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Automatic Transmission A /T G ear P o sitio n In d ic a to r Panel Base

Special T o o ls ......................... . . , . . ......... . 14-2 A s s e m b ly R e p la c e m e n t....................... 14-254
General Troubleshooting Inform ation. 14-4 A /T G ear P o sitio n In d ic a to r Panel L ig h t
DTC T ro u b le s h o o tin g In d e x ----- . . . . . . . 14-9 H arness R e p la c e m e n t...........................14-256
S y m p to m T ro u b le s h o o tin g In d e x ----- - 14-12
C om p o n e n t Lo ca tio n In d e x . . . . . -------- 14-26 A /T Interlock System
S ystem D e s c rip tio n . . . . ........................... 14-27 C o m p o n e n t Location In d e x ----- . . . . . . . 14-257
DTC Troubleshooting....................... . . 14-82 C irc u it D ia g ra m ........................................... 14-258
Road Test . ........................... ............... 14-166 S h ift Lock S ystem C irc u it
Stall S p e e d ie s t.................................. 14-168 T ro u b le s h o o tin g .................... 14-259
Pressure T e s t.................... .................... .. 14-169 S h ift Lock S o le n o id T e s t . . ----- ------- . . . 14-263
Shift Solenoid Valve Test, S h ift Lock S o le n o id R e p la c e m e n t----- - .14-264
Replacement, and Shift Solenoid S h ift Lock S to p /S h ift Lock S to p C ush io n
W ire H arness R e p la c e m e n t.................14-173 R e p la c e m e n t. . . ----- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-265
A /T C lutch P ressure C o n tro l S o le n o id Park Pin S w itc h R e p la c e m e n t.................14-265
V alve A and B T e s t . ........................... 14-178
A/T Clutch Pressure Control Solenoid Automatic Transmission
Valve A and B Replacement. . . . ------ 14-181 T ra n s m is s io n D is a s s e m b ly ----- . . . . . . . 14-266
A /T C lutch P ressure C o n tro l S o le n o id ATF P u m p In s p e c tio n ----- . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-272
Va l ve C T e st........................................ 14-183
A/T Clutch Pressure Control Solenoid Transmission Housing
V alve C Replacement.................... 14-186 C o m p o n e n t Location I n d e x . . . . . . . . . . . 14-273
Input Shaft (Mainshaft) Speed Sensor R everse Id le r G ear
R e p la c e m e n t....... ................ .................. 14-187 R e m o v a l/In s ta lla tio n ........ ................... 14-274
O u tp u t S h a ft (C o u n te rsh a ft) S peed R everse Id le r Gear
S en so r R e p la c e m e n t...... ...................... 14-188 D is a s s e m b ly /In s p e c tio n /
T ra n s m is s io n Fluid P ressure S w itc h A R e a s s e m b ly ............................................. 14-274
(2nd C lutch) R e p la c e m e n t................... 14-188 S e c o n d a ry S h a ft ATF Feed Pipe Cap
T ra n s m is s io n Fluid Pressure S w itch B R e m o v a l........................... . . . . . . . . . . . 14-275
(3rd C lutch) R e p la c e m e n t.....................14-189 S e c o n d a ry S h a ft ATF Feed Pipe Cap
4th C lutch T ra n s m is s io n Fluid Pressure In s ta lla tio n ....................................... ........14-275
S w itch R e p la c e m e n t............................. 14-189 S e c o n d a ry S h a ft ATF Feed Pipe Cap,
ATF T e m p e ra tu re S e n so r Feed Pipe R e p la c e m e n t................ .. 14-276
R e p la c e m e n t...... .............................. .. 14-190 A TF F ilte r
ATF Level C h e c k ................................... .. 14-191 R e m o v a l/In s p e c tio n /In s ta lla tio n .........14-276
ATF R e p la c e m e n t....................................... 14-192 M a in s h a ft B earing R e m o v a l.......... .. 14-277
T ra n s m is s io n R e m o v a l................... 14-194 M a in s h a ft B earing In s ta lla tio n ........ .. 14-277
D rive Plate R em oval and In s ta lla tio n . . . 14-209 In te rm e d ia ry S h a ft B earing
T ra n s m is s io n In s ta lla tio n ......................... 14-210 R e p la c e m e n t................................... 14-278
ATF C oo le r C le a n in g ................................. 14-228 Park Lever S h a ft B earing R e p la c e m e n t. 14-278
ATF C oo le r H ose R e p la c e m e n t. . . . . . . . 14-231 S e le c to r C o n tro l S h a ft B earing
S h ift Lever K n o b R e p la c e m e n t...............14-232 R e p la c e m e n t........................ .................. 14-279
S h ift Lever R e m o v a l................................... 14-233 S e le c to r C o n tro l S h a ft O il Seal
S h ift Lever In s ta lla tio n ..................... 14-234 R e p la c e m e n t----- . . . . . ------ ------------ -- 14-279
S h ift Lever B racket Base R em oval and
In s ta lla tio n .................. .................... .. 14-238 Torque Converter Housing
S h ift Lever D is a s s e m b ly /R e a s s e m b ly .. 14-239 C o m p o n e n t L ocation I n d e x . . . . . . . . . . . 14-280
S h ift C able A d ju s tm e n t............................. 14-240 M a in s h a ft B earing and O il Seal
* S h ift C able R e p la c e m e n t.................... 14-244 R e p la c e m e n t....................................... .... 14-281
C o u n te rs h a ft B earing R e p la c e m e n t----- 14-282
A/T Gear Position Indicator S e c o n d a ry S h a ft B earing
C o m p o n e n t L o ca tio n In d e x ................. 14-247 R e p la c e m e n t..................... 14-283
C irc u it D ia g ra m ........ .................... ..............14-248 In te rm e d ia ry S h a ft B earing
T ra n s m is s io n Range S w itc h T e s t...........14-249 R e p l a c e m e n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-285
T ra n s m is s io n Range S w itc h Park Lever S h a ft B earing R e p la c e m e n t. 14-286
R e p la c e m e n t........................... ................ 14-250
A /T G ear P o sitio n In d ic a to r Panel Shafts and Clutches
A s s e m b ly R e p la c e m e n t....................... 14-253 M a in s h a ft D isa sse m b ly, In sp e ctio n ,
a nd R e a s s e m b ly ..................................... 14-287
M a in s h a ft 4th G ear R e p la c e m e n t...........14-288 T ra n s fe r B re a th e r B ox R e p la c e m e n t.. . 1 4 -3 5 1
Countershaft Disassem bly. . . ......... . . . 14-289 Transfer Oil Seal R eplacem ent............ . 1 4 -3 5 1
Countershaft I dler Gear and 4th Gear Transfer Cover Oil Seal R eplacem ent. . 1 4 -3 5 5
A x ia l C learance In s p e c tio n ............. 14-291
C o u n te rsh a ft R e a s s e m b ly ----- . . . . . . . . 14-293
S e co n d a ry S h a ft D i s a s s e m b l y . . . . . . . . 14-296
S e co n d a ry S h a ft 1st G ear A x ia l
C learance In s p e c tio n . . . . . ------- ------ - 14-298
1st G ear O ne-W ay C lu tch In s p e c tio n . . . 14-300
1st C lutch H ub R ep la ce m e n t . . . . . . . . . . . 14-301
S e co n d a ry S h a ft R e a s s e m b l y . . . . . . . . . 14-302
S e co n d a ry S h a ft In s ta lla tio n H e ig h t
In s p e c tio n /A d ju s tm e n t......................... 14-304
In te rm e d ia ry S h a ft D isa sse m b ly,
In sp e ctio n , and R e a s s e m b ly ........ .. 14-306
Intermediary Shaft 4th Gear Rem oval.. 14-307
In te rm e d ia ry S h a ft 4th G ear
Installation.................................... . 14-308
In te rm e d ia ry S h a ft 3 rd G ear A x ia l
C learance In s p e c tio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-308
Intermediary Shaft Installation Height
Inspection/Adjustm ent ................. 14-310
C lutch C learance I n s p e c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . 14-311

Automatic Transmission
T ra n s m is s io n R e a s s e m b ly ....................... 14-314

A /T Differential
C o m p o n e n t L o ca tio n In d e x .....................14-327
D is a s s e m b ly /R e a s s e m b ly ......................... 14-328
Backlash In s p e c tio n ................. ............. 14-329
D iffe re n tia l C arrie r, Final D rive n Gear,
and T ra n s fe r D rive G ear
Replacement............................................ 14-329
D iffe re n tia l C a rrie r and Final D rive n
Gear Replacement.................................. 14-330
C arrie r B earing R e p la c e m e n t................. 14-330
Oil Seal Replacement. . . . . . . . . ----- . . . 14-331
C a rrie r B earing O u te r Race
R e p la c e m e n t........................................... 14-332
C arrie r B earing P reload In s p e c tio n . . . . 14-334

Transfer Output Shaft

C o m p o n e n t L o ca tio n In d e x .....................14-338
T ra n s fe r O u tp u t S h a ft B earing
Replacem ent............................ . . . . . . . 14-339
Oil Seal Replacement............................... 14-339
T ra n s m is s io n H ou sin g B earing
R e p la c e m e n t......................................... 14-340
T ra n s fe r O u tp u t S h a ft In s ta lla tio n
H e ig h t In s p e c tio n /A d ju s tm e n t.............14-341

T ra n sfe r A s se m b ly
C o m p o n e n t L o ca tio n In d e x .............. 14-342
T ra n s fe r A s s e m b ly F lu id R e p la c e m e n t. 14-343
T ra n s fe r A s s e m b ly In s p e c tio n ................. 14-344
T ra n s fe r A s s e m b ly R e m o v a l................... 14-346
T ra n s fe r A s s e m b ly In s ta lla tio n ...............14-347
T ra n s fe r B reather Hose R e p la c e m e n t. . 14-349
Special Tools

Ref.liSlo. Tool Number Description Qty

® 070AG-SJAA10S Subframe Alignment Pin 1
© 070AJ-0020101 Preload Inspection Tool 1
® 07406-0020400 or 07406-0020401 A/T Oil Pressure Gauge Set 1
07736-A01000B Adjustable Bearing Puller, 25—40 mm 1
07746-0010200 Bearing Driver Attachment, 37 x 40 mm 1
® 07746-0010400 Bearing Driver Attachment, 52 x 55 mm 1
® 07746-0010500 Bearing Driver Attachment, 62 x 68 mm 1
07746-0010600 Bearing Driver Attachment, 72 x 75 mm 1
® 07746-001A800 Attachment, 22 x 24 mm 1
© 07746-0030100 Driver Handle, 40 mm I.D. 1
© 07746-0030300 Bearing Driver Attachment, 30 mm I.D. 1
© 07749-0010000 Driver Handle, 15 x 135L 1
© 07936-166010A Bearing Remover Shaft Set, 12 mm 1
© 07936-3710100 Remover Handle 1
© 07936-371020A Slide Hammer 1
© 07936-3710600 Bearing Remover Shaft Set, 20 mm 1
© 07936-8890300 Bearing Remover Shaft Set, 30 mm 1
© 07936-G E0A000 Bearing Remover, 10 mm 1
© 07947-6340500 Driver Attachment, 43.5 mm 1
@ 07AAJ-PY4A100 A/T Pressure Test Hose
® 07GAB-PF50101 Mainshaft Holder 1
® 07GAD-PG40100 Oil Seal Driver Attachment 1
© 07GAD-SD40101 Attachment, 78 x 90 mm 1
® 07HAD-SG00100 Attachment, 83 mm 1
® 07JAD-PH80101 Oil Seal Driver Attachment, 58 mm 1
® 07JAD-PN00100 Oil Seal Driver Attachment, 64 x 72 mm 1
07JAD-SH3010A Oil Seal Driver Attachment, 65 mm 1
® 07MAD-PR90100 Installer Attachment, 45 x 55 mm 1
07MAJ-PY40120 A/T Pressure Adapter
07NAD-PX40100 Bearing Driver Attachment, 78 x 80 mm 1
@ 07PAB-0020000 Holder, Companion 1
@ 07XAA-002010A Wrench, 40 x 42 mm 1
@ 07ZAE-PRP0100 Clutch Compressor Attachment 1
® : Must be used with commercially available 3/8"-16 slide hammer.
General Troubleshooting Information

How to Check for DTCs with the Honda If the D indicator or the m alfunction indicator lam p (MIL)
has been reported on, o r if a d rive a b ility problem is
Diagnostic System (HDS)
suspected, fo llo w this procedure:
When the pow ertrain c o n tro l m odule (PCM) senses an
1. Connect the HDS to the DLC. (See the HDS user's
abnorm ality in the input o r ou tp u t system , the D
manual fo r specific instructions.)
indicator (A) in the gauge control m odule (B) w ill usually
blink. 2. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II). Make sure the HDS
com m unicates w ith the PCM. If it does not, go to the
B DLC circuit troubleshooting (see page 11-430).

3. Check fo r Pending or Confirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.

4. Record the freeze data and the on-board snapshots

fo r all fuel and em issions DTCs and A/T DTCs.

5. If there is a fuel and em issions DTC, firs t check the fuel
and em issions system as indicated by the DTC.

6. Clear the DTC and the data.

7. Drive the vehicle fo r several m inutes under the same

conditions as those indicated by the freeze data, and
then recheck fo r the DTC. If the A/T DTC returns, go to
the indicated DTC's troubleshooting. If the DTC does
not return, there was an inte rm itte n t problem w ithin
the circuit. Make sure all pins and term inals in the
W hen the Honda D iagnostic System (HDS) is connected circuit are tight.
to the data link connector (DLC) (A) located under the
driver's side o f the dashboard, and w hen the ignition Symptom Troubleshooting Versus DTC
switch is turned to ON (II) and the appropriate menu is Troubleshooting
selected, it w ill indicate the diagnostic tro u b le code
Some sym ptom s w ill not set DTCs or cause the D
indicator to blink. If the MIL was reported ON o r the D
indicator has been bli nking, check fo r DTCs. If the vehicle
has an abnorm al sym ptom , and there are no DTCs
stored, do the sym ptom troubleshooting. Check the list
o f probable cause(s) fo r the sym ptom , in the sequence
listed, until you fin d the problem .
How to Check fo r DTCs w ith the SCS M ode7 If the D indicator and the MIL com e on at the same time,
(retrieving th e flash codes) or if a d riv e a b ility problem is suspected, fo llo w this
NOTE: The preferred m ethod is to use the HDS to
1. Connect the HDS to. th e DLC. (See th e HDS user's
retrieve the DTCs.
manual for specific instructions.)
When the PCM senses an abnormality in the input or
2. Turn the ignition sw itch to ON (II). Make sure the HDS
output system, the D indicator (A) in the gauge control
com m unicates w ith th e PCM. If it does not, go to the
m odule (B) w ill usually blink.
DLC circu it tro u bleshooting (see page 11-430).
3. Select SCS m ode, then observe the D indicator in the
gauge control m odule. Codes 1 through 9 are
indicated by ind ivid u a l short blinks. Code 10 and
above are indicated by a series o f long and short
blinks. One long blink equals 10 short blinks. Add the
long and short blinks together to determ ine the code.

Example: DTC P0705 (5)

Short blinks (five)

Example: DTC P0717 (15)

W hen the D indicator has been reported on, connect the
Long blink (one) Short blinks (five)
HDS to the DLC (A) located under the d river's side o f the
dashboard. Turn the ignition sw itch to ON (II), select SCS
mode, then the D indicator w ill indicate (blink) the DTC.

10 + 5 = 15

4. If there is a fuel and em issions DTC, firs t check the fuel

and em issions system as indicated by the DTC.

5. Clear the DTC and the data.

6. If the freeze data is available, drive the vehicle fo r

several m inutes w ith periods o f w ide open th ro ttle ,
steady cruise, and stop and go, and then recheck fo r
DTCs. If the A/T DTC returns, go to the indicated DTC's
troubleshooting, if the DTC does not return, there was
an inte rm itte n t problem w ithin the circuit. Make sure
all pins and term inals in the circuit are tight.
General Troubleshooting Information (cont'd)

How to Troubleshoot Circuits at the PCM 4. W hen diagnosis/troubleshooting is done at the PCM
connector, use the term inal test port (A) above the
term inal you need to check.
NOTE: The PCM overw rites data and m onitors the EVAP
system fo r about an hour after the ign itio n sw itch is
turned to LOCK (0). Jum ping the SCS line after tu rn in g
the ignition sw itch to LOCK (0) cancels th is function.
Disconnecting the PCM during this function, w ith o u t
jum p in g the SCS line first, can damage the PCM.

1. Jum p the SCS line w ith the HDS.

2. Remove the bolts (D).
5. Connect one side o f the patch cord's term inals (A) to a
com m ercially available digital m u ltim e te r (B), and
connect the other side o f the term inals (C) to a
com m ercially available banana jack (Pomona
Electronics Tool No. 3563 o r equivalent) (D).

6. Gently contact the pin probe (male) at the term inal

3. Disconnect PCM connectors A, B, and C.
test po rt fro m the term inal side. Do not force the tips
NOTE: PCM connectors A, B, and C have sym bols into the term inals.
(A = Q B = A , C = 0 ) embossed on them fo r
identification. INOTICE I
• For accurate results, always use the pin probe
• To prevent damage to the connector term inals, do
not insert test equipm ent probes, paper clips, o r
o ther substitutes. Damaged term inals cause a poor
connection and an incorrect m easurem ent.
• Do not puncture the insulation on a w ire. Punctures
can cause poor o r inte rm itte n t electrical
Clear A/T DTCs Procedure How to End a Troubleshooting Session
1. Connect the HDS to the DLC (A) located under the
(required after any troubleshooting)
drive r's side o f the dashboard. NOTE: Reset the PCM/TCM w ith the HDS w h ile the
engine is stopped.

1. Turn the ign itio n sw itch to LOCK (0).

2. Turn the ignition sw itch to ON (II), and w a it fo r

30 seconds.

3. Turn the ign itio n sw itch to LOCK (0), and disconnect

the HDS fro m the DLC.

4. S tart the engine w ith the sh ift lever in P o r N, and

w arm it up to norm al operating tem perature (the
radiator fan comes on).
5. To ve rify th a t the problem is repaired, test-drive the
vehicle fo r several m inutes at speeds over 31 mph
(50 km/h) o r under the same conditions as those
indicated by the freeze data.

NOTE: To reset the PCM/TCM, initialize o n ly the
2. Turn the ignition sw itch to ON (II). autom atic transm ission m em ory stored in the PCM or
the TCM.
3. Make sure the HDS com m unicates w ith the PCM. If it
does not, go to the DLC circu it troubleshooting (see 1. Select the A/T system w ith the HDS.
page 11-430).
2. Reset the PCM/TCM w ith the HDS w hile the engine is
4. Clear the DTC(s) w ith the HDS. stopped.

OBD Status 3. Turn the ignition sw itch to LOCK (0).

The OBD status shows the current system status o f each 4. Turn the ig n ition sw itch to ON (II), and w a it fo r 30
DTC and all o f the parameters. This function Is used to seconds.
see if a repair was successfully com pleted. The results o f 5. Turn th e ign itio n sw itch to LOCK (0), and disconnect
diagnostic tests fo r the DTC are displayed as: the HDS fro m the DLC.
• PASSED: The on-board diagnosis is successfuSly
com pleted. Failure Reproduction Technique
• FAILED: The on-board diagnosis has finished but
NOTE: Make sure to fo llo w these points w h ile the vehicle
is raised on a lift fo r the test-drive.
• NOT COMPLETED: The on-board diagnosis was
• Disable the VSA by pressing the VSA OFF button.
running but is out o f the enable conditions o f th e DTC,
® VSA DTC(s) m ay com e on when test-driving on a lift. If
the VSA DTC(s) come on, clear the DTC(s) w ith the
General Troubleshooting Information (cont'd)

If the PCM detects the failure o f a signal fro m a sensor, a
sw itch, a solenoid valve, o r fro m another control unit, it
stores a Pending o r C onfirm ed DTC. Depending op the
failure, a DTC is stored in either the firs t or the second
drive cycle. W hen a Confirm ed DTC is stored, the PCM
blinks the D indicator and/or tu rn s on the m alfunction
indicator lam p (MIL) by a signal sent to the gauge control
m odule via F-CAN.

• One Drive Cycle Detection Method:

W hen an abnorm ality occurs in the signal fro m a
sensor, a sw itch, a solenoid valve, o r fro m another
control unit, the PCM stores a Pending o r C onfirm ed
DTC fo r the failure and blinks the D indicator and/or
turns on the MIL im m ediately.

• Two Drive Cycle Detection Method:

W hen an abnorm ality occurs in the signal fro m a
sensor, a sw itch, a solenoid valve, o r fro m another
control unit in the firs t drive cycle, the PCM stores a
Pending DTC. The D indicator and the MIL do not turns
on at this tim e. If the failure continues in the second
drive cycle, the PCM stores a C onfirm ed DTC and
blinks the D indicator and/or tu rn s on the MIL.

Fail-Safa Function
W hen an abnorm ality occurs in the signal fro m a sensor,
a sw itch, a solenoid valve, or fro m another control unit,
the PCM ignores th a t signal and substitutes a
pre-program m ed value fo r that signal to a llo w the
autom atic transm ission to continue operating. This
causes a DTC to be stored and the D indicator to blink
and/or the MIL to come on. The transm ission m ay not
shift no rm a lly during fail-safe operation. Do not run the
test-driving diagnosis when the MIL is ON, o r w hen the D
indicator is blinking.
DTC Troubleshooting Index

NOTE: Before you trou ble sho ot record all freeze data and any on-board snapshot w ith the HDS, and review the General
Troubleshooting Inform ation (see page 14-4)._______ __________ ^_________________________ ___________________
DTC*(1) Two Drive* D MIL Detection Item P age
Cycle Indicator
Detection, G
P0705 (5Tm Blinks ON Short in Transm ission Range Switch DTC Troubleshooting
Circuit (M ultiple S hift-Position Input) (see page 14-82)
P0706 (6)*(2) O OFF ON Open in Transm ission Range Switch DTC Troubleshooting
Circuit (see page 14-83)
P0711 (28r<2> o Blinks OFF Problem in ATF Tem perature Sensor DTC Troubleshooting
Circuit (see page 14-84)
P0 7 1 2 (2 e r <2) o Blinks OFF S hort in ATF Tem perature Sensor DTC T roubleshooting
Circuit (see page 14-85)
P0713 (28Tm o Blinks OFF Open in ATF Temperature Sensor DTC T roubleshooting
C ircuit (see page 14-87)
P0714 (28)*<2) o Blinks OFF ATF Tem perature Sensor Interm ittent DTC T roubleshooting
Failure (see page 14-89)
P0716 (15)*{2) Blinks ON Problem in Input Shaft (M ainshaft) DTC Troubleshooting
Speed Sensor C ircuit (see page 14-90)
P0717 (15)*(2) Blinks ON Problem in Input Shaft (M ainshaft) DTC T roubleshooting
Speed Sensor C ircuit (No Signal Input) . (see page 14-91)
P0718 (15)*<2) o Blinks ON Input Shaft (M ainshaft) Speed Sensor DTC T roubleshooting
Interm ittent Failure (see page 14-91)
P0721 (9)*(2) Blinks ON Problem in O utput Shaft (Countershaft) DTC T roubleshooting
Speed Sensor Circuit (see page 14-90)
P0722 (9)*(2) Blinks ON Problem in O utput Shaft (Countershaft) DTC T roubleshooting
Speed Sensor C ircuit (No Signal Input) (see page 14-93)
P0723 (9)*<2) o ; Blinks ON O utput Shaft (Countershaft) Speed DTC Troubleshooting
Sensor Interm ittent Failure (see page 14-93)
P0731 (64) o Blinks OFF Problem in 1st Clutch and 1st Clutch DTC T roubleshooting
H ydraulic Circuit (see page 14-95)
P0732 (64) o Blinks OFF Problem in 2nd Clutch and 2nd Clutch DTC T roubleshooting
Hydraulic Circuit (see page 14-96)
P0733 (64) o Blinks OFF Problem in 3rd Clutch and 3rd Clutch DTC T roubleshooting
H ydraulic Circuit (see page 14-97)
P0734 (64) o Blinks OFF Problem in 4th Clutch and 4th Clutch DTC Troubleshooting
H ydraulic Circuit (see page 14-98)
P0735 (64) o ;Blinks OFF Problem in 5th Clutch and 5th Clutch DTC T roubleshooting
Hydraulic Circuit (see page 14-99)
P0741 (40) o B links OFF T orque C onverter Clutch H ydraulic DTC Troubleshooting
C ircuit Stuck OFF (see page 14-100)
P0746 (76) o Blinks ON A/T Clutch Pressure Control Solenoid DTC Troubleshooting
Valve A Stuck OFF (see page 14-101)
P0747 (76) o Ellinks ON A/T Clutch Pressure Control Solenoid DTC Troubleshooting
Valve A Stuck ON (see page 14-101)
P0751 (70) o Slinks ON S h ift Solenoid Valve A Stuck OFF DTC Troubleshooting
(see page 14-102)
P0752 (70) o Blinks ON S hift Solenoid Valve A Stuck ON DTC T roubleshooting
(see page 14-102)
*(1): The DTC in parentheses is th e flash code the D indicator indicates w hen the data link connector (DLC) is
connected to the HDS, and jin the SCS mode.
This code is caused by an electrical circuit problem and cannot be caused by a mechanical problem in the
transm ission.

DTC Troubleshooting Index (cont'd)

DTC*'11 Two Drive D MIL Detection Item Page

Cycle Indicator
Detection Q
P0756 (71) O Blinks ON S hift Solenoid Valve B Stuck OFF DTC T roubleshooting
(see page 14-103)
P0757 (71) O Blinks ON S hift Solenoid Valve B Stuck ON DTC T roubleshooting
(see page 14-103)
P0761 (72) o Blinks ON S hift Solenoid Valve C Stuck OFF DTC T roubleshooting
(see page 14-104)
P0762 (72) o Blinks ON S h ift S olenoid Valve C Stuck ON DTC T roubleshooting
(see page 14-104)
P0766 (73) o Blinks ON S hift Solenoid Valve D Stuck OFF DTC Troubleshooting
(see page 14-105)
P0767 (73) o Blinks ON S hift Solenoid Valve D Stuck ON DTC Troubleshooting
(see page 14-105)
P0776 (77) o Blinks ON A/T Clutch Pressure Control Sol enoid DTC Troubleshooting
Valve B Stuck OFF (see page 14-106)
P0777 (77) o Blinks ON A/T Clutch Pressure Control Sol enoid DTC Troubleshooting
Valve B Stuck ON (see page 14-106)
P0796 (78) o Blinks ON A/T Clutch Pressure Control S olenoid DTC Troubleshooting
Valve C Stuck OFF (see page 14-107)
P0797 (78) o Blinks ON A/T Clutch Pressure Control Sol enoid DTC T roubleshooting
Valve C Stuck ON (see page 14-107)
P0812 (65)*(2» o Blinks ON Open in Transm ission Range S witch DTC T roubleshooting
ATPR Switch C ircuit (see page 14-109)
P0842 (25)*(2> Blinks ON S hort in Transm ission Fluid Pressure DTC T roubleshooting
S witch A (2nd Clutch) Circuit, o r (see page 14-110)
Transm ission Fluid Pressure S w itch A
(2nd Clutch) Stuck ON
P0843 (25) Blinks ON Open in Transm ission Fluid Pressure DTC T roubleshooting
Switch A (2nd Clutch) Circuit, o r (see page 14-112)
Transm ission Fluid Pressure S w itch A
(2nd Clutch) Stuck OFF
P0847 (26)*l2> Blinks ON S hort in Transm ission Fluid P ressure DTC Troubleshooting
S witch B (3rd Clutch) Circuit, o r (see page 14-115)
Transm ission Fluid Pressure Switch B
(3rd Clutch) Stuck ON
P0848 (26) Blinks ON Open in Transm ission Fluid Pressure DTC Troubleshooting
Switch B (3rd Clutch) Circuit, o r (see page 14-117)
Transm ission Fluid Pressure S witch B
(3rd Clutch) Stuck OFF
P0872 (27)*(2) o Blinks OFF S hort in 4th Clutch T ransm ission Fluid DTC Troubleshooting
Pressure Sw itch Circuit, or 4 th Clutch (see page 14-119)
Transm ission Fluid Pressure? Switch
Stuck ON
P0873 (27) o Blinks OFF Open in 4th Clutch Transm ission Fluid DTC T roubleshooting
Pressure Switch Circuit, or 4th Clutch (see page 14-121)
Transm ission Fluid Pressure Switch
Stuck OFF
P0962 (16)*(2) Blinks ON Problem in A/T Clutch Pressure Control DTC T roubleshooting
Solenoid Valve A C ircuit (see page 14-124)
*(1 ): The DTC in parentheses is the flash code the D indicator indicates w hen the data link connector (DLC) is
connected to the HDS, and in the SCS mode.
*(2): This code is caused by an electrical circuit problem and cannot be caused by a mechanical problem in the
transm ission.
< 3 0

DTC*1 Two Drive D MIL Detection Item Page

Cycle Indicator
Detection O
P0963 (16)*' Blinks ON Problem in A/T Clutch Pressure Control DTC T roubleshoot ng
Solenoid Valve A (see page 14-127)
P0966 (23p Blinks ON Problem in A/T Clutch Pressure Control DTC Troubleshoot ng
Solenoid Valve B C ircuit (see page 14-129)
P0967 (23)* Blinks ON Problem in A/T Clutch Pressure Control DTC Troubleshoot ng
Solenoid Valve B (see page 14-132)
P0970 (29)* Blinks ON Problem in A/T Clutch Pressure Control DTC Troubleshoot ng
Solenoid Valve C C ircuit (see page 14-134)
P0971 (29)* Blinks ON Problem in A/T Clutch Pressure Control DTC Troubleshoot ng
Solenoid Valve C (see page 14-137)
P0973 (7f U) Blinks ON Short in S hift S olenoid Valve A Circuit DTC Troubleshoot ng
(see page 14-139)
P0974 (7) (2) Blinks ON Open in S hift Solenoid Valve A C ircuit DTC Troubleshoot ng
(see page 14-141)
P0976{BY12) Blinks ON Short in S hift S olenoid Valve B Circuit DTC Troubleshoot ng
(see page 14-144)
P0977 (8r Blinks ON Open in S hift Solenoid Valve B Circuit DTC T roubleshoot ng
(see page 14-147)
P0979 (22)* Blinks ON S hort in S hift S olenoid Valve C Circuit DTC Troubleshoot ng
(see page 14-150)
P0980 (22)* Blinks ON Open in S hift Solenoid Valve C Circuit DTC T roubleshoot ng
(see page 14-153)
P0982 (60)* Blinks ON S hort in S hift S olenoid Valve D Circuit DTC Troubleshoot ng
(see page 14-156)
P0983 (60)*(2 Blinks ON Open in S hift Solenoid Valve D Circuit DTC T roubleshoot ng
(see page 14-158)
P1717 (62)* o Blinks ON Open in Transm ission Range Switch DTC Troubleshoot ng
ATPRVS Switch C ircuit (see page 14-161)
P1743 (45) O Blinks OFF Problem in S hift Control System; S hift DTC T roubleshoot ng
Valve E Stuck OFF (see page 14-163)
P1744 (45) o Blinks OFF Problem in S hift C ontrol System; S hift DTC Troubleshoot ng
Valve E Stuck ON (see page 14-163)
P1745 (45) O Blinks OFF Problem in S hift Control System; Servo DTC Troubleshoot ng
Control Valve Stuck OFF or Servo Valve (see page 14-164)
Stuck OFF
P1780 (49) O Blinks ON Problem in S hift C ontrol System DTC T roubleshooting
(see page 14-165)
*( 1): The DTC in parentheses is the flash code the D indicator indicates w hen the data link connector (DLC) is
connected to the HDS, and in the SCS mode.
^(2 ): This code is caused by an electrical circu it problem and cannot be caused by a mechanical problem in the
transm ission.
Symptom Troubleshooting Index

NOTE: Do an all DTC check w ith the HDS and troubleshoot those firs t before fo llo w in g the repair procedures listed in the

S ym p to m Probable cause(s) N otes

W hen you turn • F-CAN com m unication line e rror • Check the F-CAN com m unication line (see
the ign ition • Gauge control m odule defective page 11-420).
sw itch to ON (II), • PCM defective • Check the F-CAN com m unication line by
the D indicator using the gauge control m odule
comes on and self-diagnostic function (see page 11-420).
stays on in all • Check the A/T gear position indicator drive
shift lever circuit in the gauge control m odule by using
positions, or it the gauge control m odule self-diagnostic
never com es on function (see page 22-386).
at all
A/T gear position • F-CAN com m unication line e rror • Check the F-CAN com m unication line (see
indica tor does • Gauge control m odule defective page 11-420).
not com e on • Transm ission range switch defective o r out • Check the F-CAN com m unication line by
w ith the shift o f adjustm ent using the gauge control m odule
lever is in that • S h ift cable broken or out o f adjustm ent self-diagnostic function (see page 22-386).
position • Connection between shift cable and • Check the A/T gear position indicator drive
transm ission o r sh ift lever is w orn circuit in the gauge control m odule by using
• PCM defective the gauge control m odule self-diagnostic
function (see page 22-386).
• Inspect the transm ission range sw itch (see
page 14-249).
S hift lever • Brake pedal position switch circuit • Inspect the accelerator pedal position
cannot be • Brake pedal position switch defective sensor signal (see page 11-244).
m oved fro m P • S hift lock solenoid defective • T roubleshoot the shift lock system circuit
w hile pressing • S hift lock solenoid control circuit (see page 14-259).
on the brake • S hift lock solenoid mechanism • Test the shift lock solenoid (see page
pedal • Accelerator pedal position sensor circuit 14-263).
• Accelerator pedal position sensor defective • Inspect the transm ission range sw itch (see
• T hrottle body defective page 14-249).
• Transm ission range switch ATPP switch • Reset the PCM (see page 14-7).
stuck OFF
• Transm ission range switch ATPP switch
circuit open
• Relative th ro ttle position sensor value too
• PCM defective
Ignition sw itch • Interlock control system circuit • T roubleshoot the key interlock system
cannot be • Key interlock solenoid stuck ON circuit (see page 22-97).
m oved from • Park pin sw itch stuck ON • Inspect the transm ission range sw itch (see
ACCESSORY (I) • Transm ission range switch ATPP line page 14-249).
to LOCK (0) (key opened
is pushed in, the
shift lever in P)
HDS does not • DLC circuit Troubleshoot the DLC circuit (see page
com m unicate • PCM defective 11-430).
w ith the PCM
3 ®

S ym pto m P ro b a b le cause(s) Notes

Engine runs, but • Low ATF level o Check the ATF level, and check the ATF
vehicle does not • S h ift cable broken o r out o f adjustm ent cooler line fo r leaks and loose connections.
move in any • Connection between shift cable and If necessary, clean the ATF cooler lines.
gear transm ission o r sh ift lever is w orn • Check fo r a loose sh ift cable at the sh ift lever
• A xle disengaged and the transm ission control lever.
• ATF pum p w orn o r binding • Check the stall speed (see page 14-168).
• Regulator valve stuck o r spring w orn • Check the line pressure (see page 14-169).
• ATF strainer clogged • Im proper alignm ent o f the ATF pum p and
• Foreign material in separator plate orifice the torque converter housing m ay cause the
9 M ainshaft w orn o r damaged ATF pum p seizure. The sym ptom s are
• C ountershaft w orn or damaged m o stly an rpm -related ticking noise or a high
• Final gears w orn o r damaged pitched squeak.
• Park mechanism defective • Check the regulator valve in the regulator
• Selector control shaft w orn o r damaged valve body fo r free m ovem ent. If th e valve
• Drive plate defective does not m ove, replace the reg u la tor valve
• Torque converter defective body.
• Transm ission-to-engine assem bly error • Check the ATF strainer fo r debris. If the
strainer is clogged, fin d the dam aged
com ponents that caused the debris. If no
cause fo r contam ination is found, replace
the torque converter.
• C he ckfo r a clogged orifice in the separator
plate. If the orifice is clogged, rem ove it and
clean the separator plate orifice.
• Inspect the differential pinion gears fo r
wear. If the differential pinion gears are
w orn, replace the differential assembly,
replace the ATF strainer, th o ro u g h ly clean
the transm ission, and clean the cooler and
• Replace the torque converter.
• Be careful not to dam age the torque
converter housing w hen replacing the main
ball bearing. You m ay also damage the ATF
pum p when you torque dow n the main
valve body. This w ill cause the ATF pum p
seizure, use the proper tools.
• Install the main seal flush w ith the torque
converter housing. If you push it into the
torque converter housing until it bottom s
out, it w ill block the flu id return passage and
result in damage.
• Inspect the countershaft and the secondary
shaft fo r w ear and damage.
• Inspect the park m echanism at the park lever
link, park gear, and 2nd gears.
• Check the drive plate fo r w ear and damage,
replace the drive plate if it is w orn or
• Check fo r a m isinstalled transm ission.

Symptom Troubleshooting Index (cont'd)

Symptom Probable cause(s) N otes

Vehicle moves in • A ccum ulator body defective • Check the 1st clutch pressure (see page
R, but not in D, • Idler gears w orn o r damaged 14-169).
D 3 ,2, or 1 • 1st clutch defective • Inspect the m ainshaft, the countershaft, the
secondary shaft, the interm ediary shaft, and
the idler gears fo r w ear and damage.
• Inspect the clearance between the clutch
end-plate and the top disc o f the 1st clutch. If
the clearance is out o f tolerance, replace the
1st clutch assembly.
• Replace the accum ulator body.
Vehicle moves in • 1st gear one-w ay clutch defective • Check the 1st clutch pressure (see page
2 and R, but not • 1st gears w orn o r damaged 14-169).
in D, D3, or 1 • 1st clutch defective • Inspect the m ainshaft, the countershaft, 1st
gears, and the one-way clutch fo r w ear and
• Inspect the clearance between the clutch
end-plate and the top disc o f the 1st clutch. If
the clearance is out o f tolerance, replace the
1st clutch assembly.
Vehicle moves in 1st-hold clutch defective • Check the 1st-hold clutch pressure (see page
D, D3, 2, and R, 14-169).
but not in 1 • Inspect the clearance between clutch plate B
and the to p disc of the 1st-hold clutch. If the
clearance is out of tolerance, replace the 1st
clutch assembly.
Vehicle moves in • A ccum ulator body defective • Check the 2nd clutch pressure (see page
D, D 3,1 ,a n d R, • 2nd clutch defective 14-169).
but not in 2 • Inspect the clearance between the clutch
end-plate and the top disc o f the 2nd clutch.
If the clearance is out o f tolerance, replace
the 2nd clutch.
• Replace the accum ulator body.
Vehicle m oves in • S hift fo rk shaft stuck • Check fo r a m issing shift fo rk bolt on the
D, D 3 ,2, and 1, • A ccum ulator body defective shift fo rk shaft.
but not in R (or • 5th clutch defective • Check the shift fork shaft detent fo r w ear and
moves fo rw ard • Reverse gears w orn or dam aged damage.
inR) • Reverse idler gear shaft/holder w orn o r • Replace the regulator valve body.
damaged • Check the stall speed in R (see page 14-168).
• Reverse selector o r reverse selector hub • Check the 5th clutch pressure (see page
w orn o r dam aged 14-169).
• Inspect the clearance between the clutch
end-plate and the top disc o f the 5th clutch. If
the clearance is out o f tolerance, replace the
4th/5th clutch assembly.
• Replace the accum ulator body.
• Inspect the reverse idler gear shaft/holder
fo r w ear and damage.
• Inspect the reverse selector gear teeth
chamfers, and inspect the engagem ent teeth
cham fers o f the countershaft 5th gear and
the reverse gear. Replace the reverse gears
and the reverse selector if they are w orn or
damaged. If the transm ission makes
clicking, grinding, o r w h irrin g noises, also
replace the m ainshaft 5th gear, the reverse
idler gear, and the countershaft 5th gear.
S ym pto m Probable caus@(s) ■ " Notes
Poor • Low ATF level © Check the ATF level, and check the ATF
acceleration; • S h ift cable broken or out o f adjustm ent - cooler line fo r leaks and loose connections.
flares when • ATF pum p w orn or binding If necessary, clean the ATF cooler lines.
starting o ff in D, • Regulator valve stuck o r spring w orn © Check fo r a loose shift cable at the shift lever
D3, and R • S tator shaft w orn or damaged and the transm ission control lever.
• ATF strainer clogged © Check the stall speed (see page 14-168).
• Torque converter one-way clutch defective © Check the line pressure (see page 14-169).
• Torque converter check valve defective • Im proper a lignm ent o f ATF pum p and the
• S h ift valve E defective torque converter housing m ay cause the
ATF pum p seizure. The sym ptom s are
m o stly an rpm -related ticking noise or a high
pitched squeak.
© Check the regulator valve in the regulator
valve body fo r free m o v e m e n t If the valve
does not move, replace the regulator valve
© Check the stator shaft splines fo r w ear and
© Check the ATF strainer fo r debris. If the
strainer is clogged, fin d the damaged
com ponents that caused the debris. If no
cause fo r contam ination is found, replace
the torque converter.
© Check the torque converter check valve in
the main valve body fo r free m ovem ent. If
the valve does not m ove, replace the main
valve body.
@ Check shift valve E in the m ain valve body
fo r free m ovem ent. If the valve does not
m ove, replace the main valve body.
o re p la ce the torque converter.
Poor • Low ATF level • Check the ATF level, and check the ATF
acceleration; • A ccum ulator body defective cooler line fo r leaks and loose connections.
flares w hen • 1st clutch defective If necessary, clean the ATF cooler lines.
starting o ff in D, @Check the stall speed (see page 14-168).
D3, and R; stall ® Check the 1st clutch pressure (see page
speed high in D, 14-169).
D3, 2, and 1 • Inspect the clearance between the clutch
end-plate and the top disc o f the 1st clutch. If
the clearance is out of tolerance, replace the
1st clutch assembly.
@ Replace the accum ulator body.
Poor • Low ATF level © Check the ATF level, and check the ATF
acceleration; • 1st-hold clutch defective cooler line fo r leaks and loose connections.
flares w hen If necessary, clean the ATF cooler lines.
starting o ff in D, • Check the stall speed (see page 14-168).
D3, and R; stall © Check the 1st-hold clutch pressure (see page
speed high in 1 14-169).
• Inspect the clearance between clutch plate B
and the to p disc o f the 1st-hold c l utch. If the
clearance is out o f tolerance, replace the 1st
■ Jtch assembly.

Symptom Troubleshooting Index (cont'd)

S ym pto m Probable cause(s) Notes

Poor • Low ATF level • Check the ATF level, and check the ATF
acceleration; • A ccum ulator body defective cooler line fo r leaks and loose connections.
flares w hen • 2nd clutch defective If necessary, clean the ATF cooler lines.
starting o ff in D, • Check the 2nd clutch pressure (see page
D3, and R; stall 14-169).
speed high in 2 • Inspect the clearance between the clutch
end-plate and the top disc o f the 2nd clutch.
If the clearance is out o f tolerance, replace
the 2nd clutch assembly.
• Replace the accum ulator body.
Poor • Low ATF level • Check the ATF level, and check the ATF
acceleration; • S hift cable broken o r out o f adjustm ent cooler line fo r leaks and loose connections.
flares w hen • A ccum ulator body defective If necessary, clean the ATF cooler lines.
starting o ff in D, • 5th clutch defective ® Check fo r a loose shift cable at the shift lever
D 3,and R ;stall and the selector control lever.
speed high in R ® Check the stall speed in R (see page 14-168).
® Check the 5th clutch pressure (see page
® Inspect the clearance between the clutch
end-plate and the top disc o f the 5th clutch. If
the clearance is out o f tolerance, replace the
4th/5th clutch assembly.
• Replace the accum ulator body.
Poor • Engine o utput lo w ® Check the stall speed (see page 14-168).
acceleration; in • Rocker arm defective • Check the engine control system.
D, D3, and R; • Restricted intake ® Check fuel pressure (see page 11-306).
stall speed low; • Restricted exhaust • Check fo r exhaust restriction.
engine does not • Torque converter clutch piston defective • C heckfor intake restriction.
rev to high rpm ; © Check the rocker arm (see page 6-8).
transm ission • Replace the torque converter.
does not upshift
under hard
S ym pto m Probable cause(s) N otes
Engine idle • W orn o r damaged engine o r transm ission • Check the engine and transm ission m ounts.
vibratio n; engine m ounts • Check the ATF level, and check the ATF
stalls, idles low • Low ATF level cooler line fo r leaks and loose connections.
or rough • Engine output low If necessary, clean the ATF cooler lines.
• Torque converter clutch piston defective • Check the stall speed (see page 14-168).
• S hift solenoid valve D defective • Check the engine control system.
• A /T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C • Check the line pressure (see page 14-169).
defective • Im proper a lignm ent o f the ATF pum p and
• Lock-up control valve defective the torque converter housing may cause the
• Lock-up tim in g valve defective ATF pum p seizure. The sym ptom s are
• T ig h t valves m o stly an rpm -related ticking noise or a high
pitched squeak.
• Test th e shift solenoid valve function w ith
the HDS (see page 14-173).
• Test A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
valve C w ith the HDS (see page 14-183).
• Check fo r a seized sh ift solenoid valve, and
inspect the O-rings.
• Replace the torque converter.
• Check the lock-up shift valve and the lock-up
tim in g valve in the main valve body fo r free
m ovem ent. If the valve does not m ove,
replace the m ain valve body.
• Check the lock-up control valve in the
regulator valve body fo r free m o v e m e n t If
the valve does not m ove, replace the
regulator valve body.
Vehicle moves in • Excessive ATF • Check the ATF level, and drain the ATF if it is
N • ATF tem perature sensor defective over-filled.
• Foreign m aterial in separator plate orifice • Inspect the ATF tem perature sensor
• Relief valve defective connections.
• Reverse control valve defective • Check the stall speed (see page 14-168).
• Lubrication control valve defective • Check all clutch pressures (see page 14-169).
• 1st-hold clutch defective • Check fo r a clogged orifice in the separator
• 1st clutch defective plate. If the orifice is clogged, rem ove it and
• 2nd clutch defective clean the separator plate orifice.
• 3rd clutch defective • Check the relief valve and lubrication control
• 4th clutch defective valve in the main valve body fo r free
• 5th clutch defective m ovem ent. If the valve does not move,
• Clearance between clutch end-plate and top replace the main valve body.
disc incorrect • Check the reverse control valve in the
• Needle bearing seized, w o rn , or damaged secondary valve body fo r free m ovem ent. If
• T hrust w asher seized, w orn or damaged the valve does not m ove, replace the
secondary valve body.
• Inspect the clearance between the clutch
end-plate and the to p disc o f all clutches. If
the clearance is out o f tolerance, replace the
clutch assembly.
• Check the needle bearings and the thrust
w ashers on all shafts fo r seizure, w ear, and

Symptom Troubleshooting Index (cont'd)

Symptom Probable cause(s) Notes

Delayed • W orn or damaged engine or transm ission • Check the engine and transm ission mounts.
engagem ent m ounts • Test the shift solenoid valves w ith the HDS
after shifting • S hift solenoid valve A defective (see page 14-173).
from N to D or • S hift solenoid valve B defective • Check fo r a seized shift solenoid valve, and
D3, or excessive • S hift solenoid valve C defective inspect the O-rings.
shock when • A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C • Test A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
shifting defective valve A or B w ith the HDS (see page 14-178).
• S hift cable broken o r out o f adjustm ent • Test A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
• Connection between shift cable and valve C w ith the HDS (see page 14-183).
transm ission o r sh ift lever is w orn • Check the stall speed (see page 14-168).
• Transm ission range switch out o f • Check the line pressure and 1st clutch
adjustm ent pressures (see page 14-169).
• ATF tem perature sensor defective • Inspect the A/T clutch pressure control
• CPC valve C stuck solenoid valve body gasket, the ATF feed
• ATF strainer clogged pipes, and the O-rings fo r w ear and damage.
• Foreign m aterial in separator plate orifice • Check fo r a loose shift cable at the shift lever
• S hift valve A defective and the transm ission control lever.
• S hift valve D defective • Inspect the ATF tem perature sensor
• Servo control valve defective connections.
• A ccum ulator body defective • C heckfor a clogged orifice in the separator
• 1st check ball stuck plate. If the orifice is clogged, rem ove it and
• 1st clutch defective clean the separator plate orifice.
• Clearance between clutch end-plate and top • Check the ATF strainer fo r debris. If the
disc incorrect strainer is clogged, find the damaged
com ponents that caused the debris. If no
cause fo r contam ination is found, replace
the torque converter.
• Check CPC valve C in the secondary valve
body fo r free movem ent. If the valve does
not move, replace the secondary valve
• Check shift valve A in the main valve body
fo r free movem ent. If the does not move,
replace the m ain valve body.
• Check shift valve D in the secondary valve
body fo r free m ovement. If the valve does
not move, replace the secondary valve
• Check the servo control valve in the main
valve body fo r free m o v e m e n t If the valve
does not move, replace the main valve body.
• Inspect the clearance between the clutch
end-plate and the top disc o f the 1st clutch. If
the clearance is out of tolerance, replace the
1st clutch assembly.
• Replace the accum ulator body.
• Check fo r a stuck 1st check ball in the
secondary valve body.
• Check the transm ission range switch
S ym p to m Probable cause(s) Motes
Delayed • W orn o r dam aged engine or transm ission • Check the engine and transm ission m ounts.
engagem ent m ounts • Test A/T clutch pressure co n tro l solenoid
after shifting • A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C valve C w ith the HDS (see page 14-183).
fro m N to R, or defective • Inspect the A/T clutch pressure control
excessive shock • S hift cable broken or o u t o f adjustm ent solenoid valve body gasket, the ATF feed
w hen shifting • C onnection between shift cable and pipes, and the O-rings fo r w ea r and damage.
transm ission o r sh ift lever is w orn • Check fo r a loose shift cable at the shift lever
• T ransm ission range switch ou t of and the transm ission control lever.
adjustm ent • Check the stall speed (see page 14-168).
• ATF tem perature sensor defective • Check the line pressure (see page 14-169)
• Reverse CPC valve defective and the 5th clutch pressure (see page
• ATF strainer clogged 14-169).
• Foreign m aterial in separator plate orifice • Check the ATF strainer fo r debris. If the
• 5th clutch defective strainer is clogged, fin d the damaged
com ponents that caused th e debris. If no
cause fo r contam ination is fo u n d , replace
the torque converter.
• Inspect the ATF tem perature sensor
• Check fo r a clogged orifice in the separator
plate. If the orifice is clogged, rem ove it and
clean the separator plate orifice.
• Inspect the clearance between the clutch
end-plate and the top disc o f the 5th clutch. If
the clearance is o u t o f tolerance, replace the
4th/5th clutch assembly.
• Check the transm ission range sw itch
adjustm ent.
Transm ission • Input shaft (m ainshaft) speed sensor • Check the speed sensor installation.
does not sh ift defective • Inspect the input shaft (m ainshaft) speed
• O utput shaft (countershaft) speed sensor sensor corrosion or the o u tp u t shaft
defective (countershaft) speed sensor fo r damage.
• Engine o u tp u t low • C heckfor exhaust restrictions.
• C he ckfo r intake restrictions.
• Check fuel pressure (see page 11-306).
Excessive shock • W orn o r damaged engine or transm ission e Check the engine and transm ission mounts.
or flares on all m ounts • Check the speed sensor installation.
upshifts and • Input shaft (m ainshaft) speed sensor • Inspect the input shaft (m ainshaft) speed
dow nshifts defective sensor corrosion o r the o u tp u t shaft
• O utput shaft (countershaft) speed sensor (countershaft) speed sensor fo r damage.
defective • Inspect the ATF tem perature sensor
• ATF tem perature sensor defective connections.
• Foreign m aterial in separator plate orifice • Check fo r a clogged orifice in the separator
plate. If the orifice is clogged, rem ove it and
clean the separator plate orifice.

Symptom Troubleshooting Index (cont'd)

S ym ptom Probable cause(s) Notes

Excessive shock • W orn or damaged engine o r transm ission • Check the engine and transm ission m ounts.
or flares on 1-2 m ounts © Test the transm ission flu id pressure switch
upshift or 2-1 • S hift solenoid valve A defective A (2nd clutch) operation w ith the HDS.
dow n sh ift © S hift solenoid valve C defective • Test the shift solenoid valve function w ith
• S hift solenoid valve D defective the HDS (see page 14-173).
• A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve A • Check fo r a seized sh ift solenoid valve, and
defective inspect the O-rings.
9 A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve B © Test A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
defective valve A o r B w ith the HDS (see page 14-178).
9 A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C 9 Test A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
defective valve C w ith the HDS (see page 14-183).
9 Transm ission flu id pressure sw itch A (2nd • Check the 2nd clutch pressure (see page
clutch) defective 14-169).
9 CPC valve A defective © Inspect the A/T clutch pressure control
9 CPC valve B defective solenoid valve body gasket, the ATF feed
& CPC valve C defective pipes, and the O-rings fo r w ear and damage.
® S hift valve C defective © Check fo r a clogged orifice in the separator
9 S hift valve D defective plate. If the orifice is clogged, rem ove it and
® Foreign material in separator plate orifice clean the separator plate orifice.
© A ccum ulator body defective • Check CPC valve A in the main valve body
® 2nd clutch defective fo r free m ovem ent. If the valve does not
move, replace the main valve body.
• Check CPC valves B and C in the secondary
valve body fo r free m ovem ent. If the valve
does not m ove, replace the secondary valve
• Check shift valves C and D in the secondary
valve body fo r free m ovem ent. If the valve
does not move, replace the secondary valve
• Inspect the 2nd clutch fo r w ear and damage.
• Inspect the clearance between the clutch
end-plate and the top disc o f the 2nd clutch.
If the clearance is out o f tolerance, replace
the 2nd clutch assembly.
© Replace the accum ulator body.

S ym ptom Probable cause(s) N otes

Excessive shock © W orn or damaged engine o r transm ission © Check the engine and transm ission m ounts.
or flares on 2-3 m ounts © Test the transm ission flu id pressure switch
upshift or 3-2 ® Shift solenoid valve D defective B (3rd clutch) operation w ith the HDS.
dow nshift © A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve A 9 Inspect the sh ift solenoid valve function w ith
defective the HDS.
® A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve B © Test A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
defective valve A o r B w ith the HDS (see page 14-178).
® A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C © Test A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
defective valve C w ith the HDS (see page 14-183).
® Transm ission flu id pressure sw itch B (3rd © Check fo r a seized shift solenoid valve, and
clutch) defective inspect the O-rings.
® Shift fo rk shaft stuck • Check the 2nd and 3rd clutch pressures (see
© Servo control valve defective page 14-169).
© CPC valve A defective • Inspect the A/T clutch pressure control
© CPC valve B defective solenoid valve body gasket, the ATF feed
© Lock-up shift valve defective pipes, and th e O-rings fo r w ear and damage.
© Foreign material in separator plate orifice © Check fo r a m issing shift fo rk bolt on the
• A ccum ulator body defective sh ift fo rk shaft.
• 3rd accum ulator defective • Check the s h ift fo rk shaft detent fo r w ear and
© 2nd check ball stuck damage.
® 2nd clutch defective • Check fo r a stuck servo valve in the regulator
• 3rd clutch defective valve body, replace the regulator valve
© Clearance between clutch end-plate and top body.
disc incorrect © Check the servo control valve, CPC valve A,
and the lock-up shift valve in the main valve
body fo r free m ovem ent. If the valve does
not move, replace the m ain valve body.
© Check fo r a clogged orifice in the separator
plate. If the orifice is clogged, rem ove it and
clean the separator plate orifice.
© Check CPC valve B in the secondary valve
body fo r free movem ent. If the valve does
not move, replace the secondary valve
© Inspect the clearance between the clutch
end-plate and the top disc o f the 2nd and 3rd
clutches. If the clearance is ou t o f tolerance,
replace the clutch assembly.
9 Replace the accum ulator body.
9 Check fo r a stuck 2nd check ball in the
secondary valve body.

