UT278A Manual

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Prnsnoson104576x LUTZY6A/2784 OPERATING MANUAL Contents 1 Safety Initione I, rodet Overow— IN. Praduel Speciation 1 Sonae Types 2. Range ana Accuracy 5. Teehleal Specteaton= Vi. aud Crystal Display—- 1 gat Crystal Sipay—————— 2 Intron fr Socal Symbol 2a Bannaabontnn mn a2 1 Bowron 8. Data holunlocistoro— UUT2TGATaA OPERATING MANUAL, 6. Data nauly— TT. Alam Puneton Sting 8. Alarm Creal Vue raury=—— 98. Data vise 1. Data Uploading io Computer i hasasursmortPriploe—— — 1 Matin Ground Syston 2. United Point Ground Sytem 3. Singla Pe Grund Syste == = Oreste Apter 1" hapeaton of Power System = 2. Appleton of Tlocommcaton Systen————————————— 5: Appeaon of butang gun protection ground 6 4 Appleton af he gus staton gtound sytem 2 Nolan about Ground Rew stance Measurement = = ———— ‘Append loop Ressance Analyse LUTZY6A/2784 OPERATING MANUAL L, Safety Instructions ‘Read the urer manual caraally serve the operation noes ised Inthe manual ‘Under no cumstances shalt to pay attention to he safety nusig the ‘amp meter {Batre sar, pute tiger once twice to contin th jaw of lar can bse or open oo, {clamp the cbjocs boing tstes ony air asplayng he san -OL a” ater ated tho istumert. UUT2TGATaA OPERATING MANUAL, ‘Contact surtece of he am jw shal keep aan and retained rom cleaning by coresive and cosre mato, the lama iow, ‘Ground Resistance tester In dangerous evasion ‘The eaplosionpoo! pode is prof to dimers and epics ths baltry ‘ndapancous auc, «The carp meter sal sound sporeicaly wih igh “hur” x maaturng he ressionce, wach nomaland shall be stinctve ‘rom he waning send “oeap-beep280p~" ‘sbo no excood the uppers of he clamp moar in measuring the wie's ‘Toe ou btiory fo ot ue itor ang tins {Diemanting, eslraton and maintenance ofthe clon rater shal be ‘congvctd by te authorized qualfea personnel “any danger might sual nconimiaton ues byt ner rason ofthe eto, slop using snedaely ang pac tothe authonzes qualities LUTZY6A/2784 OPERATING MANUAL Inston to acess th problem, ‘The ontete bead itn == Inne 01 menualshallbe only applicable to I, Product Overview ‘Te sates of lamp-on ground eslance tester represents a lgiicant beekbvaugh of te Ladtona ound resistance measurement Lach i spp) widely to grounding resistance measure in lactic \chcommunieston, mlaorology sill archlecure and indural electic Im maasung te ground system wih oop, he sees of cmo-on ground rosstanootestr gon needa oconnect the ground dw ld 2nd ery eulay teciode, ste and fos eat a use ‘ie eres of clamp-on ground resance teeter can measure the grounding problems withthe Yeaanalmebods and ely io occasions Wadonal ways Fant measure at thetestr maasure the compasitalue of he gfe body UT2TEATAA, OPERATING MANUAL, LUTZY6A/2784 OPERATING MANUAL Product in the UT270 clamp-on round seit, is uniquenets ae contact wih your supper. No long timo wating star up, ana feting mms “he ony one chon ground aistance meter Min RSZ3? port, uploading he = stored daa to PC Daz uptoaang sofware aah ‘breskvougho the relay set-cecking elie, adopt the advance atinete SUNT comimuresbon ws ta eta 1 processing tocique. RS ORR sz Oy ba ‘Ai ha soundsght slr fnchon with "boep-beep~Deep=" Tear manval wave, qslfzaion aT ‘ks ha recoantonindeaton incon of neroance sina wih “beep—Deep- Noosuremen scope has nzeasedto0.012-12008. wy ‘Wit 98.group storage dats, lower energy consumption, and with working current IV. Product Specification less Soma nrmaxim arp 1 Series Tp ee ed de ed Il, Unpack and Check Tam ves He va va —[ Yer ‘Unpack an takeout