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The Hoarfrost Sweater is worked in one piece in the round from the top down to the armholes,
after which body and sleeves are worked separately. Short-row shaping is used to create a more
comfortable fit in the back. The sleeves are worked in the round from the top down.
Sizes: a) S b) M с) L d) ХL e) ХXL

Finished Measurments:
a) 91.5 b) 102.5 с) 111 d) 121 e) 130.5 cm circumference at underarm. Sweater shown measures
111 cm (size L) modeled with 10 cm of positive ease.
Yarn: Zegna Baruffa Cashwool (400 m/100 g; merino 100%) a) 1200 b) 1300 с) 1400 d) 1500 e)
1600 m and
Igea Astro 50 (1000 m|100g; mohair 50%, Polyamide 50%) a) 1200 b) 1300 с) 1400 d) 1500 e)
1600 m.
Needles: Circular needles 4.0. Adjust needle size if necessary to obtain the correct gauge.

Notions: Beads, markers; cable needle; stitch holders; waste yarn.

21 sts and 28 rows over 10 cm in stockinette stitch worked in the round with 4.0 mm needles after
wet blocking.

Round yoke and top sleeve patterns are charted. Charts show all rows/rounds. Read charts from
bottom to top and work rows/rounds from right to left.

* * - repeat from * to * to end of round.
k – knit
k2tog - knit 2 stitches together as one
k1tbl – knit through the back loop
M1p - make one purl: with left needle, lift bar between sts from front to back, purl through
the back loop
incLp - purled lifted increase to left: Insert left needle from front to back under the left leg of the
stitch two rows below the first stitch on the right needle, lifting this loop onto the left needle, then
purl into this loop.
incRp - purled lifted increase to right: Purl into the top of the stitch below the first stitch on the left
needle, leaving the first stitch on the left needle.
p - purl
p2tog - purl 2 stitches together as one
RS - right side
st, sts - stitch, stitches
ssp - slip 2 stitches individually as if to knit, then purl them together through the back loop

Hoarfrost Sweater © 2020 Alena Malevitch @helenavasilevna


WS - wrong side
MM – round beginning marker
M1, M2, M3, M4 – marker 1, 2, 3, 4
PM - place marker
SM - slip marker from left to right needle
SMM - slip round beginning marker from left to right needle
RM - remove marker

Hoarfrost Sweater © 2020 Alena Malevitch @helenavasilevna


Begin of work:

Using 4.0 mm needle and preferred cast-on method, cast on a) 96 b) 97 с) 98 d) 100 e) 104
sts, place MM and join into round, being careful not to twist.
Round 1:
a) (p2, k2tbl.) 24 times;
b) (p1, k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p1, k2tbl, p2, k2tbl, p2, k2tbl) 6 times, p1, k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p1, k2tbl;
c) (p1, k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p1, k2tbl) 14 times;
d) (p1, k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p1, k2tbl, p1, k2tbl, p1, k2tbl, p1, k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p1, k2tbl) 5 times;
e) (p1, k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p1, k2tbl, p1, k2tbl, p1, k2tbl.) 4 times, (p1, k2tbl, p1, k2tbl, p1, k1tbl, p1,
k1tbl, p1, k2tbl.) 4 times
Round 2-10: work in established pattern.
Round 11:
a) b) c) work in established pattern;
d) (p1, k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p1, k2tbl, p1, k1tbl, M1p, k1tbl, p1, k2tbl, p1, k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p1, k2tbl)
5 times (5 sts increased in this round);
e) (p1, k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p1, k2tbl, p1, k1tbl, M1p, k1tbl, p1, k2tbl) 4 times, (p1, k1tbl, M1p,
k1tbl, p1, k2tbl, p1, k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p1, k2tbl) 4 times (8 sts increased in this round);
Round 12-20: work in established pattern.
Round 21:
a) (p2, k1tbl, M1p, k1tbl, p2, k2tbl) 12 times (12 sts increased in this round);
b) (incRp, p1, k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p1, incLp, k2tbl, p2, k1tbl, M1p, k1tbl, p2, k2tbl) 6 times, incRp,
p1, k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p1, incLp, k2tbl (20 sts increased in this round);
c) (incRp, p1, k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p1, incLp, k2tbl) 14 times (28 sts increased in this round);
d) (incRp, p1, k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p1, incLp, k2tbl, incRp, p1, k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p1, incLp, k2tbl,
incRp, p1, k1tbl, p1,k1tbl, p1, incLp, k2tbl) 5 times (30 sts increased in this round);
e) (incRp, p1, k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p1, incLp, k2tbl, incRp, p1, k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p1, incLp, k2tbl)
4 times, (incRp, p1, k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p1, incLp, k2tbl, incRp, p1, k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p1, incLp, k2tbl)
4 times (32 sts increased in this round);
You should now have a total of a) 108 b) 117 с) 126 d) 135 e) 144 sts.