Symptom Troubleshooting Index (cont'd)

S ym ptom Probable cause(s) Notes

Excessive shock • W orn or dam aged engine o r transm ission • Check the engine and transm ission mounts.
or flares on 3-4 m ounts • Test the 4th clutch transm ission flu id
upshift or 4-3 • A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve A pressure switch operation w ith the HDS.
dow nshift defective • Test A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
• A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve B valve A o r B w ith the HDS (see page 14-178).
defective • Test A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
• A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C valve C w ith the HDS (see page 14-183).
defective • Check the 3rd and 4th clutch pressures (see
• 4th clutch transm ission flu id pressure page 14-169).
switch defective • Inspect the A/T clutch pressure control
• S hift fo rk shaft stuck solenoid valve body gasket, the ATF feed
• Servo control valve defective pipes, and the O-rings fo r w ear and damage.
• Foreign m aterial in separator plate orifice • Check fo r a m issing shift fo rk bolt on the
• 3rd accum ulator defective shift fo rk shaft.
• A ccum ulator body defective • Check the shift fo rk shaft detent fo r w ear and
• 3rd clutch defective damage.
• 4th clutch defective • Check fo r a stuck servo valve in the regulator
• Clearance between clutch end-plate and top valve body, replace the regulator valve
disc incorrect body.
• Check the servo control valve in the main
valve body fo r free m ovem ent. If the valve
does not m ove, replace the main valve body.
• Check fo r a clogged orifice in the separator
plate. If the orifice is clogged, rem ove it and
clean the separator plate orifice.
• Inspect the clearance between the clutch
end-plate and the top disc o f the 3rd and 4th
clutches. If the clearance is out o f tolerance,
replace the clutch assembly.
• Replace the accum ulator body.
Excessive shock • A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve A • Test A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
or flares on 4-5 defective valve A o r B w ith the HDS (see page 14-178).
upshift or 5-4 • A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve B • Test A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
dow nshift defective valve C w ith the HDS (see page 14-183).
• A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C • Check the stall speed in R (see page 14-168).
defective • Check the 4th and 5th clutch pressures (see
• Foreign m aterial in separator plate orifice page 14-169).
• A ccum ulator body defective • Inspect the A/T clutch pressure control
• 4th clutch defective solenoid valve body gasket, the ATF feed
• 5th clutch defective pipes, and the O-rings fo r w ear and damage.
• Clearance between clutch end-plate and top • Check fo r a clogged orifice in the separator
disc incorrect plate. If the orifice is clogged, rem ove it and
clean the separator plate orifice.
• Inspect the clearance between the clutch
end-plate and the top disc o f the 4th and 5th
clutches. If the clearance is out o f tolerance,
replace the 4th/5th clutch assembly.
• Replace the accum ulator body.
S ym ptom Probable cause(s) N otes
Noise from • ATF pum p w orn or binding « Check the line pressure (see page 14-169).
transm ission in • ATF strainer clogged • Im proper alignm ent o f the ATF pum p and
all shift lever • M ainshaft, countershaft, secondary shaft, torque converter housing m ay cause the
positions and interm ediary shaft bearings w orn or ATF pum p seizure. The sym p to m s are
damaged m ostly an rpm -related ticking noise or a high
• Idler gears w orn or damaged pitched squeak.
• Thrust w asher seized, w orn, or damaged • Check the ATF strainer fo r debris. If the
strainer is clogged, fin d the damaged
com ponents that caused th e debris. If no
cause fo r contam ination is fo u n d , replace
the torque converter.
• Inspect th e differential pinion gears fo r
wear. If th e differential pinion gears are
w orn, replace the differential assembly,
replace th e ATF strainer, th o ro u g h ly clean
the transm ission, and clean the cooler and
• Replace th e torque converter.
• Be careful not to damage the torque
converter housing w hen replacing the main
ball bearing. You m ay also damage the ATF
pum p w hen you torque dow n th e main
valve body. This w ill cause the ATF pum p
seizure, use the proper tools.
• Install the main seal flush w ith th e torque
converter housing. If you push it into the
torque converter housing until it bottom s
out, it w ill block the flu id return passage and
result in damage.
« Inspect the countershaft and the secondary
shaft fo r w ear and damage.
0 Inspect the park m echanism at the park lever
link, park gear, and 2nd gears.
0 Inspect the mainshaft, the countershaft, the
secondary shaft, the interm ediary shaft, and
idler gears fo r w ear and damage.
0 Check the th ru st w ashers on all shafts fo r
seizure, wear, and damage.
Vehicle does not Torque converter one-way clutch defective 0 Check the stall speed (see page 14-168).
accelerate above 0 Replace the torque converter.
31 mph
(50 km/h)

Symptom Troubleshooting Index (cont'd)

S ym ptom Probable cause(s) Motes '

Vibration in all • W orn o r damaged engine or transm ission • Check the engine and transm ission m ounts.
sh ift lever m ounts © Check fo r a misassembled transm ission,
positions • Drive plate defective o r transm ission and check the drive plate fo r w ear and
m isassembled damage. Replace the drive plate if it is w orn
• Torque converter defective or damaged.
• ATF pum p w orn o r defective • Check the engine control system.
• Engine control problem o Check the stall speed (see page 14-168).
© Check the line pressure (see page 14-169).
o Im proper alignm ent o f ATF pum p and the
torque converter housing may cause the
ATF pum p seizure. The sym ptom s are
m ostly an rpm -related ticking noise or a high
pitched squeak.
© Inspect the differential pinion gears fo r
wear. If the differential pinion gears are
w orn, replace the differential assembly,
replace the ATF strainer, th o ro u g h ly clean
the transm ission, and clean the cooler and
lines (see page 14-228).
® Replace the torque converter.
© Be careful not to damage the torque
converter housing when replacing the main
ball bearing. You m ay also damage the ATF
pum p when you torque down the main
valve body. This w ill cause the ATF pum p
seizure, use the proper tools.
S h ift lever does • Transm ission range sw itch defective o r out ® Inspect the transm ission range switch. If the
not operate o f adjustm ent transm ission range switch fails the
sm oothly • Shift cable broken, binding, or o ut of inspection, replace the switch. If the
adjustm ent inspection is OK, ch e ckfo r proper
• Shift lever m echanism w orn or defective transm ission range switch installation, and
• Connection between sh ift cable and adjust the shift cable.
transm ission or shift lever is w orn © Check fo r a loose shift cable at the shift lever
• Manual valve defective and the selector control lever.
• Selector control shaft w orn or damaged © Check the manual valve in the main valve
body fo r w ear and damage, and check the
manual lever guide pin fo r w ear and
damage. If the manual valve is w orn and
damage, replace the main valve body.
Transm ission • Shift cable broken, binding, or out of © Check fo r a loose shift cable at the shift lever
does not shift adjustm ent and the selector control lever.
into P • Connection between s h ift cable and ® Inspect the countershaft and the secondary
transm ission or shift lever is w orn shaft fo r w ear and damage.
• Park m echanism defective ® Inspect the park mechanism at the park lever
• Secondary shaft 2nd gear w orn or damaged link, park gear, and 2nd gears.
S ym pto m Probable cause(s) N g\9vC
Torque ® S hift solenoid valve D defective @ Test the shift solenoid valve function w ith
converter clutch • A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C the HDS (see page 14-173).
does not operate defective • Test A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
sm oothly; • Torque converter clutch piston defective valve C w ith the HDS (see page 14-183).
torque converter • Torque converter check valve defective • C he ckfo r a seized s h ift solenoid valve, and
clutch does not • Lock-up shift valve defective inspect the O-rings.
disengage ® Lock-up control valve defective ® Check the line pressure (see page 14-169).
• Lock-up tim in g valve defective ® Inspect the A/T clutch pressure control
• S hift cable broken or out o f adjustm ent solenoid valve body gasket, the ATF feed
• Connection between shift cable and pipes, and the O-rings fo r w ear and damage.
transm ission o r shift lever is w orn • Replace the torque converter.
® Foreign m aterial in separator plate orifice ® Check the torque converter check valve, the
lock-up shift valve, and the lock-up tim in g
valve in the m ain valve body fo r free
m ovem ent. If th e valve does not m ove
replace the main valve body.
• Check the lock-up control valve in the
regulator valve body fo r free m ovem ent. If
the valve does not m ove replace the
regulator valve body.
» Check fo r a loose shift cable at the shift lever
and the transm ission control lever.
9 Check fo r a clogged orifice in the separator
plate. If the orifice is clogged, rem ove it and
clean the separator plate orifice.
A/T gear position • Transm ission range sw itch defective o r out 9 Inspect the transm ission range switch. If the
indicator does of adjustm ent transm ission range switch fails the
not indicate shift • S hift cable broken or out o f adjustm ent inspection, replace the switch. If the
lever positions • Connection between shift cable and inspection is OK, ch e ckfo r proper
transm ission or shift lever is w orn transm ission range switch installation, and
adjust the shift cable.
9 Check fo r a loose shift cable at the shift lever
and the selector control lever.
Component Location Index
SHIFT SOLENOID WIRE (2ND CLUTCH) Replacement, page 14-189 Test, page 14-183
Replacement, page 14-188 Replacement, page 14-186
Replacement, page 14-173
Replacement, page 14-188 CONTROL
Test, page 14-178
Replacement, page 14-181
Test, page 14-178
Replacement, page 14-181

Test, page 14-249
Replacement, page 14-250


SPEED SENSOR (Behind shift solenoid
Replacement, page 14-187 valve cover)
Test and
Replacement, page 14-173
Replacement, page 14-189 (Behind shift solenoid
valve cover)
Replacement, page 14-190 Replacement, page 14-173


SHIFT SOLENOID VALVE B (Behind shift solenoid
(Behind shift solenoid valve cover) valve cover)
Test and Replacement, page 14-173 Test and
Replacement, page 14-173
General Operation
General Description
The autom atic transm ission is a transverse-m ounted four-shaft design, w ith an electronically controlled hydraulic
circuit that provides five fo rw a rd speeds and one in reverse. Engine pow er is tra n sm itte d through th e torque converter,
a com bination o f shafts w hich hold gears and clutches and a differential that transm its pow er to th e d rivin g wheels.
4WD system also have a transfer assem bly w hich transm its pow er to the rear differential.
Shafts, Gears, and Clutches
Four parallel shafts hold gears and clutches. The gears on the input shaft (m ainshaft), the secondary shaft, and the
interm ediary shaft are in constant mesh w ith those on the o utput shaft (countershaft). When specific gears are engaged
by the clutches, pow er is transm itted through the mainshaft, to the secondary shaft, th e interm ediary shaft, and/or the
countershaft, then to the final drive gear o f the differential to provide drive.
Shift Control Mechanism
To shift gears, the PCM controls shift solenoid valves A, B, C, and D, and autom atic transm ission (A/T) clutch pressure
control solenoid valves A, B, and C. The shift solenoid valves change the positions o f the shift valves in the valve body
w hich open and close ports to send hydraulic pressure to the appropriate clutch. A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
valves A, B, and C change the position o f CPC valves A and B, and the reverse CPC valve, to control hydraulic pressure
going to the clutches, w hich allow s sm ooth shifts between gears.
Electronic Control
S hifting and lock-up is achieved by a system o f solenoid valves driven by the PCM to control ATF flo w through various
valves in the valve bodies to select the appropriate gears fo r all d rivin g conditions.
Hydraulic Control
The valve bodies include the main valve body, the regulator valve body, the secondary valve body, and the accum ulator
body. They are m ounted to the torque converter housing. Fluid fro m the regulator valve passes thro u g h the manual
valve to the various control valves. A ll the clutches receive flu id fro m the internal hydraulic circuit.
Torque Converter
The torque converter is a flu id coupling, w hich allow s the engine to spin independently o f the transm ission yet connects
them together as needed. It is an assem bly that consists of an im peller (pump), turbine, stator, and torque converter
clutch, w hich uses ATF to tra n s m it engine pow er to the input shaft (m ainshaft), and acts as a flyw heel to help the engine
run sm oothly. During certain conditions the torque converter clutch piston is engaged by the PCM to m echanically
connect the engine's crankshaft w ith the inp u t shaft (m ainshaft) w hich im proves fuel economy. A ro u n d the outside o f
the torque converter housing is a ring gear w hich meshes w ith the starter ring gear, used by the starter to start the
Lock-Up Mechanism
The lock-up m echanism causes the input shaft (m ainshaft) to rotate at the same speed as the engine crankshaft.
Pressurized ATF is drained fro m between the torque converter cover and the torque converter clutch piston through a
flu id passage, causing the torque converter clutch piston to be held against the torque converter housing. Together w ith
the hydraulic control, the PCM optim izes the tim in g and degree o f lock-up. The lock-up mechanism operates in D (2nd,
3rd, 4th, and 5th gears) and in D3 (2nd and 3rd gears).

System Description (cont'd)

General Operation (cont'd)

Gear Selection
The shift lever has seven positions; P: PARK, R: REVERSE, N: NEUTRAL, D: DRIVE 1st through 5th gear, D3: DRIVE 1st
through 3rd gear, 2: SECOND, and 1: FIRST.

Position D escription
P: PARK Front w heels locked; the park pawl engaged w ith the park gear on the secondary shaft.
A ll clutches are released.
R: REVERSE Reverse; the reverse selector engaged w ith the countershaft reverse gear and the 5th
clutch engaged.
N: NEUTRAL A ll clutches are released.
D: DRIVE General d rivin g ; starts o ff in 1st gear, shifts to 2nd, 3rd, 4th gear, then 5th gear,
(1st through 5th gear) depending on the vehicle speed and the th ro ttle position. Dow nshifts through 4th, 3rd,
2nd, and 1st gear on deceleration to stop. The lock-up mechanism operates in 2nd, 3rd,
4th, and 5th gears.
D3; DRIVE Used fo r rapid acceleration at highw ay speeds and general d riving, up-hill and
(1st through 3rd gear) dow n-hill d rivin g ; starts o ff in 1st gear, shifts to 2nd gear, then 3rd gear, depending oh
the vehicle speed and the th ro ttle position. D ow nshifts through 2nd and 1st gear on
deceleration to stop. The lock-up mechanism operates in 2nd and 3rd gears.
2; SECOND Used fo r engine braking o r better traction starting o ff on loose o r slippery surfaces;
stays in 2nd gear, does not s h ift up and down.
1; FIRST Used fo r engine braking; stays in 1st gear, does not s h ift up.
Starting the engine is possible o nly in P and N because o f a neutral-safety sw itch b u ilt into the transm ission range
A u to m a tic Transm ission (A/T) Gear Position Indicator
The A/T gear position indicator in the gauge control m odule shows w hich shift lever position has been selected w ith o u t
having look dow n at the console.
Transfer A ssem bly (4WD)
The transfer assem bly consists o f the transfer hypoid drive gear/shaft assembly, the transfer output shaft (hypoid gear),
and the com panion flange. The transfer assem bly is on the rear side o f the transm ission, beside the differential. The
transfer drive gear on the differential drives the transfer o u tp u t shaft in the transm ission. The transfer output shaft in the
transm ission is connected to the transfer hypoid drive gear/shaft assem bly by splines. Power is transm itted fro m the
transfer drive gear on the differential to the rear differential via the transfer assem bly and the propeller shaft.
Clutches and Gears
The five-speed autom atic transm ission uses hydrauIicaIly-actuated clutches to engage or disengage the transm ission
gears. W hen hydraulic pressure is introduced into the clutch drum , the clutch piston m oves. This presses th e friction
discs and the steel plates together, locking them so th e y do not slip. Power is then transm itted th ro u g h the engaged
clutch pack to its hub-m ounted gear. Likewise, w hen the hydraulic pressure is bled fro m th e clutch pack, the piston
releases the frictio n discs and the steel plates, and they are free to slide past each other. This allow s the gear to spin
independently on its shaft, tra n sm ittin g no power.
1st Clutch
The 1st clutch engages/disengages 1st gear, and is located at the left end o f the secondary shaft. The 1st clutch is
supplied hydraulic pressure by its ATF feed pipe w ith in the secondary shaft.
Ist-Hold Clutch
The -tst-hold clutch engages/disengages 1st-hold in 1st gear in 1. The 1st-hold clutch is located in the 1st clutch drum ,
and is supplied hydraulic pressure by its ATF feed pipe w ith in the secondary shaft.
2nd Clutch
The 2nd clutch engages/disengages 2nd gear, and is located at the rig h t end o f the secondary shaft. The 2nd clutch is
supplied hydraulic pressure through the secondary shaft by a circu it connected to the internal hydraulic circuit.
3rd Clutch
The 3rd clutch engages/disengages 3rd gear, and is located at the end o f the interm ediary shaft. The 3rd clutch is
supplied hydraulic pressure through the interm ediary shaft by a circu it connected to the internal hydraulic circuit.
4th Clutch
The 4th clutch engages/disengages 4th gear, and is located at the m iddle o f the mainshaft. The 4th clutch is joined
back-to-back to the 5th clutch. The 4th clutch is supplied hydraulic pressure through the m ainshaft by a circuit connected
to the internal hydraulic circuit.
5th Clutch
The 5th clutch engages/disengages 5th gear, as w ell as reverse gear, and is located at the m iddle of the m ainshaft. The
5th clutch is joined back-to-back to the 4th clutch. The 5th clutch is supplied hydraulic pressure through the m ainshaft by
a circuit connected to the internal hydraulic circuit.
One-Way Clutch
The one-w ay clutch is positioned between the 1st clutch hub and the secondary shaft 1st gear. The secondary shaft 1st
gear is splined to the 1st-hold clutch hub, w ith the 1st-hold clutch hub splined to the secondary shaft. The secondary
shaft 1st gear provides the outer race surface, and the 1st clutch hub provides the inner race surface. The one-way clutch
locks when pow er is transm itted fro m the secondary shaft 1st gear to the countershaft 1st gear. The 1st clutch and gears
rem ain engaged in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th gear ranges in D, and in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd gear ranges in D3.
However, the one-way clutch disengages w hen the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th clutches and gears are applied in D o r D3. This is
because the increased rotational speed o f the gears on the secondary shaft causes the one-way clutch to free-wheel w ith
the 1st clutch still engaged.
System Description (cont'd)

Clutches and Gears (cont'd)

Transmission Cutaway View
NOTE: This illustration shows 4WD transmission, the 2WD does not have the transfer assembly.









( S &

Gear Operation
Gears on the mainshaft;
• 4th gear is engaged/disengaged w ith the m ainshaft by the 4th clutch.
• 5th gear is engaged/disengages w ith the m ainshaft by the 5th clutch.
• Reverse gear is engaged/disengaged w ith the m ainshaft by the 5th clutch.
• 3rd gear is splined w ith the m ainshaft and rotates w ith the mainshaft.

Gears on the countershaft:

• Final drive gear is inte g ra l w ith the countershaft.
• 1st gear, 2nd gear, and 4th gear are splined w ith the countershaft, and rotate w ith the countershaft.
• 5th gear and reverse gear rotate fre e ly fro m the countershaft. The reverse selector engages 5th gear and reverse gear
with the reverse selector hub. The reverse selector hub is splined to the countershaft so 5th gear and reverse gear
engage w ith the countershaft.
• Idler gear is located over 2nd gear, and rotates fre e ly fro m the countershaft.
Gears on the secondary shaft:
• 1st gear is engaged w ith the secondary shaft by the 1st clutch and the one-way clutch w hen accelerating, and 1st gear
is disengaged fro m the 1st clutch at the one-way clutch w hen decelerating. 1st gear is engaged w ith the secondary
shaft by the 1st-hold clutch when decelerating fo r engine braking.
• 2nd gear is engaged/disengaged w ith the secondary shaft by the 2nd clutch.
• Idler gear is splined w ith the secondary shaft, and rotates w ith the secondary shaft.
• Park gear is integral w ith 2nd gear.

Gears on the interm ediary shaft:

• 3rd gear is engaged/disengaged w ith the interm ediary shaft by the 3rd clutch.
• 4th gear is splined w ith the interm ediary shaft.
System Description (cont'd)

Power Flow
P P osition
H ydraulic pressure is not applied to the clutches. Power is not transm itted to the countershaft. The countershaft is
locked by the park pawl interlocking the park gear.
N Position
Engine pow er transm itted fro m the m ainshaft, drives the m ainshaft 3rd gear and the interm ediary shaft 3rd gear, but
hydraulic pressure is not applied to the clutches. Power is not transm itted to the countershaft. In this position, the
position o f the reverse selector differs according to w hether the shift lever shifted from D o r R:
• W hen shifted fro m D, the reverse selector engages w ith the countershaft 5th gear and the reverse selector hub, and
5th gear engages w ith the countershaft.
• W hen shifted fro m R, the reverse selector engages w ith the countershaft reverse gear and the reverse selector hub,
and the reverse gear engages w ith the countershaft.

NOTE: This illustration shows 4WD transm ission, the 2WD does not have the transfer assembly.
D and 03 Position
In D, the optim um gear is autom atically selected fro m 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th gears; and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd gears in D3
according to various input conditions between the accelerator pedal opening (engine loading) and the vehicle speed.
Ira 1st Gear
® H ydraulic pressure is applied to the 1st clutch, then the 1st clutch engages the secondary shaft 1st gear w ith the
secondary shaft by the one-way clutch.
® The m ainshaft 3rd gear drives the secondary shaft via the countershaft idle r gear and the secondary shaft idler gear.
® The secondary shaft 1st gear drives the countershaft 1st gear and the countershaft.
® Power is transm itted to the final drive gear, w hich in turn drives the final driven gear and the fro n t differential.
® 4WD: As the final driven gear turns the fro n t differential, pow er is transm itted thro u g h the transfer drive gear to the
transfer ou tp u t shaft that drives the transfer hypoid drive gear/shaft and the transfer o u tp u t shaft (hypoid gear).

NOTE: This illustration shows 4WD transm ission, the 2WD does not have the transfer assembly.

System Description (cont'd)

Power Flow fcont'dj

In 2nd Gear
® H ydraulic pressure is applied to the 2 nd clutch, then the 2nd clutch engages the secondary shaft 2nd gear w ith the
secondary shaft.
9 The m ainshaft 3rd gear drives the secondary shaft via the countershaft idler gear and the secondary shaft idler gear.
® The secondary shaft 2 nd gear drives the countershaft 2 nd gear and the countershaft.
• 4WD: Power is transm itted to the final drive gear, w hich in turn drives the final driven gear and the transfer drive gear.
9 Power is transm itted to the final drive gear, w hich in tu rn drives the final driven gear and the fro n t differential.
• 4W D : As the fin a l driven gear turns the fro n t differential, pow er is transm itted through the transfer drive gear to the
transfer outpu t shaft that drives the transfer hypoid drive gear/shaft and the transfer o u tp u t shaft (hypoid gear).
9 H ydraulic pressure is also applied to the 1 st clutch, but since the rotation speed o f 2nd gear exceeds that o f 1st gear,
pow er fro m 1 st gear is cut o ff at the one-w ay clutch.
NOTE: This illustration shows 4WD transm ission, the 2WD does not have the transfer assembly.
In 3rd Gear
• H ydraulic pressure is applied to the 3rd clutch, then the 3rd clutch engages the interm ediary shaft 3rd gear w ith the
interm ediary shaft.
• The m ainshaft 3rd gear drives the interm ediary shaft 4th gear via the interm ediary shaft 3rd gear and th e 3rd clutch.
• The interm ediary shaft 4th gear drives the countershaft 4th gear and the countershaft via the m ainshaft 4th gear.
• 4WD: Power is tra n sm itte d to the final drive gear, w hich in turn drives the final driven gear and the transfer drive gear.
• Power is tra n sm itte d to the final drive gear, w hich in turn drives the final driven gear and the fro n t differential.
• 4WD: As the final driven gear turns the fro n t differential, pow er is transm itted through the transfer drive gear to the
transfer o u tp u t shaft th a t drives the transfer hypoid drive gear/shaft and the transfer o utput shaft (hypoid gear).
• Hydraulic pressure is also applied to the 1st clutch, but since the rotation speed o f 3rd gear exceeds th a t o f 1st gear,
power fro m 1st gear is cut o ff at the one-way clutch.

NOTE: This illustration shows 4WD transm ission, the 2 W D does not have the transfer assembly.

System Description (cont'd)

Power Flow (cont'd)

In 4th Gear
• H ydraulic pressure is applied to the 4th clutch, then the 4th clutch engages the m ainshaft 4th gear w ith the mainshaft.
• The m ainshaft 4th gear drives the countershaft 4th gear and the countershaft.
• 4WD: Power is transm itted to the final drive gear, w hich in turn drives the final driven gear and the transfer drive gear.
• Power is transm itted to the final drive gear, w hich in tu rn drives the final driven gear and the fro n t differential.
• 4WD: As the final driven gear turns the fro n t differential, pow er is transm itted through the transfer drive gear to the
transfer o utp ut shaft that drives the transfer hypoid drive gear/shaft and the transfer output shaft (hypoid gear).
• H ydraulic pressure is also applied to the 1st clutch, but since the rotation speed o f 4th gear exceeds that o f 1st gear,
pow er fro m 1st gear is cut o ff at the one-w ay clutch.
NOTE: This illustration shows 4WD transm ission, the 2WD does not have the transfer assembly.
In 5th Gear
• Hydraulic pressure is applied to the servo valve to engage the reverse selector with the countershaft 5th gear while
the shift lever is in D.
• Hydraulic pressure is applied to the 5th clutch, then the 5th clutch engages th e m ainshaft 5th gear w ith the mainshaft.
• The m ainshaft 5th gear drives the countershaft 5th gear, w hich drives the reverse selector hub and the countershaft.
• 4WD: Power is transm itted to the final drive gear, w hich in tu rn drives the fin a l driven gear and the transfer drive gear.
• Power is transm itted to the final drive gear, w hich in turn drives the final driven gear and the fro n t differential.
• 4WD: As the final driven gear turns the fro n t differential, pow er is tra n sm itte d through th e transfer drive gear to the
transfer o u tp u t shaft that drives the transfer hypoid drive gear/shaft and the transfer ou tp u t shaft (hypoid gear).
• Hydraulic pressure is also applied to the 1st clutch, but since the rotation speed o f 5th gear exceeds th a t o f 1st gear,
pow er fro m 1st gear is cut o ff at the one-w ay clutch.

NOTE: This illustration shows 4WD transm ission, the 2WD does not have the tra n sfe r assembly.

System Description (cont'd)

Power Flow (cont'd)

Acceleration in 1st Gear in 1
In 1, hydraulic pressure is applied to the 1st clutch and the 1st-hold clutch. The power flo w w hen accelerating is as
follow s:
• H ydraulic pressure is applied to the 1st clutch, then the 1st clutch engages the secondary shaft 1st gear w ith the
secondary shaft by the one-w ay clutch.
• The m ainshaft 3rd gear drives the secondary shaft via the countershaft idler gear and the secondary shaft idler gear.
• The secondary shaft 1st gear drives the countershaft 1st gear and the countershaft.
• H ydraulic pressure is also applied to the 1st-hold clutch, and the 1st-hold clutch engages the secondary shaft 1st gear
w ith the secondary shaft.
• 4WD: Power is transm itted to the final drive gear, w hich in turn drives the final driven gear and the transfer drive gear.
• Power is transm itted to the final drive gear, w hich in turn drives the final driven gear and the fro n t differential.
• 4WD: As the final driven gear turns the fro n t differential, pow er is transm itted through the transfer drive gear to the
transfer ou tp u t shaft that drives the transfer hypoid drive gear/shaft and the transfer o utput shaft (hypoid gear).
NOTE: This illustration shows 4WD transm ission, the 2WD does not have the transfer assembly.
Deceleration in 1st Gear In 1
The pow er flo w in 1 w hen decelerating is as follow s:
• H ydraulic pressure is ap p lied to the 1st clutch and the 1st-hold clutch.
• Rolling resistance fro m the road surface goes through the fro n t w heels to the final driven gear, then to the
countershaft idler gear via the 1st-hold clutch, the secondary shaft 1st gear, and the secondary shaft idle r gear.
• The one-w ay clutch cannot tra n sm it pow er because the application o f torque is reversed.
• The force transm itted to the secondary shaft idle r gear turns the m ainshaft 3rd gear via the countershaft idler gear. As
a result, engine braking can be obtained w ith 1st gear.
NOTE: This illustration shows 4WD transm ission, the 2WD does no t have the transfer assembly.

System Description (cont'd)

Power Flow (cont'd)

R Position
• Hydraulic pressure is applied to the servo valve to engage the reverse selector w ith the countershaft reverse gear
w hile the shift lever is in R.
• Hydraulic pressure is applied to the 5th clutch, then the 5th clutch engages the m ainshaft reverse gear w ith the
m ainshaft.
0 The m ainshaft reverse gear drives the countershaft reverse gear via the reverse idler gear.
• The countershaft reverse gear drives the countershaft via the reverse selector w hich drives the reverse selector hub.
• The rotation direction o f the countershaft is changed by the reverse idler gear.
• 4WD: Power is transm itted to the final drive gear, w hich in tu rn drives the final driven gear and the transfer drive gear.
• Power is transm itted to the final drive gear, w hich in turn drives the final driven gear and the fro n t differential.
• 4WD: As the final driven gear turns the fro n t differential, pow er is transm itted through the transfer drive gear to the
transfer output shaft that drives the transfer hypoid drive gear/shaft and the transfer o utput shaft (hypoid gear).

NOTE: This illustration shows 4WD transm ission, the 2WD does not have the transfer assembly.
< ■0

Electronic Control System

Electronic C ontrol
The electronic control system consists o f the pow ertrain control m odule (PCM), sensors, switches, and solenoid valves.
Functional Diagram
The PCM receives input signals fro m sensors, sw itches, and other control units, processes data, and outputs signals fo r
the engine control system and A/T control system . The A/T control system includes sh ift control, grade logic control,
clutch pressure control, and lock-up control. The PCM switches the s h ift solenoid valves and the A /T clutch pressure
control solenoid valves ON and OFF to control gear selection and the to rque converter clutch lock-up.


Engine RPM Signal —

Accelerator Pedal
Position Sensor Signal PGM-FI Control System
Throttle Position
Sensor Signal

Engine Coolant
Tem perature Sensor Signal

Barometric Pressure
Sensor Signal
A /T Control System
M anifold Absolute
Pressure Sensor Signal Shift Solenoid Valve A
ATF Tem perature Shift Control Shift Solenoid Valve B
Sensor Signal • Grade Logic Control
•Decel eration Control Shift Solenoid Valve C
Service Check Signal • Shift-Hold Control
• Cruise Control
Dow nshift Request Shift Solenoid Valve D Autom atic
VSA M odulator-Control Five-Speed
U nit Signal — and
D A /T Clutch Pressure
n Control Solenoid Valve A
Transmission Al
Range Switch n
U A /T Clutch Pressure
Clutch Pressure Control
Signal D3 Control Solenoid Valve B
A /T Clutch Pressure
II T Control Solenoid Valve C

Cruise Control Signal

Lock-Up Control L Lock-Up

Input Shaft (Mainshaft) Conditions
Speed Sensor Signal • A /T Gear Position
Indicator Control Indicator
O utput Shaft (Countershaft) • D Indicator
Speed Sensor Signal

Transmission Fluid Pressure Shift Lock Control Shift Lock Solenoid

Switch A (2nd Clutch) Signal

Transmission Fluid Pressure

Switch B (3rd Clutch) Signal ■ Self-Diagnosis/
Fail-Safe Function • Vehicle Speed Signal
4th Clutch Transmission Fluid • Communication and • Data Link Connector
Pressure Switch Signal O utput Function

Brake Pedal Position

Switch Signal —
System Description (cont'd)

Electronic Control System (cont'd)

Shif t C ontrol
The PCM instantly determ ines w hich gear should be selected by various inputs fro m sensors and switches, and it
actuates shift solenoid valves A, B, C, and D to control gear selection.
There are tw o types o f shift solenoid valves:
• S hift solenoid valves A and D use the ON-OPEN/OFF-CLOSE type; the s h ift solenoid valve opens the port o f shift
solenoid valve pressure w hile th e shift solenoid valve is turned ON by the PCM, and closes the port w hen shift
solenoid valve is OFF.
• S hift solenoid valves B and C use the ON-CLOSE/OFF-OPEN type; the shift solenoid valve closes the port o f shift
solenoid valve pressure w hile th e shift solenoid valve is turned ON by the PCM, and opens the port w hen shift
solenoid valve is OFF.
The com bination o f driving signals to shift solenoid valves A, B, C, and D are shown in the table.
Position Gear Position S h ift Solenoid Valve
D and D3 S hifting fro m N OFF ON OFF OFF
Stays in 1st OFF ON ON OFF
S hifting gears between 1st and 2nd ON ON ON OFF or ON
Stays in 2nd ON ON OFF OFF or ON
Shifting gears between 2nd and 3rd ON ON ON OFF or ON
Stays in 3rd ON OFF ON OFF o r ON
D S hifting gears between 3rd and 4th ON OFF OFF OFF o r ON
Stays in 4th OFF OFF OFF OFF o r ON
S hifting gears between 4th and 5th OFF OFF ON OFF or ON
Stays in 5th OFF ON ON OFF or ON
2 2nd ON ON OFF OFF or ON
R S hifting fro m P o r N OFF ON OFF ON
Stays in reverse ON ON OFF ON
Reverse in h ib it control OFF ON OFF OFF
Shift Control - Grade Logic Control
The grade logic control system has been included to im prove sh iftin g in D and D3. The PCM com pares actual driving
conditions w ith program m ed d rivin g conditions, based on the in p u t fro m the accelerator pedal position sensor, the
engine coolant tem perature sensor, the barom etric pressure sensor, the brake pedal position sw itch, and the
transm ission range sw itch, to im prove shifting w hile the vehicle is ascending or descending a slope.

System Description (cont'd)

Electronic Control System (cont'd)

Grade Logic Control: Ascending Control
When the PCM determ ines that the vehicle is clim b in g a h ill in D and D3, the PCM extends the engagem ent area of 2nd
gear, 3rd gear, and 4th gear to prevent the transmission from frequently shifting between 2nd and 3rd gears, between
3rd and 4th gears, and between 4th and 5th gears, so the vehicle can run sm oothly and have m ore pow er when needed.

ASCENDING MODE: Upshift Schedule





Grade Logic Control: Descending Control

W hen the PGM determ ines that the vehicle is going dow n a h ill in D and D3, the upshift speed fro m 4th to 5th gear, from
3rd to 4th gear, and fro m 2nd to 3rd gear (when the th ro ttle is closed) becomes higher than the set speed fo r fla t road
driving to extend the 4th gear, 3rd gear, and 2nd gear driving conditions or modes. This, in com bination w ith engine
braking fro m the deceleration lock-up, achieves sm ooth driving w hen the vehicle is descending. There are three
descending modes stored in the PCM w ith different 4th gear, 3rd gear, and 2nd gear driving conditions or modes based
on the steepness o f the grade. W hen the vehicle is in 5th or 4th gear and the vehicle is decelerating w hile applying the
brakes on a steep hill, the transm ission dow nshifts to a low er gear. W hen you accelerate, the transm ission then returns
to a higher gear.

DESCENDING MODE: Downshift Schedule





Deceleration Control
When the vehicle goes around a comer and needs to decelerate first and then accelerate, the PCM goes into the
deceleration control m ode to reduce the num ber o f tim es the transm ission shifts. W hen th e vehicle is decelerating fro m
speeds above 25 m ph (40 km/h), the PCM shifts the transm ission fro m 4th to 3rd gear earlier than norm al.
Shift-Hold Control
When negotiating w in d in g roads, if the th ro ttle is suddenly released and the brakes are applied, as is the case when
decelerating at the entrance o f a corner, shift-hold c o n tro l keeps the transm ission in its current (lower) gear as it
negotiates the corner and accelerates out.
W hen the vehicle is driven aggressively on a w in d in g road, the PCM extends the engagem ent tim e o f 3rd gear and 4th
gear to prevent the transm ission fro m frequently shifting between 3rd, 4th, and 5th gears. This allow s the d rive r to have
m ore control fo r both acceleration and deceleration.
The PCM m onitors the change in vehicle speed and th ro ttle o v e rtim e . W hen these values exceed those fo r normal
driving conditions, the u p sh ift fro m 3rd to 4th gear and 4th to 5th gear are delayed. This gives m ore control over power,
and engine braking w hen the d rive r is d rivin g aggressively around w in d in g roads. The transm ission resumes the
norm al upshift pattern after the PCM determ ines th a t norm al d riving has resumed.

: Throttle released and brakes applied

Operation pattern of

. 5 th . 5 5 5
Shift pattern of 3rd
automatic transmission

Shift pattern of 3rd

Shift-Hold Control
automatic transmission

System Description (cont'd)

Electronic Control System (cont'd)

Clutch Pressure Control
The PCM actuates A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valves A, B, and C to control the clutch pressure. W hen shifting
between gears, the clutch pressure is regulated by A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valves A, B, and C engages and
disengages the clutch sm o o th ly.
The PCM receives input signals fro m the various sensors and switches, processes data, and outputs current to A/T
clutch pressure control solenoid valves A, B, and C.

Lock-Up Control
S hift solenoid valve D controls hydraulic pressure to switch the lock-up sh ift valve ON and OFF. W hen the PCM actuates
shift solenoid valve D and A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C ON, and lock-up starts. A/T clutch pressure
control solenoid valve C applies and regulates hydraulic pressure to the lock-up control valve to control the am ount of
lock-up. The lock-up m echanism operates in D (2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th gears) and in D3 (2nd and 3rd gears), o n ly on
deceleration, and above 60 mph (97 km/h).

System Description (cont'd)

Electronic Control System (cont'd)

PCM A/T Control System El ectrical Connections
: F-CAN line


bat/ 3 \ ig i
C21 ----
B10 ----
—<txjo—| |—££<) SLS
B3 ---
C28 --- -----
--- cr^o--- BKSW
m B36
vcci o-
P) (R) CN) (D) $53) (2 ) (1 SG1 6

o >o—---------
PG1 C38
—O T)---------

LG2 —O T).... ...-.-.-..
PCM Connector Terminal Locations

J 1 I 2 3 | 4 | 5 | 6| 7 T8 9 |10| 1 J 1 12 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 T 8 9 h°l J 1I 2 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 9 |10|

111213 14 15 16 19 2021
1 11 12 13 14h5 16 1718 19 20 21 11 12 13 1 4 1 5 16
1715 19 20 21
2223 24 > < 25 1715
> < 26 27 28 1 22 23 24 > < 25 > c 26 27 28 22 23 24 X 25 X 26 27 28
29 30 31 3233 34 3536 37 38 39 29 30 31 3233 34 3536 37 38 39



29 30 31 37 38 39
40 41 42143144145146147 481491 |40|41 42143144145146 47 48|49| I40i41 42143144145146147 48|49|
A □ (49P) B A (49P) C O (49P)
Terminal side of female terminals
Terminal Wi re Color Terminal Name Description Signal
1 RED VBS0L2 (POWER Power source for With ignition switch ON (II): battery voltage
SOURCE FOR solenoid valves
2 PNK SLS (SHIFT LOCK Drives shift lock With ignition switch ON (II), in P, brake pedal
SOLENOID) solenoid pressed, and accelerator pedal released:
about 0 V
6 GRN MRLY (PGM-FI MAIN Drives PGM-FI With ignition switch ON (II): about 0 V
RELAY 1) main relay 1 With ignition switch in LOCK (0): battery
8 LT GRN BKSW (BRAKE Detects brake pedal With brake pedal released: about 0 V
PEDAL POSITION position switch With brake pedal pressed: battery voltage
SWITCH) signal
16 GRN ATPP Detects In P: about 0 V
(TRANSMISSION transmission range In any position other than P: more than 5.0 V
RANGE SWITCH P switch P position
POSITION) signal
32 ORN SCS (SERVICE Detects service With service check signal shorted with the
CHECK SIGNAL) check signal HDS: about 0 V
With service check signal opened: about 5.0 V
48 WHT F-CAN H (F-CAN Sends With ignition switch ON (II): pulses
COMMUNICATION communication
49 RED F-CAN L (F-CAN Sends With ignition switch ON (II): pulses
COMMUNICATION communication
SIGNAL LOW) signal

System Description (cont'd)

Electronic Control System (cont'd)

PCM A/T Control System Inputs and Outputs at PCM Connector B A (49P)

f r1 r| >
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 25 26 27 28
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
Term inal side o f fem ale term inals

Terminal Wire Color Terminal Name Description Signal

1 BLK PG2 (POWER Ground circuit for Less than 0.2 V at all times
2 TAN VBSOL (POWER Power source for With ignition switch ON (II): battery voltage
SOURCE FOR solenoid valves
3 YEL IGP (POWER Power source for With ignition switch ON (II): battery voltage
SOURCE) PCM circuit
10 PUR LSB (A/T CLUTCH Drives A/T clutch With ignition switch ON (II): current controlled
PRESSURE pressure control
CONTROL solenoid valve B
21 PNK LSC (A/T CLUTCH Drives A/T clutch With ignition switch ON (II): current controlled
PRESSURE pressure control
CONTROL solenoid valve C
34 BLU SG1 (SENSOR Sensor ground Less than 0.2 V at all times
36 PNK VCC1 (SENSOR Provides sensor With ignition switch ON (II): about 5.0 V
VOLTAGE) reference voltage
37 RED NM (INPUT SHAFT Detects input shaft With ignition switch ON (II): about 0 Vor about
(MAINSHAFT) (mainshaft) speed 5.0 V
SPEED SENSOR) sensor signal With engine running in N: about 2.5 V
38 TAN NC (OUTPUT SHAFT Detects output With ignition switch ON (II): about 0 Vor about
(COUNTERSHAFT) shaft (countershaft) 5.0 V
SPEED SENSOR) speed sensor With driving: pulses
40 BLK PG1 (POWER Ground circuit for Less than 0.2 V at all times
41 BRN LG2 (LOGIC Ground circuit for Less than 0.2 V at all times
42 GRY IG1 (IGNITION Detects ignition With ignition switch ON (II): battery voltage
SIGNAL) signal
ri ri
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 X X 25 26 27 28

29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 39
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

T erm inal si de of fem ale te rm inals
Terminal Wire Color Terminal Name Description Signal
9 PUR SHD (SHIFT Drives shift With engine running in P, R, D, and D3 during
SOLENOID VALVE solenoid valve D lock-up condition: battery voltage
D) With engine running in N, D, and D3 during no
lock-up condition: about 0 V
12 TAN VCC2 (SENSOR Provides sensor With ignition switch ON (II): about 5.0 V
VOLTAGE) reference voltage
16 GRY SG2 (SENSOR Sensor ground Less than 0.2 V at all times
17 LT GRN ATPD Detects In D: about 0 V
(TRANSMISSION transmission range In any position other than D: about 5.0 V
RANGE SWITCH D switch D position
POSITION) signal
18 . YEL ATPFWD Detects In D, D3, and 2: about 0 V
(TRANSMISSION transmission range In any position other than D, D3, and 2: about
RANGE SWITCH switch D, D3, and 2 5.0 V
FWD) position signals
19 PNK ATPRVS Detects In P, R, and N: about 0 V
(TRANSMISSION transmission range In any position other than P, R, and N: about
RANGE SWITCH switch P, R, and N 5.0 V
RVS) position signals
20 BLU SHA (SHIFT Drives shift With engine running in R, 2, D (in 2nd and 3rd
SOLENOID VALVE solenoid valve A gears), and D3 (in 2nd and 3rd gears): battery
A) voltage
With engine running in P, N, 1, D (in 1st, 4th,
and 5th gears), and D3 (in 1st gear): about 0 V
21 RED LSA (A/T CLUTCH Drives A/T clutch With ignition switch ON (II): current controlled
PRESSURE pressure control
CONTROL solenoid valve A
System Description (cont'd)

Electronic Control System (cont'd)

PCM A /T Control System Inputs and Outputs at PCM connector C O (49P)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 ■
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23
29 30
X X 25 26
32 33 34 35 36 37
27 28
38 39

40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
T erm i nal side o f fe m a l e te rm in a l s

Terminal Wire Col or Terminal Name Description Signal

25 WHT ATPR (TRANSMISSION Detects transm ission In R: about 0 V
RANGE SWITCH R range switch R In any position other than R: more than 5.0 V
POSITION) position si gnal
26 PUR ATPN (TRANSMISSION Detects transmission In N: about 0 V
RANGE SWITCH N range switch N In any position other than N: battery voltage
POSITION) position si gnal
27 TAN OP2SW Detects transm ission With ignition switch ON (II):
(TRANSMISSION FLUID fluid pressure switch A • W ithout 2nd clutch pressure: battery voltage
PRESSURE SWITCH A (2 nd clutch) signal • With 2nd clutch pressure: about 0 V
28 PNK SHB (SHIFT SOLENOID Drives shift solenoid W ith engine running in P, R, N, 2 , 1; D (in 1st, 2nd, and
VALVE B) valve B 5th gears), and D3 (in 1 st and 2nd gears): battery
With engine running in D (in 3rd and 4th gears) and D3
(in 3rd gear): about 0 V
33 GRN TATF (ATF Detects ATF With ignition switch ON (II): about 0.2—4.0 V (about
TEMPERATURE temperature sensor 1.8 V with warmed up engine, dependi ng on ATF
SENSOR) signal temperature)
35 TAN ATP21 (TRANSMISSION Detects transmission In 2 and 1: about 0 V
RANGE SWITCH 2-1 range sw itch 2 and 1 In any position other than 2 and 1: about 5.0 V
POSITION) position signals
37 BLU OP4SW (4TH CLUTCH Detects 4th clutch With ignition switch ON (II):
TRANSMISSION FLUID transm ission fluid • W ithout 4th clutch pressure: battery voltage
PRESSURE SWITCH) pressure switch signal • With 4th clutch pressure: about 0 V
38 LT BLU OP3SW Detects transmission With ignition switch ON (II):
(TRANSMISSION FLUID fluid pressure switch B • W ithout 3rd clutch pressure: battery voltage
PRESSURE SWITCH B (3rd clutch) signal • With 3rd clutch pressure: about 0 V
39 GRN SHC (SHIFT SOLENOID Drives shift solenoid With engine running in 1, D (in 1st, 3rd, and 5th gears),
VALVE C) valve C and D3 (in 1 st and 3rd gears): battery voltage
With engine running in P, R, N, 2, D (in 2nd and 4th
gears), and D3 (in 2nd gear): about 0 V
41 BRN LG1 (LOGIC GROUND) Ground circuit for PCM Less than 0.2 V at all times
46 RED ATPD3 Detects transmission In D3: about 0 V
(TRANSMISSION range switch D3 In any position other than D3: about 5.0 V
RANGE SWITCH D3 position signal
Hydraulic Controls
The valve body includes the main valve body, the regulator valve body, the secondary valve body, and the accumulator
body. The ATF pump is driven by splines on the end of the torque converter which is attached to the engine. Fluid flows
through the regulator valve to maintain specified pressure through the main valve body to the manual valve, directing
pressure to each of the clutches. Shift solenoid valves A, B, C, and D are mounted on the accumulator body. A/T clutch
pressure control solenoid valves A, B, and C are mounted on the transmission housing.

System Description (cont'd)

Hydraulic Controls (cont'd)

Main Valve Body
The main valve body contains the manual valve, the modulator valve, the torque converter check valve, shift valve A,
shift valve B, shift valve E, CPC valve A, the servo control valve, the relief valve, the lock-up shift valve, the lock-up timing
valve, the lubrication control valve, the lubrication check valve, the ATF pump drive gear, and the ATF pump driven gear.
The primary function of the main valve body is to switch hydraulic pressure on and off to the hydraulic control system.

Regulator Valve Body

The regulator valve body is located on the main valve body. The regulator valve body contains the regulator valve, the
cooler check valve, the lock-up control valve, the servo valve/shift fork shaft, and the 3rd accumulator.
The regulator valve maintains constant hydraulic pressure from the ATF pump to the hydraulic control system, while
also providing fluid to the lubrication system and the torque converter. Fluid from the ATF pump flows through B and B'.
Fluid entering from B flows through the valve orifice to the A cavity. This pressure of the A cavity pushes the regulator
valve to the spring side, and this movement of the regulator valve uncovers the fluid port to the torque converter and the
relief valve. The fluid flows out to the torque converter and the relief valve, and the regulator valve returns under spring
force. According to the level of the hydraulic pressure through B, the position of the regulator valve changes, and the
amount of fluid from B' through the torque converter changes. This operation is continued, maintaining the line


Increases in hydraulic pressure according to torque are regulated by the regulator valve using stator torque reaction.
The stator shaft is splined to the stator in the torque converter, and the stator shaft arm end contacts the regulator spring
cap. When the vehicle is accelerating or climbing (torque converter range), stator torque reaction occurs on the stator
shaft, and the stator shaft arm pushes the regulator spring cap in the direction of the arrow in proportion to the reaction.
The stator reaction spring compresses, and causes the regulator valve to increase the line pressure which is regulated
by the regulator valve. The line pressure reaches its maximum pressure when the stator torque reaction reaches its
maximum travel.
System Description (cont'd)

Hydraulic Controls (cont'd)

Secondary Valve Body
The secondary valve body is on the main valve body. The secondary valve body contain shift valve C, shift valve D, CPC
valve B, CPC valve C, the reverse control valve, and the reverse CPC valve.
Accumulator Body and Regulator Valve Body
The accumulator body is on the secondary valve body, and contains the 1st, 1st-hold, 2nd, 4th, and 5th accumulators,
and shift solenoid valves A, B, C, and D. The 3rd accumulator is in the regulator valve body.
Hydraulic Flow
Distribution of Hydraulic Pressure
As the engine turns, the ATF pump starts to operate. Automatic transm i ssion fluid (ATF) is drawn through the ATF
strainer (filter) and d i scharged into the hydraulic circuit. Then, ATF flowing from the ATF pump becomes line pressure
that is regulated by the regulator valve. Torque converter pressure from the regulator valve enters the torque converter
through the lock-up shift valve and the lock-up control valve, and it is discharged from the torque converter. The torque
converter check valve prevents torque converter pressure from rising.
The PCM switches shift solenoid valves A, B, C, and D ON and OFF, the shift solenoid valves control pressure to the shift
valves. Shift solenoid valve pressure moves the position of the shift valve, and switches the port of hydraulic pressure.
The PCM also actuates A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valves A, B, and C. The A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
valves regulate hydraulic pressure to CPC valves A, B, and C, and the reverse CPC valve.
When shifting between gears, the clutches are engaged by pressure from the CPC valves. The PCM actuates one of the
shift solenoid valves to change the position of the shift valve. This change switches the port of CPC pressure and line
pressure. Line pressure is then applied to the clutch, and CPC pressure is released. The clutch is engaged with line
pressure after the shift is completed.
Hydraulic pressure at the port for use in the hydraulic circuit
Port Hydraulic Pressure Port Hydraulic Pressure
1 Line SC Shift solenoid valve C
2 Line SC Shift solenoid valve C
3 Line SD Shift solenoid valve D
3' Line 10 1st clutch
3" Reverse CPC or Line 15 1st-hold clutch
3A Line 20 2nd clutch
3B Reverse CPC 30 3rd clutch
4 Line 40 4th clutch
4' Line 50 5th clutch
4" Line 51 5th clutch
4A CPC A 56 A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve A
4B CPC B 57 A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve B
4C CPC C 5R A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve B
5A CPC A 58 A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C
5B CPC A or Line 90 Torque converter
5C CPC B or Line 90' Torque converter
5D CPC B 91 Torque converter
5E CPCC 9T Torque converter
5F CPC C 92 Torque converter
5G CPCC 93 ATF cooler
5H CPC B or Line 94 Torque converter
5J CPC B or Line 95 Lubrication
5K CPC A or Line 95’ Lubrication
5L CPC A or Line 96 Torque converter
5M Line 99 Suction
5N CPCC X Drain
6 Modulator HX High position drain
SA Shift solenoid valve A AX Air drain
SB Shift solenoid valve B

System Description (cont'd)

Hydraulic Flow (cont'd)

N Position
Line pressure (1) regulated by the regulator valve flows to the shift solenoid valves. The PCM switches the shift solenoid
valves ON and OFF. The conditions of the shift solenoid valves and the positions of the shift valves are as follows:
• Shift solenoid valve A is OFF, and closes the shift solenoid valve A pressure port (SA); shift valve A remains on the left
• Shift solenoid valve B is turned ON, and closes the shift solenoid valve B pressure port (SB); shift valve B and shift
valve E remain on the left side.
• Shift solenoid valve C is OFF, and opens the shift solenoid valve C pressure port (SC); shift valve C and shift valve D
move to the right side.
• Shift solenoid valve D is OFF, and closes the shift solenoid valve D pressure port (SD).
Line pressure (1) also flows to the modulator valve and becomes modulator pressure (6). Modulator pressure (6) flows
to the A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valves. The manual valve covers the port leading pressure to the clutches,
hydraulic pressure is not applied to the clutches.
NOTE: When used, "left" or "right" indicates direction on the hydraulic circuit.
» I - t i u i u M - u i u t i 2N D ............. ........ fluid m i itc h fluid C LUTC H




< s®

Shifting to D from N
When shifting to D from N, the condition of the shift solenoid valves remains the same as in N. The manual valve is
moved to the D position, and uncovers the line pressure port (4) leading to CPC valves A and C. The PCM actuates A/T
clutch pressure control solenoid valves A and C, A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve A pressure (56) flows to CPC
valve A, and A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C pressure (58) flows to CPC valve C, CPC valves A and C
regulate line pressure (4), line pressure (4) becomes CPC C pressure (4C) at CPC valve C, and becomes CPC A pressure at
CPC valve A. CPC C pressure (4C) becomes 1st clutch pressure (10) at shift valve D, and 1st clutch pressure flows to the
1st clutch. CPC A pressure (4A) becomes 2nd clutch pressure (20) at shift valve B via shift valves A and C. The 1st clutch
and 2nd clutch engage gently by CPC pressure.
NOTE: When used, "left" or "right" indicates direction on the hydraulic circuit.
ACCUMULATORi ____________ ....................... ........ m iin f 'lin v u FLUID



System Description (cont'd)

Hydraulic Flow (cont'd)

Driving in 1st Gear
The PCM turns shift solenoid valve C ON and covers the shift solenoid valve C pressure port (SC) to shift valve C and
shift valve D via shift valve E. Shift solenoid valve A remains OFF, and shift solenoid valve B remains ON. Shift valves C
and D are moved to the left side, shift valve D switches the line pressure port (4) and CPC C pressure (4C) leading to the
1st clutch, and shift valve C switches the port of CPC A pressure (5A) releasing 2nd clutch pressure. Line pressure (4)
becomes 1st clutch pressure (10) at shift valve D, and flows to the 1st clutch. The 1st clutch is engaged by line pressure.
NOTE: When used, "left" or "right" indicates direction on the hydraulic circuit



Shifting between 1st Gear and 2nd Gear
As the speed of the vehicle reaches the programmed value, the PCM turns shift solenoid valve A ON and uncovers the
shift solenoid valve A pressure port (SA) to shift valve A. Shift solenoid valves B and C remain ON. Shift valve A is
moved to the right side to uncover the CPC A pressure port (4A) leading to the 2nd clutch. The PCM actuates A/T clutch
pressure control solenoid valve A. A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve A pressure (56) is applied to CPC valve A.
CPC valve A regulates line pressure (4), and line pressure (4) becomes CPC A pressure (4A). CPC A pressure (4A) flows to
shift valve B via shift valves C and A, and becomes 2nd clutch pressure (20) at shift valve B. The 2nd clutch is engaged by
CPC pressure. The 1st clutch is also engaged, but no power is transmitted because of the one-way clutch.
NOTE: When used, "left" or "right" indicates direction on the hydraulic circuit.