insrumont please check castle folowing ef Yer [Yer Yes [Yes ‘aachmentafe complete of ilact ary lckor dame were foun, lease 2. Range and Accuracy UUT2TGATaR OPERATING MANUAL, LUTZY6A/2784 OPERATING MANUAL 3, Technical spesteaton Tsuen node | WanETSTo Spe [ RESSLRGN [RES Tse age ore cates Posie save Pecan ange oan eos sta Sine 8) esas eon — [ra aaa oy ssse rap Pcrentreaaitor eae ee eae [rates Dal ane ET Revistnce [one ie zara 8202 pot sae aed ana a eT = =e SoS we Fea WS WET OG 08-9 we Sy Sound-ight alarm aap seep Geap arm pest AL Kaye Sae-ns ssa Sr aa —| Fa Seep ow eR entree «11500; “corel TAOORA Tare ot _} Sa ara ana [RIDE AA ay aa BT Tawa om SER FEO Led. ae rr aman UUT2TGATaA OPERATING MANUAL, Caner ‘Clap aw sch siz Clan sacs ass Teg (eS oT Tena wath and height 265m Sen Stlural sar SCaTTE ‘are cr Sit Outside magnet eld and siete tld os aK “Frequency the SanE snot (alomate) LUTZY6A/2784 OPERATING MANUAL V. Clamp Meter Structure 2. Tigger canta the closure and open of tan iw 1. Funeton ke Orekey:(descibea power on and otiet [SAVE oy data nq dala [AL alarm fnetion ky: alarm tuncton onc Letirahterow key: eslstencelcurent 4 HOLD toy: halanald igplayltore 6. RS232 pont 27 POWER) UUT2TGATTaR OPERATING MANUAL, Vi. Liquid Crystal Display ot “ABB: ood Eom ma [Nose sonal try tw vollags abel aia Fol yb ll sored dle sy [lamp open abt Data reuy rbot TS Noniber of 2 sore UE | [Decimal po [Curent votage unt sibs) a-58 CD ipl ai [Resistance uni ay a. AC area LUTZTEA/2784 OPERATING MANUAL 2. Instustin for Special Syma (1): lamp aw open symnboL.t sal isla wren te clamp aw sper. Inaeates matt mightbe aria pute te tragr ofthe camp an buen 00 dy Lornaasare vequring dam jaw elesing, (2) "Er" power-on er symbol Iimight be eaused by the dines of be (@), EDbattor low vllage sal Won the batry vltageis wer than 5.3 ‘me symbel woud appear and replace Batory inne ofthe measurement socuracy ould be guaranteed "OL 2” symbol, means te resistance being measured exceeds ne upper (6) "10.0%2" symbol it means thersistance being measured exconssthe Imrie clamp meter (7). 2 Alam symbol hen te measured value exceed the alr ites! valu, iil icker arate ator wl sound eporade oop bop bo UUT2TGATaA OPERATING MANUAL, (2) BER stored ata symbol when the stad data es reaches 9 groups “and can store data anymore, be symbol MEWshel ker (9) BER}Oa nau sya, shall appear ininquting data and inate the No. (Ofstored data (10), HOISE]Symbo, won taro ar quite bg iteoronce curentt the oath loop being assured the sybol shal icxerandtne mete ound spree “beeprboep- beep" he measuemen! accuracy ofthe tine canbe usr 5: Display Demonstration LUTZY6A/2784 OPERATING MANUAL 1 poworon er indeaton Ermer (reminds oausesty the drtness ‘theca ja sleabe clan he chirp aw sutace) 2, rsatanoe of he lon being Er 0 rasta of op beg (1) a8 clump jaw is open it cant mente (iment be caosesey the ates ‘no clamp Jaw please clean te clamp Jaw surace) cco |. 00 ta 5. to no UUT2TEATAA, OPERATING MANUAL, LUTZY6A/2784 OPERATING MANUAL “UNET. | oa 2. to om Gab 828 cm UUT2TGATaA OPERATING MANUAL, Vil, Operation Methods A Notes ‘sine staring ft dor pul he tage open the camp jaw and clam any wees ‘putlne tog open te cmp jaw end am wires ony afer power-on ond iestay te "010" “Bete poneon, pl th tigger nce or ticate corm Press he key POMER check tne LCD aviomatsly and symbole shall app0ar| 8 shown in pltute. Mesa {aha gapay “OLS and enter aulomatealy it te resatanee measurement ‘moda, ae shown in pice euler albyon under enproper power-on {he mater wil splay the symbol “Er Indeating arr oecure mpowe-on sown