Level 5 Magikarp (21 EXP)
Level 10 Tentacool (225 EXP)
Level 15 Magikarp (63 EXP)
You get: 600G
Remember, if you really do have Cut you can grab the item
and the 4 nuts
before heading
back east. Here, you will want to head east back to the
intersection, and go
under the
Cycling Road eastward. Grab the item in front of the boy,
then challenge him.
Trainer 1: Kid
Level 12 Poochyena (141 EXP)
Level 16 Aron (328 EXP)
Level 14 Electrike (312 EXP)
You get: 224G
Your starter should now be at Level 27, a great level at
this point. If you
have a more
balanced team (like I had for Ruby), they should be at an
average of Level 18
now. You will
now want to either heal at the City again, as you may need
it, or go east if
you're barely
damaged. Head east then north on Route 110, and you will
meet someone again...
|Rival (Brendan or May) Battle (Your Starter)
|Level 5 Treecko |Level 5 Torchic |Level 5
Mudkip |
|L18 Shroomish (403 EXP) |L18 Shroomish (403 EXP) |L20
Grovyle (??? EXP) |
|L20 Combusken (??? EXP) |L18 Numel (546 EXP) |L18
Numel (546 EXP) |
|L18 Carvanha (??? EXP) |L20 Marshtomp (949 EXP) |L18
Carvanha (??? EXP) |
|You get: 1200G
Can you say weirder? The starter evolutions look even
weirder than they
already were. And I
beat Mudkip's evolution with Torchic's evolution in
Sapphire, Torchic's
evolution with
Treecko's evolution in Ruby. I like that. Anyway, continue
your way
northwest. You can't
grab the item in the middle until you get surf. Your rival
will now ride off
on his/her
bike. Continue on your way to Trainer 2.
Trainer 2: Man
Level 14 Lombre (423 EXP)
Level 14 Nuzleaf (423 EXP)
You get: 840G
Continue west to Trainer 3, the purple-haired boy.
Trainer 3: Boy
Level 16 Abra (249 EXP)
You get: 384G
You can get a TM, TM 46 here as well. Anyway, head to
Trainer 4, the
fisherman next to the
water for a water battle.
Trainer 4: Fisherman
Level 12 Tentacool (270 EXP)
Level 14? Wailmer (439 EXP)
Level 9 Tentacool (202 EXP)
Level 12 Tentacool (270 EXP)
You get: 480G
Your starter should be Level 29, or average team at Level
20. Grab the 3x3=9
nuts in the
trees to your northwest, and head north into Mauville City!
Remember to grab
HM06 Rock
Smash in the southeast house in the city by talking to the
person there, and
go to the
northeast corner to get a free bike at the bike shop!
|Mauville City|
After you continue your zig-zag way north, you should enter
Mauville City.
This is the 3rd
gym city! Remember to grab HM06 Rock Smash in the southeast
house in the city
by talking to
the scientist there, and go to the northeast corner of the
city to get a
free bike at the
bike shop by talking to the brown-haired manager, and
answering Yes to his
question (the 1st
answer). Remember to also grab the item south of the
southeast house. Heal,
then go and talk
Wally in front of the gym, and defeat him in a battle (your
second rival,
remember?). He
will have a Level 16 Ralis. He will let you through after
you defeat him.
Level 16 Ralis (240 EXP)
You get: 960G
You are in luck if you have Torchic's evolution, but even if
you have the
other two types
he should pose no threat. Beat him and enter the gym, since
he will let you
The gym is electric-steel based, so a rock type can serve
useful. Trainer 1
is nearly right
in front of you.
Junior Trainer 1
Level 18 Electrike (400 EXP)
Level 18 Magnemite (342 EXP)
You get: 576G
Junior Trainer 2
Level 19 Zigzagoon (243 EXP)
You get: 304G
Junior Trainer 3
Level 17 Voltorb (375 EXP)
Level 17 Voltorb (375 EXP)
Level 17 Voltorb (375 EXP)
You get: 544G
Now talk to the trainer southeast of Trainer 3 for Battle
Junior Trainer 4
Level 19 Asanan (370 EXP)
You get: 456G
At this point, you may want to heal first, so go back out,
then flip the
northwest yellow
switch to reach the gym leader. You will need to have at
least a
fighting/ground/fire type.
If you have Treecko, you do have Geodude, right? Geodude
owns this gym. If
you chose Mudkip
or Torchic, their evolutions with ground and fire/fighting
attacks will
easily win against
the steel half of Magnemite/Magneton.
|Gym Leader Name: Wattson |
|Gym Leader Type: Electric |
|Level 22 Magenemite (418 EXP) |
|Level 20 Voltorb (441 EXP) |
|Level 23 Mageneton (? EXP) |
|You get: 2300G, Dynamo Badge, TM34|
The Level 23 Magneton will be your biggest threat. I used a
(Lv.26) Geodude to
take them out in Ruby when I had Treecko, but Torchic's
evolution (Lv.30) for
Sonicboom can be quite annoying, however. Even so, Torchic
and Mudkip's
evolutions should
easily beat even Magneton.
Now you have three choices on where to go. You may go west,
north, south, or
east. I will
suggest that you go north at this point.
Attach Rock Smash on a Pokemon, then make your way north
onto Route 111.
Zigzagoon is
probably you best bets for HMs, as at this point he can
carry Rock Smash and
do little to
interrupt the others (and can also later equip surf!).
|Route 111|
Pokemon on Route 111: Sandshrew, Knuckler
Continue your way up, and talk to the man in front of his
house for some very
easy EXP, and
to accomplish another of your hidden objectives. Select YES
when he asks you
to battle him.
House Member #1: Man
Level 16 Taillow (201 EXP)
Level 16 Zigzagoon (205 EXP)
You get: 320G, battle with #2
You will talk with Member #1 and Member #2 will come out and
battle you.
House Member #2: Woman
Level 17 Roselia (553 EXP)
You get: 340G, battle with #3
House Member #3: School Girl
Level 15 Marill (186 EXP)
Level 15 Shroomish (208 EXP)
Level 15 Numel (282 EXP)
You get: 300G, battle with #4
House Member #4: Nun
Level 18 Asanan (351 EXP)
You get: 360G
Now head north and use HM06 Rock Smash on the rocks to get
through! You will
soon see
two photographers. They are a duel team, and you can
challenge them to a duel!
Trainers 1-2: Photographers
Level 19 Whismur (138+138=276 EXP)
Level 19 Magnemite (180+180=360 EXP)
You get: 1824G
Continue your way north. You are asked to be in a
photograph, I believe. Just
answer through
with 2nd option then Yes.
Trainer 3: Girl
Level 18 Shroomish (250 EXP)
Level 18 Marill (223 EXP)
You get: 288G
Your starter should be at Level 32, or your average Pokemon
level should now
be 23.
Trainer 4: Hiker
Level 19 Sandshrew (378 EXP)
You get: 304G
Route 101 continues northward into the desert, but you will
not be able to
access it in
Ruby OR Sapphire. Head west instead, onto Route 112.
|Route 112|
Pokemon on Route 112: Machop, Numel
Head west to Trainer 1.
Trainer 1: Man
Level 18 Zigzagoon (231G)
Level 18 Nuzleaf (543G)
You get: 288G
I'm assuming you've spent about 3 hours and 4 minutes to get
to this point. If not, you just truly suck at Pokemon j/k :P
. :) Go on west to Trainer 2.
Trainer 2:
Level 18 Taillow (226G)
Level 18 Lombre (543G)
You get: 288G
Head north onto the cliff to Trainer 3.
Trainer 3: Camper
Level 16 Geodude (294 EXP)
Level 16 Geodude (294 EXP)
Level 16 Geodude (294 EXP)
Level 16 Geodude (294 EXP)
You get: 640G
Is your starter is at Level 33, or do you have a lineup
averaged below Level
24? In that
case, you're screwed for the battles ahead. It should be
taking you 3 hours
and 15 minutes
here (according to my Sapphire version, first time, without
knowing where to
go, when I
played Ruby, took some 5 hours instead). Anyway, go north to
Trainer 4.
Trainer 4: Camper
Level 18 Numel (339 EXP)
Level 18 Machop (339 EXP)
You get: 720G
Just north of this camper, you will find Team Magma/Aqua
members blocking the
way. You will
not be able to get through for a while. Instead, go west and
into the cave
Pokemon in this Cave: Torkoal, Numel, Machop
Here, you will want to go north (skip the rock in the west),
east, then out
of the cave.
|Route 112|
Grab the 8 nuts outside the cave, and continue eastward back
onto Route 111.
|Route 111|
You still can't get through the desert, so you had to go
through that cave.
South is the
desert that you can't enter, so go north instead. Go
Trainer 1: Man
Level 18 Electrike (400 EXP)
Level 18 Wailmer (528 EXP)
Level 18 Makuhita (334 EXP)
You get: 864G
Go northeast to the next trainer and he will give you TM43.
Grab the 12 nuts
in the north
off of the four trees, and go east then south into the house
to heal. Now go
back out and
west to Trainer 2.
Trainer 2: Grass Person
Level 18 Wingull (246 EXP)
Level 18 Numel (339 EXP)
Level 18 Roselia (585 EXP)
You get: 864G
Continue west onto Route 113.
|Route 113|
Pokemon on Route 113: Patchiiru, Sandshrew, Skarmory
Is this place snowing or what! You'll know the reason later
in the game. Head
Trainer 1: Kid
Level 18 Trapinch (280 EXP)
Level 20 Linoone (547 EXP)
You get: 320 EXP, one less guy to peck you :P
Go north from him and east to the short guy and fight him.
Trainer 2: Red Guy
Level 17 Koffing (414 EXP)
Level 17 Koffing (414 EXP)
Level 17 Koffing (414 EXP)
Level 19 Koffing (463 EXP)
Watch out for these Koffings. Two of them did self-destruct
on my Combusken,
the EXP is worth it, right? Jump east and get the item that
you saw earlier
but couldn't
get. Go back to the first trainer (the kid) and go
northwest, then southwest
to Trainer 3.
Trainer 3: Umbrella Lady
Level 20 Numel (376 EXP)
You get: 800G
Continue west and see two twins. Are you ready?
Trainers 4-5: Twins
Level 20 Whismur (145+145=290 EXP)
Level 20 Whismur (145+145=290 EXP)
You get: 480G
You can go in the house and talk to the dad for an item.
Come back out, and
go left to
fight the pink-haired kid.
Trainer 6: Red Guy
Level 19 Nincada (264 EXP)
Level 19 Ninjask (630 EXP)
You get: 228G
Jump west to Trainer 7 (the blue-capped guy).
Trainer 7: Kid
Level 20 Aron (411 EXP)
You get: 320G
Make your way west into Fallarbor Town.
|Fallarbor Town|
You can check the crater in town for an invisible item. Now
head west onto
Route 114.
|Route 114|
Just when you go on this route, head into the house just
before the river and
talk to the
little kid, who will give you TM28 Dig! You can now Retreat
out of any
dungeon/place! And
dig to China! :P . Anyway, continue west. Get TM05 from the
old man just past
the first
bridge portion. Go south and talk to the Fisherman for a
water battle!
Trainer 1: Fisherman
Level 20 Dojocchi (393 EXP)
You get: 800G, starter to final form if you use one Pokemon
only and be risky
like me
in Sapphire
My Combusken is evolving to Blaziken at this point (Level
36). If you have
one starter
training only, you must get this far or you're kinda
screwed. A team would be
at least
Level 27 (assuming you have 4) at this point. At this point,
go south to
Trainer 2, who will
be the fisherman. Talk to him!
Trainer 2: Fisherman
Level 16 Goldeen (379 EXP)
Level 18 Dojocchi (354 EXP)
Level 16 Goldeen (379 EXP)
Level 16 Goldeen (379 EXP)
You get: 640G
Continue south on to land to fight the girl.
Trainer 3: Girl
Level 19 Marill (235 EXP)
Level 19 Lombre (573 EXP)
You get: 304G
Continue south to see two twins. Fight them!
Trainers 4-5: Twins
Level 21 Graveler (301+301=602 EXP)
Level 19 Roselia (309+309=618 EXP)
You get: 672G
Go north from there and talk to the blue-haired boy for an
item, then
continue southward
again till you reach another trainer.
Trainer 6: Teal-uniformed Trainer
Level 19 Sandshrew (378 EXP)
Level 19 Nuzleaf (573 EXP)
You get: 304G
Continue south to Trainer 7.
Trainer 7: Guy
Level 20 Aron (411 EXP)
You get: 1200G
Head northwest onto the cliff, and follow the trail till you
reach a spinning
Trainer #8.
Trainer 8: Firey Camper
Level 19 Slugma (316 EXP)
Level 19 Wingull (259 EXP)
You get: 608G
Continue to follow the trail to Trainer #9.
Trainer 9: Hiker
Level 18 Geodude (331 EXP)
Level 18 Geodude (331 EXP)
You get: 720G
Continue up the trail, and do not Rock Smash. Continue to
Trainer #10!
Trainer 10: Hiker
Level 19 Machop (357 EXP)
Level 19 Machop (357 EXP)
You get: 760G
Enter the cave as you continue to the trail. Go west and you
will see two
Team Magma/Aqua
members standing around. Attempt to go down to them and they
will spot you.
The two members
will get surrounded by 3 of your supporters (the other
team). They threaten
the two and the
two run off. The opposing team leader will talk to you and
praise you for
successes against
the team in your game. They will let you through, and chase
after the team in
your game.
Continue westward. Go up the stairways to get an item, then
back down and go
down this time
from the Team Magma/Aqua argument area. Hop down the steps
and out the door.
|Route 115|
Welcome to Route 115! Once you go down the cliff, a Karate
Trainer will
engage you in
a battle.
Trainer 1: Karate Trainer
Level 20 Machop (376 EXP)
You get: 640G
Now go west, then north, then down to stairs to Trainer 2
(should now be on a
Trainer 2: Karate Guy
Level 19 Asaman (370 EXP)
Level 19 Nosepass (354 EXP)
You get: 456G
Head back to Trainer 1 and Rock Smash the rock east of him.
Continue down and
grab the item
and 6 nuts. Fall back to the west and go back up to Trainer
Trainer 3: Mad Man
Level 20 Habunake (706 EXP)
You get: 1200G
Jump off the cliff, and south into a city you've seen
before: Rustboro City!
|Rustboro City|
Heal if needed be, then head east onto Route 116. Now west
of the house, you
should now
go and cut the tree down and go get the item in the area
instead of going
east into the
Rusturf Tunnel at this point. Cut it down and go to Trainer
Trainer 1: School Boy
Level 10 Ralis (150 EXP)
You get: 200G
Head west to Trainer 2, the girl.
Trainer 2: School Girl
Levle 9 Shroomish (124 EXP)
Level 9 Whismur (130 EXP)
You get: 180G
Cut the tree to the west and now grab the item and the 10
nuts from the
trees. Now head
east to the Rusturf Tunnel once again.
|Rusturf Tunnel|
Head north then east. Break the rocks that separate the two
people there with
HM06 Rock
Smash, and the person in the white robes will give you HM04.
The two people
will now walk
away. Continue east and grab the item lying there, then
attempt to head out
of the
Rusturf Tunnel by going east, then south, to get out and
into Verdanturf
Town. You will have
one trainer that wishes to challenge you before you can get
Trainer 1: Hiker
Level 16 Geodude (294 EXP)
Level 16 Geodude (294 EXP)
Level 16 Machop (301 EXP)
You get: 640G
Now head south and out of the cave into the northwest corner
of Verdanturf
|Verdanturf Town|
Heal, and then head east onto Route 117!
|Route 117|
You will have many trainer battles on this route. Defeat
them all.
Trainer 1: Pokemon Lover (Boy)
Level 12 Whismur (174 EXP)
Level 12 Aron (246 EXP)
Level 12 Taillow (151 EXP)
Level 12 Poochyena (141 EXP)
Level 12 Nosepass (223 EXP)
Level 12 Zigzagoon (153 EXP)
You get: 480G
Head south past the flower patches to grab an item, then
back on route east
to Trainer 2.
Trainer 2: Nerd
Level 15 Nincada (208 EXP)
Level 15 Dustox (513 EXP)
Level 15 Beautifly (517 EXP)
You get: 900G
Head north and cut the tree, then grab a second item on the
path. Head east
to Trainer 3.
Trainer 3: Cool Girl
Level 18 Doduo (369 EXP)
You get: 720G
Trainer 4 is eastward from 3, and is the female Pokemon
Trainer 4: Pokemon Lover (Girl)
Level 12 Wingull (163 EXP)
Level 12 Marill (148 EXP)
Level 12 Goldeen (285 EXP)
Level 12 Shroomish (166 EXP)
Level 12 Roselia (390 EXP)
Level 12 Skitty (166 EXP)
You get: 480G
Head east and grab 9 nuts off 3 trees, then fight the
Trainers 5-6: Twins
Level 16 Zigzagoon (102+102=204 EXP)
Level 18 Nosepass (166+166=332 EXP)
You get: 576G
Go up to Trainer 7 (northwest).
Trainer 7: Cool Guy
Level 18 Doduo (369 EXP)
You get: 720 EXP
Now head back east into Mauville City, heal, and make your
way back north
again onto Route
111, and continue on the route onto Route 112 once again.
|Route 112|
Find the place where the Team Magma/Aqua members blocked
you. You will now be
able to enter
the cable car house. Talk to the green-haired girl inside,
and answer yes to
take a cable
car ride up to the Team Magma/Aqua secret hiding base. Head
out of the house
after your
ride. You will see Team Magma and Aqua's Poochyenas snapping
at each other.
Depending on
your game version, one side will dominate (Magma in Ruby,
Aqua in Sapphire).
Head up the
mountain (north), then go west. You will now later see three
members that are
NOT fighting.
Your job is to defeat the three of them. Head to Trainer 1.
Team Magma/Aqua Trainer 1
Level 20 Zubat (231 EXP)
Level 20 Poochyena (235 EXP)
You get: 400G
Head up (north) to Trainer 2. Note that these battles ARE
Team Magma/Aqua Trainer 2
Level 20 Numel (??? EXP) <= Ruby
Level 20 Carvanha (376 EXP) <= Sapphire
Level 20 Poochyena (235 EXP)
Level 20 Numel (??? EXP) <= Ruby
Level 20 Carvanha (376 EXP) <= Sapphire
You get: 800G
Head up to the Team Magma/Aqua boss, who is isolated from
the others. Beat
him. Depending
on how you played your cards: 1 Pokemon vs. balanced team,
the following
issues may occur.
1 Pokemon - Easy win, but if you have a weakness against the
enemy types,
you're kinda in
some trouble, but your Level 40 Pokemon should still make
mince meat out of
his Pokemon.
Balanced Team - A bit tougher, but still beatable. You will
now have to use a
leader (one
stronger than the rest), and be somewhat able to predict
what he sends out
next. This might
help out somewhat:
Team Magma/Aqua Leader
Level 24 Guriana (657 EXP)
Level 24 Golbat (879 EXP)
Level 25 Camerupt (???? EXP) <= Ruby
Level 25 Sharpedo (937 EXP)<= Sapphire
You get: 2000G, first victory over leader
The leader and his side runs, and the other side's leader
again is happy
about your victory,
then runs off and chases the other side again. Head back
down to the cable
car house, but
this time, go down the stairs southeast of the cable house
instead of going
inside. Now walk
down the stairs and jump down the mountain slowly. Here near
the bottom you
will see two
trainers, and you can jump either way. Jump west to the
Hiker or south to the
Trainer 1A: Hiker
Level 21 Yajiron (261 EXP)
Level 21 Yajiron (261 EXP)
You get: 840G
Courtesy to Dingocat85 (, here's what you
get if you go
south to the
Trainer 1B: Camper
Level 21 Zigzagoon (270 EXP)
Level 21 Taillow (265 EXP)
You get: 840G
Continue to jump down the mountain, to the green-haired
trainer for Trainer 2
Trainer 2: Girl
Level 20 Shroomish (277 EXP)
Level 20 Oddish (333 EXP)
Level 20 Swablu (316 EXP)
You get: 320G
Go down and out of the mountain region onto Route 112.
|Route 112|
You should now make your way west into Lavaridge Town, the
home of the 4th
gym! Heal and
enter the fire-based gym.
|Lavaridge Town|
|--------------| informs me that in Lavaridge
Town, the old woman
near the hot
springs give you an egg when you talk to her. "I just got it
so I don't know
what it evolves
into, but eggs are always handy when you get struck by
sudden hunger :P". says that "egg, and a Wynaut hatches
from it, it's
level 5, a
pre-evolved version of Wobuffet." Now you can find the 4th
gym in the
southwest corner of the
city. The 4th gym is fire based. Similar to Sabrina's gym in
RBY, your
objective is to go
counterclockwise around to the gym leader. Here's how to get
especially for some
people that seem to have it foggy.
Go up all the way, then right, then down. Trainer 1 battle
Junior Trainer 1
Level 22 Slugma (367 EXP)
Level 22 Numel (414 EXP)
Level 22 Slugma (367 EXP)
You get: 367G
Down 1 space, then left all the way to jump the hole.
Now you bounce to the next part. Here you will want to go
down 1, left 3 to
the next jump.
Head up 3 steps to Junior Trainer 2.
Junior Trainer 2
Level 24 Kecleon (678 EXP)
You get: 1152G
Left all the way, up one. Then after the jump, up all the
way, right all the
way, down to
the jump. Then right 2, up one to Junior Trainer 3.
Junior Trainer 3
Level 23 Numel (433 EXP)
Level 23 Slugma (384 EXP)
You get: 736G
Left all the way, up 2 to the jump. Then up all the way,
right one, down one
to the next
jump! Then up all the way, right one, down one to next jump!
Then 4 up, 2
left to Trainer 4.
Junior Trainer 4
Level 24 Asaman (468 EXP)
You get: 576G
3 right to jump, right all the way to jump, up one, left
two, down one, left
all the way to
Junior Trainer 5.
Junior Trainer 5
Level 23 Slugma (384 EXP)
Level 23 Numel (433 EXP)
You get: 736G
Down one, left one, all the way down to jump. Down all the
way to jump.
You're finally
at the fire gym leader! Begin the battle! (two right, all
the way up). Water
types as well
as rock/ground or just a very strong fire type can easily
win this one.
|Gym Leader Name: Flannery |
|Gym Leader Type: Fire |
|Level 26 Slugma (433 EXP) |
|Level 26 Slugma (433 EXP) |
|Level 28 Torkoal (966 EXP) |
|You get: 2800G, Heat Badge, TM50, |
|all Pokemon below Level 50 obey you|
My starter (Torchic)'s final form reached Level 42 at this
time on Sapphire,
while my Ruby
team had an average of about Level 27, in which Graveler
destroyed the
competition. TM50
is a fire move called Overheat, and now all Pokemon under
Level 50 will obey
Now that you've won, let's get back out! Go down all the
way, left one to the
first jump.
Down all the way to make the leap into the jump, 2 right,
all the way down.
You're out
and with 4 badges! Once you get out, your rival will
suddenly appear and talk
to you, but
don't worry, he/she doesn't fight you. Your rival gives you
an item, then
bikes off.
Head east back onto Route 112.
|Route 112|
Instead of going through the secret base, leap eastward.
Grab the item you previously saw but couldn't get. Continue
your jump down.
Continue your
way toward Route 111 (east).
|Route 111|
Continue back toward Mauville City by going south. Remember
to rock smash the
rocks in the
way to get back. :)
|Mauville City|
Head south onto Route 110.
|Route 110|
Go south to Slateport City.
|Slateport City|
Heal, then head south.
|Route 109|
Go down to the old man at the bottom, and ask for a ride
back to Dewford Town.
|Sea Routes 108, 107|
Your second-to-last ship ride. How does this make you feel?
|Dewford Town|
Talk to him again and choose the 1st option to get back to
Route 104.
|Sea Routes 106, 105, 104|
Last sea ride. You are now back on Route 104 (land).
|Route 104|
Get out of the house. Head north into Petalburg Woods.
|Petalburg Woods|
Go east instead of going west like usual. When you reach the
ledge that you
can't go up,
go down and out of the Petalburg Woods.
|Route 104|
You're now up on the ledge! Get the item, then hop back down
and east towards
|Petalburg City|
Heal, if needed be, then enter the 5th gym. Now that you
have 4 badges, your
father will
let you get through. The gym is shaped a bit like a diamond,
so you can fight
from 3-7
junior trainers. Here's how you should do it to get the most
EXP. It looks
something like
| | G | |
| |--D|D--| |
| | 3 | 3 | |
| 2 | 2 | 2 |
| | 1 | 1 | |
| |-|D|D|-| |
| | | |
1 = Trainers with one Level 27 Skittyroro (798 EXP, 1296G)
2 = Trainers with one Level 27 Linoone (739 EXP, 1296G)
3 = Trainers with one Level 27 Zangoose (954 EXP, 1296G)
4 = Gym Leader
D = Door
E = Entrance
You can go any way you like to fight all 7 trainers, but
here's how I did it:
Talk to the left door, then it opens and you get in. Talk to
the junior
trainer and battle!
Junior Trainer 1
Level 27 Skittyroro (798 EXP)
You get: 1296G
Advance through left door and talk to Junior Trainer 2.
Junior Trainer 2
Level 27 Linoone (739 EXP)
You get: 1296G
Advance through right door (and only door) to Junior Trainer
Junior Trainer 3
Level 27 Zangoose (954 EXP)
You get: 1296G
Go back to Junior Trainer 1 now and go through the right
door instead of the
left one to
Junior Trainer 4.
Junior Trainer 4
Level 27 Linoone (739 EXP)
You get: 1296G
Go through right door to Junior Trainer 5.
Junior Trainer 5
Level 27 Zangoose (954 EXP)
You get: 1296G
Go back through the previous door, then through that one
back to the
entrance. Now go
through the right door to Junior Trainer 6.
Junior Trainer 6
Level 27 Skittyroro (798 EXP)
You get: 1296G
Go through the right door and you will see Junior Trainer
Junior Trainer 7
Level 27 Linoone (739 EXP)
You get: 1296G
Enter through the door to Junior Trainer 5, then through the
next door to
your father,
the fifth gym leader. Talk to him. He asks you if you have 4
badges already,
and then
says that you certainly are improving, but says that he
can't give you the
5th badge for
free, and battles you.
|Gym Leader Name: Norman |
|Gym Leader Type: Normal |
|Level 28 Slaking (1260 EXP) |
|Level 30 Vigoroth (810 EXP) |
|Level 31 Slaking (1395 EXP) |
|You get: 3100G, Balance Badge, TM42|
Graveler and my Level 43 Torchic's final form both work well
against your
father's Pokemon.
After you win, you now have 5 badges! Now go get out of the
gym and get HM03
Surf from the
red-shirted man west of the gym, who is Wally's father. You
can use Surf on
Zigzagoon, the
raccoon, by catching it at Levels 3-5 (they can be catchable
without hitting
them if you use
a Great Ball, and if you're lucky, even a PokeBall) if you
don't have a water
type. Before
you get out of the city, however, just before the entrance
to Route 104 is
water. Surf
across it for a free item. Now go to the water east of the
gym and surf
across for another
item. Surf back and at this point you will want to go west
onto Route 104.
|Route 104|
Go as far northwest onto the beach as you can, and then use
Surf southward
onto Sea Route
|Sea Route 104|
You're back on this route, except for EXP reasons now. Go
south onto Sea
Route 105.
|Sea Route 105|
Pokemon on Sea Route 105: Tentacool, Wingull, Pelipper
Go south to the red-haired swimmer for Trainer 1 battle.
Trainer 1: Girl Swimmer
Level 27 Marill (334 EXP)
You get: 216G
Lineup in Sapphire at this point for me: Level 44 Torchic
Final Form, Level
13 Zigzagoon
(for Surf and Rock Smash), Level 6 Nincada (for Cut)
Lineup in Ruby at this point for me: Level 34? Graveler,
Treecko 2nd Form,
Kimogassa, Level 5 Zigzagoon
Anyway, head south to Trainer 2, another red-haired
Trainer 2: Girl Swimmer
Level 26 Wailmer (762 EXP)
Level 26 Wailmer (762 EXP)
You get: 208G
Land on the island when you go south and talk to the Old Man
for another
Trainer 3: Old Man
Level 26 Sandshrew (517 EXP)
Level 26 Sandslash (907 EXP)
You get: 1560G
Get off the island and talk to the blue haired swimmer.
Trainer 4: Swimmer
Level 27 Carvanha (508 EXP)
You get: 216G
Go a bit to the southwest onto an island and grab it! Now
head south onto Sea
Route 106.
|Sea Route 106|
See the next red-hair? Battle her.
Trainer 5: Girl Swimmer
Level 27 Wailmer (792 EXP)
You get: 216G
Southeast to Trainer 6.
Trainer 6: Swimmer
Level 26 Tentacool (585 EXP)
Level 26 Tentacool (585 EXP)
You get: 208G
Go southeast to land on the island and grab the item. Surf
eastward and land.
You are now
at Dewford Town again!
|Dewford Town|
Heal if needed be, then head east from Dewford Town onto
Route 107.
|Route 107|
Activate Surf onto Sea Route 107 eastward toward Trainer 1.
|Sea Route 107|
Surf east toward Trainer 1 of the route towards Route 109.
Trainer 1: Girl Swimmer
Level 25 Marill (310 EXP)
Level 25 Wingull (342 EXP)
Level 25 Goldeen (594 EXP)
You get: 200G
Surf east to Trainer 2, the blue-haired Swimmer.
Trainer 2: Guy Swimmer
Level 27 Tentacool (607 EXP)
You get: 216G
When you surf farther east, you will notice two twins. This
will be your one
and only
2v2 water battle. Battle them!
Trainers 3-4: Twins
Level 28 Goldeen (333+333=666 EXP)
Level 26 Tentacool (292+292=584 EXP)
You get: 624G
Continue east to Trainer 5.
Trainer 5: Guy Swimmer
Level 27 Carvanha (508 EXP)
You get: 216G
Surf east to Trainer 6.
Trainer 6: Girl Swimmer
Level 27 Wingull (369 EXP)
You get: 216G
Surf east onto Sea Route 108.
|Sea Route 108|
Talk to the red-haired swimmer for battle #1 on the route.
Trainer 7: Girl Swimmer
Level 26 Horsea (462 EXP)
Level 26 Marill (322 EXP)
You get: 208G
Go east to the blue-haired swimmer.
Trainer 8: Guy Swimmer
Level 26 Tentacool (585 EXP)
Level 26 Marill? (265 EXP)
You get: ?G
As you go eastward, you will see a ship! Marcos
informs me that
he has fought several battles on the ship, including a 2v2
battle. He has
also said that it
is the place where you get TM13 Ice Beam. Then, continue on
east and fight
the red-haired
swimmer just south of it.
Trainer 9: Girl Swimmer
Level 24 Goldeen (570 EXP)
Level 24 Marill (297 EXP)
Level 24 Wailmer (703 EXP)
Level 24 Wingull (328 EXP)
You get: ?G
Continue eastward to Trainer 10.
Trainer 10: Guy Swimmer
Level 27 Carvanha (508 EXP)
You get: 216G
Continue east onto Sea Route 109.
|Sea Route 109|
Land on an island toward the southeast and talk to the
trainer on the very
small island.
Trainer 11: Fisherman
Level 23 Tentacool (517 EXP)
Level 24 Wailmer (703 EXP)
Level 25 Tentacool (562 EXP)
Level 24 Tentacool (540 EXP)
You get: 1000G
Head northeast from the island and land on another island
with a couple in
the middle of
nowhere! This is your next 2v2 battle.
Trainers 12-13: Couple
Level 27 Beautifly (465+465=930 EXP)
Level 27 Dustox (462+462=924 EXP)
You get: 1728G
Head northeast to Trainer 14.
Trainer 14: Guy Swimmer
Level 26 Wingull (355 EXP)
Level 26 Carvanha (489 EXP)
You get: 208G
Now head north onto Route 109 (land route).
|Route 109|
Head north to Slateport City.
|Slateport City|
Heal, then head north onto Route 110.
|Route 110|
Before you go east at the intersection, you may spot a house
at it. Go in,
talk to the man
when the text rolls up, and cut the trees after the door
(click to get in).
Cut the trees
in the far west for trainer battles.
Trainer 1: School Girl
Level 14 Skitty (195 EXP)
Level 14 Marill (174 EXP)
Level 14 Shroomish (195 EXP)
You get: 224G
Go back down TO the entrance, then cut the eastern tree to
Trainer 2.
Trainer 2: School Girl
Level 16 Oddish (267 EXP)
You get: 256G
Cut the tree to the north, then the one to the northeast,
then the one to the
west to grab
a free item! Walk back toward the entrance. Go up to just
south of Trainer 1
and cut the
tree to the right, up, then right to Trainer 3.
Trainer 3: Kid
Level 14 Zigzagoon (180 EXP)
Level 16 Zigzagoon (205 EXP)
You get: 256G
Grab the scroll just southeast of him, and make your way
back to Trainer 1.
This time, cut
the trees north, then east all the way to the next door!
Talk to the man
there for a free
item! He flies off. Go through the door to the left, go
through the
underground tunnel, and
you'll be back to the entrance of the house. Get out and now
go eastward.
Once you reach a
place where you can just surf north, do so. You should reach
an island with
an item soon.
Grab it, and surf back south. Now when you reach the
fisherman (remember that
one right
after the zig-zag?, start riding your bike and into the
house east of him.
Ride through to
the other door. This is Cycling Road!
|Cycling Road|
Now you will ride your way back toward Slateport City.
Trainer 1: Girl Biker
Level 17 Magnemite (324 EXP)
You get: 680G
Trainer 2: Guy Biker
Level 16 Magnemite (304 EXP)
Level 16 Magnemite (304 EXP)
You get: 640G
Trainer 3: Guy Biker
Level 17 Magnemite (324 EXP)
You get: 680G
Trainer 4: Girl Biker
Level 15 Magnemite (285 EXP)
Level 15 Magnemite (285 EXP)
Level 7 Electrode (154 EXP)
You get: 280G
Trainer 5: Guy Biker
Level 7 Electrode (154 EXP)
Level 7 Electrode (154 EXP)
Level 15 Magnemite (285 EXP)
You get: 600G
Now ride all the way back to the fisherman and then north
from him towards
Mauville City.
|Mauville City|
Heal, then make your drive toward the east onto Route 118.
|Route 118|
Pokemon on Route 118: Zigzagoon, Electrike, Linoone
Trainer 1: Dancer
Level 16 Shroomish (222 EXP)
Level 16 Roselia (520 EXP)
You get: 640G
Trainer 2: Guitar Player
Level 15 Magnemite (285 EXP)
Level 15 Magnemite (285 EXP)
Level 15 Whismur (217 EXP)
You get: 480G
Talk to the fisherman for Trainer 3 battle.
Trainer 3: Fisherman
Level 17 Carvanha (319 EXP)
You get: 680G
My Sapphire game at this point: Level 48 Torchic Final Form,
Level 15
Zigzagoon, Level 7
Nincada, 4:29
Surf eastward from Route 118 onto Sea Route 118.
|Sea Route 118|
Unlike most sea routes (exception: 104), this one is short
and has no trainer
battles. Swim
across to talk to the fisherman on the other side of Hoenn
Island. He will
give you a free
item! Head east to Trainers 4-5, the photographer battle.
Trainers 4-5: Photographers
Level 27 Doggoomu (365+365=730 EXP)
Level 27 Magnemite (257+257=514 EXP)
You get: 2592G
Fight your way east.
Trainer 6: Fisherman
Level 26 Carvanha (489 EXP)
Level 26 Carvanha (489 EXP)
You get: 104G
Go northeast from him and you will see the Lance-look-alike
Steven. He will
talk to you
and walk away eastward.
Go left and cut the tree, then grab the 4 items from the
trees. Head east
from there to
Trainer 7.
Trainer 7: Bird Keeper
Level 26 Taillow (328 EXP)
Level 26 Swellow (901 EXP)
You get: 832G
Head southeast to Trainer 8.
Trainer 8: Bird Keeper
Level 27 Wingull (369 EXP)
You get: 864G
My Torchic FF reached Level 49 at this point. Anyway, go
back up to Trainer 7
and head right
to grab a free item. Jump back down the ledge and continue
eastward onto
Route 123.
|Route 123|
Pokemon on Route 123: Zigzagoon, Wingull, Manectric
Head east. You will spot some trees with lots of nice items.
First fight
Trainer 9, who is
in front of the trees.
Trainer 9: Lady
Level 25 Shroomish (337? EXP)
Level 25 Gloom (706 EXP)
Level 25 Kimogassa (883 EXP)
You get: 1000G
Head northwest to find the 12 trees! Grab everything off it
(8 nuts, 8 other
type of nuts,
8 other type of nuts), some 24 items, and then head
southeast, grab the item,
and then
head back west onto Route 118.
|Route 118|
Now back to the intersection, you will want to go north onto
Route 119. Do
not ride your
bike at this point or you will be stuck.
|Route 119|
Pokemon on Route 119: Zigzagoon, Linoone, Electrike
Head to the far west in the area to battle Trainer 1.
