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Best PC

Business Plan
Growth Change and Expectations

Alonso de Cordoba p. +562 2247 3861

5870 Of. 423, Las
Condes, Santiago
Table of Contents
I. Executive Summary...............................................................2
Mission Statement
Keys to Success
II. Description of Business.........................................................3
Company Ownership/Legal Entity
Hours of Operation
Products and Services
Financial Management
Start-Up/Acquisition Summary
III. Marketing..............................................................................3
Market Analysis
Executive Summary
With brand new offices and an injection of capital, new energy, guidance and organization
to the business, Best PC has the opportunity to maximize their new location and capitalize
on their excellent location. With prime placement in an up and coming area of Santiago
with multiple office buildings opening their doors with news office space, means new
ventures and new businesses need our services. Additional revenue will be brought to the
company quickly by opening up the technical support area, as we will be able to take in
PCs, Notebooks, tablets, etc. Although the new locations have meant a big commitment in
both rent and refurbishments, they have opened the doors to many benefits.

Currently the company works with list of customers that net an average sale of $2.4 million
pesos per month on monthly maintenance contracts. Alongside this we have opened our
offices in prime location to maximize our Technical Support Department, which will open
during the month of August. To lower costs, we have sublet part of the office space,
increasing our sales, but basically lowering our operating costs.

Financial Overview
2015 2016 2017 2018

2014 - Consolidate the business and come to terms with Sebastian Alarcon, Roy
Schneider and Juan Pablo Goñi Baeza as well as get to know the customer, how they
work, their format, makeup and type.

2015 - Open new Offices in Prime Location

- Find new Opportunities/Partners
- Organize Structure and Procedures for the Company
- Implement Processes and Procedures.
- Hire better Personnel with a better Remuneration Structure
- Open Technical Support Department
- Double Monthly Revenue by the End of the Year

2016 - Consolidate Position in Market

- Hire a Full Time IT Person
- Grow in Cloud Services
- Expand Technical Support Department


- Consolidate Geographical Location

2017 - Review and Evaluate. IT moves too quickly and too fast to plan so much in

Mission Statement
To Offer Outsource Solutions for Redundant Maintenance tasks with professionals to
ensure Continuity of Business, Business Processes and Simplify of IT for Businesses.

Keys to Success
We need to focus on the following Key Issues;

- PYMEs (Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas)

- Location, Location, Location
- Development of Partnership with companies such as Microsoft/Google/etc.
- Cloud Systems
- Constant Trent Learning

Description of Business

Company Ownership/Legal Entity

Company is owned by Sebastian Alarcon (50%), Roy Schneider (25%) and Juan Pablo Goñi
Baeza (25%), although in paper it is only Sebastian Alarcon (50%) and Juan Pablo Goñi
Baeza (50%). Currently the company is working under the name Servicios Informaticos
Best PC Sociedad Por Acciones, which is a good basic legal structure to begin with.

For our offices, we chose the borough of Las Condes in Santiago. There are many reasons
why the location was chosen which we will enlist now;


i. Brand new Office Building (therefore potential local business)
ii. Continual construction of New Office Buildings in and around the area
iii. New Residential construction in and around the area
iv. Business in general are moving away from Downtown and looking for
v. Excellent connectivity with 3 major road access and Underground only 1 block
vi. Utilities, Services, Supermarket, Shops and Restaurants close by for staff
convenience and comfort
vii. Close to residency of Juan Pablo Goñi Baeza
viii. We know the owner of the Property

The office was design with the intent of growth. More technicians, more technical support.
More equipment, more work. We have work space and prepared work stations for future
growth, ready when needed. The visualization of the office and location were done with this
in mind and that is what we expect to happen.

Hours of Operation
We open Monday through Friday from 10 am to 7 pm, yet we expect some customers to ask
us to deal with their more immediate problems during the weekends. For those customers
we are going to offer them a more tailor made service, bespoke IT where we can better
take care of their specific needs, which will be fashioned on a client per client basis.

