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Week 1, Day 1
Context/ Rationale Unit:
This is the first day of the unit on the theme “Coming of Age.” This week will serve as an
introduction to the theme, and will incorporate activities for this introduction. This week we will
also be working with the novel American Born Chinese as a class to help students be able to
identify properties of the overarching theme.

Instructional Objectives
● Students will be able to identify their prior knowledge for the theme “coming of age.”
● Students will be able to work together to come up with common themes in “Coming of
Age” stories.
SOLs: 11.2 d, h; 11.6 d

Anticipatory Set/ Warm -Up

Students will be given a bell ringer to write in their journals about the questions:
1. What does “coming of age” mean?
2. Have you ever been judged for something that you can’t help?
3. Have you ever done anything to prevent someone from getting discriminated against?
4. Write any questions you might have based on coming of age.

1 ) Students will then discuss in their pods the questions from the warm up. During this time, the
teacher will walk around the class, interacting in groups that seem to be stuck and will keep
students on task.
2 ) The class will participate in a roundtable discussion. During this time, the teacher will ask
each group to present their topic. The class will discuss, and the teacher will prompt the students
to go in the right directions through adding to each conversation with personal experiences.

Once the roundtable discussion is complete, students will then write in their journals what they
have learned from their classmates during the discussion.

Individual journals
Writing utensils

Grade 11 Unit Plan

The individual writing activity is based on time, but has no restriction on length as long as
students are writing thoughtfully. Students will be able to work at their own pace. Once the
writing is complete, students will then work together to share their writing and thoughts.

Today’s activity will use the computer and the SMART Board.

Students will be assessed on participation: whether or not they wrote a question based on today’s

Week 1, Day 2

Instructional Objectives
● Students will be able to use critical thinking skills to anticipate what will happen in the
● Students will be able to use their prior knowledge from day 1 to form connections with
the novel and the coming of age theme.

SOLs: 11.2 b, d; 11.3 a, b, c; 11.5 d

Anticipatory Set/ Warm -Up (2:34 minutes) Students will watch the
following video from ShareAmerica from the author. The teacher will discuss the video with the
students in order to promote critical thinking. After this, the students will be able to have time to
write in their journals on how they interpreted the novel.

1 ) To introduce the novel to the students, they will watch the teacher present a Book Talk on
American Born Chinese:
“Jin Wang starts at a new school where he’s the only Chinese-American student.
When a boy from Taiwan joins his class, Jin doesn’t want to be associated with an FOB
(Fresh Off the Boat) like him. Jin just wants to be an all-American boy, because he’s in
love with an all-American girl. Danny is an all-American boy: great at basketball, popular
with the girls. Danny’s obnoxious Chinese cousin, Chin-Kee, comes for an annual visit.
Unfortunately, it is such a disaster that it ruins Danny’s reputation at school, leaving
Danny with no choice but to transfer somewhere he can start all over again. The
Monkey King has lived for thousands of years and mastered the arts of kung fu and the
heavenly disciplines. He’s ready to join the ranks of the immortal gods in heaven. But
there’s no place in heaven for a monkey. Each of these characters cannot help himself
Grade 11 Unit Plan
alone, but how can they possibly help each other? They’re going to have to find a way—
if they want to fix the disasters their lives have become.” The teacher will add information
deemed necessary to get students excited about reading.
2 ) Students will be introduced to three vocabulary words or phrases initially: racism, coming of
age, and “fresh off the boat.” We will then incorporate these words and create a word wall. The
class will add to this word wall as the novel is read in order to promote a better understanding of
the topics discussed.

Students will create a KWL for American Born Chinese in their journals. This will be something
that the students can come back to.

American Born Chinese
Bulletin board
Laminated construction paper
Individual journals
Writing utensils
American Born Chinese Video

The individual writing activity is based on content instead of time. Students will be given time
to complete the L of the KWL at a later date. Students are expected to have some content written
for both K and W of the chart.