System Description (cont'd)

Hydraulic Flow (cont'd)

Driving in 2nd Gear
The PCM turns shift solenoid valve C OFF and uncovers the shift solenoid valve C pressure port (SC) to shift valve C.
Shift solenoid valves A and B remain ON. Shift valve C is moved to the right side to switch the line pressure port (4) and
CPC A pressure (4A) leading to the 2nd clutch. CPC A pressure (5B) (5K) changes to line pressure (5B) (5K) and 2nd clutch
pressure (20) is changed to line pressure mode, and the 2nd clutch is engaged by line pressure. The 1st clutch is also
engaged, but no power is transmitted because of the one-way clutch.
NOTE: When used, "left" or "right" indicates direction on the hydraulic circuit.



Shifting between 2nd Gear and 3rd Gear .
As the speed of the vehicle reaches the programmed value, the PCM turns shift solenoid valve C ON and covers the shift
solenoid valve C pressure port (SC) to shift valve C. Shift solenoid valves A and B remain ON. Shift valve C is moved to
the left side to switch the line pressure port (4) and CPC A pressure (4A) leading to the 2nd clutch. Shift valve C also
uncovers the CPC B pressure port (4B) leading to the 3rd clutch. The PCM actuates A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
valves A and B. A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve A pressure (56) is applied to CPC valve A, and A/T clutch
pressure control solenoid valve B pressure (57) is applied to CPC valve B. CPC valve B regulates line pressure (4"), and
line pressure (4") becomes CPC B pressure (4B). CPC B pressure flows to shift valve A via shift valves C and B, and
becomes 3rd clutch pressure (30) at shift valve A. 2nd clutch pressure (20) is changed to CPC pressure mode, and the 3rd
clutch is engaged by CPC pressure. The 1st clutch is also engaged, but no power is transmitted because of the one-way
NOTE: When used, 'left" or "right" indicates direction on the hydraulic circuit.
U L U IU H / “3RD 5TH 4TH
A C C U M U L A T C W ^ i-j-j^ ^ u ^ R * CLUTCH ™ ° URE CUUTCH TRANS- ‘f j l B ' l 'X / ijnffigwip s r

System Description (cont'd)

Hydraulic Flow (cont'd)

Driving in 3rd Gear
The PCM turns shift solenoid valve B OFF and uncovers the shift solenoid valve B pressure port (SB) to shift valve B.
Shift solenoid valves A and C remain ON. Shift valve B is moved to the right side to switch the line pressure port (5C),
CPC B pressure (5J) leading to the 3rd clutch, and the 2nd clutch pressure port (20) releasing 2nd clutch pressure. CPC B
pressure (5J) changes to line pressure (5J) and 3rd clutch pressure (30) is changed to line pressure, and the 3rd clutch is
engaged by line pressure. The 1st clutch is also engaged, but no power is transmitted because of the one-way clutch.
NOTE: When used, "left" or "right" indicates direction on the hydraulic circuit.
1ST _ .ln
ClIiin f>l Iirnu a inr> O L U I Orl __



< •£>

Shifting between 3rd Gear and 4th Gear

As the speed of the vehicle reaches the programmed value, the PCM turns shift solenoid valve C OFF and uncovers the
shift solenoid valve C pressure port (SC) to shift valve C. Shift solenoid valve A remains ON, and shift solenoid valve B
remains OFF. Shift valve C is moved to the right side to switch the line pressure port (4) and the CPC B pressure port (4B)
leading to the 3rd clutch. Shift valve C also uncovers the CPC A pressure port (4A) leading to the 4th clutch. The PCM
actuates A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valves A and B. A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve A pressure (56)
is applied to CPC valve A, and A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve B pressure (57) is applied to CPC valve B. CPC
valve A regulates line pressure (4), and line pressure (4) becomes CPC A pressure (4A). CPC A pressure (4A) flows to
shift valve B via shift valves C and A, and becomes 4th clutch pressure (40) at shift valve B. 3rd clutch pressure (30) is
changed to CPC pressure, and the 4th clutch is engaged by CPC pressure. The 1st clutch is also engaged, but no power is
transmitted because of the one-way clutch.
NOTE: When used, "left" or "right" indicates direction on the hydraulic circuit.
ACCUMULATOR tn i Itn r*l 1 iTr*LJ CTI I iin




System Description (cont'd)

Hydraulic Flow (cont'd)

Driving in 4th Gear
The PCM turns shift solenoid valve A OFF and covers the shift solenoid valve A pressure port (SA) to shift valve A, Shift
solenoid valves B and C remain OFF. Shift valve A is moved to the left side to switch the pressure port (5B), the CPC A
pressure ports (5A) (5L) leading to the 4th clutch, and the 3rd clutch pressure port (30) releasing 3rd clutch pressure. CPC
A pressure (5L) changes to line pressure (5L) and 4th clutch pressure (40) is changed to line pressure, and the 4th clutch
is engaged by line pressure. The 1st clutch is also engaged, but no power is transmitted because of the one-way clutch.
NOTE: When used, "left" or "right" indicates direction on the hydraulic circuit
m irrrw pi i n n



Shifting between 4th Gear and 5th Gear
As the speed of the vehicle reaches the programmed value, the PCM turns shift solenoid valve C ON and covers the shift
solenoid valve C pressure port (SC) to shift valve C. Shift solenoid valves A and B remain OFF. Shift valve C is moved to
the left side to switch the line pressure port (4) and the CPC A pressure port (4A) leading to the 4th clutch. Shift valve C
also uncovers the CPC B pressure port (4B) leading to the 5th clutch. The PCM actuates A/T clutch pressure control
solenoid valves A and B. A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve A pressure (56) is applied to CPC valve A, and A/T
clutch pressure control solenoid valve B pressure (57) is applied to CPC valve B. CPC valve B regulates line pressure (4"),
and line pressure (4") becomes CPC B pressure (4B). CPC B pressure (4B) flows to shift valve A via shift valves C and B,
and becomes 5th clutch pressure (51) at shift valve A. 4th clutch pressure (40) is changed to CPC pressure, and the 5th
clutch is engaged by CPC pressure. The 1st clutch is also engaged, but no power is transmitted because of the one-way
NOTE: When used, "left" or "right" indicates direction on the hydraulic circuit
ACCUMULATOR a i nn n i iT r u n i nn 1u n

niu m i n.ct


System Description (cont'd)

Hydraulic Flow (cont'd)

Driving In 5th Gear
The PCM turns shift solenoid valve B ON and covers the shift solenoid valve B pressure port (SB) to shift valve B. Shift
solenoid valve A remains OFF, and shift solenoid valve C remains ON. Shift valve B i s moved to the l eft side to switch the
line pressure port (5H), CPC B pressure (5D) leading to the 5th clutch, and 4th clutch pressure (40) which releases 4th
clutch pressure. CPC B pressure (5H) changes to line pressure (5H) and 5th clutch pressure (51) (50) is changed to line
pressure, and the 5th clutch is engaged by line pressure. The 1st clutch is also engaged, but no power is transmitted
because of the one-way clutch.
NOTE: When used, "left" or "right" indicates direction on the hydraulic circuit
1ST 1 ST -H O L D C LUTC H 7Wrj
, 5TH



Driving in 2nd Gear (Engaged with 2nd Clutch!
Line pressure (1) regulated by the regulator va l ve flows to shift solenoid valves. The PCM switches the shift solenoid
valves ON and OFF. The conditions of the shift solenoid valves and the positions of the shift valves are as follows:
• Shift solenoid valve A is ON, and opens the shift solenoid valve A pressure port (SA); shift valve A moves to the right
sideband shift valve D remains to the left side.
• Shift solenoid valve B is turned ON, and closes the shift solenoid valve B pressure port (SB); shift valve B and shift
valve E remain on the left side.
• Shift solenoid valve C is turned OFF, and opens the shift solenoid valve C pressure port (SC); shift valve C moves to the
right side, and shift valve D remains on the left side.
• Shift solenoid valve D is OFF, and closes the shift solenoid valve D pressure port (SD).
Line pressure (4) from the manual valve becomes 2nd clutch pressure (20) at shift valve B, via shift valves C and A, and
flows to the 2nd clutch. The 2nd clutch is engaged. Line pressure (4) from the manual valve also becomes 1st clutch
pressure, and flows to the 1st clutch. The 1st clutch is also engaged, but no power is transmitted because ofthe one-way
NOTE: When used, "left" or "right" indicates direction on the hydraulic circuit.
1ST C L U T C H / 5TH 4T H
A C C U M U LATOR ZNl) ciiin r i i iT f*u n i nn vLU I u n






System Description (cont'd)

Hydraulic Flow (cont'd)

Driving in 1st Gear (Engaged with 1st and Ist-Hold Clutches)
Line pressure (1) regulated by the regulator valve flows to shift solenoid valves. The PCM switches the shift solenoid
valves ON and OFF. The conditions of the shift solenoid valves and the positions of the shift valves are as follows:
• Shift solenoid valve A is OFF, and closes the shift solenoid valve A pressure port (SA); shift valve A remains on the left
• Shift solenoid valve B is turned ON, and closes the shift solenoid valve B pressure port (SB); shift valve B and shift
valve E remain on the left side.
• Shift solenoid valve C is turned ON, and closes the shift solenoid valve C pressure port (SC); shift valve C and shift
valve D remain on the left side,
• Shift solenoid valve D is OFF, and closes the shift solenoid valve D pressure port (SD).
Line pressure (4) becomes 1st clutch pressure (10) at shift valve D, and flows to the 1st clutch. The 1st clutch is engaged.
The PCM actuates A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C. A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C pressure
(58) is applied to CPC valve C via the lock-up shift valve. CPC valve C regulates line pressure (4), and line pressure (4)
becomes CPC C pressure (4C). CPC C pressure (4C) flows to shift valve B via shift valves D, E, and C, and becomes
1st-hold clutch pressure (15) at shift valve B. 1st-hold clutch pressure (15) is applied to the 1st-hold clutch, and the
1st-hold clutch is engaged.
NOTE: When used, "left" or "right" indicates direction on the hydraulic circuit.




Shifting to R from P or N
The PCM switches the shift solenoid valves ON and OFF. The conditions of the shift solenoid valves and the positions of
the shift valves are as follows:
• Shift solenoid valve A is OFF, and closes the shift solenoid valve A pressure port (SA); shift valve A remains on the left
• Shift solenoid valve B is turned ON, and closes the shift solenoid valve B pressure port (SB); shift valve B and shift
valve E remain on the left side.
• Shift solenoid valve C is OFF, and opens the shift solenoid valve C pressure port (SC); shift valve C and shift valve D
move to the right side.
• Shift solenoid valve D is turned ON, and opens the shift solenoid valve D pressure port (SD); reverse control valve
moves to the right side.
The manual valve is moved to the R position, and line pressure (1) becomes line pressure (3) at the manual valve. Line
pressure (3) passes through the reverse control valve, and becomes line pressure (3A), then flows to the servo valve.
Line pressure (3A) pushes the servo valve to the reverse position. Line pressure (3) also flows to the reverse CPC valve,
and becomes reverse CPC pressure (3B) (3"). Reverse CPC pressure (3") becomes 5th clutch pressure (50) at the manual
valve, and 5th clutch pressure (50) flows to the 5th clutch. The 5th clutch is engaged by reverse CPC pressure.
NOTE: When used, "left" or "right" indicates direction on the hydraulic circuit.

System Description (cont'd)

Hydraulic Flow (cont'd)

Driving in Reverse Gear in R
The vehicle is moved backward by engaging the 5th clutch and reversing the mainshaft rotation with the reverse idler
gear, the PCM turns shift solenoid valve A ON and uncovers the port of shift solenoid valve A pressure (SA) to shift valve
A. Shift valve A is moved to the right side to switch the line pressure port (31) and the reverse CPC pressure port (3B)
leading to the 5th clutch. Line pressure (3) flows to the manual valve via the servo valve and shift valve A, and becomes
5th clutch pressure (50) at the manual valve. The 5th clutch pressure (50) flows to the 5th clutch, and the 5th clutch is
engaged by line pressure.
Reverse inhibitor Control
When R is selected while the vehicle is moving forward at a speed over 6 mph (10 km/h), the PCM commands shift
solenoid valve D to remain OFF so that shift solenoid valve D pressure (SD) is not applied to the reverse control valve.
Line pressure (3) stops at the reverse control valve, and is not applied to the servo valve. No power is transmitted to the
reverse direction.
NOTE: When used, "left" or "right" indicates direction on the hydraulic circuit.




J hxdj31D0 VALVE C


HxD o o r o

P Position
The PCM switches the shift solenoid valves ON and OFF. The conditions of the shift solenoid valves and the positions of
the shift valves are as follows:
• Shift solenoid valve A is OFF, and closes the shift solenoid valve A pressure port (SA); shift valve A remains on the left
• Shift solenoid valve B is turned ON, and closes the shift solenoid valve B pressure port (SB); shift valve B and shift
valve E remain on the left side.
• Shift solenoid valve C is OFF, and opens the shift solenoid valve C pressure port (SC); shift valve C and shift valve D
move to the right side.
• Shift solenoid valve D is turned ON, and opens the shift solenoid valve D pressure port (SD); reverse control valve
moves to the right side.
The manual valve is moved to the P position, and line pressure (1) becomes line pressure (3) at the manual valve. Line
pressure (3) passes through the reverse control valve, and becomes line pressure (3A), then flows to the servo valve.
Line pressure (3A) pushes the servo valve to the reverse position. Line pressure (3) flows to the manual valve via the
reverse CPC valve and shift valve A, and stops at the manual valve. Hydraulic pressure is not applied the clutches.
NOTE: When used, "left" or "right" indicates direction on the hydraulic circuit.

System Description (cont'd)

Lock-Up System
The lock-up mechanism of the torque converter clutch operates in D (2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th gears) and in D3 (2nd and 3rd
gears). The pressurized fluid is drained from the back of the torque converter through a fluid passage, causing the
torque converter clutch piston to be held against the torque converter cover. As this takes place, the mainshaft rotates at
the same speed as the engine crankshaft. Together with the hydraulic control, the PCM optimizes the timing and amount
of the lock-up mechanism. When shift solenoid valve D is turned on by the PCM, shift solenoid valve D pressure
switches the lock-up shift valve and the lock-up ON and OFF. A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C, the lock-up
control valve, and the lock-up timing valve control the degree of lock-up.
Torque Converter Clutch Lock-Up ON (Engaging Torque Converter Clutch)
Fluid in the chamber between the torque converter cover and the torque converter clutch piston is drained off, and fluid
entering from the chamber between the pump and stator exerts pressure through the torque converter clutch piston
against the torque converter cover. The torque converter clutch piston engages with the torque converter cover; torque
converter clutch lock-up ON, and the mainshaft rotates at the same as the engine.
The power flows by way of:
Drive plate
Torque converter cover COVER
Torque converter clutch piston
Damper spring

Torque Converter Clutch Lock-Up OFF (Disengaging Torque Converter Clutch)

Fluid entered from the chamber between the torque converter cover and the torque converter clutch piston passes
through the torque converter and goes out from the chambers between the turbine and the stator, and between the
pump and the stator. As a result, the torque converter clutch piston moves away from the torque converter cover, and
the torque converter clutch lock-up is released; torque converter clutch lock-up OFF.


The power flows by way of:

Drive plate
Torque converter cover
No Lock-Up
The PCM commands shift solenoid valve D to remain OFF, and covers the shift solenoid valve D pressure port (SD) to
the lock-up shift valve. The lock-up shift valve is in the right side, and uncovers the torque converter pressure port (92)
leading to the left side of the torque converter. Torque converter pressure (92) from the regulator valve becomes torque
converter pressure (94) at the lock-up shift valve, and enters into the left side of the torque converter to disengage the
torque converter clutch. The torque converter clutch is OFF.
NOTE: When used, "left" or "right" indicates direction on the hydraulic circuit

System Description (cont'd)

Lock-Up System (cont'd)

Partial Lock-Up
As the speed of the vehicle reaches the programmed value, the PCM turns shift solenoid valve D ON and uncovers the
shift solenoid valve D pressure port (SD) to the lock-up shift valve. The lock-up shift valve is moved to the left side which
uncovers the torque converter pressure port (91) leading to the right side of the torque converter to engage the torque
converter clutch. The PCM also actuates A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C. A/T clutch pressure control
solenoid valve C pressure (58) is applied to the lock-up control valve and the lock-up timing valve. When A/T clutch
pressure control solenoid valve C pressure (58) is low, torque converter pressure (91) from the lock-up timing valve is
low. The torque converter clutch is engaged partially. A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C pressure (58)
increases, and the lock-up timing valve is moved to the left side to uncover the torque converter pressure port leading to
high. Under this condition, the torque converter clutch is engaged by pressure from the right side of the torque
converter; this condition is partial lock-up.
NOTE: When used, "left" or "right" indicates direction on the hydraulic circuit.


Full Lock-Up
When the vehicle speed increases, the PCM increase A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C pressure (58). A/T
clutch pressure control solenoid valve C pressure (58) is applied to the lock-up control valve and the lock-up timing
valve, and the lock-up control valve and the lock-up timing valve are moved to the left side. Torque converter pressure
(94) from the left side of the torque converter releases at the lock-up control valve, and the lock-up timing valve uncovers
the torque converter pressure port (91) leading to the right side of the torque converter. Torque converter back pressure
is fully released, and the torque converter clutch is fully engaged.
NOTE: When used, “ left" or "right" indicates direction on the hydraulic circuit.

System Description (cont'd)

Shift Lock System

The shift lock system prevents the shift lever from moving unless certain conditions are met. The shift lock solenoid is
normally OFF. After starting the engine in P, the shift lock stop prevents the shift lever from moving to any other position
from P. When the brake pedal is pressed and the accelerator pedal is not pressed, the PCM commands the shift lock
solenoid ON; the shift lock solenoid plunger in the shift lock solenoid pulls the shift lock stop to release the lock pin.
Pressing the shift lever button allows the shift lever to move to any other position. When the brake pedal and the
accelerator pedal are pressed at the same time, the PCM commands the shift lock solenoid OFF and the shift lock system
is locked.

When the shift lock system does not operate due to a mechanical or electrical problem, you can unlock the shift lock
temporarily by inserting the ignition key into the shift lock release hole and pressing the shift lock release. When the shift
lock release is pressed, the shift lock stop releases, the lock pin, and the shift lever can move to any other position.

System Description (cont'd)

Circuit Diagram - PCM A/T Control System
PCM Connector Term inal Locations

J11 23|4|5|6|7|8 9 ho! 12 34|5|6I7|89h o Jl I23|4 |5|6 |789h°l

111 21
34 16171
021 11121
1 51
61 7|1
021 11121
314 151
67 92
1 02
222 41
32 I1S25><2 62
728 22232
4><2 5 2 62
728 22232
4><2 51>
293 03
3 334353
839 29303
3 33
43 536373
839 29303
13233343 53637383

|40|41 4
8|49| |4
4 474
81491 |4
4 4

A□ (49 P) B A (49P) C O (49P)

Term inal side of female term inals
PCM Connector Terminal Locations

J 1 I2 3 4 1 . 5 | 6 | 7 T 8 9 |10| Jl I 2 3 |4 | 5 | 6 | 7 f 8 9hoi J112 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 T 8 9110 1 |

23241 41516 17|18 19 20 21
11 12 13 1415 16 1718 19 20 21 11 12 13 11 12 13 1 4 |1 5 16 17(18 19 20 21
22 23 24 X 25 26 27 28 .
I 22 >< 25>< 26 27 28 i 22 23 24 25 >< 26 27 28
29 30 31 3 2 3 3 34 3536 37 38 39 29 30 31 323334 3536 37 38 39 29 30 31 3233 34 3536 37 38 39
|40|41 4 2 14 3 14 4 14 5 14 6 14 7 4 8 |4 9 | |40|41 421 4314414514647 48(491 |40|41 4 2 14 3 14 4 14 5 14 6 147 48 14 9 1

A□ (49P) B A (49P) C O (49P)

Term inal side of female term inals
DTC Troubleshooting

DTC P0705: Short in Transmission Range 4. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0).
Switch Circuit (Multiple Shift-Position Input) 5. Disconnect the transmission range switch connector.
NOTE: 6. Connect the transmission range switch connector
• Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data and terminal that incorrectly indicates ON in step 3 to
any on-board snapshot with the HDS, and review the body ground with a jumper wire.
General Troubleshooting Information {see page 14-4).
7. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
• This code is caused by an electrical circuit problem
and cannot be caused by a mechanical problem in the 8. Compare the ATPP, ATPR, ATPN, ATPD, ATPD3,
transmission. ATP21, ATPFWD, and ATPRVS inputs with the HDS to
the table in step 2, in each shift lever position.
1. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
Do multiple transmission range switch signals indicate
2. Compare the ATPP, ATPR, ATPN, ATPD, ATPD3, ON?
ATP21, ATPFWD, and ATPRVS inputs with the HDS to
the following table, in each shift lever position. YES-Repair a short in the wires between the
transmission range switch and the PCM, refer to the
ATP ATP ATP ATP ATP ATP ATP ATP following table.B ' _____
p O X X X X X X O P R N D P3 21 F¥¥D RVS
R X O X X X X X PCM A16 C25 C26 C17 C46 C35 C18 C19
N X X O X X X X o Transmission 9 8 3 7 2 6 1 4
D X X X o X X o X range switch
D3 X X X X o X O X
2 X X X X X o O X NO-Replace the transmission range switch (see page
1 X X X X X O X X 14-250).H
O: ON X : OFF 9. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0).
Do the transmission range switch signals match? 10. Disconnect the transmission range switch connector.
YES-lntermittent failure, the system is OK at this 11. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
tim e.ll
12. Check the abnormal transmission range switch signal
NO-Go to step 3. that remained ON with the HDS.
3. Compare the ATPP, ATPR, ATPN, ATPD, ATPD3, Does the transmission range switch signal remain ON?
ATP21, ATPFWD, and ATPRVS inputs with the HDS to
the table in step 2, in each shift lever position. YES-Go to step 13.

Are any transmission range switch signals ON in all shift NO-Replace the transmission range switch (see page
lever positions? 14-250). I

YES-Go to step 9. 13. Check for continuity to body ground in the circuit
which remained ON, see table in step 2.
NO-Record any input that did not correctly indicate
ON, then go to step 4. Does the circuit that indicated ON have continuity to
YES-Repair a short to body ground in the wire
between the transmission range switch and the
NO-Update the PCM if it does not have the latest
software (see page 11-204). If the PCM was updated,
replace the PCM (see page 11-206).■
DTC P0706: Open in Transmission Range 5. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0).
Switch Circuit 6. Disconnect the transmission range switch connector.
NOTE: 7. Connect the transmission range switch connector
• Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data and terminal which did not indicate ON in step 4 to body
any on-board snapshot with the HDS, and review the ground with a jumper wire.
General Troubleshooting Information (see page 14-4).
8. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
• This code is caused by an electrical circuit problem
and cannot be caused by a mechanical problem in the 9. Check the transmission range switch signals that did
transmission. not indicate ON with the HDS.

1. Make sure the shift cable is adjusted properly (see Does the transmission range switch indicate ON?
page 14-240).
YES-Replace the transmission range switch (see
2. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II). page 14-250).B
3. Compare the ATPP, ATPR, ATPN, ATPD, ATPD3, NO-Go to step 10.
ATP21, ATPFWD, and ATPRVS inputs with the HDS to
10. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0).
the following table, in each shift lever position.
11. Jump the SCS line with the HDS.
P R N D D3 21 FWD
RVS 12. Disconnect PCM connectors A (49P) and C (49P).
p O X X X X X X O 13. Check for continuity between the transmission range
R X OX X X X X o switch circuit terminal and the PCM terminal of the
N X X XO X X X o input which indicated OFF, refer to the following table.
D X X X O X X X o
D3 X X X X X o
2 X X X X X O X o P R N D D3 21 FWD RVS
1 X X X X X X X O PCM A16 C25 C26 C17 C46 C35 C18 C19
O: ON X: OFF Transmission 9 8 3 7 2 6 1 4
range switch
Do the transmission range switch signais match?
Is there continuity?
YES-lntermittent failure, the system is OK at this
time.B YES-Update the PCM if it does not have the latest
software (see page 11-204). If the PCM was updated,
NO-Go to step 4. replace the PCM (see page 11-206).B
4. Compare the ATPP, ATPR, ATPN, ATPD, ATPD3, NO-Repair an open in the wire between the
ATP21, ATPFWD, and ATPRVS inputs with the HDS to corresponding transmission range switch and the
the table in step 3, in each shift lever position. PCM.B
Do all shift positions remain OFF?
YES-Go to step 14.
NO-Record any input that did not correctly indicate
ON, then go to step 5.
DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

14. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0). DTC P0711: Problem in ATF Temperature
15. Disconnectthe transmission range switch connector. Sensor Circuit
16. Checkfor continuity between transmission range NOTE:
switch connector terminal No. 10 and body ground. • Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data and
any on-board snapshot with the HDS, and review the
TRANSMISSION RANGE SWITCH CONNECTOR General Troubleshooting Information (see page 14-4).
• This code is caused by an electrical circuit problem
and cannot be caused by a mechanical problem in the
5 4 3 2 transmission.
10 9 8 7 1. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
= = = Z Z f lZ
GND (BLK) 2. Check the ATF Temperature with the HDS in the A/T
Data List.
Does the ATF Temperature indicate —4 °F (—20°C ) or
YES-lntermittent failure, the system is OK at this
W ire side o f fem ale te rm in a ls t im e .l -
" NO-Go to step 3.
Is there continuity?
3. Start the engine, and wait for at least 10 minutes. Test
YES-Replace the transmission range switch (see
the stall speed rpm (see page 14-168) three times.
page 14-250).■
4. Check the ATF Temperature with the HDS in the A/T
NO-Repair an open in the wire between transmission
Data List.
range switch connector terminal No. 10 and body
ground (G101) (see page 22-78), or repair poor body Does the ATF Temperature indicate —4 °F (—20 °C ) or
ground (G101).H below?
YES-Replace the ATF temperature sensor (see page
NO-lntermittent failure, the system is OK at this
s H

DTC P0712: Short in ATF Temperature Sensor 7. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0).
Circuit 8. Jump the SCS line with the HDS.
NOTE: 9. Disconnect PCM connector G (49P).
• Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data and 10. Checkfor continuity between ATF temperature sensor
any on-board snapshot w ith the HDS, and review the
connector terminal No. 1 and body ground.
General Troubleshooting Information (see page 14-4).
® This code is caused by an electrical circuit problem
and cannot be caused by a mechanical problem in the ATF TEMPERATURE SENSOR CONNECTOR
1. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
2. Check the ATF Temp Sensor (V) with the HDS in the
A/T Data List.
Is t h e ATF Temp Sensor (V) 0.07 V or less? -

YES-Go, ■ . . .
NO-lntermittent failure, the system is OK at this time.
Check for an intermittent short to body ground in the
W ire side o f fem ale te rm in a ls
ATFT wire between the ATF temperature sensor and
the PCM.B
Is there continuity?
3. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0).
YES-Repair a short to body ground in the wire
4. Disconnect the ATF temperature sensor connector at
between PCM connector terminal C33 and ATF;
the transmission end cover.
temperature sensor connector terminal No. 1, then go
5. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II). to step 11.
6. Check the ATF Temp Sensor (V) with the HDS-in the NO-Go to step 17.
A/T Data List.
Is t h e A T F T e m p S e n s o r (V) 0.07 V o r l e s s ?

YES-Go to step 7.
NO-Replace ATF temperature sensor (see page
14-190), then go to step 11.

DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

11. Reconnect all connectors. 17. Reconnect all connectors.

12. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II). 18. Update the PCM if it does not have the latest software
(see page 11-204), or substitute a known-good PCM
13. Clear the DTC with the HDS.
(see page 11-7).
14. Start the engine in P, and wait for at least 20 seconds.
19. Start the engine in P, and wait for at least 20 seconds.
15. Check for Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS.
20. Check for Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS.
Is DTC P0712 indicated?
Is DTC P0712 indicated?
YES-Check for an intermittent short to body ground in
YES-Check for an intermittent short to body ground in
the wire between the ATF temperature sensor and the
the wire between the ATF temperature sensor and the
PCM, then go to step 1.
PCM. If the PCM was updated, substitute a
NO-Go to step 16. known-good PCM (see page 11-7), then go to step 19.
If the PCM was substituted, go to step 1.
16. Monitor the OBD status for P0712 in the DTCs MENU
with the HDS. NO-Go to step 21.

Does the HDS indicate PASSED? 21. Monitor the OBD status for P0712 in the DTCs MENU
with the HDS.
YES-Troubleshooting is complete. If any other
Pending or Confirmed DTCs were indicated in step 15, Does the HDS indicate PASSED?
go to the indicated DTC's troubleshooting.®
YES-lf the PCM was updated, troubleshooting is
NO-lf the HDS indicates FAILED, checkfor an complete. If the PCM was substituted, replace the
intermittent short to body ground in the wire between original PCM (see page 11-206). If any other Pending
the ATF temperature sensor and the PCM, then go to or Confirmed DTCs were indicated in step 20, go to
step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to the indicated DTC's troubleshooting.■
step 14.
NO-lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check for an
intermittent short to body ground in the wire between
the ATF temperature sensor and the PCM. If the PCM
was updated, substitute a known-good PCM (see
page 11-7), then go to step 19. If the PCM was
substituted, go to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT
COMPLETED, go to step 19.
DTC P0713: Open in ATF Temperature Sensor 8. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0).
Circuit 9. Remove the jumper wire.
NOTE: 10. Connect a jumper wire between ATF temperature
• Before you troub l eshoot, record all freeze data and sensor connector terminals No. 1 and No. 2.
any on-board snapshot with the HDS, and review the
General Troubleshooting Information (see page 14-4). ATF TEMPERATURE SENSOR CONNECTOR
© This code is caused by an electrical circuit problem
and cannot be caused by a mechanical problem in the
1. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
2. Check the ATF Temp Sensor (V) with the HDS in the (GRY) (GRN)
A/T Data List. . ■
Does the ATF Temp Sensor (V) exceed 4.93 V?
YES-Go to step 3. JUMPER WIRE

NO-lntermittent failure, the system is OK at this time. W ire si de of fe m a l e te rm in a ls

Check for poor connections or loose terminals at the
ATF temperature sensor and the PCM.B
11 .Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
3. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0).
12. Check the ATF Temp Sensor (V) with the HDS in the
4. Disconnect the ATF temperature sensor connector at A/T Data List.
the transmission end cover..
Does the ATF Temp Sensor (V) read 0.07 V or below?
5. Connect a jumper wire between ATF temperature
sensor connector terminal No. 1 and body ground. YES-Replace the ATF temperature sensor (see page
14-190), then go to step 18.

ATF TEMPERATURE SENSOR CONNECTOR NO-Repair an open in the wire between PCM
connector terminal C16 and ATF temperature sensor
connector terminal No. 2, then go to step 18.
m Z X



W ire side o f fem ale term inals

6. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).

7. Check the ATF Temp Sensor (V) with the HDS in the
A/T Data List.
Does the ATF Temp Sensor (V) read to 0.07 Vor below?
YES-Go to step 8 .

DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

13. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0). 18. Reconnect all connectors.
14. Remove the jumper wire. 19. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
15. Jump the SCS line with the HDS. 20. Clear the DTC with the HDS.
16. Disconnect PCM connector C (49P). 21. Start the engine in P, and wait for at least 20 seconds.
17. Check for continuity between PCM connector terminal 22. Check for Pending or Confirmed DTC with the HDS.
C33 and ATF temperature sensor connector terminal
Is DTC P0713 indicated?
No. 1.
YES-Check for poor connections or loose terminals
ATF PCM CONNECTOR C (43P) between the ATF temperature sensor and the PCM,
TEMPERATURE then go to step 1.
CONNECTOR NO-Go to step 23.
23. Monitor the OBD status for P0713 in the DTCs MENU
with the HDS.
Does the HDS indicate PASSED?
YES-Troubleshooting is complete. If any other
Pending or Confirmed DTC were indicated in step 22,
go to the indicated DTC's troubleshooting.■
NO-lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check for poor
connections or loose terminals between the ATF
temperature sensor and the PCM, then go to step 1. If
W ire si de o f T erm inal side o f
fem ale term inals female te rm inals
the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to step 21.

Is there continuity?
YES-Check for poor connections or loose terminals
between the ATF temperature sensor and the PCM. If
the connections are OK, go to step 24.
NO-Repair an open in the wire between PCM
connector terminal C33 and ATF temperature sensor
connector terminal No. 1, then go to step 18.
24. Reconnect all connectors. DTC P0714: ATF Temperature Sensor
25. Update the PCM if it does not have the latest software Intermittent Failure
(see page 11-204), or substitute a known-good PCM
(see page 11-7).
• Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data and
26. Start the engine in P, and wait for at least 20 seconds. any on-board snapshot with the HDS, and review the
General Troubleshooting Information (see page 14-4).
27. Check for Pending or Confirmed DTC with the HDS.
« This code is caused by an electrical circuit problem
Is DTC P0713 indicated? and cannot be caused by a mechanical problem in the
YES-Check for poor connections or loose terminals
between the ATF temperature sensor and the PCM. If • An engine block heater must not be used.
the PCM was updated, substitute a known-good PCM 1. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
(see page 11-7), then go to step 26. If the PCM was
substituted, go to step 1. 2. Check the following parameters with the HDS:
• ATF Temperature in the A/T Data List.
NO-Go to step 28.
® ECT Sensor 2 in the PGM-FI SYSTEM Data List
28. Monitor the OBD status for P0713 in the DTCs MENU
with the HDS. Are the parameters of the ATF Temperature and ECT
Sensor 2 about same as the ambient air temperature?
Does the HDS indicate PASSED?
YES-Go to step 4.
YES-lf the PCM was updated, troubleshooting is
complete. If the PCM was substituted, replace the NO-Go to step 3.
original PCM (see page 11-206). If any other Pending 3.Check the ATF Temperature with the HDS in the A/T
or Confirmed DTC were indicated in step 27, go to the Data List, and record the ATF temperature. Turn the
indicated DTC's troubleshooting.■ ignition switch to LOCK (0),wait for 30 minutes, and
NO-lf the HDS indicates FAILED, checkfor poor recheck the ATF Temperature again with the HDS.
connections or loose terminals between the ATF Does the ATF Temperature change?
temperature sensor and the PCM. If the PCM was
updated, substitute a known-good PCM (see page YES-Leave the engine off for at least 6 hours, then go
11-7), then go to step 26. If the PCM was substituted, to step 4.
go to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, NO-Replace the ATF temperature sensor (see page
go to step 26. 14-190).■
4. Record the values of the ATF Temperature in the A/T
Data List and ECT Sensor 2 in the PGM-FI SYSTEM
Data List with the HDS.
5.Compare the values of the ATF Temperature Sensor
and ECT Sensor 2.
Is the value of the ATF Temperature Sensor higher than
the value of ECT Sensor 2 b y 58 °F (32 °C) or more, or the
value of the ATF Temperature Sensor lower than the
value o f ECT S ensor 2 b y 4 3 ° F ( 2 4 °C) or m ore?

YES-Replace the ATF temperature sensor (see page

NO-lntermittent failure, the system is OK at this

DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

DTC P0716: Problem in Input Shaft 6. Check for Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS.
(Mainshaft) Speed Sensor Circuit Is DTC P0716 or P0721 indicated?
DTC P0721: Problem in Output Shaft YES-Go to step 7
(Countershaft) Speed Sensor Circuit NO-lntermittent failure, the system is OK at this
NOTE: time.H
• Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data and 7. Check the input shaft (mainshaft) speed sensor or the
any on-board snapshot with the HDS, and review the output shaft (countershaft) speed sensor for poor
General Troubleshooting Information (see page 14-4). connection and proper installation.
• This code is caused by an electrical circuit problem
Are the connection and installation OK?
and cannot be caused by a mechanical problem in the
transmission. YES-Replace the input shaft (mainshaft) speed sensor
(see page 14-187) or the output shaft (countershaft)
1. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
speed sensor (see page 14-188), then go to step 8.
2. Clear the DTC with the HDS.
NO-Connect the speed sensor connector and reinstall
3 .4WD: Raise the vehicle on a lift, make sure it is the speed sensor, then go to step 8.
securely supported, and allow all four wheels to
8. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
rotate freely.
9. Clear the DTC with the HDS.
2WD: Block the rear wheels, and raise the front of the
vehicle, make sure it is securely supported, and allow 10. Start the engine, disable the VSA by pressing the VSA
the front wheels to rotate freely, or raise the vehicle OFF button, run the vehicle with the shift lever in D,
on a lift. and at speeds over 12 mph (20 km/h) for at least
10 seconds. Slow down, and stop the wheels.
4. Start the engine, disable the VSA by pressing the VSA
OFF button, run the vehicle with the shift lever in D, 11. Check for Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS.
and at speeds over 12 mph (20 km/h) for at least
10 seconds. Slow down, and stop the wheels. Is DTC P0716 or P0721 indicated?

5. Check for Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS. YES-Go to step 1.

Is DTC P0718 or P0723 indicated? NO-Troubleshooting is com plete.!

YES-Go to the DTC P0718 troubleshooting (see page

14-91) or the DTC P0723 troubleshooting (see page
NO-Go to step 6.
DTC P0717: Problem in Input Shaft 5. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0).
(Mainshaft) Speed Sensor Circuit (No Signal 6. Disconnectthe input shaft (mainshaft) speed sensor
Input) connector.
7. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
DTC P0718: Input Shaft (Mainshaft) Speed
Sensor Intermittent Failure 8. Measure the voltage between input shaft (mainshaft)
speed sensor connector terminal No. 3 and body
NOTE: ground.
• Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data and
any on-board snapshot with the HDS, and review the
General Troubleshooting Information (see page 14-4). SPEED SENSOR CONNECTOR
• This code is caused by an electrical circuit problem
and cannot be caused by a mechanical problem in the
1.Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
2. Clear the DTC with the HDS.
3 .4WD: Raise the vehicle on a lift, make sure it is
securely supported, and allow all four wheels to
rotate freely.
2WD: Block the rear wheels, and raise the front of the W ire side o f fem ale te rm in a ls
vehicle, make sure it is securely supported, and allow
the front wheels to rotate freely, or raise the vehicle Is there about 5 V?
on a lift.
YES-Go to step 9.
4. Start the engine, disable the VSA by pressing the VSA
OFF button, run the vehicle with the shift lever in D, NO-Repair an open in the wire between PCM
and at speeds over 12 mph (20 km/h). Compare the connector terminal C12 and input shaft (mainshaft)
Input Shaft (Mainshaft) Speed and the Output Shaft speed sensor connector terminal No. 3, then go to
(Countershaft) Speed with the HDS in the A/T Data step 16.
List. Slow down, and stop the wheels.
9. Measure the voltage between input shaft (mainshaft)
Are the speeds about the same? speed sensor connector terminal No. 2 and body
YES-lntermittent failure, the system is OK at this


W ire side of fe m a le term inals

Is there about 5 V?
YES-Go to step 10.
NO-Go to step 12.

DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

10. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0). 12. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0).

11. Check for continuity between input shaft (mainshaft) 13. Jump the SCS line with the HDS.
speed sensor connector terminal No. 1 and body 14. Disconnect PCM connector B (49P).
15. Check for continuity between input shaft (mainshaft)
speed sensor connector terminal No. 2 and body




W ire side o f fem ale term inals

Is there continuity?
W ire side o f fem ale term inals
YES-Replace the input shaft (mainshaft) speed sensor
(see page 14-187), then go to step 19.
Is there continuity?
NO-Repair an open in the wire between input shaft
YES-Repair a short to body ground in the wire
(mainshaft) speed sensor connector terminal No. 1
between PCM connector terminal B37 and input shaft
and PCM connector terminal C16, then go to step 16.
(mainshaft) speed sensor connector terminal No. 2,
then go to step 16.
NO-Repair an open in the wire between PCM
connector terminal B37 and input shaft (mainshaft)
speed sensor connector terminal No. 2, then go to
step 16.
16. Reconnect all connectors.
17. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
18. Clear the DTC with the HDS.
19. Start the engine, disable the VSA by pressing the VSA
OFF button, run the vehicle with the shift lever in D,
and at speeds over 12 mph (20 km/h). Compare the
Input Shaft (Mainshaft) Speed and the Output Shaft
(Countershaft) Speed with the HDS in the A/T Data
List. Slow down, and stop the wheels.
Are the speeds about the same?
YES-Troubleshooting is com plete.!
NO-Replace the PCM (see page 11-206).■
DTC P0722: Problem in Output Shaft 5. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0).
(Countershaft) Speed Sensor (No Signal 6. Disconnect the output shaft (countershaft) speed
Input) sensor connector.
7. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
DTC P0723: Output Shaft (Countershaft)
Speed Sensor Intermittent Failure 8. Measure the voltage between output shaft
(countershaft) speed sensor.ponnectbr.terminal No. 3
NOTE: and body ground.
• Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data and
any on-board snapshot with the HDS, and review the
General Troubleshooting Information (see page 14-4). SPEED SENSOR CONNECTOR
• This code is caused by an electrical circuit problem
and cannot be caused by a mechanical problem in the
1. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
2. Clear the DTC with the HDS.
3 .4WD; Raise the vehicle on a lift, make sure it is
securely supported, and allow all four wheels to
rotate freely.
2WD: Block the rear wheels, and raise the front of the W ire side o f fem ale te rm inals
vehicle, make sure it is securely supported, and allow
the front wheels to rotate freely, or raise the vehicle Is there a b ou t 5 V?
on a lift.
YES-Go to step 9.
4. Start the engine, disable the VSA by pressing the VSA
OFF button, run the vehicle with the shift lever in D, NO-Repair an open in the wire between PCM
with the engine speed above 2,000 rpm. Compare the connector terminal B36 and output shaft
Output Shaft (Countershaft) Speed and the Input (countershaft) speed sensor connector terminal No. 3,
Shaft (Mainshaft) Speed with the HDS in the A/T Data then go to step 16.
List. Slow down, and stop the wheels.
9. Measure the voltage between output shaft
Are the speeds about the same? (countershaft) speed sensor connector terminal No. 2
and body ground.
YES-lntermittent failure, the system is OK at this
time.B •

3 2 1f


W ire side o f fem ale te rm in a l s

Is there ab ou t 5 V?

YES-Go to step 10.

NO-Go to step 12.
DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

10. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0). 12. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0).

11. Check for continuity between output shaft 13. Jump the SCS line with the HDS.
(countershaft) speed sensor connector terminal No. 1 14. Disconnect PCM connector B (49P).
and body ground.
15. Check for continuity between output shaft
(countershaft) speed sensor connector terminal No. 2




W ire side of fem ale terminals

Is there continuity?
W ire side of fem ale terminals
YES-Replace the output shaft (countershaft) speed
sensor (see page 14-188), then go to step 19. Is there continuity?
NO-Repair an open in the wire between PCM YES-Repair a short to body ground in the wire
connector terminal B34 and output shaft between PCM connector terminal B38 and output
(countershaft) speed sensor connector terminal No. 1, shaft (countershaft) speed sensor connector terminal
then go to step 16. No. 2, then go to step 16.
NO-Repair an open in the wire between PCM
connector terminal B38 and output shaft
(countershaft) speed sensor connector terminal No. 2,
then go to step 16.
16. Reconnect all connectors.
17. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
18. Clear the DTC with the HDS.
19. Start the engine, disable the VSA by pressing the VSA
OFF button, run the vehicle with the shift lever in D,
with the engine speed above 2,000 rpm. Compare the
Output Shaft (Countershaft) Speed and the Input
Shaft (Mainshaft) Speed with the HDS in the A/T Data
List. Slow down, and stop the wheels.
Are the speeds about the same?
YES-Troubleshooting is com plete.!
NO-Replace the PCM (see page 11-206).■
DTC P0731: Problem in 1st Clutch and 1st 7. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
Clutch Hydraulic Circuit 8. Clear the DTC with the HDS.
NOTE: Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data 9. Test-drive the vehicle in 1st gear in D, at speeds over 7
and any on-board snapshot with the HDS, and review mph (12 km/h), and for at least 12 seconds. If the
the General Troubleshooting Information (see page vehicle does not accelerate from a stop in 1st gear:
14-4). Press the accelerator pedal for 5 seconds at about 3 %
throttle. Release the accelerator pedal until the engine
1. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature
speed drops down below 1,000 rpm. Test-drive the
(the radiator fan comes on).
vehicle in 1st gear for at least 1 second, then press the
2. Make sure that the transmission is filled to the proper accelerator pedal so that the transmission upshifts to
level, and check for fluid leaks. 2nd gear, then 3rd gear. Slow down, and stop the
3. Drain the ATF (see page 14-192) through a strainer.
Inspect the strainer for metal debris or excessive 10. Check for Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS.
clutch material.
Is DTC P0731 in d ica te d ?
Does the strainer have metal debris or excessive clutch
YES-Faulty 1st clutch. Replace the 1st clutch or the
transmission, then go to step 12.
YES-Replace the transmission, then go to step 12.
NO-Go to step 11.
NO-Replace the ATF (see step 6 on page 14-193), then
11. Monitor the OBD status for P0731 in the DTCs MENU
go to step 4.
with the HDS.
4. Start the engine, run the vehicle in 1st gear in 1.
Does the HDS in dica te PASSED?
Does the vehicle run 1st gear in 1?
' YES-lntermittent failure, the system is OK at this.time.
YES-Go to step 5. If any other Pending or Confirmed DTCs were
indicated in step 10, go to the indicated DTC's
NO-Faulty 1st gear one-way clutch. Inspect the 1st troubleshooting.■
gear one-way clutch (see page 14-300), then go to
step 12. NO-lf the HDS indicates FAILED, faulty 1st clutch.
Replace the 1st clutch or the transmission, then goto
5. Measure the line pressure (see page 14-169). step 12. If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to
Is the line pressure within the service limit? step 9.

YES-Go to step 6.
NO-Replace the main valve body (ATF pump), the
regulator valve body (regulator valve), or replace the
transmission, then go to step 12.
6. Measure the 1st clutch pressure (see page 14-169).
Is the 1st clutch pressure within the service limit?
YES-Go to step 7.
NO-Shift valves B and C are stuck. Replace the main
valve body and the secondary valve body, or replace
the transmission, then go to step 12.

DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

12. Test-drive the vehicle in 1st gear in D, at speeds over 7 DTC P0732: Problem In 2nd Clutch and 2nd
mph (12 km/h), and for at least 12 seconds. If the
Clutch Hydraulic Circuit
vehicle does not accelerate from a stop in 1st gear:
Press the accelerator pedal for 5 seconds at about 3 % NOTE: Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data
throttle. Release the accelerator pedal until the engine and any on-board snapshot with the HDS, and review
speed drops down below 1,000 rpm. Test-drive the the General Troubleshooting Information (see page
vehicle in 1st gear for at least 1 second, then press the 14-4).
accelerator pedal so that the transmission upshifts to
2nd gear, then 3rd gear. Slow down, and stop the 1. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature
wheels. (the radiator fan comes on).

13. Check for Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS. 2. Make sure that the transmission is filled to the proper
level, and check for fluid leaks.
Is DTC P0731 Indicated?
3. Drain the ATF (see page 14-192) through a strainer.
YES-Check for poor connections or loose terminals Inspect the strainer for metal debris or excessive
between the input shaft (mainshaft) speed sensor, the clutch material.
output shaft (countershaft) speed sensor, and the
PCM, then go to step 1. Does the strainer have metal debris or excessive clutch
NO-Go to step 14.
YES-Replace the transmission, then go to step 11.
14. Monitor the OBD status for P0731 in the DTCs MENU
with the HDS. NO-Replace the ATF (see step 6 on page 14-193), then
go to step 4.
Does the HDS indicate PASSED?
4. Measure the line pressure (see page 14-169).
YES-Troubleshooting is complete. If any other
Pending or Confirmed DTCs were indicated in step 13, Is the line pressure within the service limit?
go to the indicated DTC's troubleshooting.■ YES-Go to step 5.
NO-lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check for poor NO-Replace the main valve body (ATF pump), the
connections or loose terminals between the input regulator valve body (regulator valve), or the
shaft (mainshaft) speed sensor, the output shaft transmission, then go to step 11.
(countershaft) speed sensor, and the PCM, then go to
step 5. If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to 5. Measure the 2nd clutch pressure (see page 14-169).
step 12.
Is the 2nd clutch pressure within the service limit?
YES-Go to step 6.
NO-Shift valves A, B, and C are stuck. Replace the
main valve body and the secondary valve body, or the
transmission, then go to step 11.
6. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
7. Clear the DTC with the HDS.
8. Test-drive the vehicle in 2nd gear in D at speeds oyer
7 mph (12 km/h) for at least 12 seconds. Slow down,
and stop the wheels.
9. Check for Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS. PTC P0733: Problem In 3rd Clutch and 3rd
Is DTC P0732 in dica ted? Clutch Hydraulic Circuit
YES-Faulty 2nd clutch. Replace the 2nd clutch or the NOTE: Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data
transmission, then go to step 11. and any on-board snapshot with the HDS, and review
the General Troubleshooting Information (see page
NO-Go to step 10. 14-4).
10. Monitor the OBD status for P0732 in the DTCs MENU 1. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature
with the HDS. (the radiator fan comes on).
Does th e H D S in dica te PASSED? 2. Make sure that the transmission is filled to the proper
YES-lntermittent failure, the system is OK at this time. level, and check for fluid leaks.
If any other Pending or Confirmed DTCs were 3. Drain the ATF (see page 14-192) through a strainer.
indicated in step 9, go to the indicated DTC's Inspect the strainer for metal debris or excessive
clutch material.
NO-lf the HDS indicates FAILED, faulty 2nd clutch. Does the strainer have m e ta l debris o r excessive clu tch
Replace the 2nd clutch or the transmission, then go to material?
step 11. If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to
step 8. YES-Replace the transmission, then go to step 11.

11. Test-drive the vehicle in 2nd gear in D at speeds over NO-Replace the ATF (see step 6 on page 14-193), then
7 mph (12 km/h) for at least 12 seconds. Slow down, go to step 4.
and stop the wheels. 4. Measure the line pressure (see page 14-169).
12. Check for Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS. Is the line pressure within the service limit?
Is DTC P0732 indicated? YES-Go to step 5.
YES-Check for poor connections or loose terminals NO-Replace the main valve body (ATF pump), the
between the input shaft (mainshaft) speed sensor, the regulator valve body (regulator valve), or the
output shaft (countershaft) speed sensor, and the transmission, then go to step 11.
PCM, then go to step 1.
5. Measure the 3rd clutch pressure (see page 14-169).
NO-Go to step 13.
Is the 3rd clutch pressure within the service limit?
13. Monitor the OBD status for P0732 in the DTCs MENU
with the HDS. YES-Go to step 6.
Does the HDS indicate PASSED? NO-Shift valves A, B, and C are stuck. Replace the
main valve body and the secondary valve body, or the
YES-Troubleshooting is complete. If any other transmission, then go to step 11.
Pending or Confirmed DTCs were indicated in step 12,
go to the indicated DTC’s troubleshooting.! 6. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
NO-lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check for poor 7. Clear the DTC with the HDS.
connections or loose terminals between the input
8. Test-drive the vehicle in 3rd gear in D at speeds over
shaft (mainshaft) speed sensor, the output shaft
7 mph (12 km/h) for at least 12 seconds. Slow down,
(countershaft) speed sensor, and the PCM, then go to
and stop the wheels.
step 4. If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to
step 11.
DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

9. Checkfor Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS. DTC P0734: Problem In 4th Clutch and 4th
Is DTC P0733 indicated? Clutch Hydraulic Circuit
YES-Faulty 3rd clutch. Replace the 3rd clutch or the NOTE: Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data
transmission, then go to step 11. and any on-board snapshot with the HDS, and review
the General Troubleshooting Information (see page
NO-Go to step 10. 14-4).
10. Monitor the OBD status for P0733 in the DTCs MENU 1. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature
with the HDS. (the radiator fan comes on).
Does the HDS indicate PASSED? 2. Make sure that the transmission is filled to the proper
YES-lntermittent failure, the system is OK at this time. level, and check for fluid leaks.
If any other Pending or Confirmed DTCs were 3. Drain the ATF (see page 14-192) through a strainer.
indicated in step 9, go to the indicated DTC's Inspect the strainer for metal debris or excessive
clutch material.
NO-lf the HDS indicates FAILED, faulty 3rd clutch. Does the strainer have metal debris or excessive clutch
Replace the 3rd clutch or the transmission, then go to material?
step 11. If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, goto
step 8. YES-Replace the transmission, then go to step 11.

11. Test-drive the vehicle in 3rd gear in D at speeds over NO-Replace the ATF (see step 6 on page 14-193), then
7 mph (12 km/h) for at least 12 seconds. Slow down, go to step 4.
and stop the wheels. 4. Measure the line pressure (see page 14-169).
12. Checkfor Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS. Is the line pressure within the service limit?
Is DTC P0733 indicated? YES-Go to step 5.
YES-Check for poor connections or loose terminals NO-Replace the main valve body (ATF pump), the
between the input shaft (mainshaft) speed sensor, the regulator valve body (regulator valve), or the
output shaft (countershaft) speed sensor, and the transmission, then go to step 11.
PCM, then go to step 1.
5. Measure the 4th clutch pressure (see page 14-169).
NO-Go to step 13.
Is the 4th clutch pressure within the service limit?
13. Monitor the OBD status for P0733 in the DTCs MENU
with the HDS. YES-Go to step 6.
Does the HDS indicate PASSED? NO-Shift valves A, B, C, and D are stuck. Replace the
main valve body and the regulator valve body, or the
YES-Troubleshooting is complete. If any other transmission, then go to step 11.
Pending or Confirmed DTCs were indicated in step 12,
go to the indicated DTC's troubleshooting.■ 6. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
NO-lf the HDS indicates FAILED, checkfor poor 7. Clear the DTC with the HDS.
connections or loose terminals between the input
8. Test-drive the vehicle in 4th gear in D at speeds over
shaft (mainshaft) speed sensor, the output shaft
7 mph (12 km/h) for at least 12 seconds. Slow down,
(countershaft) speed sensor, and the PCM, then go to
and stop the wheels.
step 4. If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to
step 11.
9. Check for Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS. DTC P073S: Problem in 5th Clutch and 5th
Is DTC P0734 Ind icated ? Clutch Hydraulic Circuit
YES-Faulty 4th clutch. Replace the 4th clutch or the NOTE: Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data
transmission, then go to step 11. and any on-board snapshot with the HDS, and review
the General Troubleshooting Information (see page
NO-Go to step 10. 14-4).
10. Monitor the OBD status for P0734 in the DTCs MENU 1. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature
with the HDS. (the radiator fan comes on).
Does the HDS indicate PASSED? 2. Make sure that the transmission is filled to the proper
YES-lntermittent failure, the system is OK at this time. level, and check for fluid leaks.
If any other Pending or Confirmed DTCs were 3. Drain the ATF (see page 14-192) through a strainer.
indicated in step 9, go to the indicated DTC's Inspect the strainer for metal debris or excessive
clutch material.
NO-lf the HDS indicates FAILED, faulty 4th clutch. Does the strainer have metal debris or excessive clutch
Replace the 4th clutch or the transmission, then go to material?
step 11. If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to
step 8. YES-Replace the transmission, then go to step 11.

