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Achieving Level 2: "Exile is a lesson, and I've always been a quick study.

Achieving Level 3: "Life is growth, even in a graveyard."
Achieving Level 5: "I live, I learn, I kill."
Achieving Level 10: "Building my nightmare, death by death."
Achieving Level 15: "Prior to exile I was but a shadow of myself."
Achieving Level 20: "Power corrupts, while corruption empowers."
Achieving Level 30: "And thus I harness the beast within."

On the Twilight Strand: "It's impossible, yet somehow I know this place."
On Lioneye's Watch: "Letters of exile? Mine said 'mariticide' and 'consorting with
the unholy'. The bastard deserved it."
On the Coast: "Nessa cares, Bestel laughs, and Tarkleigh fights on. Where do they
find the strength?"
On the Mud Flats: "I thought there was no smell fouler than Theopolis in high
summer. It seems I was wrong."
On the Tidal Island: "What does Wraeclast have that makes men risk their lives to
come here?"
On the Submerged Passage: "I've survived the hungry dead, and the ravenous living.
What's a little bit of darkness?"
On the Flooded Depths "Tracking through the bowels of my exile... A little
unseeming for someone of my birth and status, don't you think, mother dearest?"
On the Ledge: "This is like waking from one of my dreams."
On the Climb: "My heart beats faster, my breath shorter. Up there, something is
waiting for me."
On the Lower Prison: "I know this smell. Age old, yet as fresh to me as the day I
used my unholy gifts to end my marriage."
On the Prisoner's Gate: "My eyes are open, yet the nightmare continues."
On the Ship Graveyard: "To reach the truth, it's through the Siren's realm I must
On the Ship Graveyard Cave: "There's something down here, I can feel it."
On the Coves: "Whether on the walls around me, or on the walls around my mind,
those accursed symbols are always there."
On the Cavern of Wrath: "Back into the bowels of exile, where the darkness
veritably slithers with hunger."
On the Southern Forest: "All about me is lush and vibrant, yet what do I see?
Shadow without and shadow within."
On the Forest Encampment: "So different from Lioneye's Watch. This is a place of
vigor and contentment, a home."
On the Old Fields: "These Azmeri have lived here all their lives, and their
ancestors before them...yet they're whole of body and mind. How?"
On the Den: "Beneath the surface, the earth whimpers in the agony of transition."
On the Crossroads: "It was possible to be happy here once."
On the Fellshrine Ruins: "Faith offers little protection in Wraeclast."
On the Crypt: "I walked these halls in my nightmares. My ever step watched and
hated as now."
On the Chamber of Sins: "The men here should have listened to their hearts, for
their minds were not their own."
On the Riverways: "The only shadow they have is the one they cast. How do the
Azmeri remain uncorrupted when all else twists and suffers?"
On the Blackwood: "The sickened trees cling to each other for comfort."
On the Weaver's Chambers: "The natural order has been overturned. That which was
crushed underfoot now rules without question."
On the Western Forest: "Heart and limb: this land is in thrall to the shadows."
On the Vaal Ruins: "They died here, in the thousands, but not when the Empire fell.
The shadows here feel much older."
On the Wetlands: "I thought myself so special. Turns out I'm just another vector
for contagion."
On the Caverns: "I was born to walk from shadow to shadow."
On the City of Sarn: "The shadows flee from the glare of Solaris. What would it
take to burn the shadows from this land forever?"
On the Sarn Encampment: "Civilization rejects us, and yet we continue to build
shrines in its honor."
On the Slums: "This could've been Oriath, yet The Cataclysm didn't reach across the
sea. Why not?"
On the Crematorium: "Axiom Prison, the Chamber of Sins, this Crematorium - places
where a man can make his own nightmares manifest."
On the Marketplace Sewers: "I can hear them behind those walls. The poor bastards
still think they're alive."
On the Marketplace: "The great ones strive to live forever, while the people
struggle to make a living."
On the Catacombs: "God abandoned this land a long time ago."
On the Battlegrounds: "Whatever Dominus wants, he's willing to spend sword and soul
to get it."
One the Docks: "Wraeclast bears the weight of Sarn's heavy industry."
On Solaris: "It seems that even time loses its will in the face of nightmare."
On the Sewers Waterway: "You are remembered only for the mess you leave behind."
On the Ebony Barracks: "What am I to do against the full might of Oriath?"
On the Lunaris Temple: "When I touch a virtue gem, I commune with the corrupted,
the feelings are the same; and here, they are ten fold."
On the Imperial Garden: "When will we finally learn that nature knows best?"
On the Library: "The library in Theopolis was my sanctuary. Somewhere I could hide
from expectation."
On the Sceptre of God: "Nightmares build their nests in the towers of man's