Today’s lesson will use the computer and the SMART Board with internet access. Youtube
access will also be required.

Students will be assessed on their abilities to critically think about discussed topics and then
portray their thoughts by completing a KWL chart.

Know Wants to Know Learn

Grade 11 Unit Plan


Week 1, Day 3

Instructional Objectives
● Students will be able to use their prior knowledge to assess the cover page of the novel.
● Students will then use their reading comprehension skills to answer the exit journal
questions on why or why not they enjoy the novel so far.
SOLs: 11.4 e, k

Anticipatory Set/ Warm -Up

During this time, the teacher will pass out student novels and ask students to get their individual
journals. The teacher will then discuss the cover of the novel with students by asking questions
such as:
What do you notice about the cover?
What is he wearing?
What about the colors?
Grade 11 Unit Plan

1 ) Students will be following along as the teacher reads American Born Chinese. Students may
write down any questions they might have during the reading process in their individual journals.
These can be used for another class period. Because there are some racist remarks in the graphic
novel, it is important that the teacher pauses and brings attention to heavier themes such as
racism. The teacher can ask questions to get students thinking critically. These questions can be:
How is the language harmful?
How would you respond to this?
Why do you think the author is including this language?

Students will then answer the following questions in their journals:
1. What do you like or do not like about the novel?
2. Who is your favorite character?
3. What do you think will happen in the next half of the novel?

American Born Chinese
Individual journals
Writing utensils

Students will be provided with an audiobook version of American Born Chinese. This can allow
the less confident readers to follow along easily, and it would also allow the more confident
readers to be entertained.

Today’s lesson will require access to the audiobook.

Students will be assessed for their responses in the journal from the exit ticket.


Week 1, Day 4

Instructional Objectives
● Students will use their critical thinking skills for analysis on the racism used in the novel.
Grade 11 Unit Plan

● Students will then use their reading comprehension skills to complete the exit questions
in their journal.
SOLs: 11.4 e, k

Anticipatory Set/ Warm -Up

The teacher will pass out American Born Chinese novels as well as have students get their
individual journals out ready to complete the exit ticket. The class will briefly go over any
questions students may have had in their journals from the previous class.

1 ) Students will listen to the audiobook for American Born Chinese.
2 ) The class will reflect on today’s reading. The teacher will discuss the hard to talk about
subjects within the book.

Students will be asked to continue discussing the hard to talk topics in their individual journals.
This can include individual questions, personal experiences, and more.

American Born Chinese
Individual journals
Writing utensils

Students will listen and follow along in the class novels with the audiobook.

Today’s lesson will require the audiobook.

Students will be assessed by the participation in the roundtable discussion, as well as the journal
entry written from the discussion. Students will be asked to write their thoughts at the end of the
class based on what was read and discussed.


Week 1, Day 5

Instructional Objectives
Grade 11 Unit Plan

● Students will use their critical thinking skills for analysis on the coming of age themes
used in the novel.
● Students will then use their reading comprehension skills to complete the exit questions
in their journal.
SOLs: 11.4 c, e, h, k

Anticipatory Set/ Warm -Up

For the warmup, the students will have a roundtable discussion on the character Chin-Kee. The
teacher will discuss how this character is the internal feelings of Jen Wang.

1 ) Student will then finish the last fifteen minutes of the audiobook
2 ) Students will write for ten minutes in their journal a 4-3-2-1.

Journal Prompts and Essential Questions
Title: Author: Section:

4 sentences of summary:

Summarize the important aspects of the assigned reading in four sentences.

3 sentences in response to one of the essential questions:

Write out one of the essential questions from the smartboard and give a thoughtful response as
it relates to this reading.

2 favorite quotes or important/powerful sentences:

Write two quotes out using quotation marks and state the page numbers where you found the
quote. Add two sentences explaining why you picked these quotes and why they matter to
the plot of the book.
Grade 11 Unit Plan

1. Page: ________ Quote:


2. Page: ________ Quote:


1 personal connection:

What parts of the reading make you think of something in your life? What caught your eye that you
found interesting for some reason? Respond in 3 – 4 thoughtful sentences about how this
incident/character/ statement/book relates to you.