Trainer 1: Bug Catcher
Level 25 Wurmple (288 EXP)
Level 25 Beautifly (862 EXP)
Level 25 Silcoon (379 EXP)
You get: 1500G
Head right and slightly down to Trainer 2.
Trainer 2: Bug Catcher
Level 26 Ninjask (862 EXP)
Head right, then up to Trainer 3.
Trainer 3: Bug Catcher
Level 25 Wurmple (288 EXP)
Level 25 Dustox (856 EXP)
Level 25 Silcoon (385 EXP)
You get: 1500G
My Torchic FF reached Level 50 at this point. Head right
then up to Trainer 4.
Trainer 4: Bug Catcher
Level 26 Nincada (361 EXP)
Level 26 Nincada (361 EXP)
You get: 416G
Head up from Trainer 4 and grab the free item, then head
left to Trainer 5.
Trainer 5: Bug Catcher
Level 27 Surskit (364 EXP)
You get: 1620G
Head far left to Trainer 6 (he's next to a free item).
Trainer 6: Bug Catcher
Level 26 Volbeat (813 EXP)
Level 26 Illumise (813 EXP)
You get: 416G
Grab the item, then head northeast out of the tall grass and
onto the cliff
area. Just in
front of the bridge is Trainer 7, and your next battle.
Trainer 7: Excerciser Girl
Level 27 Gloom (763 EXP)
Level 27 Roselia (879 EXP)
You get: 1296G
Cross the bridge heading west, and go up to Trainer 8.
Trainer 8: Excerciser Guy
Level 28 Kimogassa (990 EXP)
You get: 1344G
Head north to Trainer 9.
Trainer 9: Bird Keeper
Level 25 Taillow (315 EXP)
Level 25 Swellow (867 EXP)
Level 25 Wingull (342 EXP)
You get: 800G
Grab the item north of Trainer 9, then go east into the tall
grass, then east
to grab the
free item. Head back to the tall grass and then go north.
Trainer 10 will
sneak up to you
and ask for a battle.
Trainer 10: Guy
Level 25 Nincada (348 EXP)
Level 25 Koffing (610 EXP)
Level 25 Ninjask (829 EXP)
You get: 300G
My Blaziken hit Level 51 during this battle. Continue north
on the cliff,
then west to
Trainer 11, the yellow-hair bird keeper.
Trainer 11: Bird Keeper
Level 27 Swellow (936 EXP)
You get: 864G
Continue to head north on Route 118. You will then find Team
secret hideout.
As two Team Magma/Aqua members have blocked the bridge, your
only choice at
this point is
go fight them. Enter their hideout (west of the bridge).
|Team Magma/Aqua Hideout: Weather Research Institute|
Head up in the building and to the Team Magma/Aqua member
you see right up.
The member
will immediately challenge you for entering their hideout.
Team Magma/Aqua Member #1
Level 28 Numel (??? EXP)
Level 28 Carvanha (528 EXP)
You get: 560G
Head up, and then right to Member #2.
Team Magma/Aqua Member #2
Level 27 Zubat (312 EXP)
Level 27 Poochyena (318 EXP)
You get: 540G
Go right and upstairs. Go up to the member closer to you for
Member battle #3.
Team Magma/Aqua Member #3
Level 27 Poochyena (318 EXP)
Level 27 Numel (??? EXP)
Level 27 Carvanha (508 EXP)
You get: 540G
Now go up to the trainer left of Member #3 for your next
mandatory battle.
Team Magma/Aqua Member #4
Level 26 Poochyena (306 EXP)
Level 26 Zubat (300 EXP)
Level 26 Numel (??? EXP)
Level 26 Carvanha (489 EXP)
You get: 520G
Go left and you will spot the female boss of Team
Magma/Aqua. Behind her are
three hostages.
You must defeat her to rescue them and continue onwards.
Team Magma/Aqua Female Boss
Level 28 Numel (??? EXP)
Level 28 Carvanha (528 EXP)
Level 28 Mightyena (768 EXP)
You get: 1120G
You will get an item from the scientist for saving him and
his two
colleagues. Walk back
out of the once-Team Magma/Aqua hideout. Go to the bed on
the first floor to
heal, then
continue across the bridge, then north up the stairway and
your rival will
rush toward you
on his/her bike. Brendan/May will now challenge you to a
battle. That's why
you needed to
heal first, and since you went through so many trainer
battles, you would
have ran out of
PP/HP/Pokemon, depending on your lineup. Ready? Battle
him/her! Depending on
your starting
type, you will face different enemies. Here's the list:
|Rival (Brendan or May) Battle (Your Starter)
|Level 5 Treecko |Level 5 Torchic |Level 5
Mudkip |
|L29 Shroomish (403 EXP) |L29 Shroomish (403 EXP) |L31
Grovyle (??? EXP) |
|L31 Combusken (??? EXP) |L29 Numel (546 EXP) |L29
Numel (546 EXP) |
|L29 Carvanha (??? EXP) |L31 Marshtomp (949 EXP) |L29
Carvanha (??? EXP) |
|You get: 1860G, HM02 Fly
Although Brendan/May gives you HM02, Fly, you won't be able
to use it till
you get your 6th
badge. He/she will bike off north. Continue your way north
towards the 6th
gym city, or
Fortree City. Head north to Trainer 1 of the post-Rival
trainer battles.
Note: Remember to go back to Mauville City later to grab the
Mach Bike...
Trainer 1: Guy
Level 27 Ninjask (895 EXP)
You get: 324G
The Ninjask can give you some trouble if you let it survive
more than one
turn, but it
shouldn't hurt you a whole lot. Head straight north to
Trainer 2, another Guy.
Trainer 2: Guy
Level 26 Koffing (634 EXP)
Level 26 Koffing (634 EXP)
You get: 312G
Head northwest from Trainer 2 and grab the 6 items from the
three trees, then
head east once
more, into Fortree City, the city of the 6th gym!
|Fortree City|
You have arrived at the city of the 6th gym! Heal first,
then head for the
gym by going
up the ladder to the right of the Pokemon Center, then going
down when you
see a brown
building. You will notice that you are blocked from getting
through! Even
pressing A will
not let you through. So go back up the ladder and go east,
then down, then
east onto
Route 120.
|Route 120|
Pokemon on Route 120: Zigzagoon, Linoone, Marill
Head eastward, as you can't get in the 6th gym yet. Straight
east is Trainer
Trainer 1: Umbrella Lady
Level 29 Goldeen (688 EXP)
Level 29 Wailmer (850 EXP)
You get: 1160G
Continue east till you see two photographers. Fight them. It
is a 2v2 battle.
Trainers 2-3: Photographers
Level 30 Magneton (517+517=1034 EXP)
Level 30 Loudred (405+405=810 EXP)
You get: 2880G
Head south across the tall grass to Trainer 4.
Trainer 4: Bird Keeper
Level 30 Swablu (475 EXP)
You get: 960 EXP
Cross the bridge by going west, and you will meet the
Lance-look-alike champ
that flies
around again, and a chameleon-type Pokemon, Kecleon.
Level 30 Kecleon (565 EXP)
Defeat or capture it, and the Lance-look-alike will fly off.
Now make your
way back to
Fortree City, but remember to grab the free item southeast
of Trainer 1 by
pressing A at
the stairs. The same Level 30 Kecleon (565 EXP) will fight
you. Defeat or
capture it, then
take the item and run back to Fortree City. My Blaziken
reached Level 43 at
this point.
|Fortree City|
Go back to the gym. When you reach the part where it blocks
you, press A and
the chameleon
(Kecleon) will appear and leave your way by walking into the
bushes east of
it. Enter the
gym as it is now open and accessible. At this point, you
will want to head
right to the two
black bars, kind of like the ones that are in many stores
these days. Go to
the bottom part
of the black bar split and go right. You will end up on the
other side!
Continue right
to Junior Trainer 1.
Junior Trainer 1: Bird Keeper
Level 30 Doduo (616 EXP)
You get: 960G
Head right to the black bar. You can't push it up, of
course, so push it
right. Go up to
Junior Trainer 2 and battle her.
Junior Trainer 2: Blue-Bird Catcher
Level 30 Swablu (475 EXP)
You get: 480G
Now go to the top part of the bar split and push down, then
head out upward
toward the next
bar split. When the route splits, go to the western one, hit
the bar up once,
then go right
to hit the other bar one right. Now go to the left bar and
hit it right once,
then down
once. Now go to the eastern route side and hit the bar left
to pass. Continue
along the
path to Junior Trainer 3.
Junior Trainer 3: Blue-Bird Catcher
Level 29 Taillow (366 EXP)
Level 29 Swellow (1006 EXP)
You get: 464G
Continue upward on the route to the next black bar puzzle.
Hit the bottom bar
right, then
hit the bar after that right. Bump the bar downward so you
can pass it later
on. Now fight
Junior Trainer 4.
Junior Trainer 4: Bird Catcher
Level 28 Wingull (384 EXP)
Level 28 Swellow (972 EXP)
Level 28 Pelipper (984 EXP)
You get: 896G, route to gym leader
Now go up to the left-most top bar (continue on route) and
bump it down. You
will find that
the 2nd bar can not be bumped right, so go below it and bump
it up. Now
you've made it past!
Continue left to the flying gym leader!
At this point, you can either jump all the way down the
bumps and out the gym
to heal, then
get back through the black bars or you can just talk to the
gym leader to
fight her.
The types come out as follows: flying, water/flying,
Since the flying types aren't just flying, you may have some
problems. The
Pokemon are
Level 31 Swellow, a Level 30 Pelliper, a Level 30 Skarmory,
and a Level 33
If you had a Level 54 evolution of your starter (I had
Blaziken at Level 54)
you will make
mince meat out of this gym since even your weakness against
the gym's types
will be little
of a problem due to your high level, and your attack could
virtually kill
them. So a Sceptile
could overcome its weakness versus flying with a quick
normal-type slash, a
Blaziken could
use Slash against Pelliper and fire on Skarmory and Altaria,
while Swampert
could use
water attacks on Skarmory and Chitiarisu. Other elemental
types at high
levels can easily
do the same thing, but Graveler (rock types) should not be
used for Pelliper.
Also remember
that Altaria is Dragon/Flying unlike his pre-evolution
Swablu which is
|Gym Leader Type: Flying |
|Level 31 Swellow (1075 EXP) |
|Level 32 Skarmory (1152 EXP) |
|Level 30 Pelliper (1053 EXP) |
|Level 33 Altaria (1329 EXP) |
|You get: 3300G, Feather Badge, |
|All Pokemon under Level 70 obey you,|
|TM40, ability to use HM02 Fly |
You may even have to go back to it as the battle is rough
unless you have an
electric type
or just a strong team (or lead guy). After you beat the gym,
hop down the
ledges (down) to
the entrance of the gym, get out, heal if you need to (you
probably will need
to), and then
head east back onto Route 120.
|Route 120|
Pokemon on Route 120: Zigzagoon, Linoone, Marill
First off, southeast of Trainer 1 is a free item you can
get. Grab it, as you
could not
before. You remember where the bridge was, right? Get all
the way over there,
but this time,
cross the entire bridge to the west. Head southward to
Trainer 5. You will
notice that rain
is beginning to pour on Route 120. Don't worry, it won't
affect you that
much, but you will
soon know the reason why snow occurred back on the route
after you had 3
badges and why
it's raining here! Anyway, fight Trainer 5.
Trainer 5: Bird Catcher
Level 29 Natu (453 EXP)
Level 29 Swellow (1006 EXP)
You get: 928G
Head southeast to Trainer 6.
Trainer 6: Umbrella Girl
Level 30 Powarun (931 EXP)
You get: 1200G
Go northeast from Trainer 6 to Trainer 7 who is hiding in a
very bad
imitation of a tree.
Trainer 7: Red-Haired Guy
Level 28 Nincada (390 EXP)
Level 28 Koffing (684 EXP)
Level 28 Ninjask (930 EXP)
You get: 336G
Head southeast to Trainer 8.
Trainer 8: Green-Haired Girl
Level 31 Mirokarosu (1414 EXP)
You get: 1488G
Just right of Trainer 8 is a tree. Cut it and go up to
access 3 trees to grab
6 items, then
go back down to Trainer 8, then a little south. After 2
grass patches, head
right to
Trainer 9.
Trainer 9: Jogger Girl
Level 29 Lotad (459 EXP)
Level 29 Lombre (876 EXP)
Level 29 Nuzleaf (876 EXP)
You get: 1392G
Go left all the way from this trainer, then head south. You
will have an
invisible force
blocking you...again. It's another Level 30 Kecleon. Capture
or defeat it.
This will be your
last chance to capture it, so if you want it, capture it!
Level 30 Kecleon (565 EXP)
Continue on the trail (non-tall-grass) to Trainer 10.
Trainer 10: Jogger Guy
Level 29 Seedot (459 EXP)
Level 29 Nuzleaf (876 EXP)
Level 29 Lombre (876 EXP)
You get: 1392G
Go down and grab the free item, then jump off the ledge in
the east and cross
the bridge
westward. The rain will go away and sun will come again.
Head south to
Trainer 11.
Trainer 11: Mad Bug Catcher
Level 28 Surskit (378 EXP)
Level 28 Surskit (378 EXP)
Level 28 Surskit (378 EXP)
You get: 1680G
Grab the free item just southeast of Trainer 11, and
continue southwest. Talk
to the lady
for another item, then grab 6 items from the 3 trees there.
Go north from the
trees (up
the stairs) and to the covered brown box thing to Trainer
Trainer 12: Red-Haired Guy
Level 29 Koffing (708 EXP)
Level 29 Ninjask (963 EXP)
You get: 348G
Grab the 12 items from the four trees, then continue your
way east. Surf down
from the trees
to the free item you spotted before, unless you've hit item
list at this
point. If so, you
will want to sell some at this point as some items you will
want to get. :)
You do have HM02
Fly, don't you? You can fly back to sell your items at this
point. Anyway,
head back to
Trainer 11 and then east onto Route 121.
|Route 121|
A new route usually means more trainer battles, and this is
no exception.
Head east to
Trainer 1, who is a Magician and will show you the first
ever ghost Pokemon
you will see in
the game.
Trainer 1: Magician
Level 30 Ralis (450 EXP)
Level 30 Duskull (622 EXP)
You get: 720G
Northeast of Trainer 1 are four trees full of 8 items. Head
southeast from
the trees
onward to Trainer 2.
Trainer 2: Lass
Level 30 Kceleon (847 EXP)
Level 30 Seviper (1060 EXP)
You get: 2400G
My Blaziken reached Level 56 after this battle. Head east
and you will spot
three Team
Magma/Aqua members heading toward a place you'll go to
within a few minutes
southward. Go
down the stairs like the Team Magma/Aqua members did, all
the way to water.
At the pier,
start surfing southward onto Sea Route 122.
|Sea Route 122|
Surf south, the Mount Pyre is in the mountainous region that
you see when
you're surfing.
Head north into the mountain, or Route 122 (Mount Pyre).
|Route 122|
Go inside the Mount Pyre.
|Mount Pyre|
Pokemon in Mount Pyre: Shuppet, Duskull
Once you go in, go upward. Go northwest in Room 1 of the
Mount Pyre, then
when the route
splits west and north, head north. Go through the stairs,
then into Room 2.
In Room 2,
go down to the spinning Trainer 1.
Trainer 1: Extreme Pokemon Lover
Level 32 Rhyhorn (1041 EXP)
You get: 1920G
Southwest of Trainer 1 are a couple and a free item. Snag
the free item, then
battle the
Trainers 2-3: Couple
Level 32 Manectric (576 EXP)
Level 32 Skittyroro (472 EXP)
You get: 2048G
Head northeast of Trainer 1 and up the stairs to Room 3. Go
down in Room 3 to
the spinning
trainer, Trainer 4.
Trainer 4: Psychic Guy
Level 32 Kadabra (993 EXP)
You get: 768G
Head left to grab the free item, then Trainer 5 will
challenge you.
Trainer 5: Psychic Guy
Level 31 Ralis (465 EXP)
Level 31 Kirlia (930 EXP)
You get: 744G
Continue up, and then upstairs. Go right to Trainer 6.
Trainer 6: Judo Master
Level 30 Nosepass (558 EXP)
Level 30 Machoke (937 EXP)
Level 30 Hariteyama (1182 EXP)
You get: 960G
My Blaziken reached Level 57 after this battle in Sapphire.
Go up from
Trainer 6 up the
small stairs and up the stairway. Go left to Trainer 7.
Trainer 7: Magician
Level 31 Kagebouzo (643 EXP)
Level 31 Kadabra (963 EXP)
You get: 744G
Continue to go up the stairs and then go right to Trainer
Trainer 8: Magician
Level 32 Sableye (672 EXP)
You get: 768G
Go right, down the stairs, and grab the item (TM30) as you
go left and down
the hole. Go
right as you get down from the hole and grab the free item.
You will then see
two holes in
the right. Choose the bottom one, then fall in the hole. Go
left and grab the
free item,
then fall in the hole left of that. Drop in the hole right
of where you fall,
then you will
fall back in a room you were in earlier. Head up the
northwest entrance of
the room, then
go down and then left to the door! You will be on the
mountain! Head eastward
through the
grass to the stairway, then go up it and left. You may have
noticed that
there was a free
item on the cliff. You can now grab TM48! Now go upward up
the stairway, then
head right.
Smog willsuddenly appear. Go up all the way, then left a
little, then up
(ignore the free
item, as you can not get it). You will see a ^ arrow. Enter.
Go up all the
way. You will
spot Team Magma/Aqua members. You must fight them to
continue your game, so
do so. Go up
to them.
Team Magma/Aqua Member #1
Level 30 Zubat (346 EXP)
Level 30 Zubat (346 EXP)
Level 30 Zubat (346 EXP)
You get: 600G
Continue up to Team Magma/Aqua Member #2.
Team Magma/Aqua Member #2
Level 31 Poochyena (364 EXP)
Level 31 Numel (??? EXP) <= Ruby
Level 31 Carvanha (583 EXP) <= Sapphire
You get: 620G
My Blaziken reached Level 58 after this battle in Sapphire.
Anyway, head up
to Member #3.
Team Magma/Aqua Member #3
Level 31 Numel (??? EXP) <= Ruby
Level 31 Carvanha (583 EXP) <= Sapphire
Level 31 Numel (??? EXP) <= Ruby
Level 31 Carvanha (583 EXP) <= Sapphire
You get: 620G
Heal if needed be, then head up to the Team Magma/Aqua Boss.
Talk to him and
he with the
rest of his Team will leave. The old couple held basically
captive behind him
will walk up
to you. You will get a free item. At this point, you will
want to head back
to the entrance
of the Mount Pyre. Head all the way down (just hold down),
to the arrow. Once
you get that
far, you will enter another part of the area. Go down all
the way (just hold
it), then go
up a little, and then right. From here, go down and then
left. You will be
out of the
smog again. Head back down the stairway, then right, then
down the next
stairway. Go left
and back into the Mount Pyre itself. Go right, then down
back out of the
Mount Pyre!
|Route 122|
If you must heal at this point, use HM02 Fly back to Fortree
City. Otherwise,
southward across the water to the other side of Route 122.
Head southward
onto Route 123.
|Route 123|
You were on the western half of Route 123 before. Here, you
will be on the
eastern half.
Continue southwest to the trees. Talk to the girl next to it
for TM19. Grab
the 6 nuts
(3 types on 3 trees, 2 in each), then head west to Trainer
Trainer 1: Magician
Level 31 Duskull (643 EXP)
Level 31 Shuppet (321 EXP)
You get: 744G
Northwest of Trainer 1, grab the 4 nuts from the 2 trees,
then leap west.
Grab the free
item, and leap southward and a little left to Trainer 2.
Trainer 2: Green-Haired Girl
Level 31 Mawile (651 EXP)
Level 31 Pelipper (1089 EXP)
Level 31 Roselia (1009 EXP)
You get: 1488G
Continue west through the grass and jump down two times,
then go left to
Trainer 3.
Trainer 3: Juggler Guy
Level 29 Swellow (1006 EXP)
Level 29 Trapinch (453 EXP)
Level 29 Wailmer (850 EXP)
Level 29 Magneton (1000 EXP)
Level 29 Shiftry (1123 EXP)
You get: 1392G
Jump down from Trainer 3, then jump left to Trainer 4.
Trainer 4: Psychic Lover
Level 31 Kadabra (963 EXP)
Level 31 Lunatone (996 EXP)
You get: 744G
Jump down left from Trainer 4. You will find the Twins from
the western half!
Your work is
done on Route 123. Fly back to Fortree City and then go all
the way east to
the pier. From
there, you should head east onto Route 120, then Route 121
to the pier.
|Route 121|
From the pier, head east (by using Cut or by walking up the
stairway below
the twins you
see). Fight them.
Trainers 1-2: Twins
Level 30 Paacchiiru (273+273=546 EXP)
Level 32 Slaking (720+720=1440 EXP)
You get: 1024G
Walk down the small stairway and then right, then up to the
intersection of
Route 121.
Go left to Trainer 3 (who is near a free item), and battle
Trainer 3: Old Man
Level 31 Manectric (1116 EXP)
You get: 2480G
Go around him as you can't go past him, and grab the item.
Head back to the
then head directly right to Trainer 4.
Trainer 4: Mother
Level 31 Pikachu (544 EXP)
You get: 2480G
Head down from Trainer 4, then around the fence for 6 nuts
from the two
trees. Now head
eastward. You will soon reach another city, Lilicove City.
|Lilicove City|
Home of the largest department store in Hoenn, Lilicove City
is a packed
place, as it is
also home of the hardest Pokemon Contest and a Rival battle,
as well as
infested with Team
Magma and Aqua members everywhere. They won't fight you, but
heal at the
Pokemon Center,
then go a little right and up. Go up the stairway and you
will see your rival
the Department Store entrance. This battle is required
sooner or later, so
talk to him/her
and battle! Answer yes after Brendan/May asks you a
question, and you battle!
You will notice that your rival has an extra Pokemon now, a
Swellow at Level
|Rival (Brendan or May) Battle (Your Starter)
|Level 5 Treecko |Level 5 Torchic |Level 5
Mudkip |
|L31 Swellow (1075 EXP) |L31 Swellow (1075 EXP) |L31
Swellow (1075 EXP) |
|L32 Shroomish (445 EXP) |L32 Shroomish (445 EXP) |L34
Grovyle (??? EXP) |
|L34 Combusken (??? EXP) |L32 Numel (603 EXP)|L32
Numel (603 EXP) |
|L32 Carvanha (??? EXP) |L34 Marshtomp (1041 EXP)|L32
Carvanha (??? EXP) |
|You get: 2040G
Your rival hasn't improved greatly since the last battle, so
it should be a
piece of cake.
Heal if you need to, then head eastward onto the beaches
near Lilicove City.
Attempt to
surf through, but rocks will block your path. Northeast of
Lilicove City is a
cave you can
enter, but you find it blocked by Team Magma/Aqua members.
Therefore, the
only thing you can
do at this point, is to fly back to Slateport City, the city
with the ocean
museum (south of
3rd gym city, Mauville City).
|Slateport City|
Just a little northeast of the Slateport City Pokemon
Center, you'll notice
people crowding
around the ocean museum you fought Team Magma/Aqua in
earlier. It seems that
people are
looking at the scientist blocking the entrance, who is being
recorded on TV
or something.
Talk to him, who will actually just talk to the audience. A
few of them will
leave the ocean
museum entrance open after you talk to the scientist, who
will talk about
some weird thing
happening in the city. He will lead you into the ocean
museum. You find two
Team Magma/Aqua
members blocking the water inside the museum (Where did the
water come
from?). Come close to
them, and they will dive into the water, and swim into a
submarine (the gray
They've escaped from your reach! The scientist will talk to
you again, and
ask you to stop
them. Now go back to Lilicove City, and make your way into
the cave that Team
was blocking. Surf into the cave, and now that you're able
to land, do so.
Head up, and
wait for Team Magma/Aqua Member #1 to patrol where you are.
This will be the
first of many
Team Magma/Aqua battles you will fight in this cave.
Team Magma/Aqua Member #1
Level 32 Poochyena (376 EXP)
Level 32 Poochyena (376 EXP)
You get: 640G
It took me 6 hours and 40 minutes to get this far (slowed
down mainly due to
putting down
the trainer guide). Anyway, head around the pool and through
the door. You
will spot two
warps. Go through the right one and grab the item, if you
can, then head back
through the
warp and through the left warp. Walk right (you should now
be above a pool)
then when you
enter a room area, go down. Talk to the female member for
Battle #2.
Team Magma/Aqua Member #2
Level 31 Poochyena (364 EXP)
Level 31 Numel (??? EXP)
Level 31 Carvanha (583 EXP)
Level 31 Numel (??? EXP)
Level 31 Carvanha (583 EXP)
You get: 620G
Head just right of her to fight Team Magma/Aqua Member #3.
Team Magma/Aqua Member #3
Level 30 Zubat (346 EXP)
Level 30 Poochyena (352 EXP)
Level 30 Numel (??? EXP)
Level 30 Carvanha (565 EXP)
Level 30 Poochyena (352 EXP)
You get: 600G
Go back left to Member #2, then go a little down, and left
all the way to the
next warp. You
will find a room with the warp you were on, plus three more
warps below it.
Going through
the middle warp would bring you back to the 1st warp in the
room, so enter
the left warp,
then enter the left one (the only one accessible). Go left
again to the left
one of the
middle row around the lake, and then you will find TWO warps
you can go
through now! The one
directly left, or the one farther left are now accessible.
Going directly
left will lead you
back to the middle one in the middle, and eventually cost
you. Therefore, go
through the one
to the farthest left to find four items, or what looks like
4 items. Two of
them are
Electrodes and two of them are items. In Ruby, I had the two
Electrodes on
the left side,
with the two items on the right. In Sapphire I had the exact
opposite. Defeat
or capture
them and grab the items.
Level 30 Electrode (642 EXP)
Go back through the warp after you finish beating the
Electrodes and getting
the items if
you want them, and then go right to the next warp, then
right again. Go back
out the top
warp and east back to Team Magma/Aqua Member #3. East of him
is a warp. Go
through it.
Afterwards, go up and through the door and downward to Team
Magma/Aqua Member
Team Magma/Aqua Member #4
Level 33 Numel (??? EXP)
Level 33 Carvanha (621 EXP)
You get: 660G
Remember that you can always go back and heal if your
Pokemon are getting low
on health or
in number. Continue towards your right all the way to the
warp, and go
through it. Go up
to through the stairway door, then downward to Team
Magma/Aqua Member #5.
Team Magma/Aqua Member #5
Level 32 Numel (??? EXP)
Level 32 Carvanha (603 EXP)
Level 32 Zubat (369 EXP)
You get: 640G
Go right and through the door. You will then find the female
boss of Team
Magma/Aqua...again. Are you ready? You better be.
Team Magma/Aqua Female Boss
Level 33 Zubat (381 EXP)
You get: 660G
OK, so I was kidding. She wasn't that much harder, was she?
Head through the
warp below her.
Here you will find a warp just below you, but you can't
reach it as you go
left as the Team
Magma/Aqua official spots you. He spots you but does
nothing. However, don't
go to the
bottom warp as it leads you back to the entrance. Instead,
talk to the member
near the sub
that had spotted you before. He will fight you! He seems to
be a top official!
Team Magma/Aqua High-Rank Official
Level 32 Numel (??? EXP)
Level 32 Carvanha (603 EXP)
Level 32 Mightyena (877 EXP)
Level 32 Camerupt (??? EXP)
Level 32 Sharpedo (1200 EXP)
You get: 1280G
The sub dives away before you can stop it, because the
official blocks you.
Now you've
beaten the second to last Team Magma/Aqua dungeon! Now you
will want to head
back out.
See the bottom warp you didn't go through? Go through it
this time, then head
up to the
stairway. Head down around the lake and surf out the cave
Head a little east. You will spot that nothing is in your
way now! The fish
are no longer
blocking you! Head east onto Sea Route 124.
|Route 124|
If you went directly east to the tip, the first trainer you
will find is a
Trainer 1: Girl Swimmer
Level 35 Wailmer (1027 EXP)
You get: 280G
Continue eastward to Trainer 2.
Trainer 2: Guy Swimmer
Level 35 Carvanha (660 EXP)
You get: 280G
Continue southeast to find a small island. Southeast of that
is another one
with a house.
Head eastward and you land onto the island of Mossdeep
|Mossdeep City|
You've arrived to the home of the 7th gym! First off, go
around the cliff
bend, heal, and
enter the northwesternmost house. Go inside and you will
spot the future
Champ of the
Pokemon League. He will give you HM08! At this point you
should have every HM
out there.
Then, you will notice you can get a good rod from a
fisherman in the city, so
if you're in
need of water types, now's the time to get some. Now enter
the gym, and you
will see that
it's a psychic-based gym, but amazingly grass and water
types are effective.
This is another
gym with a puzzle for you, and you'll need to fight every
Junior Trainer to
get there.
Once you go in, head up then left, and slide through the
left side to Junior
Trainer 1.
Junior Trainer 1
Level 37 Ralis (1110 EXP)
You get: 888G
First off, your arrows should point like this:
1st one = ^
2nd one = =>
3rd one = ^
4th one = =>
As for the trip to the gym leaders, the first one should
point up, the next
one should
point right, the 3rd should point up, and the 4th one should
point right.
(the signs).
You may have to fight some trainers to get the switches in
that order.
Now you should reach the 2v2 gym leader battle. You must
have 2 Pokemon by
now or you're
just...screwed. You will now face a Level 42 Lunatone and a
Level 42
|Gym Leader Names: Liza and Tate |
|Gym Leaders' Types: Psychic |
|Battle Type: 2 on 2 Pokemon |
|Level 42 Lunatone (? EXP) |
|Level 42 Solarock (? EXP) |
|You get: ? G, Mind Badge |
The Moon-shaped psychic (Lunatone) is weaker, and since it
is a 2v2, two
grass types
launching grass type moves can be devastating on the enemy.
You will get TM04.
After you have 7 badges, apply dive on a water type, then
surf southwards!
You can dive in
deeper (deep blue) water, but you will need to go far down
to where it
appears to intersect
with the water route going east, then dive into the cave
entrance. It should
be southeast of
a very small island (near the end of the diving route).
Shimmy Shay ( has a good description of
where to dive into
the Team
Magma/Aqua base:
After you get Dive (HM08) and you have to find the base, go
south, and look
for the
circle/squarish part with the rock in front, dive there, and
then go forward
and try left
and right. It may not be the initial spot you dove at, it's
in the front of
circle/square covered in water thing. (thanks to shows a
picture of
the area to dive at. This will help you.
This may be a very hard place to find it. It took me a whole
hour the very
first time, so I
can only do so much on a text FAQ... You will now go in and
Team Magma/Aqua
for the last time. Make your way up, as the puzzles aren't
too hard. You will
need at least
Level 35 average Pokemon to get through, as you fight their
leader. You will
see the
legendary Pokemon in your game escape from the cave. In Ruby
the sun glitters
(Sunny Day!),
in Sapphire the rains begin (the exact opposite).
Next, you go west from the cave entrance (after you beat
it), and toward
Sootopolis City,
home of the 8th gym. You should notice a white mountain.
Make sure you're
south of it, then
dive again into the waters of Sootopolis City.
|Sootopolis City|
Remember you must surface after you enter, and now you've
arrived at
Sootopolis City. You
want the 8th badge, right? Sorry, you can't...yet. You will
find it locked
until you go to
the northern part of the city and talk to the two people
there. They will
lead you to a
small cave in the city. Mark your way up to the legendary
Pokemon in the
game. You must
capture or defeat it. Remember to get HM07 Waterfall in this
cave. It looks
like a regular
item. After your meeting with the legendary Pokemon, you
fight for your last
badge. It is
an ice gym, and the 3rd puzzle can take you a while, but for
that one you go
right instead
of left like the 2nd one. If you do fall you can get
experience from the
junior trainers
below, not always a bad thing!
In this ice gym, Groudon (Ruby legendary) is effective, but
if you play
Sapphire you may
have to rely on an electric type here.
This ice gym leader has 5 water types. Anything that is
strong against those
types (sometimes fire), especially electric types, will be
|Gym Leader Name: Wallace |
|Gym Leader Type: Water |
|Level 40 Luvdisc (? EXP) |
|Level 42 Whiscash (? EXP)|
|Level 40 Sealo (? EXP) |
|Level 42 Seaking (? EXP) |
|Level 43 Milotic (? EXP) |
|You get: ?G, Rain Badge |
At this point in time, you have eight badges. Now, you will
have to get out
of the city and
go back east to the sea route intersection, but make sure
you have ALL HMs
equipped but Cut,
as you will need all of them but Cut in Victory Road. Now
you have HM07
Waterfall, dive out
of the city, dive back in, go east, and ride up the
waterfall you saw before
to a Pokemon
Center. Heal there, as Victory Road is ahead. Catch any
Pokemon you need
there, and raise
levels, as the Elite Four and Steven can surely prove tough.
Also, don't lose
to Wally at the
end of Ever Grande...
|Wally |
|Level 47 Altaria |
|Level 46 Delcatty |
|Level 47 Roselia |
|Level 44 Magneton |
|Level 48 Gardevoir|
Defeat him and head out of the cave to the entrance to the
Hoenn League.
|Hoenn League - Elite Four|
Levels go from 46-58 at the Hoenn League. The first Elite
Four member is
Sidney, and uses
Dark types. The second Elite Four member is Phoebe, and uses
Ghost types. The
third Elite
Four member is Glacia, and uses Ice types. The fourth Elite
Four member is
Drake, who uses
four dragon types. The champion is Steven, of course.
The first Elite Four member uses a Level 46 Mightyena, a
Level 48 Shiftry, a
Level 46
Cacturne, a Level 48 Sharpedo, and a Level 49 Absol. They
are all dark types,
but of
course my Level 88 Groudon (at the time) destroyed them
easily. I doubt
you'll have such an
easy time if you have lower levels.
The second Elite Four member uses five ghost types: a Level
48 Dusclops, a
Level 51
Dusclops, a Level 49 Banette, a Level 49 Sableye, and a
Level 50 Banette.
They were
unmatched against my Level 89 Groudon (at the time).
The third Elite Four member masters five ice types, and
Groudon at Level 89
just killed them
so I can't really give much advice except that fire and
ground type attacks
can hurt them
bad. She uses a Glalie at Level 50, a Sealo at Level 50, a
Glalie at Level
52, a
Sealo at Level 52, and a Walrein at Level 53.
The fourth Elite Four member uses five dragon types that are
all over Level
50, but my Level
90 Groudon destroyed them with slash. Nethertheless, this is
the hardest
Elite Four battle,
and you will need some ice or powerful normal attacks to
counter the dragons.
He uses a
Level 52 Shelgon, a Level 54 Altaria, a Level 53 Flygon, a
Level 53 Flygon,
and a
Level 55 Salamence. Note that many of these are flying
Go up for a long ways. You will now meet the champion of
Ruby/Sapphire again,
Steven. He's
been kind of like Lance in Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal. He
will use six
steel/ground types
to match you: a Level 57 Skarmory, a Level 56 Bosugodora, a
Level 55
Nendoruu, a Level 56
Yureidoru, a Level 56 Ammaduro, and a Level 58 Metagross. My
Level 90 Groudon
worked well
and swept all but the 5th champ Pokemon, who I had to use a
Level 45
Kimogassa and a Level
47 Sceptile to aid me there since Groudon ran out of PP for
all but
earthquake. Much of these
steel types are flying as well. After you win, your rival
and his/her father,
Birch, will congratulate you! You will now go through the
credits and be back
in your room!
|Littleroot Town|
Go downstairs from your room and talk to your dad, who will
give you a Boat
Ticket! You can
use this Boat Ticket to ride the boat from Slateport City to
Lilicove City,
and vice versa.
At this point, you can ride on the boat or enter the one and
only in Safari
Zone in Hoenn,
which is located just next to Lilicove City. Just like in
RBY/GSC, you will
get 30 Safari
balls and can't weaken the opposing Pokemon. At this point
in time you will
want to fly to
Slateport City.
|Slateport City|
Head back to the bike shop where you got your first bike,
and talk to the
same man again. He
will this time, give you an Acro Bike. Now fly to Sootopolis
|Sootopolis City|
Here you should dive out of the area out and go eastward
back to the
intersection, and now
directly south of Mossdeep City from Route 127, head south
onto Route 128.
You should now be
southeast of Sootopolis City and south of Mossdeep City. You
will see a few
trainers, but if
you're in a hurry to reach the Secret Tower, continue to
head south onto
Route 129. The
route goes a little south and then starts going westward. Do
so, and you will
enter Route
130. Continue to head west onto Sea Route 131. By now you
have encountered
about a dozen
trainers if you wanted to, or just skipped most of them.
Continuing west will
lead you to a
very strange-looking town that seems to be suspending logs
and buildings off
the water. This is
Pacifidlog Town.
|Pacifidlog Town|
You can heal here first. Remember to enter the Pokemon
Center here and heal,
so you can be
able to fly back to the town without surfing all the way.