Having killed the Hungry Corpse: "So this is your gift, your new life, Dominus? Why
not execute us and be done with it?"
Having killed Hillock: "I'll not be joining your kind, dead man, not today."
Having killed Fire Fury: "Humanity has lost its mind here in Wraeclast."
Having killed the Necromancer: "Now the inhabitants of my nightmares wear flesh and
haunt me in the twilight that is my life."
Having killed the Deep Dweller: "I felt its pain, the very moment of its death.
This corrupted creature and I...connected? God, I have to get out of here."
Having killed Kuduku: "I felt it - the moment this thing gave up its twisted hold
on life. But how?"
To Brutus: "Please my lord, just talk to me!"
Having killed Brutus: "Curse you, Brutus! Curse your symbols and curse your bloody
murdered empire! I would have listened... I would have understood!"
Having killed Fairgraves: "I am doomed to destroy the truth wherever I find it."
Having killed Amarissa: "She spoke to me as she died - the voice of a little girl
imprisoned within a monster."
Having killed Merveil: "I'm so sorry my lady, we are cursed to bear the gifts
bestowed upon us."
Having killed the Great White Beast: "I saw a man through this tortured animal's
eyes. A man with ambitions as vast and black as the night sky."
Having killed Geofri: "Please accept this mercy, Geofri."
Having killed Kraityn: "After all this land's been through, your kind still manages
to make it worse, Kraityn."
Having killed Fidelitas: "Brutus transformed himself out of fear. Fidelitas did so
out of love."
Having killed the Weaver: "Pull but one thread, and the fabric of the world
Having killed Alira: "Why did Wraeclast love you so, gutter witch?"
Having killed Oak: "There's your peace, Oak. The only peace that anyone can expect
in Wraeclast."
To the Vaal Oversoul: "I've known your kind since the day I was born, nightmare."
Having killed the Vaal Oversoul: "The day might be mine - but what sort of day is
Having killed Marceus, the Defaced: "Stone is disfigured as easily as flesh.
Reality is the clay and corruption is the sculptor."
Gravicius, to the Scion: "God gave this world to man, not to you little girl."
Having killed Gravicius: "Give my regards to my husband when you meet him again,
Having killed Kole: "You were a son of Wraeclast, and I am its daughter."
Having killed Piety: "That which you loved, Piety, will never love you back."
Having killed Dominus: "Between man and nightmare, that is where I've always stood
Dominus, long before you did."

Full inventory: "Far too much baggage."

Out of mana: "I have nothing more to give."
Occasionally, after killing a rare: "Go to bed, little nightmare!"