The class will discuss the novel ending. The class will then discuss any questions they have
written in their individual journals. The teacher will then refer back to the beginning of the day to
provide closure to wrap up the entire novel.

American Born Chinese
Individual journals
Writing utensils

To better accommodate the students, the teacher will provide an audiobook via YouTube.

Today’s lesson will require access to the audiobook.

Since students will be writing in their journals and creating a 4-3-2-1 entry, the teacher will
formally assess students by the contribution towards their journal.

Week 2, Day 1
Grade 11 Unit Plan

Rationale: This is the first day in which students will be introduced to a collection of books that
center the unit theme of “coming of age.” The teacher will present short book talks and videos to
show a summary of the novel to peak the student’s interests. The students will begin reading in
their pods and fill out the KWL.

Instructional Objectives
● Students will be able to assess and analyze a selection of books by the brief synopsis that
the teacher provides on each book.
SOLs: 11.2 b; 11.4 k

Anticipatory Set/ Warm -Up

Students will be introduced to a variety of books, all of which center the theme of “coming of
age.” These books include:
● The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
● Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi
● March by Geraldine Brooks
● The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
● Lord of the Flies by William Golding
The students will then take out their journals and answer the question:
Which book interests you the most based off the title? Why?

1 ) The teacher will then present videos of book talks for each novel
1. The Fault In Our Stars--
2. Persepolis--
3. March--
4. The Perks of Being a Wallflower--
5. Lord of the Flies--
6. The Outsiders--

2 ) Students will use an index and, based off of the synopsis provided by the teacher and book-
talk videos, will choose their top 3 picks. Students will elaborate on the books that they have
chosen. Students will do this by answering the following question.
Why did you choose this book?
Students will answer this question for each book on their list.

The teacher will explain the expectations for the final project and will go over the assignment
Grade 11 Unit Plan

Novels from the book talks
Individual journals
Writing utensils

Students will watch trailers and discuss the book talks as a class, rather than doing the
assignments alone. Teacher will then walk through the assignment expectations.

Today’s lesson will require a computer and the SMART board to show book trailers from

The teacher will informally assess the index cards that have been created by the students,
grouping them according to their choices.

Week 2, Day 2

Instructional Objectives
● Students will be able to use collaboration skills for the preparation of the assignment.
● Students will use prior knowledge from the book talks to apply to the anticipation guides.
SOLs: 11.4

Anticipatory Set/ Warm -Up

Students will be split up in the novel pods (pods have been arranged based off of the students’
novel choices indicated by the index cards they have turned in). Pods will be set according to
each novel.

1 ) Students will be placed into pods that are aligned with their book choices, and will be given
copies of each of the books. Based off of the cover of the book, the title, and the brief summary
overview on the back of the book, students will answer the following questions: What do think
will happen in your novel? What does the cover tell you? What doesn’t the cover tell you about
the book? What are your predictions of the plot based off of the title? Students will answer these
2 ) Students will compare and contrast their ideas with their pod. Students will actively listen to
one another as each individual shares.
Grade 11 Unit Plan

Students from each pod will tell the class their predictions and answers to the given questions,
creating a class discussion. The teacher will collect the books, and students will turn in their

Group novels
Writing utensils
Individual journals

Students will be provided with verbal and written summaries of each novel, as well as be given
preferential seating within their pods.

No technology is required for today’s lesson.

Students will be assessed by their participation. The teacher will assess their participation based
off of the completion of the students’ individual answers that they have turned in.


Week 2, Day 3

Instructional Objectives
● Students will be able to recognize elements of their book such as setting, characters, and
possibly some themes.
● Students will be able to summarize the events that take place in their novel, and share
with the class.
SOLs: 11.8

Anticipatory Set/ Warm -Up

Students will sit in their pods according to their chosen book, and be given copies of the book.
The teacher will ask students to keep a piece of paper and writing utensil handy for the sake of
taking notes, if necessary.