in pur, ha mater carat ulometcel ate! powe-on, LUTZY6A/2784 OPERATING MANUAL Gt oo Er Pia Piawres The poweran or might be rsutd by he bad ona of eh bythe dian the clas Hetero pemrenstensieseness | AOS ‘asitance stead of "OL2" os thown ‘eure 4 right reat by the bed coeure mane lamp jaw ry the dt onthe ata surac, we lease clean UUT2TGATaR OPERATING MANUAL, 2. Powerotf Prats Koy POWER fo power ater poner. ‘Mor working § mines, fe LCD shal lekorconnuoualy about S0seconds ana ‘hen poworaf erode batary consumption. Prss kay POWER 10 delay power of the eanp ete shall conthue worn satus press hey HOLD} oon the status apes hey Under sting nar erial value stu, teraqued fo press key PONER or kay AL second to exe status and pros key POWER to power of Pulls tngor ane open clamp jaw, lap the lopbaig measured to rad ine LUTZY6A/2784 OPERATING MANUAL ser are request ts random 6 a sown nite. ‘The dphyes vale shold ba th same wih Harder vale ane lat ng (80) whch ‘Sine vai under tompertre 20° is nrmal ‘hsieadecinalaterercebewoen tam forineance, ear aloof ee ra 5:10 the dplsea vale 6.020520, Display “O12 I moans te resistance beg ‘measuted exceed the upp init of lane thelr, shown peu 2. UUT2TGATaA OPERATING MANUAL, Display “10.010 means be resistances measured exesed the lower nt LOG fo Prawee Flicker pay «0 syntel wib spores “Beep-beap-beep-” itmeens he um ree keyHOLDio ent he sat ana prare hey POWER to powor-of ‘Under [esas poss key SAVE to ext he susan continue to massre [Under sting ear cial ato stats, Ie equrad to press kay POWER of ay ALS second outa salus and canine to measure “her he er te ode pot ay © covet ren anc tet ose LUTZTEA/2764 OPERATING MANUAL 4. Current measurement A Notes: hal be only apples tothe cure fst onthe ground wire ut he power ine ‘or atfoct ma magnets property of clamp nee and Palast he gFoune Teseancs test eco. furrent measurement mose, playing "AC 0.00mA™ » a shown fy pete ‘open the clap law and clamp ont wire to reach curent OLA on the cam mater moans th cent bing me Flicker pay 0 aybol wih sporadic “beep-beep~-beep- means he UUT2TGATaA OPERATING MANUAL, 4 gu °° ats, pros kay SOTO Under neRstsue, press key SAVE to ext the status an continue to masse Unde sting alarm ial value tts, ts raqued to press key PONER ot Undor ne resistance tot ode, pross Koy coverto tho currant est mod, 5. Data hoitunocketore Under he tae mode, ate kay HOLD lol he pracent val and when ddeplayng the symbol HOLD, the old value coulebe sat 2x8 goup of dla an LUTZY6A/2784 OPERATING MANUAL rumbored automata orden and bo sired Press key HOLD to cant noe, tho symbolfzOLDlWould lsappear and contruotormeasure. Operate asthe lbave slaps, you can slve 90 groupe of ata Ite memory al. he synba Daemwi che. ‘as shown in ptr 10, hold the measurescurent 27am an sare it aethe No {8 group dat, tran tna memory he moa HEM wt ticer, O0 ib. 218" Petre 9 Pree 10 UUT2TGATaA OPERATING MANUAL, Unda he dat inguity mode, press Key SAVE lo wl he dat nur and ol, lor the dla, ‘Under sting alarm crea alo stats, ts rquired to pross Koy POWER or soy ALS socond to axtho status and contin to old ana tore da The stored aate woulsrot bse when power-on ater power off he meet 6. Data nauy Press key SAVE to enor into he store dat ingly ade ana eispay the No ftp sored date, as shawn in piste 1. Than presethe rent aw ke. nauy {ward sloed dala or press Ine et arom hey to nquiy downward al stored data Wn load ta, wl pay a hoa ple #2 mot aod G8 '84))---- Pawe Petre 12 LUTZY6A/2784 OPERATING MANUAL Under sting alarm ial vale tts, ecaqured apres key PONER to ex ‘he