Products and Services

Currently our services can be broken down into 4 main subcategories

- Monthly IT Support
- Hosting & Web Sites
- Hardware
- Technical Support

Monthly IT Support - Comprise of all the current and future customers that are given a
regular service, which is billed on a monthly or on a scheduled basis. Most of these
customers start us single purchase customers that come for a single service, but we are
able to turn them into repeat users. The services we offer them range and are not limited

i. Backing Up Information v. Google Adwords Accounts

ii. General Maintenance of vi. Cleaning & Formatting
Network vii. Antivirus & Malware
iii. Website Maintenance viii. Etc.
iv. Email Maintenance


Hosting & Web Sites – We design website for our customers which we then host on our

Hardware – Through alliances with vendors we purchase equipment for our customers.
Guaranteeing that our customers does not pay any extra, but we make a commission for
the purchase, while at the same time the customer gets the benefits of our
recommendation. Usually we are asked to install the equipment, which also usually means
we get to charge for the installation too.

Technical Support – Computers can be left at our offices to be looked by our technicians, so
that they can be evaluated, quoted and then fixed.

Currently the feeling is that people do not meet expectations. They do not fulfil their
promises or commitments. This is happening more and more in business and this is what
Sebastian and I both agree must stand us out from the rest. We need to be able to meet our
agreements, deadlines and times. With this in mind, when something cannot be done, be
upfront about it rather than beat around the bush. This is not something that is common in

This level of Service throughout the sales process, before, during and after, is what is going
to make us stand out.

Sebastian Alarcon is the IT Manager;

- Responsible for distributing the work load

- Responsible for making sure the work is done to the correct standard
- That the work is done correctly and done right
- When necessary do it himself
- Evaluate Projects and Costings
- Find new Opportunities

Juan Pablo Goñi Baeza is Sales;

- Responsible for making sure that the calendar is followed

- Liaising with customers
- Evaluate Projects and Costings
- Find new Opportunities
- Work hand in hand with Accounting Department

Accounting Department

- Responsible for Charging once work have been billed

- Responsible for Parole


- Represents us for Employment and Tax Issues

Financial Management
This has been an issue that has plagued us part of 2015 and to this end we have already
taken steps to change our Financial Policy. In the past we used to work with a policy,
where after the work was done, a bill was supplied and payment was expected.
Unfortunately lately, more and more people have taken to pay later and later. In the past
15 to 30 days was the norm, but now they are taking 45 to 60 days. We do not offer 30
days, yet people still take 30 or more days, therefore our policies have change.

We now ask for at least 50% up-front payment before we begin any new work and balance
payment upon completion. This way we at least have our costs at the beginning of the job.
We are also looking at the option of changing our monthly customers to pay at the
beginning of the month rather than at the end of the month, since the majority are paying
on the 15th or 20th, when they should have paid on the 1st or 2nd.

Technical Support will not give us this problem as it will be a direct transaction business,
although we do not wish to deal with money directly. To this end, we will be getting a Debit
Card Machine, so that we can charge Debit Cards and Credit Card, this way we do not have
to keep cash in the premise, we have better control of funds, we automatically give a
receipt as now in Chile the card receipt is legal receipt and the money goes directly to our

Already we have started with our Digital Marketing with our Best PC website, which was
launched over a month ago. We are spreading the word of mouth, yet we had not launched
officially the Technical Support Office until now, as we were looking for more Staff. Now
we are ready to canvass the area with flyers and start a more active campaign to bring
business to our doors.

Market Analysis
Our Target Market is ABC1 in and around Las Condes and Vitacura, this is a very large
area, but to start off we will focus to the immediate area of Las Condes between
Apumanque and Parque Arauco, which has a huge concentration of offices, business and
even residential. The number I do not have, but the area is affluent, the potential is
lucrative, yet the information is not at hand. What we do know is that there are at least 6
office building being built or ready to go around the 4 square block, which means that
there are going to be 800 new offices in the next 6 months alone.


Local Market Growth
% growth over prior period
40% Potential
35% Customers
30% New
2015 2016 2017


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