11. Test-drive the vehicle in 4th gear in D at speeds over NO-Replace the ATF (see step 6 on page 14-193), then
7 mph (12 km/h) for at least 12 seconds. Slow down, go to step 4.
and stop the wheels. 4. Measure the line pressure (see page 14-169).
12. Checkfor Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS. Is the line pressure within the service limit?
Is DTC P0734 indicated? YES-Go to step 5.
YES-Check for poor connections or loose terminals NO-Replace the main valve body (ATF pump), the
between the input shaft (mainshaft) speed sensor, the regulator valve body (regulator valve), or replace the
output shaft (countershaft) speed sensor, and the transmission, then go to step 11.
PCM, then go to step 1.
5. Measure the 5th clutch pressure (see page 14-169).
NO-Go to step 13.
Is the 5th clutch pressure within the service limit?
13. Monitor the OBD status for P0734 in the DTCs MENU
with the HDS. YES-Go to step 6.
Does the HDS indicate PASSED? NO-Shift valves A, B, C, and D are stuck. Replace the
main valve body and the regulator valve body, or
YES-Troubleshooting is complete. If any other replace the transmission, then go to step 11.
Pending or Confirmed DTCs were indicated in step 12,
go to the indicated DTC's troubleshooting.■ 6. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
NO-Check for poor connections or loose terminals 7. Clear the DTC with the HDS.
between the input shaft (mainshaft) speed sensor, the
8. Test-drive the vehicle in 5th gear in D at speeds over
output shaft (countershaft) speed sensor, and the
7 mph (12 km/h) for at least 12 seconds. Slow down,
PCM, then go to step 4. If the HDS indicates NOT
and stop the wheels.
COMPLETED, go to step 11.
DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

9. Check for Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS. DTC P0741: Torque Converter Clutch
Is DTC P0735 indicated? Hydraulic Circuit Stuck OFF
YES-Faulty 5th clutch. Replace the 5th clutch or the NOTE: Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data
transmission, then go to step 11. and any on-board snapshot with the HDS, and review
the General Troubleshooting Information (see page
NO-Go to step 10. 14-4).
10. Monitor the OBD status for P0735 in the DTCs MENU 1. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature
with the HDS. (the radiator fan comes on).
Does the HDS indicate PASSED? 2. Make sure that the transmission is filled to the proper
YES-lntermittent failure, the system is OK at this time. level, and checkfor fluid leaks.
If any other Pending or Confirmed DTCs were 3. Drain the ATF (see page 14-192) through a strainer.
indicated in step 9, go to the indicated DTC's Inspect the strainer for metal debris or excessive
troubleshooting.■ clutch material.
NO-lf the HDS indicates FAILED, faulty 5th clutch. Does the strainer have metal debris or excessive clutch
Replace the 5th clutch or the transmission, then go to material?
step 11. If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to
step 8. YES-Replace the transmission, then go to step 14.

11. Test-drive the vehicle in 5th gear in D at speeds over NO-Replace the ATF (see step 6 on page 14-193), then
7 mph (12 km/h) for at least 12 seconds. Slow down, go to step 4.
and stop the wheels. 4. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
12. Checkfor Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS. 5. Clear the DTC with the HDS.
Is DTC P0735 indicated? 6. Select Shift Solenoid Valve D in the Miscellaneous
YES-Check for poor connections or loose terminals Test Menu, and check that shift solenoid valve D
between the input shaft (mainshaft) speed sensor, the operates with the HDS.
output shaft (countershaft) speed sensor, and the Is a clicking sound heard?
PCM, then go to step 1.
YES-Go to step 7.
NO-Go to step 13.
NO-Replace shift solenoid valve D (see page 14-173),
13. Monitor the OBD status for P0735 in the DTCs MENU then go to step 14.
with the HDS.
7. Run the engine until the Engine Coolant Temperature
Does the HDS indicate PASSED? reaches 176 °F (80 °C) with the HDS in the A/T Data
YES-Troubleshooting is complete. If any other List.
Pending or Confirmed DTCs were indicated in step 12, 8. Select Clutch Pressure Control (Linear) Solenoid
go to the indicated DTC's troubleshooting.■ Valve C in the Miscellaneous Test Menu, and test A/T
NO-lf the HDS indicates FAILED, checkfor poor clutch pressure control solenoid valve C with the
connections or loose terminals between the input HDS.
shaft (mainshaft) speed sensor, the output shaft Does the HDS indicate NORMAL?
(countershaft) speed sensor, and the PCM, then go to
step 4. If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to YES-Go to step 9.
step 11.
NO-Follow the instructions indicated on the HDS for
the test result. If the HDS has not determined the
cause of the failure, go to step 11. If a part is replaced,
go to step 12.
9. Test-drive the vehicle on a level road with a steady DTC P0746: A/T Clutch Pressure Control
throttle at 60 mph (96 km/h) for at least 22 seconds, or
test-drive the vehicle for several minutes under the
Solenoid Valve A Stuck OFF
same conditions as those indicated by the freeze data. DTC P0747: A/T Clutch Pressure Control
10. Monitor the OBD status for P0741 in the DTCs MENU Solenoid Valve A Stuck ON
with the HDS.
NOTE: Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data
Does the HDS indicate FAILED? and any on-board snapshot with the HDS, and review
the General Troubleshooting Information (see page
YES-Replace the main valve body and the regulator
valve body, or replace the transmission and/or the
torque converter, then go to step 14. 1. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature
(the radiator fan comes on).
NO-lf the HDS indicates PASSED, intermittent failure,
the system is OK at this time. If the HDS indicates NOT 2. Make sure that the transmission is filled to the proper
COMPLETED, go to step 9. level, and checkfor fluid leaks.
11. Inspect A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C 3. Drain the ATF (see page 14-192) through a strainer.
(see page 14-183). Inspect the strainer for metal debris or excessive
clutch material.
Does A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C work
properly? Does the strainer have metal debris or excessive clutch
YES-Replace the main valve body and the regulator
valve body, or the transmission, then go to step 14. YES-Replace the transmission, then go to step 13.
NO-Replace A/T clutch pressure control solenoid NO-Replace the ATF (see step 6 on page 14-193), then
valve C (see page 14-186), then go to step 12. go to step 4.
12. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II). 4. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
13. Clear the DTC with the HDS. 5. Clear the DTC with the HDS.
14. Test-drive the vehicle on a level road with a steady 6. Test-drive the vehicle with the shift lever in D for at
throttle at 60 mph (96 km/h) for at least 22 seconds, or least 20 seconds, and let the transmission shift
test-drive the vehicle for several minutes under the through all five gears. Slow down, and stop the
same conditions as those indicated by the freeze data. wheels.
15. Check for Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS. 7. Monitor the OBD status for P0746 or P0747 in the
DTCs MENU with the HDS.
Is DTC P0741 indicated?
Does the HDS indicate FAILED?
YES-Go to step 8.
YES-Go to step 8.
NO-Go to step 16.
N O -lf the HDS indicates PASSED, intermittent failure,
16. Monitor the OBD status for P0741 in the DTCs MENU
the system is OK at this time. If the HDS indicates NOT
with the HDS.
COMPLETED, go to step 6.
Does the HDS indicate PASSED?
8. Clear the DTC with the HDS.
YES-Troubleshooting is complete. If any other
Pending or Confirmed DTCs were indicated in step 15,
go to the indicated DTC's troubleshooting.■

DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

9. Select Clutch Pressure Control (Linear) Solenoid DTC P0751; Shift Solenoid Valve A Stuck OFF
Valve A in the Miscellaneous Test Menu, and test A/T
clutch pressure control solenoid valve A with the DTC P0752; Shift Solenoid Valve A Stuck ON
NOTE: Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data
Does the HDS indicate NORMAL? and any on-board snapshot with the HDS, and review
YES-lntermittent failure, the system is OK at this the General Troubleshooting Information (see page
time.B 14-4).

NO-Follow the instructions indicated on the HDS 1. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature
according to the test result. If the HDS has not (the radiator fan comes on).
determined the cause of the failure, go to step 10. If a 2. Make sure that the transmission is filled to the proper
part is replaced, go to step 11. level, and check for fluid leaks.
10. Inspect A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve A 3. Drain the ATF (see page 14-192) through a strainer.
(see page 14-178). Inspect the strainer for metal debris or excessive
Does A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve A work clutch material.
properly? Does the strainer have metal debris or excessive clutch
YES-Replace the main valve body (shift valve A) or material?
the transmission, then go to step 13. YES-Replace the transmission, then go to step 12.
NO-Replace A/T clutch pressure control solenoid NO-Replace the ATF (see step 6 on page 14-193), then
valve A (see page 14-181), then go to step 13. go to step 4.
11. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II). 4. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
12. Clear the DTC with the HDS. 5. Clear the DTC with the HDS.
13. Test-drive the vehicle with the shift lever in D for at 6. Test-drive the vehicle with the shift lever in D for at
least 20 seconds, and let the transmission shift least 11 seconds, and let the transmission shift
through all five gears. Slow down, and stop the through all five gears. Slow down, and stop the
wheels. wheels.
14. Check for Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS. 7. Monitor the OBD status for P0751 or P0752 in the
Is DTC P0746 or P0747 indicated? DTCs MENU with the HDS.

YES-Go to step 8. Does the HDS indicate FAILED?

NO-Go to step 15. YES-Go to step 8.

15. Monitor the OBD status for P0746 or P0747 in the NO-lf the HDS indicates PASSED, intermittent failure,
DTCs MENU with the HDS. the system is OK at this time. If the HDS indicates NOT
COMPLETED, go to step 6.
Does the HDS indicate PASSED?
YES-Troubleshooting is complete. If any other
Pending or Confirmed DTCs were indicated in step 14,
go to the indicated DTC's troubleshooting.■
8. Clear the DTC with the HDS. DTC P0756: Shift Solenoid Valve B Stuck OFF
9. Select Shift Solenoid Valve A in the Miscellaneous
Test Menu, and check that shift solenoid valve A DTC P0757: Shift Solenoid Valve B Stuck ON
operates with the HDS., NOTE: Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data
Is a clicking sound heard? and any on-board snapshot with the HDS, and review
the General Troubleshooting Information (see page
YES-Go to step 10. 14-4).
NO-Replace shift solenoid valve A (see page 14-173), 1. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature
then go to step 12. (the radiator fan comes on).
10. Test-drive the vehicle with the shift lever in D for at 2. Make sure that the transmission is filled to the proper
least 11 seconds, and let the transmission shift level, and check for fluid leaks.
through all five gears. Slow down, and stop the
wheels. 3. Drain the ATF (see page 14-192) through a strainer.
Inspect the strainer for metal debris or excessive
11. Monitor the OBD status for P0751 or P0752 in the clutch material.
DTCs MENU with the HDS.
Does the strainer have metal debris or excessive clutch
Does the HDS indicate FAILED? material?
YES-Replace the main valve body (shift valve A) or YES-Replace the transmission, then go to step 12.
the transmission, then go to step 12.
NO-Replace the ATF (see step 6 on page 14-193), then
NO-lf the HDS indicates PASSED, intermittent failure, go to step 4.
the system is OK at this time. If the HDS indicates NOT
COMPLETED, go to step 10. 4. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).

12. Test-drive the vehicle with the shift lever in D for at 5. Clear the DTC with the HDS.
least 11 seconds, and let the transmission shift 6. Test-drive the vehicle with the shift lever in D for at
through all five gears. Slow down, and stop the least 11 seconds, and let the transmission shift
wheels. through all five gears. Slow down, and stop the
13. Check for Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS. wheels.

Is DTC P0751 or P0752 in dica ted? 7. Monitor the OBD status for P0756 or P0757 in the
DTCs MENU with the HDS.
YES-Go to step 8.
Does the HDS indicate FAILED?
NO-Go to step 14.
YES-Go to step 8.
14. Monitor the OBD status for P0751 or P0752 in the
DTCs MENU with the HDS. NO-lf the HDS indicates PASSED, intermittent failure,
the system is OK at this time. If the HDS indicates NOT
Does the HDS indicate PASSED? COMPLETED, go to step 6.
YES-Troubleshooting is complete. If any other
Pending or Confirmed DTCs were indicated in step 13,
go to the indicated DTC's troubleshooting.■

DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

8. Clear the DTC with the HDS. DTC P0761: Shift Solenoid Valve C Stuck OFF
9. Select Shift Solenoid Valve B in the Miscellaneous
Test Menu, and check that shift solenoid valve B
DTC P0762: Shift Solenoid Valve C Stuck ON
operates with the HDS. NOTE: Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data
Is a clicking sound heard? and any on-board snapshot with the HDS, and review
the General Troubleshooting Information (see page
YES-Go to step 10. 14-4).
NO-Replace shift solenoid valve B (see page 14-173), 1. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature
then go to step 12. (the radiator fan comes on).
10. Test-drive the vehicle with the shift lever in D for at 2. Make sure that the transmission is filled to the proper
least 11 seconds, and let the transmission shift level, and check for fluid leaks.
through all five gears. Slow down, and stop the
wheels. 3. Drain the ATF (see page 14-192) through a strainer.
Inspect the strainer for metal debris or excessive
11. Monitor the OBD status for P0756 or P0757 in the clutch material.
DTCs MENU with the HDS.
Does the strainer have metal debris or excessive clutch
Does the HDS indicate FAILED? material?
YES-Replace the main valve body (shift valve B) or YES-Replace the transmission, then go to step 12.
the transmission, then go to step 12.
NO-Replace the ATF (see step 6 on page 14-193), then
NO-lf the HDS indicates PASSED, intermittent failure, go to step 4.
the system is OK at this time. If the HDS indicates NOT
COMPLETED, go to step 10. 4. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).

12. Test-drive the vehicle with the shift lever in D for at 5. Clear the DTC with the HDS.
least 11 seconds, and let the transmission shift 6. Test-drive the vehicle with the shift lever in D for at
through all five gears. Slow down, and stop the least 20 seconds, and let the transmission shift
wheels. through all five gears. Slow down, and stop the
13. Checkfor Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS. wheels.

Is DTC P0756 or P0757 indicated? 7. Monitor the OBD status for P0761 or P0762 in the
DTCs MENU with the HDS.
YES-Go to step 8.
Does the HDS indicate FAILED?
NO-Go to step 14.
YES-Go to step 8.
14. Monitor the OBD status for P0756 or P0757 in the
DTCs MENU with the HDS. NO-lf the HDS indicates PASSED, intermittent failure,
the system is OK at this time. If the HDS indicates NOT
Does the HDS indicate PASSED? COMPLETED, go to step 6.
YES-Troubleshooting is complete. If any other
Pending or Confirmed DTCs were indicated in step 13,
go to the indicated DTC's troubleshooting.■
8. Clear the DTC with the HDS. DTC P0766: Shift Solenoid Valve D Stuck OFF
9. Select Shift Solenoid Valve C in the Miscellaneous
Test Menu, and check that shift solenoid valve C DTC P0767: Shift Solenoid Valve D Stuck ON
operates with the HDS. NOTE: Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data
Is a clicking sound heard? and any on-board snapshot with the HDS, and review
the General Troubleshooting Information (see page
YES-Go to step 10. 14-4).
NO-Replace shift solenoid valve C (see page 14-173), 1. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature
then go to step 12. (the radiator fan comes on).
10. Test-drive the vehicle with the shift lever in D for at 2. Make sure that the transmission is filled to the proper
least 20 seconds, and let the transmission shift level, and check for fluid leaks.
through all five gears. Slow down, and stop the
wheels. 3. Drain the ATF (see page 14-192) through a strainer.
Inspect the strainer for metal debris or excessive
11. Monitor the OBD status for P0761 or P0762 in the clutch material.
DTCs MENU with the HDS.
Does the strainer have metal debris or excessive clutch
Does the HDS indicate FAILED? material?
YES-Replace the secondary valve body (shift valve C) YES-Replace the transmission, then go to step 12.
or the transmission, then go to step 12.
NO-Replace the ATF (see step 6 on page 14-193), then
NO-lf the HDS indicates PASSED, intermittent failure, go to step 4.
the system is OK at this time. If the HDS indicates NOT
COMPLETED, go to step 10. 4. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).

12. Test-drive the vehicle with the shift lever in D for at 5. Clear the DTC with the HDS.
least 20 seconds, and let the transmission shift 6. Test-drive the vehicle with the shift lever in D for at
through all five gears. Slow down, and stop the least 11 seconds, and let the transmission shift
wheels. through all five gears. Slow down, and stop the
13. Checkfor Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS. wheels.

Is DTC P0761 or P0762 in dica ted? 7. Monitor the OBD status for P0766 or P0767 in the
DTCs MENU with the HDS.
YES-Go to step 8.
Does the HDS indicate FAILED?
NO-Go to step 14.
YES-Go to step 8.
14. Monitor the OBD status for P0761 or P0762 in the
DTCs MENU with the HDS. NO-lf the HDS indicates PASSED, intermittent faiIure,
the system is OK at this time. If the HDS indicates NOT
Does the HDS indicate PASSED? COMPLETED, go to step 6.
YES-Troubleshooting is complete. If any other
Pending or Confirmed DTCs were indicated in step 13,
go to the indicated DTC's troubleshooting.■
DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

8. Clear the DTC with the HDS, DTC P0776: A/T Clutch Pressure Control
9. Select Shift Solenoid Valve D in the Miscellaneous Solenoid Valve B Stuck OFF
Test Menu, and check that shift solenoid valve D
operates with the HDS. ' ^ DTC P0777: A/T Clutch Pressure Control
Solenoid Valve B Stuck ON
Is a clicking sound heard?
NOTE: Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data
YES-Go to step 10.
and any on-board snapshot with the HDS, and review
NO-Replace shift solenoid valve D (see page 14-173), the General Troubleshooting Information (see page
then go to step 12. 14-4).
10. Test-drive the vehicle with the shift lever in D for at 1. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature
least 11 seconds, and let the transmission shift (the radiator fan comes on).
through all five gears. Slow down, and stop the
2. Make sure that the transmission is filled to the proper
wheels. ' :
level, and checkfor fluid leaks.
11. Monitor the OBD status for P0766 or P0767 in the
3. Drain the ATF (see page 14-192) through a strainer.
DTCs MENU with the HDS.
Inspect the strainer for metal debris or excessive
Does the HDS indicate FAILED? clutch material.
YES-Faulty shift valve D. Replace the. secondary valve Does the strainer have metal debris or excessive clutch
body (shift valve D) or the transmission, then go to material?
step 12.
YES-Replace the transmission, then go to step 13.
NO-lf the HDS indicates PASSED, intermittent failure,
NO-Replace the ATF (see step 6 on page 14-193), then
the system is OK at this time. If the HDS indicates NOT
go to step 4.
COMPLETED, go to step 10.
4. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
12. Test-drive the vehicle with the shift lever in D for at
least 11 seconds, and let the transmission shift 5. Clear the DTC with the HDS.
through all five gears. Slow down, and stop the
wheels. 6. Test-drive the vehicle with the shift lever in D for at
least 20 seconds, and let the transmission shift
13. Check for Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS. through all five gears. Slow down, and stop the
is DTC P0766 or P0767 in dica ted?
7. Monitor the OBD status for P0776 or P0777 in the
YES-Go to step 8.
DTCs MENU with the HDS.
NO-Go to step 14.
Does the HDS indicate FAILED?
14. Monitor the OBD status for P0766 or P0767 in the
YES-Go to step 8.
DTCs MENU with the HDS.
NO-lf the HDS indicates PASSED, intermittent failure,
Does the HDS indicate PASSED?
the system is OK at this time. If the HDS indicates NOT
YES-Troubleshooting is complete J f any other COMPLETED, go to step 6.
Pending or Confirmed DTCs were indicated in step 13,
8. Clear the DTC with the HDS.
go to the indicated DTCs troubleshooting.!!
9. Select Clutch Pressure Control (Linear) Solenoid DTC P0796: A/T Clutch Pressure Control
Valve B in the Miscellaneous Test Menu, and test A/T
Solenoid Valve C Stuck OFF
clutch pressure control solenoid valve B with the
HDS. DTC P0797: A/T Clutch Pressure Control
Does the HD S in dica te N O R M A L? Solenoid Value C Stuck ON
YES-lntermittent failure, the system is OK at this NOTE: Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data
time.B and any on-board snapshot with the HDS, and review
the General Troubleshooting Information (see page
NO-Follow the instructions indicated on the HDS
according to the test result. If the HDS has not
determined the cause of the failure, go to step 10. If a 1. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature
part is replaced, go to step 11. (the radiator fan comes on).
10. Inspect A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve B 2. Make sure that the transmission is filled to the proper
(see page 14-178). level, and check for fluid leaks.
Does A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve B work 3. Drain the ATF (see page 14-192) through a strainer.
properly? Inspect the strainer for metal debris or excessive
clutch material.
YES-Replace the main valve body (shift valve B) or
the transmission, then go to step 13. Does the strainer have metal debris or excessive clutch
NO-Replace A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
valve B (see page 14-181), then go to step 13. YES-Replace the transmission, then go to step 13.
11. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II). NO-Replace the ATF (see step 6 on page 14-193), then
go to step 4.
12. Clear the DTC with the HDS.
4. Turn the ignition switch to ON (H).
13. Test-drive the vehicle with the shift lever in D for at
least 20 seconds, and let the transmission shift 5. Clear the DTC with the HDS.
through all five gears. Slow down, and stop the
wheels. 6. Test-drive the vehicle.
© P0796: Start the engine. With the brake pedal
14. Checkfor Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS. pressed, shift the transmission to 1st gear, then
Is DTC P0776 o r P0777 in dica ted? shift lever to R, and drive the vehicle for at least 3
seconds. Slow down, and stop the wheels.
YES-Go to step 8. • P0797: Test-drive the vehicle with the shift lever in D
NO-Go to step 15. for at least 11 seconds, and let the transmission
shift through all five gears. Slow down, and stop the
15. Monitor the OBD status for P0776 or P0777 in the wheels.
DTCs MENU with the HDS.
7. Monitor the OBD status for P0796 or P0797 in the
Does the HDS indicate PASSED? DTCs MENU with the HDS.
YES-Troubleshooting is complete. If any other Does the HDS in dica te FAILED?
Pending or Confirmed DTCs were indicated in step 14,
go to the indicated DTC's troubleshooting.■ YES-Go to step 8 .
NO-lf the HDS indicates PASSED, intermittent failure,
the system is OK at this time. If the HDS indicates NOT
COMPLETED, go to step 13.
8. Clear the DTC with the HDS.

DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

9. Select Clutch Pressure Control (Linear) Solenoid 15. Monitor the OBD status for P0796 or P0797 in the
Valve C in the Miscellaneous Test Menu, and test A/T DTCs MENU with the HDS.
clutch pressure control solenoid valve C with the
Does the HDS indicate PASSED?
YES-Troubleshooting is complete. If any other
Does the HDS indicate NORMAL?
Pending or Confirmed DTCs were indicated in step 14,
YES-lntermittent failure, the system is OK at this go to the indicated DTC's troubleshooting.B
NO-lf the HDS indicates FAILED, go to step 8. If the
NO-Follow the instructions indicated on the HDS HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to step 13.
according to the test result. If the HDS has not
determined the cause of the failure, go to step 10. If a
part is replaced, go to step 11.
10. Inspect A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C
(see page 14-183).
Does A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C work
YES-Replace the secondary valve body (shift valve C)
or the transmission, then go to step 13.
NO-Replace A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
valve C (see page 14-186), then go to step 13.
11. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
12. Clear the DTC with the HDS.
13. Test-drive the vehicle.
• P0796: Start the engine. With the brake pedal
pressed, shift the transmission to 1st gear, then
shift lever to R, and drive the vehicle for at least 3
seconds. Slow down, and stop the wheels.
Test-drive the vehicle with the shift lever in D, and
let the transmission shift through all five gears.
Slow down, and stop the wheels.
• P0797: Test-drive the vehicle with the shift lever in D
for at least 11 seconds, and let the transmission
shift through all five gears. Slow down, and stop the
14. Check for Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS.
Is DTC P0796 or P0797 indicated?
YES-Go to step 8.
NO-Go to step 15.
DTC P0812: Open in Transmission Range . 8. Reconnect all connectors.
Switch ATPR Switch Circuit 9. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
NOTE: 10. Clear the DTC with the HDS.
• Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data and
11. Start the engine. With the brake pedal pressed, then
any on-board snapshot with the HDS, and review the
shift to R, and wait for at least 2 seconds.
General Troubleshooting Information (see page 14-4).
• This code is caused by an electrical circuit problem 12. Test-drive the vehicle in R at speeds below 3 mph
and cannot be caused by a mechanical problem in the (5 km/h) for at least 2 seconds, then increase the
transmission. speed and test-drive at speeds over 3 mph (5 km/h) for
at least 2 seconds. Slow down, and stop the wheels.
1. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
13. Check for Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS.
2. Shift to R, and monitor the A/T R Switch signal with
the HDS in the A/T Data List. Is DTC P0812 indicated?
Is the A /T R S w itch ON? YES-Check for poor connections or loose terminals
between the transmission range switch and the PCM,
YES-Intermittent failure, the system is OK at this then go to step 1.
tim e .l
NO-Go to step 14.
NO-Go to step 3.
14. Monitor the OBD status for P0812 in the DTCs MENU
3. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0). with the HDS.
4. Disconnect the transmission range switch connector. Does the HDS indicate PASSED?
5. Connect a jumper wire between transmission range YES-Troubleshooting is complete. If any other
switch connector terminal No. 8 and body ground. Pending or Confirmed DTCs were indicated in step 13,
go to the indicated DTC's troubleshooting.®
NO-lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check for poor
connections or loose terminals between the
transmission range switch and the PCM, then go to
5 4 3 2 step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to
10 9 8 7 step 11.



W ire side of fem ale term inals

6. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).

7. Check the transmission range switch signal is ON
with the HDS in the A/T Data List.
Is the transmission range switch signal ON?
YES-Replace the transmission range switch (see
page 14-250), then go to step 11.
NO-Repair an open in the wire between transmission
range connector terminal No. 8 switch and PCM
connector terminal C25, then go to step 8. If circuit
checks OK, go to step 15.
DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

15. Reconnect all connectors. DTC P0842: Short in Transmission Fluid

16. Update the PCM if it does not have the latest software Pressure Switch A (2nd Clutch) Circuit, or
(see page 11-204), or substitute a known-good PCM Transmission Fluid Pressure Switch A (2nd
(see page 11-7). Clutch) Stuck ON
17. Start the engine. With the brake pedal pressed, then NOTE:
shift to R, and wait for at least 2 seconds.
• Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data and
18. Test-drive the vehicle in R at speeds below 3 mph any on-board snapshot with the HDS, and review the
(5 km/h) for at least 2 seconds, then increase the General Troubleshooting Information (see page 14-4).
speed and test-drive at speeds over 3 mph (5 km/h) for • This code is caused by an electrical circuit problem
at least 2 seconds. Slow down, and stop the wheels. and cannot be caused by a mechanical problem in the
19. Checkfor Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS.
1. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
is DTC P0812 indicated?
2. Clear the DTC with the HDS.
YES-Check for poor connections or loose terminals
between the transmission range switch and the PCM. 3. Check the 2nd Pressure Switch signal with the HDS in
If the PCM was updated, substitute a known-good the A/T Data List when not the transmission is in 2nd
PCM (see page 11-7), then go to step 17. If the PCM gear.
was substituted, go to step 1.
is the 2nd Pressure Switch OFF?
NO-Go to step 20.
YES-Go to step 4.
20. Monitor the OBD status for P0812 in the DTCs MENU
with the HDS. NO-Go to step 7.

Does the HDS indicate PASSED? 4. Start the engine, and warm it up to normal operating
temperature (the radiator fan comes on).
YES-lf the PCM was updated, troubleshooting is
complete. If the PCM was substituted, replace the 5. Test-drive the vehicle in 3rd gear in D for at least
original PCM (see page 11 -206). If any other Pending 2 seconds. Slow down, and stop the wheels.
or Confirmed DTCs were indicated in step 17, go to 6. Monitor the OBD status for P0842 in the DTCs MENU
the indicated DTC's troubleshooting.® with the HDS.
NO-lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check for poor Does the HDS indicate FAILED?
connections or loose terminals between the
transmission range switch and the PCM. If the PCM YES-Go to step 7.
was updated, substitute a known-good PCM (see
NO-lf the HDS indicates PASSED, intermittent failure,
page 11-7), then go to step 18. If the PCM was
the system is OK at this time. Check the OP2SW wire
substituted, go to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT
for an intermittent short to body ground in the wire
COMPLETED, go to step 17.B
between transmission fluid pressure switch A (2nd
clutch) and the PCM. If the HDS indicates NOT
COMPLETED, go to step 5.
< •£>

7. Turn the ig n itio n sw itch to LOCK (0). 15. Reconnect all connectors.

8. Disconnect the transm ission flu id pressure sw itch A 16. Turn the ig n itio n sw itch to ON (II).
(2nd clutch) connector.
17. Clear the DTC w ith th e HDS.
9. Turn the ign itio n sw itch to ON (II).
18. S tart the engine, and w arm it up to norm al operating
10. Check the 2nd Pressure Switch signal w ith the HDS in tem perature (the rad ia to r fan com es on).
the A/T Data List.
19. Test-drive the vehicle in 2nd gear in D fo r at least
Is the 2nd Pressure Switch OFF? 2 seconds, then press the accelerator pedal so th a t the
transm ission upshifts to 3rd gear. D rive the vehicle in
YES-Replace transm ission flu id pressure sw itch A
3rd gear fo r at least 2 seconds. S lo w dow n, and stop
(2nd clutch) (see page 14-188), then go to step 15.
the w heels.
N O -G o to step 11.
20. C he ckfo r Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.
11. Turn the ign itio n sw itch to LOCK (0).
Is DTC P0842 indicated?
12. Ju m p the SCS line w ith the HDS.
YES-Check fo r an inte rm itte n t sh o rt to body ground in
13. Disconnect PCM connector C (49P). the w ire between transm ission flu id pressure sw itch
A (2nd clutch) and the PCM, then go to step 1.
14. C heckfor c o n tin u ity between PCM connector term inal
C27 and body ground. N O -G o to step 21.

21. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0842 in the DTCs MENU

PCM CONNECTOR C (49P) w ith the HDS.

ii----- ii Does the HDS indicate PASSED?

J 1 |2 | 3 | 4 |5 |6 |7 |8 9 hoi
a Y E S -Troubleshooting is com plete. If any other
11 1 2 1 3 1 4 | 1 5 1 6 1 9 2:0 2 1
I7 1 ?
Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ere indicated in step 20,

22 25 2 6 2:7 2 8
i 1
29 3031 3 2 3 3 34 35|36 3 7 3 8 3 9 go to the indicated DTC’s tro u b le s h o o tin g .®
| 4 0 | 4 1 | 4 2 | 4 3 |4 4 |4 5 |4 6 | 4 7 ^ 8 14 9 1
N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, c h e c k fo r an
OP2SW in te rm itte n t short to b ody ground in the w ire between
(TAN) transm ission flu id pressure sw itch A (2nd clutch) and
the PCM, then g o to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT
COMPLETED, go to step 18.

Terminal si de of fem al e terminals

Is there continuity?
YES-Repair a sh o rt to body ground in th e w ire
between PCM connector term inal C27 and the
transm ission flu id pressure switch A (2nd clutch)
connector term ina l, then go to step 15.

N O -G o to step 22.

DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

22. Reconnect all connectors. DTC P0843: Open in Transmission Fluid

23. Update the PCM if it does not have the latest softw are Pressure Switch A (2nd Clutch) Circuit, or
(see page 11-204), o r substitute a know n-good PCM Transmission Fluid Pressure Switch A (2nd
(see page 11-7). Clutch) Stuck OFF
24. S tart the engine, and w arm it up to norm al operating
NOTE: Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data
tem perature (the radiator fan com es on).
and any on-board snapshot w ith the HDS, and review
25. Test-drive the vehicle in 2nd gear in D fo r at least th e General T roubleshooting Inform ation (see page
2 seconds, then press the accelerator pedal so th a t the 14-4).
transm ission upshifts to 3rd gear. Drive the vehicle in
1. Turn the ign ition sw itch to ON (II).
3rd gear fo r at least 2 seconds. S low down, and stop
the wheels. 2. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.

26. C heckfor Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS. 3. Start the engine, and w arm it up to norm al operating
tem perature (the radiator fan comes on).
Is DTC P0842 indicated?
4. S hift to 2 w hile pressing the brake pedal, and ve rify
YES-Check fo r an inte rm itten t sh ort to body ground in
th at the S h ift Control indicates 2nd.
the w ire between transm ission flu id pressure sw itch
A (2nd clutch) and the PCM. If the PCM was updated, 5. Check the 2nd Pressure Switch signal w ith the HDS in
substitute a know n-good PCM (see page 11-7), then the A/T Data List.
go to step 24. If the PCM was substituted, go to step 1.
Is the 2nd Pressure Switch ON?
N O -G o to step 27.
YES-Go to step 6.
27. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0842 in the DTCs MENU
N O -G o to step 8.
w ith the HDS.
6. Test-drive the vehicle in 2nd gear in D fo r at least
Does the HDS indicate PASSED?
2 seconds. S low dow n, and stop the wheels.
Y E S -lf the PCM w as updated, trouble sh oo tin g is
7. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0843 in the DTCs MENU
com plete. If the PCM was substituted, replace the
w ith the HDS.
o riginal PCM (see page 11 -206). If any other Pending
o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ere indicated in step 26, go to Does the HDS indicate FAILED?
the indicated DTC's tro u b le sh o o tin g .®
YES-Go to step 8.
N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, ch e c k fo r an
in te rm itte n t sh o rt to body ground in the w ire between N O -lf the HDS indicates PASSED, inte rm itte nt failure,
transm ission flu id pressure sw itch A (2nd clutch) and the system is OK at this tim e. Check fo r poor
the PCM. If the PCM was updated, substitute a connections and loose term inals at transm ission flu id
know n-good PCM (see page 11 -7), then go to step 24. pressure sw itch A (2nd clutch) and the PCM. If the
If the PCM was substituted, go to step 1. If the HDS HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to step 6.
indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to step 24.
8. Turn the ig n itio n sw itch to LOCK (0). 13. Reconnect the transm ission flu id pressure sw itch A
(2nd clutch) connector.
9. Disconnect the transm ission flu id pressure sw itch A
(2nd clutch) connector. 14. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.
10. Connect a ju m p e r w ire between the transm ission 15. M easure the 2nd clutch pressure (see page 14-169).
flu id pressure sw itch A (2nd clutch) connector
term inal and body ground. Is the 2nd clutch pressure within the service limit?

YES-Replace transm ission flu id pressure sw itch A

TRANSM ISS ION FLUID PRESSURE SWITCH A (2nd clutch) (see page 14-188), then g o to step 20.
NO-Replace the m ain valve body and the secondary
valve body, o r the transm ission, then go to step 23.
16. Turn the ign itio n sw itch to LOCK (0).
OP2SW (TAN) 17. Jum p the SCS line w ith the HDS.
18. Disconnect PCM connector C (49P).
19. Check fo r co n tin u ity between PCM connector term inal
C27 and the transm ission flu id pressure sw itch A (2nd
clutch) connector te rm ina l.
Wire side of female terminals


11. Turn the ign itio n sw itch to ON (II). SWITCH A

12. Check the 2nd Pressure Sw itch signal w ith the HDS in
the A/T Data List.

Is the 2nd Pressure Switch ON?

YES-Go to step 13.

N O -G o to step 16.

Terminal side of W i re side of

female terminals female terminals

Is there continuity?

YES-Go to step 27.

NO-R epair an open in the w ire between PCM

connector term inal C27 and the transm ission flu id
pressure sw itch A (2nd clutch) connector term inal,
then go to step 20.
DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

20. Reconnect all connectors. 27. Reconnect all connectors.

21. Turn the ign ition sw itch to ON (II). 28. Update the PCM if it does not have the latest softw are
(see page 11 -204), or substitute a know n-good PCM
22. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.
(see page 11-7).
23. Start the engine, and w arm it up to norm al operating
29. S tart the engine, and w arm it up to norm al operating
tem perature (the radiator fan com es on).
tem perature (the radiator fan comes on).
24. Test-drive the vehicle in 2nd gear in D fo r at least
30. Test-drive the vehicle in 2nd gear in D fo r at least
2 seconds, then press the accelerator pedal so th a t the
2 seconds, then press the accelerator pedal so that the
transm ission upshifts to 3rd gear. Drive the vehicle in
transm ission upshifts to 3rd gear. Drive the vehicle in
3rd gear fo r at least 2 seconds. S lo w dow n, and stop
3rd gear fo r at least 2 seconds. S low dow n, and stop
the wheels.
the wheels.
25. Check fo r Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.
31. Check fo r Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.
Is DTC P0843 indicated?
Is DTC P0843 indicated?
YES-Check fo r poor connections o r loose term inals
YES-Check fo r poor connections or loose term inals
between transm ission flu id pressure sw itch A (2nd
between transm ission flu id pressure sw itch A (2nd
clutch) and the PCM, then go to step 1.
clutch) and the PCM. If the PCM was updated,
N O -G o to step 26. substitute a known-good PCM (see page 11-7), then
go to step 29. If the PCM was substituted, go to step 1.
26. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0843 in the DTCs MENU
w ith the HDS. NO-G o to step 32.

Does the HDS indicate PASSED? 32. M on ito r the OBD status fo r P0843 in the DTCs MENU
w ith the HDS.
Y E S -Troubleshooting is com plete. If any other
Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ere indicated in step 25, Does the HDS indicate PASSED?
go to the indicated DTC's tro u b lesho o tin g.■
Y E S -lf the PCM was updated, troubleshooting is
N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, ch e c kfo r poor com plete. If the PCM was substituted, replace the
connections or loose term inals between transm ission original PCM (see page 11-206). If any other Pending
flu id pressure sw itch A (2nd clutch) and the PCM, then o r Confirm ed DTCs w ere indicated in step 31, go to
go to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, the indicated DTC's trou b le sh o o ting .■
go to step 23.
N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, ch e ck fo r poor
connections o r loose term inals between transm ission
flu id pressure sw itch A (2nd clutch) and the PCM. If
the PCM was updated, substitute a know n-good PCM
(see page 11-7), then go to step 29. If the PCM w as
substituted, go to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT
COMPLETED, go to step 29.
DTC P0847: Short in Transmission Fluid 7. T urn th e ign itio n sw itch to LOCK (0).
Pressure Switch B (3rd Clutch) Circuit, or 8. Disconnect the transm ission flu id pressure sw itch B
Transmission Fluid Pressure Switch B (3rd (3rd clutch) connector.
Clutch) Stuck ON 9. Turn the ignitio n sw itch to ON (II).
NOTE: 10. Check the 3rd Pressure S w itch signal w ith the HDS in
• Before you tro ubleshoot, record all freeze data and th e A/T Data List.
any on-board snapshot w ith the HDS, and review the
Is the 3rd Pressure Switch OFF?
General T roubleshooting In form ation (see page 14-4).
• This code is caused by an electrical circu it problem YES-Replace transm ission flu id pressure sw itch B
and cannot be caused by a mechanical problem in the (3rd clutch) (see page 14-189), then go to step 15.
transm ission.
N O -G o to step 11.
1.Turn the ign itio n sw itch to ON (11).
11. T urn the ign itio n sw itch to LOCK (0).
2. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.
12. Ju m p the SCS line w ith the HDS.
3. Check the 3rd Pressure Switch signal w ith the HDS in
13. Disconnect PCM connector C (49P).
the A/T Data List w hen the transm ission is not in 3rd
gear. 14. Check fo r co n tin u ity between PCM connector te rm in a l
C38 and body ground.
Is the 3rd Pressure Switch OFF?

YES-Go to step 4.
N O -G o to step 7.

4. S tart the engine, and w arm it up to norm al operating I.11 1 2 3 |4 |5 |6 | 7 T 8 9 11 0 1

tem perature (the radiator fan com es on). 11 1 2 1 3
I 4 115 1 6 17 1 8 19 2 0 21

22 23 2 4 > < 25 26 27 28
5. Test-drive the vehicle in 4th gear in D fo r at least 2 9 30 31 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 6 37 38 3 9

2 seconds. S low dow n, and stop the wheels. 1 4 0 | 41 4 2 |4 3 |4 4 |4 5 | 4 6 |4 7 ^ 8 14 9 1

6. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0847 in the DTCs MENU OP3SW

w ith the HDS. (LT BLU)

Does the HDS indicate FAILED?

YES-Go to step 7.

N O -lf the HDS indicates PASSED, inte rm itte n t failure,

Terminal side of female terminals
the system is OK at this tim e. Check the OP3SW w ire
fo r an inte rm itte n t sh ort to body ground in the w ire
between transm ission flu id pressure sw itch B (3rd Is there continuity?
clutch) and the PCM. If the HDS indicates NOT
COMPLETED, go to step 5. YES-Repair a sh o rt to body ground in the w ire
between PCM connector term ina l C38 and the
transm ission flu id pressure sw itch B (3rd clutch)
connector term inal, then go to step 15.

N O -G o to step 22.
DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

15. Reconnect all connectors. 22. Reconnect all connectors.

16. Turn the ign ition switch to ON (II). 23. Update the PCM if it does not have the latest software
(see page 11 -204), or substitute a known-good PCM
17. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.
(see page 11-7).
18. Start the engine, and w arm it up to norm al operating
24. Start the engine, and w arm it up to norm al operating
tem perature (the radiator fan comes on).
tem perature (the radiator fan comes on).
19. Test-drive the vehicle in 3rd gear in D fo r at least
25. Test-drive the vehicle in 3rd gear in D fo r at least
2 seconds, then press the accelerator pedal so that the
2 seconds, then press the accelerator pedal so that the
transm ission upshifts to 4th gear. Drive the vehicle in
transm ission upshifts to 4th gear. Drive the vehicle in
4th gear fo r at least 2 seconds. S low dow n, and stop
4th gear fo r at least 2 seconds. S low dow n, and stop
the wheels.
the wheels.
20. C heckfor Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.
26. Check fo r Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.
Is DTC P0847 indicated?
Is DTC P0847 indicated?
YES-Check fo r an inte rm itte nt short to body ground in
YES-Check fo r an inte rm itten t short to body ground in
the w ire between transm ission flu id pressure sw itch
the w ire between transm ission flu id pressure switch
B (3rd clutch) and the PCM, then go to step 1.
B (3rd clutch) and the PCM. If the PCM was updated,
NO -G o to step 21. substitute a known-good PCM (see page 11-7), then
go to step 24. If the PCM was substituted, go to step 1.
21. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0847 in the DTCs MENU
w ith the HDS. NO -G o to step 27.

Does the HDS indicate PASSED? 27. M on ito r the OBD status fo r P0847 in the DTCs MENU
w ith the HDS.
Y ES -Troubleshooting is com plete. If any other
Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs were indicated in step 20, Does the HDS indicate PASSED?
go to the indicated DTC's tro u b le sh o o tin g .■
Y E S -lf the PCM was updated, troubleshooting is
N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, c h e c kfo r an com plete. If the PCM was substituted, replace the
inte rm itte n t sh o rt to body ground in the w ire between original PCM (see page 11-206). If any other Pending
transm ission flu id pressure sw itch B (3rd clutch) and o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ere indicated in step 26, go to
the PCM, then go to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT the indicated DTC's tro u b le sh o o tin g .H
COMPLETED, go to step 18.
N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check fo r an
inte rm itte nt short to body ground in the w ire between
transm ission flu id pressure sw itch B (3rd clutch) and
the PCM. If the PCM w as updated, substitute a
known-good PCM (see page 11-7), then go to step 24.
If the PCM was substituted, go to step 1. If the HDS
indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to step 24.

DTC P0848: Open in Transmission Fluid 8 . Turn the ign itio n sw itch to LOCK (0).
Pressure Switch B (3rd Clutch) Circuit, or 9. Disconnect the transm ission flu id pressure sw itch B
Transmission Fl uid Pressure Switch B (3rd (3rd clutch) connector.
Clutch) Stuck OFF 10. Connect a ju m p e r w ire between the transm ission
NOTE: Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data flu id pressure sw itch B (3rd clutch) connector
and any on-board snapshot w ith the HDS, and review term inal and body ground.
the General T roubleshooting Inform ation (see page
1. Turn the ignitio n sw itch to ON (II).

2. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.

3. S tart the engine, and w arm it up to norm al operating

tem perature (the radiator fan comes on). OP3SW (LT BLU)
4. Test-drive the vehicle in 3rd gear in D, and ve rify that
th e S hift Control indicates 3rd.

5. Check the 3rd Pressure Switch signal w ith the HDS in

the A/T Data List.
Wire side of female term i nals
Is the 3rd Pressure Switch ON?

YES-Go to step 6.
11. Turn the ignition sw itch to ON (II).
N O -G o to step 8.
12. Check the 3rd Pressure Switch signal w ith the HDS in
6. Test-drive the vehicle in 3rd gear in D fo r at least th e A/T Data List.
2 seconds. S low dow n, and stop the wheels.
Is the 3rd Pressure Switch ON?
7. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0848 in the DTCs MENU
■ YES-G o to step 13.
w ith the HDS.
N O -G o to step 16.
Does the HDS indicate FAILED?

YES-Go to step 8.

N O -lf the HDS indicates PASSED, in te rm itte n t failure,

the system is OK at this tim e. Check fo r poor
connections or loose term inals at transm ission flu id
pressure sw itch B (3rd clutch) and the PCM. If the HDS
indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to step 6.

DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

13. Reconnect the transm ission flu id pressure sw itch B 20. Reconnect all connectors.
(3rd clutch) connector.
21 . Turn the ign itio n sw itch to ON (II).
14. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.
22. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.
15. Measure the 3rd clutch pressure (see page 14-189).
23. S tart the engine, and w arm it up to norm al operating
Is the 3rd clutch pressure within the service limit? tem perature (the radiator fan comes on).

YES-Replace transm ission flu id pressure sw itch B 24. Test-drive the vehicle in 3rd gear in D fo r at least
(3rd clutch) (see page 14-189), then go to step 20. 2 seconds, then press the accelerator pedal so th a t the
transm ission upshifts to 4th gear. Drive the vehicle in
NO-Replace the main valve body and the secondary
4th gear fo r at least 2 seconds. S low dow n, and stop
valve body, o r the transm ission, then go to step 23.
the wheels.
16. Turn the ig n ition sw itch to LOCK (0).
25. Check fo r Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.
17. Jum p the SCS line w ith the HDS.
Is DTC P0848 indicated?
18. Disconnect PCM connector C (49P).
YES-Check fo r poor connections o r loose term inals
19. Check fo r co ntin u ity between PCM connector term inal between transm ission flu id pressure sw itch B (3rd
C38 and the transm ission flu id pressure sw itch B (3rd clutch) and the PCM, then go to step 1.
clutch) connector term inal.
N O -G o to step 26.
26. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0848 in the DTCs MENU
(3RD CLUTCH) Does the HDS indicate PASSED?
Y ES -Troubleshooting is com plete. If any other

12 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 9 11 0 1
11 12 13 16 I7h *
1 9 2 0 21 Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs were indicated in step 25,

22 23 24 X 25 > < 26 27 28
I go to the indicated DTC's trou b le sh o otin g .■
2 9 3 0 31 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 6 3 7 3 8 3 9
|40|41 | |
42 4 3 4 4 4 5 |4 6 |47 ^ 1
8 491 N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check fo r poor
connections or loose term inals between transm ission
flu id pressure sw itch B (3rd clutch) and the PCM, then
(LT BLU) (LT BLU) go to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED,
go to step 23.

Terminal side of W ire side of

female terminals female term inal s

Is there continuity?

YES-Go to step 27.

N O -R epair an open in the w ire between PCM

connector term inal C38 and the transm ission flu id
pressure sw itch B (3rd clutch) connector term inal,
then go to step 20.
27. Reconnect all connectors. • DTC P0872: Short in 4th Clutch Transmission
28. Update the PCM if it does not have the latest software Fluid Pressure Switch Circuit, or 4th Clutch
(see page 11-204), o r substitute a know n-good PCM Transmission Fluid Pressure Switch Stuck ON
(see page 11-7).
29. Start the engine, and w arm it up to norm al operating • Before you troublesh o o t, record all freeze data and
tem perature (the ra d ia to rfa n com es on). any on-board snapshot w ith th e HDS, and review the
30. Test-drive the vehicle in 3rd gear in D fo r at least General Troubleshooting In form ation (see page 14-4).
2 seconds, then press the accelerator pedal so that the • This code is caused by an electrical c irc u it problem
transm ission upshifts to 4th gear. Drive the vehicle in and cannot be caused by a m echanical problem in the
4th gear fo r at least 2 seconds. S low dow n, and stop transm ission.
the wheels.
1. Turn the ign ition sw itch to ON (II).
31. C heckfor Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ith th e HDS.
2. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.
Is DTC P0848 indicated?
3. Check the 4th Pressure Switch signal w ith the HDS in
YES-Check fo r poor connections o r loose term inals the A /T Data List w hen the transm ission is not in 4th
between transm ission flu id pressure sw itch B (3rd gear.
clutch) and the PCM. If the PCM w as updated,
Is the 4th Pressure Switch OFF?
substitute a know n-good PCM (see page 11-7), then
go to step 29. If the PCM was substituted, go to step 1. YES-G o to step 4.
NO-Go to step 32. N O -G o to step 7.
32. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0848 in the DTCs MENU 4. Start the engine, and w arm it up to norm al operating
w ith the HDS. tem perature (the ra d ia to rfa n comes on).
Does the HDS indicate PASSED? 5. Test-drive the vehicle in 5th gear in D fo r at least
2 seconds. S low dow n, and stop the wheels.
Y E S -lf the PCM w as updated, troub le sh oo tin g is
complete. If the PCM was substituted, replace th e 6. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0872 in the DTCs MENU
original PCM (see page 11-206). If any other Pending w ith the HDS.
o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ere indicated in step 31, go to
the indicated DTC's tro u b le s h o o tin g ® Does the HDS indicate FAILED?

N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check fo r poor YES-Go to step 7.

connections o r loose term inals between transm ission N O -lf the HDS indicates PASSED, in te rm itte n t failure,
flu id pressure sw itch B (3rd clutch) and the PCM. If the the system is OK at this tim e. Check the OP4SW w ire
PCM was updated, substitute a know n-good PCM (see fo r an in te rm itte n t sh o rt to body ground in the w ire
page 11-7), then go to step 29. If the PCM was between the 4th clutch transm ission flu id pressure
substituted, go to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT sw itch and the PCM. If the HDS indicates NOT
COMPLETED, go to step 29. COMPLETED, go to step 5.

DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

7. Turn the ig n itio n sw itch to LOCK (0). 15. Reconnect all connectors.

8. Disconnect the 4th clutch transm ission flu id pressure 16. Turn the ign itio n sw itch to ON (II).
sw itch connector.
17. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.
9. Turn the ign itio n sw itch to ON (II).
18. S tart the engine, and w arm it up to norm al operating
10. Check the 4th Pressure Switch signal w ith the HDS in tem perature (the radiator fan comes on).
the A/T Data List.
19. Test-drive the vehicle in 4th gear in D fo r at least
Is the 4th Pressure Switch OFF? 2 seconds, then press the accelerator pedal so th a t the
transm ission upshifts to 5th gear. Drive the vehicle in
YES-Replace the 4th clutch transm ission flu id
5th gear fo r at least 2 seconds, S low dow n, and stop
pressure sw itch (see page 14-189), then go to step 18.
the w heels.
N O -G o to step 11.
20. Check fo r Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.
11. Turn the ig n itio n sw itch to LOCK (0).
Is DTC P0872 indicated?
12. Jum p the SCS line w ith the HDS.
YES-Check fo r an inte rm itte n t short to body ground in
13. D isconnect PCM connector C (49P). the w ire between the 4th clutch transm ission flu id
pressure switch and the PCM, then go to step 1.
14. Check fo r co n tin u ity between PCM connector term inal
C37 and body ground. N O -G o to step 21.

21. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0872 in the DTCs MENU

POM C O N N EC TO R C (49P) w ith the HDS.

.irzrl Does the HDS indicate PASSED?

Jl I2 3 I 4 I 5 | 6 | 7 J 8 9 |10]
8 YES-Troubleshooting is com plete. If any other
11 12 13
I 41®16 i m 19 20 21 Pending o r Confirm ed DTCs w ere indicated in step 20,
22 23 24 X 25 > < 26 27 28
■ 1
go to the indicated DTC's tro u b le sh o otin g .■
29 30 31 3233 34 35 36 37 38 39
|40|41 4214314414514614 7 48|49|
N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check fo r an
O P 4S W inte rm itte nt short to body ground in the w ire between
(B LU ) the 4th clutch transm ission flu id pressure sw itch and
the PCM, then go to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT
COMPLETED, go to step 18.

T e rm in a l s i de o f fe m a le te r m in a l s

Is there continuity?
YES-R epair a sh o rt to body ground in the w ire
between PCM connector term inal C37 and the 4th
clutch transm ission flu id pressure sw itch connector
te rm ina l, then go to step 15.

NO -G o to step 22.
22. Reconnect all connectors. DTC P0873: Open in 4th Clutch Transmission
23. Update the PCM if it does not have the latest software Fluid Pressure Switch Circuit, or 4th Clutch
(see page 11-204), o r substitute a know n-good PCM Transmission Fluid Pressure Switch Stuck
(see page 11-7). OFF
24. S tart the engine, and w arm it up to norm al operating NOTE: Before you trou b le sh o ot, record all freeze data
tem perature (the ra d ia to rfa n com es on).
and any on-board snapshot w ith the HDS, and review
25. T est-drive the vehicle in 4th gear in D fo r at least the General Troubleshooting In form ation (see page
2 seconds, then press the accelerator pedal so th a t the 14-4).
transm ission upshifts to 5th gear. Drive the vehicle in 1. T urn the ign ition sw itch to ON (II).
5th gear fo r at least 2 seconds. S lo w dow n, and stop
the wheels. 2. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.

26. C he ckfo r Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS. 3. S ta rt the engine, and w arm it up to norm al operating
tem perature (the ra d ia to rfa n com es on).
Is DTC P0872 indicated?
4. T est-drive the vehicle in 4th gear in D, and v e rify that
YES-Check fo r an in te rm itte n t short to body ground in
the S hift Control indicates 4th.
the w ire between the 4th clutch transm ission flu id
pressure sw itch and the PCM. If the PCM was 5. Check the 4th Pressure S w itch signal w ith the HDS in
updated, substitute a know n-good PCM (see page the A/T Data List.
11-7), then go to step 24. If the PCM was substituted,
Is the 4th Pressure Switch ON?
go to step 1.
YES-Go to step 6.
N O -G o to step 27.
N O -G o to step 8.
27. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0872 in the DTCs MENU
w ith the HDS. 6. Test-drive the vehicle in 4th gear in D fo r at least
2 seconds. S low d ow n , and stop the wheels.
Does the HDS indicate PASSED?
7. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0873 in the DTCs MENU
Y E S -lf the PCM w as updated, trou b le sh oo tin g is
w ith the HDS.
com plete. If the PCM w as substituted, replace the
original PCM (see page 11-206). If any other Pending Does the HDS indicate FAILED?
o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ere indicated in step 26, go to
the indicated DTC's tro u b le s h o o tin g ® YES-Go to step 8.

N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check fo r an N O -lf the HDS indicates PASSED, inte rm itten t failure,
in te rm itte n t sh o rt to body ground in the w ire between the system is OK at th is tim e. Check fo r poor
the 4th clutch transm ission flu id pressure sw itch and connections o r loose term inals at the 4th clutch
the PCM. If the PCM w as updated, substitute a transm ission flu id pressure sw itch and the PCM. If the
know n-good PCM (see page 11-7), then go to step 24. HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to step 6.
If the PCM w as substituted, go to step 1. If the HDS
indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to step 24.

DTC Tro ublesho oting (cont'd)

8. Turn the ign ition sw itch to LOCK (0). 13. Reconnect the 4th clutch transm ission flu id pressure
sw itch connector.
9. D isconnectthe 4th clutch transm ission flu id pressure
sw itch connector. 14. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.

10. Connect a ju m p e r w ire between the 4th clutch 15. Measure the 4th clutch pressure (see page 14-169).
transm ission flu id pressure sw itch connector
Is the 4th clutch pressure within the service limit?
te rm ina l and body ground.
YES-Replace the 4th clutch transmission flu id
4TH C LU TC H T R A N S M IS S IO N FLU ID pressure sw itch (see page 14-189), then go to step 23.
NO-Replace the main valve body and the secondary
valve body, o r the transm ission, then go to step 23.

16. Turn the ign itio n sw itch to LOCK (0).

OP4SW (BLU) 17. Jum p the SCS line w ith the HDS.
18. Disconnect PCM connector C (49P).
19. C heckfor c o ntin u ity between PCM connector term inal
C37 and the 4th clutch transm ission flu id pressure
sw itch connector term inal.
W ire s id e o f fe m a le te rm in a ls


11. Turn the ign itio n sw itch to ON (II). PRESSURE
12. Check the 4th Pressure S w itch signal w ith the HDS in
the A /T Data List.