status and press ky SAVE to ote int the sored ta nauy mode 7. Aan Funtion Sting ‘Under test ode, ross fey AL 3 seco to oar te lar eal value sting fonebon and re ighest ag ner snacks sat she hanes gh Shown in picture 13 end 14. ProssKoyAL o conver: the rumor on hgh et ané low dt When the reset cpt number istikering, press igh nate tow ay ta chang the amber “0, 9" flr eling al punbers poss hay AL 3 lar fncton and then back the measurement mods autora he oad Is bagor tn alarm rial valo, the meter shally lar ribo wi Sporadic sounds “beep-beep-beep- ‘ung to st process prose Key POWER to ot tho alarm ental va setting ‘uncton ane back tothe measuroment status, wihautenanging the previous sat Under be data ncuy moe, pres key SAVE to xi herd and to sath UUT2TEATAA, OPERATING MANUAL, LUTZY6A/2784 OPERATING MANUAL 499" Get. Uns the data inquiry mode, poss key SAVE+POWER, automata wpe ra iglay a8 shown nthe pcre #2, na Wipes data sat nat abet recover. ‘2. Data Uplonaing to Como Contec he mater hos with computor wt be AS253 communication wie {slet natory chock andoad, tore ad prehistory daa. The itor, Unser the test made, ross Koy AL 8 secondo inqu tho alarm teal valu, andthe highest dt mmoer ana tlekar and each ne inqare isthe previous Set vale. Pross Koy AL ceconss of key POWER ro olan chock, back co UUT2TEATAA, OPERATING MANUAL, LUTZY6A/2784 OPERATING MANUAL Vill, Measurement Principles 2 Curent The base prniple sf UTZ7BA clamon ground resistance mete he ame with urement Panels - Resistance Measurement Panis =. tna 9 curen anetomermessurement Basic principle ofthe clamp-on ground ‘a conductor blag messured resistance meterin messing ne round fi Fesstancs fe masa toto0p Fesistanes(éetated in append) E 1 Reterto the folowing pete, clamp jaw ofthe clamp is composed of viage ca fr I. and know he measured reine Ry te following formule, een 4 Joocen| Tho AC suren|f the measured wi, passing trough ho curront magne rng nd curent ol onthe clamp jaw produce to Induction cant whieh cou be measured bythe clamp mater and kaow tbe measured cent by te = fatowng formula =n UUT2TGATaA OPERATING MANUAL, IX, Ground Resistance M 1 Mati-peint Ground System Mati-pint grou sytem (ex Elect Transmssion System ower pruning, conmunteton eles gruncing systom, some bulinge ste) a connect By ‘he ovemand round wires and fom int the ron system, As shown inthe follwing peur, when measunng bythe clamp mater, te equNaent ect shall be shown 8 flows urement Method LUTZY6A/2784 OPERATING MANUAL From te aspect of ict pround tao. he exitonca ofthe 2 ale “mutual resstanes" RO, In goer eleteal engineering earing, snot he pall ‘ale (sgmy bigger than hat of genera slerie enginesang moaning), But ‘found hemisphere of eechtower Is much smal han the dstancebotween TospecusteRO“O fom th enginering spect and terevistance tween tests under dierent environment, 2 Lined Point Ground Sytem sath ater bythe over haa round wie, nd same bung ground olan Insopendent ground nel butseverl ground bases conraclad with each othr by Under tis ereurstane, rearing RO i he above pictre a8 0 shar in UUT2TGATaA OPERATING MANUAL, peat enor, ‘wing to the samereason, we neglect teimpact f mutual reitance and {seule the aqualont resistance of ground Tesistanesnpaal om the {gonoral meaning. Thus fr ground system ofW (Nis smal, Butager nan 2) [Found boss, wo can it tN for OF whieh, Rt. R2s RN othe ground esstance of N poundbodies we need LUTZY6A/2784 OPERATING MANUAL ston, bul wah ete Io slveby manual operations and even imgossible twran Wie gute Purenatng te iso pant around system cleulsing