On the Medicine Chest: "This is the first time in more years that I can remember
that I've had the freedom to simply help someone."
On the Strange Glyph Wall: "Thaumaturgy - as marvelous as it is monstrous."
To Piety, in the Warden's Quarters: "That wonder child is dead. Drowned in blood on
her wedding day. That woman you just saw, Piety? I don't know who she is."
On Piety, at the Prisoner's Gate: "Piety has become a true mistress of thaumaturgy.
I wonder what else she has learned in her time here. I need to find another way
inland if I'm to figure it out."
To Piety, in the Chamber of Sins: "As are rats and lions, Piety."
On the Slave Girl: "I found your old flame, old Fairgraves. In return, you are
going to have to tell me how this bewitched land and I seem to know each other."
On the Allflame: "The hue, the nestles itself onto my skin. I feel it
in my bones. Though this is more intense, I've felt this same worth ever since I
set foot on Wraeclast."
On Shavronne's Diary (Warden's Quarters): "Heroism is often just foulness by a
different name."
On the Baleful Gem: "Everything that happened to the Empire lies right here,
imprisoned within crystalline walls."
Having killed Lorrata: "I am forced to perpetuate the mistakes of the past."
Opening the Ancient Seal: "Determination made me open it. Damnation made me regret
To Piety, in the Crematorium: "Perhaps I'll read my future in your entrails,
To Tolman: "You and I, Tolman, playthings of ambition."
On the Undying Blockage: "Given time, everything could come to look like this."
On the Bust of Hector Titucius: "The face of cruelty immortalized in platinum."
On the Bust of Gaius Sentari: "Another champion of vanity."
On the Bust of Marceus Lioneye: "A pretty face forged by ugly ideals."
On the Decanter Spiritus: "I dare not look too closely into the glass; something is
likely to look back."
On the Ribbon Spool: "Ribbons, statues, elementals, even the whole of the Vaal
constructs - all ghastly threads of the same tapestry."
On the Thaumetic Sulphite: "The dust that gathers on the coffin of an empire."
On the Undying Blockage: "I will cleanse this land of nightmare, tunnel by tunnel
if I have to."
On Chitus' Plum: "From corrupted bones to twisted wood to poisoned fruit."
On Fairgraves' death: "I'm sorry Fairgraves, sorry for us both. For where you go,
so must I."
On the Golden Pages: "I too am the past, written into the present in flesh and
blood. A waking nightmare."
On Tower Key: "My audience with Dominus."

On the Weathered Carving (Coast): "I was taught that the Karui were beasts. Closer
to monkey than man. What else were the Templar wrong about?"
On the Weathered Carving (Tidal Island): "The Karui wiped the Eternal Empire from
the face of this coast, yet rocks are all that remain of them. It makes no sense."
On the Weathered Carving (Mud Flats): "I've been haunted by such nightmares all my
On the Weathered Carving (Ledge): "Nightmares of the mind raising nightmares from
the grave. What could've caused this?"
On the Weathered Carving (Climb): "It infects living flesh and bone. Even the very
earth - perhaps I'm infected too."
On the Weathered Carving (Ship Graveyard): "The Karui reverted to cannibalism.
Perhaps those primitives outside Lioneye's Watch have been drawn to that same black
On the Weathered Carving (Coves): "A Karui nation thousands strong and still they
failed to unravel the nature of the black spirit. What possible hope have I?"
On the Graffiti (City of Sarn): "It was meant to be the Eternal Empire, after all."
On the Graffiti (The Slums): "Victario wasn't very fond of Emperor Chitus. I wonder
what he would have made of Dominus."
On the Graffiti (Warehouse District): "If the eyes are the windows to the soul,
then the gems are the doorways to the flesh."
On the Graffiti (Catacombs): "Perhaps one of these names will be Piety's... or
On the Graffiti (Battlefront): "If Chitus was the Monkey King, then who was this
'shadow'? Malachai perhaps?"
On the Graffiti (Docks): "The gems must have been built here in their thousands!
They certainly left their mark."

End of Story?: "Though we were worlds apart before, exile has brought us together.
Back in Oriath, there were those that referred to me as the wonder child, but as
you've likely discovered, titles mean little here. Wonder, Exile, Monster, Hero...
It's not the name that defines you. It's what you do that makes you what you are in
Wraeclast. Thank you. You have given me what matters most: the freedom to finish
what I started."

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