You can head west
from town, and
head through massive waves through Routes 132, 133, and 134
for more items
and trainer
battles, but there really isn't much there. Here, you want
to surf eastward
from Pacifidlog
Town! A few screens to the east, east of the water twin
trainers and the two
trainers east
of them, there will be an opening to the north to a patch of
land with a
cave. Go inside,
and through it. Continue walking into the Secret Tower of
|Secret Tower|
This is the Secret Tower of Ruby/Sapphire.
1st Floor - Go up the two small stairways, and head east and
upstairs to the
2nd floor.
2nd Floor - Head out of the area by going north and into the
next part of the
city. Here
you'll need the Acro Bike you just got. The crack in the
floor is your
problem. Use the fast
bike to jump over it and head upstairs for the 3rd floor.
3rd Floor - Head up to the right stairs to the 4th floor.
4th Floor - Ride your fast bike to the middle stairs down to
the 3rd floor
3rd Floor - Go upstairs to the 4th floor.
4th Floor - Head left and upstairs to the 5th floor.
5th Floor - Go upstairs to the 6th floor.
6th Floor - Heal if needed be and save. You will now
encounter a Level 70
Rayquaza. It is a
water/flying type with a dragon move. Electric types are
highly effective
against him, but
don't kill him by accident. Catch it!
|The Regis|
At this point, you will want the three Regis, as they are
basically the
legendary dogs of
GSC, but special only to Ruby/Sapphire. You must have a
Relicanth and Wailord
at this point.
This time, surf west from Pacifidlog Town. The strong
currents of the water
will signal that
you are at the right spot. Dive! You will see letters in
braille underwater.
Surface back up
to the surface. Use dig on the middle part of the braille
and go into the
next room. Now put
Relicanth as your main Pokemon and Wailord as your last
Pokemon in your
party. Press on the
slate in the braille and an earthquake will erupt. Now you
can leave the cave
and capture
the remaining three Regis. Now, you will want to get
Regi-Ice by flying back
to Dewford
|Dewford Town|
Heal, if needed be, then surf to the north of Dewford Town.
You will soon
find a guy
surrounded in trees on a small island. Go left and continue
surfing up. You
will reach an
island with a small mountain. Go in and stand in the middle
of the braille
wall. Press A,
and a door will appear to Regi-Ice after a few minutes, so
be a little
patient! You can now
catch it! After you catch Regi-Ice, you're off to
Regi-Steel. Go to the
Safari Zone.
|Safari Zone|
Instead of entering, go left upstairs, and then head north.
You will find
another area that
is raining. You will again encounter a braille-written cave.
Go to the middle
of the cave,
and use Fly. The next room will have Regi-Steel. If you want
Regi-Rock, fly
back to
Lavaridge Town.
|Lavaridge Town|
Go right until you enter a desert, where you may have gotten
a fossil earlier
in the game if
you know Japanese or something. If you haven't already, go
to the upper-right
corner of the
desert. Choose one of the two fossils. Anyway, go into
another mound and into
an entrance.
Again, go to the middle slate of the braille. Move right
two, then down two
steps, and use
strength. A door will appear and it will lead you to
Your quest for the legendary Pokemon in your game (Latios or
Latias) will be
tough. Like the
three legendary dogs of GSC, they can appear anywhere in
your Hoenn area of
the game at any
given point in time. If you didn't use your Master Ball on
Rayquaza, it's
your best time to
use it.
------ has a nice FAQ on how to catch
Q: Are Latias and Latios easier to catch than the legendary
dogs in G/S/C?
A: Well, in my opinion, no. They don't use roar like the
dogs did, but they
flee from battle
first thing. They also keep damage done on them per battle
like the dogs. If
you want to get a
lot of damage on one when you run into it use a Pokemon with
Mean Look.
Q: I beat the league but I can never run into one...How do
A: I found Latios by working up my highest level or so
Pokemon 2 levels a
day. You can try
Q: I have one in my pokedex, but I can never run into one!
They keep on going
to different
A: Fly to Mossdeep City until Latias/Latios is in the water
close to you. Now
if Latios/Latias
is on Route 124, you can either try surfing to Route 125 or
Route 127, etc.
Q: I have Latios/Latias weakened, but it won't ever go into
a ball!!
A: This part isn't easy. I recommend you to raise a Sableye
up (If you're
playing Ruby use
a different Pokemon with Mean Look or trade one for
Sapphire) to the 80s or
so and then buy
tons of Level balls (You can find these balls in a certain
Mart, so look
around). When you run
into Latios/Latias, use Mean Look and start throwing balls
like crazy. After
a lot of turns
Latios/Latias might use a move that could knock out
himself/herself, so watch
out. I also know
that getting a Pokemon up to the 80s take up time, so you
might want to
consider using Rare
Candies for some levels.
Note: I'm making this guide from playing Ruby, so I might of
have left out
some things about
Now that you have Latios/Latias, continue to the Battle
|Battle Tower|
With your boat ticket, you can sail to the Battle Tower. The
Battle Tower has
two major
battling categories: Up to Level 50 and Up to Level 100. You
also can't use
any legendaries
in the Battle Tower, which really is a bummer for my Ruby
game's Groudon, but
it tests your
skill even more, so it can be a good thing.
Remember the fossil you just got in the desert east of
Lavaridge Town? You
can now make it
alive! Go to Rustboro City by using HM02 Fly and enter the
building where you
got your
Poke-Navi (western portion of the City), and make sure you
have room in your
party. Go up to
the 2nd floor and to the scientist. Go out for a while and
then come back
inside and you
will get a Level 20 Ririira or Anuposu (it depends on what
fossil you chose).
|Secret Base|
You might want to get a Secret Base at this point. :) You
never know when
your ego grows
and your hopes of conquering the world come alive. Get TM43
first from a guy
at Mt. Chimney
that gives you TM43 (Secret Power). Attach it to a Pokemon,
and use TM43 on
any hole in any
rock or large tree. You can get items for your new base in
the Lilicove City
Department Store.
You can only put 16 items in your base.
|Pokemon Contest!|
Pokemon Contests is the new way to show off PoKeMoN, and are
held all around
Hoenn. You can
grab the PoKeBlock Case from the girl on the first floor of
Slateport City's
Pokemon Contest
house. You can then crank up the nearby Berry Blender to
Want to enter a Pokemon Contest? Get a Contest Pass in
Verdanturf Town, then
go to any red
building [house] with flat gray roofs with little
indentations on them. The
door of the
Pokemon Contest buildings consist of a white pokeball and a
red ribbon
printed on the blue
door. Just find it in Verdanturf Town. You can choose
between five kinds of
Coolness (associated with the color Red)
Intelligence (associated with the color Blue)
Cuteness (associated with the color Pink)
Beauty (associated with the color Green)
Strength (associated with the color Yellow)
The colors help you throughout the process of preparing
your Pokemon
for a contest.
You can then identify moves and berries for the certain stat
by their color. sends the following to me about
blending berries that
may help you:
First, you have to find some other people to berry blend
with you. Don't
worry, you don't have
to link with your friends to play it. Just go to the old man
in the Pokemon
Contest building
who's next to a machine. Talk to him to start blending
berries! Sometimes you
can have a 3rd
person (Slateport):
Brown - Aspear, Nanab, Pecha (Tough, Cute)
Purple - Cheri, Wepear, Rawst [or Razz, Pecha, Beri] (Cool,
Blue - Oran, Chesto (Beauty)
Lite Blue - Rawst, Wepear (Tough, Smart)
Red - Aspear, Rawst, Cheri (Coolness)
Pink - Pecha, Chesto, Cheri (Cuteness)
Indigo - Rawst, Oran, Chesto, or Bluk & Chesto
You will be able to make Pokeblocks with the berries that
you have
previously gotten
from trees all around Hoenn by using the berry blenders at
the Pokemon
Contest place. The
Pokeblocks help enhance the Pokemon's status, may it be
intelligence, cuteness,
beauty, or strength. All the Pokemon get special effects
from them. When you
talk to
reporters there they will show you them on the T.V. It seems
that the person
you picked
has moved from Johto to Hoenn at the beginning of the game
(you should
remember this!).
Most of the above info has been generously provided by
Talk to the lady at the counter and she will explain the
rules, then let your
Pokemon in if
you keep answering "Yes!" to all her questions. There are
two stages a
Pokemon will go
through to be judged. Just remember berries help your
Contest stats before
you enter.
Stage 1: Your Pokemon gets judged by its appearance.
Stage 2: Your Pokemon will show five moves to its audience.

You can join other contests if you have beaten this one.
Here's the order of
contests you
can join:
Verdanturf Town - Beginner
Fallarbor Town - Intermediate
Slateport City - Hard
Lilicove City - Expert
You must complete them in that order, however. Lilicove City
is the hardest.
Berries can be
found throughout the game on trees, however, and can help
you out lots for
the contests.
Now do whatever you want! It's your game, and yours to keep,
and not for me
to boss you
around! :P

---- 13 > POKEDEX ----
This Pokedex is a collective effort by 4 people: YoyoYoshi
(me), Marek 14, and Kevin Tan.
While I translated the Japanese names from Marek 14's
Pokedex to English, Marek 14 ( compiled
together the entire Pokedex in the first place. Kevin Tan
( put together a long but
effective Japanese-English translation list here as well,
along with the location and evolving levels of every

By Kevin Tan:
Note from YoyoYoshi: I've put spaces every 5 Pokemon to make
this list easier to read.

Japanese Name => English Name => Location => Evolves At

Kimori => Treecko => Starter => At Level 16
Juputol => Grovyle => Evolve Treecko => At Level 36
Jucain => Sceptile => Evolve Grovyle => Doesn't Evolve
Achamo => Torchic => Starter => At Level 16
Wakashamo => Combusken => Evolve Torchic => At Level 36
Bashaamo => Blaziken => Evolve Combusken => Doesn't Evolve
Mizugorou => Mudkip => Starter => At Level 16
Numagorou => Marshtomp => Evolve Mudkip => At Level 36
Raguraji => Swampert => Evolve Marshtomp => Doesn't Evolve
Pochiena => Poochyena => Routes 101, 102, and 103 => At
Level 18
Guraena => Mightyena => Evolve Poochyena => Doesn't Evolve
Jiguzaguma => Zigzagoon => Almost Everywhere => At Level 20
Massuguma => Linoone => Routes 118=>123, Evolve Zigzagoon =>
Doesn't Evolve
Kemusso => Wurmple => Routes 101, 102, 104, Petalburg Woods
=> At Level 7
Karasarisu => Silcoon => Petalburg Woods, Evolve Wurmple =>
At Level 10
Agehunto => Beautifly => Evolve Silcoon => Doesn't Evolve
Mayorudo => Cascoon => Petalburg Woods, Evolve Wurmple => At
Level 10
Dokukeiru => Dustox => Evolve Cascoon => Doesn't Evolve
Hasuboo => Lotad => Routes 102 & 114(Sapphire Only) => At
Level 14
Hasubrero => Lombre => Route 114, Evolve Lotad(Sapphire
Only) => Water Stone
Runpapa => Ludicolo => Evolve Lombre => Doesn't Evolve
Taneboo => Seedot => Routes 102 & 114(Ruby Only) => At Level
Konohana => Nuzleaf => Route 114, Evolve Seedot(Ruby Only)
=> Leaf Stone
Daatengu => Shiftry => Evolve Nuzleaf => Doesn't Evolve
Subame => Taillow => Routes 104, 115, and 116 => At Level
Oosubame => Swellow => Route 115, Evolve Taillow => Doesn't
Kyamome => Wingull => Almost Everywhere => At Level 25
Perippaa => Pelipper => Very Common Late=>Game => Doesn't
Rarutosu => Ralts => Route 102 => At Level 20
Kiruria => Kirlia => Evolve Ralts => At Level 30
Saanaito => Gardevoir => Evolve Kirlia => Doesn't Evolve
Ametama => Surskit => Routes 102, 111, 114, 117, 120 => At
Level 22
Amemoosu => Masquerain => Evolve Surskit => Doesn't Evolve
Kinokoko => Shroomish => Petalburg Woods => At Level 23
Kinogassa => Breloom => Evolve Shroomish => Doesn't Evolve
Namakero => Slakoth => Petalburg Woods => At Level 18
Yarukimono => Vigoroth => Evolve Slakoth => At Level 36
Kekkingu => Slaking => Evolve Vigoroth => Doesn't Evolve
Keishii => Abra => Granite Cave => At Level 16
Yungreaa => Kadabra => Evolve Abra => Trade
Fudin => Alakazam => Trade Kadabra => Doesn't Evolve
Tsuchinin => Nincada => Route 116 => At Level 20
Tekkanin => Ninjask => Evolve Nincada => Doesn't Evolve
Nukenin => Shedinja => Evolve Nincada with less than 5
Pokemon => Doesn't Evolve
Gonyonyo => Whismur => Route 116, Rusturf Tunnel, Victory
Road => At Level 20
Dogoomu => Loudred => Victory Road, Evolve Whismur => At
Level 40
Bakuong => Exploud => Evolve Loudred => Doesn't Evolve
Makunosita => Makuhita => Granite Cave, Victory Road => At
Level 24
Hariteyama => Hariyama => Victory Road, Evolve Makuhita =>
Doesn't Evolve
Tosakinto => Goldeen => Routes 102, 111, 114, 117, 120,
Safari Zone, Victory Road => At Level 33
Azumaou => Seaking => Safari Zone, Evolve Goldeen => Doesn't
Koiking => Magikarp => Fish with Old Rod => At Level 20
Gayarodosu => Gyarados => Fish in Sootopolis, Evolve
Magikarp => Doesn't Evolve
Ruriri => Azurill => Breed 2 Marill, Male Holds Tidal Herb
=> Friendship
Mariru => Marill => Route 102, 111, 114, 117, 120, Evolve
Azurill => At Level 18
Mariruri => Azumarill => Evolve Marill => Doesn't Evolve
Isitsubute => Geodude => Routes 114, 117, Safari Zone,
Granite Cave, Victory Road => At Level 25
Gouron => Graveler => Victory Road, Evolve Geodude => Trade
Gorounya => Golem => Trade Graveler => Doesn't Evolve
Nozupasu => Nosepass => Granite Cave (smash rocks) =>
Doesn't Evolve
Eneko => Skitty => Route 116 => Moon Stone
Enekororo => Delcatty => Evolve Skitty => Doesn't Evolve
Zubatto => Zubat => Every Cave => At Level 22
Gorubatto => Golbat => Late=>Game Caves, Evolve Zubat =>
Kurobattou => Crobat => Evolve Golbat => Doesn't Evolve
Menokurage => Tentacool => Surf => At Level 30
Dokukurage => Tentacool => Surf Later=>Game, Evolve
Tentacool => Doesn't Evolve
Yamirami => Sableye => Granite Cave, Sky Pillar, Cave of
Origin, Victory Road(Sapphire Only) => Doesn't Evolve
Kuchiito => Mawile => Granite Cave, Sky Pillar, Cave of
Origin, Victory Road (Ruby Only) => Doesn't Evolve
Kokodora => Aron => Granite Cave, Victory Road => At Level
Kodora => Lairon => Victory Road, Evolve Aron => At Level
Bosugodora => Aggron => Evolve Lairon => Doesn't Evolve
Wanrikii => Machop => Route 112 => At Level 28
Gorikii => Machoke => Evolve Machop => Trade
Kairikii => Machamp => Trade Machoke => Doesn't Evolve
Asanan => Meditite => Route 112, Victory Road => At Level
Chaaremu => Medicham => Victory Road, Evolve Meditite =>
Doesn't Evolve
Rakurai => Electrike => Routes 110 & 118 => Level 26
Raiboruto => Manectric => Route 118, Evolve Electrike =>
Doesn't Evolve
Purasuru => Plusle => Route 110 => Doesn't Evolve
Minun => Minun => Route 110 => Doesn't Evolve
Koiru => Magnemite => New Mauville => At Level 30
Reakoiruu => Magneton => New Mauville, Evolve Magnemite =>
Doesn't Evolve
Biriridama => Voltorb => New Mauville => At Level 30
Marumain => Electrode => New Mauville, Evolve Voltorb =>
Doesn't Evolve
Borburiito => Volbeat => Route 117 => Doesn't Evolve
Irumiize => Illumise => Route 117 => Doesn't Evolve
Nazunokusa => Oddish => Routes 110, 117=>123, Safari Zone =>
At Level 21
Kusaihana => Gloom => Routes 121, 123, Safari Zone, Evolve
Oddish => Leaf/Sun Stone
Rafureshiaa => Vileplume => Evolve Gloom w/Leaf Stone =>
Doesn't Evolve
Kereihana => Bellossom => Evole Gloom w/Sun Stone => Doesn't
Douduo => Doduo => Safari Zone => At Level 31
Doudariou => Dodrio => Safari Zone, Evolve Doduo => Doesn't
Rozeria => Roselia => Route 117 => Doesn't Evolve
Gokurin => Gulpin => Route 110 => At Level 26
Marunomu => Swalot => Evolve Gulpin => Doesn't Evolve
Kibania => Carvanha => Fish on Routes 118 & 119 => At Level
Samehadaa => Sharpedo => Routes 103, 118, 122, 124=>134,
Evolve Carvanha => Doesn't Evolve
Hoiruko => Wailmer => Fish w/Good Rod, Super Rod => At Level
Hoeruo => Wailord => Route 129, Evolve Wailmer => Doesn't
Donmeru => Numel => Route 112, Fiery Pass => At Level 33
Bakuuda => Camerupt => Evolve Numel => Doesn't Evolve
Magumaguu => Slugma => Fiery Pass => At Level 38
Magukarugo => Magcargo => Evolve Slugma => Doesn't Evolve
Kootasu => Torkoal => Fiery Pass => Doesn't Evolve
Betobetaa => Grimer => Fiery Pass => At Level 38
Betobeton => Muk => Evolve Grimer => Doesn't Evolve
Dogaasu => Koffing => Fiery Pass => At Level 35
Matadogasu => Weezing => Evolve Koffing => Doesn't Evolve
Banebu => Spoink => Jagged Pass => At Level 32
Bupiggu => Grumpig => Evolve Spoink => Doesn't Evolve
Sanddo => Sandshrew => Routes 111 & 113 => At Level 22
Sandopan => Evolve Sandshrew => Doesn't Evolve
Patchiiru => Spinda => Route 113 => Doesn't Evolve
Eamorudo => Skarmory => Route 113 => Doesn't Evolve
Nakkuraa => Trapinch => Desert => At Level 35
Biburaaba => Vibrava => Evolve Trapinch => At Level 45
Furaigon => Flygon => Evolve Vibrava => Doesn't Evolve
Sabonea => Cacnea => Desert => At Level 32
Nokutasu => Cacturne => Evolve Cacnea => Doesn't Evolve
Chiritto => Swablu => Routes 114 & 115 => At Level 35
Chiritarisu => Altaria => Evolve Swablu => Doesn't Evolve
Zanguusu => Zangoose => Route 114(Ruby) => Doesn't Evolve
Habuneeku => Seviper => Route 114(Sapphire) => Doesn't
Runatoon => Lunatone => Meteor Falls(Sapphire) => Doesn't
Sorurokku => Solrock => Meteor Falls(Ruby) => Doesn't
Dojocchi => Barboach => Fish in Meteor Falls, Victory Road,
Routes 111, 114, 120 => At Level 30
Namazun => Whiscash => Fish in Meteor Falls, Victory Road,
Evolve Barboach => Doesn't Evolve
Heigani => Corphish => Fish Routes 102, 117 => At Level 30
Shizarigar => Crawdaunt => Evolve Corphish => Doesn't
Yajiron => Baltoy => Desert => At Level 36
Nendooru => Claydol => Evolve Baltoy => Doesn't Evolve
Ririira => Lileep => Revive Root Fossil => At Level 40
Yureidoru => Cradily => Evolve Lileep => Doesn't Evolve
Anopusu => Anorith => Revive Claw Fossil => At Level 40
Aamarudo => Armaldo => Evolve Anorith => Doesn't Evolve
Pupurin => Igglybuff => Breed 2 Jigglypuff => Friendship
Purin => Jigglypuff => Route 115, Evolve Igglybuff => Moon
Pukurin => Wigglytuff => Evolve Jigglypuff => Doesn't
Hinbasu => Feebas => Fish Route 119 => Get 170 Beauty,
Evolves At Next Level
Mirokarosu => Milotic => Evolve Feebas => Doesn't Evolve
Powarun => Castform => Weather Institute => Doesn't Evolve
Hitodemon => Staryu => Fish in Lilycove City => Water Stone
Satarumii => Starmie => Evolve Staryu => Doesn't Evolve
Kakureon => Kecleon => Route 120 => Doesn't Evolve
Kagebouzu => Shuppet => Route 121, Mt. Pyre => At Level 37
Jupetta => Banette => Evolve Shuppet => Doesn't Evolve
Yomawaru => Duskull => Route 121, Mt. Pyre => At Level 37
Samayooru => Dusclops => Evolve Duskull => Doesn't Evolve
Toropiusu => Tropius => Route 119 => Doesn't Evolve
Chiriin => Chimecho => Mt. Pyre Summit => Doesn't Evolve
Abusoru => Absol => Route 120 => Doesn't Evolve
Rokon => Vulpix => Outside Mt. Pyre => Fire Stone
Kyuukon => Ninetales => Evolve Vulpix => Doesn't Evolve
Piichu => Pichu => Breed 2 Pikachu => Friendship
Pikachuu => Pikachu => Safari Zone, Evolve Pichu => Thunder
Raichuu => Raichu => Evolve Pikachu => Doesn't Evolve
Kodakku => Psyduck => Surf in Safari Zone => At Level 33
Gorudakku => Golduck => Surf in Safari Zone, Evolve Psyduck
=> Doesn't Evolve
Soonano => Wynaut => Breed 2 Wobbuffet w/Male holding
Pleasure Herb, Hatch Egg in Lavaridge => Friendship
Soonansu => Wobbuffet => Safari Zone, Evolve Wynaut =>
Doesn't Evolve
Neitei => Natu => Safari Zone => At Level 25
Neiteio => Xatu => Evolve Natu, Safari Zone => Doesn't
Kirinriki => Girafarig => Safari Zone => Doesn't Evolve
Gomazou => Phanpy => Safari Zone(Need Acro Bike) => At Level
Donfan => Donphan => Evolve Phanpy => Doesn't Evolve
Kairosu => Pinsir => Safari Zone(Need Mach Bike) => Doesn't
Herakurosu => Heracross => Safari Zone(Need Acro Bike)
Doesn't Evolve
Saihoun => Rhyhorn => Safari Zone(Need Mach Bike) => At
Level 42
Saidon => Rhydon => Evolve Rhyhorn => Doesn't Evolve
Yukiwarashi => Snorunt => Shoal Cove After 6 PM => At Level
onfiltered=> Glalie => Evolve Snorunt => Doesn't Evolve
Tamazaratsu => Spheal => Shoal Cove => At Level 32
Todoguraa => Sealeo => Evolve Spheal => At Level 44
Todozeruga => Walrein => Evolve Sealeo => Doesn't Evolve
Paaruru => Clamperl => Anywhere Underwater => Trade
w/Deepseatooth or Deepseascale
Hanteeru => Huntail => Trade Clamperl w/Deepseatooth =>
Doesn't Evolve
Sakurabisu => Gorebyss => Trade Clamperl w/Deepseascale =>
Doesn't Evolve
Jiiransu => Relicanth => Underwater Near Sootopolis City =>
Doesn't Evolve
Saniigo => Corsola => Fish in Mossdeep City => Doesn't
Chonchii => Chinchou => Anywhere Underwater => At Level 27
Rantaan => Lanturn => Evolve Chinchou => Doesn't Evolve
Rabukasu => Luvdisc => Fish on Route 128, Ever Grande City
=> Doesn't Evolve
Tattsu => Horsea => Fish on Routes 132=>134 => At Level 32
Shiidora => Seadra => Evolve Horsea => Trade w/Dragon Scale
Kingudora => Kingdra => Evolve Seadra => Doesn't Evolve
Tatsubei => Bagon => Meteor Falls(Need Waterfall) => At
Level 30
Komoruu => Shelgon => Evolve Bagon => At Level 50
Boomanda => Salamence => Evolve Shelgon => Doesn't Evolve
Danbaru => Beldum => Steven's House After Elite 4 => At
Level 20
Metangu => Metang => Evolve Beldum => At Level 45
Metagurosu => Metagross => Evolve Metang => Doesn't Evolve
Rezurokku => Regirock => Desert Ruins After Braille Puzzle
=> Doesn't Evolve
Rezuaisu => Regice => Island Cave After Braille Puzzle =>
Doesn't Evolve
Rezusuchiru => Registeel => Ancient Tomb After Braille
Puzzle => Doesn't Evolve
Ratiasu => Latias => Random Areas After Elite Four(Sapphire)
=> Doesn't Evolve
Ratiosu => Latios => Random Areas After Elite Four(Ruby) =>
Doesn't Evolve
Kaiorga => Kyogre => Cave of Origin(Sapphire) => Doesn't
Guraadon => Groudon => Cave of Origin(Ruby) => Doesn't
Rekkuuza => Rayquaza => Sky Pillar(Need Mach Bike) =>
Doesn't Evolve
Jiraachi => Jirachi => Nintendo Event => Doesn't Evolve
Deokishisu => Deoxys => Nintendo Event => Doesn't Evolve

Pokedex by Marek 14:

Note from YoyoYoshi: I've translated all the Japanese names
to English.
001/002/003 Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venusaur (Grass/Poison):
Characteristic: fresh verdure
Tackle (1/1/1)
Growl (4/1+4/1+4)
Leech Seed (7/1+7/1+7)
*Vine Whip (10/10/1+10)
Poisonpowder (15/15/15)
Sleep Powder (15/15/15)
*Razor Leaf (20/22/22)
Sweet Scent (25/29/29)
Growth (32/38/41)
Synthesis (39/47/53)
*Solarbeam (46/56/65)
TMs: 05(Roar, Venusaur), 06(Toxic), 09(*seed machine gun),
10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 15(Hyper Beam, Venusaur),
17(Protect), 19(*Giga Drain), 21(Frustration),
22(*Solarbeam), 26(Earthquake, Venusaur), 27(Return),
32(Double Team), 36(*Sludge Bomb), 42(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract), H1(Cut), H4(Strength),
H5(Flash), H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Light Screen, Skull Bash, Safeguard, Charm, *Petal
Dance, *magical leaf, reed pipe, Curse
004/005/006 Charmander/Charmeleon/Charizard
Characteristic: raging fire
Scratch (1/1/1)
Growl (1/1/1)
*Ember (7/1+7/1+7)
Smokescreen (13/13/1+13)
Rage (19/20/20)
Scary Face (25/27/27)
*Flamethrower (31/34/34)
*Wing Attack (--/--/36)
Slash (37/41/44)
Dragon Rage (41/48/54)
*Fire Spin (45/55/64)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 02(dragon claw), 05(Roar, Charizard),
06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 15(Hyper Beam,
Charizard), 17(Protect), 21(Frustration), 23(Iron Tail),
26(Earthquake,Charizard), 27(Return), 28(Dig),
31(kawarareri), 32(Double Team), 35(*Flamethrower), 38(*Fire
Blast), 40(beak slash, * on Charizard), 42(bravado),
43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract), 47(Steel Wing,
Charizard), 50(*over-heat), H1(Cut), H2(*Fly, Charizard),
H4(Strength), H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Belly Drum, Ancientpower, Rock Slide, Bite, Outrage,
Beat Up, Swords
007/008/009 Squirtle/Wartortle/Blastoise (Water):
Characteristic: raging stream
Tackle (1/1/1)
Tail Whip (4/1+4/1+4)
*Bubble (7/1+7/1+7)
Withdraw (10/10/1+10)
*Water Gun (13/13/13)
Bite (18/19/19)
Rapid Spin (23/25/25)
Protect (28/31/31)
Rain Dance (33/37/42)
Skull Bash (40/45/55)
*Hydro Pump (47/53/68)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 03(*water surge), 05(Roar,
Blastoise), 06(Toxic), 07
10(Hidden Power), 13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard), 15(Hyper Beam,
Blastoise), 17
18(Rain Dance), 21(Frustration), 23(Iron Tail),
26(Earthquake, Blastoise), 27
28(Dig), 31(kawareri), 32(Double Team), 42(bravado),
43(secret power), 44
(Rest), 45(Attract),
H3(*Surf), H4(Strength), H6(Rock Smash), H7(*Waterfall),
Breed: Mirror Coat, Haze, Mist, Foresight, Flail, refresh,
mud play, yawn
010/011/012 Caterpie/Metapod/Butterfree
Characteristic: scales, molting, compound eyes
Tackle (1/--/--)
String Shot (1/--/--)
Harden (--/1+7/--)
Confusion (--/--/1+10)
Poisonpowder (--/--/13)
Stun Spore (--/--/14)
Sleep Powder (--/--/15)
Supersonic (--/--/18)
Whirlwind (--/--/23)
*Gust (--/--/28)
Psybeam (--/--/34)
Safeguard (--/--/40)
*silver wind (--/--/47)
TMs (Butterfree only):06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny
Day), 15(Hyper
Beam), 17(Protect),
18(Rain Dance), 19(Giga Drain), 20(Safeguard),
21(Frustration), 22
(Solarbeam), 27(Return),
29(Psychic), 30(Shadow Ball), 32(Double Team), 40(*beak
slash), 42(bravado),
43(secret power),
44(Rest), 45(Attract), 46(Thief), 48(skill swap), H5(Flash)
013/014/015 Weedle/Kakuna/Beedrill (Bug/Poison):
Characteristic: scales, molting, bug's notice
*Poison Sting (1/--/--)
String Shot (1/--/--)
Harden (--/1+7/--)
Fury Attack (--/--/1+10)
Focus Energy (--/--/15)
*Twineedle (--/--/20)
Rage (--/--/25)
Pursuit (--/--/30)
*Pin Missile (--/--/35)
Agility (--/--/40)
reckless (--/--/45)
TMs (Beedrill only): 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny
Day), 15(Hyper
Beam), 17(Protect),
19(Giga Drain), 21(Frustration), 22(Solarbeam), 27(Return),
31(kawarareri), 32
(Double Team),
36(*Sludge Bomb), 40(beak slash), 42(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44(Rest), 45
46(Thief), H1(Cut), H6(Rock Smash)
016/017/018 Pidgey/Pidgeotto/Pidgeot (Normal/Flying):
Characteristic: sharp eye
*Tackle (1/1/1)
Sand-Attack (5/1+5/1+5)
*Gust (9/1+9/1+9)
*Quick Attack (13/13/1+13)
Whirlwind (19/20/20)
*Wing Attack (25/27/27)
feather dance (31/34/34)
Agility (39/43/48)
Mirror Move (47/52/62)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 15(*Hyper
Beam, Pidgeot), 17
18(Rain Dance), 21(*Frustration), 27(*Return), 32(*Double
Team), 40(*beak
42(*bravado), 43(*secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract),
46(Thief), 47(Steel
Wing), H2(*Fly)
Breed: Pursuit, Faint Attack, Foresight, Steel Wing, *air
019/020 Rattata/Raticate (Normal):
Characteristic: run away/will-power
*Tackle (1/1)
Tail Whip (1/1)
*Quick Attack (7/1+7)
*Hyper Fang (13/13)
Focus Energy (20/--)
Scary Face (--/20)
Pursuit (27/30)
Super Fang (34/40)
*reckless (41/50)
TMs: 05(Roar, Raticate), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 12
13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard), 15(*Hyper Beam, Raticate),
17(Protect), 18(Rain
21(*Frustration), 23(Iron Tail), 24(Thunderbolt),
25(Thunder), 27(*Return), 28
30(Shadow Ball), 32(Double Team), 34(electric swift),
42(*bravado), 43
(*secret power),
44(Rest), 45(Attract), 46(Thief), H1(*Cut), H4(*Strength,
Raticate), H6(Rock
Breed: Screech, Flame Wheel, *Fury Swipes, Bite, Counter,
Reversal, *clamor,
021/022 Spearow/Fearow (Normal/Flying):
Characteristic: sharp eye
*Peck (1/1)
Growl (1/)
Leer (7/1+7)
*Fury Attack (13/1+13)
Pursuit (19/26)
*beak slash (25/--)
Mirror Move (31/32)
*Drill Peck (37/40)
Agility (43/47)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day),
17(Protect), 15(*Hyper Beam,
18(Rain Dance), 21(*Frustration), 27(*Return), 32(Double
Team), 40(*beak
slash), 42(*bravado),
43(*secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract), 46(Thief),
47(Steel Wing), H2(*Fly)
Breed: Faint Attack, *False Swipe, Scary Face, *Quick
Attack, *Tri Attack,
*Sky Attack
023/024 Ekans/Arbok (Poison):
Characteristic: menace/molting
Wrap (1/1)
Leer (1/1)
*Poison Sting (8/1+8)
Bite (13/1+13)
Glare (20/20)
Screech (25/28)
*Acid (32/38)
store (37/46)
understand (37/46)
release (37/46)
Haze (44/56)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 15(Hyper
Beam, Arbok), 17
18(Rain Dance), 19(Giga Drain), 21(Frustration), 23(Iron
Tail), 26
(Earthquake), 27(Return),
28(Dig), 32(Double Team), 36(*Sludge Bomb), 41(ichamon),
42(bravado), 43
(secret power),
44(Rest), 45(Attract), 46(Thief), 49(seizure), H4(Strength)
Breed: Pursuit, Slam, Spite, Beat Up, *toxic fang
172/025/026 Pichu/Pikachu/Raichu (Electric):
Characteristic: static electricity
*Thundershock (1/1/1)
Charm (1/--/--)
Growl (--/1/--)
Tail Whip (6/6/1)
Thunder Wave (8/8/--)
Sweet Kiss (11/--/--)
Quick Attack (--/11/1)
Double Team (--/15/--)
Slam (--/20/--)
*Thunderbolt (--/26/1)
Agility (--/33/--)
*Thunder (--/41/--)
Light Screen (--/50/--)
TMs: 01(scream punch, not Pichu), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden
Power), 15(Hyper Beam,
16(Light Screen), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 23(Iron
24(*Thunderbolt), 25(*Thunder), 27(Return), 28(Dig, not
Pichu), 31
(kawarareri, not Pichu),
32(Double Team), 34(*electric swift), 42(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44
(Rest), 45(Attract),
46(Thief, Raichu), H4(Strength, not Pichu), H5(Flash),
H6(Rock Smash, not
Breed: Reversal, Bide, Present, Encore, Doubleslap, prayer,
027/028 Sandshrew/Sandslash (Ground):
Characteristic: sand fall
Scratch (1/1)
Defense Curl (6/1+6)
Sand-Attack (11/1+11)
Poison Sting (17/17)
Slash (23/24)
Swift (30/33)
Fury Swipes (37/42)
*sand trap (45/52)
Sandstorm (53/62)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny
Day), 15 (Hyper
Beam, Sandslash),
17(Protect), 21(Frustration), 23(Iron Tail),
26(*Earthquake), 27(Return), 28
31(kawarareri), 32(Double Team), 37(Sandstorm), 39(rock
seal), 40(beak
slash), 42(bravado),
43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract), 46(Thief), H1(Cut),
H4(Strength), H6
(Rock Smash)
Breed: Flail, Safeguard, Counter, Rapid Spin, Rock Slide,
Metal Claw, Swords
break claw
029/030/031 Nidoran F/Nidorina/Nidoqueen
Characteristic: poison thorn
Growl (1/1/--)
Scratch (1/1/1)
Tail Whip (8/8/1)
Double Kick (12/12/1)
*Poison Sting (17/18/1)
Bite (20/22/--)
help (23/26/--)
Body Slam (--/--/23)
Fury Swipes (30/34/--)
instigate (38/43/--)
Crunch (47/53/--)
TMs: 01(scream punch, Nidoqueen), 03(water surge), 05(Roar,
Nidoqueen), 06
10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 12(provocation, Nidoqueen),
13(Ice Beam), 14
15(Hyper Beam, Nidoqueen), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 23
(Iron Tail),
24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder), 26(*Earthquake, Nidoqueen),
27(Return), 28(Dig,
* on Nidoqueen),
30(Shadow Ball), 31(kawarareri), 32(Double Team),
34(electric swift), 36
(*Sludge Bomb),
37(Sandstorm, Nidoqueen), 38(Fire Blast, Nidoqueen), 39(rock
Nidoqueen), 40(beak slash),
41(ichamon, Nidoqueen), 42(bravado), 43(secret power),
44(Rest), 45(Attract),