program soware fom ‘ur company, user shal b le asa rbyvaing an oice computer o pon Prncoaly,exceot for tn nese of mutual estan, th ethos woul not ‘asutin any measurement et brought by neglecting RO ‘Users need to pay eflenon atthe number of connected ground badesin your rund aytor shal be exactly gual otha of measurement vl or program Eneulaton an the progam sal ouput he same number af four resstance ‘ake 'UNTT sere clamp meter can only be ses to measure Toop resistence but Me sng pint grou. However, se ean maka a lop 0 teat by uing altel ine and oun poaty nea the groune system. Two medods tf eecuring single pot round by clap mete are truce inthe alowing Sand he mato cols be appleale fo occasnstnat astanal valage-current UUT2TGATaA OPERATING MANUAL, (Q)- Two pomtmetiod {A shou nthe alowing peur, Gnd anindependet ground body RB wih good ‘pound ner te grouna Sady RA being measured (ok, ascent metal running ‘tor pipe, motte hyrar,ouding ets) ae comnect RAn RS by 2s! Ie, Testing RA RB Vi / ‘As resistance moasuree by ho lamp meter ithe paral value of2 round ‘esetancs ad test Ina escanoe, LUTZY6A/2784 OPERATING MANUAL of test te Resistance RL could be measured by clamp meter by connecting thetest ine rd te end rseauterant vale fslarp mete ssl Tan he allowable ‘alee (2h Thnepoint metiod ‘snow inte floning peur, fd tw independent sound boos RB and FR near the ground boay RA doing measure. no exist Indopenden rune body, make 2 eusiary ground poles wih 3m distanca between tam ane shout 0.7m aeptn each ‘Stop, connect Rand RA wit lee ine, shown in th following ict reas the frat sata 1 By clamp mote UUT2TEATAA, OPERATING MANUAL, LUTZY6A/2784 OPERATING MANUAL Stop, connect RC ana witha teat no, as shown inthe flowing ptr, and tho data RS by clamp meter ‘St0p2, connect RB ane RC wth a ast, a8 shown nthe following pire, nd ‘aad io soeond deaR2 by clams mote ‘of ne above tro sap, reading of each stop i the paral value of vo ground ee ‘resistance, so each ground ressance vale canbe easly caleulated ac q ‘This isthe ground resistance value of ground body RA. To memorize the above formula easy, he pound bodes ool be regarded ae 8 tangle anathe UUT2TGATaA OPERATING MANUAL, tesistance of ne oppo line, and hen sides. Ground restanoe vale of ther two reference ground bodies are X, On-site Application 1. Appleton of Powar System (easurement of the powerline tower gourd resistance [General th power tne ower ground form nto mulipan foun yer ane elanpon the grou daw eae ty UNIT series clamp meer, he grou resistance val of he Branen erica be measures, (2) Measurement of warsormar neal point ground eestance In mmeasung the Wasformer noua! poi pound essence, dla Mucus goa power of antes Int alt-pintground systom if repotive grou exists single point rou LUTZY6A/2784 OPERATING MANUAL In agsrement.f clamp meter dipsy “0.0197. ts possbie that more than 2 round downloads ofthe sane lowe of ansiomer re cannectes ‘underground Iie nees i milan oly one ground down es, sn unfastan (31Apptestin of powerplant and subtaton UNIT eres clamp moor can et to lop conact an connect canon and an measute he connecton Deweea equpmentin the salon wid he ground re bya tet ne. Te ground rela could be messed ae the singe, 2, kpleaton of Telsommuniation Star {Gi.Ground resistance maasuremnt ofthe Noor compute room “The compute room othe laconmuneton sytem always atablishad on be upper Hot of bung. iu to measure by Wamegget. We is fro hysrant ana the grou play bang measured (onc computerroom ‘ubpes win fre nya) and rescuing ne fe ne wit lamp meter. ‘lamp resistance