Is the 4th Pressure Switch ON?

YES-G o to step 13.

N O -G o to step 16.

T e rm in a l s id e o f W ire s id e o f
fe m a le te rm in a ls fe m a le te rm in a ls

Is there continuity?

YES-Go to step 27.

N O -R epair an open in the w ire between PCM

connector term inal C37 and the 4th clutch
transm ission flu id pressure sw itch connector
term inal, then go to step 20.
20. Reconnect all connectors. 27. Reconnect all connectors.

21. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II). 28. Update the PCM if it does not have th e latest softw are
(see page 11 -204), o r su bstitute a know n-good PCM
22. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.
(see page 11-7).
23. Start the engine, and warm it up to normal operating
29. S tart the engine, and w arm it up to norm al operating
temperature (the radiatorfan comes on).
tem perature (the ra d ia to r fan com es on).
24. Test-drive the vehicle in 4th gear in D fo r at least
30. Test-drive th e vehicle in 4th gear in D fo r at least
2 seconds, then press the accelerator pedal so th a t the
2 seconds, then press the accelerator pedal so th a t the
transm ission upshifts to 5th gear. Drive the vehicle in
transm ission upshifts to 5th gear. D rive the vehicle in
5th gear fo r at least 2 seconds. S low dow n, and stop
5th gear fo r at least 2 seconds. S low dow n, and stop
the wheels.
the w heels.
25. Checkfor Pending or Confirmed DTCs w ith the HDS.
31. Check fo r Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.
Is DTC P0873 indicated?
Is DTC P0873 indicated?
YES-Check fo r poor connections o r loose term ina ls
YES-Check fo r p oor connections o r loose term inals
between the 4th clutch transm ission flu id pressure
between the 4th clutch transm ission flu id pressure
sw itch and the PCM, then go to step 1.
sw itch and the PCM. If th e PCM was updated,
N O -G o to step 26. substitute a know n-good PCM (see page 11-7), then
go to step 29. If the PCM was substituted, go to step 1.
26. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0873 in the DTCs MENU
w ith the HDS. N O -G o to step 32.

Does the HDS indicate PASSED? 32. M on ito r the OBD status fo r P0873 in the DTCs MENU
w ith the HDS.
Y E S -Troubleshooting is com plete. If any other
Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ere indicated in step 25, Does the HDS indicate PASSED?
go to the indicated DTC's tro u b le s h o o tin g ®
Y E S -lf the PCM w as updated, troubleshooting is
N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check fo r poor com plete. If the PCM w as substituted, replace the
connections o r loose te rm inals between the 4th clutch o riginal PCM (see page 11-206). If any other Pending
transm ission flu id pressure sw itch and the PCM, then or C onfirm ed DTCs w ere indicated in step 31, go to
go to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, the indicated DTC's tro u b le s h o o tin g ®
go to step 23.
N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, c h e ck fo r poor
connections or loose term inals between the 4th clutch
transm ission flu id pressure sw itch and the PCM. If the
PCM w as updated, substitute a known-good PCM (see
page 11-7), then go to step 29. If the PCM was
substituted, go to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT
COMPLETED, go to step 29.
DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

DTC P09S2: Problem in A/T Clutch Pressure 8. Turn the ign itio n sw itch to LOCK (0).
Control Solenoid Valve A Circuit 9. Disconnect the A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
valve A connector.
• Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data and 10. Measure the resistance between A/T clutch pressure
any on-board snapshot w ith the HDS, and review the control solenoid valve A connector term inals No. 1
General Troubleshooting Inform ation (see page 14-4). and No. 2.
• This code is caused by an electrical circuit problem
and cannot be caused by a m echanical problem in the A /T CLUTCH PRESSURE CONTROL

1. Turn the ign itio n sw itch to ON (II).

2. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.

3. S tart the engine, and w ait fo r at least 1 second.
4. Check fo r Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.

Is DTC P0962 indicated?

YES-Go to step 8.

N O -G o to step 5. Terminal side of male terminals

5. Select Clutch Pressure Control (Linear) Solenoid

V alve A in the M iscellaneous Test M enu, and test A/T Is there 3 —10 D?
clutch pressure control solenoid valve A w ith the YES-Go to step 11.
NO-Replace A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
Does the HDS indicate NORMAL? valve A (see page 14-181), then go to step 22.
YES-G o to step 6. 11. Check fo r c o n tin u ity between A/T clutch pressure
N O -G o to step 8. control solenoid valve A connector term inal No. 1 and
body ground.
6. In the Clutch Pressure Control Solenoid Valve Control
m enu, set A/T Clutch Pressure Control S olenoid Valve
7. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0962 in the DTCs MENU
w ith the HDS.

Does the HDS indicate FAILED?

YES-Go to step 8.
N O -lf the HDS indicates PASSED, in te rm itte n t failure,
the system is OK at this tim e. Check fo r poor
connections o r loose term inals between A/T clutch
pressure control solenoid valve A and the PCM. If the
HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to step 5. Wire side of female terminals

Is there continuity?

YES-Go to step 12.

N O -R epair an open in the w ire between A/T clutch

pressure control solenoid valve A connector term inal
No. 1 and body ground (G101) (see page 22-78) or
repair poor body ground (G101), then go to step 19.
12. Ju m p the SCS line w ith the HDS. 15. Check fo r c o n tin u ity between A /T clutch pressure
control solenoid valve A connector te rm ina l No. 2 and
13. Disconnect PCM connector C (49P). body ground.
14. C heckfor co n tin u ity between PCM connector term inal
C21 and A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve A A /T CLUTCH PRESSURE CONTROL
connector term ina l No. 2. SOLENOID VALVE A CONNECTOR




i 1 12 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 9 1 1 °|J
11 12 13 1 4 1 5 16 19 20 21 ■

22 23 24X 25 26 27 28
34 3536 37 38 39I

29 30 31

W ire side of female terminals

| | | | |
40 |41 42|43 44 |45 |46 47 48 49
Is there continuity?

YES-R epair a sho rt to body ground in the w ire

between PCM connector term inal C21 and A/T clutch
Terminal side of Wire side of pressure control solenoid valve A connector term inal
female terminals female terminals
No. 2, then go to step 19.
Is there continuity? N O -G o to step 16.
YES-G o to step 15. 16. Disconnect PCM connector A (49P).
N O -R epair an open in th e w ire between A/T clutch 17. Turn the ig n itio n sw itch to ON (II).
pressure control solenoid valve A connector term inal
No. 2 and PCM connector term inal C21, then go to
step 19.
DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

18. Measure the voltage between PCM connector 19. Reconnect all connectors.
term ina l A1 and body ground.
20. Turn the ignition sw itch to ON (II).

PCM CONNECTOR A (49P ) 21. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.

22. S tart th e engine, and w a it fo r at least 1 second.

------------- VBSOL2 (RED)
23. Check fo r Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.
j. 1 I 2 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7.J.8 9 |10| Is DTC P0962 Indicated?
11 12 13 14 15 16 1718 ■
19 20 21
22 23 24 X 25 > < 26 27 28
■ YES-Check fo r poor connections o r loose term inals
between A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve A

34 35 36 37 38 39

29 30 31

| |
40 41 42|43|44|45|46|47 48|49| and the PCM, then go to step 1.

N O -G o to step 24.

24. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0962 in the DTCs MENU
w ith the HDS.
Terminal side of female terminals
Does the HDS indicate PASSED?

Is there battery voltage? YES -Troubleshooting is com plete. If any other

Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs were indicated in step 23,
YES-Go to step 25. go to the indicated DTC's tro ub lesh o o ting .■
N O-Check fo r a blow n No. B10 (10 A) fuse in the N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, ch e ck fo r poor
d river's under-dash fuse/relay box. If the fuse is connections or loose term inals between A/T clutch
blow n, replace it. If the fuse blow s again, repair a pressure control solenoid valve A and the PCM, then
sh o rt in the No. B10 (10 A) fuse circuit. If the fuse is go to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED,
OK, repair an open in the w ire between PCM go to step 22.
connector term ina l A1 and the driver's under-dash
fuse/relay box, then go to step 19.
25. Reconnect all connectors. DTC P09S3: Problem in A/T Clutch Pressure
26. Update the PCM if it does n ot have the latest softw are Control Solenoid Valve A
(see page 11-204), o r substitute a know n-good PCM
(see page 11-7).
• Before you tro u bleshoot, record all freeze data and
27. S tart the engine, and w a it fo r at least 1 second. any on-board snapshot w ith the HDS, and re vie w th e
General T ro ubleshooting Inform ation (see page 14-4).
28. Check fo r Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.
• This code is caused by an electrical circu it problem
Is DTC P0962 indicated? and cannot be caused by a m echanical problem in the
YES-Check fo r poor connections o r loose term inals transm ission.
between A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve A 1. Turn the ig n itio n sw itch to ON (II).
and the PCM. If the PCM w as updated, substitute a
know n-good PCM (see page 11-7), then go to step 27. 2. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.
If the PCM w as substituted, go to step 1. 3. Start the engine, and w a it fo r at least 1 second.
' N O -G o to step 29. 4. Check fo r Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.
29. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0962 in the DTCs MENU Is DTC P0963 indicated?
w ith the HDS.
YES-Go to step 8.
Does the HDS indicate PASSED?
NO -G o to step 5.
Y E S -lf the PCM was updated, trou ble sho o tin g is
com plete. If the PCM was substituted, replace the 5. Select Clutch Pressure Control (Linear) Solenoid
original PCM (see page 11-206). If any oth e r Pending Valve A in the M iscellaneous Test Menu, and test A/T
o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ere indicated in step 28, go to clutch pressure control solenoid valve A w ith the
the indicated DTC's tro u b le s h o o tin g .! HDS.
N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check fo r poor Does the HDS indicate NORMAL?
connections or loose te rm inals between A/T clutch
YES-Go to step 6.
pressure control solenoid valve A and the PCM. If the
PGM w as updated, substitute a know n-good PCM (see NO -G o to step 8.
page 11-7), then go to step 27. If the PCM w as
substituted, go to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT 6. In the Clutch Pressure C ontrol S olenoid Valve Control
COMPLETED, go to step 27. m enu, set A/T Clutch Pressure Control S olenoid Valve
A at 0.2 A.

7. M o nito r the OBD status fo r P0963 in the DTCs MENU

w ith the HDS.

Does the HDS indicate FAILED?

YES-Go to step 8.
N O -lf the HDS indicates PASSED, inte rm itte n t failure,
the system is OK at th is tim e. Check fo r poor
connections or loose term ina ls between A/T clutch
pressure control solenoid valve A and the PCM. If the
HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to step 5.
DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

8. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0). 14. Reconnect all connectors.

9. Disconnect the A/T clutch pressure control solenoid 15. Update the PCM if it does not have the latest softw are
valve A connector. (see page 11-204), o r substitute a known-good PCM
(see page 11-7).
10. Measure the resistance between A/T clutch pressure
control solenoid valve A connector term inals No. 1 16. S tart the engine, and w a it fo r at least 1 second.
and No. 2.
17. Check fo r Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.


YES-Check fo r poor connections o r loose term inals
between A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve A
and the PCM. If the PCM was updated, substitute a
know n-good PCM (see page 11-7), then go to step 16.
If the PCM was substituted, go to step 1.
N O -G o to step 18.

18. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0963 in the DTCs MENU

w ith the HDS.

Does the HDS indicate PASSED?

T e rm in a l s id e o f m a le te rm in a ls
Y E S -lf the PCM w as updated, troubleshooting is
com plete. If the PCM was substituted, replace the
Is there 3 - 1 0 0? o riginal PCM (see page 11-206). If any other Pending
YES-Go to step 14. o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ere indicated in step 17, go to
the indicated DTC's tro u b le s h o o tin g ®
NO-Replace A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
valve A (see page 14-181), then g o to step 11. N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check fo r poor
connections or loose term inals between A/T clutch
11. S tart the engine, and w a it fo r at least 1 second. pressure control solenoid valve A and the PCM. If the
PCM was updated, substitute a known-good PCM (see
12. Check fo r Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.
page 11-7), then go to step 16. If the PCM was
Is DTC P0963 Indicated? substituted, go to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT
COMPLETED, go to step 16.
YES-Check fo r poor connections o r loose term inals
between A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve A
and the PCM, then go to step 1.

N O -G o to step 13.
13. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0963 in the DTCs MENU
w ith the HDS.

Does the HDS indicate PASSED?

Y ES -Troubleshooting is com plete. If any other

Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ere indicated in step 12,
go to the indicated DTC's tro u b le sh o o tin g .®

N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check fo r poor

connections or loose term inals between A/T clutch
pressure control solenoid valve A and the PCM, then
go to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED,
go to step 11.

DTC P0966: Problem in A/T Clutch Pressure 8. Turn the ig n itio n sw itch to LOCK (0).
Control Solenoid Valve S Circuit 9. Disconnect the A /T clutch pressure co n tro l solenoid
valve B connector.
• Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data and 10. Measure the resistance betw een A /T clutch pressure
any on-board snapshot w ith the HDS, and review the control solenoid valve B con n e cto r te rm inals No. 1
General Troubleshooting I nformation (see page 14-4). and No. 2.
• This code is caused by an electrical circu it problem
and cannot be caused by a m echanical problem in the A /T CLUTCH PRESSURE CONTROL

1 . Turn the ignition sw itch to ON (II).

2. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.

3. S tart the engine, and w a it fo r at least 1 second. GND

4. Check fo r Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ith th e HDS.

Is DTC P0966 indicated?

YES-Go to step 8.

NO -G o to step 5. Terminal side of male terminals

5. Select Clutch Pressure Control (Linear) Solenoid

Valve B in the M iscellaneous Test M enu, and test A/T Is there 3 — 10 Q?
clutch pressure control solenoid valve B w ith the
YES-Go to step 11.
NO-Replace A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
Does the HDS indicate NORMAL? valve B (see page 14-181), then go to step 22.
YES-Go to step 6. 11. Check for co n tin u ity between A/T clutch pressure
N O -G o to step 8. control solenoid valve B connector term inal No. 1 and
body ground.
6. In the Clutch Pressure Control S olenoid V alve Control
m enu, set A/T Clutch Pressure Control S olenoid Valve
7. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0966 in the DTCs MENU
w ith the HDS.
Does the HDS indicate FAILED?
YES-Go to step 8.

N O -lf the HDS indicates PASSED, inte rm itte n t failure,

the system is OK at th is tim e. Check fo r poor
connections o r loose term inals between A/T clutch
pressure control solenoid valve B and the PCM. If the
HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to step 5. Wire side of female terminal s

Is there continuity?

YES-Go to step 12.

N O -R epair an open in the w ire between A/T clutch
pressure control solenoid valve B connector term inal
No. 1 and body ground (G101) (see page 22-78) or
repair poor body ground (G101), then go to step 19.

DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

12. Jum p the SCS line w ith the HDS. 15. Check fo r co n tin u ity between A/T clutch pressure
control solenoid valve B connector term inal No. 2 and
13. Disconnect PCM connector B (49P). body ground.
14. Check fo r co n tin u ity between PCM connector term inal
B10 and A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve B A /T C LUTCH PRESSURE C O N TR O L
connector term inal No. 2. S O LE N O ID V A L V E B CONNECTOR



.|1 I 2 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 9 |1< >l■

11 12 13 1 4 1 5 16 1 7|1 8 19 2 0 21
22 23 2 4 X 25 26 27 28
■ JzTu


2 9 3 0 31 34 3 5 36 3 7 3 8 3 9 W ire s id e o f fe m a le te rm in a ls
|4 0 | 41 4 2 14 3 14 4 14 5 14 6 14 7 4 8 | 4 9 |
Is there continuity?

YES-Repair a short to body ground in the w ire

between PCM connector term inal B10 and A/T clutch
T e rm in a l sid e o f W ire s id e o f
pressure control solenoid valve B connector term inal
fe m a le te rm in a ls fe m a le te rm in a ls
No. 2, then go to step 19.
Is there continuity? NO -G o to step 16.
YES-Go to step 15. 16. Disconnect PCM connector A (49P).
N O -R epair an open in the w ire between A/T clutch 17. Turn the ign itio n sw itch to ON (II).
pressure control solenoid valve B connector term inal
No. 2 and PCM connector te rm ina l B10, then go to
step 19.
18. Measure the voltage between PCM connector 19. Reconnect all connectors.
term inal AT and body ground.
20. Turn th e ign itio n sw itch to ON (II).

PCM CONNECTOR A (49P) 21. Clear th e DTC w ith the HDS.

22. S tart th e engine, and w a it fo r at least 1 second.
23. Check fo r Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.

2 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 I8 9 |10| i
T 111I12 Is DTC P09&6 indicated?
13 1415 16 im 19 20 21
22 23 24 X 25 26 2728
i YES-Check fo r p oo r connections o r loose te rm ina ls
i i
betw een A/T clutch pressure con tro l solenoid valve B

29 30 31 34 35 36 37 38 39
| 40|41 42143144 f 45146 147 48|49| and th e PCM, then go to step 1.

N O -G o to step 24.

24. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0966 in the DTCs MENU
w ith the HDS.
Term inal side of fem ale term inals
Does the HDS indicate PASSED?

Is there battery voltage? Y ES -Troubleshooting is com plete. If any other

Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs were indicated in step 23,
YES-Go to step 25. go to the indicated DTC's tro u b le sh o o tin g .■
NO-Check fo r a blow n No. B10 (10 A) fuse in the N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check fo r poor
d rive r's under-dash fuse/relay box. If the fuse is connections or loose term inals between A/T clutch
blow n, replace it. If the fuse blow s again, repair a pressure control solenoid valve B and the PCM, then
sh ort in the No. B10 (10 A) fuse circuit. If the fuse is go to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED,
OK, repair an open in the w ire between PCM go to step 22.
connector te rm ina l A1 and the d rive r's under-dash
fuse/relay box, then go to step 19.
DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

25. Reconnect all connectors. DTC P0967: Problem in A/T Clutch Pressure
26. Update the PCM if it does not have the latest softw are Control Solenoid Valve B
(see page 11-204), or substitute a know n-good PCM
(see page 11-7).
• Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data and
27. Start the engine, and w a it fo r at least 1 second. any on-board snapshot with the HDS, and review the
General Troubleshooting Information (see page 14-4).
28. C heckfor Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.
• This code is caused by an electrical circuit problem
Is DTC P0966 indicated? and cannot be caused by a mechanical problem in the
YES-Check fo r poor connections o r loose term ina ls
between A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve B 1. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
and the PCM. If the PCM was updated, substitute a
know n-good PCM (see page 11-7), then go to step 27. 2. Clear the DTC with the HDS.
If the PCM w as substituted, go to step 1. 3. Start the engine, and wait for at least 1 second.
N O -G o to step 29. 4. Check for Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS.
29. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0966 in the DTCs MENU Is DTC P0967 indicated?
w ith the HDS.
YES-Go to step 8.
Does the HDS indicate PASSED?
NO-Go to step 5.
Y E S -lf the PCM was updated, troub lesh o o tin g is
com plete. If the PCM w as substituted, replace the 5. Select ClutchPressure Control (Linear) Solenoid
original PCM (see page 11-206). If any other Pending Valve B in the Miscellaneous Test Menu, and test A/T
o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ere indicated in step 28, go to clutch pressure control solenoid valve B with the
the indicated DTC's tro u b le sh o o tin g .■ HDS.

N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, c h e c kfo r poor Does the HDS indicate NORMAL?
connections o r loose term ina ls between A/T clutch
YES-Go to step 6.
pressure control solenoid valve B and the PCM. If the
PCM w as updated, substitute a known-good PCM (see NO-Go to step 8.
page 11-7), then go to step 27. If the PCM was
6. I n the Clutch Pressure Control Solenoid Valve Control
substituted, go to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT
menu, set A/T Clutch Pressure Control Solenoid Valve
COMPLETED, go to step 27.
B at 0.2 A.

7. Monitor the OBD status for P0967 in the DTCs MENU

with the HDS.

Does the HDS indicate FAILED?

YES-Go to step 8.
N O -lf the HDS indicates PASSED, intermittent failure,
the system is OK at this time. Check for poor
connections or loose terminals between A/T clutch
pressure control solenoid valve B and the PCM. If the
HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to step 5.
8. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0). 14. Reconnect all connectors.

9. Disconnectthe A/T clutch pressure control solenoid 15. Update the PGM if it does not have the latest software
valve B connector. (see page 11-204), or substitute a known-good PCM
(see page 11-7).
10. Measure the resistance between A/T clutch pressure
control solenoid valve B connector terminals No. 1 16. Start the engine, and wait for at least 1 second.
and No. 2.
17. Check for Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS.


YES-Check for poor connections or loose terminals
between A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve B
and the PCM. If the PCM was updated, substitute a
known-good PCM (see page 11-7), then go to step 16.
If the PCM was substituted, go to step 1.
NO-G o to step 18.

18. Monitor the OBD status for P0967 in the DTCs MENU
with the HDS.

Does the HDS indicate PASSED?

Terminal side of male terminals
YES-lf the PCM was updated, troubleshooting is
complete. If the PCM was substituted, replace the
Is there 3 —10 Q? original PCM (see page 11-206). If any other Pending
YES-Go to step 14. or Confirmed DTCs were indicated in step 17, go to
the indicated DTC's troubleshooting.®
NO-Replace A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
valve B (see page 14-181), then go to step 11. N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, checkfor poor
connections or loose terminals between A/T clutch
11. Start the engine, and wait for at least 1 second. pressure control solenoid valve B and the PCM. If the
PCM was updated, substitute a known-good PCM (see
12. Checkfor Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS.
page 11-7), then go to step 16. If the PCM was
Is DTC P0967 indicated? substituted, go to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT
COMPLETED, go to step 16.
YES-Check for poor connections or loose terminals
between A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve B
and the PCM, then go to step 1.
NO-G o to step 13.

13. Monitor the OBD status for P0967 in the DTCs MENU
with the HDS.

Does the HDS indicate PASSED?

YES-Troubleshooting is complete. If any other

Pending or Confirmed DTCs were indicated in step 12,
go to the indicated DTC's troubleshooting.®

N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, checkfor poor

connections or loose terminals between A/T clutch
pressure control solenoid valve B and the PCM, then
go to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED,
go to step 11.
DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

DTC P0970: Problem in A/T Clutch Pressure 8. Turn the ign itio n sw itch to LOCK (0).
Control Solenoid Valve C Circuit 9. Disconnect the A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
valve C connector.
• Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data and 10. Measure the resistance between A/T clutch pressure
any on-board snapshot w ith the HDS, and review the control solenoid valve C connector term inals No. 1
General T roubleshooting Inform ation (see page 14-4). and No. 2.
• This code is caused by an electrical circu it problem
and cannot be caused by a mechanical problem in the A /T CLUTCH PRESSURE CONTROL

1. Turn the ig n itio n sw itch to ON (II).

2. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.

3. S tart the engine, and w a it fo r at least 1 second. LSC GND
4. Check fo r Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.

Is DTC P0970 indicated?

YES-Go to step 8.

N O -G o to step 5. Terminal side of male terminals

5. Select Clutch Pressure C ontrol (Linear) S olenoid

Valve C in the M iscellaneous Test M enu, and test A/T Is there 3 - 1 0 Q?
clutch pressure control solenoid valve C w ith the YES-Go to step 11.
N O-Replace A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
Does the HDS indicate NORMAL?
valve C (see page 14-186), then go to step 22.
YES-Go to step 6.
11. Check fo r co n tin u ity between A/T clutch pressure
N O -G o to step 8. control solenoid valve C connector term inal No. 1 and
body ground.
6. In the Clutch Pressure C ontrol Solenoid Valve Control
menu, set A/T Clutch Pressure Control Solenoid Valve
7. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0970 in the DTCs MENU
w ith the HDS.

Does the HDS indicate FAILED?

YES-Go to step 8.

N O -lf the HDS indicates PASSED, in te rm itte n t failure,

the system is OK at this tim e. Check fo r poor
connections o r loose term inals between A/T clutch
pressure control solenoid valve C and the PCM. If the
HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to step 5. W ire side of fem ale terminals

Is there continuity?

YES-Go to step 12.

N O -R epair an open in the w ire between A/T clutch

pressure control solenoid valve C connector term inal
No. 1 and body ground (G101) (see page 22-78) or
repair poor body ground (G101), then go to step 19.

12. Jump the SCS line with the HDS. 15. Check fo r co n tin u ity between A/T clutch pressure
c on trol solenoid valve C connector te rm ina l No. 2 and
13. Disconnect PCM connector B (49P). body ground.
14. Check fo r co n tin uity between PCM connector term inal
B21 and A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C A /T CLUTCH PRESSURE CONTROL
connector term inal No. 2. SOLENOID VALVE C CONNECTOR




J 1 I 2 3 I 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 9 | l Of
11 12 13 14|15 16 1718 19 20 21
22 23 24 > < 25 > < 26 27 28
29 30 31 3233 34 3536 37 38 39I Wire side of female terminal s
| -40141, 42|43| 44| 45|46|47 4 8 |4 9 |
Is there continuity?

YES-Repair a short to body gro u n d in the w ire

between PCM connector term inal B21 and A/T clutch
Terminal side of Wire side of pressure control solenoid valve C connector term ina l
female terminals female terminals
No. 2, then go to step 19.
Is there continuity? N O -G o to step 16.
YES-Go to step 15. 16. Disconnect PCM connector A (49P).
N O -R epair an open in the w ire between A/T clutch 17. Turn the ign itio n sw itch to ON (II).
pressure control solenoid valve C connector term inal
No. 2 and PCM connector term inal B21, then go to
step 19.
DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

18. Measure the voltage between PCM connector 19. Reconnect all connectors.
term inal A1 and body ground.
20. Turn the ign itio n sw itch to ON (II).

PCM C O N N EC TO R A (49P) 21. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.

22. S tart the engine, and w a it fo r at least 1 second.

-------:--------- V B S O L 2 (RED)
23. Check fo r Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.
(~ Ii-----il
J 1 I 2 3 | 4 |5 | 6 | 7 | 8 9 |1 0 | Is DTC P0970 indicated?
1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 | 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 > < 26 27 28
YES-Check fo r poor connections o r loose term inals
1 ■
2 9 3 0 31 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 6 3 7 3 8 3 9 between A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C
| 4 0 | 41 4 2 | 4 3 | 4 4 |4 5 | 4 6 47 4 8 |4 9 |
and the PCM, then go to step 1.

N O -G o to step 24.

24. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0970 in the DTCs MENU
w ith the HDS.
T e rm in a l s id e o f fe m a le te rm in a ls
Does the HDS indicate PASSED?

Is there battery voltage? Y E S -Troubleshooting is com plete. If any other

Pending or Confirm ed DTCs w ere indicated in step 23,
YES-Go to step 25. go to the indicated DTC's tro u b le sh o o tin g .®
NO-Check fo r a blow n No. B10 (10 A) fuse in the N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check fo r poor
d rive r's under-dash fuse/relay box. If the fuse is connections o r loose term inals between A/T clutch
blow n, replace it. If the fuse blow s again, repair a pressure control solenoid valve C and the PCM, then
short in the No. B10 (10 A) fuse circuit. If the fuse is g o to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED,
OK, repair an open in the w ire between PCM go to step 22.
connector term inal A1 and the driver's under-dash
fuse/relay box, then go to step 19.
25. Reconnect all connectors. DTC P0971: Problem in A/T Clutch Pressure
26. Update the PCM if it does not have the latest softw are Control Solenoid Valve C
(see page 11-204), o r substitute a know n-good PCM
(see page 11-7).
• Before you tro u ble sho o t, record all freeze data and
27. S tart the engine, and w a it fo r at least 1 second. any on-board snapshot w ith the HDS, and review the
General T roubleshooting In form ation (see page 14-4).
28. C he ckfo r Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.
• This code is caused by an electrical c ircu it problem
Is DTC P0970 indicated? and cannot be caused by a m echanical problem in the
transm ission.
YES-Check fo r poor connections or loose te rm ina ls
between A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C 1.T urn the ig n itio n sw itch to ON (II).
and the PCM. If the PCM w as updated, substitute a
know n-good PCM (see page 11-7), then go to step 27. 2. Clear th e DTC w ith the HDS.
If the PCM w as substituted, go to step 1. 3. S tart the engine, and w a it fo r at least 1 second.
NO -G o to step 29. 4. Check fo r Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.
29. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0970 in the DTCs MENU Is DTC P0971 indicated?
w ith the HDS.
YES-Go to step 8.
Does the HDS indicate PASSED?
NO -G o to step 5.
Y E S -lf the PCM was updated, tro u ble sho o tin g is
com plete. If the PCM was substituted, replace the 5. Select Clutch Pressure C ontrol (Linear) Solenoid
original PCM (see page 11-206). If any o th e r Pending Valve C in the M iscellaneous Test M enu, and test A/T
or C onfirm ed DTCs w ere indicated in step 28, go to clutch pressure control solenoid valve C w ith the
the indicated DTC's tro u b le s h o o tin g .® HDS.

N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check fo r poor Does the HDS indicate NORMAL?
connections o r loose term inals between A /T clutch
YES-Go to step 6.
pressure control solenoid valve C and the PCM. If the
PCM was updated, substitute a know n-good PCM (see N O -G o to step 8.
page 11-7), then go to step 27. If the PCM w as
6. In the Clutch Pressure Control S olenoid Valve Control
substituted, go to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT
m enu, set A/T Clutch Pressure C ontrol S olenoid Valve
COMPLETED, go to step 27.
C a t 0.2 A.

7. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0971 in the DTCs MENU

w ith the HDS.

Does the HDS indicate FAILED?

YES-Go to step 8.

N O -lf the HDS indicates PASSED, inte rm itte n t failure,

the system is OK at this tim e. Check fo r poor
connections o r loose term inals between A/T clutch
pressure control solenoid valve C and the PCM. If the
HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to step 5.

DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

8. Turn the ig n itio n sw itch to LOCK (0). 14. Reconnect ail connectors.

9. D isconnectthe A/T clutch pressure control solenoid 15. Update the PCM if it does not have the latest softw are
valve C connector. (see page 11-204), or substitute a know n-good PCM
(see page 11-7).
10. Measure the resistance between A/T clutch pressure
control solenoid valve C connector term inals No. 1 16. S tart the engine, and w a it fo r at least 1 second.
and No. 2.
17. Check fo r Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.


YES-Check fo r poor connections o r loose term inals
between A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C
and the PCM. If the PCM was updated, substitute a
know n-good PCM (see page 11-7), then go to step 16.
If the PCM was substituted, go to step 1.
N O -G o to step 18.

18. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0971 in the DTCs MENU

w ith the HDS.

Does the HDS indicate PASSED?

T e rm in a l s id e o f m a le te rm in a ls
Y E S -lf the PCM was updated, tro ubleshooting is
com plete. If the PCM was substituted, replace the
Is there 3 —1 0 0 ? original PCM (see page 11-206). If any other Pending
YES-Go to step 14. o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ere indicated in step 17, go to
the indicated DTC's trou b le sh o otin g .■
NO-Replace A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
valve C (see page 14-186), then go to step 11. N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, ch e c kfo r poor
connections o r loose term inals between A/T clutch
11. S tart the engine, and w a it fo r at least 1 second. pressure control solenoid valve C and the PCM. If the
12. Check fo r Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS. PCM was updated, substitute a know n-good PCM (see
page 11-7), then go to step 16. If the PCM was
Is DTC P0971 Indicated? substituted, go to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT
COMPLETED, go to step 16.
YES-Check fo r poor connections o r loose term inals
between A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C
and the PCM, then go to step 1.

N O -G o to step 13.

13. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0971 in the DTCs MENU

w ith the HDS.

Does the HDS indicate PASSED?

YE S -Troubleshooting is com plete. If any other

Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ere indicated in step 12,
go to the indicated DTC's tro u b le sh o o tin g .■

N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check fo r poor

connections o r loose term ina ls between A/T clutch
pressure control solenoid valve C and the PCM, then
go to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED,
go to step 11.
DTC P0973: Short in Shift Solenoid Valve A 8. Turn the ig n itio n sw itch to LOCK (0).
Circuit 9. J u m p the SCS line w ith the HDS.
NOTE; 10. D isconnect PCM connector C (49P).
• Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data and
11. M easure the resistance between PCM connector
any on-board snapshot with the HDS, and review the
te rm in a l C20 and body ground.
General Troubleshooting Inform ation (see page 14-4).
• This code is caused by an electrical circu it problem
and cannot be caused by a m echanical problem in the PCM CONNECTOR C (49P)
transm ission.
1.Turn the ign ition sw itch to ON (II).
2. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS. .1 1 1 2 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 T 8 3 11°|
11 12 13 I 415 16 17 18 19 20(21
3. S tart the engine. W ith the brake pedal pressed, sh ift to 25 27 28
22 23 24 > < 26
R, and w a it fo r at least 1 second. 1 X 1

34 35 36 37 38! 39

29 30 31
| 4 0 | 41 4 2 |43 | 44 |45 |4 6 | 47 48 | 49 |
4. Check fo r Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.

Is DTC P0973 indicated?

YES-Go to step 8. Terminal side of female terminals

NO -G o to step 5.
Is there less than 12 Q?
5. Select Shift Solenoid Valve A in the Miscellaneous
Test Menu, and test shift solenoid valve A w ith the YES-G o to step 12.
N O -G o to step 22.
Is a clicking sound heard?

YES-Go to step 6.

N O -G o to step 8.

6. S tart the engine. W ith the brake pedal pressed, s h ift to

R, and w a it fo r at least 1 second.

7. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0973 in the DTCs MENU

w ith the HDS.

Does the HDS indicate FAILED?

YES-Go to step 8.

N O -lf the HDS indicates PASSED, in te rm itte n t failure,

the system is OK at th is tim e. C heckfor an in te rm itte n t
sho rt to body ground in the w ire between sh ift
solenoid valve A and the PCM. If the HDS indicates
NOT COMPLETED, go to step 5.

DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

12. Disconnect the sh ift solenoid w ire harness connector. 16. Reconnect all connectors.

13. Check fo r co n tin uity between PCM connector term ina l 17. Turn the ign itio n sw itch to ON (II).
C20 and body ground.
18. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.

PCM CONNECTOR C(49P) 19. S tart the engine in P, and w a it fo r at least 1 second.
W ith the brake pedal pressed, sh ift to R, and w a it fo r
SHA (BLU) at least 1 second, then m ove th e sh ift lever back into
fz z l
20. Check fo r Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.
J1I2 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 T 8 * |10|

11 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21
Is DTC P0973 indicated?

22 23 24 > < 25 > 9 26 27 28
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 YES-Check fo r an inte rm itte n t short to body ground in
|40|41 4 2 |4 3 |4 4 |4 5 |4 6 |4 7 4 8 4 9
the w ire between s h ift solenoid valve A and the PCM,
then go to step 1.
N O -G o to step 21.
Terminal side of female terminal s
21. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0973 in the DTCs MENU
w ith the HDS.
Is there continuity?
Does the HDS indicate PASSED?
YES-Repair a short to body ground in th e w ire
between PCM connector term inal C20 and the sh ift Y E S -Troubleshooting is com plete. If any other
solenoid w ire harness connector, then go to step 16. Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs w ere indicated in step 20,
go to the indicated DTC's tro u ble sho o tin g.■
N O -G o to step 14.
N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check fo r an
14. Test sh ift solenoid valve A , and inspect the sh ift in te rm itte n t short to body ground in the w ire between
solenoid w ire harness (see page 14-173). sh ift solenoid valve A and the PCM, then go to step 1.
15. Replace either sh ift solenoid valve A o r the sh ift If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to step 19.
solenoid w ire harness (see page 14-173), w hichever
failed the test, then go to step 19.
22. Reconnect all connectors. DTC P0974: Open in Shift Solenoid Valve A
23. Update the PCM if it does not have the latest softw are Circuit
(see page 11-204), o r substitute a know n-good PCM
(see page 11-7).
• Before you trou b le sh o ot, record all freeze data and
24. S tart the engine in P, and w a it fo r at least 1 second. any on-board snapshot w ith the HDS, and review the
W ith the brake pedal pressed, sh ift to R, and w a it fo r General Troubleshooting Inform ation (see page 14-4).
at least 1 second, then m ove the sh ift lever back into • This code is caused by an electrical c ircu it problem
P. and cannot be caused by a m echanical problem in the
25. Check fo r Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS. transm ission.

Is DTC P0973 indicated? 1. Turn the ign itio n sw itch to ON (II).

YES-Check fo r an inte rm itte n t short to body ground in 2. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.
the w ire between s h ift solenoid valve A and the PCM. 3. S tart the engine in P, and w a it fo r at least 1 second.
If the PGM w as updated, substitute a know n-good
PCM (see page 11-7), then go to step 24. If the PCM 4. Check fo r Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.
was substituted, go to step 1.
Is DTC P0974 indicated?
N O -G o to step 26.
YES-Go to step 8.
26. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0973 in the DTCs MENU
NO-Go to step 5.
w ith the HDS.
5. Select S hift Solenoid Valve A in the M iscellaneous
Does the HDS indicate PASSED?
Test M enu, and test sh ift solenoid valve A w ith the
Y E S -lf the PCM was updated, trou b le sh oo tin g is HDS.
com plete. If the PCM w as substituted, replace the
Is a clicking sound heard?
original PCM (see page 11-206). If any oth e r Pending
o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ere indicated in step 25, go to YES-Go to step 6.
the indicated DTC's tro u b le sh o o tin g .■
NO-G o to step 8.
N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check fo r an
6. Start the engine in P, and w a it fo r at least 1 second.
in te rm itte n t short to body ground in the w ire between
sh ift solenoid valve A and the PCM. If the PCM was 7. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0974 in th e DTCs MENU
updated, substitute a know n-good PCM (see page w ith the HDS.
11-7), then go to step 24. If the PCM w as substituted,
go to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, Does the HDS indicate FAILED?
go to step 24. YES-Go to step 8.

N O -lf the HDS indicates PASSED, in te rm itte n t failure,

the system is OK at th is tim e. Check fo r poor
connections or loose term inals between shift
solenoid valve A and the PCM. If the HDS indicates
NOT COMPLETED, go to step 5.
DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

8. Turn the ign ition sw itch to LOCK (0). 12. Disconnect the sh ift solenoid w ire harness connector.

9. Jum p the SCS line w ith the HDS. 13. C heckfor co n tin uity between PCM connector term inal
C20 and s h ift solenoid w ire harness connector
10. Disconnect PCM connector C (49P).
term ina l No. 3.
11. Measure the resistance between PCM connector
term inal C20 and body ground. PC M C O N N EC TO R C (49P) S H IFT S O LE N O ID W IR E



ll— l l
J 1 I2 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 3 Ml )1
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20i 21
22 23 24 X 25 X 26 27 28
■ 1




29 30 31 34 37 38 39
|4 0 |41 | | | | |
4 2 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 6 47 4 8 4 9 | |

T e rm i nal sid e o f fe m a l e te rm in a ls
T e rm in a l s id e o f W ire s id e o f
fe m a le te rm in a ls fe m a le te rm in a ls

Is there 1 2 -2 5 Q?
Is there continuity?
YES-Go to step 22.
YES-Go to step 14.
N O -G o to step 12.
N O -R epair an open in the w ire between PCM
connector term inal C20 and sh ift solenoid w ire
harness connector term inal No. 3, then go to step 16.
14. Remove the sh ift solenoid w ire harness (see page 16. Reconnect all connectors.
14-173). ,
17. Turn the ig n itio n sw itch to ON (II).
15. Check fo r co n tin u ity between s h ift solenoid w ire
18. Clear the DTC w ith th e HDS.
harness connector term inal No. 3 and th e sh ift
solenoid valve A connector term inal. 19. S tart the engine in P, and w a it fo r at least 1 second.
W ith the brake pedal pressed, s h ift to R, and w a it fo r
SHIFT SOLENOID W I RE SHIFT SOLENOID at least 1 second, then m ove the shift lever back into
20. Check fo r Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.

Is DTC P0974 indicated?

YES-Check fo r poor connections o r loose term inals

between sh ift solenoid valve A and the PCM, then go
to step 1.
N O -G o to step 21.

21. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0974 in the DTCs MENU

T e rm in a l si d e o f W ire s id e o f w ith the HDS.
m a le te rm in a ls fe m a le te rm in a ls
Does the HDS indicate PASSED?
Is there continuity?
Y E S -T roubleshooting is com plete. If any other
YES-Replace sh ift solenoid valve A (see page 14-173), Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ere indicated in step 20,
then go to step 19. go to the indicated DTC's tro u b le s h o o tin g .®

NO-Replace the shift solenoid w ire harness (see page N O -lf th e HDS indicates FAILED, check fo r poor
14-173), then go to step 19. connections o r loose te rm ina ls between sh ift
solenoid valve A and the PCM, then go to step 1. If the
HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to step 19.
DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

22. Reconnect all connectors. DTC P0976: Short in Shift Solenoid Valve B
23. Update the PCM if it does not have the latest softw are Circuit
(see page 11-204), or substitute a know n-good PCM
(see page 11-7).
• Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data and
24. S tart the engine in P, and w a it fo r at least 1 second. any on-board snapshot w ith the HDS, and review the
W ith the brake pedal pressed, sh ift to R, and w a it fo r General T roubleshooting Inform ation (see page 14-4).
at least 1 second, then m ove the sh ift lever back into • This code is caused by an electrical circu it problem
P. and cannot be caused by a m echanical problem in the
25. Check fo r Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ith th e HDS. transm ission.

Is DTC P0974 indicated? 1. Turn the ig n itio n sw itch to ON (II).

YES-Check fo r p o or connections or loose term ina ls 2. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.
between sh ift solenoid valve A and the PCM. If the 3. S tart the engine in P, and w a it fo r at least 1 second.
PCM was updated, substitute a know n-good PCM (see
page 11-7), then go to step 24. If the PCM was 4. Check fo r Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.
su bstituted, go to step 1.
Is DTC P0976 indicated?
N O -G o to step 26.
YES-Go to step 8.
26. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0974 in the DTCs MENU
N O -G o to step 5.
w ith the HDS.
5. Select S hift Solenoid Valve B in the M iscellaneous
Does the HDS indicate PASSED?
Test Menu, and test sh ift solenoid valve B w ith the
Y E S -lf the PCM w as updated, troub lesh o o ting is HDS.
com plete. If the PCM was substituted, replace the
Is a clicking sound heard?
o rig in a l PCM (see page 11-206). If any other Pending
o r C onfirm ed DTCs were indicated in step 25, go to YES-Go to step 6.
the indicated DTC's tro u b le sh oo tin g .■
N O -G o to step 8.
N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check fo r po o r
6. S tart the engine in P, and w a it fo r at least 1 second.
connections or loose term inals between sh ift
solenoid valve A and the PCM. If the PCM was 7. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0976 in the DTCs MENU
updated, substitute a know n-good PCM (see page w ith the HDS.
11-7), then go to step 24. If the PCM was substituted,
go to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, Does the HDS indicate FAILED?
go to step 24. YES-Go to step 8.

N O -lf the HDS indicates PASSED, inte rm itte n t failure,

the system is OK at th is tim e. C heckfor an inte rm itte n t
sh o rt to body ground in the w ire between sh ift
solenoid va lve B and the PCM. If the HDS indicates
NOT COMPLETED, go to step 5.
8, Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0). 12. D isco n n e ctth e shift solenoid w ire harness connector.

9. Jum p the SCS line w ith the HDS. 13. Check fo r co n tin u ity between PCM connector te rm ina l
C28 and body ground.
10. Disconnect PCM connector C (49P).

11. Measure the resistance between PCM connector PCM CONNECTOR C (49P)
term inal C28 and body ground.
____________________ t i __ _______________

Ll 1 12 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 9 h io|
SHB (PNK)' i 11 12 13 16 17|18 19 20 2 ' 1 B 1
1 22 23 24 X25 26 27 21
3 1 €
34 35 36 37 38 3<5 '


29 30 31
J 1 I2 3 |4 |5 | 6 |7 |8
® I
hoi 14 0 141 42| 43|44|45|46|47 48|49|
11 12 141513 16 17 18 19 2 0 21
22 23 24 25 2 6 27;28
i 1

2 9 3 0 31 3 4 3 5 3 6 3 7 38;39

1 ■6--T| ±| ± | J |--O’
|-40 4 1 |
4 2 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 6 47 | |
4 8 4 9
Terminal side of fem al e terminals

Is there continuity?
Terminal side of female terminals
YES-Repair a short to body ground in the w ire
between PCM connector term ina l C28 and the sh ift
Is there less than 1 2 0 ?
solenoid w ire harness connector, then go to step 19.
YES-Go to step 12.
N O -G o to step 14.
N O -G o to step 25.
14. Inspect sh ift solenoid valve B (see page 14-173).

Is shift solenoid valve B OK?

YES-Go to step 16.

NO-Replace sh ift solenoid valve B or the shift

solenoid w ire harness (see page 14-173), then go to
step 22.
DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

15. Ju m p the SCS line w ith the HDS. 19. Reconnect all connectors.

16. Disconnect PCM connector B (49P). 20. T urn the ignition sw itch to ON (II).
17. Turn the ign itio n sw itch to ON (II). 21. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.
18. M easure the voltage between PCM connector 22. S tart the engine in P, w a it fo r at least 1 second, then
te rm ina l B2 and body ground. test-drive the vehicle in 3rd or 4th gear in D fo r at least
1 second. S low dow n, and stop the wheels.
PCM CONNECTOR B (49P) 23. Check fo r Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.

------------- ------ VBSOL (TAN) Is DTC P0976 indicated?

f li---------- il 1 YES-Check fo r an inte rm itte nt short to body ground in

the w ire between shift solenoid valve B and the PCM,
I T T 2 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 [ 8 9 1101i
11 12 13 14 15 16 17|18 19 20 21 then go to step 1.
1 22 23 24 25 > < 26 27 28
29 30 31 3233 34 35 36 37 38 39 N O -G o to step 24.
| 40 | 41 42143144145146147 48|49|
24. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0976 in the DTCs MENU
w ith the HDS.

Does the HDS indicate PASSED?

Terminal side of female terminals Y ES -Troubleshooting is com plete. If any other

Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs were indicated in step 23,
go to the indicated DTC's tro u b le s h o o tin g .!!
Is there battery voltage?
N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check fo r an
YES-Go to step 25. in te rm itte n t short to body ground in the w ire between
sh ift solenoid valve B and the PCM, then go to step 1.
NO-Check fo r a blow n No. B7 (15 A) fuse in the
If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to step 22.
d rive r's under-dash fuse/relay box. If the fuse is
blow n, replace it. If the fuse blow s again, repair a
sh o rt in the No. B7 (15 A) fuse circuit. If the fuse is OK,
repair an open in the w ire between PCM connector
te rm ina l B2 and the d rive r's under-dash fuse/relay
box, then go to step 19.
25. Reconnect all connectors. DTC P0977: Open in Shift Solenoid Valve B
26. Update the PCM if it does not have the latest software Circuit
(see page 11-204), o r substitute a know n-good PCM
(see page 11-7).
• Before you tro u b le sh o o t, record all freeze data and
27. S tart the engine in P, w a it fo r at least 1 second, then any on-board snapshot w ith the HDS, and review the
test-drive the vehicle in 3rd o r 4th gear in D fo r at least General T roubleshooting Inform ation (see page 14-4).
1 second. S low d ow n, and stop the wheels. • This code is caused by an electrical circu it problem
28. Check fo r Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS. and cannot be caused b y a m echanical problem in the
transm ission.
is DTC P0976 indicated?
1. Turn the ign itio n sw itch to ON (II).
YES-Check fo r an inte rm itte n t sho rt to body ground in
the w ire between s h ift solenoid valve B and the PCM. 2. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.
If the PCM w as updated, substitute a known-good 3. Test-drive the vehicle in 3rd o r 4th gear in D fo r at
PCM (see page 11-7), then go to step 27. If the PCM least 1 second. S low dow n, and stop the w heels.
w as substituted, go to step 1.
4. Check fo r Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.
N O -G o to step 29.
Is DTC P0976 or P0977 indicated?
29. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0976 in the DTCs MENU
w ith the HDS. Y E S -lf DTC P0976 is indicated, go to the DTC P0976
troub le sh o otin g (see page 14-144). If DTC P0977 is
Does the HDS indicate PASSED? indicated, go to step 8.
Y E S -lf the PCM was updated, troub le sh o otin g is N O -G o to step 5.
com plete. If the PCM w as substituted, replace the
orig in a l PCM (see page 11-206). If any other Pending 5. Select S hift Solenoid Valve B in the Miscellaneous
o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ere indicated in step 28, go to Test M enu, and test s h ift solenoid valve B w ith the
the indicated DTC's tro u b le s h o o tin g .! HDS.

N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check fo r an Is a clicking sound heard?

in te rm itte n t short to body ground in the w ire between
YES-Go to step 6 .
sh ift solenoid valve B and the PCM. If the PCM was
updated, substitute a know n-good PCM (see page N O -G o to step 8.
11-7), then go to step 27. If the PCM w as substituted,
6. Test-drive the vehicle in 3rd o r 4th gear in D fo r at
go to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED,
least 1 second. S lo w dow n, and stop the wheels.
go to step 27.
7. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0977 in the DTCs MENU
w ith the HDS.
Does the HDS indicate FAILED?

YES-Go to step 8.
N O -lf the HDS indicates PASSED, in te rm itte n t failure,
the system is OK at this tim e. Check fo r poor
connections or loose term inals between sh ift
solenoid valve B and the PCM. If the HDS indicates
NOT COMPLETED, go to step 5.
DTC Troublesho oting (cont'd)

8. Turn the ignition sw itch to LOCK (0). 13. Check fo r co ntin u ity between PCM connector term inal
C28 and shift solenoid w ire harness connector
9. Ju m p the SCS line w ith the HDS.
term ina l No. 2.
10. Disconnect PCM connector C (49P).

11. Measure the resistance between PCM connector PCM CON N EC TO R C (49P) SHIFT SOLENOID WIRE
term inals C28 and body ground.



( , ..'........i ...i.r^]T 9 ::...... _ i__. i

J 1 I2 3 | 4 | 5 |6 |7 | 8 9 hoi
11 1 2 13 1 4 1 5 16 1 7 1 8 1 9 20; 21
2 2 23 2 4 > < 25 > c 26 27: 28
2 9 3 0 31 3 2 j3 3 3 4 3 5 13 6 3 7 38:39

|4 0 |4 1 42 4 3 |4 4 |4 5 | 4 6 | 4 7 4 8 [49]

T e rm in a l s id e o f W ire sid e o f
fe m a l e te rm in a ls fe m a le te rm in a ls
T e rm in a l sid e o f fe m a l e te rm in a ls

Is there continuity?
Is there 1 2 - 2 5 O?
YES-Go to step 14.
YES-Go to step 22.
NO -R epair an open in the w ire between PCM
N O -G o to step 12. connector term inal C28 and sh ift solenoid w ire
harness connector term inal No. 2, then g o to step 16.
12. Disconnect the shift solenoid w ire harness connector.
14. Remove the shift solenoid wire harness (see page 16. Reconnect all connectors.
17. Turn the ig n itio n sw itch to ON (II).
15. Check fo r co n tin u ity between s h ift solenoid w ire
18. Clear th e DTC w ith th e HDS.
harness connector te rm ina l No. 2 and the sh ift
solenoid valve B connector term inal. 19. S tart th e engine in P, w a it fo r at least 1 second, then
test-drive the vehicle in 3rd o r 4th gear in D fo r at least
SHIFT SOLENOID WIRE SHIFT SOLENOID 1 second. S low d ow n, and stop the w heels.
20. Check fo r Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.

n F = in Is DTC P0977 indicated?

YES-Check fo r p o o r connections o r loose te rm inals

(5 4 3 2 1 )J UT between sh ift solenoid valve B and th e PCM, then go
u SHB to step 1.
SHB (RED) ----------- ( N O -G o to step 21.

21. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0977 in the DTCs MENU

w ith the HDS.
Term inal side of W ire side of
m ale terminals fem ale terminals Does the HDS indicate PASSED?

Y E S -T roubleshooting is com plete. If any other

Is there continuity?
Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs w ere indicated in step 20,
YES-Replace shift solenoid valve B (see page 14-173), go to the indicated DTC’s tro u b le sh o o tin g .®
then go to step 19.
N O -lf th e HDS indicates FAILED, check fo r poor
NO-Replace the sh ift solenoid w ire harness (see page connections o r loose term inals between s h ift
14-173), then go to step 19. solenoid valve B and the PCM, then go to step 1. If the
HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to step 19.
DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

22. Reconnect all connectors. DTC P0979: Short in Shift Solenoid Valve C
23. Update the PCM if it does not have the latest softw are Circuit
(see page 11 -204), o r substitute a know n-good PCM
(see page 11-7).
• Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data and
24. Start the engine in P, w a it fo r at least 1 second, then any on-board snapshot w ith the HDS, and review the
test-drive the vehicle in 3rd o r 4th gear in D fo r at least General T roubleshooting Inform ation (see page 14-4).
1 second. S low dow n, and stop the w heels. • This code is caused by an electrical circu it problem
25. Check fo r Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS. and cannot be caused by a mechanical problem in the
transm ission.
is DTC P0977 indicated?
1. Turn the ign itio n sw itch to ON (II).
YES-Check fo r poor connections o r loose term inals
between sh ift solenoid valve B and the PCM. If the 2. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.
PCM was updated, substitute a know n-good PCM (see 3. Test-drive the vehicle in 1st gear in D fo r at least
page 11-7), then go to step 24. If the PCM was 1 second.
substituted, go to step 1.
4. Check fo r Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.
N O -G o to step 26.
is DTC P0976 or P0979 indicated?
26. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0977 in the DTCs MENU
w ith the HDS. Y E S -lf DTC P0976 is indicated, go to the DTC P0976
tro u bleshooting (see page 14-144). If DTC P0979 is
Does the HDS indicate PASSED? indicated, go to step 8.
Y E S -lf the PCM was updated, trouble sho o ting is N O -G o to step 5.
com plete. If the PCM was substituted, replace the
original PCM (see page 11-206). If any oth e r Pending 5. Select S hift Solenoid Valve C in the M iscellaneous
or C onfirm ed DTCs w ere indicated in step 25, go to Test M enu, and test s h ift solenoid valve C w ith the
the indicated DTC's tro u b le sh o o tin g .® HDS.

N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, c h e c k fo r poor Is a clicking sound heard?

connections o r loose term inals between sh ift
YES-Go to step 6.
solenoid valve B and the PCM. If the PCM was
updated, substitute a know n-good PCM (see page N O -G o to step 8.
11-7), then go to step 24. If the PCM was substituted,
6. Test-drive the vehicle in 1st gear in D fo r at least
go to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED,
1 second.
go to step 24.
7. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0979 in the DTCs MENU
w ith the HDS.

Does the HDS indicate FAILED?

YES-Go to step 8.

N O -lf the HDS indicates PASSED, in te rm itte n t failure,

the system is OK at this tim e. C heckfor an in te rm itte n t
short to body ground in the w ire between sh ift
solenoid valve C and the PCM. If the HDS indicates
NOT COMPLETED, go to step 5.
< s &

8. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0). 12. D isconnect the s h ift solenoid w ire harness connector.

9. Jum p the SCS line w ith the HDS. 13. Check fo r co n tin u ity between PCM connector te rm inal
C39 and body ground.
10. Disconnect PCM connector C (49P).

11 . Measure the resistance between PCM connector PCM CONNECTOR C (49P)

term inal C39 body ground.
(, ' " Ii-----ll ...-.- .'... -.■..,1
PCIVi CONNECTOR C (49P) J 1I 2 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 9 |10| |
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

■lC = ll. 1
22 23 24 X 25 X 26 27 28
34 35136 37 38 39

29 30 31
J 1 I 2 3 I 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 8 9 |10| 140141 42|43|44|45|46 47 48 j *91
11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 21 i

22 23 24 X 25 X 26 27 28 SHC (GRN)
1 ' |1
29 30 31

34 35 36 37 38 391
|40|41 4 2 |43|44| 45|46|47 4811

Terminal side of femal e terminals

Is there continuity?
Terminal side of female terminals
YES-Repair a sho rt to body g round in th e w ire
between PCM connector term inal C39 and the shift
Is there less than 12 O?
solenoid w ire harness connector, then go to step 15.
YES-Go to step 12.
N O -G o to step 14.
N O -G o to step 21.
14. Inspect sh ift solenoid valve C (see page 14-173).