1 ) Students will spend the class period reading their books. Students will read their book as a
group to ensure that each member is actively engaged in the material, and will not fall behind in
Grade 11 Unit Plan

reading, compared to individually reading. The teacher will allow students to read out in the
hallway, or a preferred section of the classroom.
2 ) Students will be asked to keep notes to use for a discussion. These notes can contain any
interesting things they have read, some characters, the setting, and more. Students will keep these
notes in their binder.

At the end of the class, students will use an index card to indicate any questions they have about
their novel so far. Students will turn in this index card to their teacher.

Group novels
Writing utensils
Index card

Students will be given the option of preferential seating. Students will be provided audiobooks, if

No technology required for this lesson.

Students will have written a question they have about the novel or an interesting they have
learned; the teacher will use this to assess the students’ understanding of their novel.


Week 2, Day 4
Instructional Objectives
● Students will be able to complete a KWL summary sheet to explain the content that they
are learning.
● Students will be able to utilize prior knowledge and textual evidence from their novels to
describe the events that has happened so far.
SOLs: 11.4h, 11.4c

Anticipatory Set/ Warm -Up

Students will be seated in their pods, given their books, and a KWL worksheet. Students will
complete the “K” portion of the worksheet, using what they already know about their novel.
Grade 11 Unit Plan

1 ) After students have completed the “K” section of their worksheet individually, each pod will
discuss their answers.
2 ) The teacher will promote a class discussion by asking volunteers to list the book that they are
reading, then tell the class what they have written for their warm up.
3 ) The teacher will pass back the index cards from the previous class. In their pods, students will
discuss their individual questions.
4 ) Students will continue reading their novels.
5 ) Students will end the class by individually completing the “W” and “L” portion of their
worksheet, listing what they want to know and what they’ve learned from the portion that they
have read during this class period. Students will turn in this worksheet.

The teacher will go to each pod and conduct a brief meeting, making sure that no questions have
gone unanswered, and to provide clarity.

Individual novels
KWL worksheet
Writing utensils
Book of Choice

Students will be provided with preferential seating and with audiobooks, if requested.


Students will be assessed by their completion of the KWL chart.


Week 2, Day 5
Instructional Objectives
● Students will be able to actively listen and read their selected novel.
● Students will be able to engage in a group discussion with other members of their pod.
SOLs: 11.4 f
Grade 11 Unit Plan

Anticipatory Set/ Warm -Up

The teacher will start the class off by asking “who is your favorite character in your book so far
and why?” Students will answer this question in a minimum of 4 sentences to eliminate short,
non-descriptive answers. Students will answer this individually, then share their answers with the

1 ) Students will spend this class period reading their selected novel in their pods. The teacher
will be monitoring each pod to ensure that the groups stay on task.

Students will find a stopping point in their reading for the day and have a 10-minute discussion
on what they have read.

Group novels
Individual journals
Writing utensils

Students will be given an audiobook, if needed. Students may have preferential seating.


There will be no graded assessment for this lesson, however, the teacher will continuously
monitor the students to make sure they are staying on task.


Week 3, Day 1

Rationale: This week will be a reading pod week. The goal for this week is to read the majority
of the novel, conference with the teacher, and have group discussions of the themes of the novel
assigned to them.

Instructional Objectives
● Students will be able to actively listen and read their selected novel.
● Students will be able to engage in a group discussion with other members of their pod.
Grade 11 Unit Plan

● Students will be able to use their summarization skills to write their summary of the
chapters they have read
SOLs: 11.4 f, 11.4 e

Anticipatory Set/ Warm -Up

For the first ten minutes of the class, students will take out their journals a summary of each
chapter that the group had read in the last class period.

1 ) Students will discuss the summary that was written in their journal.
2 ) Next, students will write a prediction on an index card for what will happen in the next three

Students will then have the remainder of the class to read in their reading circle.