vatue=computer room ground resistance “est ina UUT2TGATaA OPERATING MANUAL, raatance fee hystant ground teitance Ie tre nyarat rund asetarceis ite lw, computer rom ground rosstanee-chmp restance vale tet ne ronstanes| (@umessurement of computer room anéaunchng tower ground reitanco ‘Gereraty computer room an launching ter ground frm le terpent ‘ound sytem, as shown nthe folowing pair. LUTZY6A/2784 OPERATING MANUAL Irmeasurement vale af lama meta is ower then he llowabe vale of gourd It messurement va of clamp raters higher than the allowable vale, Diese moat ast single ost oun 5 Appleton of he bulking ightning prlecton ground sytem ch ground polary skal reared the following pit Lprning protection ‘overhead ine UUT2TGATaA OPERATING MANUAL, 4. Applian of he 93s station ground systom [Under be explosive gas stnosshere,aqupment or ifastucture such 2 gas Station, illo chute ee, shell be aquippe wih the explo. proveron produ In accordance wits he JJF2.2003 Test Code for Sati Protective Ground Daves, ns stavons shall ensure ground resistance and comnesion esiatnce of he folowing inrastucure, The equipment used In measurement sna come Wh the aquraments in GB3#35.2000Elacticl Appetaus or Expesve Gos Aimoephees. Te [wesauronet tar Tec ear TY Ot tank goa res aTET aT 7 [Ceacng pai around sian =m 5 [ottting machine round resists [=a 1 Sensreasiane oe oftng coe LUTZY6A/2784 OPERATING MANUAL ‘xploson-prot mark dng Exl1873. The clamp can apot to he fmmabie (1h. Of tank ane leading pon ground resistance measurement vain plays ee Ge (om tank polarity A Loading pont pony ‘hs shown in te above pcr, nthe ga slaton ground este ian ground Independent grouns plans Find anther ncependert ford play a Bary groune potanty Bex. running wate” pipe) -meesue RI. 2 and RS in ‘sccordance wih he thve-poirimetnod by cl meter : UUT2TGATaA OPERATING MANUAL, We can eaealate that Ol tank ground resstanoe. RAS (RYAR2RD) 12 Loeaing eit ground resstnce- REFRZ-RA ‘sir olay ground rsstanes. RO*R-RA Notes n measuring Ri, here sould be noleacing wre Bebween BC ane AC and Dy analogy to RZ 0nd. (2), Measurement of he oiing ground resistance ao] Vis LUTZY6A/2784 OPERATING MANUAL [As shown nthe above oir, tn aroun potty nsepondent fromthe ing macho, or stance odin sot polar. Connoct Mem weh est Ine fra read RT wih he clap mela We can eluate Bat ing machine ground reste: RRT-RC DOfwhien, RTis the roitance vlue measured by camp mater and RC athe Tossa point groune restos, (9). Measurement of he ol-ting machine oh cooectonesetance| or stopper ining machine Tost ne Z UUT2TGATaA OPERATING MANUAL, ‘Sonnac ol topsr withthe oifting machine by @ tes ne and me ‘reading RT by camp mater, hen calculate ‘Otting machine ol nose conection resistance: ReRERL DOF which, RTs te resistance value mastured by clamp meer. and RC ithe XI, Notes about Ground Resistance Measurement 1 users fr pest ference star conducting compar test between the sri product ane racitanal aagelcrent ethos, plese pay tention fhe ‘otowing not {Fina upping musing We vadions! votage and curant maths (f “dszanneat the ground body bang messures om Inground sytem). no ‘oping, tie measured ground reasiance vale Is he parallel value of gourd resistance of all gyouna bode ies meanigles omostre tn parai vate of ground reste of ‘und todos, es our purpose of maasunng ground resstace Iso compa ‘tah an allowable vale salted by relent tandre judging whether the LUTZY6A/2784 OPERATING MANUAL ‘youn resistance is quod, For instances: tho groundrosstnce allowable vele state nthe GBS0081-97 ‘Cote ft Design of Be or Under Overhead