Is shift solenoid valve C OK?

YES-Go to step 21.

NO-Replace shift solenoid valve C o r the shift
solenoid w ire harness (see page 14-173), then go to
step 18.

DTC Troublesho oting (cont'd)

15. Reconnect all connectors. 21. Reconnect all connectors.

16. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II). 22. Update the PCM if it does not have the latest softw are
(see page 11-204), or substitute a known-good PCM
17. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.
(see page 11-7).
18. S tart the engine in P, w a it fo r at least 1 second, then
23. S tart the engine in P, w ait fo r at least 1 second, then
test-drive the vehicle in 1st gear in D fo r at least
test-drive the vehicle in 1st gear in D fo r at least
1 second. S low dow n, and stop the wheels.
1 second. S low dow n, and stop the wheels.
19. C he ckfor Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.
24. Check fo r Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.
Is DTC P0979 indicated?
Is DTC P0979 indicated?
YES-Check fo r an in te rm itte n t s h o rtto body ground in
YES-Check fo r an interm itte nt s h o rtto body ground in
the w ire between shift solenoid valve C and the PCM,
the w ire between shift solenoid valve C and the PCM.
then go to step 1.
If the PCM was updated, substitute a known-good
N O -G o to step 20. PCM (see page 11-7), then go to step 23. If the PGM
was substituted, go to step 1.
20. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0979 in the DTCs MENU
w ith the HDS. NO-G o to step 25.

Does the HDS indicate PASSED? 25. M on ito r the OBD status fo r P0979 in the DTCs MENU
w ith the HDS.
Y E S -Troubleshooting is com plete. If any other
Pending or Confirm ed DTCs were indicated in step 19, Does the HDS indicate PASSED?
go to the indicated DTC's troubleshooting.■
Y E S -lf the PCM was updated, tro ubleshooting is
N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check fo r an com plete. If the PCM was substituted, replace the
in te rm itte n t short to body ground in the w ire between original PCM (see page 11-206). If any other Pending
sh ift solenoid valve C and the PCM, then go to step 1. or Confirm ed DTCs were indicated in step 24, go to
If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to step 18. the indicated DTC's tro u ble sho o tin g.■

N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check fo r s h ift

solenoid valve C and the PCM. If the PCM was
updated, substitute a know n-good PCM (see page
11-7), then go to step 23. If the PCM was substituted,
go to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED,
go to step 23.
DTC P0980: Open in Shift Solenoid Valve C 8. Turn the ig n itio n sw itch to LOCK (0).
Circuit 9. Ju m p the SCS line w ith the HDS.

NOTE: 10. D isconnect PCM connector C (49P).

• Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data and
11. Measure the resistance between PCM connector
any on-board snapshot w ith the HDS, and review the
term inal C39 and body ground.
General T roubleshooting Inform ation (see page 14-4).
• This code is caused by an electrical c ircu it problem
and cannot be caused by a m echanical problem in the
transm ission.
1. Turn the ign itio n sw itch to ON (II). J 1 I2 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 9 | 10 |
11 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21
2. C le arthe DTC w ith the HDS.

22 23 24 X 25 26 27 28
34 3536 37 38 39

29 30 31
3. S tart the engine in P, and w a it fo r at least 1 second.
|4 0 |41 42 |43 | 44 | 45 |46 | 47 48 1 i!
4. Check fo r Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS. SHC (GRN)
Is DTC P0976 or P0980 indicated?

Y E S -lf DTC P0976 is indicated, go to the DTC P0976

troublesh o o ting (see page 14-144). If DTC P0980 is
indicated, go to step 8. Terminal side of female terminals
NO -G o to step 5.

5. Select S h ift Solenoid Valve C in the M iscellaneous Is there 1 2 - 2 5 0 ?

Test M enu, and test sh ift solenoid valve C w ith the YES-Go to step 22.
N O -G o to step 12.
Is a clicking sound heard?
12. D isconnectthe sh ift solenoid w ire harness connector.
YES-Go to step 6.

NO -G o to step 8.

6. S tart the engine in P, and w a it fo r at least 1 second.

7. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0980 in the DTCs MENU

w ith the HDS.

Does the HDS indicate FAILED?

YES-Go to step 8.

N O -lf the HDS indicates PASSED, in te rm itte n t failure,

the system is OK at this tim e. Check fo r poor
connections o r loose term inals between shift
solenoid valve C and the PCM. If the HDS indicates
NOT COMPLETED, go to step 5.
DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

13. Check fo r co n tin u ity betw een PGM connector te rm in a l 14. Remove the s h ift solenoid w ire harness (see page
C39 and s h ift solenoid w ire harness connector 14-173). .
te rm ina l No. 4.
15. Check fo r con tin u ity between s h ift solenoid w ire
harness connector term inal No. 4 and the shift
PCM CONNECTOR C (49P) SHIFT SOLENOID WIRE solenoid valve C connector term inal. ■


J 1I 2 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 j 8 9 110}|
1112131415161718192021 nn
■ 222324X 25>5<363 262728 j {5 4 3 j 2' 1) j i iF=m
29303132I33343 73839 I? JLtzlL
|40|41 42|43|44|45|46|47 48M®l 5 4

Terminal side of Wire side of Terminal side of Wire si de of

female terminals femaje terminals male terminals female terminals

Is there continuity? ■Is there continuity?

YESr-Go to>step 14. ss h ift solenoid valve C (see page 14-173),

then go to step 19. .
N O -R epair an open in the w ire between PCM
connector term inal C39 and sh ift solenoid w ire ISiO-Repiace the s h ift solenoid w ire harness (see page
harness connector term inal No. 4, then go tp step 16. 14-173}> then go to step 19.
16. Reconnect all connectors. 22. Reconnect all connectors.

17. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II). 23. Update the PCM if it does not have the latest software
(see page 11-204), or substitute a known-good PCM
18. Clear the DTC with the HDS.
(see page 11-7).
19. Start the engine in P, w ait fo r at least 1 second, then
24. Start the engine in P, wait for at least 1 second, then
test-drive the vehicle in 1st gear in D for at least
test-drive the vehicle in 1st gear in D for at least
1 second. Slow down, and stop the wheels.
1 second. Slow down, and stop the wheels.
20. Check for Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS.
25. Check for Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS.
Is DTC P0980 indicated?
Is DTC P0980 indicated?
YES-Check for poor connections or loose terminals
YES-Check for poor connections or loose terminals
between shift solenoid valve C and the PCM, then go
between shift solenoid valve C and the PCM. If the
to step 1.
PCM was updated, substitute a known-good PCM (see
N O-G o to step 21. page 11-7), then go to step 24. If the PCM was
substituted, go to step 1.
21. Monitor the OBD status for P0980 in the DTC MENU
with the HDS. NO-Go to step 26.

Does the HDS indicate PASSED? 26. Monitor the OBD status for P0980 in the DTCs MENU
with the HDS.
YES-Troubleshooting is complete. If any other
Pending or Confirmed DTCs were indicated in step 20, Does the HDS indicate PASSED?
go to the indicated DTC's troubleshooting.®
YES-lf the PCM was updated, troubleshooting is
N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check for poor complete. If the PCM was substituted, replace the
connections or loose terminals between shift original PCM (see page 11-206). If any other Pending
solenoid valve C and the PCM, then go to step 1. If the or Confirmed DTCs were indicated in step 25, go to
HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to step 19. the indicated DTC's troubleshooting.®

N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check for poor

connections or loose terminals between shift
solenoid valve C and the PCM. If the PCM was
updated, substitute a known-good PCM (see page
11-7), then go to step 24. If the PCM was substituted,
goto step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED,
go to step 24.
DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

DTC P0982: Short in Shift Solenoid Valve D 8. Turn the ig n itio n sw itch to LOCK (0).
Circuit 9. Ju m p th e SCS line w ith the HDS.
NOTE: 10. D isconnect PCM connector C (49P).
• Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data and
11. M easure the resistance between PCM connector
any on-board snapshot w ith the HDS, and review the
te rm ina l C9 and body ground.
General T roubleshooting Inform ation (see page 14-4).
• This code is caused by an electrical circu it problem
and cannot be caused by a m echanical problem in the PCM CONNECTOR C (49P)
transm ission.
1. Turn the ig n itio n sw itch to ON (II).
2. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS. J 1 I 2 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 9 |io|
11 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21
3. Start the engine in P, and w a it fo r at le a st 1 second.
1 22 23 24 X 25 > < 26 27 28 1
29 30 31 34 35 36 37 38 39

4. Check fo r Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.
|40|41 42 |43 |44 |45 |46 |47 48|49|
Is DTC P0982 indicated?

YES-Go to step 8.
Terminal side of female terminal s
NO-G o to step 5.
5. Select S h ift S olenoid Valve D in the M iscellaneous Is there less than 12 Cl?
Test Menu, and test sh ift solenoid valve D w ith the
HDS. YES-Go to step 12.

Is a clicking sound heard? N O -G o to step 22.

YES-Go to step 6.

N O-G o to step 8,
6. Start the engine in P, and w a it fo r at least 1 second.

7. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0982 in the DTCs MENU

w ith the HDS.

Does the HDS indicate FAILED?

YES-Go to step 8.

N O -lf the HDS indicates PASSED, in te rm itte n t failure,

the system is OK at this tim e. C heckfor an inte rm itte nt
short to body ground in the w ire between sh ift
solenoid valve E and the PCM. If the HDS indicates
NOT COMPLETED, go to step 5.
12. Disconnect the shift solenoid wire harness connector. 16. Reconnect all connectors.
13. Checkfor continuity between PCM connector terminal 17. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
C9 and body ground.
18.’Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.

PCM CONNECTOR C (49P). . 19. Start the engine in P, and w a it fo r at least 1 second.
W ith the brake pedal pressed, sh ift to N, and w ait fo r
SHD(PUR) at least 1 second.

ll— 3 1 20. Check for Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.
J 1 I 2 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 I 8 9 hoi Is DTC P0982 indicated?
11 12 13 1415 16 17|18 19 20 21
i 22 23 24 X 25
> 9
26 27 28
1 YES-Check fo r an interm ittent s h o rtto body ground in
29 30 31 32I33 34 35 36 37 38 39 the wire between shift solenoid valve D and the PCM,
|40|41 42|43|44|45|46|47 48149 1
then go to step 1.
NO-Go to step 21, -
T e rm in a l sid e o f fe m a le te rm in a ls 21. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0982 in the DTCs MENU
w ith the HDS.

Is there continuity? Does the HDS indicate PASSED?

YES-R epair a short to body ground in the w ire Y E S -Troubleshooting is com plete. If any other
between PCM connector term inal C9 and the sh ift Pending o r Confirm ed DTCs w ere indicated in step 20,
solenoid w ire harness connector, then go to step 16. go to the indicated DTC's tro u b le s h o o tin g .®

NO-Go to step 14. N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check fo r an

interm ittent s h o rtto body g round in the w ire between
14. Test shift solenoid valve D, and inspect the s h ift sh ift solenoid valve D and the PCM, then go to step 1.
solenoid w ire harness (see page 14-173). If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to step 19.
15. Replace either shift solenoid valve D o r the sh ift
solenoid w ire harness (see page 14-173), w hichever
failed the test, then go to step 19.

DTC Troubleshoo ting (cont'd)

22. Reconnect all connectors. DTC P0983: Open in Shift Solenoid Valve D
23. Update the PCM if it does not have the latest softw are Circuit
(see page 11-204), o r substitute a know n-good PCM
(see page 11-7).
• Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data and
24. S tart the engine in P, and w a it fo r at least 1 second. any on-board snapshot w ith the HDS, and review the
W ith the brake pedal pressed, sh ift to N, and w a it fo r General T roubleshooting Inform ation (see page 14-4).
at least 1 second. • This code is caused by an electrical circu it problem
25. Check fo r Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS. and cannot be caused by a m echanical problem in the
transm ission.
Is DTC P0982 indicated?
1.T urn the ign itio n sw itch to ON (II).
YES-Check fo r an inte rm itten t sh o rt to body g ro u nd in
the w ire between s h ift solenoid valve D and the PCM. 2. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.
If the PCM w as updated, substitute a know n-good 3. S tart the engine in P. W ith the brake pedal pressed,
PCM (see page 11-7), then go to step 24. If the PCM sh ift to N, and w a it fo r at least 1 second.
was substituted, go to step 1.
4. Check fo r Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.
N O -G o to step 26.
Is DTC P0983 indicated?
26. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0982 in the DTCs MENU
w ith the HDS. YES-Go to step 8.

Does the HDS indicate PASSED? N O -G o to step 5.

Y E S -lf the PCM was updated, tro ubleshooting is 5. Select S hift Solenoid Valve D in the M iscellaneous
com plete. If the PCM was substituted, replace the Test Menu, and test sh ift solenoid valve D w ith the
original PCM (see page 11-206). If any other Pending HDS.
o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ere indicated in step 25, go to
Is a clicking sound heard?
the indicated DTC's tro u b le s h o o tin g .!
YES-Go to step 6.
N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check fo r an
in te rm itte n t short to body ground in the w ire between NO -G o to step 8.
sh ift solenoid valve D and the PCM. If the PCM w as
6. S tart the engine in P. W ith the brake pedal pressed,
updated, substitute a know n-good PCM (see page
sh ift to N, and w a it fo r at least 1 second.
11-7), then go to step 24. If the PCM w as substituted,
go to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, 7. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0983 in the DTCs MENU
go to step 24. w ith the HDS.

Does the HDS indicate FAILED?

YES-Go to step 8.

N O -lf the HDS indicates PASSED, in te rm itte n t failure,

the system is OK at this tim e. Check fo r poor
connections o r loose term inals between sh ift
solenoid valve D and the PCM. If the HDS indicates
NOT COMPLETED, go to step 5.
8. Turn the ig n itio n sw itch to LOCK (0). 12. D isco nn e ctthe shift solenoid w ire harness connector.

9. Jump the SCS line w ith the HDS. 13. Checkfor continuity between PCM connector term inal
C9 and s h ift solenoid w ire harness co n n e cto r term inal
10. Disconnect PCM connector C (49P).
No. 5.
11. Measure the resistance between PCM connector
term inal C9 and body ground. PCM CONNECTOR C (49P) SHIFT SOLENOID WIRE


, h 1 2 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 I8 9 hoi J 1 I2 3 4 j 5 | 6 | 7 T8 9 liol

11 12 13 16 19 20 21

11 12 13 14 15 16
!715 19 20 21 m.
22 23 24
14 1 5
25 22 23 24 X 25X 26 27 28 5 4 3 2 1
■ > < > < 26 27 28 1 1


29 30 31 34 37 38 39

29 30 31 3 2 3 3 34 3536 37 38 39
| 4 0 |4 1 4 2 |4 3 |4 4 |4 5 |4 6 |4 7 48 |49 | |40|41 42|43 |44 |45 |46|47 48 14 9 1

Terminal side of female terminals

Terminal side of Wire side of
female terminals female term i nals
Is there 1 2 - 2 5 Q?
Is there continuity?
YES-Go to step 22.
YES-Go to step 14.
NO-G o to step 12.
NO-Repair ah open in the w ire between PCM
connector term inal C9 and sh ift solenoid w ire harness
connector term inal No. 5, then go to step 16.

14. Remove the sh ift solenoid w ire harness (see page


DTC Tro ublesho o ting (cont'd)

15. Check fo r co n tin u ity between s h ift solenoid w ire 16. Reconnect all connectors.
harness connector term inal No. 5 and the s h ift
17. Turn the ig n itio n sw itch to ON (II).
solenoid valve D connector term inal.
18. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.
SHIFT SOLENOID W I RE SHIFT SOLENOID 19. S tart the engine in P, and w a it fo r at least 1 second.
W ith the brake pedal pressed, sh ift to N, and w a it fo r
at least 1 second.
jim ii
20. Check fo r Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.
E^S l4 |3 I2 Ilj^3 @ Is DTC P0983 indicated?
(ORN) YES-Check fo r poor connections o r loose term inals
between sh ift solenoid valve D and the PCM, then go
SHD (ORN) to step 1.
N O -G o to step 21.
Terminal side of W ire side of
male terminals female terminals 21. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0983 in the DTCs MENU
w ith the HDS.
Is there continuity?
Does the HDS indicate PASSED?
YES-Replace sh ift solenoid valve D (see page 14-173),
Y E S -Troubleshooting is com plete. If any other
then go to step 19.
Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ere indicated in step 20,
NO-Replace the sh ift solenoid w ire harness (see page go to the indicated DTC's tro u b lesho o tin g.■
14-173), then go to step 19.
N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check fo r poor
connections o r loose term inals between sh ift
solenoid valve D and the PCM, then go to step 1. If the
HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to step 19.
22. Reconnect all connectors. DTC P1717: Open in Transmission Range
23. Update the PCM if it does not have the latest software Switch ATPRVS Switch Circuit
(see page 11 -204), or substitute a know n-good PCM
(see page 11-7).
• Before you tro u ble sho o t, record all freeze data and
24. Start the engine in P, and w a it fo r at least 1 second. any on-board snapshot w ith th e HDS, and review the
W ith th e brake pedal pressed, sh ift to N, and w a it fo r General T ro ubleshooting In form ation (see page 14-4).
at least 1 second. • This code is caused by an electrical circu it problem
25. Check fo r Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS. and cannot be caused by a m echanical problem in the
transm ission.
Is DTC P0983 indicated?
1. T urn the ig n itio n sw itch to ON (II).
YES-Check fo r poor connections o r loose terminals
between s h ift solenoid valve D and the PCM. If the 2. S hift to R, and m o n ito r the A /T R Sw itch signal w ith
PCM w as updated, substitute a know n-good PCM (see the HDS in the A/T Data List.
page 11 -7), then go to step 24. If the PCM was Is the A /T R Switch ON?
substituted, go to step 1.
YES-Go to step 3.
N O -G o to step 26.
NO -Check fo r proper transm ission range sw itch
26. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P0983 in the DTCs MENU installation (see page 14-250), adjust the s h ift cable
w ith the HDS. (see page 14-240), then recheck.H
Does the HDS indicate PASSED? 3. Check the Reverse S w itch (ATPRVS) signal w ith the
Y E S -lf the PCM was updated, trouble sho o ting is HDS in the A /T Data List.
com plete. If the PCM w as substituted, replace the Is the Reverse Switch (ATPRVS) ON?
o rig in a l PCM (see page 11-206). If any other Pending
o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ere indicated in step 25, go to Y E S -lnterm itte nt fa ilu re , the system is OK at this
the indicated DTC's troubleshooting.■ tim e . ll

N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check fo r poor N O -G o to step 4.

connections or loose term inals between shift
solenoid valve D and the PCM. If the PCM was
updated, substitute a know n-good PCM (see page
11-7), then go to step 24. If the PCM w as substituted,
go to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED,
go to step 24.

DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

4. Turn the ign itio n sw itch to LOCK (0). 9. Reconnect all connectors.

5. D isconnectthe transm ission range sw itch connector. 10. Turn the ign itio n sw itch to ON (II).
6. Connect a ju m p e r w ire between transm ission range 11. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.
sw itch connector term inal No. 4 and body ground.
12. S tart the engine in P. W ith th e brake pedal pressed,
s h ift to R fro m P, sh ift to N, then s h ift to R, and w a it fo r

13. Check fo r Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.

Is DTC P1717 indicated?
u ^ YES-Check fo r poor connections o r loose term inals
5 4 3 2 between the transm ission range sw itch and the PCM,
10 9 8 7 then go to step 1.
----- ------
N O -G o to step 14.

14. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P1717 in the DTCs MENU

w ith the HDS.

Wire side of femal e terminals Does the HDS indicate PASSED?

Y E S -Troubleshooting is com plete. If any other

Pending or Confirm ed DTCs w ere indicated in step 13,
7. Turn the ign ition sw itch to ON (II).
go to the indicated DTC's tro u b le sh o o tin g .■
8. Check the Reverse Switch (ATPRVS) signal w ith the
N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check fo r poor
HDS in the A/T Data List.
connections or loose term inals between the
Is the Reverse Switch (ATPRVS) ON? transm ission range sw itch and the PCM, then go to
step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to
YES-Replace the transm ission range sw itch (see step 12.
page 14-250), then go to step 12.

N O -R epair an open in the w ire between PCM

connector term inal C19 and transm ission range
sw itch connector term inal No. 4, then go to step 9. If
the circu it is OK, go to step 15.
15. Reconnect all connectors. DTC P1743: Problem in Shift Control System;
16. Update the PCM if it does not have the latest software Shift Valve E Stuck OFF
(see page 11-204), or substitute a know n-good PCM
(see page 11-7). DTC P1744: Problem in Shift Control System;
17. Start the engine in P. W ith the brake pedal pressed,
Shift Valve E Stuck ON
shift to R fro m P, shift to N, then sh ift to R, and w a it fo r NOTE: Before you tro u bleshoot, record all freeze data
at least 2 seconds. and any on-board snapshot w ith the HDS, and review
the General Troubleshooting Inform ation (see page
18. Check fo r Pending o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.
Is DTC P1717 indicated?
1. W arm up the engine to norm al operating tem p era tu re
YES-Check fo r poor connections or loose term inals (the radiator fan com es on).
between the transm ission range sw itch and the PCM.
2. Make sure th a t the transm ission is fille d to the p roper
If the PCM w as updated, substitute a know n-good
level, and check fo r flu id leaks.
PCM (see page 11-7), then go to step 17. If the PCM
was substituted, go to step 1. 3. Drain the ATF (see page 14-192) th rough a strainer.
Inspect the strainer fo r m etal debris o r excessive
N O -G o to step 19.
clutch m aterial.
19. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P1717 in th e DTCs MENU
Does the strainer have metal debris or excessive clutch
w ith the HDS.
Does the HDS indicate PASSED?
YES-Replace the transm ission, then go to step 9.
Y E S -lf the PCM was u p d ated /tro ub le sho o tin g is
NO-Replace the ATF (see step 6 on page 14-193), then
com plete. If the PCM was substituted, replace the
go to step 4.
original PCM (see page 11-206). If any o ther Pending
o r C onfirm ed DTCs w ere indicated in step 18, go to 4. Turn the ignition sw itch to ON (II).
the indicated DTC's tro u b le s h o o tin g ^
5. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.
N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, c h e c k fo r poor
connections o r loose term inals between the 6. Test-drive the vehicle w ith the shift lever in D, and let
transm ission range sw itch and the PCM. If the PCM th e transm ission sh ift th ro ug h all five gears. S low
was updated, substitute a know n-good PCM (see dow n, and stop the wheels.
page 11 -7), then go to step 17. If the PCM was 7. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P1743 o r P1744 in the
substituted, go to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT DTCs MENU with the HDS.
COMPLETED, go to step 17.
Does the HDS indicate FAILED?
YES-Faulty sh ift valve E. Replace the main valve body
(shift valve E) or the transm ission, then go to step 9.

N O -lf the HDS indicates PASSED, in te rm itte n t failure,

th e system is OK at this tim e. If the HDS indicates NOT
COMPLETED, go to step 6.
DTC Troubleshooting (cont'd)

8. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS. DTC P1745: Problem in Shift Control System;
9. Test-drive the vehicle w ith the sh ift lever in D, and let Servo Control Valve Stuck OFF or Servo Valve
the transm ission sh ift through all five gears. S low Stuck OFF
dow n, and stop the wheels.
NOTE: Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data
10. C he ckfo r Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS. and any on-board snapshot w ith the HDS, and review
the General Troubleshooting Inform ation (see page
Is DTC P1743 or P1744 indicated?
YES-Go to step 5.
1. W arm up the engine to norm al operating tem perature
N O -G o to step 11. (the ra d ia to rfa n comes on).
11. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P1743 or P1744 in the 2. Make sure th a t the transm ission is fille d to the proper
DTCs MENU w ith th e ;HDS. level, and c h e c kfo r flu id leaks.

Does the HDS indicate PASSED? 3. Drain the ATF (see page 14-192) through a strainer.
Inspect the strainer fo r m etal debris o r excessive
Y E S -Troubleshooting is co m p lete.®
clutch m aterial.
N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, go to step 8. If the
Does the strainer have metal debris or excessive clutch
HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to step 9.

YES-Replace the transm ission, then go to step 9.

NO-Replace the ATF (see step 6 on page 14-193), then

go to step 4.
4. Turn the ign ition sw itch to ON (II).

5. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.

6. Test-drive the vehicle w ith the sh ift lever in D, and let

the transm ission shift thro ug h all five gears. S low
dow n, and stop the wheels.

7. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P1745 in the DTCs MENU

w ith the HDS.

Does the HDS indicate FAILED?

YES-Replace the main valve body (servo control

valve), the regulator valve body (servo valve), o r the
transm ission, then go to step 9.

N O -lf the HDS indicates PASSED, inte rm itte n t failure,

the system is OK at th is tim e. If the HDS indicates NOT
COMPLETED, go to step 6.
8.. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS. DTC P I780: Problem in Shift Control System
9. Test-drive the vehicle w ith the sh ift lever in D, and let NOTE: Before you trou bleshoot, record all freeze data
the transm ission sh ift thro ug h all five gears. S low and any on-board snapshot w ith the HDS, and review
d ow n, and stop the wheels. the General T roubleshooting In form ation (see page
10. Check fo r Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS. 14-4).

Is DTC P1745 indicated? 1. Turn the ign itio n sw itch to ON (II).

YES-Go to step 5. 2. Clear the DTC w ith the HDS.

N O -G o to step 11. 3. Test-drive the vehicle w ith the shift lever in D, and let
the transm ission sh ift th ro u gh all five gears. S lo w
11. M o n ito r the OBD status fo r P1745 in the DTCs MENU dow n, and stop the wheels.
w ith the HDS.
4. Check fo r Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.
Does the HDS indicate PASSED?
NOTE: DTC P1780 means there is one or m ore A/T
Y ES -Troubleshooting is c o m p le te .! DTCs stored fo r the sh ift control system.
N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, go to step 8. If the Are there other DTCs?
HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to step 9.
Y E S -R eferto the trou ble sho o tin g as indicated by the

NO-G o to step 5.
5. Update the PCM if it does not have the latest softw are
(see page 11 -204), or substitute a know n-good PCM
(see page 11-7).

6. Test-drive the vehicle w ith the shift lever in D, and let

the transm ission sh ift through all five gears. S low
down, and stop the wheels.

7. Check fo r Pending or C onfirm ed DTCs w ith the HDS.

Is DTC P1780 indicated?

Y E S -lf the PCM was updated, substitute a

known-good PCM (see page 11 -7), then go to step 6. If
the PCM was substituted, go to step 1.

NO-Go to step 8.

8. M on ito r the OBD status fo r P1780 in the DTCs MENU

w ith the HDS.
Does the HDS indicate PASSED?
Y E S -lf the PCM was updated, troubleshooting is
com plete. If the PCM was substituted, replace the
original PCM (see page 11-206). If any other DTCs
w ere indicated in step 7, go to the indicated DTC's

N O -lf the HDS indicates FAILED, check fo r poor

connections and loose term inals at the PCM. If the
PCM was updated, substitute a known-good PCM (see
page 11-7), then go to step 6. If the PCM was
substituted, go to step 1. If the HDS indicates NOT
COMPLETED, go to step 6.
Road Test

1. 4WD: A p p ly the parking brake, and block all fo u r 8. Prepare the HDS to take a HIGH SPEED SNAPSHOT
wheels. (refer to the HDS user's guide fo r m ore details if
2WD: A p p ly the parking brake, and block both fro n t
• Select the High Speed icon.
• Select these parameters:
2. W arm up the engine to norm al operating tem perature - Vehicle Speed
(the radiator fan com es on).
- O utput Shaft (Countershaft) Speed (rpm )
3. S hift to D w hile pressing the brake pedal. Press the - Input Shaft (M ainshaft) Speed (rpm )
accelerator pedal, and release it suddenly; the engine - Engine Speed
should not stall.
- TP Sensor
4. Repeat step 3 in all s h ift lever positions. - APP Sensor A (V)
-E T R
5. Connect the HDS to the DLC (A) located under the
drive r's side o f the dashboard. - Battery Voltage
- S hift Control
-B ra k e Switch
• Set the T rigger Type to Parameter.
• A djust the Parameter setting to APP Sensor A
above 1.1 V.
• Set the Record Tim e to 60 seconds.
• Set the T rigger Point to (Negative) —30 seconds.

9. Find a suitable level road. W hen you are ready to do

the test, press OK w ith the HDS.

10. Accelerate quickly until APP Sensor A reads 1.2 V.

M aintain a steady th ro ttle until the transm ission shifts
to 5th gear, then slow the vehicle and com e to a stop.

11. Save the snapshot if the entire event was recorded, o r

increase the recording tim e setting as necessary, and
repeat step 10.

12. A d ju st the param eter setting to 2.4 V. Test-drive the

vehicle again. Accelerate quickly until APP Sensor A
6. Turn the ign itio n sw itch to ON (II).
reads 2.5 V. M aintain a steady th ro ttle until the
7. Make sure the HDS com m unicates w ith the PCM, and transm ission shifts to 5th gear (or reasonable speed),
go to the A/T Data List. If it does not, go to the DLC then slow the vehicle and com e to a stop.
circu it trou b le sh o otin g (see page 11 -430).
13. Save the snapshot if the entire event was recorded, o r
increase the recording tim e setting as necessary, and
repeat step 12.

14. Accelerate quickly until the accelerator pedal is to the

flo o r. M aintain a steady pedal u n til the transm ission
shifts to 4th gear, then slow to a stop, and save the
15. Review each snapshot individually, and compare the Downshift: D Position
Shift Control, APP Sensor A (V), and the Vehicle APP Sensor A (V): 1.2 V
Speed to the follow ing table: Lock-up OFF 3 5 -4 0 mph (5 6 -6 4 km/h)
5th - ► 4th 3 5 -4 0 mph '(5 6 -6 4 km/h)
Upshift: D Position
4th - ► 3rd 1 7 -2 1 mph (2 7 -3 3 km/h)
APP Sensor A (V): 1.2 V 3rd 1st 5 —9 mph (8 —14 km/h)
1 s t- * 2nd 9 -1 2 mph (1 5 -1 9 km/h) APP Sensor A (V):'2.5 V
2nd 3rd 1 6 -1 9 mph (25-31 km/h) Lock-up OFF !I 6 5 -7 3 mph (104-116 km/h)
3rd 4th 25—30 m ph (40—48 km/h) Fully-opened throttle
4th 5th 38—44 m ph (61 —71 km/h) APP Sensor A (V): 4.5 V
Lock-up ON 3 6 -4 1 mph (5 8 -6 6 km/h) Lock-up OFF 1 04 -1 14 mph (166-182 km/h)
APP Sensor A (V): 2.5 V 5th - ► 4th 111-121 mph (178-194 km/h)
1 s t- ► 2nd 2 3 -2 6 mph (3 6 -4 2 km/h) 4th 3rd 8 1 -8 9 mph (129-143 km/h)
2nd 3rd 4 0 -4 6 mph (6 4 -7 4 km/h) 3rd - ► 2nd 5 2 -5 9 mph (8 3 -9 5 km/h)
3rd 4th 5 9 -6 6 mph (94 -1 06 km/h) 2nd 1st 2 6 -3 3 mph (4 2 -5 2 km/h)
4th — 5th 7 9 -8 8 mph (127-141 km/h)
Lock-up ON 7 9 -8 8 mph (127-141 km/h) 16. Drive the vehicle in 4th or 5th gear in D, then shift to 2.
Fully-opened throttle The vehicle should im m ediately begin to slow dow n
APP Sensor A (V): 4.5 V fro m engine braking.
1 s t-* 2nd 3 9 -4 5 mph (6 2 -7 2 km/h)
2nd 3rd 17. S h ift to 1, accelerate fro m a stop at fu ll th ro ttle , and
6 6 -7 3 mph (105-117 km/h)
3rd 4th check fo r abnorm al noise and clutch slippage. A lso
9 9 -1 0 9 mph (159-175 km/h)
Lock-up ON check that upshifts do not occur.
112-121 mph (179-193 km/h)
18. S hift to 2, accelerate fro m a stop at fu ll th ro ttle , and
check fo r abnorm al noise and clutch slippage. A lso
check that upshifts and dow nshifts do not occur.

19. S hift to R, accelerate fro m a stop at fu ll th ro ttle

m om entarily, and check fo r abnorm al noise and
clutch slippage.

20. Park the vehicle on an upward slope (about 16

degrees), apply the parking brake, and shift into P.
Release the parking brake; the vehicle should not

NOTE: A lw ays use the parking brake to hold the

vehicle, when stopped on an incline in gear.
Depending on the grade o f the incline, the vehicle
could roll if the parking brake is released.
Stall Speed Test

1. Make sure the transm ission flu id is fille d to the proper 9. A llo w 2 m inutes fo r cooling, then repeat the test w ith
level (see page 14-191 the sh ift lever in 2 ,1 , and R.

2. A p p ly the parking brake, and block all fo u r wheels. NOTE:

• Do not test stall speed fo r m ore than 10 seconds at a
3. Connect the HDS to the DLC (A) located under the
tim e.
d rive r's side o f the dashboard.
• Record the engine speed at 6 —8 seconds after
pressing the accelerator pedal. Higher engine
speed w ill be indicated fo r 5 seconds.
® Stall speed test result should be used fo r diagnostic
purposes only.
• The stall speed should be the same in D, 2 ,1 , and R.
@ Do not test stall speed w ith the A/T oil pressure
gauges installed.
Stall Speed rpm
Specification: 1,850 rpm
Service Limit: 1,700—2,000 rpm
10. If any o f the stall speeds are out o f the service lim it,
refer to the problem s and probable causes listed in
the table.

Problem Probable causes

Stall speed rpm high • ATF pum p o u tp ut low
in D, 2 ,1 , and R • Clogged ATF strainer
• R egulator valve stuck
4. Turn the ign itio n sw itch to ON (II). • S lipping clutch
Stall speed rpm high Slippage o f 1st clutch
5. Make sure the HDS com m unicates w ith the PCM, and in 1 o r 1st gear one-way
go to the A/T Data List. If the does not, go to the DLC clutch
circu it troub le sh oo tin g (see page 11-430). Stall speed rpm high Slippage o f 2nd clutch
in 2
6. Make sure the A/C sw itch OFF.
Stall speed rpm high Slippage o f 5th clutch
7. A fte r the engine has w arm ed up to norm al operating in R
tem perature (the radiator fan comes on). Stall speed rpm low • Engine ou tp u t low
in D, 2 ,1 , and R • Engine th ro ttle valve
8. S hift to D w h ile pressing brake pedal firm ly , then closed
press the accelerator pedal fo r 6 to 8 seconds, and • Torque converter
note the engine speed. Do not m ove the sh ift lever or one-w ay clutch
rem ove y o u r fo o t o ff the brake, w hile raising the slipping
engine speed.
Pressure Test

Special Tools Required 7. Connect th e A FT oil pressure gauge to the line

• A/T Oil Pressure Gauge Set 07406-0020400 o r pressure inspection po rt (A), the 3rd clutch pressure
07406-0020401 p o rt (B), and the 5th clutch pressure p o rt (C). Do not
• A/T Pressure Test Hose 07AAJ-PY4A1 00 a llo w dust o r oth er fo re ig n particles to enter the hole
• A/T Pressure Adapter 07M AJ-PY40120 w h ile connecting the A/T o il pressure gauge.


• Disable the VSA by pressing the VSA OFF button. 07406-0020400 or
• VSA DTC(s) m ay com e on during the test-drive. If the 07406-0020401
VSA D TC (s) com e on, clear the DTC(s) after testing is '© O O '
done w ith the HDS.

1. Make sure the transm ission flu id is fille d to the proper

level (see page 14-191).
2 .4WD: Raise the vehicle on a lift, make sure it is
07AAJ-PY4A100 07SV1AJ-PY40120
securely supported, and a llo w all fo u r w heels to
rotate freely.

2WD: Block the rear wheels, and raise the fro n t o f the
vehicle, make sure it is securely supported, and allow
the fro n t w heels to rotate fre e ly, o r raise the vehicle
on a lift.

3. Remove the engine undercover (see page 20-252).

4. Connect the HDS to the DLC (A) located under the

d rive r's side o f the dashboard.

5. Turn the ign itio n sw itch to ON (II).

6. Make sure the HDS com m unicates w ith the PCM, and
go to the A/T Data List. If it does not, go to DLC circuit
tro u ble sho o ting (see page 11-430).
Pressure Test (cont'd)

8. S tart the engine, and warm it up to normal operating 14. S h ift to R, then release the brake pedal. Measure the
temperature (the radiator fan comes on). 5th clutch pressure w hile holding the engine speed at
2,000 rpm .
9. Measure the line pressure while holding the engine
speed at 2,000 rpm w ith the sh ift lever in P o r N. Pressure Fluid Pressure
NOTE: Higher pressures m ay be noticed if Standard Service Limit
m easurem ents are taken w ith the sh ift lever in any 5th clutch 9 4 0 -1 ,0 2 0 kPa 890 kPa (9.1
position other than P o r N. (G) in R (9 .6 -1 0 .4 kgf/cm 2, kgf/cm 2, 129
1 3 7 -1 4 8 psi) psi)
Pressure Fluid Pressure
15. Turn the engine off, then disconnect the A/T oil
Standard Service Lim it
pressure gauge fro m the line, 3rd clutch, and 5th
Line (A) 950—1,010 kPa 900 kPa (9.2
(9 .7 -1 0 .3 kgf/cm2, kgf/cm2, 131 clutch pressure inspection ports.
1 3 8 -1 4 6 psi) psi) 16. Install the sealing bolts in the line, 3rd clutch, and 5th
clutch pressure inspection ports w ith new sealing
10. S hift to D3, then press the accelerator pedal slowly
washers, and tighten the bolts to 18 N-m (1.8 kgf-m,
until reaching 3rd gear.
13 Ibf-ft). Do n ot reuse the old sealing washers.
11. Measure the 3rd clutch pressure w hile holding the
17. Connect the A/T oil pressure gauge to the 1st clutch
engine speed at 2,000 rpm .
pressure inspection port (D) and the 1st-hold clutch
12. S hift to D, and measure the 5th clutch pressure w hile pressure inspection p o rt (E).
holding the engine speed at 2,000 rpm .

Pressure Fluid Pressure

Standard Service Lim it
3rd clutch 9 4 0 -1 ,0 2 0 kPa 890 kPa (9.1
(B) (9 .6 -1 0 .4 kgf/cm2, kgf/cm 2, 129
5th clutch 1 3 7 -1 4 8 psi) psi)

13. Bring the engine back to an idle, then apply the brake
pedal to stop the w heels fro m rotating.
18. S tart the engine, and sh ift to 1. 22. Rem ove the a ir cleaner (see page 9-4) and the intake
a ir duct (see page 11 -243).
19. M easure the 1st clutch pressure and the 1st-hold
clutch pressure w hile holding the engine speed at 23. Rem ove the harness clam p (A) fro m its bracket (B),
2,000 rpm . then rem ove the b o lt (C) securing the harness clam p
Pressure Fluid Pressure
Standard Service Limit
1st clutch 9 4 0 -1 ,0 2 0 kPa 890 kPa (9 1
(D) (9 .6 -1 0 .4 kgf/cm 2, kgf/cm 2, 129
1 3 7 -1 4 8 psi) psi)
1st-hold 6 8 0 -7 6 0 kPa (6.9 630 kPa (6.4
clutch (E) - 7 . 7 kgf/cm 2, 9 8 - kgf/cm 2, 91
110 psi) psi)

20. T urn the engine off, then disconnect the A/T oil
pressure gauge from the 1st clutch pressure and
1st-hold clutch pressure inspection ports.

21. Install th e sealing bolts in the 1st clutch pressure and

1st-hold clutch pressure inspection ports w ith new
sealing w ashers, and tighten the bolts to 18 N-m
(1.8 kgf-m, 13 Ibf-ft). Do not reuse the old sealing

24. Disconnect the A /T clutch pressure control solenoid

valve C connector (D).

25. Remove the harness cover m oun tin g b o lt (E), and

rem ove the harness cover (F) fro m its bracket (G).

26. Connect the A/T o il pressure gauge to the 4th clutch

pressure inspection port (H).
27. Connect the A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
valve C connector.

Pressure Test (cont'd)

28. Connect the A/T oil pressure gauge to the 2nd clutch 34. Install the harness cover (A) on its bracket (B), and
pressure inspection p o rt (I), then te m p o ra rily install secure it w ith the harness cover m ounting bolt.
the air cleaner and the intake air duct.
6 x 1 .0 m m
29. S tart the engine, then s h ift to 2.

30. Measure the 2nd clutch pressure w hile holding the 35. Connect the A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
engine speed at 2,000 rpm . valve C connector (C).

Pressure Fluid Pressure 36. Install the harness clam p bracket (D), and install the
Standard harness clam p (E) on the bracket.
Service Limit
4th clutch 9 4 0 -1 ,0 2 0 kPa 890 kPa (9.1
(H) (9.6—10.4 kgf/cm 2, kgf/cm 2, 129
2nd clutch 1 3 7 -1 4 8 psi) psi)

31. S hift to D, and measure the 4th clutch pressure w h ile

holding the engine speed at 2,000 rpm .

32. Turn the engine off, rem ove the a ir cleaner (see page
9-4) and the intake air duct (see page 11-243), and
disconnect the A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
valve C connector. Then disconnect the A/T oil
pressure gauge from the 2nd clutch pressure and 4th
clutch pressure inspection ports.

33. Install the sealing bolts to the 2nd clutch pressure and
4th clutch pressure inspection ports w ith new sealing
washers, and tighten the bolts to 18 N-m (1.8 kgf-m,
13 Ibf-ft). Do not reuse the old sealing washers.
Shift Solenoid Valve Test, Replacement, and
Shift Solenoid W ire Harness Replacement .

37. If any of the pressures are out o f the service limit, refer 1. Connect the HDS to the DLC (A) located under the
to the problems and probable causes listed in the d river's side o f the dashboard.

Problem Probable causes

No o r lo w line • Torque converter
pressure • ATF pum p
• R egulator valve
• Torque converter
check valve
• Clogged ATF strainer
No o r low 1st clutch 1st clutch
No o r low 2nd clutch 2nd clutch
No o r lo w 3rd clutch 3rd clutch
No o r lo w 4th clutch 4th clutch
No o r lo w 5th clutch 5th clutch
No o r lo w 5th clutch • Servo valve
pressure in R • 5th clutch 2. Turn the ign itio n sw itch to ON (II).
No o r low 1st-hold 1st-hold clutch Make sure the HDS com m unicates w ith the PCM. If it
clutch pressure
does not, go to the DLC c ircu it trou blesho otin g (see
page 11-430).
38. Install the air cleaner (see page 9-4) and the intake air
duct (see page 11-243). 3. Select S hift Solenoid Valves A, B, C, and D in the
M iscellaneous Test Menu w ith the HDS.
39. Install the engine undercover (see page 20-252).
4. Check tha t sh ift solenoid valves A, B, C, and D operate
40. Check the ATF level (see page 14-191). w ith the HDS. A clicking sound should be heard.
• If a clicking sound is heard, the valves are OK. The
test is com plete, disconnect the HDS.
• If no clicking sound is heard, go to step 5, and test
the solenoid valves.
5. Do the battery rem oval procedure (see page 22-87).

6. Remove the air cleaner (see page 9-4) and the intake
air duct (see page 11-243).

7. Remove the battery base (see step 12 on page


Shift Solenoid Valve Test, Replacement, and Shift Solenoid Wire Harness
Replacement (cont'd)
8. Remove the spring clip (A) and the control pin (B), 11. Disconnect these connectors:
then separate the s h ift cable end (C) fro m the selector • A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve A
control lever (D). connector (A)
6x1.0 mm • A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve B
connector (B)
• 4th clutch transm ission flu id pressure sw itch
connector (C)
• S hift solenoid w ire harness connector (D)
12 N m (1.2 kgf-m, 9 Ibf-ft)

9. Remove the nuts securing the sh ift cable bracket (E).

12. Remove the bolt securing the harness cover (E), and
10. Check the bushing (F) in the sh ift cable end fo r proper rem ove the harness cover fro m its bracket (F).
fit and wear. If the bushing is loose o r w orn , replace
the sh ift cable (see page 14-244).
13. Remove A/T clutch pressure c o ntro l solenoid valves A 17. D isconnectthe connectors fro m the s h ift solenoid
and B ,th e 8 x 102.8 m m ATF pipe (C);. th e 8 x 5 5 3 m m valve(s) th a t did not click.
ATF pipes (D), and the gasket (E),
Terminal side of
....................... ■ fem ale terminals
iermina! side of
^ i iv 3 a «i a c

12 N-m (1.2 kgf-m, 9 Ibf-ft)

Terminal side of
14. Replace the gasket and the O-rings (F) w ith new ones female terminals
w hen installing A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
valves A and B. 18. Measure the resistance o f the shift solenoid valve th a t
was out o f the standard between the connector
15. Remove the solenoid valve cover (A), the dow el pins term inal and the body ground.
(B), and the gasket (C).
S tandard: 12—25 0
* If the resistance is o u t o f the standard, go to step 21
and replace shift solenoid valve.
« If the resistance is w ith in the standard, go to step 19
and check the solenoid valve fo r a clicking sound.

18, Connect a jumper w ire from the positive battery

terminal to the solenoid valve term inal individually. A
clicking sound should be heard.
* If a clicking sound is heard, go to step 20 and
replace the shift solenoid w ire harness.
* If no clicking sound is heard, go to step 21 and
replace the defective shift solenoid valve.

6 x 1.0 mm
12 N-m (1.2 kgf-m, 3 Ibfft)

16. Replace the gasket w ith a new one when installing the
solenoid valve cover.

Shift Solenoid Valve Test, Replacement, and Shift Solenoid Wire Harness
Replacement (cont'd)
20. Remove the shift solenoid w ire harness (A), and 21. Remove the shift solenoid valve m ounting bolts, then
replace it. Install a new O-ring (B) on a new shift rem ove the affected shift solenoid valves by holding
solenoid w ire harness, and install the shift solenoid the solenoid valve body.
w ire harness in the transm ission housing, then go to
NOTE: Do not hold the shift solenoid valve connector
step 28.
to rem ove the shift solenoid valve. Be sure to hold the
shift solenoid valve body.
6 x 1.0 mm
12 N-m (1.2 kgf-m, 9 Ibf-ft)
22. Install new O-rings (two O-rings per shift solenoid 28. Connect th e shift solenoid valve connectors to the
valve) (E) on the reused shift solenoid valves. sh ift solenoid valves:
• YEL w ire connector to sh ift solenoid valve A.
NOTE: A new sh ift solenoid valve com es w ith new
O-rings. If you install a new solenoid valve, use the • RED w ire connector to sh ift solenoid valve B.
O-rings provided with it • GRN w ire connector to shift solenoid valve C.
• ORN w ire connector to shift solenoid valve D.
23. If shift solenoid valve D was replaced, install shift
solenoid valve D (black connector) by holding the shift 29. Install the s h ift solenoid valve cover, the dow el pins,
solenoid valve body; make sure the m ounting bracket and a new gasket.
contacts the accum ulator body.
30. Install a new gasket on the solenoid valve cover, and
NOTE: Do not hold the solenoid valve by the install the 8 x 102.8 m m ATF pipe and the 8 x 55.3 m m
connector w hen installing the solenoid valve. Be sure ATF pipes w ith th e ir filte r side into the transm ission
to hold the solenoid valve body. housing. Install new O-rings over the ATF pipes.
24. If sh ift solenoid valve A w as replaced, install shift 31. Install A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valves A
solenoid valve A (black connector) by holding the shift and B.
solenoid valve body; make sure the m o un tin g bracket
contacts the accum ulator body. 32. Install the harness cover on its bracket, and secure it
w ith the bolt.
25. If sh ift solenoid valve C w as replaced, install shift
solenoid valve C (brow n connector) by holding the 33. Check the connectors fo r corrosion, dirt, o r oil, and
sh ift solenoid valve body; make sure the m ounting clean o r repair if necessary, then connect the
bracket contacts the bracket o f sh ift solenoid valve A. connectors securely.

NOTE: Do not install sh ift solenoid valve C before 34. A p p ly m olybdenum grease to the hole in the bushing
installing shift solenoid valve A. If sh ift solenoid valve in the s h ift cable end, then install the shift cable
C is installed before installing shift solenoid valve A, it bracket w ith the nuts.
m ay damage the hydraulic control system . 35. Attach the s h ift cable end to the selector control lever,
26. If s h ift solenoid valve B w as replaced, install shift then insert the control pin into the selector control
solenoid valve B (brow n connector) by holding the lever hole through the shift cable end, and secure the
sh ift solenoid valve body; make sure the m ounting control pin w ith the spring clip.
bracket contacts the accum ulator body. 36. Install the battery base (see step 81 on page 14-226).
27. Install the sh ift solenoid valve m ounting bolts. 37. Install the air cleaner (see page 9-4) and the intake air
duct (see page 11 -243).

38. Do the battery installation procedure (see page 22-87).

A /T Clutch Pressure Control Solenoid Valve A and B Test

1. Connect the HDS to the DLC (A) located under the 8. D isconnectthe A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
driver's side o f the dashboard. valve A and B connectors.
2 . Turn the ignition sw itch to ON (II).
Make sure the HDS com m unicates w ith the PCM. If it
does not, go to the DLC circuit trou ble sho oting (see
page 11-430).
3. Select Clutch Pressure Control (Linear) Solenoid
Valve A and B ind ivid ua lly in the M iscellaneous Test 9. Measure the resistance between term inals No. 1 and
Menu w ith the HDS. No. 2 fo r each A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
4. Test A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve A and valve A and B.
B ind ivid u a lly w ith the HDS. S tandard: 3 —10 0
• If the valves test OK, the test is com plete. • If the resistance is out o f the standard, replace A/T
Disconnect the HDS. clutch pressure control solenoid valves A and B
e If any o f the valves do not test OK, fo llo w the (see page 14-181).
instructions on the HDS. • If the resistance is w ith in the standard, go to step
• If any o f the valves do not test OK, and the HDS 10 .
does not determ ine the cause, go to step 5.
10. Connect a ju m p e r w ire fro m the negative battery
5. Do the battery rem oval procedure (see page 22-87). te rm inal to A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve
6. Remove the air cleaner (see page 9-4) and the intake A and B connector term inal No. 1, and connect
air duct (see page 11-243). another jum p e r w ire fro m the positive battery
te rm inal to connector term inal No. 2. ind ividually
7. Remove the battery base (see step 12 on page • If a clicking sound is heard, the valves are OK, and
14-195). the test is com plete, then go to step 24.
® If no clicking sound is heard, go to step 11.
11. Remove the spring clip (A) and the control pin (B), 14. D isco nn ectth e 4th clutch transm ission flu id pressure
then separate the shift cable end (C) from the selector sw itch connector (A), the shift solenoid w ire harness
control lever (D). connector (B), and the inp u t shaft (m ainshaft) speed
sensor connector (C).
6 x 1.0 mm
15. Remove the b o lt securing the harness cover (D), and
rem ove the harness cover from its bracket (E).

16. Remove A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valves A

and B, the 8 x 102.8 m m ATF pipe (C), the 8 x 55.3 m m
ATF pipes (D), the gasket (E), and the O -rings (F).

12. Remove the nuts securing the shift cable bracket (E).

13. Gheck the bushing (F) in the s h ift cable end fo r proper
fit and wear. If the bushing is loose o r w o rn , replace
the sh ift cable (see page 14-244).

6 x 1 .0 mm
12 N-m (1.2 k g fm , 9 Ibfft)

17. Check the flu id passage o f the A/T clutch pressure

control solenoid valve fo r contam ination.
A /T Clutch Pressure Control Solenoid Valve A and B Test (cont'd)

18. Connect a ju m p e r w ire fro m the negative battery 21. Install a new gasket on the solenoid valve cover, and
term ina l to A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve install the 8 x 102.8 m m ATF pipe and the 8 x 55.3 m m
A o r B connector term inal No. 1, and connect another ATF pipes w ith the filte r end in the transm ission
ju m p e r w ire fro m the positive battery te rm inal to housing. Install new O-rings over the ATF pipes.
connector te rm inal No. 2. Make sure A/T clutch
22. Install A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valves A
pressure control solenoid valve A o r B moves.
and B.

23. Install the harness cover on its bracket, and secure it

Terminal side Terminal side
of male terminals of male terminals w ith the bolt.

24. Check the connectors fo r corrosion, dirt, or oil, and

clean or repair if necessary, then connect the
connectors securely.

25. A p p ly m olybdenum grease to the hole in the bushing

in the shift cable end, then install the shift cable
bracket w ith the nuts.

26. Attach the sh ift cable end to the selector control lever,
then insert the control pin into the selector control
lever hole through the shift cable end, and secure the
control pin w ith the spring clip.

27. Install the battery base (see step 81 on page 14-226).

28. Install the a ir cleaner (see page 9-4) and the intake air
duct (see page 11 -243).

29. Do the battery installation procedure (see page 22-87).

19. D isconnect the ju m p e r w ires, and check the valve

m ovem ent (A) and (B) at the flu id passage. If the A/T
clutch pressure control valve binds o r m oves
sluggishly, or if the valve does not operate, replace
A /T clutch pressure control solenoid valves A and B.

20, Clean the m ounting surface and flu id passage o f the

solenoid valve body and the solenoid valve cover.
A/T Clutch Pressure Control Solenoid Valve A and B Replacement

1. Do the battery removal procedure (see page 22-87). 7. Disconnect these connectors:
• A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve A
2. Remove the air cleaner (see page 9-4) and the intake
air duct (see page 11-243). connector (A)
• A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve B
3. Remove the battery base (see step 12 on page connector (B)
14-195). • 4th clutch transm ission flu id pressure switch
4. Remove the spring clip (A) and the control pin (B), connector (C)
then separate the shift cable end (C) from the selector • S hift solenoid w ire harness connector (D)
control lever (D).
6 x 1.0 mm
6 x 1.0 mm
12 N-m (1.2 kgf-m, 9 ibf-ft)

8. Remove the bolt securing the harness cover (E), and

rem ove the harness cover from its bracket (F).

5. Remove the nuts securing the shift cable bracket (E).

6. Check the bushing (F) in the sh ift cable end fo r proper

fit and wear. If the bushing is loose or w orn , replace
the sh ift cable (see page 14-244).

A /T Clutch Pressure Control Solenoid Valve A and B Replacement (cont'd)

9. Remove A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valves A 14. Check the connectors fo r corrosion, dirt, o r oil, and
and B, th e 8 x 102.8 m m ATF pipe (C), th e 8 x 55.3 m m clean o r repair if necessary, then connect the
ATF pipes (D), the gasket (E), and the O-rings (F). connectors securely.

15. A p p ly m olybdenum grease to the hole in the bushing

in the sh ift cable end, then install the sh ift cable
bracket w ith the nuts.

16. Attach the sh ift cable end to the selector control lever,
then insert the control pin into the selector control
lever hole through the sh ift cable end, and secure the
control pin w ith the spring clip.

17. Install the battery base (see step 81 on page 14-226).

18. Install the air cleaner (see page 9-4) and the intake air
duct (see page 11-243).
19. Do the battery installation procedure (see page 22-87).

6 x 1.0 mm
12 N-m (1.2 k g fm , 9 Ib fft)

10. Clean the m ounting surfaces and the flu id passage o f

the solenoid valve cover.

11. Install a new gasket on the solenoid valve cover, and

install the 8 x 102.8 m m ATF pipe and the 8 x 55.3 m m
ATF pipes w ith the filte r end in the transm ission
housing. Install new O-rings over the ATF pipes.

12. Install A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valves A

and B.
13. Install the harness cover on its bracket, and secure it
w ith the bolt.
A /T Clutch Pressure Control Solenoid Valve C Test

1. Connect the HDS to the DLC (A) located under the 7. D isco nn ectth e A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
d river's side o f the dashboard. valve C connector.