Group novels
Individual journals
Writing utensils
Index card

Students will be given an audio book if needed, as well as preferential seating.


Students will be assessed by their index card predictions to ensure students are reading their
selected novel.


Week 3, Day 2

Instructional Objectives
● Students will be able to actively listen and read their selected novel.
SOLs: 11.4 f, 11.4 e

Anticipatory Set/ Warm -Up

Grade 11 Unit Plan

Students will take out their journals and answer the question: “Is the conflict of the novel: self vs.
self, self vs. society, self vs. environment, self vs. technology, or self vs. fate. Please explain
your answer.”

1 ) Students will spend the class period reading the novel in their pods.

Students will take out an index card and summarize the chapters they have read in one sentence
per chapter.

Group novels
Individual journals
Index card
Writing utensils

Students will be given an audio book if needed, as well as preferential seating.

Students will be assessed by the summarization written on the index card.


Week 3, Day 3
Instructional Objectives
● Students will be able to actively listen and read their selected novel.
● Students will be able to engage in a group discussion with other members of their pod.
● Students will be able to use their summarization skills to write their summary of the
chapters they have read.
SOLs: 11.4 h, 11.6 a

Anticipatory Set/ Warm -Up

For the first ten minutes of the class, students will take out their journals a summary of each
chapter that the group had read in the last class period.

1 ) Students will discuss the summary that was written in their journal.
Grade 11 Unit Plan

2 ) Students will write a prediction on an index card for what will happen in the next three

Students will write one question that they had about the chapters that they have read during class

Group novels
Index card
Writing utensils
Individual journals

Audiobook will be provided if the students need and preferred seating.


Students will be assessed based off the question written on their index card.


Week 3, Day 4

Instructional Objectives
● Students will be able to actively listen and read their selected novel.

SOLs: 11.4 f, 11.4h

Anticipatory Set/ Warm -Up

Students will discuss their questions that was written down on the index card. The group will
record the answers in their journals.

1 ) Students will be able to spend the entirety of the class time reading the novel in their pod.

Students will write on an index card one thing that they dislike about the novel. Students will
also include their reasoning.
Grade 11 Unit Plan

Group novels
Index cards
Writing utensils
Individual journals

Students will be provided an audiobook and preferential seating.


Students will be assessed on their index cards at the end of class.

Week 3, Day 5
Instructional Objectives
● Students will be able to actively listen and read their selected novel.
● Students will be able to engage in a group discussion with other members of their pod.
● Students will be able to use their summarization skills to write their summary of the
chapters they have read.
● Students will conference with the teacher to discuss their progress on the novel and
project ideas.
SOLs: 11.4 e, 11.4 f, 11.4h

Anticipatory Set/ Warm -Up

Students will answer the question in their journal:
Who is the protagonist? Who is the antagonist? What is the conflict?

1 ) Students will discuss the summary that was written in their journal.
2 ) Students will write a prediction on an index card for what will happen in the next three

Groups will meet with the teacher to discuss the novel and project ideas.

Group novels
Grade 11 Unit Plan

Index cards
Individual journals
Writing utensils

Students will be given an audiobook and preferential seating.


Students will be assessed on their journal entry.


Week 4, Day 1
Rationale: This week is project introduction week. Students will be exposed to the various
project options and what is required of them. Students will also be given the rubric and the
project will be explained in depth. Students will benefit from choosing their own project because
it will promote further meaningful engagement with the material.

Instructional Objectives
● Students will make inferences based on their selected novel within their pod. These are to
be recorded and used after students have finished their novels.
SOLs: 11.5 a, e

Anticipatory Set/ Warm -Up

Students will get into groups based on their selected novels to share and discuss any questions
they may have regarding their novel. Students will write any and all questions within their
journals. Students will be asked to share questions aloud. Students with similar questions in their
novels will be asked if their group discussed something similar.

