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The employer (Yulmary): Welcome to “CONSORCIO PROXY”, it’s a pleasure to

have you here, I’ll make you some questions to both of you and at the end I’ll
decide who will get the job.

The employer (Yulmary): Good morning Alejandra. Nice to meet you.

Candidate 1 (Alejandra): Good morning, it’s nice to meet you too.

The employer (Yulmary): Good morning Nedy. Nice to meet you.

Candidate 2 (Nedy): Good morning, it’s nice to meet you too.

The employer (Yulmary): Well, come with me. Have a seat.

Candidate 1 (Alejandra): Yes, thanks.

Candidate 2 (Nedy): Ok, thanks.

The employer (Yulmary): How are you?

Candidate 1 (Alejandra): I’m very well, thank you.

Candidate 2 (Nedy): I’m fine! Thank you.

The employer (Yulmary): What is your full name?

Candidate 1 (Alejandra): my full name is Alejandra Gómez Velasquez

The employer (Yulmary): What is your full name?

Candidate 2 (Nedy): my full name is Nedy Johana Cardona López

The employer (Yulmary): Tell me a little bit about yourself.

Candidate 1 (Alejandra): Well, my name is Alejandra, I’m 23 years old and I’m
from Puerto Berrío. I graduated at SENA in occupational security in the year 2013
and since then I have exercised my profession. When I finished my studies I
started working at CONCESIONARIA RUTA DEL SOL. Actually I work in
MULTISERVICIOS CyM. I really enjoy work in this company but I would like to
expand my knowledges in a company like this. I’m efficient and highly organized;
this enables me to be as productive as possible on the job.

Candidate 2 (Nedy): My name is Nedy Johana, I’m 30 years old and I’m from San
Luis, Antioquia. I graduated at INSTITUTO MINERVA in occupational security in
2007. When I finished my studies I started working at SODEXO ARGOS in the
plant of RIO CLARO, company that offered me my first job opportunity and in
which I currently work. I have threes years’ experience, I am hardworking and
always punctual.

The employer (Yulmary): What do you know about our company?

Candidate 1 (Alejandra): CONSORCIO PROXY is a leading company in the

market, characterized by the quality of its civil construction works and currently has
several projects in Colombia.

Candidate 2 (Nedy): This company complies with legal requirements and is

characterized by the quality of its work.

The employer (Yulmary): Why do you want to work for us?

Candidate 1 (Alejandra): Because I want to get new experiences and more

opportunities to exercise my knowledge. I think I have the skills and attitude you
need to make your team more successful.

Candidate 2 (Nedy): because I want to have new experiences and improve my

quality of life. I am interested in a job with more responsibility, and I am very ready
for a new challenge.

The employer (Yulmary): What role do you play in your current job?

Candidate 1 (Alejandra): My functions are administrative, my responsabilities

include coordinate the safety and health manegements system at work.
Sometimes, I perform operative activities in the field, carryng out inspections and
verifying that employees use the personal protection elements.

Candidate 2 (Nedy): I coordinate the safety and health management system at

work. I carry out inspections and verify the use of personal protection elements.

The employer (Yulmary): What is your salary expectation?

Candidate 1 (Alejandra): I’d appreciate it if you could make me an offer based on
your planned budget for this position, keeping in mind what you already know
about my experience and education.

Candidate 2 (Nedy): I know that in my sector they are paying a salary of

1’000.000 million to 1.500.000, so based on my experience and education I should
receive a salary inside that range.

The employer (Yulmary): What is your greatest strength?

Candidate 1 (Alejandra); my strengths are responsibility, punctuality and

teamwork. I work well under pressure, when there is a deadline I can focus on the
task at hand and structure my work schedule well.

Candidate 2 (Nedy): my strengths are punctuality and responsibility. Also I am a

trouble shooter.

The employer (Yulmary): What is your greatest weakness?

Candidate 1 (Alejandra); my weakness is that I am very orderly.

Candidate 2 (Nedy): my weakness is shyness.

The employer (Yulmary): Why should we hire you?

Candidate 1 (Alejandra): Because I meet the requirements of the vacancy, I have

the experience, level of study and skills to exercise the job offered.

Candidate 2 (Nedy): because i have the profile of the vacancy to exercise the
position offered and I’ve always been interested in working in your industry. If you
hire me, I will do my best to excee your highest expectations.

The employer (Yulmary): Do you have any questions?

Candidate 1 (Alejandra): Well, I would like to know what the working day is like?

The employer (Yulmary): Of course, the workday is from Monday to Friday from
7:00am to 5:00pm, but you must have availability to work on Saturdays if we need
your services.
Candidate 2 (Nedy): No, thank you for your time, I really appreciate this

The employer (Yulmary): Ok, I’ve really enjoyed meeting you.

Candidate 1 (Alejandra): thanks, have a nice day.

Candidate 2 (Nedy): good bye, Nice to meet you.


The employer (Yulmary): Welcom tu “CONSORCIO PROXY”, it’s a plesur tu jar

iu jer, I’ll meik iu som cuestions tu bot of iu an at di end I’ll disaid jo will get de jab.

The employer (Yulmary): Gud mornin Alejandra. Nais tu mit iu.

Candidate 1 (Alejandra): Gud mornin, it’s nais tu mit iu tu.

The employer (Yulmary): Gud mornin Nedy. Nais tu mit iu.