H1(Cut), H3(Surf, Nidoqueen), H4(Strength), H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Supersonic, Disable, Take Down, Focus Energy, Charm,
Counter, Beat Up
032/033/034 Nidoran M/Nidorino/Nidoking
Characteristic: poison thorn
Leer (1/1/--)
Peck (1/1/1)
Focus Energy (8/8/1)
Double Kick (12/12/1)
*Poison Sting (17/18/1)
Horn Attack (20/22/--)
help (23/26/--)
Thrash (--/--/23)
Fury Attack (30/34/--)
instigate (38/43/--)
Horn Drill (47/53/--)
TMs: 01(scream punch, Nidoking), 03(water surge), 05(Roar,
Nidoking), 06
10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 12(provocation, Nidoking),
13(Ice Beam), 14
15(Hyper Beam, Nidoking), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 23
(Iron Tail),
24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder), 26(*Earthquake, Nidoking),
27(Return), 28(Dig,
* on Nidoking),
30(Shadow Ball, Nidoking), 31(kawareri, Nidoking), 32(Double
Team), 34
(electric swift),
36(*Sludge Bomb), 37(Sandstorm, Nidoking), 38(Fire Blast,
Nidoking), 39(rock
seal, Nidoking),
41(ichamon, Nidoking), 42(bravado), 43(secret power),
44(Rest), 45(Attract),
H1(Cut), H3(Surf, Nidoking), H4(Strength), H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Counter, Disable, Supersonic, Take Down, Amnesia,
Confusion, Beat Up
173/035/036 Cleffa/Clefairy/Clefable (Normal):
Characteristic: "attract" body
*Pound (1/1/--)
Charm (1/--/--)
Growl (--/1/--)
Encore (4/5/--)
Sing (8/9/1)
Sweet Kiss (13/--/--)
*Doubleslap (--/13/1)
finger stopsign (--/17/--)
Minimize (--/21/1)
Defense Curl (--/25/--)
Metronome (--/29/1)
cosmo power (--/33/--)
Moonlight (--/37/--)
Light Screen (--/41/--)
meteor punch (--/45/--)
TMs: 01(scream punch, not Cleffa), 03(water surge),
04(enlighten, not
Cleffa), 06(Toxic),
10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 13(Ice Beam, not Cleffa),
14(Blizzard, not
15(*Hyper Beam, Clefable), 16(Light Screen), 17(Protect),
18(Rain Dance), 20
21(*Frustration), 22(Solarbeam), 23(Iron Tail),
24(Thunderbolt, not Cleffa),
not Cleffa), 27(*Return), 28(Dig), 29(Psychic), 30(Shadow
Ball), 31
(kawarareri, not Cleffa),
32(Double Team), 33(Reflect), 34(electric swift),
35(Flamethrower), 38(Fire
42(*bravado), 43(*secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract),
49(seizure, not
H4(*Strength, not Cleffa), H5(Flash)
Breed: *Present, Metronome, Amnesia, Belly Drum, Splash,
Mimic, prayer,
037/038 Vulpix/Ninetales (Fire):
Characteristic: sun reception
*Ember (1/1)
Tail Whip (5/--)
Roar (9/--)
Quick Attack (13/1)
jack-o'-lantern (17/--)
Confuse Ray (21/1)
sealed (25/--)
*Flamethrower (29/--)
Safeguard (33/1)
grudge (37/--)
*Fire Spin (41/45)
TMs: 05(Roar), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(*Sunny Day),
15(Hyper Beam,
17(Protect), 20(Safeguard), 21(Frustration), 23(Iron Tail),
27(Return), 28
32(Double Team), 35(*Flamethrower), 38(*Fire Blast),
42(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), 50(*over-heat)
Breed: Faint Attack, Hypnosis, Flail, Spite, Disable, howl,
Psych Up, *hot
174/039/040 Igglybuff/Jigglypuff/Wiglytuff (Normal):
Characteristic: "attract" body
Sing (1/1/1)
Charm (1/--/--)
Defense Curl (4/4/1)
*Pound (9/9/--)
Sweet Kiss (14/--/--)
Disable (--/14/1)
Rollout (--/19/--)
*Doubleslap (--/24/1)
Rest (--/29/--)
*Body Slam (--/34/--)
Mimic (--/39/--)
*hyper voice (--/44/--)
*Double-Edge (--/49/--)
TMs: 01(scream punch, not Igglybuff), 03(water surge),
06(Toxic), 10(Hidden
11(Sunny Day), 13(Ice Beam, not Igglybuff), 14(Blizzard, not
Igglybuff), 15
(Hyper Beam,
Wigglytuff), 16(Light Screen), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
20(Safeguard), 21
22(Solarbeam), 24(Thunderbolt, not Igglybuff), 25(Thunder,
not Igglybuff), 27
28(Dig), 29(Psychic), 30(Shadow Ball), 32(Double Team),
33(Reflect), 34
(electric swift),
35(Flamethrower), 38(Fire Blast), 42(*bravado), 43(*secret
power), 44(Rest),
49(seizure), H4(*Strength), H5(Flash)
Breed: Perish Song, *Present, Faint Attack, prayer, fake
041/042/169 Zubat/Golbat/Crobat (Poison/Flying):
Characteristic: mind power
Screech (--/1/1)
Leech Life (1/1/1)
Supersonic (6/1+6/1+6)
frighten (11/1+11/1+11)
Bite (16/16/16)
*Wing Attack (21/21/21)
Confuse Ray (26/28/28)
*air cutter (31/35/35)
Mean Look (36/42/42)
*toxic fang (41/49/49)
Haze (46/56/56)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day),
12(provocation), 15(Hyper
Beam, not Zubat),
17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 19(Giga Drain),
21(Frustration), 27(Return), 30
(Shadow Ball),
32(Double Team), 36(*Sludge Bomb), 40(*beak slash),
41(ichamon), 42(bravado),
43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract), 46(Thief), 47(Steel
Wing), 49
(seizure), H2(*Fly,
Breed: Quick Attack, Pursuit, Faint Attack, *Gust,
Whirlwind, Curse
043/044/045 Oddish/Gloom/Vileplume (Grass/Poison):
Characteristic: chlorophyll
*Absorb (1/1/1)
aroma therapy (--/--/1)
Sweet Scent (7/1+7/--)
Poisonpowder (14/1+14/--)
Stun Spore (16/16/1)
Mega Drain (--/--/1)
Sleep Powder (18/18/--)
*Acid (23/24/--)
Moonlight (32/35/--)
*Petal Dance (39/44/44)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 09(*seed machine gun), 10(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 15
(Hyper Beam,
Vileplume), 17(Protect), 19(*Giga Drain), 21(Frustration),
22(*Solarbeam), 27
32(Double Team), 36(*Sludge Bomb), 42(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44(Rest), 45
H1(Cut), H5(Flash)
Breed: Swords Dance, *Razor Leaf, Flail, Synthesis, Charm,
ne-o haru
043/044/182 Oddish/Gloom/Bellossom
Characteristic: chlorophyll
*Absorb (1/1/1)
Sweet Scent (7/1+7/1)
Poisonpowder (14/1+14/--)
Stun Spore (16/16/1)
*magical leaf (--/--/1)
Sleep Powder (18/18/--)
Acid (23*/24*/--)
Moonlight (32/35/--)
*Petal Dance (39/44/44)
*Solarbeam (--/--/55)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 09(*seed machine gun), 10(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 15
(Hyper Beam,
Bellossom), 17(Protect), 19(*Giga Drain), 20(Safeguard,
Bellossom), 21
22(*Solarbeam), 27(Return), 32(Double Team), 36(Sludge Bomb,
* on Oddish and
42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract),
H1(Cut), H5(Flash)
Breed: Swords Dance, *Razor Leaf, Flail, Synthesis, Charm,
ne-o haru
046/047 Paras/Parasect (Bug/Grass):
Characteristic: emission
Scratch (1/1)
Stun Spore (7/1+7)
Poisonpowder (13/1+13)
*Leech Life (19/19)
Spore (25/27)
Slash (31/35)
Growth (37/43)
*Giga Drain (43/51)
aroma therapy (49/59)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 09(*seed machine gun), 10(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 15
(Hyper Beam,
Parasect), 17(Protect), 19(*Giga Drain), 21(Frustration),
22(*Solarbeam), 27
28(Dig), 32(Double Team), 36(Sludge Bomb), 40(beak slash),
42(bravado), 43
(secret power),
44(Rest), 45(Attract), 46(Thief), H1(Cut), H5(Flash),
H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: False Swipe, Screech, Counter, Psybeam, Flail, Sweet
Scent, Light
Screen, Pursuit
048/049 Venonat/Venomoth (Bug/Poison):
Characteristic: compound eyes, scales
*silver wind (--/1)
Tackle (1/1)
Disable (1/1)
Foresight (1/1)
Supersonic (9/9)
Confusion (17/17)
Poisonpowder (20/20)
*Leech Life (25/25)
Stun Spore (28/28)
Gust (--/31)
Psybeam (33/36)
Sleep Powder (36/42)
Psychic (41/52)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 15(Hyper
Beam, Venomoth), 17
19(Giga Drain), 21(Frustration), 22(Solarbeam), 27(Return),
29(Psychic), 32
(Double Team),
36(*Sludge Bomb), 40(beak slash, Venomoth), 42(bravado),
43(secret power), 44
45(Attract), 46(Thief), 48(skill swap), H5(Flash)
Breed: Baton Pass, Screech, Giga Drain, *signal beam
050/051 Diglett/Dugtrio (Ground):
Characteristic: sand fall/antlion
Tri Attack (--/1)
Scratch (1/1)
Sand-Attack (1/1)
Growl (5/1+5)
*Magnitude (9/9)
*Dig (17/17)
*Mud-Slap (25/25)
*sand trap (--/26)
Slash (33/38)
*Earthquake (41/51)
Fissure (49/64)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 15(Hyper
Beam, Dugtrio), 17
21(Frustration), 26(*Earthquake), 27(Return), 28(*Dig),
32(Double Team), 36
(Sludge Bomb),
39(rock seal), 40(beak slash), 42(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44(Rest), 45
46(Thief), H1(Cut), H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Faint Attack, Screech, Ancientpower, Pursuit, Beat
Up, clamor, Rock
052/053 Meowth/Persian (Normal):
Characteristic: find stuff, flexible
*Scratch (1/1)
Growl (1/1)
Bite (11/1+11)
*Pay Day (20/20)
Faint Attack (28/29)
Screech (35/38)
*Fury Swipes (41/46)
*Slash (46/53)
*cat deceive (50/59)
TMs: 03(water surge), 05(Roar, Persian), 06(Toxic),
10(Hidden Power), 11
(Sunny Day),
12(provocation), 15(*Hyper Beam, Persian), 17(Protect),
18(Rain Dance), 21
23(Iron Tail), 24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder), 27(*Return),
28(Dig), 30(Shadow
32(Double Team), 34(electric swift), 40(beak slash),
41(ichamon), 42
43(*secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract), 46(Thief),
49(seizure), H1(*Cut), H5
Breed: Spite, Charm, Hypnosis, Amnesia, Psych up, nekonote
054/055 Psyduck/Golduck (Water):
Characteristic: moisture/no weather
water play (1/1)
Scratch (1/1)
Tail Whip (5/1+5)
Disable (10/1+10)
Confusion (16/16)
Screech (23/23)
Psych Up (31/31)
Fury Swipes (40/44)
*Hydro Pump (50/58)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 03(*water surge), 04(enlighten),
06(Toxic), 07
(hailstorm), 10(Hidden
Power), 13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard), 15(Hyper Beam, Golduck),
17(Protect), 18
(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 23(Iron Tail), 27(Return), 28(Dig),
31(kawarareri), 32
(Double Team),
40(beak slash), 42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), H3
(*Surf), H4(Strength),
H5(Flash), H6(Rock Smash), H7(*Waterfall), H8(*diving)
Breed: Hypnosis, Psybeam, Foresight, Light Screen, Future
Sight, Psychic,
Cross Chop, refresh
056/057 Mankey/Primeape (Fighting):
Characteristic: yaruki
Scratch (1/1)
Leer (1/1)
*Low Kick (9/1+9)
*Karate Chop (15/15)
Fury Swipes (21/21)
Focus Energy (27/27)
Rage (--/1+28)
Seismic Toss (33/36)
*Cross Chop (39/45)
Screech (45/54)
Thrash (51/63)
TMs: 01(*scream punch), 06(Toxic), 08(build up), 10(Hidden
Power), 11(Sunny
12(provocation), 15(Hyper Beam, Primeape), 17(Protect),
18(Rain Dance), 21
23(Iron Tail), 24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder), 26(Earthquake),
27(Return), 28
31(*kawarareri), 32(Double Team), 39(rock seal), 40(beak
slash), 42(bravado),
43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract), 46(Thief),
50(over-heat), H4
H6(*Rock Smash)
Breed: Rock Slide, Foresight, Meditate, Counter, *Reversal,
Beat Up,
*revenge, encouragement
058/059 Growlithe/Arcanine (Fire):
Characteristic: menace/sun reception
Bite (1/1)
Roar (1/1)
*Ember (7/1)
Leer (13/--)
scent out (19/1)
Take Down (25/--)
*Flame Wheel (31/--)
help (37/--)
Agility (43/--)
*Flamethrower (49/--)
Extremespeed (--/49)
TMs: 05(Roar), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day),
15(Hyper Beam,
17(Protect), 21(Frustration), 23(Iron Tail), 27(Return),
28(Dig), 32(Double
35(*Flamethrower), 38(*Fire Blast), 40(beak slash),
42(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), 46(Thief), 50(*over-heat), H4(Strength),
H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Body Slam, Safeguard, Crunch, Thrash, *Fire Spin,
howl, *hot wind
060/061/062 Poliwag/Poliwhirl/Poliwrath
Characteristic: reservoir/moisture
*Bubble (1/1/--)
Hypnosis (7/1+7/1)
*Water Gun (13/1+13/1)
Doublesplap (19/19/1)
Rain Dance (25/27/--)
Body Slam (31/35/--)
*Submission (--/--/1+35)
Belly Drum (37/43/--)
*Hydro Pump (43/51/--)
Mind Reader (--/--/51)
TMs: 01(scream punch, not Poliwag, * on Poliwrath),
03(*water surge), 06
07(hailstorm), 08(build up, Poliwrath), 10(Hidden Power),
13(Ice Beam), 14
15(Hyper Beam, Poliwrath), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 26
not Poliwag), 27(Return), 28(Dig), 29(Psychic),
31(kawarareri, not Poliwag, *
on Poliwrath),
32(Double Team), 39(rock seal, Poliwrath), 42(bravado),
43(secret power), 44
45(Attract), 46(Thief), H3(*Surf), H4(Strength, not
H6(Rock Smash, not Poliwag, * on Poliwrath), H7(*Waterfall),
Breed: Mist, Splash, *Bubblebeam, Haze, Mind Reader, water
play, ice ball
060/061/186 Poliwag/Poliwhirl/Politoed (Water):
Characteristic: reservoir/moisture
*Bubble (1/1/--)
Hypnosis (7/1+7/1)
*Water Gun (13/1+13/1)
Doublesplap (19/19/1)
Rain Dance (25/27/--)
Body Slam (31/35/--)
Perish Song (--/--/1+35)
Belly Drum (37/43/--)
*Hydro Pump (43/51/--)
Swagger (--/--/51)
TMs: 01(scream punch, not Poliwag), 03(*water surge),
06(Toxic), 07
10(Hidden Power), 13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard), 15(Hyper Beam,
Politoed), 17
18(Rain Dance), 21(Frustration), 26(Earthquake, not
Poliwag), 27(Return), 28
29(Psychic), 31(kawarareri, not Poliwag), 32(Double Team),
42(bravado), 43
(secret power),
44(Rest), 45(Attract), 46(Thief), H3(*Surf), H4(Strength,
not Poliwag), H6
(Rock Smash,
not Poliwag), H7(*Waterfall), H8(*diving)
Breed: Mist, Splash, *Bubblebeam, Haze, Mind Reader, water
play, ice ball
063/064/065 Abra/Kadabra/Alakazam (Psychic):
Characteristic: synchro/mind power
Teleport (1/1/1)
Kinesis (--/1/1)
*Confusion (--/1+16/1+16)
Disable (--/18/18)
*Psybeam (--/21/21)
Reflect (--/23/23)
Recover (--/25/25)
*Future Sight (--/30/30)
narikiri (--/33/--)
enlighten (--/--/33)
*Psychic (--/36/36)
trick (--/43/43)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 04(enlighten), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden
Power), 11(Sunny
12(provocation), 15(Hyper Beam, Alakazam), 16(Light Screen),
17(Protect), 18
(Rain Dance),
20(Safeguard), 21(Frustration), 23(Iron Tail), 27(Return),
29(*Psychic), 30
(Shadow Ball),
32(Double Team), 33(Reflect), 34(electric swift),
41(ichamon), 42(bravado), 43
(secret power),
44(Rest), 45(Attract), 46(Thief), 48(skill swap),
49(seizure), H5(Flash)
Breed: Encore, Barrier, drop feathers, Fire Punch,
Thunderpunch, Ice Punch
066/067/068 Machop/Machoke/Machamp (Fighting):
Characteristic: will-power
*Low Kick (1/1/1)
Leer (1/1/1)
Focus Energy (7/1+7/1+7)
*Karate Chop (13/13/13)
Seismic Toss (19/19/19)
Foresight (22/22/22)
*revenge (25/25/25)
*Vital Throw (31/33/33)
*Submission (37/41/41)
*Cross Chop (40/46/46)
Scary Face (43/51/51)
*Dynamicpunch (49/59/59)
TMs: 01(*scream punch), 06(Toxic), 08(build up), 10(Hidden
Power), 11(Sunny
15(Hyper Beam, Machamp), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 26
27(Return), 28(Dig), 31(*kawarareri), 32(Double Team),
35(Flamethrower), 38
(Fire Blast),
39(rock seal), 42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), 46
48(skill swap), 49(seizure), H4(Strength), H6(*Rock Smash)
Breed: Light Screen, Meditate, *Rolling Kick, Encore,
encouragement, Counter,
Rock Slide
069/070/071 Bellsprout/Weepinbell/Victreebel
Characteristic: chlorophyll
*Vine Whip (1/1/1)
Growth (6/1+6/--)
Wrap (11/1+11/--)
Sleep Powder (15/15/1)
Poisonpowder (17/17/--)
Stun Spore (19/19/--)
*Acid (23/24/--)
Sweet Scent (30/33/1)
*Razor Leaf (37/42/1)
Slam (45/54/--)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 09(*seed machine gun), 10(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 15
(Hyper Beam,
Victreebel), 17(Protect), 19(*Giga Drain), 21(Frustration),
22(*Solarbeam), 27
32(Double Team), 36(*Sludge Bomb), 42(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44(Rest), 45
46(Thief), H1(Cut), H5(Flash)
Breed: Swords Dance, Encore, Reflect, Synthesis, Leech Life,
ne-o haru,
*magical leaf
072/073 Tentacool/Tentacruel (Water/Poison):
Characteristic: clear body/liquid sludge
*Poison Sting (1/1)
Supersonic (6/1+6)
Constrict (12/1+12)
*Acid (19/19)
*Bubblebeam (25/25)
Wrap (30/30)
Barrier (36/38)
Screech (43/47)
*Hydro Pump (49/55)
TMs: 03(*water surge), 06(Toxic), 07(hailstorm), 10(Hidden
Power), 13(Ice
14(Blizzard), 15(Hyper Beam, Tentacruel), 17(Protect),
18(Rain Dance), 19
(Giga Drain),
21(Frustration), 27(Return), 32(Double Team), 36(*Sludge
Bomb), 42(bravado),
43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract), 46(Thief), H1(Cut),
H3(*Surf), H7
Breed: Aurora Beam, Mirror Coat, Rapid Spin, Haze,
Safeguard, Confuse Ray
074/075/076 Geodude/Graveler/Golem (Rock/Ground):
Characteristic: rock head/solid
Tackle (1/1/1)
Defense Curl (1/1/1)
mud play (6/1+6/1+6)
*Rock Throw (11/1+11/1+11)
*Magnitude (16/16/16)
Selfdestruct (21/21/21)
*Rollout (26/29/29)
*rock blast (31/37/37)
*Earthquake (36/45/45)
Explosion (41/53/53)
Double-Edge (46/62/62)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 05(Roar, Golem), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden
Power), 11(Sunny
15(Hyper Beam, Golem), 17(Protect), 21(Frustration),
26(*Earthquake), 27
(Return), 28(*Dig),
31(kawarareri), 32(Double Team), 35(Flamethrower),
37(Sandstorm), 38(Fire
39(*rock seal), 42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), H4
H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Mega Punch, *Rock Slide, toosenbou
077/078 Ponyta/Rapidash (Fire):
Characteristic: run away/sun reception
Tackle (1/1)
Growl (5/1+5)
Tail Whip (9/1+9)
*Ember (14/1+14)
Stomp (19/19)
*Fire Spin (25/25)
Take Down (31/31)
Agility (38/38)
Fury Attack (--/45)
tobihaneru (45/50)
*Fire Blast (53/63)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 15(Hyper
Beam, Rapidash), 17
21(Frustration), 22(Solarbeam), 23(Iron Tail), 27(Return),
32(Double Team), 35
38(*Fire Blast), 42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), 50
Breed: *Flame Wheel, Thrash, Double Kick, Hypnosis, Charm,
079/080 Slowpoke/Slowbro (Water/Psychic):
Characteristic: stolidity/my pace
Curse (1/1)
yawn (1/1)
Tackle (1/1)
Growl (6/1+6)
*Water Gun (15/15)
*Confusion (20/20)
Disable (29/29)
Headbutt (34/34)
Withdraw (--/37)
Amnesia (43/46)
*Psychic (48/54)
TMs: 01(scream punch, Slowbro), 03(*water surge),
04(enlighten), 06(Toxic), 07
10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard),
15(Hyper Beam,
17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 20(Safeguard, Slowbro),
21(Frustration), 23(Iron
26(Earthquake), 27(Return), 28(Dig), 29(*Psychic), 30(Shadow
Ball), 31
(kawarareri, Slowbro),
32(Double Team), 35(Flamethrower), 38(Fire Blast),
42(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), 48(skill swap), H3(*Surf), H4(Strength),
H5(Flash), H6(Rock
Smash, Slowbro),
Breed: Safeguard, Belly Drum, *Future Sight, Stomp, mud
play, Sleep Talk,
079/199 Slowpoke/Slowking (Water/Psychic):
Characteristic: stolidity/my pace
Curse (1/1)
yawn (1/1)
Tackle (1/1)
Growl (6/6)
*Water Gun (15/15)
*Confusion (20/20)
Disable (29/29)
Headbutt (34/34)
Amnesia (43/--)
Swagger (--/43)
*Psychic (48/48)
TMs: 01(scream punch, Slowking), 03(*water surge),
04(enlighten), 06(Toxic),
10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard),
15(Hyper Beam,
17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 21(Frustration), 20(Safeguard,
Slowking), 23
(Iron Tail),
26(Earthquake), 27(Return), 28(Dig), 29(*Psychic), 30(Shadow
Ball), 32(Double
35(Flamethrower), 38(Fire Blast), 42(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44(Rest), 45
48(skill swap), H3(*Surf), H4(Strength), H5(Flash), H6(Rock
Smash, Slowking),
Breed: Safeguard, Belly Drum, *Future Sight, Stomp, mud
play, Sleep Talk,
081/082 Magnemite/Magneton (Electric/Steel):
Characteristic: magnetism/solid
kinzokuon (1/1)
Tackle (1/1)
*Thundershock (6/1+6)
Supersonic (11/1+11)
Sonicboom (16/16)
Thunder Wave (21/21)
*Spark (26/26)
Lock-On (32/35)
Swift (38/--)
Tri Attack (--/44)
Screech (44/53)
*Zap Cannon (50/62)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 15(Hyper
Beam, Magneton), 17
18(Rain Dance), 21(Frustration), 24(*Thunderbolt),
25(*Thunder), 27(Return),
32(Double Team),
33(Reflect), 34(*electric swift), 42(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44(Rest), H5
083 Farfetch'd (Normal/Flying):
Characteristic: sharp eye/mind power
*Peck (1)
Sand-Attack (6)
Leer (11)
*Fury Attack (16)
drop feathers (21)
Fury Cutter (26)
Swords Dance (31)
Agility (36)
*Slash (41)
*False Swipe (46)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day),
17(Protect), 21
23(Iron Tail), 27(*Return), 32(Double Team), 40(*beak
slash), 42(*bravado),
43(*secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract), 46(Thief),
47(Steel Wing), H1
(*Cut), H2(*Fly)
Breed: Steel Wing, Foresight, Mirror Move, *Gust, *Quick
Attack, *Flail,
feather dance, Curse
084/085 Doduo/Dodrio (Normal/Flying):
Characteristic: run away/early rising
*Peck (1/1)
Growl (1/1)
Pursuit (9/1+9)
*Fury Attack (13/1+13)
*Tri Attack (21/21)
*Rage (25/25)
*clamor (33/38)
*Drill Peck (37/47)
Agility (45/60)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day),
12(provocation, Dodrio), 17
21(*Frustration), 27(*Return), 32(Double Team), 40(*beak
slash), 41(ichamon,
42(*bravado), 43(*secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract),
46(Thief), 47(Steel
Wing), H2(*Fly)
Breed: *Quick Attack, Supersonic, Haze, Faint Attack,
*Flail, *reckless
086/087 Seel/Dewgong (Water,Water/Ice):
Characteristic: hot grease
Headbutt (1/1)
Growl (9/1+9)
Icy Wind (17/1+17*)
Aurora Beam (21/1+21*)
Rest (29/29)
absolute zero (--/34)
Take Down (37/42)
Ice Beam (41/51*)
Safeguard (49/64)
TMs: 03(*water surge), 06(Toxic), 07(hailstorm), 10(Hidden
Power), 13(Ice
Beam, * on Dewgong),
14(Blizzard, * on Dewgong), 15(Hyper Beam, Dewgong),
17(Protect), 18(Rain
20(Safeguard), 21(Frustration), 27(Return), 32(Double Team),
42(bravado), 43
(secret power),
44(Rest), 45(Attract), 46(Thief), H3(*Surf), H7(*Waterfall),
Breed: Lick, Perish Song, Disable, Horn Drill, Slam, Encore,
cat deceive,
(* on Dewgong)
088/089 Grimer/Muk (Poison):
Characteristic: stench/adhesion
Poison Gas (1/1)
Pound (1/1)
Harden (4/1+4)
Disable (8/8)
*Sludge (13/13)
Minimize (19/19)
Screech (26/26)
Acid Armor (34/34)
*Sludge Bomb (43/47)
parting gift (53/61)
TMs: 01(scream punch, Muk), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 12
15(Hyper Beam, Muk), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 19(Giga
Drain), 21
24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder), 27(Return), 28(Dig),
31(kawareri, Muk), 32
(Double Team),
34(electric swift), 35(Flamethrower), 36(*Sludge Bomb),
38(Fire Blast), 39
(rock seal),
41(ichamon, Muk), 42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), 46
H4(Strength, Muk), H6(Rock Smash, Muk)
Haze, Mean Look, Lick, sealed, Curse, shadow punch,
090/091 Shellder/Cloyster (Water,Water/Ice):
Characteristic: shell armor
Tackle (1/--)
Withdraw (1/1)
Supersonic (9/1)
Aurora Beam (17/1*)
Protect (25/1)
Leer (33/--)
Spikes (--/33)
*Clamp (41/--)
Spike Cannon (--/41)
Ice Beam (49/--*)
TMs: 03(*water surge), 06(Toxic), 07(hailstorm), 10(Hidden
Power), 13(Ice
Beam, * on
Cloyster), 14(Blizzard, * on Cloyster), 15(Hyper Beam,
Cloyster), 17
(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 27(Return), 32(Double Team), 41(ichamon,
Cloyster), 42
(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract), H3(*Surf), H8(*diving)
Breed: *Bubblebeam, Take Down, Barrier, Rapid Spin, Screech,
092/093/094 Gastly/Haunter/Gengar (Ghost/Poison):
Characteristic: floating
Hypnosis (1/1/1)
*Lick (1/1/1)
Spite (8/1+8/1+8)
Mean Look (13/13/13)
Curse (16/16/16)
Night Shade (21/21/21)
*shadow punch (--/25/25)
Confuse Ray (28/31/31)
Dream Eater (33/39/39)
Destiny Bond (36/48/48)
TMs: 01(scream punch, Gengar), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 12
15(Hyper Beam, Gengar), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 19(Giga
Drain), 21
24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder, Gengar), 27(Return),
29(Psychic), 30(*Shadow
31(kawarareri, Gengar), 32(Double Team), 36(*Sludge Bomb),
41(ichamon), 42
43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract), 46(Thief), 48(skill
swap), 49
H4(Strength, Gengar), H6(Rock Smash, Gengar)
Breed: Psywave, Perish Song, Haze, *frighten,
jack-o'-lantern, grudge,
095/208 Onix/Steelix (Rock/Ground,Steel/Ground):
Characteristic: rock head/solid
Tackle (1/1)
Screech (1/1)
Bind (9/9)
Rock Throw (13*/13)
Harden (21/21)
Rage (25/25)
Sandstorm (33/33)
Slam (37/37)
Iron Tail (45/45*)
*sand trap (49/--)
Crunch (--/49)
Double-Edge (57/57)
TMs: 05(Roar), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day),
12(provocation), 15
(Hyper Beam,
Steelix), 17(Protect), 21(Frustration), 23(Iron Tail, * on
Steelix), 26
27(Return), 28(*Dig, Steelix), 32(Double Team),
37(Sandstorm), 39(rock seal,
* on Onix),
41(ichamon), 42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), H1(Cut,
H4(Strength), H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Rock Slide (* on Onix), Flail, Explosion, toosenbou
096/097 Drowzee/Hypno (Psychic):
Characteristic: insomnia
Pound (1/1)
Hypnosis (1/1)
Disable (10/1+10)
*Confusion (18/1+18)
Headbutt (25/25)
Poison Gas (31/33)
Meditate (36/40)
*Psychic (40/49)
Psych Up (43/55)
*Future Sight (45/60)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 04(enlighten), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden
Power), 11(Sunny
12(provocation), 15(Hyper Beam, Hypno), 16(Light Screen),
17(Protect), 18
(Rain Dance),
20(Safeguard), 21(Frustration), 27(Return), 29(*Psychic),
30(Shadow Ball), 31
32(Double Team), 33(Reflect), 41(ichamon), 42(bravado),
43(secret power), 44
45(Attract), 46(Thief), 48(skill swap), 49(seizure),
Breed: Barrier, nekonote, narikiri, Fire Punch,
Thunderpunch, Ice Punch
098/099 Krabby/Kingler (Water):
Characteristic: strength basami/shell armor
*Bubble (1/1)
Leer (5/1+5)
Vicegrip (12/1+12)
Harden (16/16)
mud shot (23/23)
Stomp (27/27)
Guillotine (34/38)
Protect (41/49)
*Crabhammer (45/57)
TMs: 03(*water surge), 06(Toxic), 07(hailstorm), 10(Hidden
Power), 13(Ice
14(Blizzard), 15(Hyper Beam, Kingler), 17(Protect), 18(Rain
Dance), 21
27(Return), 28(Dig), 32(Double Team), 39(rock seal),
42(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), 46(Thief), H1(Cut), H3(*Surf), H4(Strength),
H6(Rock Smash), H8
Breed: Dig, Haze, Amnesia, Flail, Slam, drop feathers,
Swords Dance
100/101 Voltorb/Electrode (Electric):
Characteristic: soundproof/static electricity
electrification (1/1)
Tackle (1/1)
Screech (8/1+8)
Sonicboom (15/1+15)
*Spark (21/21)
Selfdestruct (27/27)
Rollout (32/34)
Light Screen (37/41)
Swift (42/48)
Explosion (46/54)
Mirror Coat (49/59)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 12(provocation), 15(Hyper
Beam, Electrode),
16(Light Screen), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 24
25(*Thunder), 27(Return), 32(Double Team), 34(*electric
swift), 41(ichamon),
43(secret power), 44(Rest), 46(Thief), H5(Flash)
102/103 Exeggcute/Exeggutor (Grass/Psychic):
Characteristic: chlorophyll
Barrage (1/1)
clamor (1/--)
Hypnosis (1/1)
Reflect (7/--)
Leech Seed (13/--)
*Confusion (19/1)
Stomp (--/19)
Stun Spore (25/--)
Poisonpowder (31/--)
Egg Bomb (--/31)
Sleep Powder (37/--)
*Solarbeam (43/--)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 09(*seed machine gun), 10(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 15
(Hyper Beam,
Exeggutor), 16(Light Screen), 17(Protect), 19(*Giga Drain),
27(Return), 29(*Psychic), 32(Double Team), 33(Reflect),
36(Sludge Bomb), 42
43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract), 46(Thief), 48(skill
swap), H4
(Strength), H5(Flash)
Breed: Synthesis, Moonlight, Reflect, Ancientpower, Psych
Up, ne-o haru, curse
104/105 Cubone/Marowak (Ground):
Characteristic: rock head/lightning rod
Growl (1/1)
Tail Whip (5/1+5)
*Bone Club (9/1+9)
Headbutt (13/1+13)
Leer (17/17)
Focus Energy (21/21)
*Bonemerang (25/25)
Rage (29/29)
False Swipe (33/39)
Thrash (37/46)
*Bone Rush (41/53)
Double-Edge (45/61)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny
Day), 13(Ice
14(Blizzard), 15(Hyper Beam, Marowak), 17(Protect),
21(Frustration), 23(Iron
26(*Earthquake), 27(Return), 28(*Dig), 31(kawarareri),
32(Double Team), 35
37(Sandstorm), 38(Fire Blast), 39(rock seal), 40(beak
slash), 42(bravado), 43
(secret power),
44(Rest), 45(Attract), 46(Thief), H4(Strength), H6(Rock
Breed: Rock Slide, Ancientpower, Belly Drum, Screech, Skull
Bash, Perish
Song, Swords Dance
236/106 Tyrogue/Hitmonlee (Fighting):
Characteristic: will-power, flexible
Tackle (1/--)
*revenge (--/1)
*Double Kick (--/1)
Meditate (--/6)
*Rolling Kick (--/11)
*Jump Kick (--/16)
*kawarareri (--/20)
Focus Energy (--/21)
*Hi Jump Kick (--/26)
Mind Reader (--/31)
Foresight (--/36)
Endure (--/41)
Mega Kick (--/46)
*Reversal (--/51)
TMs: 01(*scream punch, Hitmonlee), 06(Toxic), 08(build up),
10(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day),
17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 21(Frustration),
26(Earthquake), 27(Return), 31
32(Double Team), 39(rock seal, Hitmonlee), 42(bravado),
43(secret power), 44
45(Attract), 46(Thief), H4(Strength), H6(*Rock Smash)
Breed: Rapid Spin, *Hi Jump Kick, *Mach Punch, Mind Reader,
236/107 Tyrogue/Hitmonchan (Fighting):
Characteristic: will-power, sharp eye
Tackle (1/--)
*revenge (--/1)
Comet Punch (--/1)
Agility (--/7)
Pursuit (--/13)
*Mach Punch (--/20)
Thunderpunch (--/26)
Ice Punch (--/26)
Fire Punch (--/26)
*sky upper (--/32)
Mega Punch (--/38)
Detect (--/44)
Counter (--/50)
TMs: 01(*scream punch, Hitmonchan), 06(Toxic), 08(build up),
Power), 11(Sunny Day),
17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 21(Frustration),
26(Earthquake), 27(Return), 31
32(Double Team), 39(rock seal, Hitmonchan), 42(bravado),
43(secret power), 44
45(Attract), 46(Thief), H4(Strength), H6(*Rock Smash)
Breed: Rapid Spin, *Hi Jump Kick, *Mach Punch, Mind Reader,
108 Lickitung (Normal):
Characteristic: my pace/stolidity
Lick (1)
Supersonic (7)
Defense Curl (12)
drop feathers (18)
*Stomp (23)
*Wrap (29)
Disable (34)
*Slam (40)
Screech (45)
refresh (51)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 03(water surge), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden
Power), 11(Sunny
13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard), 15(*Hyper Beam), 17(Protect),
18(Rain Dance), 21
22(Solarbeam), 23(Iron Tail), 24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder),
26(Earthquake), 27
28(Dig), 30(Shadow Ball), 31(kawarareri), 32(Double Team),
35(Flamethrower), 37(Sandstorm), 39(rock seal),
42(*bravado), 43(*secret
power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), 46(Thief), H1(*Cut), H3(Surf), H4(*Strength),
H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Belly Drum, Magnitude, *Body Slam, Curse,
*encouragement, Sleep Talk,
109/110 Koffing/Weezing (Poison):
Characteristic: floating
Poison Gas (1/1)
Tackle (1/1)
Smog (9/1+9)
Selfdestruct (17/1+17)
*Sludge (21/21)
Smokescreen (25/25)
Haze (33/33)
Explosion (41/44)
Destiny Bond (45/51)
parting gift (49/58)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day),
12(provocation), 15(Hyper
Beam, Weezing),
17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 21(Frustration),
24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder), 27
30(Shadow Ball), 32(Double Team), 34(electric swift),
35(Flamethrower), 36
(*Sludge Bomb),
38(Fire Blast), 41(ichamon), 42(bravado), 43(secret power),
44(Rest), 45
(Attract), 46(Thief),
Breed: Screech, Psywave, Psybeam, Destiny Bond, Pain Split,
jack o'-lantern
111/112 Rhyhorn/Rhydon (Ground/Rock):
Characteristic: lightning rod/rock head
Horn Attack (1/1)
Tail Whip (1/1)
Stomp (10/1+10)
Fury Attack (15/1+15)
Scary Face (24/24)
*rock blast (29/29)
Horn Drill (38/38)
Take Down (43/46)
*Earthquake (52/58)
Megahorn (57/66)
TMs: 01(scream punch, Rhydon), 05(Roar), 06(Toxic),
10(Hidden Power), 11
(Sunny Day),