1 ) Students will make and record inferences on the novel in their journals.
2 ) Students will record any questions about the novel in their journals during the warm-up.
Students will also record any additional questions that may occur during today’s reading session.
3 ) Students will continue reading for the rest of the class period.

Grade 11 Unit Plan

The teacher will ask students if their group questions have been answered. The students will
answer by a show of hands. The teacher will then ask if students have formed new questions or
thoughts about their novels.

Group novels
Individual journals
Writing utensils

Students will be given access to the audiobook of their selected novels if desired.

Audiobook of selected novel

Students will be assessed on their ability to make inferences on their selected novel. Students
will also be assessed on their ability to record any questions/ thoughts they might have while


Week 4, Day 2

Instructional Objectives
● Students will be able to use critical thinking to compare their inferences based on the
previous day of reading to what is being read today.
SOLs: 11.6 c, d, e

Anticipatory Set/ Warm

The students will be divided into their pods to discuss their books. They will share their initial
thoughts and comments with every member at their pod.

1 ) The students will be asked to complete the following prompts individually in their journals.
1. What are your thoughts on the main character? Do you like him/her/them? Why
or why not?
2. Describe the conflict(s) in the story. How do you want the resolution to unfold?
3. Imagine you are a character in the story. How would you make the plot different
in the story?
Grade 11 Unit Plan

2 ) After recording answers into their journals, students will then discuss them with their pods.
3 ) Students will read for the rest of the class period in their selected novels.

After reading in their novels, students will be asked to revisit yesterday's inferences in their
journals with the following prompt:
Compare what you thought yesterday to what you know today. Were you close in your original
thoughts? Where in the story proved or disproved your inferences?

Group novels
Individual journals
Writing utensils

Students will have access to the audiobook of their selected novel if desired.


Students will be assessed on their ability to complete the exit slip in their journals.


Week 4, Day 3

Instructional Objectives
● Students will be able to use their knowledge of their novels to create a brief book talk to
share with a partner in a different pod.
SOLs: 11. 4 h, j

Anticipatory Set/ Warm -Up

Students will be split up into their pods to briefly discuss their thoughts about the novels.

1 ) Students will finish reading their selected independent novels.
2 ) Students will be asked to explain their novels to another person in a different pod.
In order to do this, students will be instructed to gather their thoughts about the prompts:
1. What was the purpose of the book? How do you know? (think tone, word choice,
Grade 11 Unit Plan

2. Describe the conflict without spoilers.

3. Is there anything else you really want to share? Is there anything you think your
peers should know about this novel?
4. What are some questions you think your peers might have about the novel?
3 ) Students will then find a partner in a different pod to share their novels. After discussing the
novels, students will ask questions based on the information being shared. These are to be shared
verbally and written in their journals.

Students will make their way back to their original seating. The teacher will briefly ask students
to quickly answer the following in their journals:
1. Did you enjoy your novel? Why or why not?
2. Do you want to read the novel your partner shared with you? Why or why not?

Group novels
Individual journals
Writing utensils

Students will be given access to the audiobook of their selected novels if desired.


Students will be assessed on their ability to form critical thinking questions about their partners

Week 4, Day 4
Instructional Objectives
● Students will be able to differentiate between the type of projects being shared today.
● Students will be able to collaborate with their pods and communicate thoughts and ideas.
SOLs: 11.1 a, b, g, j

Anticipatory Set/ Warm -Up 5 minutes

Students will be separated into their pods. Students will be given a few minutes to ask any
remaining questions they have about their novels aloud.