Term i nal side of

male terminals
2. Turn the ignition sw itch to ON (II).
Make sure the HDS com m unicates w ith the PCM. If it 8. Measure the A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
does not, go to the DLC circu it troubleshooting (see valve C resistance at the connector term inals.
page 11-430). Standard: 3 —10 0
3. Select Clutch Pressure C ontrol (Linear) S olenoid • If the resistance is out o f the standard, replace A/T
Valve C in the Miscellaneous Test Menu w ith the HDS. clutch pressure control solenoid valve C (see page
4. Test A /T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C w ith
• If the resistance is w ith in the standard, go to step 9.
the HDS.
• If th e valve tests OK, the test is complete. 9. Connect a ju m p e r w ire fro m the negative battery
D isconnectthe HDS. term inal to A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve
• If the valve does not test OK, fo llo w the instructions C connector term ina l No. 1, and connect another
on the HDS. jum p e r w ire fro m the positive battery term inal to
• If the valve does not test OK, and the HDS does not connector term inal No. 2.
determ ine the cause, go to step 5. • If a clicking sound is heard, the valve is OK, and the
test is com plete, then go to step 20.
5. Do the battery rem oval procedure (see page 22-87). • If no clicking sound is heard, go to step 10.
6. Remove the air cleaner (see page 9-4) and the intake
a ir duct (see page 11-243).
A /T Clutch Pressure Control Solenoid Valve C Test (cont'd)

10. Remove A /T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C, 12. Connect a ju m p e r w ire fro m the negative battery
the 8 x 53 m m ATF pipe (A), the 8 x 3 6 m m ATF pipe term inal to A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve
(B), the O-rings (D), the 8 x 25.2 m m ATF jo in t pipe (E), C connector term inal No. 1, and connect another
and the gasket (F). jum p e r w ire fro m the positive battery term inal to
connector term inal No. 2. Make sure A/T clutch
pressure control solenoid valve C moves.
Terminal side of
male terminals

13. Disconnect one o f the ju m p e r w ires, and check the

valve m ovem ent (C) at the flu id passage. If the valve
binds o r m oves sluggishly, o r if the valve does not
operate, replace A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
valve C.
11. Check the flu id passage o f the A/T clutch pressure
control solenoid valve fo r contam ination. 14. Clean the m ounting surfaces and the flu id passages
o f the A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve body
and the transm ission housing.
15. Install the 8 x 53 mm ATF pipe (A) w ith the filter end 17. Install a new gasket (A) on th e transm ission housing,
into its m o un tin g hole (B). and install the 8 x 36 m m ATF pipe (B) w ith the filte r
end into the transm ission housing and the
8 x 25.2 m m ATF jo in t pipe (D).
6 x 1.0 mm
16. Check the height (A) o f the 8 x 5 3 m m ATF pipe (B)
between th e top (C) o f the pipe a n d th e solenoid valve
body m o un tin g surface (D). The height is about 7 m m
(0.28 in). If the height is over 7 mm (0.28 in), push the
pipe until it bottom s in the accum ulator body.

18. Install new O-rings (E) over the ATF pipes.

19. Install A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C.

20. Check the connector fo r corrosion, dirt, o r oil, and

clean o r repair if necessary, then connect the
connector securely.
21. Install the a ir cleaner (see page 9-4) and the intake air
duct (see page 11 -243).
22. Do the battery installation procedure (see page 22-87).
A /T Clutch Pressure Control Solenoid Valve C Replacement

1. Do th e battery rem oval procedure (see page 22-87). 6. Install the 8 x 53 mm ATF pipe (A) w ith the filter end
into its mounting hole (B).
2. Remove the air cleaner (see page 9-4) and the intake
air duct (see page 11-243).

3. Disconnectthe A/T cl utch pressure control solenoid

valve C connector (A).
7. Check the height (A) o f the 8 x 53 m m ATF pipe (B)
between the to p (C) o f the pipe and the solenoid valve
body m ounting surface (D). The height is about 7 m m
(0.28 in). If the height is over 7 m m (0.28 in), push the
pipe until it bottom s in the accum ulator body.

4. Remove A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C,

the 8 x 53 m m ATF pipe (B), the 8 x 36 m m ATF pipe
(D), the O-rings (E), the 8 x 25.2 m m ATF jo in t pipe (F),
and the gasket (G).

5. Clean the m ounting surfaces and the flu id passages

o f the transm ission housing.
Input Shaft (Mainshaft) Speed
Sensor Replacement
8. Install a new gasket (A) on the transm ission housing, 1. Do the battery rem oval procedure (see page 22-87).
and install the 8 x 3 6 m m ATF pipe (B) w ith the filte r
2. Rem ove the b attery base (see step 12 on page
end into the transm ission housing and th e
8 x 25.2 m m ATF jo in t pipe (D). 14-195).
6 x 1 .0 m m 3. D isconnect th e inpu t shaft (m ainshaft) speed sensor
connector, and rem ove the inp u t shaft (m ainshaft)
sp^ed sensor (A).
6 x 1.0 m m
12 N-m
(1.2 kgf-m, 9 Ibf-ft)

4. Install a new O -ring (B) on a new inpu t shaft

(m ainshaft) speed sensor, then install the inpu t shaft
i (m ainshaft) speed sensor.
Bi Check the connector fo r corrosion, d irt, or oil, and
j clean o r repair if necessary, then connect the
connector securely.

9. Install new O-rings (E) over the ATF pipes. 6. Install the battery base (see step 81 on page 14-226).

10. Install the A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve 7. Do the battery installation procedure (see page 22-87).

11. Check the connector fo r corrosion, d irt, o r oil, and

clean or repair if necessary, then connect the
connector securely.

12. Install the air cleaner (see page 9-4) and the intake air
duct (see page 11-243).

13. Do the battery installation procedure (see page 22-87).

Output Shaft (Countershaft) Speed Transmission Fluid Pressure Switch
Sensor Replacement A (2nd Clutch) Replacement
1. Do the battery rem oval procedure (see page 22-87). 1. Disconnect the transm ission flu id pressure sw itch A
(2nd clutch) connector, and rem ove transm ission
2. Remove the battery base (see step 12 on page
flu id pressure sw itch A (2nd clutch) and the sealing
w asher (B).
3. Disconnect the output shaft (countershaft) speed
sensor connector, and rem ove the o utp ut shaft
(countershaft) speed sensor (A) and the sensor
w asher (B).
6 x 1.0 mm
12 N-m
(1.2 kgf-m, 9 Ibf-ft)

4. Install a new O-ring (C) on a new o utput shaft 2. Install transm ission flu id pressure sw itch A (2nd
(countershaft) speed sensor, then install the o u tp u t clutch) w ith a new sealing w asher, and tigh ten the
shaft (countershaft) speed sensor w ith the sensor switch.
washer. 3. Check the connector fo r corrosion, d irt, o r oil, and
5. Check the connector fo r corrosion, dirt, or oil, and clean or repair if necessary, then connect the
clean o r repair if necessary, then connect the connector securely.
connector securely.
6. Install the battery base (see step 81 on page 14-226).

7. Do the battery installation procedure (see page 22-87).

Transmission Fluid Pressure Switch 4th Clutch Transmission Fluid
B (3rd Clutch) Replacement Pressure Switch Replacement
1. Raise the vehicle on a lift, or apply the parking brake, 1. Do th e battery rem oval procedure (see page 22-87).
block both rear w heels, and raise the fro n t o f the
2. Remove th e air cleaner (see page 9-4) and the intake
vehicle. Make sure it is securely supported.
air du ct (see page 11-243).
2. Remove the engine undercover (see page 20-252).
3. Disconnect the 4th clutch transm ission flu id pressure
3. D isconnectthe transm ission flu id pressure sw itch B sw itch connector, and rem ove the 4th clutch
(3rd clutch) connector, and rem ove transm ission flu id transm ission flu id pressure sw itch (A) and the sealing
pressure sw itch B (3rd clutch) and the sealing w asher w asher (B).
A 20 N*«n
Replace. (2.0 kgf-m, 15 Ibf-ft)

4. Install transm ission flu id pressure sw itch B (3rd

clutch) w ith a new sealing washer, and tig hte n the
switch. 20 N-m
(2.0 kgf-m, 15 Ib fft)
5. Check the connector fo r corrosion, d irt, or oil, and
4. Install the 4th clutch transm ission flu id pressure
clean or repair if necessary, then connect the
connector securely. switch w ith a new sealing washer, and tighten the
6. Install the engine undercover (see page 20-252).
5. Check the connector fo r corrosion, d irt, or oil, and
clean or repair if necessary, then connect the
connector securely.

6. Install the air cleaner (see page 9-4) and the intake air
duct (see page 11-243).

7. Do the battery installation procedure (see page 22-87).

ATF Temperature Sensor Replacement

1. Raise the vehicle on a lift, or apply the parking brake, 5. D isconnect the ATF tem perature sensor connector
block both rear wheels, and raise the fro n t o f the (A), then rem ove the connector fro m the connector
vehicle. Make sure it is securely supported. bracket (B).

2. Remove the engine undercover (see page 20-252).

3. Remove the drain plug (A), and drain the autom atic
transm ission flu id (ATF).

18 x 1.5 mm
4. Reinstall the drain plug w ith a new sealing w asher (B).

6. Remove the harness clam p (C) fro m its bracket (D).

7. Remove the ATF tem perature sensor (E), and replace

the sensor.

8. Install a new O-ring (F) on a new ATF tem perature

sensor, and install the ATF tem perature sensor.

9. Check the connector fo r corrosion, dirt, o r oil, and

clean or repair if necessary, then connect the
connector securely, and install it on its bracket.

10. Install the harness clam p on its bracket.

11. Refill the transm ission w ith ATF (see step 6 on page

12. Install the engine undercover (see page 20-252).

ATF Level Check

NOTE: 5. Remove the dipstick, and check the ATF level. It

• Keep all foreign particles out of the transmission. should be between the upper m ark (A) and the low e r
• Check the ATF level within 60—90 seconds after m ark (B).
tu rn in g the engine off.
• Higher ATF level may be indicated if the radiatorfan
comes on tw ice or more.
1. Park the vehicle on the level ground.

2. W arm up the engine to norm al operating tem perature

(the radiator fan com es on), and tu rn the engine off.

3. Remove the dipstick (yellow loop) (A) fro m the

dipstick guide tube, and w ip e it w ith a clean cloth.
6. If the ATF level is b elow the low er m ark, check fo r flu id
leaks at the transm ission, and the ATF cooler hoses
and the line joints. If a problem is found, fix it before
fillin g the transm ission w ith ATF.

NOTE: If the vehicle is driven w hen the ATF level is

b elow the low er mark, one o r m ore o f these
sym ptom s m ay occur:
• Transm ission damage.
• Vehicle does not m ove in any gear.
• Vehicle accelerates poorly, and flares w hen starting
o ff in D and R.
• The engine vibrates at idle.
7. If the level is above the upper mark, drain the ATF to
the proper level (see step 4 on page 14-192).

NOTE: If the vehicle is driven w hen the ATF level is

above the upper mark, the vehicle m ay creep forw ard
w hile in N, o r have sh ifting problem s.
ATF Level Check (cont'd) ATF Replacement

8. If necessary, fill the transm ission w ith the ATF NOTE: Keep all foreign particles out o f the transm ission.
through the fille r hole (A) to bring the flu id level
1. W arm up the engine to norm al operating tem perature
between the upper m ark and the low er m ark o f the
(the radiator fan comes on), and turn the engine off.
dipstick. Do not fill the flu id above the upper mark.
A lw ays use Honda ATF DW-1 A utom atic 2. Raise the vehicle on a lift, o r apply the parking brake,
Transm ission Fluid (ATF). Using a non-Honda ATF block both rear w heels, and raise the fro n t o f the
can affect s h ift quality. vehicle. Make sure it is securely supported.

B 3. Remove the engine undercover (see page 20-252).

24 x 1.5 mm
4. Remove the ATF fille r bo lt and drain plug (A), and
drain the autom atic transm ission flu id (ATF).

NOTE: If a cooler cleaning is necessary, refer to ATF

Cooler Cleaning (see page 14-228).
18 x 1.5 mm


10. Insert the dipstick back into the dipstick guide tube.
5. Reinstall the drain plug w ith a new sealing w asher (B).
e 0
6. Refill the transmission with the recommended flu id 10. Connect th e HDS to the data lin k connector (DLC) (A)
through the fille r hole (A). A lw ays use Honda located under the d rive r's side o f the dashboard.
ATF PW-T A u to m a tic T ransm ission Fluid (ATF). Using
a non-Honda ATF can affect sh ift quality.
Automatic Transmission Fluid Capacity
2 .8 1 (3.0 US qt) at change
7.9 L (8.3 US qt) at overhaul
3.3 L (3.5 US qt) at change
7.5 I (7.i US qt) at overhaul

24 x 1.5 mm
11. Turn the ign itio n sw itch to ON (II). Make sure the HDS
com m unicates w ith the PCM. If it does not, go to the
DLC circu it troub le sh oo ting (see page 11-430).

12. Select GAUGES in the BODY ELECTRICAL with the

13. Select ADJUSTMENT in the GAUGES with the HDS.
w ith the HDS.

15. Select RESET in the MAINTENANCE MINDER with the

<C). 16. Select MAINTENANCE SUB ITEM 3 RESET, and reset
8. Check the ATF level (see page 14-191). the ATF life w ith the HDS.

9. If the M aintenance M inder recom m ends replacing the

ATF, reset the Maintenance M inder (see page 3-4) to
com plete th is procedure. If the M aintenance M inder
did not require you to replace the ATF, go to step 10.
Transmission Removal

Special Tools Required 6. Pry the passenger's side hood sup po rt stru t clip, and
• Engine S upport Hanger, A and Reds AAR-T1256* release the passenger's side hood support strut fro m
• 2008 V6 A ttachm ent A rm SIL02C000033* the p ivo t b olt (see page 20-212).
• Engine Hanger Balance Bar VSB02C000019*
7. W hile an assistant supports the hood, and rem ove the
• Subfram e A dapter VSB02C000016*
bolts (A) securing the d river's side hood support strut
*: A vailable th rough the Honda Tool and Equipm ent m ounting bracket (B). Rotate the bracket over and
Program 888-424-6857. reattach them to the hood w ide-open position
threaded hole (C) w ith the b olt in center hole (D) o f the
NOTE; bracket.
• Use fender covers to avoid dam aging painted
NOTE: Do not attem pt to close the hood w ith the hood
support strut in the w ide-open position; as it w ill
• Special to ol Reds engine support hanger AAR-T1256 dam age the hood support strut and the hood.
m ust be used w ith the side engine m o un t installed.

1. Raise the vehicle on a lift, and make sure it is securely

2. Remove the fro n t w heels.

3. Remove the engine undercover (see page 20-252).

4. Remove the drain plug (A), and drain the autom atic
transm ission flu id (ATF).
18 x 1.5 mm
49 N-m

8. Do the battery rem oval procedure (see page 22-87).

9. Remove the fro n t grille cover (see page 20-230).

10. Remove the air cleaner (see page 9-4) and the intake
air duct (see page 11-243).
5. Reinstall the drain plug w ith a new sealing w asher (B). 11. Remove the bolt securing the PCM bracket, then
disconnect PCM connectors A, B, and C (see step 13
on page 5-3).
< ■ &

12. Remove the mounting bolts (A), and loosen the 15. Rem ove the positive starter cable (A), and disconnect
m ounting bolts (B), then rem ove the harness clam p th e S te rm in a l connector (B) fro m th e starter.
(C) and the battery base (D).
13. Remove the nuts (A) securing the strut brace (B).

16. Rem ove the harness clam p (C) fro m the upper
rad iator hose bracket (D), and rem ove the bracket.

17. Rem ove the transm ission ground cable (E).

18. R em ove the ATF dipstick (F).

14. Remove th e brake booster vacuum hose (C) fro m the

strut brace, then rem ove the s tru t brace.
Transmission Removal (cont'd)

19. Remove the starter (A) w ith the harness clamp 21. Remove the spring clip (A) and the control pin (B),
bracket (B) and the gasket (C) from the transmission. then separate the shift cable end (C) from the selector
control lever (D).
20. Insert the dipstick back into the dipstick guide tube.

22. Remove the nuts securing the sh ift cable bracket (E).

23. Check the bushing (F) in the sh ift cable end fo r proper
fit and wear. If the bushing is loose or w orn , replace
the sh ift cable (see page 14-244).
24. Disconnect these connectors: 27. Remove the harness clam p (A) fro m its bracket.
• A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve A
connector (A)
• A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve B
connector (B)
• 4th clutch transm ission flu id pressure sw itch
connector (C)
• S hift solenoid w ire harness connector (D)
28. Disconnect these connectors:
• O utput shaft (countershaft) speed sensor connector
• Transm ission flu id pressure sw itch B (3rd clutch)
connector (C)
• ATF tem perature sensor connector (D)

25. Remove the b olt securing the harness cover (E), and
rem ove the harness cover fro m its bracket (F).

26. Disconnect these connectors:

• Transm ission range sw itch connector (A)
• Input shaft (m ainshaft) speed sensor connector (B)

l (cont'd)
Transmission Removal (cont'd)

29. Remove the harness clam p (A) fro m its bracket (B), 32. Remove the b o lt securing the harness clam p bracket.
then rem ove the b o lt (C) securing the harness clam p
33; Disconnect the transm ission flu id pressure sw itch A
(2nd clutch) connector.
30. D isconnectthe A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
valve C connector (D).

31. Remove the harness cover m ounting b o lt (E), and

rem ove the harness cover (F) fro m its bracket (G).
34. Disconnect the ATF cooler hoses (A) from the ATF 37. Drain th e pow er steering flu id (see page 17-28).
cooler lines (B). Turn th e ends o f the cooler hoses up
38. Rem ove the steering jo in t in th e fo llo w in g procedure.
to prevent ATF from flo w in g out, then plug the cooler
hoses and lines. NOTE: A p p ly vinyl tape to the spline o f the steering
gearbox pinion shaft after rem oved.

-1. Remove the steering jo in t cover (see step 7 on page

-2. Disconnect the steering jo in t (see step 8 on page
-3. Center the steering w heel spokes using a
com m ercia lly available steering wheel h older tool
(see step 9 on page 17-40).
-4. If equipped, rem ove th e center guide (see step 10
on page 17-40).
39. Rem ove the bolts (A) securing the pow er steering
pum p o u tle t hose and th e hose bracket.

35. Check fo r any signs o f leakage at the hose joints.

3 6 .4WD: Remove the transfer breather hose fro m its

clam p.

40. Disconnect the PSP sw itch connector.

Transmission Removal (cont'd)

41. Remove the b olt (A) securing the connector bracket 42. Remove the b o lt (A) securing the harness clam p
(B) fro m the fro n t cylinder head; use the bracket bolt bracket (B) fro m the rear cylinder head; use the
hole (C) to attach the engine hanger balance bar fro n t bracket b olt hole (C) to attach the 2008 V6 attachm ent
arm. arm .
0 ®

43. Install the engine hanger balance bar 45. Remove the fro n t engine m o un t stop (A), then rem ove
(VSB02C000019). Attach the fro n t arm (A) to the front the b o lt (B) securing the fro n t engine m ount.
cylinder head with several spacers (B) and a 10 x
1.25 m m b o lt (C). Remove the rear arm fro m the
engine hanger balance bar, then install the 2008 V6
attachm ent arm (SIL02C000033). Attach the 2008 V6
attachm ent arm to the rear cylinder head w ith a
spacer (D) and an 8 x 1.25 m m bolt (E).
46. Remove the rear engine m ount stop (A), then rem ove
the b o lt (B) securing the rear engine m o u n t

44. Install the engine support hanger (AAR-T1256) onto

the vehicle as show n, and attach the hook to the
slotted hole in the engine hanger balance bar. Tighten
the w in g nut (F) by hand, and lift and su p p o rt the

• Be careful w hen w orking around the w indshield.
• Be careful not to damage the hood opener cable
when installing the engine support hanger at the
fro n t bulkhead.
• The engine support hanger tw o sets required fo r
stacking additional cross section bars.
Transmission Removal (cont'd)

47. Remove the upper transm ission m ount assem bly. 49. Remove the cotter pin (A) and the nut (B) fro m the
tie-rod end ball jo in t (C) on both sides.
NOTE: Do not rem ove the TORX b olt (A) fro m the
upper transm ission m ount assembly. If the TORX b o lt
is rem oved, the upper transm ission m ount m ust be
replaced as an assembly.
50. Separate the tie-rod end ball jo in t fro m the knuckle on
both sides (see page 18-11).

51. Remove the cotter pin (A) and the castle nut (B) fro m
the knuckle ball jo in t (C) on both sides.

48. Remove the upper transm ission housing m ou nting


52. Remove the dam per fork m ounting nut (D) w hile
holding the m ounting bolt (E). Remove the m ounting
bolt, then separate the knuckle ball jo in t fro m the
low er arm on both sides (see page 18-11).
0 ®

53. Remove the self-locking nuts (B). 5 6 .4WD: Make a reference m ark (A) across the No. 1
pro pe ller shaft (B) and the transfer com panion flange
C (C), then rem ove th e bolts (D). Separate the No. 1
prop elle r shaft fro m the transfer com panion flange.
5 7 .4WD: Remove the tran sfer assem bly (A) and the
dowel pin (B) fro m th e transm ission.

54. Remove exhaust pipe A and the gaskets (C).

5 5 .4WD: Disconnect the transfer breather hose (A) fro m

the breather pipe (B) on the transfer assembly.
Transmission Removal (cont'd)

58. D isconnectthe pow er steering flu id hose (A) fro m the 60. Disconnect the fro n t engine m ount actuator harness
pow er steering flu id line (B) Turn the end o f the hose connector.
up to prevent pow er steering flu id fro m flo w in g out,
then plug the hose and line.
59. Disconnect the ATF cooler hose (A) fro m the ATF
cooler line (B). Turn the end o f the cooler hose up to
prevent ATF fro m flo w in g out, then plug the hose and
the cooler line. 61. Disconnect the rear engine m ount actuator harness
62. Remove the torque converter cover (A), and rem ove 64. Loosen the fro n t subfram e m id d le rubber m o u n t bolts
the eight bolts (B) w h ile rotating the crankshaft pulley. on both sides.
63. Remove the low er transm ission m ount nuts. 65. Attach the subfram e adapter (VSB02C000016) to the
fro n t subfram e b y looping the strap (A) over the fro n t
o f the fro n t subfram e, then secure the strap w ith the
stop (B), then tig h te n th e w in g nut (C).


66. Raise the tra nsm issio n jack and line up the slots in the
arm s w ith the b o lt holes on the corner o f the jack
base, then attach th e m w ith the bolts.
Transmission Removal (cont'd)

67. Remove the fo u r bolts securing the stiffeners (A) and 69. Remove the left side driveshaft fro m the differential
the fo u r bolts securing the fro n t subfram e (B), then and the rig h t side driveshaft fro m the interm ediate
low er the fro n t subfram e. shaft. Coat all precision m achined surfaces w ith clean
engine oil, then put plastic bags over the driveshaft
NOTE: Check th a t the fro n t subfram e is ffree o f th e
ends. S upport the driveshaft on both sides w ith nylon
hoses and the electrical w irin g .
NOTE: Plug the left side driveshaft hole to prevent d irt
and solvent fro m entering transm ission.
70. Remove the crankshaft position (CKP) sensor cover
(A), and disconnect the CKP sensor connector (B).

71. Remove the b o lt (C) securing the harness clam p

bracket (D).
72. Rem ove the rear w arm up three w ay catalytic 74. Remove the low e r tra nsm issio n m ount.
converter (WU-TWC) bracket (A), and remove the
intermediate shaft (B).
NOTE: Plug the intermediate shaft hole (C) to prevent
dirt and solvent from entering the transmission.
75. Remove the fro n t engine m o u n t bracket.

73. Coat all precision finished surfaces w ith clean engine

oil, then put plastic bags over the interm ediate shaft

76. Check th a t the transm ission is com pletely free o f the

hoses and the electrical w irin g .
Transmission Removal (cont'd)

77. Remove the fro n t transm ission housing m o un ting 80. Remove the low e rtra n sm issio n housing m ounting
b o lt (A) using a socket 22 m m long. bolts.
81. Check once again tha t the transm ission is free o f
78. Remove the fro n t transm ission housing m ou nting hoses, and electrical w irin g.
bo lt (B).
82. Slide the transm ission away fro m the engine to
79. Remove the rear transm ission housing m o un tin g rem ove it fro m the vehicle.
NOTE: Be careful not to dam age the CKP sensor.
Drive Plate Removal and
83. Remove the torque converter (A), the O-ring (B), and 1. Remove the transm ission assem bly (see page
the dowel pins (C). 14-194).
2. Remove the d rive plate (A) and the w asher (B) fro m
the engine crankshaft.
12 x 1.0 mm
74 N-m,
(7.5 kgf-m, 54 Ibf-ft)

84. Inspect the drive plate, and replace it if it is dam aged 3. Install the drive plate and the w asher on the engine
(see page 14-209). crankshaft, and tig hte n the eight bolts in a crisscross
pattern in at least tw o steps.
85. Remove the harness cover bracket fro m the
transm ission. 4. Install the transm ission assem bly (see page 14-210).
Transmission Installation

Special Tools Required 4. Install a new O-ring (A) on the torque converter (B),
• Subfram e A lig n m e n t Pin 070AG-SJAA10S then install the torque converter on the m ainshaft (C).
. 2008 V6 A ttachm ent A rm SIL02C000Q33*
NOTE: Make sure the torque converter is fu lly
• Engine S upport Hanger, A and Reds AAR-T1256*
engaged on the m ainshaft, the stator shaft, and the
• Engine Hanger Balance Bar VSB02C000019*
ATF pum p drive gear. Failure to do so w ill result in
• Subfram e A dapter VSB02C000016* severe transm ission o r engine damage.
*: A vailable through the Honda Tool and E quipm ent
Program 888-424-6857.

NOTE: Use fender covers to avoid dam aging painted

1. Clean the ATF cooler (see page 14-228) after
rem oving the transm ission, or w hen you install an
overhauled or rem anufactured transm ission.
2. Install the harness cover bracket (A).

5. Install the 14 x 20 m m dowel pin (D) and the

10 x 20 m m dowel pin (E) in the torque converter

6. Place the transm ission on a transm ission jack, and

raise the transm ission to engine level, then fit the
transm ission to the engine.

3. Replace the upper transm ission m ount b olt (B).

7. Install the low e r transm ission housing m ounting 9. Install the fro n t transm ission housing m o un tin g b olt
bolts. (A) using a socket 22 m m long and a to rq ue w rench.
12 x 1.25 mm
75 N-m (7.5 kgf-m, 55 Ibf-ft)

8. Install the rear transm ission housing m ounting bolts, 10. Install the fro n t transm ission housing m ounting b o lt
NOTE: Be careful not to dam age the crankshaft
position (CKP) sensor.
12x1.25 mm
Transmission Installation (cont'd)

11. Install the front engine mount bracket (A) with new 13. Clean the areas w here the interm ediate shaft is
bolts. inserted into the transm ission (differential) w ith
solvent, and dry w ith compressed air.

NOTE: Do not wash the rubber parts w ith solvent.

14. Install a new set ring (A) on the interm ediate shaft (B).

10 x 1.25 mm
39 N-m (4.0 kgf-m, 29 Ibfft)
12. Install the low er transm ission m ount w ith new bolts.

22 N-m (2.2 kgfm , 16 Ibfft)

15. Check the oil seal (C), and replace it if it is damaged

(see page 14-331).

16. A pp ly ATF to the interm ediate shaft splines (D), then

install the interm ediate shaft; be sure not to a llow dust
or other foreign particles to enter the transm ission.

NOTE: Insert the interm ediate shaft carefully to

prevent, dam aging the oil seal.

17. Install the rear w arm up three w ay catalytic converter

(WU-TWC) bracket (E).
18. Connect the CKP sensor connector (A), and install the 19. Clean the areas w here the left driveshaft is inserted
CKP sensor cover (B) and the sensor harness clam p into the transm ission (differential) w ith solvent, and
bracket (C). d ry w ith com pressed air.
6 x 1.0 mm NOTE: Do not wash th e rubber part w ith solvent.

20. Install a new set ring (A) on the left driveshaft (B).

21. Check the oil seal (C), and replace it if it is damaged

(see page 14-331).

22. Install the left driveshaft; be sure no t to a llo w dust o r

other fore ig n particles to enter the transm ission. Turn
the steering knuckle fu lly o utw ard, and slide the
driveshaft into the differential until you feel its set ring
fu lly engage the side gear.

NOTE: Insert the left driveshaft carefully to prevent

dam aging th e oil seal.

23. A p ply the recom m ended grease to the rig ht

driveshaft inboard jo in t splines (see step 4 on page
24. Slide the rig h t driveshaft over the interm ediate shaft
splines until you feel the driveshaft fu lly engage the
interm ediate shaft set ring.

25. Remove the transm ission jack.

Transmission Installation (cont'd)

26. Set the subfram e adapter (VSB02C000016) to the 28. Raise the fro n t subfram e up to the body, then loosely
fro n t subfram e by looping the strap (A) over the fro n t install new fro n t subfram e m ounting bolts (A), the
o f the fro n t subfram e, then secure the strap w ith the fro n t stiffener m ounting bolts (B), and new rear
stop (B), then tighten the w ing nu t (C). stiffener m ounting bolts (C).

NOTE: Be careful w hen connecting these items:

• Engine m ounts and th e ir brackets
• Low er transm ission m ou nt and fro n t subfram e
• Dam per forks and low e r arm s
• Power steering pum p ou tle t hose and its bracket
• Steering gearbox pinion shaft
27. Raise the transm ission jack and line up the slots in the
arm s w ith the b o lt holes on the corner o f the jack
base, then attach them w ith the bolts.
29. Secure the front subfram e in the following procedure. 31. Replace the front subframe middle rubber mount
bolts, then tighten the bolts to the specified torque on
-1. Loosely tighten the front subframe mounting bolt
both sides.
(A) in the right rear stiffe ne r until the fro n t subfram e
insulator contacts th e body; insert the subfram e
alignm ent pin th rou gh the positioning slot (B) on
the right rear stiffener, through the positioning hole
(C) on the fro n t subfram e, and into the positioning
hole (D) on the body.
-2. Loosely tighten the fro n t subfram e m ounting b o lt in
the left rear stiffener in the same m anner as in step
-3. Reinsert the subfram e a lignm ent pin through the
positioning slot on the rig h t rear stiffener, through
the positioning hole on the fro n t subfram e, and into
the positioning hole on the body, then tighten the
fro n t subfram e m ounting bolt in the rig h t rear
stiffener to the specified torque.
-4. Tighten the fro n t subfram e m ounting bolt in the left
rear stiffener in the same m anner as in step 29-3.
-5. Tighten the fro n t subfram e m ounting bolts in the
rig h t fro n t stiffener and the left fro n t stiffener to the
specified torque.
-6. Check tha t the po sitioning holes and slots are
aligned using the subfram e alignm ent pin. 32. Install the low er transm ission m o un t nuts.
-7. Tighten the rear and fro n t stiffener m ounting bolts
to the specified torque.

10 x 1.25 mm
44 N-m (4.5 kgf-m, 32 Ibf-ft)

30. Remove the transm ission jack and the subfram e


Transmission Installation (cont'd)

33. Attach the torque converter to the drive plate w ith th e 35. 4WD: Install the 14 x 20 m m dowel pin (A) in the
eight bolts (A). Rotate the crankshaft pulley as transm ission, and install the transfer assem bly (6 )-on
necessary to tig hte n the bolts to half o f the specified the transm ission.
torque, then to the final torque, in a crisscross pattern.
A fter tig h te n in g the last bolt, check th at the crankshaft
rotates freely.
34. Install the to rqu e converter cover (B). 3 6 .4WD: Install the No. 1 propeller shaft (A) to the
transfer com panion flange (B) by aligning the
reference mark (C).
8 x 1 .2 5 mm
32 N m (3.3 k g fm , 24 Ibfft)
37. 4WD: Connect the transfer breather hose (A) over the 38. Install exhaust pipe A w ith new self-locking nuts and
breather pipe (B) with the dot mark (C) facing the rear new gaskets (B).
o f the vehicle, then install the hose on the clam p (D) at • 4WD (see page 9-12)
the dot m ark (E). • 2WD (see page 9-11)
10x1.25 mm
33 N-m
(3.4 kgf-m, 24 ibf-ft)
Transmission Installation (cont'd)

39. Connect the knuckle ball joint (A) on the lower arm (B) 42. Connect the tie-rod end ball joint (A) to the knuckle (B)
on both sides. o-rt both sides;- i ; 99-

NOTE: W ipe o ff any grease contam ination fro m the NOTE: W ipe o ff any grease contam ination from the
ball jo in t tapered section and threads. ball jo in t tapered section and threads.
43. Install the nut (C) on both sides, and tighten it to the
specified torque.

44. Install a new cotter pin (D) on both sides, and bend it
as shown.

40. Install new dam per fo rk m ounting b o lt (C) and nut (D)
on both sides, and loosely tighten the nuts.

41. Tighten the castle nut (E) on both sides to the low est
torqu e specification, then tighten it only fa r enough to
align the slot w ith the ball jo in t pin hole. Do not align
the castle nut by loosening it.

NOTE: Insert a new cotter pin (F) into the ball jo in t pin
hole fro m the fro n t to the rear o f the vehicle, and bend
its end as shown. Check the ball jo in t pin hole
direction before connecting the ball joint.
45. Connect the ATF coo l er hose (A) to the ATF cooler line 47. Connect the fron t engine m ount actuator harness
(B), and secure the hose w ith the clip (C) (see page connector.
46. Connect th e pow er steering flu id hose (A) to the
pow er steering flu id line (B ),and secure th e hose w ith
its clam p (C) as shown.
48. Connect th e rear engine m ou nt actuator harness

Transmission Installation (cont'd)

49. Install the upper transm ission housing m ounting 52. Loosely install a new rear engine m ount bolt (A), then
bolts. install the rear engine m ount stop (B) w ith new nuts
64 N m (6.5 k g fm , 47 I b fft)

50. Position the upper transm ission m ount (A), and

tighten new upper transm ission m ount bolts (B) to the
10 x 1.25 mm
54 N-m

51. Loosely install new upper transm ission m ount

bracket bolts (C) and nut (D) to the transm ission
53. Loosely install a new front engine mount bolt .(A)/then 58;In s ta ll the connector bracket to the front cylinder
install the front mount stop (B) with new nuts (C). head9
22 N-m (2.2 kgf-m, 16 Ibf-ft)

59. Install the harness clam p bracket to the rear cylinder

■h e a d .

54. Remove the engine support hanger and the engine

hanger balance bar w ith the 2008 V6 attachm ent arm.

55. Tighten the fro n t engine m ount b olt to 54 N-m

(5.5 kgf-m, 40 Ibf-ft).

56. Tighten the rear engine m ount bo lt to 54 N-m

(5.5 kgf-m, 40 Ibf-ft).

57. Tighten the upper transm ission m ount bracket bolts

and nut to 59 N-m (6.0 kgf-m, 44 Ibf-ft).

22 N-m (2.2 kgf-m , 16 Ib fft)

Transmission Installation (cont'd)

60. Install a new O-ring (A) on the p ow er steering pum p 63. 4WD: Install the transfer breather hose (A) on the
o u tle t hose (B), and install the p ow er steering pum p clam p (B) w ith the dot m ark (C) facing the left o f
o u tle t hose on th e pow er steering pum p (C). vehicle.

6 x1.0 mm 6 x 1.0 mm
9.5 N m (0.97 kgf m, 7.0 Ibfft) 11 N*m
(1.1 kgfm, 8 Ibfft)
.. ,
61. Install the hose bracket (D) on the rear cylind er head 64. Connect the ATF cooler hoses (A) to the ATF cooler
cover. lines (B), and secure the hoses w ith the clips (C) (see
62. Connect the PSP sw itch connector. page 14-231).
65. Connect the tra nsm ission flu id pressure sw itch A (2nd 67. Install th e harness cover (A) on its bracket (B), and
clutch) connector. secure it w ith the harness cover m o u n tin g bolt.
66. Secure the harness clam p bracket w ith the bolt.
68. Connect the A/T clutch pressure control solenoid
valve C connector (C).
69. Install the harness clam p bracket (D)r and insta ll the
harness clam p (E) on the bracket.
Transmission Installation (cont'd)

70. Connect these connectors: 72. Connect these connectors:

• Transm ission flu id pressure sw itch B (3rd clutch) • Transm ission range sw itch connector (A)
connector (A) • Input shaft (m ainshaft) speed sensor connector (B)
• O utput shaft (countershaft) speed sensor connector
• ATF tem perature sensor connector (C)
73. Install the harness cover (A) on its bracket (B), and
secure it w ith the bolt.

71. Install the harness clam p (D) on its bracket.

74. Connect these connectors:

• A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve A
connector (C)
• A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve B
connector (D)
• 4th clutch transm ission flu id pressure sw itch
connector (E)
• S hift solenoid w ire harness connector (F)
75. Apply molybdenum grease to the hole in the bushing 77. Remove the ATF dipstick, then install the starter (A), a
(A) in the shift cable end (B), then install the shift cable new gasket (B), and the harness clam p bracket (C).
bracket (C) with the nuts.
6 x 1 .0 mm
76. A ttach the sh ift cable end to the selector control lever
(D), then insert the control pin (E) into the selector
control lever hole through the shift cable end, and
secure the control pin w ith the spring clip (F).
Transmission Installation (cont'd)

78. Install the harness clam p bracket (A), and install the 81. Install the battery base (A), and install the harness
harness clam p (B) on its bracket. clam p (B) on its bracket (C).
8 x 1.25 mm
22 N m (2.2 kgf m, 16 Ibf ft)
82. Install the strut brace (A), then install the brake
booster vacuum hose (B) onto the strut brace.
8 x 1 .2 5 mm

79. Install the positive starter cable (C) and the S term inal
connector (D).

80. Install the transm ission ground te rm ina l (E), and

install the upper radiator hose (F) in its clam p (G), then
install the ATF dipstick (H).
83. Connect PCM connectors A, B, and C, then install the 91. Install th e engine undercover (see page 20-252).
PCM bracket with the bolts (see step 53 on page 5-19).
92. Install the fro n t wheels, then set the w heels in the
84. Install the air cleaner (see page 9-4) and the intake air straigh t ahead position.
duct (see page 11 -243).
93. Install th e steering jo in t in the fo llo w in g procedure.
85. Install the front grille cover (see page 20-230).
-1. Remove the steering wheel h olde r tool.
86. Do the battery installation procedure (see page 22-87). -2. Install the steering jo in t on the steering gearbox
pin io n shaft (see step 59 on page 17-71).
87. Refill the transmission with ATF (see step 6 on page -3. Install the steering jo in t cover (see step 63 on page
14-193). 17-72).
88. Place a jack under the lower arm, and raise the front 94. Set the parking brake. S tart the engine, and sh ift the
suspension to load it with the vehicle's weight Do not transm ission thro ug h all positions three tim es w h ile
place the jack against the ball joint pin of the knuckle. pressing the brake pedal. Check the sh ift lever
Tighten the da m pe r fo rk m ounting nut w h ile holding operation, A/T gear position indicator operation, and
the mounting bolt to 64 N-m (6.5 kgfm, 47 Ibf-ft). sh ift cable adjustm ent (see page 14-240).

89. W hile an assistant supports the hood, and reinstall 95. S tart the engine in P o r N, and w arm it up to norm al
the driver's side hood support stru t bracket w ith the operating tem perature (the ra d ia to rfa n comes on).
bolts to proper location.
96. Turn o ff the engine, and check the ATF level (see page
6x 1.0 mm 14-191).
S.3 N-m (0.95 kgf-m, 6.9 Ibf-ft)
97. Check the fro n t w heel alignm ent (see page 18-5).

98. Do the road test (see page 14-166).

90. Reinstall the passenger's side hood s up po rt s tru t on

the pivo t bo lt (see page 20-212).
ATF Cooler Cleaning

Special Tools Required 2. Plug the ATF cooler cleaner (GHTTTCF6H) into a 110 V
• ATF Cooler Cleaner GHTTTCF6H* grounded electrical o u tle t
• Magnetic Nonbypass Spin-On Filter GTHGNBP2*;
*: Available through the Honda Tool and Equipment INOTICE I
Program 888-424-6857, Make sure the outlet has no other appliances (light
fixtures, drop lights, extension cords) plugged into i t
Before installing an overhauled or remanufactured Also, never plug the ATF cooler cleaner into an
autom atic transm ission, you m ust tho ro u g h ly clean the extension cord or drop light; you could damage the
ATF cooler to prevent system contam ination. Failure to . u n it
do so could cause a repeat autom atic transm ission

The cleaning procedure involves heated ATF delivered

under high pressure (100 psi). Check the security o f all
hoses and connections. A lw ays w ear safety glasses o r a
face shield, along w ith gloves and protective clothing. If
you get ATF in yo u r eyes o r on y o u r skin, rinse w ith
w ater im m ediately.

• Im proper use o f the ATF cooler cleaner can result in
burns and other serious injuries.
• A lw ays w ear eye protection and protective
clothing, and fo llo w this procedure.

1. Check the flu id in the cooler cleaner tank. (The flu id

level should be 4.5 inches from the top o f the fille r
neck.) A djust the level if needed; do not overfill. Use
o n ly Honda ATF DW-1; do not use any additives.
3. Flip the HEAT toggle sw itch to ON; the green indicator
above the toggle sw itch comes on. W ait 1 hour fo r the
ATF cooler cleaner to reach its operating tem perature.
(The ATF cooler cleaner is ready to use w hen the
tem perature gauge reads 140 °F to 150 °F.)

NOTE: If the red indicator above the HEAT toggle

switch comes on, the flu id level in the tank is too low
fo r the tank heater to w ork (see step 1 o f this
4. Select the appropriate pair o f fittin g s, and attach them 8. Flip the MOTOR tog gle sw itch to ON; the green
to the radiator, to the hoses, or to the banjo bolts fo r indicator above the toggle sw itch comes on. Let the
flo w thro ug h the ATF cooler cleaner. pum p run fo r 5 m inutes. W h ile the pum p is running,
open and close the air purge valve pe riodically to
TO HOSE T 0 BANJO BOLT cause agitation and im prove the cleaning process.
A lw ays open the valve slow ly. A t the end o f the
5-m inute cleaning period, leave the air purge valve
open. -
NOTE: W hile the pum p is ru n n ing w ith the air purge
valve open, it is norm al to see vap or com ing fro m the
fille r/bre ath er tu be vents.
5. Connect the red hose to the cooler o utlet line (the line
th at n orm a lly goes to the external filte r on the
transm ission).

6. Connect the blue hose to the cooler inlet line.

7. Connect a shop air hose (regulated to 100 to 125 psi) 9. W ith the air purge valve open, flip the MOTOR toggle
to the air purge valve. sw itch to OFF; the green indicator goes off. Leave the
air purge valve open fo r at least 15 seconds to purge
INOTICE I the lines and hoses of residual ATF, then close the
The quick-connect fittin g has a one-w ay check valve valve.
to keep ATF fro m entering y o u r shop's air system. Do 10. Disconnect the red and blue hoses from the ATF
not rem ove or replace the fittin g . Attach the coupler cooler. N ow connect the red hose to the cooler inlet
provided w ith the ATF cooler cleaner to yo u r shop air line.
line if yo u r coupler is not com patible.
11. N ow connect the blue hose to the cooler outlet line.

12. Flip the MOTOR to g g le switch to ON, and let the pum p
run fo r 5 m inutes. W hile the pum p is running, open
and close the air purge valve periodically. A lw ays
open the valve slow ly. A t the end o f the 5-m inute
cleaning period, leave the air purge valve open.

NOTE: W hile the pum p is running w ith the air purge

valve open, it is norm al to see vapor com ing fro m the
filler/breather tube vents.
ATF Cooler Cleaning (cont'd)

13. W ith the air purge valve open, flip the MOTOR toggle
sw itch to OFF. Leave the air purge valve open fo r at
least 15 seconds to purge the lines and hoses o f
residual ATF, then close the valve.

14. Disconnect the red and blue hoses fro m the ATF
cooler lines.

15. Connect the red and blue hoses to each other.

16. D isconnectthe shop air fro m the air purge valve.

Disconnect and stow the coupler if used.

17. Disconnect and stow the fittin g s fro m th e ATF cooler

inlet and outlet lines.

18. U nplug the ATF cooler cleaner from the 110 V outlet.
Tool Maintenance
F ollow these instructions to keep the ATF cooler cleaner
w orking properly:
• Replace the tw o m agnetic nonbypass spin-on filte rs
(GTHGNBP2) after every 20 hours o f use, based on the
hour meter, o r w hen you notice a restriction in the ATF
flo w .
• Check the level and the condition o f the flu id in the
tank before each use.
• Replace the ATF in the tank w hen it looks dark o r dirty.
ATF Cooler Hose Replacement

Exploded View
NOTE: W hen installing the hose clam ps, make sure they do not interfere w ith the surrounding parts.
1. Install the ATF cooler hoses over the ATF cooler lines w ith the clips at appropriate points in reference to the fo llo w in g
NOTE: Before connecting the ATF cooler hose (H), make sure th e green paint line (I) o f the ATF cooler hose as shown.

Point Distance from Hose End to Clip (G) Hose End Contact Point
A 6 —8 m m (0.24—0.31 in) Bulge
E 2 —4 m m (0.08—0.16 in) Bulge

2. Refill the transm ission w ith ATF to the proper level (see page 14-192).
Shift Lever Knob Replacement

NOTE: Make sure not to get any silicone grease on the 3. Remove the sh ift lever ring (A) fro m the sh ift lever
term inal part o f the connectors and sw itches, especially knob (B).
if you have silicone grease on yo u r hands o r gloves.

1. W rap the end o f a fla t-tip screw driver w ith tape, pry
the shift lever knob cover lock tabs (A), then rem ove
the shift lever knob cover (B).
4. A p p ly silicone grease to the to p (C) o f the sh ift lever
2. Remove the screws (A) securing the sh ift lever knob rod.
(B), then rem ove the sh ift lever knob.
5. Replace the sh ift lever knob, then install the sh ift lever
ring to the sh ift lever knob.

6. Install the sh ift lever knob on the shift lever, and

secure it w ith new screws.

7. Install the sh ift lever knob cover on the sh ift lever


Shift Lever Removal

1. Remove the center console (see page 20-124). 5. Rotate the socket holder retainer (A) counterclockw ise
2. M ove the sh ift lever to R. .(B) u ntil it stops, and push the retainer lock (C) into the
socket ho ld er retainer to lock the retainer.
3. Remove the nut securing the shift cable end.
6. Slide the socket holder (A) away fro m the bracket as
show n to rem ove the shift cable (B) fro m the shift
4. U nlock the retainer (A). cable bracket (C). Do not rem ove the sh ift cable by
pu lling th e sh ift cable guide (D).
Shift Lever Removal (cont'd) Shift Lever Installation

7. Disconnect the shift lock solenoid connector (A) and 1. Install the sh ift lever assem bly (A) w hile aligning the
the park pin sw itch/A /T gear position indicator panel projections (B) w ith the positioning guides (C) o f the
light connector (B). A/T gear position indicator panel base.
8. Remove the sh ift lock solenoid connector, the park pin
sw itch/A /T gear position indicator panel lig ht
connector, and the harness cover (C) fro m the sh ift
lever bracket base.

9. Remove the shift lever m ounting bolts (D), then 2. Connect the sh ift lock solenoid connector (D) and the
rem ove the shift lever assem bly (E). park pin sw itch/A /T gear position indicator panel lig h t
connector (E).

3. Install the sh ift lock solenoid connector, the park pin

sw itch/A /T gear position indicator panel ligh t
connector, and install the harness cover (F) to the sh ift
lever bracket base.
4. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II), and check thatthe,R 7. Insert a;S mm (0,24 in) pin (A) into the positioning hole
position indicator comes on. | i ) on the shift lever, through the positioning hole on
•th® shift Iever, and into the positioning hole on the
bracket Use a © m m (0.24 in) pin with no burrs.
5. If necessary, push the shift cable (A) until it stops, then
release it. Pull the shift cable back one step so that the
shift position is in R. Do not hold the shift cable guide
(B) to adjust the shift cable.

6. Turn the ignition switch to ACCESSORY (I).

Shift Lever Installation (cont'd)

8. Align the shift cable slot (A) between the socket holder 9. Push the retainer lock (A) fully to lock the socket
(B) and the socket holder retainer (G) with the opening holder retainer (B), and make sure that the retainer
(D) in the shift cable bracket (E), then slide the holder lock fits into the hinged-joint (C). If the retainer lock
into the bracket while installing the shift cable end (F) does not fit with the edge of the hinged-joint, rotate
over the mounting stud (G) by aligning its square hole the holder retainer counterclockwise while pushing
(H) with the square fitting (I) at the bottom of the stud. the retainer lock until it locks.
Do not install the shift cable by holdincjthe shift cable
guide (J).
NOTE: When the socket holder is installed in the shift
cable bracket, the retainer lock is unhinged and
releases the holder retainer lock, then the holder
retainer returns under spring force to secure the shift
10. Make sure the shift cable end (A) is properly installed 11. Install and tighten the nut (A) on the shift cable end.
on the mounting stud (B).
• If the cable end is out of position with the mounting
stud, remove the shift cable from the shift cable
bracket, then reinstall the shift cable end over the
mounting stud before reinstalling the shift cable to
the shift cable bracket. Do not install the shift cable
end on the mounting stud with the shift cable install
on the shift cable bracket.
• If the cable end does not ride at the bottom of the
mounting stud, rotate the stud to align the square
fitting with the hole.

Improperly installed:
Shift cable end
out o f alignm ent
w ith m ounting
stud. 8 x 1.25 mm
22 N-m
(2.2 kgf-m, 16 Ibf-ft)

Shift cable end

out o f position 12. Remove the 6 mm (0.24 in) pin (B) that was installed to
w ith m ounting hold the shift lever.
13. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II). Move the shift lever
to each position, and check that the A/T gear position
indicator follows the transmission range switch.
Properly installed:

Shift cable end

14. Shift the shift lever to P, and check that the shift lock
rides on the works properly. Push the shift lock release, and check
bottom of the that the shift lever releases. Also check that the shift

\ m ounting stud.
lever locks when it is shifted back to P.
15. Reinstall the center console (see page 20-124).
Shift Lever Bracket Base Removal and Installation

1. Remove the shift lever assembly (see page 14-233).

2. Remove the harness clamps (A) from the shift lever
bracket base (B).

8x1.25 mm
3. Remove the bolts securing the shift lever bracket
base. Check that the shift lever bracket base is free of
the electrical wiring. Then remove the shift lever
bracket base.
4. Install the shift lever bracket base.
5. Install the harness clamps to the shift lever bracket
6. Install the shift lever assembly (see page 14-234).
Shift Lever Disassembly/Reassembly

NOTE: Make sure not to get a n y silicone grease on th e terminal p a rt o f th e c o n n e cto rs and switches, especially if you
have silicone grease on your hands o f gloves.









8 x 1.25 mm
22 N-m 8 x 1.25 mm
(2.2 k g fm , 16 I b fft) 22 N-m
(2.2 kgf-m, 16 Ibfft)

Shift Cable Adjustment

1. Remove the center console (see page 20-124). 5. Rotate the socket holder retainer (A) counterclockwise
(B) until it stops, and push the retainer lock (C) into the
2. Move the shift lever to R.
socket holder retainer to lock the retainer.
3. Remove the nut securing the shift cable end.
6. Slide the socket holder (A) away from the bracket as
shown to remove the shift cable (6) from the shift
4. Unlock the retainer (A). cable bracket (C). Do not remove the shift cable by
pulling the shift cable guide (D).

7. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II), and check that the R 10. Insert a 6 mm (0.24 in) pin (A) into the positioning hole
position indicator comes on. (B) on the shift lever, through the positioning hole on
the shift lever, and into the positioning hole on the
bracket. Use i 6 mm (0.24 in) pin with no burrs.
8. If necessary, push the shift cable (A) until it stops, then
release i t Pull the shift cable back one step so that the
shift position is in R. Do not hold the shift cable guide
(B) to adjust the shift cable.

9. Turn the ignition switch to ACCESSORY (I).

Shift Cable Adjustment (cont'd)

11. Align the shift cable slot (A) between the socket holder 12. Push the retainer lock (A) fully to lock the socket
(B) and the socket holder retainer (C) with the opening holder retainer (B), and make sure that the retainer
(D) in the shift cable bracket (E), then slide the holder lock fits into the hinged-joint (C). If the retainer lock
into the bracket while installing the shift cable end (F) does not fit with the edge of the hinged-joint, rotate
over the mounting stud (G) by aligning its square hole the holder retainer counterclockwise while pushing
(H) with the square fitting (I) at the bottom of the stud. the retainer lock until it locks.
Do not install the shift cable by holding the shift cable
guide (J).
NOTE: When the socket holder is installed in the shift
cable bracket, the retainer lock is unhinged and
releases the holder retainer lock, then the holder
retainer returns under spring force to secure the shift
13. Make sure the shift cable end (A) is properly installed 14. Install and tighten the nut (A) on the shift cable end.
on the mounting stud (B).
• If the cable end is out of position w ith the mounting
stud, remove the shift cable from the shift cable
bracket, then reinstall the shift cable end over the
mounting stud before reinstalling the shift cable to
the shift cable bracket Do not install the shift cable
end on the mounting stud with the shift cable install
on the shift cable bracket.
• If the cable end does not ride at the bottom of the
mounting stud, rotate the stud to align the square
fitting with the hole.

Improperly installed:
Shift cable end
out o f alignm ent
w ith m ounting 8 x 1 .2 5 mm
stud. 22 N-m'
{2.2 k g fm , 16 I bf-ft)

15. Remove the 6 mm (0.24 in) pin (B) that was installed to
Shift cable end hold the shift lever.
out o f position
w ith m ounting
stud. 16. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II). Move the shift lever
to each position, and check that the A/T gear position
indicator follows the transmission range switch.

Properly installed: 17. Shift the shift lever to P, and check that the shift lock
JC_____ X- works properly. Push the shift lock release, and check
Shift cable end that the shift lever releases. Also check that the shift
rides on the
bottom of the lever locks when it is shifted back to P.
m ounting stud.
\ 18. Install the center console (see page 20-124).
Shift Cable Replacement

SRS components are located in this area. Review the 5. Rotate the socket holder retainer (A) counterclockwise
SRS component locations (see page 24-13) and the (B) until it stops, and push the retainer lock (C) into the
precautions and procedures (see page 24-16) before socket holder retainer to lock the retainer.
doing repair or service.
1. Remove the center console (see page 20-124).
2. Move the shift lever to R.
3. Remove the nut securing the shift cable end.
6. Slide the socket holder (A) away from the bracket as
shown to remove the shift cable (B) from the shift
cable bracket (C). Do not remove the shift cable by
pulling the shift cable guide (D).

4. Unlock the retainer lock (A).

7. Do the battery removal procedure (see page 22-87).

8. Remove the air cleaner (see page 9-4).
9. Remove the battery base (see step 12 on page
10. Remove the spring clip (A) and the control pin (B), 13.4WD: Remove the bolts (A) securing the propeller
then separate the shift cable end (C) from the selector shaft protector (B), then remove the propeller shaft
control lever (D). protector.