Move MM 1 st to the left in round

Note: MM should be at the back when you are knitting the yoke.

Yoke Chart:
Work Round 1 of Chart 1, working the marked pattern repeat a) 12 b) 13 с) 14 d) 15 e) 16 times

Short row neckline shaping:

Further wrapped loops are tied in this way: pick up the wraps and knit them together with the
wrapped st in established pattern.
Short-row 1 (RS): SMM, work in established pattern a) 27 b) 29 с) 32 d) 36 e) 38 sts, wrap next
st and turn work.

Hoarfrost Sweater © 2020 Alena Malevitch @helenavasilevna


Short-row 2 (WS): work in established pattern to MM, SMM, work in established pattern a) 22
b) 24 с) 27 d) 31 e) 33 sts, wrap next st and turn work.
Next short-row (RS): work in established pattern to MM. Continue to work in the round.
Work Rounds 2-4 of Chart 1.
Short-row 1 (RS): SMM, work in established pattern a) 38 b) 40 с) 44 d) 47 e) 50 sts, wrap next
st and turn work.
Short-row 2 (WS): work in established pattern to MM, SMM, work in established pattern a) 31
b) 33 с) 37 d) 40 e) 43 sts, wrap next st and turn work.
Next short-row (RS): work in established pattern to MM. Continue to work in the round. Work
Rounds 5-7 of Chart 1.
Short-row 1 (RS): SMM, work in established pattern a) 48 b) 53 с) 56 d) 59 e) 64 sts, wrap next
st and turn work.

Hoarfrost Sweater © 2020 Alena Malevitch @helenavasilevna


Short-row 2 (WS): work in established pattern to MM, SMM, work in established pattern a) 39
b) 44 с) 47 d) 50 e) 55 sts, wrap next st and turn work.
Next short-row (RS): work in established pattern to MM. Continue to work in the round.
Work Rounds 8-10 of Chart 1.
Short-row 1 (RS): SMM, work in established pattern a) 61 b) 65 с) 70 d) 75 e) 80 sts, wrap next
st and turn work.
Short-row 2 (WS): work in established pattern to MM, SMM, work in established a) 50 b) 54 с)
59 d) 64 e) 69 sts, wrap next st and turn work.
Next short-row (RS): work in established pattern to MM. Continue to work in the round.
Work Rounds 11-51 of Chart 1.
You should now have a total of a) 288 b) 312 с) 336 d) 360 e) 384 sts.
Note: Move MM 5 sts to the left.
Next Round: SMM, purl a) 41 b) 46 с) 50 d) 55 e) 59 sts, PM1, purl a) 58 b) 60 с) 63 d) 66 e) 69
sts, PM2, purl a) 91 b) 101 с) 111 d) 119 e) 129sts, PM3, purl a) 58 b) 60 с) 63 d) 66 e) 69 sts,
PM4, purl a) 40 b) 45 с) 49 d) 54 e) 58 sts.