Grade 11 Unit Plan

1 ) The teacher will share the project options to the entire class. The teacher will require students
to take notes on each project option during the explanation phase.
1. Project Option 1: Prezi or PowerPoint. Students will be asked to share important aspects
of their novels: background on the author, context of the novel, characters and their
importance, conflict, the students’ personal response to the novel, and two books with
similar themes of their novel.
2. Project Option 2: Diorama. The group will be tasked with creating a visual scene from
one important place in the novel. In a paragraph or more students will use textual
evidence to provide reasoning for the diorama design. Students will also explain the
importance of the scene they created.
3. Project Option 3: 5 Minute Trailer and Book Talk: Students will be tasked with creating a
movie trailer for their novel. Students will be given access to a digital camera if needed.
Students will pick out important characters to introduce to their classmates. The group
will be given multiple opportunities to film during class time. In addition to the film, the
group will be tasked to share a book talk. This can be additional commentary after the
movie trailer explaining the reasoning behind what was displayed or it could focus
directly on the book itself.
4. Project Option 4: Group Paper. The group will complete a research paper on the novel.
The research topic must be approved by the teacher before starting.
5. Project Option 5: Human Sculpture. Students will create a living sculpture out of
themselves. They will select an important scene from the novel and attach it to an
emotion they felt during the reading process. Students will be given access to various
props to encourage their creativity and expression.

Students will use the last 15 minutes of class to conduct preliminary research on the projects they
are interested in. Students will record their findings in their journals. Students will create a list
of their top 3 favorite project ideas to share with their group next class period.

Group novels
Individual journal
Writing utensils

Students will be given the option to select a project with their group. Students are encouraged to
voice their opinions and thoughts. If a student or two within a group has a difficult time within
the group, they may separate into a smaller group. That new group must select a separate project
from the list. No two groups on the same novel will complete the same project.

Grade 11 Unit Plan

Digital cameras if needed.

Students will be assessed on their ability to take brief notes on each of the project selections.
Students will also be assessed on their ability to create a list of their top three project choices.


Week 4, Day 5

Instructional Objectives
● Students will discuss within their group about the project selections.
● Students will begin research.
SOLs: 11.1 g, 11.1 h

Anticipatory Set/ Warm -Up

Students will be asked to share their previous lists from their journals. Students will select a
project to collaborate on.

1 ) Students will be asked to report to the class which project is selected. The teacher will record
these responses on the board.
2 ) Students will be given the rubric for each of the projects.
3 ) Students will be given the rest of the class period to work on their projects.

Students will record in their journals their action plans for the next day. This should include what
their goals are for the next day.

Group novels
Individual journals

Students will be given the option to select a project with their group. Students are encouraged to
voice their opinions and thoughts. If a student or two within a group has a difficult time within
the group, they may separate into a smaller group. That new group must select a separate project
from the list. No two groups on the same novel will complete the same project.
Grade 11 Unit Plan

Students will be assessed on their ability to understand the rubric and explain it to a partner.

Rubric for Excellent Satisfactory Good Poor Unacceptable

Final Project 17- 20 points 12 - 16 points 11 - 9 points 8 - 5 points 4 - 0 points

Grammar and Little to no Few errors in Some errors Many errors Severe errors in
Mechanics errors in spelling, in spelling, in spelling, spelling, grammar,
spelling, grammar, grammar, grammar, and format
grammar, and format. and format. and format. causing
and format. comprehension

Collaboration Students Students Students Students Students had

worked worked worked worked multiple issues
together with together with together with together with working together.
little to no few issues. some issues. many issues The outcome
issues. involving the resulted in
teacher. disciplinary

Organization Student work Student work Student work Student work Student work had
was had a few had some had many several
organized organization organization organization organization
properly. issues. issues. issues. concerns that

Content Content is Content is Content is Content is Content is missing

appropriate missing a few missing some missing many multiple important
and covers key elements. key elements. elements. details.
the topic well.

Completion Work is Project is Project is Project is Project is missing

completed in missing a few missing some missing many many required
full. required required required details and is
details. details. details. considered

Total Points

Point total:

Grade 11 Unit Plan



Week 5, Day 1
Rationale:This week is presentation week. The main goal for this week is to have students work
collaboratively to complete a project of their choice. Students must learn to work with others in
order to navigate life beyond school, especially in the workplace. The secondary goal is to
familiarize students with public speaking and presenting work with others.

Instructional Objectives
● Students will work collaboratively with their groups to complete their chosen projects.