13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard), 15(Hyper Beam, Rhydon),
17(Protect), 18(Rain
21(Frustration), 23(Iron Tail), 24(Thunderbolt),
25(Thunder), 26
(*Earthquake), 27(Return),
28(*Dig), 31(kawarareri, Rhydon), 32(Double Team),
34(electric swift), 35
37(Sandstorm), 38(Fire Blast), 39(*rock seal), 42(bravado),
43(secret power),
45(Attract), 46(Thief), H1(Cut, Rhydon), H3(Surf, Rhydon),
H4(Strength), H6
(Rock Smash)
Breed: Crunch, Reversal, *Rock Slide, Counter, *Magnitude,
Swords Dance,
Curse, break claw
113/242 Chansey/Blissey (Normal):
Characteristic: nature heal/heaven's blessing
*Pound (1/1)
Growl (1/1)
Tail Whip (5/4)
refresh (9/7)
Softboiled (13/10)
*Doubleslap (17/13)
Minimize (23/18)
Sing (29/23)
*Egg Bomb (35/28)
Defense Curl (41/33)
Light Screen (49/40)
*Double-Edge (57/47)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 03(water surge), 04(enlighten),
06(Toxic), 07
10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard),
15(Hyper Beam),
16(Light Screen),
17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 20(Safeguard),
21(*Frustration), 22(Solarbeam),
23(Iron Tail),
24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder), 26(Earthquake), 27(*Return),
29(Psychic), 30
(Shadow Ball),
31(kawarareri), 32(Double Team), 34(electric swift),
35(Flamethrower), 37
38(Fire Blast), 39(rock seal), 42(*bravado), 43(*secret
power), 44(Rest), 45
48(skill swap), 49(seizure), H4(*Strength), H5(Flash),
H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: *Present, Metronome, Heal Bell, aroma therapy,
114 Tangela (Grass):
Characteristic: chlorophyll
ne-o haru (1)
Constrict (1)
Sleep Powder (4)
*Absorb (10)
Growth (13)
Poisonpowder (19)
*Vine Whip (22)
Bind (28)
*Mega Drain (31)
Stun Spore (37)
Slam (40)
tickle (46)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 09(*seed machine gun), 10(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 15
(Hyper Beam),
17(Protect), 19(*Giga Drain), 21(Frustration),
22(*Solarbeam), 27(Return), 32
(Double Team),
36(Sludge Bomb), 42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), 46
(Thief), H1(Cut),
H5(Flash), H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Flail, Confusion, *Mega Drain, Reflect, Amnesia,
Leech Seed, nature
115 Kangaskhan (Normal):
Characteristic: early rising
*Comet Punch (1)
Leer (1)
Bite (7)
Tail Whip (13)
*cat deceive (19)
*Mega Punch (25)
*Rage (31)
*Endure (37)
*Dizzy Punch (43)
Reversal (49)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 03(water surge), 05(Roar), 06(Toxic),
07(hailstorm), 10
(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard), 15(*Hyper Beam),
17(Protect), 18
(Rain Dance),
21(*Frustration), 22(Solarbeam), 23(Iron Tail),
24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder),
27(*Return), 28(Dig), 30(Shadow Ball), 31(kawarareri),
32(Double Team), 34
(electric swift),
35(Flamethrower), 37(Sandstorm), 38(Fire Blast), 39(rock
seal), 40(beak
slash), 42(*bravado),
43(*secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract), 46(Thief),
H1(*Cut), H3(Surf), H4
H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: *Stomp, Foresight, Focus Energy, Safeguard, Disable,
Counter, *break
claw, Substitute
116/117/230 Horsea/Seadra/Kingdra
Characteristic: smooth swim, poison thorn, smooth swim
*Bubble (1/1/1)
Smokescreen (8/1+8/1+8)
Leer (15/1+15/1+15)
*Water Gun (22/1+22/1+22)
Twister (29/29/29*)
Agility (36/40/40)
*Hydro Pump (43/51/51)
dragonflight (50/62/62)
TMs: 03(*water surge), 06(Toxic), 07(hailstorm), 10(Hidden
Power), 13(Ice
Beam), 14(Blizzard),
15(Hyper Beam, not Horsea), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 27
(Return), 32
(Double Team), 42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), H3
H7(*Waterfall), H8(*diving)
Breed: Flail, Aurora Beam, *Octazooka, Disable, Splash,
Dragon Rage,
Dragonbreath(* on Kingdra)
118/119 Goldeen/Seaking (Water):
Characteristic: smooth swim/water veil
Peck (1/1)
Tail Whip (1/1)
water play (1/1)
Supersonic (10/1+10)
Horn Attack (15/15)
Flail (24/24)
Fury Attack (29/29)
*Waterfall (38/41)
Horn Drill (43/49)
Agility (52/61)
TMs: 03(*water surge), 06(Toxic), 07(hailstorm), 10(Hidden
Power), 13(Ice
Beam), 14(Blizzard),
15(Hyper Beam, Seaking), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 27
32(Double Team), 42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), H3
H7(*Waterfall), H8(*diving)
Breed: Psybeam, Haze, *Hydro Pump, Sleep Talk, mud play
120/121 Staryu/Starmie (Water,Water/Psychic):
Characteristic: luminiscence/nature heal
Tackle (1/--)
Harden (1/--)
*Water Gun (6/1)
Rapid Spin (10/1)
Recover (15/1)
protective coloration (19/--)
Swift (24/1)
*Bubblebeam (28/--)
Minimize (33/--)
Confuse Ray (--/33)
Light Screen (37/--)
cosmo power (42/--)
*Hydro Pump (46/--)
TMs: 03(*water surge), 06(Toxic), 07(hailstorm), 10(Hidden
Power), 13(Ice
Beam), 14(Blizzard),
15(Hyper Beam, Starmie), 16(Light Screen), 17(Protect),
18(Rain Dance), 21
24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder), 27(Return), 29(Psychic, * on
Starmie), 32
(Double Team),
33(Reflect), 42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest),
48(skill swap,
Starmie), H3(*Surf),
H5(Flash), H7(*Waterfall), H8(*diving)
122 Mr. Mime (Psychic):
Characteristic: soundproof
Barrier (1)
*Confusion (5)
Substitute (9)
Meditate (13)
Doubleslap (17)
Light Screen (21)
Reflect (21)
Encore (25)
*Psybeam (29)
recycle (33)
trick (37)
narikiri (41)
*Psychic (45)
Baton Pass (49)
Safeguard (53)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 04(enlighten), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden
Power), 11(Sunny
12(provocation), 15(Hyper Beam), 16(Light Screen),
17(Protect), 18(Rain
Dance), 20(Safeguard),
21(Frustration), 22(Solarbeam), 24(Thunderbolt),
25(Thunder), 27(Return), 29
30(Shadow Ball), 31(kawarareri), 32(Double Team),
33(Reflect), 34(electric
41(ichamon), 42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), 46(Thief),
48(skill swap),
49(seizure), H5(Flash)
Breed: *Future Sight, Hypnosis, Mimic, Psych Up, cat
deceive, trick
123/212 Scyther/Scizor (Bug/Flying,Bug/Steel):
Characteristic: bug's notice
Quick Attack (1/1)
Leer (1/1)
Focus Energy (6/6)
Pursuit (11/11)
False Swipe (16/16)
Agility (21/21)
Wing Attack (26*/--)
*Metal Claw (--/26)
Slash (31/31)
Swords Dance (36/36)
Double Team (41/41)
*Fury Cutter (46/46)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 15(Hyper
Beam), 17(Protect),
18(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 27(Return), 32(Double Team), 37(Sandstorm,
Scizor), 40(*beak
42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract),
46(Thief), 47(Steel
Wing, * on Scizor),
H1(Cut), H4(Strength, Scizor), H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Counter, Safeguard, Baton Pass, Razor Wind, Reversal,
Light Screen,
*silver wind
238/124 Smoochum/Jynx (Ice/Psychic):
Characteristic: stolidity
Pound (1/1)
Lick (1/1)
Sweet Kiss (9/--)
Lovely Kiss (--/1+9)
*Powder Snow (13/1+13)
*Confusion (21/--)
Doubleslap (--/21)
Sing (25/--)
*Ice Punch (--/25)
Mean Look (33/35)
fake tears (37/41)
*Psychic (45/--)
Body Slam (--/51)
Perish Song (49/57)
*Blizzard (57/67)
TMs: 01(scream punch, Jynx), 03(water surge), 04(enlighten),
06(Toxic), 07
10(Hidden Power), 12(provocation, Jynx), 13(*Ice Beam),
14(*Blizzard), 15
(Hyper Beam, Jynx),
16(Light Screen), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 27(Return), 29
30(Shadow Ball), 31(kawarareri, Jynx), 32(Double Team),
33(Reflect), 41
(ichamon, Jynx),
42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract),
46(Thief), 48(skill
swap), H5(Flash)
Breed: Meditate, Psych Up, cat deceive, prayer, *Ice Punch
239/125 Elekid/Electabuzz (Electric):
Characteristic: static electricity
Quick Attack (1/1)
Leer (1/1)
*Thunderpunch (9/1+9)
Light Screen (17/17)
Swift (25/25)
Screech (33/36)
*Thunderbolt (41/47)
*Thunder (49/58)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 15(Hyper
16(Light Screen), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 23(Iron Tail,
24(*Thunderbolt), 25(*Thunder), 27(Return), 29(Psychic),
31(kawarareri), 32
(Double Team),
34(*electric swift), 42(bravado), 43(secret power),
44(Rest), 45(Attract), 46
H4(Strength, Electabuzz), H5(Flash), H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Karate Chop, Barrier, Rolling Kick, Meditate, Cross
Chop, Fire Punch,
Ice Punch
240/126 Magby/Magmar (Fire):
Characteristic: body of fire
*Ember (1/1)
Leer (7/1+7)
Smog (13/1+13)
*Fire Punch (19/1+19)
Smokescreen (25/25)
Sunny Day (31/33)
*Flamethrower (37/41)
Confuse Ray (43/49)
*Fire Blast (49/57)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny
Day), 15(Hyper
Beam, Magmar),
17(Protect), 21(Frustration), 23(Iron Tail), 27(Return),
29(Psychic), 31
32(Double Team), 35(*Flamethrower), 38(*Fire Blast),
42(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), 46(Thief), H4(Strength, Magmar), H6(Rock
Breed: Karate Chop, Mega Punch, Barrier, Screech, Cross
Chop, Thunderpunch
127 Pinsir (Bug):
Characteristic: strength basami
Vicegrip (1)
Focus Energy (1)
Bind (7)
Seismic Toss (13)
Harden (19)
revenge (25)
kawarareri (31)
Guillotine (43)
Submission (43)
Swords Dance (49)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 06(Toxic), 08(build up), 10(Hidden
Power), 11(Sunny
15(Hyper Beam), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 26(Earthquake),
28(Dig), 31(kawarareri), 32(Double Team), 39(rock seal),
42(bravado), 43
(secret power),
44(Rest), 45(Attract), 46(Thief), H1(Cut), H4(Strength),
H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Fury Attack, Flail, False Swipe, Faint Attack
128 Tauros (Normal):
Characteristic: menace
*Tackle (1)
Tail Whip (4)
*Rage (8)
*Horn Attack (13)
Scary Face (19)
Pursuit (26)
Rest (34)
*Thrash (43)
*Take Down (53)
TMs: 03(water surge), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny
Day), 13(Ice
Beam), 14(Blizzard),
15(*Hyper Beam), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
21(*Frustration), 22
(Solarbeam), 23(Iron Tail),
24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder), 26(Earthquake), 27(*Return),
32(Double Team),
34(electric swift), 35(Flamethrower), 37(Sandstorm), 38(Fire
Blast), 39(rock
42(*bravado), 43(*secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract),
H3(Surf), H4
H6(Rock Smash)
129/130 Magikarp/Gyarados (Water,Water/Flying):
Characteristic: smooth swim, menace
Splash (1/--)
Thrash (--/1)
Tackle (15/--)
Bite (--/20)
Dragon Rage (--/25)
Flail (30/--)
Leer (--/30)
Twister (--/35)
*Hydro Pump (--/40)
Rain Dance (--/45)
dragonflight (--/50)
Hyper Beam (--/55)
TMs (Gyarados only): 03(*water surge), 05(Roar), 06(Toxic),
07(hailstorm), 10
(Hidden Power),
12(provocation), 13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard), 15(Hyper Beam),
17(Protect), 18
(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder),
26(Earthquake), 27(Return), 32
(Double Team),
35(Flamethrower), 37(Sandstorm), 38(Fire Blast),
41(ichamon), 42(bravado), 43
(secret power),
44(Rest), 45(Attract), H3(*Surf), H4(*Strength), H6(Rock
Smash), H7
(*Waterfall), H8(*diving)
131 Lapras (Water/Ice):
Characteristic: reservoir/shell armor
*Water Gun (1)
Growl (1)
Sing (1)
Mist (7)
Body Slam (13)
Confuse Ray (19)
Perish Song (25)
*Ice Beam (31)
Rain Dance (37)
Safeguard (43)
*Hydro Pump (49)
absolute zero (55)
TMs: 03(*water surge), 05(Roar), 06(Toxic), 07(hailstorm),
10(Hidden Power),
13(*Ice Beam),
14(*Blizzard), 15(Hyper Beam), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
20(Safeguard), 21
23(Iron Tail), 24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder), 27(Return),
29(Psychic), 32
(Double Team),
34(electric swift), 42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), H3
H4(*Strength), H6(Rock Smash), H7(*Waterfall), H8(*diving)
Breed: Foresight, Substitute, tickle, refresh, dragonflight,
Curse, Sleep
Talk, Horn Drill
132 Ditto (Normal):
Characteristic: flexible
Transform (1)
133/134 Eevee/Vaporeon (Normal,Water):
Characteristic: run away, reservoir
Tackle (1*/1)
Tail Whip (1/1)
help (1/1)
Sand-Attack (8/8)
Growl (16/--)
*Water Gun (--/16)
Quick Attack (23*/23)
Bite (30/30)
Baton Pass (36/--)
Aurora Beam (--/36)
Take Down (42*/--)
Haze (--/42)
Acid Armor (--/47)
*Hydro Pump (--/52)
TMs: 03(*water surge, Vaporeon), 05(Roar, Vaporeon),
06(Toxic), 07(hailstorm,
10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 13(Ice Beam, Vaporeon),
15(Hyper Beam, Vaporeon), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration, * on
23(Iron Tail), 27(Return, * on Eevee), 28(Dig), 30(Shadow
Ball), 32(Double
42(bravado, * on Eevee), 43(secret power, * on Eevee),
44(Rest), 45(Attract),
H3(*Surf, Vaporeon), H7(*Waterfall, Vaporeon), H8(*diving,
Breed: Charm, Flail(* on Eevee), Endure, Curse, tickle,
133/135 Eevee/Jolteon (Normal,Electric):
Characteristic: run away, electro storage
Tackle (1*/1)
Tail Whip (1/1)
help (1/1)
Sand-Attack (8/8)
Growl (16/--)
*Thundershock (--/16)
Quick Attack (23*/23)
Bite (30/--)
Double Kick (--/30)
Baton Pass (36/--)
Pin Missile (--/36)
*Take Down (42*/--)
Thunder Wave (--/42)
Agility (--/47)
*Thunder (--/52)
TMs: 05(Roar, Jolteon), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 15(Hyper
Beam, Jolteon),
17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 21(Frustration, * on Eevee),
23(Iron Tail),
24(*Thunderbolt, Jolteon), 25(*Thunder, Jolteon), 27(Return,
* on Eevee), 28
30(Shadow Ball), 32(Double Team), 34(*electric swift,
Jolteon), 42(bravado, *
on Eevee),
43(secret power, * on Eevee), 44(Rest), 45(Attract), H5
Breed: Charm, Flail(* on Eevee), Endure, Curse, tickle,
133/136 Eevee/Flareon (Normal,Fire):
Characteristic: run away, sun reception
Tackle (1*/1)
Tail Whip (1/1)
help (1/1)
Sand-Attack (8/8)
Growl (16/--)
*Ember (--/16)
Quick Attack (23*/23)
Bite (30/30)
Baton Pass (36/--)
*Fire Spin (--/36)
Take Down (42*/--)
Smog (--/42)
Leer (--/47)
*Flamethrower (--/52)
TMs: 05(Roar, Flareon), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 15(Hyper
Beam, Flareon),
17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 21(Frustration, * on Eevee),
23(Iron Tail),
27(Return, * on Eevee), 28(Dig), 30(Shadow Ball), 32(Double
Team), 35
(*Flamethrower, Flareon),
38(*Fire Blast, Flareon), 42(bravado, * on Eevee), 43(secret
power, * on
Eevee), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), 50(*over-heat, Flareon)
Breed: Charm, Flail(* on Eevee), Endure, Curse, tickle,
133/196 Eevee/Espeon (Normal,Psychic):
Characteristic: run away, synchro
Tackle (1*/1)
Tail Whip (1/1)
help (1/1)
Sand-Attack (8/8)
Growl (16/--)
*Confusion (--/16)
Quick Attack (23*/23)
Bite (30/--)
Swift (--/30)
Baton Pass (36/--)
*Psybeam (--/36)
Take Down (42*/--)
Psych Up (--/42)
*Psychic (--/47)
Morning Sun (--/52)
TMs: 04(enlighten, Espeon), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 15
(Hyper Beam,
Espeon), 16(Light Screen, Espeon), 17(Protect), 18(Rain
Dance), 21
(Frustration, * on Eevee),
23(Iron Tail), 27(Return, * on Eevee), 28(Dig), 29(*Psychic,
Espeon), 30
(Shadow Ball),
32(Double Team), 33(Reflect, Espeon), 42(bravado, * on
Eevee), 43(secret
power, * on Eevee),
44(Rest), 45(Attract), 48(skill swap, Espeon), H1(Cut,
Espeon), H5(Flash,
Breed: Charm, *Flail, Endure, Curse, tickle, prayer
133/197 Eevee/Umbreon (Normal,Dark):
Characteristic: run away, synchro
Tackle (1*/1)
Tail Whip (1/1)
help (1/1)
Sand-Attack (8/8)
Growl (16/--)
*Pursuit (--/16)
Quick Attack (23*/23)
Bite (30/--*)
Confuse Ray (--/30)
Baton Pass (36/--)
*Faint Attack (--/36)
Take Down (42*/--)
Mean Look (--/42)
Screech (--/47)
Moonlight (--/52)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day),
12(provocation, Umbreon), 15
(Hyper Beam,
Umbreon), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 21(Frustration, * on
Eevee), 23(Iron
27(Return, * on Eevee), 28(Dig), 29(Psychic, Umbreon),
30(Shadow Ball), 32
(Double Team),
41(ichamon, Umbreon), 42(bravado, * on Eevee), 43(secret
power,* on Eevee), 44
45(Attract), 49(seizure, Umbreon), H1(Cut, Umbreon),
H5(Flash, Umbreon)
Breed: Charm, *Flail, Endure, Curse, tickle, prayer
137/233 Porygon/Porygon2 (Normal):
Characteristic: trance
Conversion2 (1/1)
*Tackle (1/1)
Conversion (1/1)
Agility (9/9)
Psybeam (12/12)
Recover (20/20)
Sharpen (24/--)
Defense Curl (--/24)
Lock-On (32/32)
*Tri Attack (36/36)
recycle (44/44)
Zap Cannon (48/48)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 13(Ice
Beam), 14(Blizzard),
15(*Hyper Beam),
17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 21(*Frustration),
22(Solarbeam), 23(Iron Tail),
25(Thunder), 27(*Return), 29(Psychic), 30(Shadow Ball),
32(Double Team), 34
(electric swift),
40(beak slash), 42(*bravado), 43(*secret power), 44(Rest),
46(Thief), H5
138/139 Omanyte/Omastar (Rock/Water):
Characteristic: smooth swim/shell armor
Constrict (1/1)
Withdraw (1/1)
Bite (13/1+13)
*Water Gun (19/19)
mud shot (25/25)
Leer (31/31)
Protect (37/37)
Spike Cannon (--/40)
tickle (43/46)
*Ancientpower (49/55)
*Hydro Pump (55/65)
TMs: 03(*water surge), 06(Toxic), 07(hailstorm), 10(Hidden
Power), 13(Ice
Beam), 14(Blizzard),
15(Hyper Beam, Omastar), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 27
32(Double Team), 37(Sandstorm), 39(*rock seal), 42(bravado),
power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), 46(Thief), H3(*Surf), H6(Rock Smash),
H7(*Waterfall), H8(*diving)
Breed: *Bubblebeam, Aurora Beam, Slam, Supersonic, Haze,
*Rock Slide, Spikes
140/141 Kabuto/Kabutops (Rock/Water):
Characteristic: smooth swim/kabuto armor
Scratch (1/1)
Harden (1/1)
Absorb (13/1+13)
Leer (19/19)
mud shot (25/25)
Sand-Attack (31/31)
Endure (37/37)
Slash (--/40)
kinzokuon (43/46)
Mega Drain (49/55)
*Ancientpower (55/65)
TMs: 03(*water surge), 06(Toxic), 07(hailstorm), 10(Hidden
Power), 13(Ice
Beam), 14(Blizzard),
15(Hyper Beam, Kabutops), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
19(Giga Drain), 21
27(Return), 28(Dig), 31(kawarareri, Kabutops), 32(Double
Team), 37
(Sandstorm), 39(*rock seal),
40(beak slash), 42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), 46
(Thief), H1(Cut,
Kabutops), H3(*Surf), H6(Rock Smash), H7(*Waterfall),
H8(*diving, Kabutops)
Breed: *Bubblebeam, Aurora Beam, Rapid Spin, Dig, Flail,
drop feathers,
Confuse Ray
142 Aerodactyl (Rock/Flying):
Characteristic: rock head/pressure
*Wing Attack (1)
Agility (8)
Bite (15)
Supersonic (22)
*Ancientpower (29)
Scary Face (36)
Take Down (43)
Hyper Beam (50)
TMs: 02(dragon claw), 05(Roar), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 12
15(Hyper Beam), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 23(Iron Tail),
27(Return), 32(Double Team), 35(Flamethrower),
37(Sandstorm), 38(Fire Blast),
39(*rock seal),
40(*beak slash), 41(ichamon), 42(bravado), 43(secret power),
44(Rest), 45
(Attract), 46(Thief),
47(Steel Wing), H2(*Fly), H4(Strength), H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Whirlwind, Pursuit, Foresight, Steel Wing,
Dragonbreath, Curse
143 Snorlax (Normal):
Characteristic: immunization/hot grease
*Tackle (1)
Amnesia (6)
Defense Curl (10)
Belly Drum (15)
*Headbutt (19)
yawn (24)
Rest (28)
*Snore (28)
*Body Slam (33)
toosenbou (37)
hoshigaru (42)
Rollout (46)
*Hyper Beam (51)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 03(water surge), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden
Power), 11(Sunny
13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard), 15(*Hyper Beam), 17(Protect),
18(Rain Dance), 21
22(Solarbeam), 24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder), 26(Earthquake),
27(*Return), 29
30(Shadow Ball), 31(kawarareri), 32(Double Team),
34(electric swift), 35
37(Sandstorm), 38(Fire Blast), 39(rock seal), 42(*bravado),
power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), H3(Surf), H4(*Strength)
Breed: Lick, Charm, *Double-Edge, Curse, Fisure, Substitute
144 Articuno (Ice/Flying):
Characteristic: pressure
*Gust (1)
*Powder Snow (1)
Mist (13)
Agility (25)
Mind Reader (37)
*Ice Beam (49)
Reflect (61)
*Blizzard (73)
absolute zero (85)
TMs: 03(water surge), 05(Roar), 06(Toxic), 07(hailstorm),
10(Hidden Power), 11
(Sunny Day),
13(*Ice Beam), 14(*Blizzard), 15(Hyper Beam), 17(Protect),
18(Rain Dance), 21
27(Return), 32(Double Team), 33(Reflect), 37(Sandstorm),
40(*beak slash), 42
43(secret power), 44(Rest), 47(Steel Wing), H2(*Fly),
H6(Rock Smash)
145 Zapdos (Electric/Flying):
Characteristic: pressure
*Peck (1)
*Thundershock (1)
Thunder Wave (13)
Agility (25)
Detect (37)
*Drill Peck (49)
electrification (61)
Light Screen (73)
*Thunder (85)
TMs: 05(Roar), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day),
15(Hyper Beam), 16
(Light Screen),
17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 21(Frustration),
24(*Thunderbolt), 25(*Thunder),
32(Double Team), 34(*electric swift), 37(Sandstorm),
40(*beak slash), 42
43(secret power), 44(Rest), 47(Steel Wing), H2(*Fly),
H5(Flash), H6(Rock
146 Moltres (Fire/Flying):
Characteristic: pressure
*Wing Attack (1)
*Ember (1)
*Fire Spin (13)
Agility (25)
Endure (37)
*Flamethrower (49)
Safeguard (61)
*hot wind (73)
*Sky Attack (85)
TMs: 05(Roar), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day),
15(Hyper Beam), 17
18(Rain Dance), 20(Safeguard), 21(Frustration), 27(Return),
32(Double Team),
35(*Flamethrower), 37(Sandstorm), 38(*Fire Blast), 40(*beak
slash), 42
43(secret power), 44(Rest), 47(Steel Wing), 50(*over-heat),
H2(*Fly), H6(Rock
147/148/149 Dratini/Dragonair/Dragonite
Characteristic: molting, molting, mind power
Wrap (1/1/1)
Leer (1/1/1)
Thunder Wave (8/1+8/1+8)
*Twister (15/15/1+15)
Dragon Rage (22/22/22)
Slam (29/29/29)
Agility (36/38/38)
Safeguard (43/47/47)
*Wing Attack (--/--/55)
*Outrage (50/56/61)
Hyper Beam (57/65/75)
TMs: 01(scream punch, Dragonite), 02(*dragon claw,
Dragonite), 03(water
surge), 05(Roar,
Dragonite), 06(Toxic), 07(hailstorm), 10(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 13(Ice
14(Blizzard), 15(Hyper Beam), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
20(Safeguard), 21
23(Iron Tail), 24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder), 26(Earthquake,
Dragonite), 27
31(kawarareri, Dragonite), 32(Double Team), 34(electric
swift), 35
37(Sandstorm, Dragonite), 38(Fire Blast), 40(*beak slash,
Dragonite), 42
43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract), 47(Steel Wing,
Dragonite), H1(Cut,
H2(*Fly, Dragonite), H3(Surf), H4(Strength, Dragonite),
H6(Rock Smash,
H7(Waterfall), H8(diving, Dragonite)
Breed: Light Screen, Mist, Haze, Supersonic, *Dragonbreath,
150 Mewtwo (Psychic):
Characteristic: pressure
*Confusion (1)
Disable (1)
Barrier (11)
Swift (22)
Psych Up (33)
*Future Sight (44)
Mist (55)
*Psychic (66)
Amnesia (77)
Recover (88)
Safeguard (99)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 03(water surge), 04(enlighten),
06(Toxic), 07
(hailstorm), 08(build up),
10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 12(provocation), 13(Ice
Beam), 14(Blizzard),
15(Hyper Beam),
16(Light Screen), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
20(Safeguard), 21
(Frustration), 22(Solarbeam),
23(Iron Tail), 24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder), 26(Earthquake),
27(Return), 29
30(Shadow Ball), 31(kawarareri), 32(Double Team),
33(Reflect), 34(electric
35(Flamethrower), 37(Sandstorm), 38(Fire Blast), 39(rock
seal), 40(beak
slash), 41(ichamon),
42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest), 48(skill swap),
49(seizure), H4
(Strength), H5(Flash),
H6(Rock Smash)
151 Mew (Psychic):
Characteristic: synchro
Pound (1)
Transform (10)
Mega Punch (20)
Metronome (30)
*Psychic (40)
Ancientpower (50)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 02(dragon claw), 03(water surge),
04(enlighten), 05
(Roar), 06(Toxic),
07(hailstorm), 08(build up), 09(seed machine gun), 10(Hidden
Power), 11(Sunny
12(provocation), 13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard), 15(Hyper Beam),
Screen), 17(Protect),
18(Rain Dance), 19(Giga Drain), 20(Safeguard),
21(Frustration), 22
(Solarbeam), 23(Iron Tail),
24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder), 26(Earthquake), 27(Return),
28(Dig), 29
30(Shadow Ball), 31(kawarareri), 32(Double Team),
33(Reflect), 34(electric
35(Flamethrower), 36(Sludge Bomb), 37(Sandstorm), 38(Fire
Blast), 39(rock
40(beak slash), 41(ichamon), 42(bravado), 43(secret power),
44(Rest), 45
(Attract), 46(Thief),
47(Steel Wing), 48(skill swap), 49(seizure), 50(over-heat),
H1(Cut), H2(Fly),
H4(Strength), H5(Flash), H6(Rock Smash), H7(Waterfall),
152/153/154 Chikorita/Bayleef/Meganium (Grass):
Characteristic: fresh verdure
Tackle (1/1/1)
Growl (1/1/1)
*Razor Leaf (8/1+8/1+8)
Reflect (12/1+12/1+12)
Poisonpowder (15/15/15)
Synthesis (22/23/23)
Body Slam (29/31/31)
Light Screen (36/39/41)
Safeguard (43/47/51)
*Solarbeam (50/55/61)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 09(*seed machine gun), 10(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 15
(Hyper Beam,
Meganium), 16(Light Screen), 17(Protect), 19(*Giga Drain),
20(Safeguard), 21
22(*Solarbeam), 23(Iron Tail), 26(Earthquake, Meganium),
27(Return), 32
(Double Team),
33(Reflect), 42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), H1(Cut), H4
not Chikorita), H5(Flash), H6(Rock Smash, not Chikorita)
Breed: *Vine Whip, Leech Seed, Counter, Ancientpower, Flail,
nature power, ne-
o haru,
reed pipe
155/156/157 Cyndaquil/Quilava/Typhlosion (Fire):
Characteristic: raging fire
Tackle (1/1/1)
Leer (1/1/1)
Smokescreen (6/1+6/1+6)
*Ember (12/12/1+12)
Quick Attack (19/21/21)
*Flame Wheel (27/31/31)
Swift (36/42/45)
*Flamethrower (46/54/60)
TMs: 01(scream punch, not Cyndaquil), 05(Roar, not
Cyndaquil), 06(Toxic), 10
(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 15(Hyper Beam, Typhlosion), 17(Protect),
21(Frustration), 26
Typhlosion), 27(Return), 28(Dig), 31(kawarareri, not
Cyndaquil), 32(Double
35(*Flamethrower), 38(*Fire Blast), 40(beak slash),
42(bravado), 43(secret
44(Rest), 45(Attract), 50(*over-heat), H1(Cut), H4(Strength,
not Cyndaquil),
H6(Rock Smash,
not Cyndaquil)
Breed: Fury Swipes, Quick Attack, Reversal, Thrash,
Foresight, hoshigaru,
howl, break claw
158/159/160 Totodile/Croconaw/Feraligatr (Water):
Characteristic: raging stream
Scratch (1/1/1)
Leer (1/1/1)
Rage (7/1+7/1+7)
*Water Gun (13/13/1+13)
Bite (20/21/21)
Scary Face (27/28/28)
Slash (35/37/38)
Screech (43/45/47)
*Hydro Pump (52/55/58)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 02(dragon claw, Feraligatr),
03(*water surge), 05
(Roar, Feraligatr),
06(Toxic), 07(hailstorm), 10(Hidden Power), 13(Ice Beam),
14(Blizzard), 15
(Hyper Beam,
Feraligatr), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 21(Frustration),
23(Iron Tail), 26
Feraligatr), 27(Return), 28(Dig), 31(kawarareri), 32(Double
Team), 40(beak
42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract),
H1(Cut), H3(*Surf), H4
Feraligatr), H6(Rock Smash, Feraligatr), H7(*Waterfall),
Breed: Crunch, Thrash, *Hydro Pump, Ancientpower, Rock
Slide, mud play, water
dragon claw
161/162 Sentret/Furret (Normal):
Characteristic: run away/sharp eye
*Scratch (1/1)
Defense Curl (4/1+4)
*Quick Attack (7/1+7)
*Fury Swipes (12/12)
help (17/19)
*Slam (24/28)
finger stopsign (31/37)
Rest (40/48)
Amnesia (49/59)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 03(water surge), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden
Power), 11(Sunny
13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard, Furret), 15(*Hyper Beam, Furret),
17(Protect), 18
(Rain Dance),
21(*Frustration), 22(Solarbeam), 23(Iron Tail),
24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder,
27(*Return), 28(Dig), 30(Shadow Ball), 31(kawarareri),
32(Double Team), 34
(electric swift),
35(Flamethrower), 42(*bravado), 43(*secret power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), 46
H1(*Cut), H3(Surf), H4(*Strength, Furret), H6(Rock Smash,
Breed: *Double-Edge, Pursuit, *Slash, Focus Energy,
Reversal, Substitute,
trick, nekonote
163/164 Hoothoot/Noctowl (Normal/Flying):
Characteristic: insomnia/sharp eye
*Tackle (1/1)
Growl (1/1)
Foresight (6/1+6)
*Peck (11/1+11)
Hypnosis (16/16)
Reflect (22/25)
*Take Down (28/33)
Confusion (34/41)
Dream Eater (48/57)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 15(*Hyper
Beam, Noctowl), 17
18(Rain Dance), 21(*Frustration), 27(*Return), 29(Psychic),
30(Shadow Ball),
32(Double Team),
33(Reflect), 40(*beak slash), 42(*bravado), 43(*secret
power), 44(Rest), 45
46(Thief), 47(Steel Wing), H2(*Fly), H5(Flash)
Breed: Mirror Move, Supersonic, Faint Attack, *Wing Attack,
Whirlwind, *Sky
Attack, feather
165/166 Ledyba/Ledian (Bug/Flying):
Characteristic: bug's notice/early rising
Tackle (1/1)
Supersonic (8/1+8)
Comet Punch (15/15)
Light Screen (22/24)
Reflect (22/24)
Safeguard (22/24)
Baton Pass (29/33)
Swift (36/42)
Agility (43/51)
Double-Edge (50/60)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny
Day), 15(Hyper
Beam, Ledian),
16(Light Screen), 17(Protect), 19(Giga Drain),
20(Safeguard), 21
(Frustration), 22(Solarbeam),
27(Return), 28(Dig), 31(kawarareri), 32(Double Team),
33(Reflect), 40(*beak
42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract),
46(Thief), H5(Flash)
Breed: Psybeam, Bide, *silver wind
167/168 Spinarak/Ariados (Bug/Poison):
Characteristic: bug's notice/insomnia
*Poison Sting (1/1)
String Shot (1/1)
Scary Face (6/1+6)
Constrict (11/1+11)
Night Shade (17/17)
*Leech Life (23/25)
Fury Swipes (30/34)
Spider Web (37/43)
Agility (45/53)
Psychic (53/63)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 15(Hyper
Beam, Ariados), 17
19(Giga Drain), 21(Frustration), 22(Solarbeam), 27(Return),
28(Dig), 29
32(Double Team), 36(*Sludge Bomb), 42(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44(Rest), 45
46(Thief), H5(Flash)
Breed: Psybeam, Disable, Sonicboom, Baton Pass, Pursuit,
*signal beam
170/171 Chinchou/Lanturn (Water/Electric):
Characteristic: electro storage/luminiscence
*Bubble (1/1)
Thunder Wave (1/1)
Supersonic (5/1+5)
Flail (13/13)
*Water Gun (17/17)
*Spark (25/25)
Confuse Ray (29/32)
Take Down (37/43)
*Hydro Pump (41/50)
electrification (49/61)
TMs: 03(*water surge), 06(Toxic), 07(hailstorm), 10(Hidden
Power), 13(Ice
Beam), 14(Blizzard),
15(Hyper Beam, Lanturn), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 24
25(*Thunder), 27(Return), 32(Double Team), 34(*electric
swift), 42(bravado),
43(secret power),
44(Rest), 45(Attract), H3(*Surf), H5(Flash), H7(*Waterfall),
Breed: Flail, Screech, Amnesia
175/176 Togepi/Togetic (Normal,Normal/Flying):
Characteristic: needle cutter/heaven's blessing
Growl (1/1)
Charm (1/1)
Metronome (6/6)
Sweet Kiss (11/11)
yawn (16/16)
Encore (21/21)
finger stopsign (26/26)
prayer (31/31)
Safeguard (36/36)
*Double-Edge (41/41)
TMs: 01(scream punch, Togetic), 03(water surge), 06(Toxic),
10(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day),
15(Hyper Beam, Togetic), 16(Light Screen), 17(Protect),
18(Rain Dance), 20
21(*Frustration), 22(Solarbeam), 27(*Return), 29(Psychic),
30(Shadow Ball,
31(kawarareri, Togetic), 32(Double Team), 33(Reflect),
34(electric swift), 35
38(Fire Blast), 40(*beak slash, Togetic), 42(*bravado),
43(*secret power), 44
45(Attract), 47(Steel Wing, Togetic), H2(*Fly, Togetic),
H5(Flash), H6(Rock
Breed: *Present, Mirror Move, Peck(* on Togetic), Foresight,
Future Sight,
Psych Up
177/178 Natu/Xatu (Psychic/Flying):
Characteristic: synchro/early rising
*Peck (1/1)
Leer (1/1)
Night Shade (10/10)
Teleport (20/20)
prayer (30/35)
*Future Sight (30/35)
Confuse Ray (40/50)
*Psychic (50/65)