Short row neckline shaping:

Row 1 (RS): SMM, purl to M1, SM1, purl a) 50 b) 52 с) 55 d) 58 e) 61 sts, wrap next st and turn
Row 2 (WS): knit to M1, SM1, knit to MM, SMM, knit to M4, SM4, purl a) 50 b) 52 с) 55 d) 58
e) 61 sts, wrap next st and turn work.
Row 3 (RS): purl to the wrapped st, p5, wrap next st and turn work.
Row 4 (WS): knit to the wrapped st, k5, wrap next st and turn work.
Repeat the last 2 rows another 2 times.
Next Row (RS): purl to MM. Continue to work in the round.
Purl a) 1 b) 3 с) 5 d) 7 e) 9 rounds
Divide for body and sleeves:
Next round: SMM, purl to M1, place next a) 58 b) 60 с) 63 d) 66 e) 69 sts on holder for right
sleeve, RM2. Using crochet provisional cast on and waste yarn, cast on onto left-hand needle a) 10
b) 12 с) 12 d) 13 e) 14 sts. Purl cast-on sts with working yarn, purl to M3, RM3, place next a) 58
b) 60 с) 63 d) 66 e) 69 sts on holder for left sleeve, RM4. Using crochet provisional cast on and
waste yarn, cast on onto left-hand needle a) 10 b) 12 с) 12 d) 13 e) 14 sts. Purl cast-on sts with
working yarn, purl to MM.
After dividing for the sleeves, you should have a total of a) 192 b) 216 с) 234 d) 254 e) 274 sts.

Purl to the length of the body 34 cm from underarm or 6 cm less than the desired length.
Elongate the Back:
To elongate the Back, German short rows are used.

Hoarfrost Sweater © 2020 Alena Malevitch @helenavasilevna


Short-row 1 (RS): SMM, purl a) 63 b) 71 с) 77 d) 83 e) 90 sts, turn.

Short-row 2 (WS): DS (=slip first stitch + pull tight), knit to MM, SMM, knit a) 62 b) 70 с) 76 d)
82 e) 89 sts, turn.
Short-row 3 (RS): DS, purl to MM, SMM, purl a) 57 b) 64 с) 70 d) 75 e) 81 sts, turn.
Short-row 4 (WS): DS, knit to MM, SMM, knit a) 56 b) 63 с) 69 d) 74 e) 80 sts, turn.
Short-row 5 (RS): DS, purl to MM, SMM, purl a) 51 b) 57 с) 63 d) 67 e) 73 sts, turn.
Short-row 6 (WS): DS, knit to MM, SMM, knit a) 50 b) 56 с) 62 d) 66 e) 72 sts, turn.
Short-row 7 (RS): DS, purl to MM, SMM, purl a) 45 b) 50 с) 56 d) 59 e) 65 sts, turn.
Short-row 8 (WS): DS, knit to MM, SMM, knit a) 44 b) 49 с) 55 d) 58 e) 64 sts, turn.
Short-row 9 (RS): DS, purl to MM, SMM, purl a) 39 b) 43 с) 49 d) 51 e) 57 sts, turn.
Short-row 10 (WS): DS, knit to MM, SMM, knit a) 38 b) 42 с) 48 d) 50 e) 56 sts, turn.
Short-row 11 (RS): DS, purl to MM, SMM, purl a) 33 b) 37 с) 42 d) 44 e) 49 sts, turn.
Short-row 12 (WS): DS, knit to MM, SMM, knit a) 32 b) 36 с) 41 d) 43 e) 48 sts, turn.
Short-row 13 (RS): DS, purl to MM, SMM, purl a) 28 b) 31 с) 35 d) 37 e) 41 sts, turn.
Short-row 14 (WS): DS, knit to MM, SMM, knit a) 27 b) 30 с) 34 d) 36 e) 40 sts, turn.
Short-row 15 (RS): DS, purl to MM, SMM, purl a) 23 b) 25 с) 28 d) 30 e) 33 sts, turn.
Short-row 16 (WS): DS, knit to MM, SMM, knit a) 22 b) 24 с) 27 d) 29 e) 32 sts, turn.
Next Row (RS): purl to MM. Continue to work in the round.
Next Round: SMM, purl to MM taking cate to purl each DS you come to as 1 st.
Note: c) d) e) in this round evenly increase 2 sts.
You should now have a total of a) 192 b) 216 с) 236 d) 256 e) 276 sts.
Round 1: SMM,* p1, k2tbl, p1*.
Repeat last round 19 more times
Bind off all stitches.