Electical Power Teams Line |S esigned or Each Tower. a clay slates inthe slander tha. round ‘ésconnocting the aac conection of ground wre from rune body he ‘youn body nave notaeen deannected alacne connection of pound wre fom ‘Found boa, the ground resstanceneasured shal be Io ground ossance of resitanco of each ranch cc, under te onan f good conduct ofthe {youn wie ste ground esstance of single ground Bod Ts evident atunder he creumstance, Ri no comparably afte ‘measurement esuls aces by the Ladtoral volage curet meied sn he {etios damp mate. As be ebjoc sing mestureis iret the event {ference botwoen meatrarantresl i essoraale {@k-he ground eta vale messed by he UUT2TGATaA OPERATING MANUAL, ‘compost essence of gourd branch cout dudes the coset Tesbtance, ead resistance and ground body esiance ate branch cet fo the pute round wie Value meatured by the acibonal vlage curren mead in tpping sont he ground boay resistance ot ‘tference rte he aroun of contac restane betwsen branch out and pune ground wire Is reguredtospecty thal ground resetancespalaed ine nana standard lctse Equipment Groung slates tthe sum of ground realtors of platy ‘ornaurl play ad aroun wre reste scald he ground ressanca ot ‘round equipment “he salto s equally tates clearly In tam of tring prevention, he wre ‘esblance abd grouns body gourd euistance sequal. 2, Salcton of he MoasurementPoint In somo ground systems as shown i he folowing ler, you shoul ‘comect measurement pobtofmeesue or gat tate mossurerent ru LUTZY6A/2784 OPERATING MANUAL In measuing a ait, te brench cea measured navenat formes ito al2op sand he clara mete displays "OLA" and replace Ine Messuerent point Iresuting et pont, Ie Bench cit being ensured i op ford by ‘meal conévet ana lap mete eepay "0.012" or he resistance vale of ‘petal oo is s‘om handrctne 2, qt smal and enuld replace the Inmeasuring a oi, the branch Grol being messued i the ground UUT2TGATaA OPERATING MANUAL, Appendix: loop Resistance Analysis Lo0p resistanco includes grouné resistance value of point At the rour, resetance of pound down lead metal conduct resistence of metal ve” ness ies. consecn resslance belween he ground down esd and mel over heed ‘ios (contat reatance), compose auisance value of por fo Ie round ‘araly te paral vale. The ground ret Aand 8 have nol been connec Underground equeng arent round et. ‘er ead ground wire LUTZY6A/2784 OPERATING MANUAL Irth parallel value round A and lp measured by 2-pin mathod ie 5.00: RAGRBSR over hand wire grouns down lo=5.02. a ove hone wire ar youn gown tad are metal conevct wih ow resistance, whch canbe neglected {he eal grou resistanoe valve of ho round net A, In atallel to grou shall “etntly 22.50, then we can judge the el gfocnd estance value ofthe (ound Pet A, Bin pals quad Heal found reesatance vale ofthe (Found ret A Bin soralissmalor than a requed vabe af engine sancae, {he ground not Bis all quale, ‘The loop reste leet requis thatthe ground et A,B i teen and Sndorground, the metal loop asstarse value messcred bythe meter shal be ‘ory sal abou fewhunerehe 2 nthe ground resstancs Ths, the meter |S easy to dotectine motel loapconnocon resistance value and equal pot ‘sistance velue and apleable lo cle! tn connecton and welding between ‘neal oe, I theres noover hea wires betwoonthe ground net A and, namly no eta ‘cnneston on grun, the ground nat Aan Bi ingle pln ground and shal be {estes ashe single paint ground UUT2TGATaR OPERATING MANUAL, LUTZY6A/2784 OPERATING MANUAL Sergent ‘henna ean a re ore else

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