TMs: 04(enlighten), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny
Day), 15(Hyper
Beam, Xatu),
16(Light Screen), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 19(Giga
Drain), 21
(Frustration), 22(Solarbeam),
27(Return), 29(*Psychic), 30(Shadow Ball), 32(Double Team),
33(Reflect), 40
(*beak slash),
42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract),
46(Thief), 47(Steel
48(skill swap), H2(*Fly, Xatu), H5(Flash)
Breed: Haze, *Drill Peck, Quick Attack, Faint Attack, Steel
Wing, Psych Up,
feather dance,
179/180/181 Mareep/Flaafy/Ampharos (Electric):
Characteristic: static electricity
Tackle (1/1/1)
Growl (1/1/1)
*Thundershock (9/1+9/1+9)
Thunder Wave (16/18/1+18)
Cotton Spore (23/27/27)
*Thunderpunch (--/--/30)
Light Screen (30/36/42)
*Thunder (37/45/57)
TMs: 01(scream punch, not Mareep), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden
Power), 15(Hyper
Beam, Ampharos),
16(Light Screen), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 23(Iron
24(*Thunderbolt), 25(*Thunder), 27(Return), 31(kawarareri,
not Mareep), 32
(Double Team),
34(*electric swift), 42(bravado), 43(secret power),
44(Rest), 45(Attract), H4
(Strength, not
Mareep), H5(Flash), H6(Rock Smash, not Mareep)
Breed: Take Down, Body Slam, Safeguard, Screech, Reflect,
scent out,
325/183/184 Azurill/Marill/Azumarill (Normal,Water,Water):
Characteristic: hot grease/strongman
Splash (1/--/--)
Tackle (--/1/1)
Defense Curl (--/3/1+3)
Charm (3/--/--)
Tail Whip (6/6/1+6)
Bubble (10/--*/--*)
Slam (15*/--/--)
Water Gun (21/10*/1+10*)
Rollout (--/15/15)
*Bubblebeam (--/21/24)
Double-Edge (--/28/34)
Rain Dance (--/36/45)
*Hydro Pump (--/45/57)
TMs: 01(scream punch, not Azurill), 03(water surge, * on
Marill and
Azumarill), 06(Toxic),
07(hailstorm), 10(Hidden Power), 13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard),
15(Hyper Beam,
17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 21(Frustration, * on Azurill),
23(Iron Tail), 27
(Return, * on
Azurill), 28(Dig, not Azurill), 31(kawarareri, not Azurill),
32(Double Team),
42(bravado, *
on Azurill), 43(secret power, * on Azurill), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), H3(Surf,
* on Marill and
Azumarill), H7(Waterfall, * on Marill and Azumarill),
H8(*diving, not Azurill)
Breed (Azurill): Encore, sing, refresh, Slam (* on Azurill),
Breed (Marill): Light Screen, Present, Amnesia, Future
Sight, Belly Drum,
Perish Song,
Supersonic, Substitute
185 Sudowoodo (Rock):
Characteristic: solid/rock head
*Rock Throw (1)
Mimic (1)
Flail (9)
Low Kick (17)
*Rock Slide (25)
toosenbou (33)
Faint Attack (41)
Slam (49)
Double-Edge (57)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 04(enlighten), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden
Power), 11(Sunny
12(provocation), 17(Protect), 21(Frustration),
26(Earthquake), 27(Return), 28
31(kawarareri), 32(Double Team), 37(Sandstorm), 39(*rock
seal), 42(bravado),
43(secret power),
44(Rest), 45(Attract), 46(Thief), H4(Strength), H6(Rock
Breed: Selfdestruct
187/188/189 Hoppip/Skiploom/Jumpluff (Grass/Flying):
Characteristic: chlorophyll
Splash (1/1/1)
Synthesis (5/1+5/1+5)
Tail Whip (5/1+5/1+5)
Tackle (10/1+10/1+10)
Poisonpowder (13/13/13)
Stun Spore (15/15/15)
Sleep Powder (17/17/17)
Leech Seed (20/22/22)
Cotton Spore (25/29/33)
*Mega Drain (30/36/44)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 09(*seed machine gun), 10(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 15
(Hyper Beam,
Jumpluff), 17(Protect), 19(*Giga Drain), 21(Frustration),
22(*Solarbeam), 27
32(Double Team), 40(*beak slash), 42(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44(Rest), 45
Breed: Confusion, Encore, Double-Edge, Reflect, Amnesia,
help, Psych Up
190 Aipom (Normal):
Characteristic: run away/find stuff
*Scratch (1)
Tail Whip (1)
Sand-Attack (6)
frighten (13)
Baton Pass (18)
tickle (25)
*Fury Swipes (31)
*Swift (38)
Screech (43)
Agility (50)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 03(water surge), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden
Power), 11(Sunny
12(provocation), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
21(*Frustration), 22
(Solarbeam), 23(Iron Tail),
24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder), 27(*Return), 28(Dig),
30(Shadow Ball), 31
32(Double Team), 34(electric swift), 40(beak slash),
42(*bravado), 43(*secret
44(Rest), 45(Attract), 46(Thief), 49(seizure), H1(*Cut),
H4(*Strength), H6
(Rock Smash)
Breed: Counter, Screech, Pursuit, Agility, Spite, *Slam,
*Doubleslap, Beat Up
191/192 Sunkern/Sunflora (Grass):
Characteristic: chlorophyll
*Absorb (1/1)
Pound (--/1)
Growth (6/6)
*Mega Drain (13/--)
*Razor Leaf (--/13)
ne-o haru (18/18)
reckless (25/--)
*seed machine gun (--/25)
Sunny Day (30/30)
Synthesis (37/--)
*Petal Dance (--/37)
*Giga Drain (42/--)
*Solarbeam (--/42)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 09(*seed machine gun), 10(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 15
(Hyper Beam,
Sunflora), 16(Light Screen), 17(Protect), 19(*Giga Drain),
20(Safeguard), 21
22(*Solarbeam), 27(Return), 32(Double Team), 36(Sludge
Bomb), 42(bravado), 43
(secret power),
44(Rest), 45(Attract), H1(Cut), H5(Flash)
Breed: reed pipe, Encore, Leech Seed, nature power, Curse,
193 Yanma (Bug/Flying):
Characteristic: acceleration/compound eyes
Tackle (1)
Foresight (1)
Quick Attack (7)
Double Team (13)
Sonicboom (19)
Detect (25)
Supersonic (31)
clamor (37)
*Wing Attack (43)
Screech (49)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day),
17(Protect), 19(Giga Drain),
22(Solarbeam), 27(Return), 29(Psychic), 30(Shadow Ball),
32(Double Team), 40
(*beak slash),
42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract),
46(Thief), 47(Steel
Wing), H5(Flash)
Breed: Whirlwind, Reversal, *Leech Life, *signal beam,
*silver wind
194/195 Wooper/Quagsire (Water/Ground):
Characteristic: moisture/reservoir
*Water Gun (1/1)
Tail Whip (1/1)
Slam (11/11)
*mud shot (16/16)
Amnesia (21/23)
yawn (31/35)
*Earthquake (36/42)
Rain Dance (41/49)
Mist (51/61)
Haze (51/61)
TMs: 01(scream punch, Quagsire), 03(*water surge),
06(Toxic), 07(hailstorm),
10(Hidden Power),
13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard), 15(Hyper Beam, Quagsire),
17(Protect), 18(Rain
21(Frustration), 23(Iron Tail), 26(*Earthquake), 27(Return),
28(*Dig), 31
Quagsire), 32(Double Team), 36(Sludge Bomb), 37(Sandstorm),
39(rock seal,
42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract),
H3(*Surf), H4(Strength,
H5(Flash), H6(Rock Smash), H7(*Waterfall), H8(*diving)
Breed: Body Slam, Ancientpower. Safeguard, Curse, mud play,
store, Pound,
198 Murkrow (Dark/Flying):
Characteristic: insomnia
*Peck (1)
frighten (9)
*Pursuit (14)
Haze (22)
Night Shade (27)
*Faint Attack (35)
provocation (40)
Mean Look (48)
TMs: 04(enlighten), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power),
12(provocation), 17
(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 27(Return), 30(Shadow Ball), 32(Double
Team), 40(*beak
slash), 41(ichamon),
42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract),
46(*Thief), 47(Steel
Wing), 49(seizure),
Breed: Whirlwind, *Drill Peck, Mirror Move, *Wing Attack,
*Sky Attack,
Confuse Ray, feather
dance, Perish Song
200 Misdreavus (Ghost):
Characteristic: floating
Growl (1)
Psywave (1)
Spite (6)
*frighten (11)
Confuse Ray (17)
Mean Look (23)
Psybeam (30)
Pain Split (37)
Perish Song (45)
grudge (53)
TMs: 04(enlighten), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny
Day), 12
(provocation), 17(Protect),
18(Rain Dance), 21(Frustration), 24(Thunderbolt),
25(Thunder), 27(Return), 29
30(*Shadow Ball), 32(Double Team), 34(electric swift),
40(beak slash), 41
42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract),
46(Thief), 49(seizure),
Breed: Screech, Destiny Bond, Psych Up, sealed
201 Unown (Psychic):
Characteristic: floating
Hidden Power (1)
335/202 Wynaut/Wobbuffet (Psychic):
Characteristic: hates shadows
Splash (1/--)
Charm (1/--)
Encore (1/--)
Counter (15/1)
Mirror Coat (15/1)
Safegaurd (15/1)
Destiny Bond (15/1)
203 Girafarig (Normal/Psychic):
Characteristic: mind power/early rising
*Tackle (1)
Growl (1)
frighten (7)
*Confusion (13)
*Stomp (19)
scent out (25)
Agility (31)
Baton Pass (37)
*Psybeam (43)
Crunch (49)
TMs: 04(enlighten), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny
Day), 16(Light
Screen), 17(Protect),
18(Rain Dance), 21(*Frustration), 23(Iron Tail),
24(Thunderbolt), 25
(Thunder), 26(Earthquake),
27(*Return), 29(*Psychic), 30(Shadow Ball), 32(Double Team),
33(Reflect), 34
(electric swift),
42(*bravado), 43(*secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract),
46(Thief), 48(skill
H4(*Strength), H5(Flash), H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: *Take Down, Amnesia, Foresight, *Future Sight, Beat
Up, Psych Up,
prayer, magic coat
204/205 Pineco/Forretress (Bug,Bug/Steel):
Characteristic: solid
Tackle (1/1)
Protect (1/1)
Selfdestruct (8/1+8)
Take Down (15/15)
Rapid Spin (22/22)
Bide (29/29)
Explosion (36/39)
Spikes (43/49)
Double-Edge (50/59)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 15(Hyper
Beam, Forretress),
16(Light Screen),
17(Protect), 19(Giga Drain), 21(Frustration), 22(Solarbeam),
28(Dig), 32(Double Team), 33(Reflect), 37(Sandstorm),
42(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), H4(Strength), H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Reflect, *Pin Missile, Flail, Swift, Counter, sand
206 Dunsparce (Normal):
Characteristic: heaven's blessing/run away
*Rage (1)
Defense Curl (4)
yawn (11)
Glare (14)
Spite (21)
Pursuit (24)
Screech (31)
*Take Down (34)
*reckless (41)
TMs: 03(water surge), 04(enlighten), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden
Power), 11(Sunny
Day), 13(Ice Beam),
14(Blizzard), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 21(*Frustration),
22(Solarbeam), 23
(Iron Tail),
24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder), 26(Earthquake), 27(*Return),
28(Dig), 30(Shadow
32(Double Team), 34(electric swift), 35(Flamethrower),
38(Fire Blast), 39
(rock seal),
42(*bravado), 43(*secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract),
46(Thief), H4
H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Bide, Ancientpower, Rock Slide, Bite, *Headbutt,
frighten, Curse
207 Gligar (Ground/Flying):
Characteristic: strength basami/sand fall
Poison Sting (1)
Sand-Attack (6)
Harden (13)
Quick Attack (20)
Faint Attack (28)
Slash (36)
Screech (44)
Guillotine (52)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day),
17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
23(Iron Tail), 26(*Earthquake), 27(Return), 28(*Dig),
32(Double Team), 36
(Sludge Bomb),
37(Sandstorm), 39(rock seal), 40(*beak slash), 42(bravado),
43(secret power),
45(Attract), 46(Thief), 47(Steel Wing), H1(Cut),
H4(Strength), H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Metal Claw, *Wing Attack, Razor Wind, Counter, *sand
209/210 Snubbull/Granbull (Normal):
Characteristic: menace/run away, menace/menace
*Tackle (1/1)
Scary Face (1/1)
Tail Whip (4/4)
Charm (8/8)
Bite (13/13)
Lick (19/19)
Roar (26/28)
*Rage (34/38)
*Take Down (43/49)
Crunch (53/61)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 03(water surge), 05(Roar), 06(Toxic),
08(build up), 10
(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 12(provocation), 15(*Hyper Beam, Granbull),
17(Protect), 18
(Rain Dance),
21(*Frustration), 22(Solarbeam), 24(Thunderbolt),
25(Thunder), 26
(Earthquake), 27(*Return),
28(Dig), 30(Shadow Ball), 31(kawarareri), 32(Double Team),
35(Flamethrower), 36(Sludge Bomb), 38(Fire Blast), 39(rock
seal, Granbull), 41
42(*bravado), 43(*secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract),
46(Thief), 50(over-
H4(*Strength), H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Metronome, Faint Attack, Reflect, *Present, Crunch,
Heal Bell, *Snore,
211 Qwilfish (Water/Poison):
Characteristic: poison thorn/smooth swim
Spikes (1)
Tackle (1)
*Poison Sting (1)
Harden (10)
Minimize (10)
*Water Gun (19)
Pin Missile (28)
Take Down (37)
*Hydro Pump (46)
TMs: 03(*water surge), 06(Toxic), 07(hailstorm), 10(Hidden
Power), 13(Ice
Beam), 14(Blizzard),
17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 21(Frustration), 27(Return),
30(Shadow Ball), 32
(Double Team),
34(electric swift), 36(*Sludge Bomb), 42(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44
(Rest), 45(Attract),
H3(*Surf), H7(*Waterfall), H8(*diving)
Breed: Flail, Haze, *Bubblebeam, Supersonic, frighten
213 Shuckle (Bug/Rock):
Characteristic: solid
Constrict (1)
Withdraw (1)
Wrap (9)
Encore (14)
Safeguard (23)
Bide (28)
Rest (37)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day),
17(Protect), 20(Safeguard),
26(Earthquake), 27(Return), 28(Dig), 32(Double Team),
36(Sludge Bomb), 37
39(*rock seal), 42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), H4
(Strength), H5(Flash),
H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Sweet Scent
214 Heracross (Bug/Fighting):
Characteristic: bug's notice/will-power
Tackle (1)
Leer (1)
Horn Attack (6)
Endure (11)
Fury Attack (17)
*kawarareri (23)
Counter (30)
Take Down (37)
*Reversal (45)
*Megahorn (53)
TMs: 01(*scream punch), 06(Toxic), 08(build up), 10(Hidden
Power), 11(Sunny
Day), 15(Hyper
Beam), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 21(Frustration),
26(Earthquake), 27
(Return), 28(Dig),
31(*kawarareri), 32(Double Team), 39(rock seal),
42(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), 46(Thief), H1(Cut), H4(Strength), H6(Rock
Breed: Harden, Bite, Flail, False Swipe
215 Sneasel (Dark/Ice):
Characteristic: mins power/sharp eye
Scratch (1)
Leer (1)
provocation (1)
Quick Attack (8)
Screech (15)
*Faint Attack (22)
Fury Swipes (29)
Agility (36)
*Icy Wind (43)
Slash (50)
*Beat Up (57)
Metal Claw (64)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 04(enlighten), 06(Toxic),
07(hailstorm), 10(Hidden
11(Sunny Day), 12(provocation), 13(*Ice Beam),
14(*Blizzard), 17(Protect), 18
(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 23(Iron Tail), 27(Return), 28(Dig),
30(Shadow Ball), 31
32(Double Team), 40(beak slash), 41(ichamon), 42(bravado),
43(secret power),
45(Attract), 46(*Thief), 49(seizure), H1(Cut), H3(Surf),
H4(Strength), H6
(Rock Smash)
Breed: Counter, Spite, Foresight, Reflect, *Bite, break
claw, cat deceive
216/217 Teddiursa/Ursaring (Normal):
Characteristic: find stuff, will-power
*Scratch (1/1)
Leer (1/1)
Lick (7/1+7)
*Fury Swipes (13/1+13)
fake tears (19/19)
Faint Attack (25/25)
Rest (31/31)
*Slash (37/37)
*Snore (43/43)
*Thrash (49/49)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 05(Roar), 06(Toxic), 08(build up),
10(Hidden Power), 11
(Sunny Day),
12(provocation), 15(*Hyper Beam, Ursaring), 17(Protect),
18(Rain Dance), 21
26(Earthquake), 27(*Return), 28(Dig), 31(kawarareri),
32(Double Team), 39
(rock seal,
Ursaring), 40(beak slash), 41(ichamon), 42(*bravado),
43(*secret power), 44
45(Attract), 46(Thief), H1(*Cut), H4(*Strength), H6(Rock
Breed: Crunch, *Take Down, Seismic Toss, Counter, Metal
Claw, fake tears,
yawn, Sleep Talk
218/219 Slugma/Magcargo (Fire,Fire/Rock):
Characteristic: magma armor/body of fire
yawn (1/1)
Smog (1/1)
*Ember (8/1+8)
Rock Throw (15/1+15*)
Harden (22/22)
Amnesia (29/29)
*Flamethrower (36/36)
Rock Slide (43/48*)
Body Slam (50/60)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 15(Hyper
Beam, Magcargo), 16
(Light Screen),
17(Protect), 21(Frustration), 26(Earthquake, Magcargo),
27(Return), 32(Double
33(Reflect), 35(*Flamethrower), 38(*Fire Blast), 39(*rock
seal, Magcargo), 42
43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract), 50(*over-heat),
H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Acid Armor, *hot wind
220/221 Swinub/Piloswine (Ice/Ground):
Characteristic: stolidity
Tackle (1/--)
Horn Attack (--/1)
scent out (1/1)
*Powder Snow (10/1+10)
Endure (19/1+19)
Take Down (28/28)
Fury Attack (--/33)
Mist (37/42)
*Blizzard (46/56)
Amnesia (55/70)
TMs: 05(Roar), 06(Toxic), 07(hailstorm), 10(Hidden Power),
13(*Ice Beam), 14
15(Hyper Beam, Piloswine), 16(Light Screen), 17(Protect),
18(Rain Dance), 21
26(*Earthquake), 27(Return), 28(*Dig), 32(Double Team),
33(Reflect), 37
39(rock seal), 42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), H4
H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Take Down, Bite, Body Slam, Rock Slide, Ancientpower,
*mud shot,
222 Corsola (Water/Rock):
Characteristic: needle cutter/nature heal
Tackle (1)
Harden (6)
*Bubble (12)
Recover (17)
refresh (17)
*Bubblebeam (23)
Spike Cannon (28)
*rock blast (34)
Mirror Coat (39)
*Ancientpower (45)
TMs: 03(*water surge), 04(enlighten), 06(Toxic),
07(hailstorm), 10(Hidden
11(Sunny Day), 13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard), 16(Light Screen),
17(Protect), 18
(Rain Dance),
20(Safeguard), 21(Frustration), 26(Earthquake), 27(Return),
28(Dig), 29
30(Shadow Ball), 32(Double Team), 33(Reflect),
37(Sandstorm), 39(*rock seal),
43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract), H3(*Surf),
H4(Strength), H6(Rock
Breed: *Rock Slide, Screech, Mist, Amnesia, Barrier, ne-o
haru, Confuse Ray,
223/224 Remoraid/Octillery (Water):
Characteristic: needle cutter, suction cup
*Water Gun (1/1)
Lock-On (11/--)
Constrict (--/11)
Psybeam (22/22)
Aurora Beam (22/22)
*Bubblebeam (22/22)
*Octazooka (--/25)
Focus Energy (33/38)
Ice Beam (44/54)
Hyper Beam (55/70)
TMs: 03(*water surge), 06(Toxic), 09(seed machine gun,
Octillery), 10(Hidden
11(Sunny Day), 13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard), 15(Hyper Beam),
17(Protect), 18
(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 27(Return), 29(Psychic), 32(Double Team),
36(Sludge Bomb,
Octillery), 38(Fire Blast), 42(bravado), 43(secret power),
44(Rest), 45
(Attract), 46(Thief),
H3(*Surf), H7(*Waterfall), H8(*diving)
Breed: Aurora Beam, *Octazooka, Supersonic, Haze, Screech,
Thunder Wave, rock
225 Delibird (Ice/Flying):
Characteristic: yaruki/needle cutter
Present (1)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 03(water surge), 06(Toxic),
07(hailstorm), 10(Hidden
13(*Ice Beam), 14(*Blizzard), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 27
32(Double Team), 40(*beak slash), 42(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44(Rest), 45
46(Thief), H2(*Fly)
Breed: *Aurora Beam, Quick Attack, Future Sight, Splash,
Rapid Spin, *ice ball
226 Mantine (Water/Flying):
Characteristic: smooth swim/reservoir
Tackle (1)
*Bubble (1)
Supersonic (8)
*Bubblebeam (15)
Take Down (22)
Agility (29)
*Wing Attack (36)
*water surge (43)
Confuse Ray (50)
TMs: 03(*water surge), 06(Toxic), 07(hailstorm), 10(Hidden
Power), 13(Ice
Beam), 14(Blizzard),
17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 21(Frustration),
26(Earthquake), 27(Return), 32
(Double Team),
40(*beak slash), 42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), H3
H7(*Waterfall), H8(*diving)
Breed: Twister, *Hydro Pump, Haze, Slam, mud play, Rock
227 Skarmory (Steel/Flying):
Characteristic: sharp eye/solid
Leer (1)
*Peck (1)
Sand-Attack (10)
Swift (13)
Agility (16)
Fury Attack (26)
*air cutter (29)
*Steel Wing (32)
Spikes (42)
kinzokuon (45)
TMs: 05(Roar), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day),
12(provocation), 17
21(Frustration), 27(Return), 32(Double Team), 40(*beak
slash), 41(ichamon), 42
43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract), 46(Thief),
47(*Steel Wing), H1(Cut),
H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: *Drill Peck, Pursuit, Whirlwind, *Sky Attack, Curse
228/229 Houndour/Houndoom (Dark/Fire):
Characteristic: early rising/sun reception
Leer (1/1)
*Ember (1/1)
howl (7/1+7)
Smog (13/13)
Roar (19/19)
*Bite (25/27)
scent out (31/35)
*Faint Attack (37/43)
*Flamethrower (43/51)
*Crunch (49/59)
TMs: 05(Roar), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day),
12(provocation), 15
(Hyper Beam,
Houndoom), 17(Protect), 21(Frustration), 22(Solarbeam),
23(Iron Tail), 27
30(Shadow Ball), 32(Double Team), 35(*Flamethrower),
36(Sludge Bomb), 38
(*Fire Blast),
41(ichamon), 42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), 46
(*Thief), 49(seizure),
50(*over-heat), H4(Strength, Houndoom), H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: *Fire Spin, Rage, *Pursuit, Counter, Spite, Reversal,
*Beat Up, jack-
231/232 Phanpy/Donphan (Ground):
Characteristic: find stuff, solid
scent out (1/1)
Tackle (1/1)
Growl (1/1)
Defense Curl (9/9)
Flail (17/17)
Take Down (25/--)
Fury Attack (--/25)
Rollout (33/33)
Endure (41/41)
Double-Edge (49/49)
TMs: 05(Roar), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day),
15(Hyper Beam,
17(Protect), 21(Frustration), 23(Iron Tail),
26(*Earthquake), 27(Return), 32
(Double Team),
37(Sandstorm), 39(rock seal), 42(bravado), 43(secret power),
44(Rest), 45
H4(Strength), H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Focus Energy, Body Slam, Ancientpower, Snore,
Counter, Fissure
234 Stantler (Normal):
Characteristic: menace
*Tackle (1)
Leer (7)
frighten (13)
Hypnosis (19)
*Stomp (25)
Sand-Attack (31)
*Take Down (37)
Confuse Ray (43)
enlighten (49)
TMs: 04(enlighten), 05(Roar), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 16
(Light Screen),
17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 21(*Frustration),
22(Solarbeam), 23(Iron Tail),
25(Thunder), 26(Earthquake), 27(*Return), 29(Psychic),
30(Shadow Ball), 32
(Double Team),
33(Reflect), 34(electric swift), 42(*bravado), 43(*secret
power), 44(Rest), 45
46(Thief), 48(skill swap), H5(Flash)
Breed: Spite, Disable, Bite, Swagger, Psych Up, supernatural
235 Smeargle (Normal):
Characteristic: my pace
Sketch (1+11+21+31+41+51+61+71+81+91)
236/237 Tyrogue/Hitmontop (Fighting):
Characteristic: will-power, menace
Tackle (1/--)
*revenge (--/1)
*Rolling Kick (--/1)
Focus Energy (--/7)
Pursuit (--/13)
Quick Attack (--/19)
*Triple Kick (--/20)
Rapid Spin (--/25)
Counter (--/31)
Agility (--/37)
Detect (--/43)
reckless (--/49)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 08(build up), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny
Day), 17(Protect), 18
(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 26(Earthquake), 27(Return), 28(Dig,
Hitmontop), 31
(*kawarareri), 32(Double
Team), 37(Sandstorm), 42(bravado), 43(secret power),
44(Rest), 45(Attract), 46
H4(Strength), H6(*Rock Smash)
Breed: Rapid Spin, *Hi Jump Kick, *Mach Punch, Mind Reader,
241 Miltank (Normal):
Characteristic: hot grease
*Tackle (1)
Growl (4)
Defense Curl (8)
*Stomp (13)
Milk Drink (19)
Bide (26)
Rollout (34)
*Body Slam (43)
Heal Bell (53)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 03(water surge), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden
Power), 11(Sunny
13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard), 15(*Hyper Beam), 17(Protect),
18(Rain Dance), 21
22(Solarbeam), 23(Iron Tail), 24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder),
26(Earthquake), 27
30(Shadow Ball), 31(kawarareri), 32(Double Team),
34(electric swift), 37
39(rock seal), 42(*bravado), 43(*secret power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), H3
H4(*Strength), H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: *Present, Reversal, Seismic Toss, Endure, Psych Up,
Curse, help, Sleep
243 Raikou (Electric):
Characteristic: pressure
Bite (1)
Leer (1)
*Thundershock (11)
Roar (21)
Quick Attack (31)
*Spark (41)
Reflect (51)
Crunch (61)
*Thunder (71)
enlighten (81)
TMs: 04(enlighten), 05(Roar), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 15
(Hyper Beam),
17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 21(Frustration), 23(Iron Tail),
(*Thunderbolt), 25(*Thunder),
27(Return), 28(Dig), 32(Double Team), 33(Reflect),
34(*electric swift), 37
42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest), H1(Cut),
H4(Strength), H5(Flash), H6
(Rock Smash)
244 Entei (Fire):
Characteristic: pressure
Bite (1)
Leer (1)
*Ember (11)
Roar (21)
*Fire Spin (31)
Stomp (41)
*Flamethrower (51)
Swagger (61)
*Fire Blast (71)
enlighten (81)
TMs: 04(enlighten), 05(Roar), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 15
(Hyper Beam),
17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 21(Frustration), 22(Solarbeam),
23(Iron Tail), 27
28(Dig), 32(Double Team), 33(Reflect), 35(*Flamethrower),
37(Sandstorm), 38
(*Fire Blast),
42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest), H1(Cut),
H4(Strength), H5(Flash), H6
(Rock Smash)
245 Suicune (Water):
Characteristic: pressure
Bite (1)
Leer (1)
*Bubblebeam (11)
Rain Dance (21)
Gust (31)
Aurora Beam (41)
Mist (51)
Mirror Coat (61)
*Hydro Pump (71)
enlighten (81)
TMs: 03(*water surge), 04(enlighten), 05(Roar), 06(Toxic),
07(hailstorm), 10
(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard), 15(Hyper Beam),
17(Protect), 18
(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 23(Iron Tail), 27(Return), 28(Dig),
32(Double Team), 33
37(Sandstorm), 42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest),
H1(Cut), H3(*Surf), H6
(Rock Smash),
H7(*Waterfall), H8(*diving)
246/247/248 Larvitar/Pupitar/Tyranitar
Characteristic: will-power, molting, blow sand
Bite (1/1/1*)
Leer (1/1/1)
Sandstorm (8/1+8/1+8)
Screech (15/1+15/1+15)
*Rock Slide (22/22/22)
Thrash (29/29/29)
Scary Face (36/38/38)
Crunch (43/47/47*)
Earthquake (50*/56*/61)
Hyper Beam (57/65/75)
TMs: 01(scream punch, Tyranitar), 02(dragon claw,
Tyranitar), 03(water surge,
05(Roar, Tyranitar), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny
Day), 12
13(Ice Beam, Tyranitar), 14(Blizzard, Tyranitar), 15(Hyper
Beam), 17
(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 23(Iron Tail, Tyranitar), 24(Thunderbolt,
Tyranitar), 25
(Thunder, Tyranitar),
26(Earthquake, * on Larvitar and Pupitar), 27(Return),
28(Dig, * on Larvitar
and Pupitar),
31(kawarareri), 32(Double Team), 34(electric swift,
Tyranitar), 35
(Flamethrower, Tyranitar),
37(Sandstorm), 38(Fire Blast, Tyranitar), 39(*rock seal,
Tyranitar), 40(beak
Tyranitar), 41(ichamon), 42(bravado), 43(secret power),
44(Rest), 45
(Attract), H1(Cut,
Tyranitar), H3(Surf, Tyranitar), H4(Strength, Tyranitar),
H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Pursuit(* on Tyranitar), Stomp, Outrage, Focus
Energy, *Ancientpower,
249 Lugia (Psychic/Flying):
Characteristic: pressure
Whirlwind (1)
Safeguard (11)
*Gust (22)
Recover (33)
Hydro Pump (44)
Rain Dance (55)
Swift (66)
*Aeroblast (77)
Ancientpower (88)
*Future Sight (99)
TMs: 03(water surge), 04(enlighten), 05(Roar), 06(Toxic),
07(hailstorm), 10
(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard), 15(Hyper Beam),
16(Light Screen),
18(Rain Dance), 19(Giga Drain), 20(Safeguard),
21(Frustration), 23(Iron
24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder), 26(Earthquake), 27(Return),
29(*Psychic), 30
(Shadow Ball),
32(Double Team), 33(Reflect), 34(electric swift),
37(Sandstorm), 40(*beak
slash), 42(bravado),
43(secret power), 44(Rest), 47(Steel Wing), 48(skill swap),
H2(*Fly), H3
(Surf), H4(Strength),
H6(Rock Smash), H7(Waterfall), H8(diving)
250 Ho-oh (Fire/Flying):
Characteristic: pressure
Whirlwind (1)
Safeguard (11)
*Gust (22)
Recover (33)
*Fire Blast (44)
Sunny Day (55)
Swift (66)
*Sacred Fire (77)
Ancientpower (88)
Future Sight (99)
TMs: 04(enlighten), 05(Roar), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 15
(Hyper Beam),
16(Light Screen), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 19(Giga
Drain), 20(Safeguard),
22(Solarbeam), 24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder), 26(Earthquake),
27(Return), 29
30(Shadow Ball), 32(Double Team), 33(Reflect), 34(electric
swift), 35
37(Sandstorm), 38(*Fire Blast), 40(*beak slash),
42(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44(Rest),
47(Steel Wing), 50(*over-heat), H2(*Fly), H4(Strength),
H5(Flash), H6(Rock
251 Celebi (Psychic/Grass):
Characteristic: nature heal
Leech Seed (1)
*Confusion (1)
Recover (1)
Heal Bell (1)
Safeguard (10)
Ancientpower (20)
*Future sight (30)
Baton Pass (40)
Perish Song (50)
TMs: 03(water surge), 04(enlighten), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden
Power), 11(Sunny
15(Hyper Beam), 16(Light Screen), 17(Protect), 18(Rain
Dance), 19(*Giga
Drain), 20(Safeguard),
21(Frustration), 22(*Solarbeam), 27(Return), 29(*Psychic),
30(Shadow Ball), 32
(Double Team),
33(Reflect), 34(electric swift), 37(Sandstorm), 40(beak
slash), 42(bravado),
43(secret power),
44(Rest), 48(skill swap), H1(Cut), H5(Flash)
252/253/254 Treecko/Grovyle/Sceptile (Grass):
Characteristic: fresh verdure
Pound (1/1/1)
Leer (1/1/1)
*Absorb (6/1+6/1+6)
Quick Attack (11/1+11/1+11)
Fury Cutter (--/16/16)
Pursuit (16/17/17)
Screech (21/23/23)
*Mega Drain (26/--/--)
*leaf blade (--/29/29)
Agility (31/35/35)
Slam (36/41/43)
Detect (41/47/51)
*Giga Drain (46/--/--)
Flase Swipe (--/53/59)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 02(dragon claw, Sceptile), 05(Roar,
Sceptile), 06
09(*seed machine gun), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day),
15(Hyper Beam,
Sceptile), 17(Protect),
19(*Giga Drain), 20(Safeguard), 21(Frustration),
22(*Solarbeam), 23(Iron
26(Earthquake, Sceptile), 27(Return), 28(Dig),
31(kawarareri), 32(Double
Team), 39(rock seal),
40(beak slash), 42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), H1
(Cut), H4(Strength),
H5(Flash), H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Crunch, mud play, reckless, Leech Seed, Dragonbreath,
break claw
255/256/257 Torchic/Combusken/bursyamo
Characteristic: raging fire
*Fire Punch (--/--/1)
Scratch (1/1/1)
Growl (1/1/1)
Focus Energy (7/1+7/1+7)
*Ember (10/1+10/13)
*Double Kick (--/16/16)
Peck (16/17/17)
Sand-Attack (19/21/21)
*Fire Spin (25/--/--)
build up (--/28/28)
Quick Attack (28/32/32)
*blaze kick (--/--/36)
Slash (34/39/42)
Mirror Move (37/43/49)
*Flamethrower (43/--/--)
*sky upper (--/50/59)
TMs: 01(*scream punch, not Torchic), 05(Roar, bursyamo),
06(Toxic), 08(build
up, not Torchic),
10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 15(Hyper Beam, bursyamo),
17(Protect), 21
26(Earthquake, bursyamo), 27(Return), 28(Dig),
31(*kawarareri, not Torchic),
32(Double Team),
35(*Flamethrower), 38(*Fire Blast), 39(rock seal), 40(beak
slash), 42
43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract), 50(*over-heat),
H1(Cut), H4
H6(Rock Smash, * on Combusken and bursyamo)
Breed: Counter, Reversal(* on Combusken and bursyamo),
Endure, Swagger, Rock
258/259/260 Mudkip/numakuroo/Swampert
Characteristic: raging stream
Tackle (1/1/1)
Growl (1/1/1)
Mud-Slap (6/1+6*/1+6*)
*Water Gun (10/1+10/1+10)
Bide (15/15/15)
*mud shot (--/16/16)
Foresight (19/20/20)
mud play (24/25/25)
Take Down (28/31/31)
*Whirlpool (33/--/--)
*muddy stream (--/37/39)
Protect (37/42/46)
*Hydro Pump (42/--/--)
*Earthquake (--/46/52)
reckless (46/53/61)
TMs: 01(scream punch, Swampert), 03(*water surge), 05(Roar,
Swampert), 06
07(hailstorm), 10(Hidden Power), 13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard),
15(Hyper Beam,
17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 21(Frustration), 23(Iron Tail),
not Mudkip),
27(Return), 28(Dig, * on numakuroo and Swampert), 32(Double
Team), 39(rock
42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract),
H3(*Surf), H4
H6(Rock Smash), H7(*Waterfall), H8(*diving)
Breed: refresh, clamor, Curse, Stomp, ice ball, Mirror Coat
261/262 Poochyena/Mightyena (Dark):
Characteristic: run away, menace
Tackle (1/1)
howl (5/1+5)
Sand-Attack (9/1+9)
*Bite (13/1+13)
scent out (17/17)
Roar (21/22)