Right sleeve
Move sleeve sts from holder and a) 11 b) 13 с) 13 d) 14 e) 15 underarm sts removing waste yarn
to 4.0 mm circular needles. On the RS join yarn after a) 5 b) 6 с) 6 d) 7 e) 7 underarm sts, place
MM, join to work on the round.
You should now have a total of a) 69 b) 73 с) 76 d) 80 e) 84 sts.
Purl a) 8 b) 6 с) 6 d) 6 e) 5 rounds.
Next Round 1:
a) b) c) e) SMM, purl to 2 sts before MM, p2tog.
d) SMM, purl to 3 sts before MM, p2tog, p1.
Next Round 2: SMM, ssp, purl to MM.

Hoarfrost Sweater © 2020 Alena Malevitch @helenavasilevna


Repeat last a) 10 b) 8 с) 8 d) 8 e) 7 round.

Note: After the sleeve measures 23 cm from underarm, or 20 cm less than the desired total length,
begin working Chart 2 over center 34 sts. For your convenience, it is recommended to mark these
stitches with markers. Continue working the rest of the sleeve stitches in Reverse Stockinette while
making decreases as described above.

You should now have a total of a) 49 b) 49 с) 52 d) 56 e) 56 sts.

Next Round:
a) b) SMM, k1tbl, p2tog, p1, k1tbl, (k1tbl, p2, k1tbl) 11 times;
c) SMM, (p1, k2tbl, p1) 13 times;
d) e) SMM, (k1tbl, p2, k1tbl) 14 times;
Next Round:
a) b) d) e) *k1tbl, p2, k1tbl*;
c) *p1, k2tbl, p1*

Hoarfrost Sweater © 2020 Alena Malevitch @helenavasilevna


Repeat last round 18 more times

Bind off all stitches.
Work the Left Sleeve the same way.
Weave in the ends and block as desired.
Enjoy your new top!

Size a, cm b, cm c, cm d, cm e, cm f, cm

S 45 20.5 40 91.5 33 43

M 45.5 21.25 40 103 35 43

L 46 22 40 111.5 36 43

XL 47 22.75 40 121 38 43

XXL 49 23.5 40 130.5 40 43

Hoarfrost Sweater © 2020 Alena Malevitch @helenavasilevna





no stitch






hold 1 st on cable needle FRONT of work, k1, k1tbl from cable needle

hold 1 st on cable needle BEHIND work, k1tbl, k1 from cable needle

hold 1 st on cable needle FRONT of work, k1tbl, k1tbl from cable needle

hold 1 st on cable needle BEHIND work, k1tbl, k1tbl from cable needle

hold 1 st on cable needle FRONT of work, p1, k1tbl from cable needle

hold 1 st on cable needle BEHIND work, k1tbl, p1 from cable needle

Small bobble: knit into the back, front, and back of this stitch, then, turn the
work, p3, turn the work again, slip 2 as if to knit, knit 1, pass two slippes sts
over. Double decrease on stockinette knitting.

Hoarfrost Sweater © 2020 Alena Malevitch @helenavasilevna


Chart 1

Hoarfrost Sweater © 2020 Alena Malevitch @helenavasilevna


Chart 2

Hoarfrost Sweater © 2020 Alena Malevitch @helenavasilevna

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