SOLs: 11.1 a, e, g, h

Anticipatory Set/ Warm -Up

Students will be given a short time to meet with their group, generate questions, and then ask
questions in an entire class discussion concerning project presentations that will take place on
Thursday and Friday.

1 ) Students will get with their groups and work together on their chosen project. Each group
member should take notes on what they contributed to the project to ensure everyone

Closure (5 minutes)
Students will write down their goals and plans for working on the project tomorrow.

Group novels
Diorama craft supplies

Students will be working collaboratively and may support one another. Students are encouraged
to voice their opinions and thoughts. If a student or two within a group has a difficult time within
the group, they may separate into a smaller group. That new group must select a separate project
from the list. No two groups on the same novel will complete the same project.

Grade 11 Unit Plan

Digital cameras (if needed)

Students will be assessed based on the teacher’s observation of group work. Students are
expected to stay on task and take notes on their individual contribution.


Week 5, Day 2
Instructional Objectives
● Students will work collaboratively with their groups to complete their chosen projects.

SOLs: 11.1 a, e, g, h

Anticipatory Set/ Warm -Up

Students will review their goals and plans from the previous day.

1 ) Students will get with their groups and work together on their chosen project. Each group
member should take notes on what they contributed to the project to ensure everyone

Students will write down their goals and plans for completing the project tomorrow.

Group novels
Diorama craft supplies

Students will be working collaboratively and may support one another. Students are encouraged
to voice their opinions and thoughts.

Digital cameras (if needed)

Students will be assessed based on the teacher’s observation of group work. Students are
expected to stay on task and take notes on their individual contribution.
Grade 11 Unit Plan


Week 5, Day 3

Instructional Objectives
● Students will work collaboratively with their groups to complete their chosen projects.

SOLs: 11.1 a, e, g, h

Anticipatory Set/ Warm -Up

Students will review their goals and plans from the previous day.

1 ) Students will get with their groups and work together to finish their chosen project. Each
group member should take notes on what they contributed to the project to ensure everyone

Students will write a brief paragraph of self-assessment under their daily contribution notes.
Students should write about their strengths, weaknesses, and things they learned through working

Group novels
Diorama craft supplies

Students will be working collaboratively and may support one another. Students are encouraged
to voice their opinions and thoughts.

Digital cameras (if needed)

Students will be assessed based on the completion of individual notes and self-assessments.


Week 5, Day 4
Grade 11 Unit Plan

Instructional Objectives
● Students will collaboratively present their projects.
● Students in the audience will actively listen to and comment on each project.

SOLs: 11.1 b, d, e, f, g

Anticipatory Set/ Warm -Up

Students will have the opportunity to meet with their groups and prepare to present.

1 ) The following groups will present their projects to the class: Group 1 (Diorama), Group 2
(Prezi), and Group 3 (Book Talk).
2 ) Students will be given index cards to write down one positive note about each presentation.

Students will pass their index cards to the front to be read by the teacher and then given to the

Group novels
Student projects
Index cards
Writing utensils

Students with IEPs or 504s that require or allow students to sit out of presentations will be
accomodated accordingly without penalty.


Students will be assessed based on the rubric.


Week 5, Day 5
Grade 11 Unit Plan

Instructional Objectives
● Students will collaboratively present their projects.
● Students in the audience will actively listen to and comment on each project.

SOLs: 11.1 b, d, e, f, g

Anticipatory Set/ Warm -Up

Students will have the opportunity to meet with their groups and prepare to present.

1 ) The following groups will present their projects to the class: Group 4 (Paper) and Group 5
(Human Sculpture).
2 ) Students will be given index cards to write down one positive note about each presentation.

Students will pass their index cards to the front to be read by the teacher and then given to the

Group novels
Student projects
Index cards
Writing utensils

Students with IEPs or 504s that require or allow students to sit out of presentations will be
accomodated accordingly without penalty.


Students will be assessed based on the rubric.

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