Swagger (25/27)
Scary Face (29/32)
Take Down (33/37)
provocation (37/42)
*Crunch (41/47)
*Thief (45/52)
TMs: 05(Roar), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day),
12(provocation), 15
(Hyper Beam,
Mightyena), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 21(Frustration),
23(Iron Tail), 27
(Return), 28(Dig),
30(Shadow Ball), 32(Double Team), 41(ichamon), 42(bravado),
43(secret power),
45(Attract), 46(*Thief), 49(seizure), H4(Strength,
Mightyena), H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: frighten, toxic fang, hoshigaru, Leer, yawn
263/264 Zigzagoon/Linoone (Normal):
Characteristic: find stuff
*Tackle (1/1)
Growl (1/1)
Tail Whip (5/1+5)
*Headbutt (9/1+9)
Sand-Attack (13/13)
scent out (17/17)
mud play (21/23)
Pin Missile (25/--)
*Fury Swipes (--/29)
*hoshigaru (29/35)
*Flail (33/41)
Rest (37/47)
Belly Drum (41/53)
TMs: 03(water surge), 05(Roar, Linoone), 06(Toxic),
10(Hidden Power), 11
(Sunny Day), 13(Ice
Beam), 14(Blizzard), 15(*Hyper Beam, Linoone), 17(Protect),
18(Rain Dance),
21(*Frustration), 23(Iron Tail), 24(Thunderbolt),
25(Thunder), 27(*Return), 28
30(Shadow Ball), 32(Double Team), 34(electric swift),
42(*bravado), 43
(*secret power),
44(Rest), 45(Attract), 46(Thief), H1(*Cut), H3(Surf),
H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Charm, Pursuit, Substitute, tickle, trick
265/266/267 Wurmple/Silcoon/ageh-hunt (Bug,Bug,Bug/Flying):
Characteristic: scales, molting, bug's notice
Tackle (1/--/--)
String Shot (1/--/--)
Poison Sting (1/--/--)
Harden (--/1+7/--)
Absorb (--/--/1+10)
*Gust (--/--/13)
Stun Spore (--/--/17)
Morning Sun (--/--/20)
Mega Drain (--/--/24)
Whirlwind (--/--/27)
Attract (--/--/31)
*silver wind (--/--/34)
Giga Drain (--/--/38)
TMs (ageh-hunt only): 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny
Day), 15(Hyper
Beam), 17(Protect),
19(Giga Drain), 20(Safeguard), 21(Frustration),
22(Solarbeam), 27(Return), 29
30(Shadow Ball), 32(Double Team), 40(*beak slash),
42(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), 46(Thief), H5(Flash)
265/268/269 Wurmple/mayurudo/Dustox (Bug,Bug,Bug/Poison):
Characteristic: scales, molting, scales
Tackle (1/--/--)
String Shot (1/--/--)
Poison Sting (1/--/--*)
Harden (--/1+7/--)
Confusion (--/--/1+10)
Gust (--/--/13)
Protect (--/--/20)
Moonlight (--/--/20)
Psybeam (--/--/24)
Whirlwind (--/--/27)
Light Screen (--/--/31)
*silver wind (--/--/34)
Toxic (--/--/38)
TMs (Dustox only): 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny
Day), 15(Hyper
Beam), 16(Light
Screen), 17(Protect), 19(Giga Drain), 21(Frustration),
22(Solarbeam), 27
(Return), 29(Psychic),
30(Shadow Ball), 32(Double Team), 36(*Sludge Bomb), 40(beak
slash), 42
43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract), 46(Thief),
270/271/272 hassboh/Lombre/Ludicolo (Water/Grass):
Characteristic: smooth swim/rain saucer
frighten (1/1/1)
Growl (3/3/1)
*Absorb (7/7/1)
nature power (13/13/1)
cat deceive (--/19/--)
Mist (21/--/--)
Fury Swipes (--/25/--)
Rain Dance (31/--/--)
water play (--/31/--)
Thief (--/37/--)
*Mega Drain (43/--/--)
clamor (--/43/--)
*Hydro Pump (--/49/--)
TMs: 01(scream punch, Ludicolo), 03(*water surge),
06(Toxic), 07(hailstorm),
09(*seed machine
gun), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 13(Ice Beam),
14(Blizzard), 15(Hyper
Beam, Ludicolo),
17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 19(*Giga Drain),
21(Frustration), 22
(*Solarbeam), 27(Return),
31(kawarareri, not hassboh), 32(Double Team), 42(bravado),
43(secret power),
45(Attract), 46(Thief), H3(*Surf), H4(Strength, not
hassboh), H5(Flash), H6
(Rock Smash, not
hassboh), H7(*Waterfall, not hassboh), H8(*diving, not
Breed: Synthesis, *Razor Leaf, Sweet Scent, Leech Seed,
Flail, *Water Gun
273/274/275 taneboh/conohana/daatingu
Characteristic: chlorophyll/early rising
Bide (1/--/--)
Pound (--/1/1)
Harden (3/3/1)
Growth (7/7/1)
nature power (13/13/1)
cat deceive (--/19/--)
Synthesis (21/--/--)
ichamon (--/25/--)
Sunny Day (31/--/--)
*Faint Attack (--/31/--)
Razor Wind (--/37/--)
Explosion (43/--/--)
Swagger (--/43/--)
supernatural power (--/49/--)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 09(*seed machine gun), 10(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 15
(Hyper Beam, not
taneboh), 17(Protect), 19(*Giga Drain), 21(Frustration),
22(*Solarbeam), 27
(Return), 28(Dig),
30(Shadow Ball), 31(kawarareri, not taneboh), 32(Double
Team), 39(rock seal),
40(beak slash,
daatingu), 41(ichamon), 42(bravado), 43(secret power),
44(Rest), 45(Attract),
46(*Thief, not
taneboh), H1(Cut, not taneboh), H4(Strength, not taneboh),
H5(Flash), H6(Rock
Breed: Leech Seed, Amnesia, Quick Attack, Razor Wind, Take
Down, False Swipe
276/277 Nincada/Ninjask (Bug/Ground,Bug/Flying):
Characteristic: compound eyes, acceleration
Scratch (1/1)
Harden (1/1)
*Leech Life (5/1+5)
Sand-Attack (9/1+9)
Fury Swipes (14/14)
Mind Reader (19/19)
Double Team (--/20)
*Fury Cutter (--/20)
Screech (--/20)
False Swipe (25/--)
Swords Dance (--/25)
Mud-Slap (31*/--)
Slash (--/31)
Metal Claw (38/--)
Agility (--/38)
Dig (45*/--)
Baton Pass (--/45)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 15(Hyper
Beam, Ninjask), 17
19(Giga Drain), 21(Frustration), 22(Solarbeam), 27(Return),
28(Dig, * on
30(Shadow Ball), 32(Double Team), 37(Sandstorm), 40(beak
slash, * on
Ninjask), 42(bravado),
43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract, Ninjask), 46(Thief,
Ninjask), H1
(Cut), H5(Flash)
Breed: Endure, Faint Attack, Gust(* on Ninjask), *silver
276/278 Nincada/Shedinja (Bug/Ground,Bug/Ghost):
Characteristic: compound eyes, mysterious protection
Scratch (1/1)
Harden (1/1)
*Leech Life (5/5)
Sand-Attack (9/9)
Fury Swipes (14/14)
Mind Reader (19/19)
False Swipe (25/--)
Spite (--/25)
Mud-Slap (31*/--)
Confuse Ray (--/31)
Metal Claw (38/--)
*Shadow Ball (--/38)
Dig (45*/--)
grudge (--/45)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 15(Hyper
Beam, Shedinja), 17
19(Giga Drain), 21(Frustration), 22(Solarbeam), 27(Return),
28(Dig, * on
30(Shadow Ball, * on Shedinja), 32(Double Team),
37(Sandstorm), 40(beak
slash), 42(bravado),
43(secret power), 44(Rest), 46(Thief, Shedinja), H1(Cut),
Breed: Endure, Faint Attack, Gust, *silver wind
279/280 Taillow/Swellow (Normal/Flying):
Characteristic: will-power
*Peck (1/1)
Growl (1/1)
Focus Energy (4/1+4)
*Quick Attack (8/1+8)
*Wing Attack (13/13)
Double Team (19/19)
*reckless (26/28)
*beak slash (34/38)
Agility (43/49)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 15(*Hyper
Beam, Swellow), 17
18(Rain Dance), 21(*Frustration), 27(*Return), 32(Double
Team), 40(*beak
slash), 42(*bravado),
43(*secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract), 46(Thief),
47(Steel Wing), H2(*Fly)
Breed: Pursuit, Supersonic, refresh, Mirror Move, *Rage,
*Sky Attack
281/282 kinococo/Breloom (Grass,Grass/Fighting):
Characteristic: emission
*Absorb (1/1)
Tackle (4/1+4)
Stun Spore (7/1+7)
Leech Seed (10/1+10)
*Mega Drain (16/16)
Headbutt (22/22)
*Mach Punch (--/23)
Poisonpowder (28/--)
Counter (--/28)
Growth (36/--)
*sky upper (--/36)
*Giga Drain (45/--)
Mind Reader (--/45)
Spore (54/--)
*Dynamicpunch (--/54)
TMs: 01(*scream punch, Breloom), 06(Toxic), 08(build up,
Breloom), 09(*seed
machine gun),
10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 15(Hyper Beam, Breloom),
17(Protect), 19
(*Giga Drain),
20(Safeguard), 21(Frustration), 22(*Solarbeam), 23(Iron
Tail, Breloom), 27
31(*kawarareri, Breloom), 32(Double Team), 36(Sludge Bomb),
42(bravado), 43
(secret power),
44(Rest), 45(Attract), 49(seizure), H1(Cut, Breloom),
H4(Strength, Breloom),
H6(*Rock Smash, Breloom)
Breed: fake tears, Swagger, Charm, False Swipe, help
283 patchiiru (Normal):
Characteristic: my pace
*Tackle (1)
*clamor (5)
Faint Attack (12)
Psybeam (16)
Hypnosis (23)
*Dizzy Punch (27)
dizzy dance (34)
Psych Up (38)
*Double-Edge (45)
*Flail (49)
*Thrash (56)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 03(water surge), 04(enlighten),
06(Toxic), 10(Hidden
11(Sunny Day), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 20(Safeguard),
28(Dig), 29(Psychic), 30(Shadow Ball), 31(kawarareri),
32(Double Team), 34
(electric swift),
39(rock seal), 42(*bravado), 43(*secret power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), 46
48(skill swap), H4(*Strength), H5(Flash), H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Encore, Rock slide, nekonote, Disable, Baton Pass,
prayer, trick,
284/285 Wingull/pelliper (Water/Flying):
Characteristic: sharp eye
Growl (1/1)
*Water Gun (1/1+3)
water play (--/1)
Supersonic (7/7)
*Wing Attack (13/1+13)
Mist (21/21)
Protect (--/25)
Quick Attack (31/--)
store (--/33)
understand (--/33)
Pursuit (43/--)
release (--/47)
Agility (55/--)
*Hydro Pump (--/61)
TMs: 03(*water surge), 06(Toxic), 07(hailstorm), 10(Hidden
Power), 13(Ice
Beam), 14(Blizzard),
15(Hyper Beam, pelliper), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 27
32(Double Team), 34(electric swift), 40(*beak slash),
42(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), 46(Thief), 47(Steel Wing), H2(*Fly), H3(*Surf,
Breed: Mist, Twister, Agility, *Gust, water play
286/287 Surskit/Masquerain (Bug/Water,Bug/Flying):
Characteristic: smooth swim, menace
Bubble (1*/1)
Quick Attack (7/1+7)
Sweet Scent (13/1+13)
water play (19/1+19)
Bubblebeam (25*/--)
*Gust (--/26)
Agility (31/--)
Scary Face (--/33)
Mist (37/--)
Haze (37/--)
Stun Spore (--/40)
*silver wind (--/47)
Whirlwind (--/53)
TMs: 03(water surge, * on Surskit), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden
Power), 11(Sunny
13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard), 15(Hyper Beam, Masquerain),
17(Protect), 18(Rain
19(Giga Drain), 21(Frustration), 22(Solarbeam), 27(Return),
30(Shadow Ball),
Team), 40(*beak slash, Masquerain), 42(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44(Rest),
46(Thief), H5(Flash)
Breed: Foresight, mud shot, Psybeam, Hydro Pump(* on
Surskit), Mind Reader
288/289 Wailmer/wail-oh (Water):
Characteristic: water veil/stolidity
Splash (1/1)
Growl (5/1+5)
*Water Gun (10/1+10)
Rollout (14/1+14)
*Whirlpool (19/19)
frighten (23/23)
*water surge (28/28)
Mist (32/32)
Rest (37/37)
*spout (41/44)
Amnesia (46/52)
*Hydro Pump (50/59)
TMs: 03(*water surge), 05(Roar), 06(Toxic), 07(hailstorm),
10(Hidden Power),
13(Ice Beam),
14(Blizzard), 15(Hyper Beam, wail-oh), 17(Protect), 18(Rain
Dance), 21
26(Earthquake), 27(Return), 32(Double Team), 39(rock seal),
42(bravado), 43
(secret power),
44(Rest), 45(Attract), H3(*Surf), H4(Strength), H6(Rock
Smash), H7
(*Waterfall), H8(*diving)
Breed: Double-Edge, Thrash, Swagger, Snore, Sleep Talk,
Curse, Fissure, tickle
290/291 eneko/enekororo (Normal):
Characteristic: "attract" body
Growl (1/1)
*Tackle (1/--)
Tail Whip (3/--)
Attract (7/1)
Sing (13/1)
*Doubleslap (15/1)
nekonote (19/--)
Charm (25/--)
Faint Attack (27/--)
*hoshigaru (31/--)
Heal Bell (37/--)
*Double-Edge (39/--)
TMs: 03(water surge), 04(enlighten), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden
Power), 11(Sunny
Day), 13(Ice Beam),
14(Blizzard), 15(*Hyper Beam, enekororo), 17(Protect),
18(Rain Dance), 20
21(*Frustration), 22(Solarbeam), 23(Iron Tail),
24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder),
28(Dig), 30(Shadow Ball), 32(Double Team), 34(electric
swift), 42(*bravado),
43(*secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract), H4(*Strength,
enekororo), H5
H6(Rock Smash, enekororo)
Breed: help, Psych Up, *clamor, fake tears, prayer, Baton
Pass, Substitute,
292 Kecleon (Normal):
Characteristic: color change
Thief (1)
Tail Whip (1)
frighten (1)
Lick (1)
*Scratch (1)
*Bind (4)
Faint Attack (7)
*Fury Swipes (12)
Psybeam (17)
Screech (24)
*Slash (31)
Substitute (40)
Ancientpower (49)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 03(water surge), 04(enlighten),
06(Toxic), 10(Hidden
11(Sunny Day), 13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard), 17(Protect),
18(Rain Dance), 21
22(Solarbeam), 23(Iron Tail), 24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder),
27(*Return), 28
30(Shadow Ball), 31(kawarareri), 32(Double Team),
34(electric swift), 35
38(Fire Blast), 39(rock seal), 40(beak slash), 42(*bravado),
power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), 46(Thief), 48(skill swap), 49(seizure),
H1(*Cut), H4(*Strength),
H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Disable, magic coat, trick
293/294 yajiron/nendooru (Ground/Psychic):
Characteristic: floating
Teleport (--/1)
*Confusion (1/1)
Harden (3/1+3)
Rapid Spin (5/1+5)
*Mud-Slap (7/7)
*Psybeam (11/11)
rock seal (15/15)
Selfdestruct (19/19)
Ancientpower (25/25)
Sandstorm (31/31)
Hyper Beam (--/36)
cosmo power (37/42)
Explosion (45/55)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 13(Ice
Beam), 15(Hyper Beam,
16(Light Screen), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 22
26(*Earthquake), 27(Return), 28(Dig), 29(*Psychic),
30(Shadow Ball), 32
(Double Team),
33(Reflect), 37(Sandstorm), 39(rock seal), 42(bravado),
43(secret power), 44
48(skill swap), H4(Strength, nendooru), H5(Flash), H6(Rock
Smash, nendooru)
295 nozupasu (Rock):
Characteristic: solid/magnetism
Tackle (1)
Harden (7)
*Rock Throw (13)
toosenbou (16)
Thunder Wave (22)
Sandstorm (31)
Rest (37)
Zap Cannon (43)
Lock-On (46)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day),
12(provocation), 17
21(Frustration), 24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder),
26(Earthquake), 27(Return), 32
(Double Team),
34(electric swift), 37(Sandstorm), 39(*rock seal),
41(ichamon), 42(bravado),
43(secret power),
44(Rest), 45(Attract), H4(Strength), H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Magnitude, *Rollout, Explosion
296 Torkoal (Fire):
Characteristic: white smoke
*Ember (1)
Smog (4)
Curse (7)
Smokescreen (14)
*Fire Spin (17)
Body Slam (20)
Protect (27)
*Flamethrower (30)
tetsupeki (33)
Amnesia (40)
Flail (43)
*hot wind (46)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day),
17(Protect), 21
23(Iron Tail), 27(Return), 32(Double Team),
35(*Flamethrower), 36(Sludge
38(*Fire Blast), 42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), 50
H4(Strength), H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: *eruption, Endure, Sleep Talk, yawn
297 Sableye (Dark/Ghost):
Characteristic: sharp eye
Leer (1)
Scratch (1)
Foresight (5)
Night Shade (9)
*frighten (13)
Fury Swipes (17)
cat deceive (21)
Detect (25)
*Faint Attack (29)
*drop feathers (33)
Confuse Ray (37)
*Shadow Ball (41)
Mean Look (45)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 03(water surge), 04(enlighten),
06(Toxic), 10(Hidden
11(Sunny Day), 12(provocation), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
28(Dig), 29(Psychic), 30(*Shadow Ball), 31(kawarareri),
32(Double Team), 34
(electric swift),
39(rock seal), 40(beak slash), 42(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44(Rest), 45
46(*Thief), 49(seizure), H1(Cut), H5(Flash), H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Psych Up, Recover, Moonlight
298/299 dojotchi/Whiscash (Water/Ground):
Characteristic: stolidity
tickle (--/1)
*Mud-Slap (1/1)
mud play (6/1+6)
water play (6/1+6)
*Water Gun (11/11)
*Magnitude (16/16)
Amnesia (21/21)
Rest (26/26)
Snore (26/26)
*Earthquake (31/36)
Future Sight (36/46)
Fissure (41/56)
TMs: 03(*water surge), 06(Toxic), 07(hailstorm), 10(Hidden
Power), 13(Ice
Beam), 14(Blizzard),
15(Hyper Beam, Whiscash), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 26
27(Return), 32(Double Team), 37(Sandstorm), 39(rock seal),
42(bravado), 43
(secret power),
44(Rest), 45(Attract), H3(*Surf), H4(Strength, Whiscash),
H7(*Waterfall), H8
Breed: Thrash, *Whirlpool, Spark
300 rabukasu (Water):
Characteristic: smooth swim
Tackle (1)
Charm (4)
*Water Gun (12)
Agility (16)
Take Down (24)
Attract (28)
Sweet Kiss (36)
Flail (40)
Safeguard (48)
TMs: 03(*water surge), 06(Toxic), 07(hailstorm), 10(Hidden
Power), 13(Ice
Beam), 14(Blizzard),
17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 20(Safeguard), 21(Frustration),
27(Return), 32
(Double Team),
42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract),
H3(*Surf), H7
(*Waterfall), H8(*diving)
Breed: Splash, Supersonic, water play, mud play
301/302 heigani/shizarigar (Water,Water/Dark):
Characteristic: strength basami/shell armor
*Bubble (1/1)
Harden (7/1+7)
Vicegrip (10/1+10)
Leer (13/1+13)
*Bubblebeam (20/20)
Protect (23/23)
drop feathers (26/26)
provocation (32/34)
*Crabhammer (35/39)
Swords Dance (38/44)
Guillotine (44/52)
TMs: 03(*water surge), 06(Toxic), 07(hailstorm), 10(Hidden
Power), 12
13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard), 15(Hyper Beam, shizarigar),
17(Protect), 18(Rain
21(Frustration), 27(Return), 28(Dig), 31(kawarareri),
32(Double Team), 36
(Sludge Bomb),
39(rock seal, shizarigar), 40(beak slash), 42(bravado),
43(secret power), 44
45(Attract), H1(Cut), H3(*Surf), H4(Strength), H6(Rock
Smash), H7
(*Waterfall), H8(*diving,
Breed: mud play, reckless, Body Slam, Ancientpower
303/304 hinbasu/mirokarosu (Water):
Characteristic: smooth swim, mysterious scale
Splash (1/--)
*Water Gun (--/1)
water play (--/10)
Tackle (15/--)
refresh (--/15)
*water surge (--/20)
Twister (--/25)
Flail (30/--)
Recover (--/30)
Rain Dance (--/35)
*Hydro Pump (--/40)
Attract (--/45)
Safeguard (--/50)
TMs: 03(*water surge), 06(Toxic), 07(hailstorm), 10(Hidden
Power), 13(Ice
Beam), 14(Blizzard),
15(Hyper Beam, mirokarosu), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 23(Iron Tail, mirokarosu), 27(Return),
32(Double Team), 42
43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract), H3(*Surf),
H7(*Waterfall), H8
Breed: Mirror Coat, Dragonbreath, mud play, Hypnosis, Light
Screen, Confuse
305/306 Carvanha/samehader (Water/Dark):
Characteristic: sharkskin
Leer (1/1)
*Bite (1/1)
Rage (7/1+7)
Focus Energy (13/1+13)
Scary Face (16/16)
*Crunch (22/22)
Screech (28/28)
Take Down (31/--)
Slash (--/33)
provocation (--/38)
Swagger (37/43)
Skull Bash (--/48)
Agility (43/53)
TMs: 03(*water surge), 05(Roar, samehader), 06(Toxic),
07(hailstorm), 10
(Hidden Power),
12(provocation), 13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard), 15(Hyper Beam,
samehader), 17
18(Rain Dance), 21(Frustration), 26(Earthquake, samehader),
27(Return), 32
(Double Team),
41(ichamon), 42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), 46
(*Thief), H3(*Surf),
H4(Strength, samehader), H6(Rock Smash, samehader),
H7(*Waterfall), H8
Breed: *Hydro Pump, Double-Edge, Thrash
307/308/309 knuckler/Vibrava/Flygon
Characteristic: strength basami/antlion, floating/floating,
Bite (1/1/1)
Sand-Attack (9/1+9/1+9)
Faint Attack (17/1+17/1+17)
*sand trap (25/1+25/1+25)
Crunch (33/33/33)
*Dragonbreath (--/35/35)
*Dig (41/--/--)
Screech (--/41/41)
Sandstorm (49/49/49)
Hyper Beam (57/57/65)
TMs: 02(*dragon claw, Flygon), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 15
(Hyper Beam),
17(Protect), 19(Giga Drain), 21(Frustration), 22(Solarbeam),
23(Iron Tail,
26(*Earthquake), 27(Return), 28(*Dig), 32(Double Team),
37(Sandstorm), 38(Fire Blast, Flygon), 39(rock seal),
42(bravado), 43(secret
44(Rest), 45(Attract), 47(Steel Wing, not knuckler), H2(Fly,
not knuckler), H4
H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Focus Energy, Quick Attack, Gust
310/311 makunosita/hariteyama (Fighting)
Characteristic: hot grease/will-power
Tackle (1/1)
Focus Energy (1/1)
Sand-Attack (4/1+4)
*support (10/1+10)
*Vital Throw (13/13)
cat deceive (19/19)
Whirlwind (22/22)
drop feathers (28/29)
encouragement (31/33)
Belly Drum (37/40)
Endure (40/44)
Seismic Toss (46/51)
*Reversal (49/55)
TMs: 01(*scream punch), 06(Toxic), 08(build up), 10(Hidden
Power), 11(Sunny
Day), 15(Hyper
Beam, hariteyama), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 26
(Earthquake), 27(Return),
28(Dig), 31(*kawarareri), 32(Double Team), 39(rock seal),
42(bravado), 43
(secret power),
44(Rest), 45(Attract), H3(Surf), H4(Strength), H6(Rock
Breed: Faint Attack, Detect, Foresight, help, *Cross Chop,
*Dynamicpunch, Counter
312/313 Electrike/Manectric (Electric):
Characteristic: static electricity/lightning rod
Tackle (1/1)
Thunder Wave (4/1+4)
Leer (9/1+9)
howl (12/1+12)
Quick Attack (17/17)
*Spark (20/20)
scent out (25/25)
Roar (28/31)
Bite (33/39)
*Thunder (36/45)
electrification (41/53)
TMs: 05(Roar), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 15(Hyper Beam,
Manectric), 17
18(Rain Dance), 21(Frustration), 23(Iron Tail),
24(*Thunderbolt), 25
(*Thunder), 27(Return),
32(Double Team), 34(*electric swift), 42(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44
(Rest), 45(Attract),
46(Thief), H4(Strength), H5(Flash)
Breed: Crunch, Headbutt, clamor, Curse, Swift
314/315 Numel/Camerupt (Fire/Ground):
Characteristic: stolidity
Growl (1/1)
Tackle (1/1)
*Ember (11/1+11)
*Magnitude (19/1+19)
Focus Energy (25/25)
Take Down (29/29)
Amnesia (31/31)
Rock Slide (--/33)
*Earthquake (35/37)
*Flamethrower (41/--)
*eruption (--/45)
Double-Edge (49/--)
Fissure (--/55)
TMs: 05(Roar, Camerupt), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 15(Hyper
Beam, Camerupt),
17(Protect), 21(Frustration), 26(*Earthquake), 27(Return),
28(*Dig), 32
(Double Team),
35(*Flamethrower), 37(Sandstorm), 38(*Fire Blast), 39(rock
seal), 42
43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract), 50(*over-heat),
H4(Strength), H6
(Rock Smash)
Breed: howl, Scary Face, Body Slam, Rollout, Defense Curl,
316/317/318 tamazarashi/Sealo/todozeruga (Ice/Water):
Characteristic: hot grease
*Powder Snow (1/1/1)
Growl (1/1/1)
*Water Gun (1/1/1)
Encore (7/1+7/1+7)
*ice ball (13/13/13)
Body Slam (19/19/19)
*Aurora Beam (25/25/25)
hailstorm (31/31/31)
Rest (37/39/39)
Snore (37/39/39)
*Blizzard (43/47/50)
absolute zero (49/55/61)
TMs: 03(water surge), 05(Roar, not tamazarashi), 06(Toxic),
07(hailstorm), 10
(Hidden Power),
13(*Ice Beam), 14(*Blizzard), 15(Hyper Beam, todozeruga),
17(Protect), 18
(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 23(Iron Tail), 26(Earthquake), 27(Return),
32(Double Team),
39(rock seal),
42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract),
H3(*Surf), H4
(Strength), H6(Rock Smash),
H7(*Waterfall), H8(*diving)
Breed: water play, store, Pound, release, yawn, Rock Slide,
Curse, Fissure
319/320 sabonea/nokutasu (Grass,Grass/Dark):
Characteristic: sand fall
Poison Sting (1/1)
Leer (1/1)
*Absorb (5/1+5)
Growth (9/1+9)
Leech Seed (13/13)
Sand-Attack (17/17)
Pin Missile (21/21)
ne-o haru (25/25)
Faint Attack (29/29*)
Spikes (33/35)
*needle arm (37/41)
Cotton Spore (41/47)
Sandstorm (45/53)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 06(Toxic), 09(*seed machine gun),
10(Hidden Power), 11
(Sunny Day),
15(Hyper Beam, nokutasu), 17(Protect), 19(*Giga Drain),
21(Frustration), 22
27(Return), 32(Double Team), 37(Sandstorm), 42(bravado),
43(secret power), 44
45(Attract), H1(Cut), H4(Strength, nokutasu), H5(Flash)
Breed: reed pipe, Acid, dizzy dance, Dynamicpunch, Counter
321/322 yukiwarashi/Glalie (Ice):
Characteristic: mind power
*Powder Snow (1/1)
Leer (1/1)
Double Team (7/1+7)
Bite (10/1+10)
*Icy Wind (16/16)
Headbutt (19/19)
Protect (25/25)
Crunch (28/28)
*Ice Beam (34/34)
hailstorm (37/42)
*Blizzard (43/53)
absolute zero (--/61)
TMs: 03(water surge), 06(Toxic), 07(hailstorm), 10(Hidden
Power), 12
(provocation, Glalie),
13(*Ice Beam), 14(*Blizzard), 15(Hyper Beam, Glalie),
16(Light Screen), 17
18(Rain Dance), 20(Safeguard), 21(Frustration),
26(Earthquake), 27(Return), 30
(Shadow Ball),
32(Double Team), 41(ichamon, Glalie), 42(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44
(Rest), 45(Attract),
323 Lunatone (Rock/Psychic):
Characteristic: floating
Tackle (1)
Harden (1)
*Confusion (7)
*Rock Throw (13)
Hypnosis (19)
Psywave (25)
cosmo power (31)
*Psychic (37)
*Future Sight (43)
Explosion (49)
TMs: 04(enlighten), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 13(Ice
Beam), 15(Hyper
Beam), 16(Light
Screen), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 20(Safeguard),
21(Frustration), 26
27(Return), 29(*Psychic), 30(Shadow Ball), 32(Double Team),
37(Sandstorm), 39
(*rock seal),
42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest), 48(skill swap),
324 soru-rock (Rock/Psychic):
Characteristic: floating
Tackle (1)
Harden (1)
*Confusion (7)
*Rock Throw (13)
Fire Spin (19)
Psywave (25)
cosmo power (31)
*Rock Slide (37)
Solarbeam (43)
Explosion (49)
TMs: 04(enlighten), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny
Day), 15(Hyper
16(Light Screen), 17(Protect), 20(Safeguard),
21(Frustration), 22(Solarbeam),
26(Earthquake), 27(Return), 29(*Psychic), 30(Shadow Ball),
32(Double Team), 33
35(Flamethrower), 37(Sandstorm), 38(Fire Blast), 39(*rock
seal), 42(bravado),
43(secret power), 44(Rest), 48(skill swap), 50(over-heat),
326/327 banebuu/buu-pig (Psychic):
Characteristic: hot grease/my pace
Splash (1/1)
Psywave (7/1+7)
scent out (10/1+10)
*Psybeam (16/1+16)
Psych Up (19/19)
Confuse Ray (25/25)
magic coat (28/28)
*Psychic (34/37)
Rest (37/43)
Snore (37/43)
tobihaneru (43/55)
TMs: 01(scream punch, buu-pig), 04(enlighten), 06(Toxic),
10(Hidden Power), 11
(Sunny Day),
12(provocation), 15(Hyper Beam, buu-pig), 16(Light Screen),
17(Protect), 18
(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 23(Iron Tail), 27(Return), 29(*Psychic),
30(Shadow Ball), 32
(Double Team),
33(Reflect), 34(electric swift), 41(ichamon), 42(bravado),
43(secret power),
45(Attract), 46(Thief, buu-pig), 48(skill swap),
49(seizure), H5(Flash)
Breed: *Future Sight, *supernatural power, substitute,
328 purasuru (Electric):
Characteristic: plus
Growl (1)
Thunder Wave (4)
Quick Attack (10)
help (13)
*Spark (19)
Encore (22)
fake tears (28)
electrification (31)
*Thunder (37)
Baton Pass (40)
Agility (47)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 16(Light Screen),
17(Protect), 18(Rain
21(Frustration), 23(Iron Tail), 24(*Thunderbolt),
25(*Thunder), 27(Return), 32
(Double Team),
34(*electric swift), 42(bravado), 43(secret power),
44(Rest), 45(Attract), H5
Breed: Substitute, prayer
329 Minun (Electric):
Characteristic: minus
Growl (1)
Thunder Wave (4)
Quick Attack (10)
help (13)
*Spark (19)
Encore (22)
Charm (28)
electrification (31)
*Thunder (37)
Baton Pass (40)
Agility (47)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 16(Light Screen),
17(Protect), 18(Rain
21(Frustration), 23(Iron Tail), 24(*Thunderbolt),
25(*Thunder), 27(Return), 32
(Double Team),
34(*electric swift), 42(bravado), 43(secret power),
44(Rest), 45(Attract), H5
Breed: Substitute, prayer
330 Mawile (Steel):
Characteristic: strength basami/menace
frighten (1)
fake tears (6)
Bite (11)
Sweet Scent (16)
Vicegrip (21)
Faint Attack (26)
Baton Pass (31)
Crunch (36)
tetsupeki (41)
store (46)
understand (46)
release (46)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny
Day), 12
13(Ice Beam), 15(Hyper Beam), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 22
27(Return), 31(kawarareri), 32(Double Team),
35(Flamethrower), 36(Sludge
Bomb), 37(Sandstorm),
38(Fire Blast), 39(rock seal), 41(ichamon), 42(bravado),
43(secret power), 44
45(Attract), H4(Strength), H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Swords Dance, False Swipe, toxic fang, Psych Up,
Ancientpower, tickle
331/332 asanan/chaaremu (Fighting/Psychic):
Characteristic: yoga power
Fire Punch (--/1)
Thunderpunch (--/1)
Ice Punch (--/1)
Bide (1/1)
Meditate (4/1+4)
*Confusion (9/1+9)
Detect (12/1+12)
Hidden Power (18/18)
Mind Reader (22/22)
enlighten (28/28)
*Hi Jump Kick (32/32)
Psych Up (38/40)
*Reversal (42/46)
Recover (48/54)
TMs: 01(*scream punch), 04(enlighten), 06(Toxic), 08(build
up), 10(Hidden
11(Sunny Day), 15(Hyper Beam, chaaremu), 16(Light Screen),
17(Protect), 18
(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 27(Return), 29(*Psychic), 30(Shadow Ball),
32(Double Team), 33(Reflect), 39(rock seal), 42(bravado),
43(secret power), 44
45(Attract), H4(Strength), H5(Flash), H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Fire Punch, Thunderpunch, Ice Punch, Foresight, cat
deceive, Baton
333/334 chirutto/chirutarisu (Normal/Flying,Dragon/Flying):
Characteristic: nature heal
*Peck (1/1)
Growl (1/1)
frighten (8/1+8)
Sing (11/1+11)
Fury Attack (18*/18)
Safeguard (21/21)
Mist (28/28)
Take Down (31*/31)
*Dragonbreath (--/35)
Mirror Move (38/--)
dragonflight (--/45)
refresh (41/45)
Perish Song (48/54)
*Sky Attack (--/59)
TMs: 02(*dragon claw, chirutarisu), 05(Roar, chirutarisu),
06(Toxic), 10
(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 13(Ice Beam), 15(Hyper Beam, chirutarisu),
17(Protect), 18
(Rain Dance),
20(Safeguard), 21(Frustration, * on chirutto),
22(Solarbeam), 23(Iron Tail,
26(Earthquake, chirutarisu), 27(Return, * on chirutto),
32(Double Team), 35
chirutarisu), 38(Fire Blast, chirutarisu), 40(*beak slash),
42(bravado, * on
43(secret power, * on chirutto), 44(Rest), 45(Attract),
46(Thief), 47(Steel
Wing), H2(*Fly),
H6(Rock Smash, chirutarisu)
Breed: Agility, Haze, Pursuit, Rage(* on chirutto)
336/337 Duskull/Dusclops (Ghost):
Characteristic: floating, pressure
Bind (--/1)
Leer (1/1)
Night Shade (1/1)
Disable (5/1+5)
Foresight (12/12)
*frighten (16/16)
Confuse Ray (23/23)
Pursuit (27/27)
Curse (34/34)
jack-o'-lantern (38/41)
Mean Look (45/51)
Future Sight (49/58)
TMs: 01(scream punch, Dusclops), 04(enlighten), 06(Toxic),
10(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day),
12(provocation), 13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard), 15(Hyper Beam,
Dusclops), 17
18(Rain Dance), 21(Frustration), 26(Earthquake), 27(Return),
29(Psychic), 30
(*Shadow Ball),
32(Double Team), 39(rock seal, Dusclops), 41(ichamon),
42(bravado), 43(secret
44(Rest), 45(Attract), 46(Thief), 48(skill swap),
49(seizure), H4(Strength,
H5(Flash), H6(Rock Smash, samayooru)
Breed: sealed, Destiny Bond, Pain Split, grudge, parting
gift, Faint Attack
338 roseria (Grass/Poison):
Characteristic: nature heal/poison thorn
*Absorb (1)
Growth (5)
*Poison Sting (9)
Stun Spore (13)
*Mega Drain (17)
Leech Seed (21)
*magical leaf (25)
reed pipe (29)
*Giga Drain (33)
Sweet Scent (37)
ne-o haru (41)
Toxic (45)
*Petal Dance (49)
aroma therapy (53)
Synthesis (57)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 09(*seed machina gun), 10(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 17
19(*Giga Drain), 21(Frustration), 22(Solarbeam), 27(Return),
30(Shadow Ball),
32(Double Team),
36(*Sludge Bomb), 42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), H1
(Cut), H5(Flash)
Breed: Spikes, Synthesis, Pin Missile, Cotton Spore
339/340/341 Slakoth/Vigoroth/Slaking (Normal):
Characteristic: laziness, yaruki, laziness
*Scratch (1/1/1)
yawn (1/--/1)
Focus Energy (--/1/--)
Encore (7/1+7/1+7)
neglect (13/--/1+13)
*clamor (--/13/--)
Faint Attack (19/--/19)
*Fury Swipes (--/19/--)
Amnesia (25/--/25)
Endure (--/25/--)
*hoshigaru (31/--/31)
*Slash (--/31/--)
Counter (37/37/37)
*Flail (43/--/43)
scream punch (--/43/--)
Reversal (--/49/--)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 03(water surge), 05(Roar, not
Slakoth), 06(Toxic), 08
(build up),
10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 12(provocation, not
Slakoth), 13(Ice Beam),
15(*Hyper Beam, Slaking), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
21(*Frustration), 22
24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder), 26(Earthquake, not Slakoth),
27(*Return), 30
(Shadow Ball),
31(kawarareri), 32(Double Team), 34(electric swift),
35(Flamethrower), 38
(Fire Blast),