Candidate 2 (Nedy): Gud mornin, it’s nais tu mit iu tu.

The employer (Yulmary): Wel, cam wit mi. jav a sit.

Candidate 1 (Alejandra): ies, tenks.

Candidate 2 (Nedy): Okey, tenks.

The employer (Yulmary): jau are iu?

Candidate 1 (Alejandra): ai am very wel, tenk iu.

Candidate 2 (Nedy): ai am fain! Tenk iu.

The employer (Yulmary): Wat is iur ful neim?

Candidate 1 (Alejandra): mai ful neim is Alejandra Gómez Velasquez

The employer (Yulmary): Wat is iur ful neim?

Candidate 2 (Nedy): mai ful neim is Nedy Johana Cardona López

The employer (Yulmary): Tel mi a lirol bit about iurself.

Candidate 1 (Alejandra): Wel, mai neim is Alejandra, ai’ am 23 iars old an aI’ am
from Puerto Berrío. ai gradiede at SENA in oquiupensional seguridy in de iar 2013
an sins de ai jar exersaix mai profesion. Wen aI finishe my stadis ai estarted workin
Ai reali enyoi work in dis compani bat ai wood laik tu expend mai nowlyes in a
compani laik dis. ai’ am eficien end jaily organais; dis inebolds mi tu bi as prodactiv
as posibol on de yab.

Candidate 2 (Nedy): Mai neim is Nedy Johana, ai’ am 30 iars old and ai’ am from
San Luis, Antioquia. ai gradueid at INSTITUTO MINERVA in oquiupecional seguriti
in 2007. Wen ai finis mai stadis ai estarded working at SODEXO ARGOS in de
plen of RIO CLARO, compani dad offer mi mai fers yab oportiuniti and in wich ai
carrenli work. Ai jab zre iars’ experiens, ai am jardworking an olwiys pontual.

The employer (Yulmary): What du iu nou abaut our compani?

Candidate 1 (Alejandra): CONSORCIO PROXY is a liding compani in de mark,

caracterais bai de calidi of its sivol questraccion works an carrelin jas sevral
proyects in Colombia.

Candidate 2 (Nedy): dis compani complais with ligal ricuarmens an is caracterais

bai de calidi of its work.

The employer (Yulmary): Way du iu wan tu work for as?

Candidate 1 (Alejandra): Bicose ai wan tu get niu experiens an mor oportunidis

tu exersais mai nolich. ai tink ai jar de skils an aditud iu nid tu meik iur tim mor

Candidate 2 (Nedy): bicos ai want tu jar niu experies an impruv mai calidi of laif. ai
am interestid in a yab wit mor responsabilidi, and ai am veri redi for a niu chalench.

The employer (Yulmary): Wat rol du iu plei in iur current yab?

Candidate 1 (Alejandra): Mai funcions ar administreive, mai responsabilidis includ

coordineit de seifti and hefl maniyements sisstem at work. Samtaims, ai pirform
operativ actividis in de field, quering aut inspeccions and verifain dad amploies iuse
de personal proteccion elements.

Candidate 2 (Nedy): I coordinate the safety and health management system at

work. I carry out inspections and verify the use of personal protection elements.

The employer (Yulmary): Wat is iur salary expectecion?

Candidate 1 (Alejandra): Id apresli it if iu cud mei me an ofer beis on iur pleined

bayit for dis posision, kiping in maind wat iu dredi now abaut mai experiens and
Candidate 2 (Nedy): ai now dad in mai sector dei ar peying a salari of 1’000.000
milion tu 1.500.000, sou beisid on mai experiens and eduquesions ai shut risiv a
salari insaid dad reinch.

The employer (Yulmary): Wat is iur gridest estrens?

Candidate 1 (Alejandra); Mai estrens ar responsabiliti, puntuality an taimwok. I

work wel ander prechur, wen dere is a dedlain ai can focus on de task at jand an
estractur mai work esqueduol wel.

Candidate 2 (Nedy): Mai estrens ar punctuality an responsabiliti olso ai am a

trabol shuder.

The employer (Yulmary): Wat is iur gridest wiknis?

Candidate 1 (Alejandra); mai wiknis is dad ai am veri orderli.

Candidate 2 (Nedy): mai wiknis is shainis.

The employer (Yulmary): Wai shod wi hair iu?

Candidate 1 (Alejandra): Bicose ai mit de recairements of de vacancy, ai jar de

experiens, level of studi and skils tu exersai de yab oferd.

Candidate 2 (Nedy): bicose ai jar de profail of de vequensi tu exersais de posision

oferd and aiv alwis bin interested in workin in iur industri. If iur jair me, ai wil du mai
best tu exci iur jaigest expecteisions.

The employer (Yulmary): Du iur jar eni cuestions?

Candidate 1 (Alejandra): Wel, I wold laik tu now wat de workin dei is laik?

The employer (Yulmary): Of cors, de workdei is from Mondei tu Fraidi from

7:00am tu 5:00pm, bat iu mast jave avaibility tu work on Saturdays if we need your

Candidate 2 (Nedy): No, tenk iu for iur taim, ai rili apresli dis oportiuniti.

The employer (Yulmary): Okey, air rili enyoid midin iu.

Candidate 1 (Alejandra): tenks, jar a nais dei.

Candidate 2 (Nedy): gud bai, Nais tu mit you.

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