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Name: Courtney Pindjak Date: 11-5-19 Time: 12-12:45

Lesson #7
Math Integration
Big Idea/Topic Measuring Volume Grade/ Subject: 3/Science
CPALMS/ Resource link
Lesson Structure: Indirect Instruction
Standards: (CCSS/NGSSS/NGSS)
Measure and compare the mass and volume of solids and liquids

Instructional outcomes/objectives(s): (Clear objectives written in the form of student learning)

TSW investigate mass and volume as measurable properties of matter.
TSW match appropriate tools and units of measure associated with mass and volume.
TSW measure the mass and volume of solids and liquids using appropriate tools.
TSW measure the volume of solids (e.g., rock, shell, marble, pencil, dice) using the water displacement method

Language Objective(s): (Must include language skill/domain and function, may contain grammar, where appropriate)

Key Vocabulary (academic/content-defined in kid friendly terms) Instructional

Volume: The amount of space an object takes up. (include hyperlinks to videos & websites)
Beaker: one of the tools that measures volume with mL
Graduated Cylinder: one of the tools that measures volume with mL Graduated Cylinders (8)
Milliliters: a measurement taken to measure volume by either a beaker or Beakers (8)
graduated cylinder. Lab sheets (7 groups of 2, 1 group of 3)
Displacement Method: The method tells us that solids take up the same 9 worksheets
amount of space as water. (when you place solids into liquid, the water will
rise because the solid takes up space)

H.O.T.S. Graphic Organizer/Thinking

Bloom’s Taxonomy Map: http://www.enchantedlearning.
bloom.html com/graphicorganizers/
Knowledge N/A
What are your findings?
How would you use the displacement method to determine the volume of a
What is the difference in the volume before and after a solid is added?
Lesson Portions: Pacing ESOL Support
 How will you introduce the lesson, assess or activate For each level EL at each instructional step.
prior knowledge, motivate students to learn? (Add additional rows with Tab)
 How will the lesson develop or proceed? What steps will
you follow? What are the students expected to do?
 Highlight differentiated strategies.
 Underline higher order/high quality questions in lesson.
Introduction/Building Background: (Link to Prior Knowledge) All: use realia- graduated cylinder and beaker
Yesterday we learned how to measure volume using the
displacement method. 3min
Ask: Who can remind me how we do that?
Today we will be measuring the volume of an object by placing it
into the graduated cylinder or beaker.
- Show students that this is a graduated cylinder, and this is
a beaker.
Instructional Steps: N/A
1. Allow my teacher assistants to pass out our Lab Sheets.
Tell students that we will be scientists today by 2 min
measuring volume and finding the displacement.

2. Model the first station. Place my lab sheet under the lady 5min All: Modeling; using chart paper; examples
bug for students to see. Think aloud: In order to find the
volume of the graduated cylinder I need to first squat
down eye level. Once I am eye level, I can get an
appropriate reading of the volume. Now I see it is at the
36 line… what unit of measurement do I use when
referring to volume? Write down the answer on the sheet.
Tell students that the chart paper tells them the steps to follow
when they are at a new station.
Explain to students that each person has a job at a station.
Everyone will have a chance to measure.
- Use example: if Karoline measured the volume first, then
Raylan will measure the volume next. Let’s be fair and
allow everyone a turn!

3. Break up students into their heterogeneous pre-made 3min N/A

groups. There will be one group of 3 and 7 groups of 2
(unless we have students absent). Tell students that when
I call their name they are to stand up and go to the station.

4. Once all students are at their assigned stations with their All: Referencing back to the chart paper with
partners, project the timer on the board and hit start. steps.
-Refer to the board (chart paper) each time they change Allowing students to work in partners
stations. Giving them a timer
5. There will be 8 rotations: 4 minutes at each. 32 min N/A

6. After the 8th rotation, have students go back to their seats.

Review. Pull sticks to fill my sheet on the lady bug.

Closures Pacing ESOL Support

Content: Today we used our knowledge from yesterday’s lesson N/A
about the crow and the beaker to help us measure volume using the
displacement method. In order to measure volume, we need to
measure the water before we place the object in it. Then measure
the water with the object in it. Once we have our two
measurements we subtract them to find the volume of our object in

Procedural: We did a great job working together today. It is now

time for special area. I want us to put our worksheets in the bucket
as we line up. (Dismiss by tables if time permits)

ESE Modifications CPLAMS Access Points ESE Accommodations (content, product, process, environment)
ch.aspx - Giving students a timer for completing
(identify access point, if needed) each station
- Displaying chart paper with the steps
Independent: N/A - Giving students pre-made partners

Supported: N/A

Participatory: N/A
Assessment of Student Learning: (congruent with instructional objectives)

Objective 1: The students will be completing the lab workbooks in their


Objective 2:

Post Lesson Analysis

Lesson Adjustment: (How are you re-teaching objectives for mastery based on formative assessment? Include evidence.)
Now that I know some students struggle with volume, I will address this on my review day. It was hard to see who was
struggling since I was walking around the room trying to manage all the groups at once. However, it seemed to me that most of
the groups were understanding the concept of the displacement method and volume.

Reflection on Teaching: (Analyze and evaluate your lesson and class management.)

Today was another complete disaster. It definitely could have gone better. I used all of the feedback Mrs. Head gave me for
todays lesson (jobs in particular). I gave each student a number and that number corresponded with the job they were supposed
to do. Some groups had the common sense to switch up the jobs each time, however other groups did not. My one group that
did not switch jobs, led one student to start crying because he wanted to be a “dropper” instead of an “observer”. I pulled this
student aside and talked to him one on one and he stopped crying and went back into his group (I had this group change jobs).
Overall, I think it went a lot better than the Halloween lesson, and with the help and feedback from Mrs. Head it ran smoother.
Name _____________________________________

Turn Up the Volume!

Volume and The Displacement Method

Station 1
1. Look at the water in the
graduated cylinder. Station 6
Find the volume of the water. 1. Look at the water in the
graduated cylinder.
___________________________ Find the volume of the water.

2. Place the marbles into the ________________
graduated cylinder.

2. Place the rock into the

3. Find the volume of the graduated cylinder.

3. Find the volume of the rock.

______ -- ______ = __________
________ -- ________ =
___________ mL

Station 5
2. Place the eraser into the
1. Look at the water in the
Find the volume of the water.
3. Find the volume of the eraser.

________________ ______ -- ______ = __________

2. Place the golf ball into the

beaker. Station 3
1. Look at the water in the
graduated cylinder.
3. Find the volume of the golf
ball. Find the volume of the water.

______ -- ______ = __________ ___________________________

mL ________________

2. Place the penny into the

graduated cylinder.
Station 2
1. Look at the water in the
beaker. 3. Find the volume of the penny.
Find the volume of the water.
______ -- ______ = __________

Station 4
1. Look at the water in the
Find the volume of the water.


2. Place the marker into the


3. Find the volume of the marker.

______ -- ______ = __________


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