40(beak slash), 42(*bravado), 43(*secret power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), H1
H4(*Strength), H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Pursuit, *Slash, *Body Slam, *Snore, *break claw,
Curse, Sleep Talk
342/343 gokurin/marunoomu (Poison):
Characteristic: liquid sludge/adhesion
Pound (1/1)
yawn (6/1+6)
Poison Gas (9/1+9)
*Sludge (14/1+14)
Amnesia (17/17)
Encore (23/23)
Body Slam (--/26)
Toxic (28/31)
store (34/40)
release (34/40)
understand (34/40)
*Sludge Bomb (39/48)
TMs: 03(water surge), 06(Toxic), 09(seed machine gun),
10(Hidden Power), 11
(Sunny Day),
13(Ice Beam), 15(Hyper Beam, marunoomu), 17(Protect),
18(Rain Dance), 19(Giga
21(Frustration), 22(Solarbeam), 27(Return), 30(Shadow Ball),
32(Double Team),
34(electric swift), 36(*Sludge Bomb), 42(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44
(Rest), 45(Attract),
49(seizure), H4(Strength), H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Dream Eater, Acid Armor, *Smog, Pain Split
344 torupiusu (Grass/Flying):
Characteristic: chlorophyll
Leer (1)
*Gust (1)
Growth (7)
*Razor Leaf (11)
Stomp (17)
Sweet Scent (21)
Whirlwind (27)
*magical leaf (31)
Body Slam (37)
*Solarbeam (41)
Synthesis (47)
TMs: 05(Roar), 06(Toxic), 09(*seed machine gun), 10(Hidden
Power), 11(Sunny
15(Hyper Beam), 17(Protect), 19(*Giga Drain), 20(Safeguard),
22(*Solarbeam), 26(Earthquake), 27(Return), 32(Double Team),
40(*beak slash),
43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract), 47(Steel Wing),
H1(Cut), H2(*Fly), H4
H5(Flash), H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Headbutt, Slam, Razor Wind, Leech Seed, nature power
345/346/347 go'nyo'nyo/Loudred/bakuong (Normal):
Characteristic: soundproof
*Pound (1/1/1)
*clamor (5/1+5/1+5)
frighten (11/1+11/1+11)
howl (15/1+15/1+15)
Supersonic (21/23/23)
*Stomp (25/29/29)
Screech (31/37/37)
*Hyper Beam (--/--/40)
Roar (35/43/45)
Rest (41/51/55)
Sleep Talk (41/51/55)
*hyper voice (45/57/63)
TMs: 03(water surge), 05(Roar), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 12
not go'nyo'nyo), 13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard), 15(Hyper Beam,
bakuong), 17
(Protect), 18(Rain
Dance), 21(*Frustration), 22(Solarbeam), 26(Earthquake),
27(*Return), 30
(Shadow Ball),
31(kawarareri, not go'nyo'nyo), 32(Double Team), 34(electric
swift), 35
38(Fire Blast), 41(ichamon, not go'nyo'nyo), 42(*bravado),
43(*secret power),
45(Attract), 50(over-heat, not go'nyo'nyo), H4(*Strength,
not go'nyo'nyo), H6
(Rock Smash,
not go'nyo'nyo)
Breed: *Take Down, *Snore, Swagger, supernatural power,
348/349 paaruru/hanteeru (Water):
Characteristic: shell armor, smooth swim
*Clamp (1/--)
*Water Gun (1/--)
*Whirlpool (1/1)
tetsupeki (1/--)
Bite (--/8)
Screech (--/15)
*water surge (--/22)
Scary Face (--/29)
Crunch (--/36)
Baton Pass (--/43)
*Hydro Pump (--/50)
TMs: 03(*water surge), 06(Toxic), 07(hailstorm), 10(Hidden
Power), 13(Ice
14(Blizzard), 15(Hyper Beam, hanteeru), 17(Protect), 18(Rain
Dance), 21
27(Return), 32(Double Team), 39(rock seal, hanteeru),
42(bravado), 43(secret
44(Rest), 45(Attract), 49(seizure, hanteeru), H3(*Surf),
H7(*Waterfall), H8
Breed: refresh, mud play, Body Slam, Supersonic, Barrier,
Confuse Ray
348/350 paaruru/sakurabisu (Water):
Characteristic: shell armor, smooth swim
*Clamp (1/--)
*Water Gun (1/--)
*Whirlpool (1/1)
tetsupeki (1/--)
Confusion (--/8)
Agility (--/15)
*water surge (--/22)
Amnesia (--/29)
Psychic (--/36)
Baton Pass (--/43)
*Hydro Pump (--/50)
TMs: 03(*water surge), 06(Toxic), 07(hailstorm), 10(Hidden
Power), 13(Ice
14(Blizzard), 15(Hyper Beam), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
20(Safeguard), 21
27(Return), 29(Psychic, sakurabisu), 30(Shadow Ball,
sakurabisu), 32(Double
42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract),
H3(*Surf), H7
(*Waterfall), H8(*diving)
Breed: refresh, mud play, Body Slam, Supersonic, Barrier,
Confuse Ray
351 abusoru (Dark):
Characteristic: pressure
Scratch (1)
Leer (5)
provocation (9)
Quick Attack (13)
Razor Wind (17)
*Bite (21)
Swords Dance (26)
Double Team (31)
Slash (36)
Future Sight (41)
Perish Song (46)
TMs: 03(water surge), 04(enlighten), 06(Toxic),
07(hailstorm), 10(Hidden
11(Sunny Day), 12(provocation), 13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard),
15(Hyper Beam), 17
18(Rain Dance), 21(Frustration), 23(Iron Tail),
24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder),
30(Shadow Ball), 32(Double Team), 34(electric swift),
35(Flamethrower), 37
38(Fire Blast), 40(beak slash), 41(ichamon), 42(bravado),
43(secret power), 44
45(Attract), 46(*Thief), 49(seizure), H1(Cut), H4(Strength),
H5(Flash), H6
(Rock Smash)
Breed: Baton Pass, *Faint Attack, Double-Edge, magic coat,
Curse, Substitute
352/353 Shuppet/jupetta (Ghost):
Characteristic: insomnia
drop feathers (1/1)
Screech (8/1+8)
Night Shade (13/1+13)
Curse (20/1+20)
Spite (25/25)
jack-o'-lantern (32/32)
Faint Attack (37/39)
*Shadow Ball (44/48)
seizure (49/55)
grudge (56/64)
TMs: 04(enlighten), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny
Day), 12
15(Hyper Beam, jupetta), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 24
25(Thunder), 27(Return), 29(Psychic), 30(*Shadow Ball),
32(Double Team), 34
(electric swift),
41(ichamon), 42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), 46(Thief),
48(skill swap), 49(seizure), H5(Flash)
Breed: Disable, Destiny Bond, Foresight, frighten, sealed
354 habunake (Poison):
Characteristic: molting
Wrap (1)
Lick (7)
Bite (10)
*poison tail (16)
Screech (19)
Glare (25)
Crunch (28)
*toxic fang (34)
Swagger (37)
Haze (43)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day),
12(provocation), 17
18(Rain Dance), 19(Giga Drain), 21(Frustration), 23(Iron
Tail), 26
(Earthquake), 27(Return),
28(Dig), 32(Double Team), 35(Flamethrower), 36(*Sludge
Bomb), 42(bravado),
43(secret power), 44(Rest),45(Attract), 46(Thief),
49(seizure), H4(Strength),
H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: store, Pound, release, Body Slam
355 zanguusu (Normal):
Characteristic: immunization
*Scratch (1)
Leer (4)
*Quick Attack (7)
Swords Dance (10)
Fury Cutter (13)
*Slash (19)
Pursuit (25)
*break claw (31)
provocation (37)
Detect (46)
*False Swipe (55)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 03(water surge), 05(Roar), 06(Toxic),
11(Sunny Day), 12(provocation), 13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard),
17(Protect), 18
(Rain Dance),
19(Giga Drain), 21(*Frustration), 22(Solarbeam), 23(Iron
Tail), 24
25(Thunder), 27(*Return), 28(Dig), 30(Shadow Ball),
31(kawarareri), 32(Double
34(electric swift), 35(Flamethrower), 38(Fire Blast),
40(beak slash), 42
43(*secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract), 46(Thief),
H4(*Strength), H6(Rock
Breed: *Flail, Double Kick, *Razor Wind, Counter, Roar,
356 jilanth (Water/Rock):
Characteristic: smooth swim/rock head
Tackle (1)
Harden (1)
*Water Gun (8)
rock seal (15)
yawn (22)
Take Down (29)
mud play (36)
*Ancientpower (43)
Rest (50)
Double-Edge (57)
*Hydro Pump (64)
TMs: 03(*water surge), 04(enlighten), 06(Toxic),
07(hailstorm), 10(Hidden
13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard), 15(Hyper Beam), 17(Protect),
18(Rain Dance), 20
21(Frustration), 26(Earthquake), 27(Return), 32(Double
Team), 37(Sandstorm),
39(*rock seal),
42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract),
H3(*Surf), H6(Rock
H7(*Waterfall), H8(*diving)
Breed: Magnitude, Skull Bash, water play, Amnesia, Sleep
Talk, *Rock Slide
357/358/359 cocodora/codora/bosugodora (Steel/Rock):
Characteristic: solid/rock head
Tackle (1/1/1)
Harden (4/1+4/1+4)
Mud-Slap (7/1+7/1+7)
Headbutt (10/1+10/1+10)
*Metal Claw (13/13/13)
tetsupeki (17/17/17)
Roar (21/21/21)
Take Down (25/25/25)
*Iron Tail (29/29/29)
Protect (34/37/37)
kinzokuon (39/45/50)
Double-Edge (44/53/63)
TMs: 01(scream punch, bosugodora), 02(dragon claw,
bodugodora), 03(water
surge), 05(Roar),
06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 12(provocation,
bosugodora), 13
(Ice Beam,
bosugodora), 14(Blizzard, bosugodora), 15(Hyper Beam,
bosugodora), 17
18(Rain Dance), 21(Frustration), 22(Solarbeam, bosugodora),
23(*Iron Tail), 24
bosugodora), 25(Thunder, bosugodora), 26(Earthquake),
27(Return), 28(Dig), 31
bosugodora), 32(Double Team), 34(electric swift),
37(Sandstorm), 38(Fire Blast, bosugodora), 39(*rock seal),
40(beak slash), 42
43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract), H1(Cut), H3(Surf,
bosugodora), H4
H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: reckless, Body Slam, Stomp, encouragement
360 powarun (Normal):
Characteristic: moody
*Tackle (1)
Water Gun (10)
Ember (10)
Powder Snow (10)
Rain Dance (20)
Sunny Day (20)
hailstorm (20)
*wezaa ball (30)
TMs: 03(water surge), 06(Toxic), 07(hailstorm), 10(Hidden
Power), 11(Sunny
13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
21(*Frustration), 22
24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder), 27(*Return), 30(Shadow Ball),
32(Double Team),
swift), 35(Flamethrower), 37(Sandstorm), 38(Fire Blast),
42(bravado), 43
(secret power),
44(Rest), 45(Attract), 46(Thief), H5(Flash)
Breed: Future Sight, Psych Up
361 Volbeat (Bug):
Characteristic: luminiscence/bug's notice
Tackle (1)
Confuse Ray (5)
Double Team (9)
Moonlight (17)
light of a firefly (21)
*signal beam (25)
Protect (29)
help (33)
Double-Edge (37)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 03(water surge), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden
Power), 11(Sunny
Day), 16(Light
Screen), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 19(Giga Drain),
21(Frustration), 22
24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder), 27(Return), 30(Shadow Ball),
31(kawarareri), 32
(Double Team),
34(electric swift), 40(beak slash), 42(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44(Rest),
46(Thief), H5(Flash)
Breed: Baton Pass, *silver wind, trick
362 illumise (Bug):
Characteristic: stolidity
Tackle (1)
Sweet Scent (5)
Charm (9)
Moonlight (13)
Quick Attack (17)
prayer (21)
Encore (25)
instigate (29)
help (33)
hoshigaru (37)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 03(water surge), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden
Power), 11(Sunny
Day), 16(Light
Screen), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 19(Giga Drain),
21(Frustration), 22
24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder), 27(Return), 30(Shadow Ball),
32(Double Team),
34(electric swift), 40(beak slash), 42(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44(Rest),
46(Thief), H5(Flash)
Breed: Baton Pass, *silver wind, Growth
363/364 ririira/yureidoru (Rock/Grass):
Characteristic: suction cup
frighten (1/1)
Constrict (8/1+8)
Acid (15/1+15)
ne-o haru (22/1+22)
Confuse Ray (29/29)
Amnesia (36/36)
*Ancientpower (43/48)
store (50/60)
release (50/60)
understand (50/60)
TMs: 06(Toxic), 09(*seed machine gun), 10(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 15
(Hyper Beam,
yureidoru), 17(Protect), 19(*Giga Drain), 21(Frustration),
22(*Solarbeam), 26
yureidoru), 27(Return), 32(Double Team), 36(Sludge Bomb),
37(Sandstorm), 39
(*rock seal,
yureidoru), 42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), H4
(Strength, yureidoru),
H6(Rock Smash, yureidoru)
Breed: Barrier, Recover, Mirror Coat, *Rock Slide
365/366 anopusu/aamurudo (Rock/Bug):
Characteristic: kabuto armor
Scratch (1/1)
Harden (7/1+7)
mud play (13/1+13)
Water Gun (19/1+19)
Metal Claw (25/25)
Protect (31/31)
*Ancientpower (37/37)
*Fury Cutter (43/46)
Slash (49/55)
*rock blast (55/64)
TMs: 03(water surge), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny
Day), 15(Hyper
Beam, aamurudo),
17(Protect), 21(Frustration), 23(Iron Tail, aamurudo),
aamurudo), 27(Return),
28(Dig), 31(kawarareri), 32(Double Team), 37(Sandstorm),
39(*rock seal), 40
(beak slash),
42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract),
H1(Cut), H4(Strength,
H6(Rock Smash)
367/368/369 Ralts/Kirlia/Gardevoir (Psychic):
Characteristic: synchro/trance
Growl (1/1/1)
*Confusion (6/1+6/1+6)
Double Team (11/1+11/1+11)
Teleport (16/1+16/1+16)
enlighten (21/21/21)
*Psychic (26/26/26)
sealed (31/33/33)
*Future Sight (36/40/42)
Hypnosis (41/47/51)
*Dream Eater (46/54/60)
TMs: 04(enlighten), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny
Day), 12
15(Hyper Beam, Gardevoir), 16(Light Screen), 17(Protect),
18(Rain Dance), 20
21(Frustration), 24(Thunderbolt), 27(Return), 29(*Psychic),
30(Shadow Ball),
32(Double Team), 33(Reflect), 34(electric swift),
41(ichamon), 42(bravado),
43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract), 46(Thief), 48(skill
swap), 49
(seizure), H5(Flash)
Breed: Disable, jack-o'-lantern, Mean Look, parting gift,
Destiny Bond
370/371/372 tatsubei/comoruuu/Salamence
Characteristic: rock head, rock head, menace
Rage (1/1/1)
Bite (5/1+5/1+5)
Leer (9/1+9/1+9)
Headbutt (17/1+17/1+17)
Focus Energy (21/21/21)
Ember (25/25/25)
Protect (--/30/30)
*Dragonbreath (33/38/38)
Scary Face (37/47/47)
*Fly (--/--/50)
Crunch (41/56/61)
*dragon claw (49/69/79)
Double-Edge (53/78/93)
TMs: 02(*dragon claw), 05(Roar), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden
Power), 11(Sunny Day),
15(Hyper Beam,
Salamence), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 21(Frustration),
23(Iron Tail,
26(Earthquake, Salamence), 27(Return), 31(kawarareri),
32(Double Team), 35
38(Fire Blast), 39(rock seal), 40(beak slash, * on
Salamence), 42(bravado),
43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract), H1(Cut), H2(*Fly,
Salamence), H4
H5(Flash, Salamence), H6(Rock Smash)
Breed: Hydro Pump, Thrash, Dragon Rage, *Twister,
dragonflight, Belly Drum
373/374/375 danbaru/metangu/Metagross (Steel/Psychic):
Characteristic: clear body
Take Down (1/1/1)
*Confusion (--/20/1+20)
*Metal Claw (--/20/1+20)
Scary Face (--/26/1+26)
Pursuit (--/32/32)
*Psychic (--/38/38)
tetsupeki (--/44/44)
*meteor punch (--/50/55)
Agility (--/56/66)
Hyper Beam (--/62/77)
TMs (not danbaru): 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny
Day), 15(Hyper
16(Light Screen), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
21(Frustration), 26
(Earthquake), 27(Return),
29(*Psychic), 30(Shadow Ball), 31(kawarareri), 32(Double
Team), 33(Reflect),
36(Sludge Bomb), 37(Sandstorm), 39(rock seal), 40(beak
slash), 42(bravado),
43(secret power), 44(Rest), H1(Cut), H4(Strength),
H5(Flash), H6(Rock Smash)
376 Regi-rock (Rock):
Explosion (1)
*Rock Throw (6)
Curse (17)
animal strength (25)
*Ancientpower (33)
tetsupeki (41)
Zap Cannon (49)
Lock-On (57)
Hyper Beam (65)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny
Day), 15(Hyper
17(Protect), 20(Safeguard), 21(Frustration),
24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder), 26
27(Return), 28(Dig), 31(kawarareri), 32(Double Team),
34(electric swift), 37
42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest), H4(Strength),
H6(Rock Smash)
377 Regi-ice (Ice):
Explosion (1)
*Icy Wind (9)
Curse (17)
animal strength (25)
Ancientpower (33)
Amnesia (41)
Zap Cannon (49)
Lock-On (57)
Hyper Beam (65)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 06(Toxic), 07(hailstorm), 10(Hidden
Power), 13(*Ice
14(*Blizzard), 15(Hyper Beam), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
20(Safeguard), 21
24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder), 26(Earthquake), 27(Return),
31(kawarareri), 32
(Double Team),
34(electric swift), 42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest),
H4(Strength), H6
(Rock Smash)
378 Regi-steel (Steel):
Explosion (1)
*Metal Claw (9)
Curse (17)
animal strength (25)
Ancientpower (33)
tetsupeki (41)
Amnesia (41)
Zap Cannon (49)
Lock-On (57)
Hyper Beam (65)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny
Day), 15(Hyper
17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 20(Safeguard), 21(Frustration),
26(Earthquake), 27(Return), 31(kawarareri), 32(Double Team),
39(rock seal), 40(beak slash), 42(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44(Rest), H4
H6(Rock Smash)
379 Kyogre (Water):
Characteristic: rain sending
*water surge (1)
Scary Face (5)
Ancientpower (15)
Body Slam (20)
enlighten (30)
Ice Beam (35)
*Hydro Pump (45)
Rest (50)
absolute zero (60)
Double-Edge (65)
*spout (75)
TMs: 03(*water surge), 04(enlighten), 05(Roar), 06(Toxic),
10(Hidden Power),
13(Ice Beam),
14(Blizzard), 15(Hyper Beam), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
20(Safeguard), 21
24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder), 26(Earthquake), 27(Return),
31(kawarareri), 32
(Double Team),
34(electric swift), 39(rock seal), 42(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44(Rest), H3
H4(Strength), H6(Rock Smash), H7(*Waterfall), H8(*diving)
380 Groudon (Ground):
Characteristic: dry weather
*mud shot (1)
Scary Face (5)
Ancientpower (15)
Slash (20)
build up (30)
*Earthquake (35)
Fire Blast (45)
Rest (50)
Fissure (60)
Solarbeam (65)
eruption (75)
TMs: 02(dragon claw), 05(Roar), 06(Toxic), 08(build up),
10(Hidden Power), 11
(Sunny Day),
15(Hyper Beam), 17(Protect), 20(Safeguard), 21(Frustration),
22(Solarbeam), 23
(Iron Tail),
24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder), 26(*Earthquake), 27(Return),
28(*Dig), 31
32(Double Team), 34(electric swift), 35(Flamethrower),
37(Sandstorm), 38(Fire
39(rock seal), 40(beak slash), 42(bravado), 43(secret
power), 44(Rest), 50
H1(Cut), H4(Strength), H6(Rock Smash)
381 rekkuuza (Dragon/Flying):
Characteristic: air-lock
*Twister (1)
Scary Face (5)
Ancientpower (15)
*dragon claw (20)
dragonflight (30)
Crunch (35)
*Fly (45)
Rest (50)
Extremespeed (60)
*Outrage (65)
Hyper Beam (75)
TMs: 02(*dragon claw), 03(water surge), 05(Roar), 06(Toxic),
08(build up), 10
(Hidden Power),
11(Sunny Day), 13(Ice Beam), 14(Blizzard), 15(Hyper Beam),
17(Protect), 18
(Rain Dance),
20(Safeguard), 21(Frustration), 22(Solarbeam), 23(Iron
Tail), 24
(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder),
26(Earthquake), 27(Return), 31(kawarareri), 32(Double Team),
35(Flamethrower), 37(Sandstorm), 38(Fire Blast), 40(*beak
slash), 42
43(secret power), 44(Rest), 50(over-heat), H2(*Fly),
H3(Surf), H4(Strength),
H6(Rock Smash),
H7(Waterfall), H8(diving)
382 Latias (Dragon/Psychic):
Characteristic: floating
Psywave (1)
prayer (5)
help (10)
Safeguard (15)
*Dragonbreath (20)
water play (25)
refresh (30)
*mist ball (35)
*Psychic (40)
Recover (45)
Charm (50)
TMs: 02(*dragon claw), 03(water surge), 04(enlighten),
05(Roar), 06(Toxic),
10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 13(Ice Beam), 15(Hyper
Beam), 16(Light
17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 20(Safeguard), 21(Frustration),
24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder), 26(Earthquake), 27(Return),
29(*Psychic), 30
(Shadow Ball),
32(Double Team), 33(Reflect), 34(electric swift),
37(Sandstorm), 40(beak
42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract),
47(Steel Wing), H1
(Cut), H2(Fly),
H3(Surf), H5(Flash), H7(Waterfall), H8(diving)
383 Latios (Dragon/Psychic):
Characteristic: floating
Psywave (1)
parting gift (5)
help (10)
Safeguard (15)
*Dragonbreath (20)
Protect (25)
refresh (30)
*raster purge (35)
*Psychic (40)
Recover (45)
dragonflight (50)
TMs: 02(*dragon claw), 03(water surge), 04(enlighten),
05(Roar), 06(Toxic),
10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny Day), 13(Ice Beam), 15(Hyper
Beam), 16(Light
17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 20(Safeguard), 21(Frustration),
24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder), 26(Earthquake), 27(Return),
29(*Psychic), 30
(Shadow Ball),
32(Double Team), 33(Reflect), 34(electric swift),
37(Sandstorm), 40(beak
42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest), 45(Attract),
47(Steel Wing), H1
(Cut), H2(Fly),
H3(Surf), H5(Flash), H7(Waterfall), H8(diving)
384 Jirachi (Steel/Psychic):
Characteristic: heaven's blessing
prayer (1)
*Confusion (1)
Rest (5)
Swift (10)
help (15)
*Psychic (20)
refresh (25)
Rest (30)
Double-Edge (35)
*Future Sight (40)
cosmo power (45)
*hametsu no negai (50)
TMs: 03(water surge), 04(enlighten), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden
Power), 11(Sunny
Day), 15(Hyper
Beam), 16(Light Screen), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance),
20(Safeguard), 21
24(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder), 27(Return), 29(*Psychic),
30(Shadow Ball), 32
(Double Team),
33(Reflect), 34(electric swift), 37(Sandstorm), 40(beak
slash), 42(bravado),
43(secret power), 44(Rest), 48(skill swap), H5(Flash)
385 Deoxys (Psychic):
Characteristic: pressure
Leer (1)
Wrap (1)
Night Shade (5)
Teleport (10)
drop feathers (15)
Pursuit (20)
*Psychic (25)
seizure (30)
cosmo power (35)
Recover (40)
*psycho blast (45)
Hyper Beam (50)
TMs: 01(scream punch), 03(water surge), 04(enlighten),
06(Toxic), 10(Hidden
11(Sunny Day), 12(provocation), 13(Ice Beam), 15(Hyper
Beam), 16(Light
Screen), 17(Protect),
18(Rain Dance), 20(Safeguard), 21(Frustration),
22(Solarbeam), 24
(Thunderbolt), 25(Thunder),
27(Return), 29(*Psychic), 30(Shadow Ball), 32(Double Team),
33(Reflect), 34
(electric swift),
39(rock seal), 40(beak slash), 41(ichamon), 42(bravado),
43(secret power), 44
48(skill swap), 49(seizure), H1(Cut), H4(Strength),
H5(Flash), H6(Rock Smash)
386 chiriin (Psychic):
Characteristic: floating
Wrap (1)
Growl (6)
frighten (9)
*Confusion (14)
Take Down (17)
clamor (22)
yawn (25)
Psywave (30)
Double-Edge (33)
Heal Bell (38)
Safeguard (41)
*Psychic (46)
TMs: 04(enlighten), 06(Toxic), 10(Hidden Power), 11(Sunny
Day), 12
(provocation), 16(Light
Screen), 17(Protect), 18(Rain Dance), 20(Safeguard),
21(Frustration), 27
29(*Psychic), 30(Shadow Ball), 32(Double Team), 33(Reflect),
41(ichamon), 42(bravado), 43(secret power), 44(Rest),
45(Attract), 48(skill
49(seizure), H5(Flash)

Give all comments or praises of the Pokedex to Marek 14


---- 14 > BATTLE CHART ----
This battle chart will apply to all. Dual types can use the
two types combined to figure out weaknesses.
O = Super Effective
X = Low Effect
# = No Effect
| Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire Battle Chart |
| P R | | | | E | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| o / | | | | l | | | F | | | | | | | | | | |
| k S | | | | e | | | i | | | | P | | | | | | |
| e | N | | | l | | | g | P | G | F | s | | | | D | | |
| m C | o | | W | c | G | | h | o | r | l | y | | | G | r | | S |
| o h | r | F | a | t | r | | t | i | o | y | c | | R | h | a | D | t |
| n a | m | i | t | r | a | I | i | s | u | i | h | B | o | o | g | a | e |
| r | a | r | e | i | s | c | n | o | n | n | i | u | c | s | o | r | e |
| t | l | e | r | c | s | e | g | n | d | g | c | g | k | t | n | k | l |
|Normal | | | | | | | | | | | | | X | # | | | X |
|Fire | | X | X | | O | O | | | | | | O | X | | X | | O |
|Water | | O | X | | X | | | | O | | | | O | | X | | |
|Electric| | | O | X | X | | | | # | O | | | | | X | | |
|Grass | | X | O | | X | | | X | O | X | | X | O | | X | | X |
|Ice | | X | X | | O | X | | | O | O | | | | | O | | X |
|Fighting| O | | | | | O | | X | | X | X | X | O | # | | O | O |
|Poison | | | | | O | | | X | X | | | | X | X | | | # |
|Ground | | O | | O | X | | | O | | # | | X | O | | | | O |
|Flying | | | | X | O | | O | | | | | O | X | | | | X |
|Psychic | | | | | | | O | O | | | X | | | | | # | X |
|Bug | | X | | | O | | X | X | | X | O | | | X | | O | X |
|Rock | | O | | | | O | X | | X | O | | O | | | | | X |
|Ghost | # | | | | | | | | | | O | | | O | | X | X |
|Dragon | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | O | | X |
|Dark | | | | | | | X | | | | O | | | O | | X | X |
|Steel | | X | X | X | | O | | | | | | | O | | | | X |
Resistances: None
Weaknesses: Rock
Can't Affect: Ghost
Resistances: Grass, Ice, Bug, Steel
Weaknesses: Fire, Water, Rock, Dragon
Can't Affect: None
Resistances: Fire, Ground, Rock
Weaknesses: Water, Grass, Dragon, Electric
Can't Affect: None
Resistances: Water, Flying
Weaknesses: Electric, Grass, Dragon
Can't Affect: Ground
Resistances: Water, Ground, Rock
Weaknesses: Fire, Grass, Poison, Flying, Bug, Dragon
Can't Affect: None
Resistances: Grass, Ground, Flying, Dragon
Weaknesses: Water, Ice
Can't Affect: None
Resistances: Normal, Ice, Rock, Steel
Weaknesses: Poison, Flying, Psychic, Bug
Can't Affect: Ghost
Resistances: Grass, Bug
Weaknesses: Poison, Ground, Rock, Ghost
Can't Affect: Steel
Resistances: Fire, Electric, Poison, Rock, Steel
Weaknesses: Grass, Bug
Can't Affect: Flying
Resistances: Grass, Fighting, Bug
Weaknesses: Electric, Rock
Can't Affect: None
Resistances: Fighting, Poison, Ghost
Weaknesses: Bug, Dark
Can't Affect: None
Resistances: Grass, Poison, Psychic
Weaknesses: Fire, Fighting, Flying, Ghost
Can't Affect: None
Resistances: Fire, Flying, Bug
Weaknesses: Water, Grass
Can't Affect: None
Resistances: None
Weaknesses: Psychic
Can't Affect: Normal
Resistances: None
Weaknesses: Ice
Can't Affect: None
Resistances: Ice, Rock
Weaknesses: Fire, Ground, Fighting
Can't Affect: None
Resistances: Psychic, Ghost
Weaknesses: Fighting, Dark, Steel
Can't Affect: Normal
Here are the new combos for Ruby/Sapphire (Give all comments
or praises of this type list to Marek 14
Weaknesses: Poison, Flying, Bug
Resistances: Ground, Steel
4x Resistance: Water
Weaknesses: Water, Ground, Flying, Psychic
Resistances: Fire, Grass, Ice, Dark, Steel
4x Resistance: Bug
4x Weakness: Flying
Weaknesses: Fire, Ice, Poison, Psychic
Resistances: Water, Electric, Grass, Ground, Rock, Dark
4x Weakness: Water
Weakness: Ground
Resistances: Fire, Poison, Bug, Steel
Immunity: Electric
Weaknesses: Flying, Ghost
Resistances: Fighting, Rock
Weaknesses: Water, Grass, Ice, Bug, Ghost, Dark
Resistances: Fighting, Poison, Psychic, Rock
Immunity: Electric
Weaknesses: Electric, Flying, Rock
Resistances: Water, Ice, Fighting, Ground, Steel
Weaknesses: Fire, Water, Ice, Flying
Resistances: Fighting, Poison, Ground
Immunity: Electric
Weaknesses: Water, Grass, Ground, Bug, Ghost, Dark, Steel
Resistances: Normal, Fire, Poison, Flying, Psychic
Weaknesses: Fire, Flying, Rock, Ghost, Dark
Resistances: Grass, Poison, Ground, Bug
Immunities: Normal, Fighting
4x Weakness: Ice
Weakness: Dragon
Resistances: Fire, Poison, Rock
Immunity: Electric
Weaknesses: Ice, Bug, Ghost, Dragon, Dark
Resistances: Fire, Water, Electric, Grass, Fighting,
Weaknesses: Electric, Grass, Fighting, Bug
Resistances: Fire, Water, Ice, Ghost, Dark, Steel
Immunity: Psychic
4x Weakness: Bug
Weaknesses: Fire, Ice, Fighting, Poison, Flying
Resistances: Water, Electric, Grass, Ground, Ghost, Dark
Immunity: Psychic
Resistance: Poison
Immunities: Normal, Fighting, Psychic
Weaknesses: Fire, Fighting, Ground
Resistances: Normal, Grass, Ice, Flying, Psychic, Bug, Rock,
Ghost, Dragon,
Dark, Steel
Immunity: Poison
Weaknesses: Fire, Ground
Resistances: Normal, Grass, Ice, Flying, Rock, Dragon,
4x Resistance: Psychic
Immunity: Poison
4x Weaknesses: Fighting, Ground
Weakness: Water
Resistances: Ice, Psychic, Bug, Rock, Ghost, Dragon, Dark
4x Resistances: Normal, Flying
Immunity: Poison
Weaknesses: Ice, Fighting, Bug, Steel
Resistances: Normal, Electric
Give all comments or praises of the Dual Types list to Marek
14 (

---- 15 > SHINY POKEMON ----
The Shiny Pokemon guide has been entirely written by
PrinceYamiYugi ( Please send all your
praises to that email address!
[Shiny Pokemon]
(If you don't know what shiny Pokemon are see selection 2)
Selection 1:
Think there are shiny Pokemon in ruby and sapphire? If you
do, you're right! If you don't, think of the shiny Pokemon
in gold and silver and imagine them in R/S. It's harder(or
easier?) to spot a shiny Pokemon in ruby and sapphire if you
run into one. Unlike in gold and silver there aren't stars
circling the Pokemon when you run into one. Instead, a
couple of stars appear and go off the screan when you run
into one. Supposedly there's a 1/256 chance of running into
a shiny Pokemon in ruby and sapphire! If that's true, those
chances are much better than running into a shiny Pokemon in
gold and silver!
Selection 2:
So you don't know what a shiny Pokemon is? Shiny Pokemon
have different color than regular Pokemon and show stars on
them when you first run into them.
Some shiny Pokemon are easy to tell that it is really
shiny(if you happened to miss the stars on it when you run
into it) as for are some not that easy (i.e. shiny Whismur
has yellowish green ears and feet) and some some just plain
hard. Shiny Pokemon have slightly different stats than a
Pokemon(not to mention extremely rare) but don't get to
carried away with that. It doesn't mean a Pokemon that has
low attack will have high attack
in its shiny form. Though it doesn't matter what stats a
shiny Pokemon has; if you run into one that will probably be
your first and last time to run into that shiny Pokemon so
you'd better catch it..!
---- 11 > CREDITS ----
Credits go to:
Main Guide Contributors:
- Myself for writing this guide
- Marek 14 for compiling the entire Pokedex as well as
contributions to the Dual Type weaknesses/strengths on the
Battle Chart
- Kevin Tan ( for all the
Japanese translations to English
- PrinceYamiYugi ( for a nice FAQ on how
to catch Latios/Latias as well as the Shiny Pokemon section
- You, the reader, for using this guide
Pokemon in General:
- Term1nal for introducing me to Pokemon
- Kenn San for helping me beat Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire in the
first place
- XsquarefanX for helping me beat Ruby/Sapphire and getting
the Pokemon location lists for Routes 101-103 right
- Gamefaqs ( for publishing this
- GameWinners ( for publishing
this guide
- IGN ( for publishing this guide
- Cheat Code Central ( for publishing
this guide
- Pokemon Gym Advance ( for
publishing this guide
- Harvest Moon Rancher 5
( for publishing
this guide
- AnimeJourney ( for
publishing this guide
- Other websites I've allowed to put up my Ruby/Sapphire
guide but have forgotten to mention
Other Contributors:
- Marcos ( for telling me there are
items and trainer battles on the Route 108 ship
- Wildeboer ( for major gaps filled on
Route 104 and in Petalburg Woods (EXP, G, and items)
- Ragnarok25 ( for Battle Chart
listings errors
- for filling in a few gaps of
EXP/G that I've missed
- Shimmy Shay ( for a nice description of
the dive into the final Team Magma/Aqua cave underwater
- Dingocat85 ( for Trainer 1B Camper
information at the split point on Route 112
- Vidar ( for Mount Pyre and 2nd gym
leader missing trainer info
- Victor C ( for a few mistakes on
Routes 111-113 trainer info
- SSWebbster for locating a shortcut in the game after the
5th gym
- for saying that Poochyena runs
away if your starter drops to 3 HP in the battle
- for informing me that I put that Steel
not immune to Poison types on Battle Chart listings (on
Battle Chart it was right).
- about the egg in Lavaridge.
- for some useful information about
Pokeblocks and new bike type names.
- for berry blending info
- for informing me that the first trainer
on Route 120's Goldeen gives 688 EXP.
- about the egg in Lavaridge.
- for making a picture perfect picture
on where to dive at
- Nintendo, GameFreaks, and Creatures for creating Pokemon
and this game

Copyrighted 2006, YoyoYoshi. All rights reserved. No part of

this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of
YoyoYoshi. Full credit must also be given. Should you do
anything of the kind, you will be sued, and you will lose.
Good day.


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