6 x 1.0 mm
10 N-m (1.0 kgf-m, 7 Ibf-ft)
8 x 1.25 mm C A
22 N-m (2.2 kgf-m, 16 Ibf-ft) 6 x 1 .0 mm 8 x1.25 mm

14. Remove the bolts (C) securing the heat shield (D),
then remove the heat shield.

11. Remove the nuts securing the shift cable bracket (E).
12. Raise the vehicle on a lift, or apply parking brake,
block both rear wheels, and raise the front of the
vehicle. Make sure it is securely supported.
Shift Cable Replacement (cont'd)

15. Remove the bolt securing the shift cable bracket (A). 21. Install the shift cable bracket (A) with the nuts.
6 x 1.0 mm
6 m 1.0 mm
10 N-m (1.0 kgf-m, 7 ibf-ft)

16. Remove the shift cable grommet (B), and pull out the
shift cable (C).
17. Insert the shift cable through the grommet hole (D),
and install the grommet in its hole. Do not bend the
shift cable excessively.
18. Secure the shift cable bracket with the bolt. 22. Attach the shift cable (B) end to the selector control
19. Install the heat shield. lever (C), then insert the control pin (D) into the
selector control lever hole through the shift cable end,
20.4WD: Install the propeller shaft protector. and secure the control pin with the spring clip (E).
23. Install the battery base (see step 81 on page 14-226).
24. Install the air cleaner (see page 9-4).
25. Do the battery installation procedure (see page 22-87).
26. Adjust the shift cable (see page 14-240).
Component Location Index


F-CAN C om m unication C ircuit T ro u b le sh o o ti ng, page 11-420
Gauge C ontrol M odule S elf-diagnostic Function
In di cator Drive C ircuit Check, page 22-387
R eplacem ent page 14-256

Test, page 14-249

Replacement, page 14-250
Circuit Diagram


No.A1-1 (120 A) No. A3-1 (50 A) IG1 No. B10 (10 A)
(£9--crx^O".— CTXjO----
.. ..... . . WHT - J £ L (-q
No. B7 (15 A)
----cr\j3---- YEL •
IG1 HOT in ON (II) No. B9 (20 A)
and START (HI) YEL ■
No. B5 (7.5 A)
---- cr\wO——

5V , IG1



A/T GEAR rr------ RED —

No. C6 (7.5 A)

- BRN ■


PCM Connector Terminal Locations

..iizizziL Je z z iL I f —i l

J 12 3 | 4 I 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 9 I 10 I
1 J 1 I 2 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 T8 » hoi J 1 | 2 3 | 4 I 5 | 6 | 7 j 8 9 110I
11 12 13 1415 16 1718 192021 11 12 13 1415 16 1718 192021 11 12 13 1415 16 1718 1920 21
1 2223 24 25 > < 26 27 28 22 23 24 > < 25 X 26 2728 22 23 24 25 X 2627 28
29 30 31 3233 34 3536 37 38 39 29 30 31 3233 34 3536 3738 39 29 30 31 3233 34 3536 37 38 39
|40|41 42 43|44|45|46|47 481491 |40|41 42143144145146147 481491 |40|41 42143144145146147 48|49|
A□ (49 P) B A (49P) C O (49P)
Terminal side of female terminals
1. Do the battery removal procedure (see page 22-87). 5. Check for continuity between terminals at the
transmission range switch connector. There should
2. Remove the air cleaner (see page 9-4).
be continuity between the terminals in the following
3. Remove the battery base (see step 12 on page table for each switch position.
T ransm ission R ange Sw itch C onnector
4. Disconnectthe transmission range switch connector.
Position/Connector Terminal/Signal Connections
T erm in a l side o f 1 ■2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
m al e te rm in a l s
P a - o r O o
R a O -o
N O -o O -O
u r \
LJ k J
D3 A r \
K ^r K J
r \
2 k J L J K J
1 C h o

6. If the transmission range switch tests OK, the

transmission range switch test is finished; if there is
no continuity between any terminals, check that the
transmission range switch installation. If the switch is
installed correctly OK, replace the switch (see page
7. Check the connectors for corrosion, dirt, or oil, and
clean or repair if necessary, then connect the
connector securely.
8. Install the battery base (see step 81 on page 14-226).
9. Install the air cleaner (see page 9-4).
10. Do the battery installation procedure (see page 22-87).
Transmission Range Switch Replacement

1. Do the battery removal procedure (see page 22-87). 7. Disconnect the transmission range switch connector.
2. Remove the air cleaner (see page 9-4). 8. Pry the lock tab of the lock washer (A) on the selector
control lever (B), and remove the nut (C), the lock
3. Remove the battery base (see step 12 on page washer, the spring washer (D), and the selector
control lever.
4. Remove the spring clip (A) and the control pin (B),
then separate the shift cable end (C) from the selector
control lever (D).
9. Pry the lock tabs of the lock washer (E) on the
transmission range switch (F), hold the selector
control shaft (G) with a 6.0 mm wrench, and loosen
the locknut (H).
10. Remove the locknut and the lock washer, then
remove the transmission range switch (two bolts).

5. Remove the nuts securing the shift cable bracket (E).

6. Check the bushing (F) in the shift cable end for proper
fit and wear. If the bushing is loose or worn, replace
the shift cable (see page 14-244).
11. With a 6.0 mm wrench, turn the selector control shaft 13. Install the transmission range switch (A) gently over
fully counterclockwise (viewed from the shaft end) to the selector control shaft (B), and install the bolts
the P position. Then turn the selector control shaft loosely.
clockwise two clicks to the N position.
12. Set the transmission range switch (A) to the N
position. The transmission range switch clicks in the 14. Install a new lock washer (A) over the selector control
N position, by turning the selector control shaft hub shaft (B) by aligning the indicator tab (C) of the lock
(B) of the switch until it aligns with the N position line washer with the N positioning line (D) on the
(C). transmission range switch (E), and install the locknut

Transmission Range Switch Replacement (cont'd)

15. Push the locknut against the transmission housing to 18. Check the connectors for corrosion, dirt, or oil, and
seat the transmission range switch into the selector clean or repair if necessary, then connect the
control shaft, and tighten the locknut (A) to 18 N-m connector securely.
(1.8 kgf-m, 13 Ibf-ft) while holding the selector control
19. Apply molybdenum grease to the hole in the bushing
shaft (B) with a 6.0 mm wrench (C), then bend the lock
in the shift cable end. Attach the shift cable end to the
tabs (D) of the lock washer against the locknut.
selector control lever, then insert the control pin into
the selector control lever hole through the shift cable
end, and secure the control pin with the spring clip.
20. Secure the shift cable bracket with the nuts.
21. Install the battery base (see step 81 on page 14-226).
22. Install the air cleaner (see page 9-4).
23. Do the battery installation procedure (see page 22-87).
24. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II). Move the shift lever
through all positions, and verify the transmission
range switch match with the A/T gear position
25. Check that the engine only starts in P and N.
26. Check that the back-up lights come on when the shift
lever is in R.
27. Allow the front wheels to rotate freely, then start the
16. Tighten the bolts (E) securing the transmission range engine, and check the shift lever operation.
switch to 12 N-m (1.2 kgf-m, 9 Ibf-ft).
17. Install the control lever (A), the spring washer (B), a
new lock washer (C), and the locknut (D) on the
selector control shaft (E). Bend the lock tab of the lock
washer against the locknut.
A/T Gear Position Indicator Panel Assembly Replacement

1. Remove the shift lever knob (see page 14-232). 4 Remove the A/T gear position indicator panel light
socket (A) from the indicator panel (B), then remove
2. Remove the center console (see page 20-124).
the indicator panel.
3. Release the lock tabs (A) of the A/T gear position
indicator panel base.
5. Replace the indicator panel, then install the indicator
panel light socket.
6. Install the indicator panel while aligning the pins (C)
with the positioning holes (D) of the indicator panel
base (E).
7. Install the center console (see page 20-124).
8. Install the shift lever knob (see page 14-232).
A/T Gear Position Indicator Panel Base Assembly Replacement

1. Remove the shift lever assembly (see page 14-233). 4. Remove the A/T gear position indicator panel light
socket (A) from the indicator panel (B), then remove
2. Remove the shift lever knob (see page 14-232).
the indicator panel.
3. Release the lock tabs (A) of the A/T gear position
indicator panel base.
5. Remove the A/T gear position indicator panel light 8. Remove the select cover (A), then replace the A/T gear
harness from the harness guides. position indicator panel base.
6. Release the lock tabs (A) of the A/T gear position
indicator panel base.
9. Install the select cover on the A/T gear position
indicator panel base.
10. Install the A/T gear position indicator panel base (A),
then route the harnesses as shown. Take the slack out
of the harnesses.

7. Remove the A/T gear position indicator panel base.


A/T Gear Position Indicator Panel A/T Gear Position Indicator Panel
Base Assembly Replacement (cont'd) Light Harness Replacement
11. Install the indicator panel light socket (A). NOTE: The A/T gear position indicator panel light
harness and the park pin switch are not available
separately. Replace the A/T gear position indicator panel
light harness and the park pin switch as a set.
1. Remove the shift lever assembly (see page 14-233).
2. Remove the shift lever knob (see page 14-232).
3. Remove the A/T gear position indicator panel and the
panel base (see step 3 on page 14-254).
NOTE: The select cover is not removed from the A/T
gear position indicator panel base.
4. Remove the light bulb (A) from the socket.
12. Install the indicator panel (B) while aligning the pins
(C) with the positioning holes (D) of the indicator
panel base (E).
13. Install the shift lever knob (see page 14-232).
14. Install the shift lever assembly (see page 14-234).

5. Remove the park pin switch/A/T gear position

indicator panel light harness (B) and the shift lock
solenoid harness (C) from the harness guide (D).
6. Install the park pin switch/A/T gear position indicator
panel light harness.
7. Route the park pin switch/A/T gear position indicator
panel light harness and the shift lock solenoid harness
in the harness guide.
8. Install the A/T gear position indicator panel light bulb
in the socket.
9. Install the A/T gear position indicator pane base and
the indicator panel (see step 10 on page 14-255).
10. Install the shift lever knob (see page 14-232).
11. Install the shift lever assembly (see page 14-234).
A/T Interlock System

Component Location Index
Signal Circuit Troubleshooting, page 11-281 C ircuit T ro u b l eshooting, page 14-264
Test, page 14-263
Repl acem ent, page 14-264
Replacement, page 14-265
Circuit Diagram


PCM Connector Terminal Locations

| J 1I2 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 J 7 | 8 9 |10

J l I 2 3 I 4 | 5 | 6 | 7.J 8. J 1I2 3 | 4 | 5 6 | 7 | 8 9 10

11 12 13 i 4hs 16 J7 1 ® 19 20 21 11 12 13 1415 16 1 7 1 8 19 20 21 11 12 13 14|15 16 19 20 21

22 23 24 > < 25 > < 26 27 28 22 23 24 X 25 > < 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30 31 3233 34 3536 37 38 39 29 30 31 34 3536 37 38 39 29 30 31 3233 34 3536 37 38 39


|40|41 4 2 14 3 14 4 14 5 14 6 14 7 |40[41 4 2 143 14 4 145146147 48|49|


|40|41 4 2 143 J4 4 14 5 14 6 47 48|49|

A□ (49 P) B A (49 P) C O (49P)

Terminal side of female terminals
Shift Lock System Circuit Troubleshooting

1. Connect the HDS to the DLC (A) located under the 8. Measure the voltage between shift lock solenoid
driver's side of the dashboard. connector terminal No. 2 and body ground.


1G1 (BRN)
W ire side o f fem ale te rm in a ls

Is there battery voltage?

YES-Go to step 9.
NO-Check for a blown No. B5 (7.5 A) fuse in the
2. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II). Make sure the HDS driver's under-dash fuse/relay box. If the fuse is
communicates with the PCM. If it does not, go to the blown, replace it. If the fuse blows again, repair a
DLC circuit troubleshooting (see page 11-430). short in the No. B5 (7.5 A) fuse circuit. If the fuse is OK,
3. Select Shift Lock Solenoid Test in the Miscellaneous repair an open in the wire between shift lock solenoid
Test Menu, and check that the shift lock solenoid connector terminal No. 2 and the driver's under-dash
operates with the HDS. fuse/relay b o x .ll

Does the shift lock solenoid work properly? 9. With the shift lever in P, and press the brake pedal. Do
not press the accelerator pedal.
YES-Go to step 16.
10. Measure the voltage between shift lock solenoid
NO-Go to step 4. connector terminals No. 1 and No. 2 while pressing
the brake pedal.
4. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0).
5. Remove the center console (see page 20-124). SHIFT LOCK SOLENOID CONNECTOR
6. Disconnect the shift lock solenoid connector (see
page 14-264).
7. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II ).

W ire side of fe m a l e te rm in a ls

Is there battery voltage?

YES-Go to step 11.

NO-Go to step 12.

Shift Lock System Circuit Troubleshooting (cont'd)

11. Release the brake pedal, and measure the voltage 12. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0).
between shift lock solenoid connector terminals No. 1
13. Jump the SCS line with the HDS.
and No. 2. The shift lever must be in P.
14. Disconnect PCM connector A (49P).
SHIFT LOCK SOLENOID CONNECTOR 15. Checkfor continuity between PCM connector terminal
A2 and shift lock solenoid connector terminal No. 1.




T9 2 T
3J 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 8 9 110|
W ire side o f fem ale term inals
11 12 13 14 15 16
!715 2019 21
i 22 23 X
24 25X 26 27 28

29 30 31



37 38 39
[40141 42143144145146147 48|49|
Is there battery voltage? u—^i— 1i— —

YES-Repair a short to body ground in the wire

between PCM connector terminal A2 and shift lock
W ire side o f T erm in a l side o f
solenoid connector terminal No. 1.B fem ale te rm in a ls fem ale te rm in a l s
NO-Check the shift lock mechanism. If the
mechanism is OK, replace the shift lock solenoid (see Is there continuity?
page 14-264).*
YES-Update the PCM if it does not have the latest
software (see page 11 -204), or substitute a
known-good PCM (see page 11-7), and recheck. If the
symptom goes away with a known-good PCM,
replace the original PCM (see page 11-206).*
NO-Repair an open in the wire between PCM
connector terminal A2 and shift lock solenoid
connector terminal No. 1. □
16. Monitor the Brake Switch with the HDS in the A/T Data
List, and press the brake pedal.
Is the Brake Switch ON?
YES-Go to step 21.
NO-lf the brake lights come on, go to step 17. If the
brake lights do not work, repair faulty brake light
17. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0). 22. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0).
18. Jump the SCS line with the HDS. 23. Disconnectthe transmission range switch connector.
19. Disconnect PCM connector A (49P). 24. Connect a jumper wire between transmission range
switch connector terminals No. 9 and No. 10.
20. Measure the voltage between PCM connector
terminal A8 and body ground while pressing the
brake pedal and when the brake pedal is released. TRANSM ISSION RANGE SWITCH CONNECTOR


5 4 3 2 1
BKSW (LT GRN) 10 9 8 7 6

"...........-.....- ir— ~il - ... I ~ .. Z ., \

J1I 2 3 | 4 | 5 | 6| 7 8 9 |10| i GND (BLK) ATPP (BLU)
11 12 13 1 4 1 5 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 X 25 X 26 27 28
■ E

29 30 31 34 35)36 37 38 39
1 J
14 0 141 4 2 | 4 3 | 4 4 | 4 5 | 46 47 4 8 49

W ire side of fem ale te rm in a ls

T erm inal side o f fem ale term inals 25. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
26. Check the A/T P Switch with the HDS in the A/T Data
Is there battery voltage while pressing the brake pedal List.
and about O V when the pedal is released?
Did the A/T P Switch go ON?
YES-Update the PCM if it does not have the latest
software (see page 11-204), or substitute a YES-Update the PCM if it does not have the latest
known-good PCM (see page 11-7), and recheck. If the software (see page 11 -204), or substitute a
symptom goes away with a known-good PCM, known-good PCM (see page 11-7), and recheck. If the
replace the original PCM (see page 11-206).B symptom goes away with a known-good PCM,
replace the original PCM (see page 11-206).B
NO-Repair an open in the wire between PCM
connector terminal A8 and the brake pedal position NO-Go to step 27.
sw itch.! 27. Inspect the transmission range switch, (see page
21. Monitor the A/T P Switch with the HDS in the A/T Data 14-249)
List with the shift lever in P. Is the transmission range switch OK?
Is the A/T P Switch ON? YES-Check for poor connections or loose terminals at
YES-Go to step 28. the transmission range switch connector.B

NO-Go to step 22. NO-Replace the transmission range switch (see page
Shift Lock System Circuit Troubleshooting (cont'd)

28. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0). 33. Check for continuity between PCM connector terminal
A16 and transmission range switch connector
29. Remove the jumper wire.
terminal No. 9.
30. Jump the SCS line with the HDS.
31. Disconnect PCM connector A (49P). TRANSMISSION RANGE PCM CONNECTOR A (49P)
32. Check for continuity between PCM connector terminal
A16 and body ground.
/ 9 .....- .... ...... -... i r ~
------- il "
5 i 3 2
Lh I 3 | 4 | 5 I 6 [ 7 | 8 9Hoi 1 1

11 12 13
l4l152516 1 7 1 8 2619 27
23 24 X
20 21
10 9 8 7 6 ? i 22 > <
29 30 31 32 I33 34 35 36 37 38 39
J 1 I 2 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 Ts 9 |1 0 | --------- II
11 12 13 1 4 1 5 16 17 18 19 20 21
E |4 0 |4 1 4 2 |4 3 | 4 4 | 4 5 | 4 6 | 47 48|49l

22 23 24 X 25 > < 26 27 28

29 30 31 34 35 36 37 38 39
| | |
| 4 0 |41 42 4 3 |4 4 4 5 | 4 6 |47 4 8 4 9
W ire side of Terminal side of
female terminals female terminals

Terminal side of fem ale terminals Is there continuity?

YES-Go to step 34.
Is there continuity?
NO-Repair an open in the wire between PCM
YES-Repair a short to body ground in the wire connector terminal A16 and transmission range
between PCM connector terminal A16 and switch connector terminal No. 9 .1
transmission range switch connector terminal No. 9.

NO-Go to step 33.

Shift Lock Solenoid Test

34. Check fo r continuity between transmission range 1. Connect the HDS to the DLC (A) located under the
switch connector terminal No. 10 and body ground. driver's side of the dashboard.


— — 11 ^
5 4 3 2
10 9 8 7 6?
----------- II J
W ire side of female terminals

Is there continuity?
YES-Update the PCM if it does not have the latest
software (see page 11-204), or substitute a
known-good PCM (see page 11-7), and recheck. If the
symptom goes away w ith a known-good PCM,
2. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II). Make sure the HDS
replace the original PCM (see page 11 -206) ■
communicates with the PCM. If it does not, go to the
NO-Repair an open in the wire between transmission DLC circuit troubleshooting (see page 11-430).
range switch connector term inal No. 10 and body
3. Select Shift Lock Solenoid Test in the Miscellaneous
ground (G101) (see page 22-78), or repair poor body
Test Menu, and check that the shift lock solenoid
ground (G101).B
operates with the HDS.
35. Check the APP Sensor (%) and APP Sensor (V) with
the HDS in the A/T Data List. Do not press the 4. Check that the shift lever can be moved out of P when
the Shift Lock Solenoid is ON. Move the shift lever
accelerator pedal.
back to P, and check that it locks with the Shift Lock
Is the APP Sensor (%) opening 5 % or more, or is APP Solenoid is OFF.
Sensor A (V) 1,16 Vor higher?
5. Check that the shift lock releases when the shift lock
YES-Check the APP sensor (see page 11 -244).B release is pushed, and check that it locks when the
shift lock release is released.
NO-Update the PCM if it does not have the latest
software (see page 11 -204), or substitute a 6. If the shift lock solenoid does not work properly, go to
known-good PCM (see page 11-7), and recheck. If the the shift lock system circuit troubleshooting (see page
symptom goes away with a known-good PCM, 14-259).
replace the original PCM (see page 11-206).B
Shift Lock Solenoid Replacement

1. Remove the shift lever assembly (see page 14-233). 7. Apply silicone grease to the tip (F) of the shift lock stop
and the solenoid plunger.
2. Remove the shift lever knob (see page 14-232).
NOTE: Make sure not to get any silicone grease on the
3. Remove the A/T gear position indicator panel and the terminal part of the connectors and switches,
panel base (see step 3 on page 14-254).
especially if you have silicone grease on your hands
NOTE: The select cover is not removed from the A/T or gloves.
gear position indicator panel base. 8. Install the shift lock solenoid by aligning the joint of
4. Remove the shift lock solenoid harness (A) from the the shift lock solenoid plunger with the tip of the shift
harness guides. lock stop, then push the shift lock solenoid into the
shift lever securely.
9. Install the shift lock solenoid harness in the harness
10. Install the A/T gear position indicator pane base and
the indicator panel (see step 10 on page 14-255).
11. Install the shift lever knob (see page 14-232).
12. Install the shift lever assembly (see page 14-234).

5. Release the lock tab (B) retaining the shift lock

solenoid using a thin-bladed screwdriver.
6 . Replace the shift lock solenoid (C), the solenoid
plunger (D), and the plunger spring (E) assembly.
Shift Lock Stop/Shift Lock Stop Park Pin Switch Replacement
Cushion Replacement
1. Remove the shift lever assembly (see page 14-233). NOTE: The park pin switch and the A/T gear position
indicator panel light harness are not available
2. Remove the A/T gear position indicator panel from
separately. Replace the A/T gear position indicator panel
the shift lever (see step 3 on page 14-254). light harness and the park pin switch as a set.
3. Release the lock tab (A) retaining the shift lock
1. Remove the shift lever assembly (see page 14-233).
solenoid using a thin-bladed screwdriver.
2. Remove the shift lever knob (see page 14-232).
3. Remove the A/T gear position indicator panel and the
panel base (see step 3 on page 14-254).
NOTE: The select cover is not removed from the A/T
gear position indicator panel base.
4. Remove the light bulb (A) from the socket.
4. Remove the shift lock stop (B) and the stop cushion
(C) as a set.
5. Apply silicone grease to the pin (D) of the shift lever
bracket, then install the shift lock stop over the pin.
NOTE: Make sure not to get any silicone grease on the
terminal part of the connectors and switches,
especially if you have silicone grease on your hands
or gloves.
6. Install the shift lock stop.
5. Remove the park pin switch/A/T gear position
7. Install the shift lock solenoid by aligning the joint of indicator panel light harness (B) and the shift lock
the shift lock solenoid plunger with the tip of the shift solenoid harness (C) from the harness guide (D).
lock stop, then push the shift lock solenoid into the
shift lever securely. 6. Install the park pin switch/A/T gear position indicator
panel light harness.
8. Install the A/T gear position indicator panel on the
shift lever (see step 11 on page 14-256). 7. Route the park pin switch/A/T gear position indicator
panel light harness and the shift lock solenoid harness
9. Install the shift lever assembly (see page 14-234). in the harness guide.
8. Install the A/T gear position indicator panel light bulb
in the socket.
9. Install the A/T gear position indicator pane base and
the indicator panel (see step 10 on page 14-255).
10. Install the shift lever knob (see page 14-232).
11. Install the shift lever assembly (see page 14-234).
Transmission Disassembly

Special Tools Required

Mainshaft Holder 07GAB-PF50101

1. Remove the ATF dipstick (A) and the ATF dipstick guide tube (B).

2. Remove A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valves A and B (C) (six bolts), the 8 x 102.8 mm ATF pipe (D), the 8 x
55.3 mm ATF pipes (E) (two), the O-rings (three), and the gasket.
3. Remove the shift solenoid valve cover (F) (seven bolts), the dowel pins (two), and the gasket.
4. Disconnect the shift solenoid valve connectors, then remove the shift solenoid wire harness (G).
5. Remove A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C (H) (four bolts), the 8 x 5 3 mm ATF pipe (I), the 8 x 3 6 mm ATF
pipe (J), the 8 x 25.2 mm ATF joint pipe (K), the O-rings (two), and the gasket.
6. Pry the lock tab of the lock washer (L) on the selector control lever (M), and remove the lock nut, the lock washer, the
spring washer, and the selector control lever.
7. Pry the lock tabs of the lock washer (N) on the 17. Using a chisel, cut the lock tab (A) off the mainshaft
transmission range switch (O), hold the selector locknut (B),
control shaft (P) with a 6.0 mm wrench, and loosen the
NOTE: Keep all of the chiseled particles out of the
locknut (Q).
8. Remove the locknut and the lock washer, then
remove the transmission range switch (two bolts).
9. Remove the input shaft (mainshaft) speed sensor (R)
and the output shaft (countershaft) speed sensor (S)
with the sensor washer (T).
10. Remove the ATF temperature sensor connector and
the harness clamp from the clamp bracket on the ATF
cooler line, then remove the ATF temperature sensor
11. Remove the 6.0 mm bolts (V), the line bolts (W), the
ATF cooler lines (X), and the sealing washers (Y).
12. Remove the end cover (Z) (three bolts), the dowel pins
(two), the O-ring, the snap ring cap (AA) (two bolts), 18. Remove the locknut (A) from the mainshaft (B).
the sealing plug (BB), and the sealing washer (CC).
13. Remove transmission fluid pressure switch B (3rd
clutch) (DD) and the sealing washer.
14. Remove the 4th clutch transmission fluid pressure
switch (EE) and the sealing washer.
15. Remove transmission fluid pressure switch A (2nd
clutch) (FF) and the sealing washer.
16. Install the mainshaft holder onto the mainshaft.

Transmission Disassembly (cont'd)

20. Remove the transmission housing mounting bolts (A) (4WD; 23 bolts, 2WD: 22 bolts), the 12 x 1.25 mm bolt (B), the
transmission hanger (C), and the ground terminal bracket (D).
21. While expanding the snap ring of the countershaft 28. Remove the park pawl stop (N), the park pawl (O), the
bearing using snap ring pliers, lift the transmission pawl spring (P), and the park pawl shaft (Q).
29. Remove the mainshaft (R), the countershaft (S), the
shift fork (M), and the secondary shaft (T) together,
and remove the thrust needle bearing (U) from the
torque converter housing.
22. Release the snap ring pliers, and remove the
transmission housing (E), the two dowel pins (F), and
the gasket.
23. Remove the 8 x 151.5 mm ATF joint pipes (G) (two),
the 8 x 8 5 mm ATF joint pipe (H), and the 8 x 4 0 mm
ATF joint pipe (I) from the accumulator body.
24. Remove the 8 x 57.5 mm ATF joint pipe (J) and the
10 x 123 mm ATF joint pipe (K) from the torque
converter housing.
25. Remove the mainshaft holder from the mainshaft.
26. Pry the lock tab of the lock washer (L) on the shift fork
(M), then remove the bolt and the lock washer.
27. Unhook the detent spring from the detent arm.

30. Remove the selector control shaft and the park lever
link (V).
31. Remove the oil catch plate (W).
32. Remove the differential assembly (X).
33.4WD: Remove the transfer output shaft (Y).
34. Remove the baffle plate (Z).
35. Remove the intermediary shaft (AA).

Transmission Disassembly (cont'd)

36. Remove the ATF strainer (A) (one bolt).

6 x 1.0 mm,
One Bolt
6 x 1.0 mm,
Seven Bolts

6 x 1.0 mm,
11 Bolts
6 x 1.0 mm.
One Bolt
37. Remove the accumulator body (B) (11 bolts), the 49. Clean the inlet opening (A) of the ATF strainer (B)
dowel pins (two), the detent arm (C), the detent arm thoroughly with compressed air, then check that it is
shaft (D), and the accumulator separator plate (E). good condition and that the inlet opening is not
38. Remove the 8 x 62 mm ATF joint pipe (F) from the
main valve body. 4¥WD
39. Remove the secondary valve body (G) (one bolt), the B
dowel pins (two), and the secondary separator plate
(H). Do not let the check balls (I) (two) fall out.
40. Remove the regulator valve body (J) (seven bolts), the
stator shaft (K), the stator shaft stop (L), the dowel
pins (two), and the regulator separator plate (M).
41. Remove the main valve body (N) (8 mm: three bolts,
6 mm: seven bolts). Do not let the lubrication check
valve (O) fall out.
42. Remove the torque converter check valve (P) and the
valve spring (Q).
43. Remove the ATF pump driven gear shaft (R), then
remove the ATF pump driven gear (S) and the ATF
pump drive gear (T).
44. Remove the dowel pins (two) and the main separator
plate (U). B

45. Remove the ATF passage pipe (V) (one bolt).

46. Remove the ATF magnet (W), clean it, then reinstall it
in the torque converter housing.
47. Remove the O-ring (X) from the ATF strainer, and
replace it with a new O-ring when reassembling the
48. Remove the O-ring (Y) from the stator shaft, and
replace it with a new O-ring when reassembling the

50. Check the ATF strainer for clogs, debris, or damage. If

the strainer is clogged or damaged, replace it.
ATF Pump Inspection

1. Install the ATF pump drive gear (A), the driven gear 3. Remove the ATF pump driven gear shaft. Measure the
(B), and the ATF pump driven gear shaft (C) in the thrust clearance between the ATF pump drive gear (A)
main valve body (D). Lubricate all parts with ATF, and and the main valve body (B), and between the ATF
install the ATF pump driven gear with its grooved and pump driven gear (C) and the main valve body using a
chamfered side facing up. straight edge (D) and a feeler gauge (E).
ATF Pump Drive/Driven Gear Thrust (Axial)
Standard (New): 0.03—0.06 mm (0.002—0.002 in)
Service Limit: 0.07 mm (0.002 in)
2. Measure the side clearance of the ATF pump drive
gear (A) and the driven gear (B).
ATF Pump Gears Side (Radial) Clearance
Standard (New):
ATF Pump Drive Gear
0.210-0.265 mm (0.009-0.010 in)
ATF Pump Driven Gear
0.070-0.125 mm (0.003-0.004 in)

4. If the thrust clearance is beyond the service limit,

replace the main valve body.
Component Location Index

Torque Converter Side
Disassem bly/lnspection/Reassem bly, page 14-274

Transmission Mount Side

Reverse Idler Gear Reverse Idler Gear
Removal/Installation Disassembly/lnspection/Reassembly
1. Remove the reverse idler gear assembly (A) from the 1. Remove the snap ring (A), then remove the thrust
transmission housing. washer (B), the reverse idler gear (C), the needle
bearings (D), and the thrust washer (E) from the
8 x 1.25 mm
27 N-m (2.8 kgf-m, 19 Ibf-ft) reverse idler gear shaft/holder (F).
2. Inspect the reverse idler gear and the gear shaft for
excessive wear and damage.
2. Install the reverse idler gear assembly with the two
3. Inspect the needle bearings for galling and rough
dowel pins (B) in the transmission housing.
4. Install the thrust washer and the needle bearings over
the gear shaft.
5. Install the reverse idler gear in the direction shown.
6. Install the thrust washer, then install the snap ring to
secure the idler gear.
Secondary Shaft ATF Feed Pipe Cap Secondary Shaft ATF Feed Pipe Cap
Removal Installation
1. Remove the 65 mm thrust shim (A) from the 1. Install new O-rings (A) on the ATF feed pipe cap (B).
transmission housing.
2. Install the ATF feed pipe cap in the transmission
housing. Do not pinch the O-rings.
3. Install the 65 mm thrust shim (A) in the transmission
2. Cover the tip of the 1st-hold clutch ATF feed pipe with housing.
a shop rag.
3. Apply air pressure to the ATF feed pipe hole (A) of the
1st-hold clutch pressure circuit, and remove the ATF
feed pipe cap from the transmission housing.
Secondary Shaft ATF Feed Pipe ATF Filter
Cap, Feed Pipe Replacement Removal/lnspection/lnstallation
NOTE: The 1st-hold clutch ATF feed pipe/ATF feed cap is 1. Remove the three 6.0 mm bolts securing the ATF filter
not available separately. cover (A) and the ATF joint pipe (B).
1. Remove the ATF feed pipe cap from the transmission
housing (see page 14-275).
2. Remove the snap ring (A) from the ATF feed pipe cap
(B), then remove the feed pipe guide (C), the O-rings
(D) (E), and the 1st clutch ATF feed pipe (F).
2. Remove the ATF joint pipe from the ATF filter cover,
and remove the ATF filter (C) from the cover.
3. Clean the ATF filter, then check that it is in good
condition, and is not clogged. Replace the ATF filter if
it is clogged or damaged.
3. Replace the 1st clutch ATF feed pipe or 1st-hold clutch 4. Install the ATF filter with a new O-ring (D) in the filter
ATF feed pipe/ATF feed pipe cap assembly. cover, and install the ATF joint pipe in the cover, then
install them in the transmission housing.
4. Install a new O-ring (E) over the 1st clutch ATF feed
pipe, then install the feed pipe over the 1st-hold clutch 5. Secure the ATF filter cover with the two bolts (E), then
ATF feed pipe (G) while aligning the feed pipe tabs (H) secure the ATF joint pipe with the bolt (F).
with the guide in the cap.
5. Install a new O-ring (D) in the cap and the feed pipe
guide, then secure the guide with the snap ring.
6. Install the ATF feed pipe cap in the transmission
housing (see page 14-275).
Mainshaft Bearing Removal Mainshaft Bearing Installation

Special Tools Required Special Tools Required

• Driver Handle, 15 X.135L 07749-0010000- . Driver Handle, 15 x 135L 07749-0010000
- Bearing Driver Attachment, 78 x 80 mm • Bearing Driver Attachment, 78 x 80 mm
07NAD-PX40100 07NAD-PX40100

1. Remove the reverse idler gear (see page 14-274). 1. Install the bearing (A) in the direction shown.
2. To remove the mainshaft bearing, expand the snap
ring using snap ring pliers, then push the bearing out
using the driver handle and the 78 x 80 mm bearing
driver attachment. Do not remove the snap ring
unless it is necessary to clean the groove in the
transmission housing.
2. Expand the snap ring using: snap ring pliers, and
insert the bearing part-way into the transmission
3. Release the snap ring pliers, then push the bearing
down into the transmission housing until the snap
ring snaps in place around it using the driver handle
and the 78 x 80 mm bearing driver attachment.
4. After installing the bearing, check that the snap ring
(A) is seated in the bearing and housing groove, and
that the snap ring end gap (B) is 0 —7 mm (0—0.28 in),
Intermediary Shaft Bearing Park Lever Shaft Bearing
Replacement Replacement
Special Tools Required Special Tools Required
• Bearing Remover Shaft Set, 20 mm 07936-3710600 • Bearing Remover, 10 mm 07936-GE0A000
• Remover Handle 07936-3710100 • Slide Hammer 07936-371020A
• Slide Hammer 07936-371020A • Driver Handle, 15 x 135L 07749-0010000
. Driver Handle, 15 x 135L 07749-0010000 • Attachment, 22 x 24 mm 07746-001A800
• Bearing Driver Attachment, 37 x 40 mm 07746-0010200
1. Remove the park lever shaft bearing from the
1. Remove the intermediary shaft bearing from the transmission housing using the 10 mm bearing
transmission housing using the 20 mm bearing remover head, the 10 mm bearing remover shaft, and
remover shaft set, the remover handle, and the slide the slide hammer.
2. Install the bearing until it bottoms out in the
transmission housing using the driver handle and the
2. Install the bearing until it bottoms out in the
22 x 24 mm attachment.
transmission housing using the driver handle and the
37 x 40 mm bearing driver attachment.
Selector Control Shaft Bearing Selector Control Shaft Oil Seal
Replacement Replacement
Special Tools Required Special Tools Required
- Bearing Remover, 10 mm 07936-GE0A000 . Driver Handle, 15 x 135L 07749-0010000
• S l ide Hammer 07936-371020A • Attachment, 22 x 24 mm 07746-001A800
• Driver Handle, 15 x 135L 07749-0010000
-Attachment, 22 x 24 mm 07746-001A800 1. Remove the oil seal from the transmission housing.

1. Remove the control shaft bearing from the

transmiss i on housing using the 10 mm bearing
remover head, the 10 mm bearing remover shaft, and
the slide hammer.
2. Install the oil seal to a depth of 0—0.7 mm (0—
0.031 in) below the transmission housing surface
using the driver handle and the 22 x 24 mm

2. Install the bearing until it bottoms out in the

transmission housing using the driver handle and the
22 x 24 mm attachment
Component Location Index

Torque Converter Side
Replacement step 2 on page 14-331
Transmission Housing Side
$ 0
Mainshaft Bearing and Oil Seal Replacement

Special Tools Required 3. Install the bearing until it bottoms out in the torque
-Adjustable Bearing Puller, 25—40 mm 07736-A01000B converter housing using the driver handle and the
. Driver Handle, 15 x 135L 07749-0010000 62 x 68 mm bearing driver attachment.
• Bearing Driver Attachment, 62 x 68 mm 07746-0010500
• Bearing Driver Attachment, 72 x 75 mm 07746-0010600

1. Remove the oil seal from the torque converter

4. Install the oil seal flush with the torque converter
housing using the driver handle and the 72 x 75 mm
bearing driver attachment
NOTE: Do not drive the oil seal into the torque
converter housing until it bottoms out, it will block the
2. Remove the mainshaft bearing using the 25—40 mm
fluid return passage and cause transmission damage.
adjustable bearing puller and a commercially
available 3/8 "-16 slide hammer (A). 07749-0010000
Countershaft Bearing Replacement

Special Tools Requi red 3. Install the bearing (A) in the torque converter housing
• Adjustable Bearing Puller, 25—40 mm Q7736-A01000B using the driver handle and the 78 x 80 mm bearing
• Driver Handle, 15 x 135L 07749-0010000 driver attachment; install the bearing outer notch-cut
• Bearing Driver Attachment, 78 x 80 mm (B) to a depth (C) of 0—0.03 mm (0—0.0012 in) below
07NAD-PX40100 the torque converter housing surface (D).

1. Remove the countershaft bearing from the torque 07749-0010000

converter housing using the 25—40 mm adjustable
bearing puller and a commercially available 3/8 "-16
slide hammer (A).
2. Install the ATF guide plate (A) into the torque
converter housing, then install the bearing (B) in the
direction shown.

Secondary Shaft Bearing Replacement

Special Tools Required 3. Remove the ATF guide collar from the torque
-Adjustable Bearing Puller, 25—40 mm 07736-A01000B converter housing, then remove the O-rings from the
• Bearing Remover Shaft Set, 30 mm 07936-8890300 ATF guide collar.
• Remover Handle 07936-3710100
• Slide Hammer 07936-371020A
• Driver Handle, 15 x 135L 07749-0010000
• Bearing Driver Attachment, 37 x 40 mm 07746-0010200
• Bearing Driver Attachment, 62 x 68 mm 07746-0010500

1. Remove the bolt, then remove the lock washer (A) and
the bearing set plate (B).
4. Remove the 29 x 39 x 9.5 mm secondary shaft bearing
(A) from the torque converter housing using the
30 mm bearing remover shaft set, the remover
handle, and the slide hammer.


2. Remove the secondary shaft bearing from the torque

converter housing using the 25—40 mm adjustable
bearing puller and a commercially available 3/8 "-16
slide hammer (A).

Secondary Shaft Bearing Replacement (cont'd)

5. Install the 29 x 39 x 9.5 mm secondary shaft bearing 7. Install the bearing in the direction shown in the torque
(A) until it bottoms out into the torque converter converter housing using the driver handle and the 62
housing using the driver handle and the 37 x 40 mm x 68 mm bearing driver attachment.
bearing driver attachment.
6. Install new O-rings (A) into the ATF guide collar
grooves, then install the ATF guide collar (B) in the
torque converter housing.
8. Check that the bearing groove aligns with the set plate
mounting surface, then install the set plate (A) by
aligning it with the bearing groove.

9. Install a new lock washer (B) and the bolt, then bend
the lock tab of the lock washer against the bolt head.
< r£>
Intermediary Shaft Bearing Replacement

Special Tools Required 3. Drive the bearing until it bottoms out into the torque
• Adjustable Bearing Puller, 25—40 mm 07736-A01000B converter housing using the driver handle and the 52
. Driver Handle, 15 x 135L 07749-0010000 x 55 mm bearing driver attachment.
• Bearing Driver Attachment, 52 x 55 mm 07746-0010400

1. Remove the intermediary shaft bearing from the

torque converter housing using the 25—40 mm
adjustable bearing puller and a commercially
available 3/8 "-16 slide hammer (A).
2. Install the ATF guide plate (A), then install the bearing
(B) in the torque converter housing.
Park Lever Shaft Bearing Replacement

Special Tools Required

• Bearing Remover Shaft Set, 12 mm 07936-16601OA
. Slide Hammer 07936-371020A
• Driver Handle, 15 x 135L 07749-0010000
• Attachment, 22 x 24 mm 07746-001A800

1. Remove the park lever shaft bearing from the torque

converter housing using the 12 mm bearing remover
shaft set and the slide hammer.
2. Install the bearing until it bottoms out in the torque
converter housing using the drive handle and the
22 x 24 mm attachment.
Mainshaft Disassembly, inspection, and Reassembly
Disassembly Inspection
1. Remove the thrust needle bearing (A), the mainshaft 3. Inspect the thrust needle bearing and the needle
5th gear (B), the needle bearing (C), the thrust needle bearing for wear and rough movement.
bearing (D), the mainshaft 5th gear collar (E), the
4th/5th clutch (F), and the O-rings (G) from the 4. Inspect the splines for excessive wear and damage.
mainshaft (H). 5. Inspect the mainshaft 4th gear (L) for wear and
damage, and inspeqtthe mainshaft 4th gear bearing
for wear and rough rotation.
6. Replace the mainshaft 4th gear if the gear or the
bearing is worn or damaged (see page 14-288).
7. Check the shaft bearing surfaces for scoring and
excessive wear.
8. Lubricate all parts with ATF during reassembly.
9. Install new sealing rings, the needle bearing, and the
set ring.
10. Wrap the shaft splines with tape to prevent O-ring
damage, install new O-rings on the mainshaft, then
remove the tape.
11. Install the 4th/5th clutch.
12. Install the mainshaft 5th gear collar, the thrust needle
bearing, the needle bearing, the mainshaft 5th gear,
and the thrust needle bearing. .

2. Remove the set ring (I), the needle bearing (J), and the
sealing rings (K).
Mainshaft 4 th Gear Replacement

Special Tools Required 2. Slide the mainshaft 4th gear (A) over the mainshaft
Driver Handle, 40 mm I.D. 07746-0030100 (B), then press it into place using the 40 mm I.D, driver
handle and the press.
1. Remove the mainshaft 4th gear (A) with a press. Place
a spacer (B) between the press and the mainshaft (C)
to prevent damaging the mainshaft.
Countershaft Disassembly

Exploded View
24 x 1.25 mm
167 N-m (17.0 kgf-m, 123 Ibf-ft)
Left-hand threads
Rep l ace.

Countershaft Disassembly (cont'd)

NOTE: Refer to the Exploded View as needed during the 3. Place the countershaft 5th gear (A) on press bases (B),
following procedure. and place a spacer (C) between the countershaft (D)
and the press to prevent damaging the countershaft.
1. Using a chisel, cut the lock tab (A) off the countershaft
locknut (B).
NOTE: Keep all of the chiseled particles out of the
4. Support the bottom of the countershaft with one
hand, then press the countershaft out of the
2. Hold the countershaft securely using a wrench press-fitted bearing (E) and the press-fitted reverse
clamped in a bench vise, loosen the locknut, and selector hub. The countershaft will drop down after
remove it. The locknut has left-hand threads. pressing it out of the press-fitted reverse selector hub.
Some reverse selector hubs are not press-fitted, and
the countershaft will drop down after pressing it out
of the press-fitted bearing.
5. Remove the remaining parts from the countershaft.
6. Inspect the bearing for galling and rough movement.
7. Check the shaft bearing surfaces for scoring and
excessive wear, and check the shaft splines for
excessive wear and damage.
NOTE: If the countershaft is worn or damaged,
replace the countershaft with the same letter (A, B, or
C) for identification as the identifying letter on the
final driven gear.
8. Check the idler gear axial clearance and the 4th gear
axial clearance (see page 14-291).
< s®
Countershaft Idler Gear and 4 th Gear Axial Clearance Inspection

1. Install the 40.5 mm cotters (A), 2nd gear (B), the thrust 2. Insert a feeler gauge (A) as thick as possible between
needle bearing (C), the needle bearing (D), the idler the 50.8 mm collar (B) and the 50.8 mm washer (C).
gear (E), the thrust needle bearing (F),the original
thickness 61 mm washer (G), 1st gear (H), 4th gear (I),
the 50.8 mm collar (J), the original thickness 50.8 mm
washer (K), the 42.2 mm cotters (L), the cotter retainer
(M), and the snap ring (N) on the countershaft (O).
Install the 40.5 mm cotters, the idler gear, 1st gear,
and 4th gear in the direction shown.
3. Set a dial indicator (A) on the idler gear (B).
Countershaft Idler Gear and 4 th Gear Axial Clearance Inspection (cont'd)

4. Measure the idler gear axial clearance in at least three 7. Measure the clearance between the 50.8 mm collar
places while moving the idler gear. Use the average (A) and the 50.8 mm washer (B) with the feeler gauge
as the actual clearance. (C) in at least three places. Use the average as the
actual clearance.
Standard: 0.005-0.040 mm (0.00020-0.00157 in)
Standard: 0.005—0.040 mm (0.001—0.001 in)

5. If the clearance is out of the standard, remove the
61 mm washer and measure its thickness.
6. Select and install a new washer, then recheck the

WASHER, 61 mm
No. Thickness
A 1.525 mm (0.06004 in)
B 1.505 mm (0.05925 in)
C 1.485 mm (0.05846 in)
D 1.465 mm (0.05768 in)
E 1.445 mm (0.05689 in)
F 1.425 mm (0.05610 in)
G 1.405 mm (0.05531 in)
Countershaft Reassembly

8. If the clearance is out of the standard, remove the Special Tools Required
50.8 mm washer and measure its thickness. Driver Handle, 40 mm I .D. 07746-0030100
9. Select and install a new washer, then recheck the
1. Install the 40.5 mm cotters (A), 2nd gear (B), the thrust
needle bearing (C), the needle bearing (D), the idler
WASHER, m M mm gear (E), the thrust needle bearing (F), the original
thickness 61 mm washer (G), 1st gear (H), 4th gear (I),
No. Thickness the 50.8 mm collar (J), the original thickness 50.8 mm
A 1.91 mm (0.0752 n) washer (K), the 42.2 mm cotters (L), the cotter retainer
B 1.93 mm (0.0760 n) (M), and the snap ring (N) on the countershaft (O).
C 1.95 mm (0.0768 n) Install the 40.5 mm cotters, the idler gear, 1st gear,
D 1.97 mm (0.0776 n) and 4th gear in the direction shown.
E 1.99 mm (0.0783 n)
F 2.01 mm (0.0791 n)
G 2.03 mm (0.0799 n)
H 2.05 mm (0.0807 n)
1 2.07 mm (0.0815 n)
J 2.09 mm (0.0823 n)
K 2.11 mm (0.0831 n)
L 2.13m m (0.0839 n)
M 2.15 mm (0.0846 n)
N 2.17 mm (0.0854 n)
0 2.19 mm (0.0862 n)
P 2.21 mm (0.0870 n)
Q 2.23 mm (0.0878 n)
R 2.25 mm (0.0886 n)
S 2.27 mm (0.0894 n)
T 2.29 mm (0.0902 n)
U 2.31 mm (0.0909 n)
V 2.33 mm (0.0917 n)
w 2.35 mm (0.0925 n)
X 2.37 mm (0.0933 n)
Y 2.39 mm (0.0941 n)
z 2.41 mm (0.0949 n)
AA 2.43 mm (0.0957 n) .
AB 2 45 mm (0.0965 n)

2. Install the thrust washer (P), the needle bearing (Q),

and 5th gear (R).

Countershaft Reassembly (cont'd)

3. Slide the reverse selector hub (A) over the 5. Install the ball bearing (A) over the countershaft, then
countershaft (B), then press it into place using the press it into place using the 40 mm I.D. driver handle
40 mm I.D. driver handle and a press. and the press.
NOTE: Some reverse selector hubs are not
press-fitted, and can be installed without using the
40 mm I.D. driver handle and a press.
6. Install a new conical spring washer (A) in the direction
shown, and install a new locknut (B).

4. Install the reverse selector, the reverse gear collar, the

needle bearing, and the reverse gear over the reverse
selector hub.
7. Hold the countershaft securely using a wrench
clamped in a bench vise, and tighten the locknut to
167 N-m (17.0 kgf-m, 123 Ibf-ft).
• Use a torque wrench to tighten the locknut. Do not
use an impact wrench.
• The locknut has left-hand threads.
8. Stake the locknut into the shaft to a depth (A) of
0.7—1.3 mm (0.028—0.051 in) using a 3.5 mm punch
Secondary Shaft Disassembly

Exploded View
26 x 1.25 mm
178. N-m (18.2 kgf-m, 131 Ibf-ft)
Special Tools Required 4. Place the idler gear (A) on press bases (B), and place a
Wrench, 40 x 42 mm 07XAA-002010A spacer (C) between the secondary shaft (D) and the
press to prevent damaging the secondary shaft.
NOTE: Refer to the Exploded View as needed during the
following procedure.
1. Using a chisel, cut the lock tab (A) off the secondary
shaft locknut (B).
NOTE: Keep all of the chiseled particles out of the
secondary shaft.
5. Support the bottom of the secondary shaft with one
hand, then press the secondary shaft out of the
2. Place a V-block (A) on a bench vise (B), and put the press-fitted bearing (E). The secondary shaft will drop
secondary shaft (C) on the V-block and the bench vise. down after pressing it out of the press-fitted bearing.
6. Remove the 1st/1 st-hold clutch, the 52 mm washer,
the 40 x 57 x 2.5 mm thrust needle bearing, 1st gear
assembly, the needle bearings, the 1st gear collar, the
43.5 x 59 x 2.5 mm thrust needle bearing, and the idler
7. Remove the 29 mm sealing rings and the 32 mm snap
ring, then remove the 2nd clutch, the splined washer,
the needle bearings, the 2nd gear/park gear, and the
44 x 66 x 3.5 mm thrust needle bearings.

3. Attach the 40 x 42 mm wrench onto the 1st/1 st-hold

clutch guide, and secure the 40 x 42 mm wrench with
the bench vise to hold the secondary shaft. Loosen
the locknut, and remove it. Remove any burrs from
splines on the shaft and the splined washer.

Secondary Shaft Disassembly Secondary Shaft 1st Gear Axial
(cont'd) Clearance Inspection
8. Inspect the bearings for galling and rough movement. Special Tools Required
• Driver Handle, 40 m m I.D. 07746-0030100
NOTE; The needle bearing (A) contains two no-roller
• Bearing Driver Attachment, 30 mm I.D. 07746-0030300
cavities (B); this is normal.
1. Install the idler gear (A), the 43.5 x 59 x 2.5 mm thrust
needle bearing (B), the 1st gear collar (C), the needle
bearing (D), the 1st gear assembly (E), the
40 x 57 x 2.5 mm thrust needle bearing (F), the original
thickness 52 mm washer (G), and the 1st/1 st-hold
clutch (H) on the secondary shaft (I). Install the idler
gear and the 52 mm washer in the direction shown.
Do not install the O-rings during inspection.
9. Check the shaft bearing surfaces for scoring and
excessive wear, and check the shaft splines for
excessive wear and damage.
10. Check the 1st gear axial clearance (see page 14-298),
the 1st gear one-way clutch (see page 14-300), and the
secondary shaft installation height (see page 14-304).
2. Install the ball bearing (J) over the 1st/1 st-hold clutch 6. Measure the 1st gear axial clearance in at least three
guide using the 40 mm I.D. driver handle, the places while moving 1st gear. Use the average as the
30 mm I.D. bearing driver attachment and a press. actual clearance.
S ta n d a rd : 0.100—0.146 mm (0.00394-0.00671 in)
3. Install the splined washer (K) with the marked side (L)
up over the ball bearing in the same manner as
installing the ball bearing using the 40 mm I.D. driver
handle, the 30 mm I.D. bearing driver attachment, and
the press.
4. Install the old locknut (M), and tighten it to 29 N*m
(3.0 kgfm, 21 Ibf-ft).
5. Set a dial indicator (A) on the 1st clutch hub (B).
Secondary Shaft 1st Gear Axial 1st Gear One-Way Clutch
Clearance Inspection (cont'd) Inspection
7. If the clearance is out of the standard, remove the 1. Hold the 1st-hold clutch hub (A), and turn 1st gear (B)
washer and measure its height difference. in the direction shown to be sure it turns freely. Also
make sure 1st gear locks in the opposite direction.
8. Select and install a new washer, then recheck the
clearance. 2. If any problem occurs on the 1st gear one-way clutch,
replace the 1st clutch hub (C). The 1st gear one-way
WASHER, 52 m m clutch is not available separately from the 1st clutch
No. Height hub.
A 2.705 mm (0.10650 in)
B 2.680 mm (0.10551 in) 3. Also check 1st gear and the 1st-hold clutch hub for
C 2.655 mm (0.10453 in) wear and damage. If 1st gear and the 1st-hold clutch
D 2.630 mm (0.10354 in) hub are worn or damaged, replace the damaged part,
E 2.605 mm (0.10256 in) refer to 1st Clutch Hub Replacement (see page
F 2.580 mm (0.10157 in) 14-301).
G 2.555 mm (0.10059 in)
H 2.530 mm (0.09961 in)
I 2.505 mm (0.09862 in)
J 2.480 mm (0.09764 in)
K 2 455 mm (0.09665 in)
L 2.430 mm (0.09567 in)
M 2.405 mm (0.09468 in)
1st Clutch Hub Replacement

S pecial T ools R equired 3. install the 1st clutch hub (A) over 1st gear (B), and
• Driver Handle, 15 x 135L 07749-0010000 install the 1st-hold clutch hub (C) in 1st gear.
• Driver Attachment, 43.5 m m 07947-6340500
• Attachment, 78 x 90 mm 07GAD-SD40101

1. Remove the 1st-hold clutch hub (A) from 1st gear (B)
using the driver handle, the 43.5 mm driver
attachment, and a press.
4. Install the 1st-hold clutch hub (A) in 1st gear (B) using
the driver handle, the 78 x 90 mm attachment, and the

2. Remove the 1st clutch hub (C) from 1st gear.

Secondary Shaft Reassembly

Special Tools Requi red 5. Install the idler gear (A) in the direction shown, the
. Driver Handle, 40 mm I.D. 07746-0030100 43.5 x 59 x 2.5 mm thrust needle bearing (B), the 1st
. Bearing Driver Attachment, 30 mm I.D. 07746-0030300 gear collar (C), the needle bearing (D), the 1st gear
• Wrench, 40 x 42 mm 07XAA-002010A assembly (E), the 40 x 57 x 2.5 mm thrust needle
bearing (F), and the 52 mm washer (G) in the direction
1. Install the 44 x 66 x 3.5 mm thrust needle bearing (A), shown on the secondary shaft (H).
the needle bearings (B), the 2nd gear/park gear (C),
the 44 x 66 x 3.5 mm thrust needle bearing (D), and the NOTE: The needle bearing contains two no-roller
splined washer (E) in the direction shown on the cavities (I); this is normal.
secondary shaft (F).
6. Wrap the shaft splines with tape, and install new
Replace. O-rings (J) in the 1st/1 st-hold clutch O-ring grooves,
then remove the tape.
2. Wrap the shaft splines with tape, and install new
NOTE: To prevent damage to the O-rings, be sure to
O-rings (G) in the 2nd clutch O-ring grooves, then
install the O-rings after installing the 1st gear collar
remove the tape.
and the 52 mm washer.
NOTE: To prevent damage to the O-rings, be sure to
7. Install the 1st/1 st-hold clutch (K).
install the O-rings after installing the splined washer.
3. Install the 2nd clutch (H) on the secondary shaft, and
secure the 2nd clutch with the snap ring (I).
4. Install new 29 mm sealing rings (J).
8. Install the ball bearing (A) over the 1st/1 st-hold clutch 10. Install a new locknut (A).
guide (B) using the 40 mm I.D. driver handle, the
30 mm I.D. bearing driver attachment, and a press.
11. Place a V-block (A) on a bench vise (B), and put the
secondary shaft (C) on the V-block and the bench vise.

9. Install a new splined washer (A) with the marked side

(B) up over the ball bearing using the 40 mm I.D.
driver handle, the 30 mm I.D. bearing driver
attachment, and the press.

12. Attach the 40 x 42 mm wrench onto the 1st/1 st-hold

clutch guide, and secure the 40 x 42 mm wrench with
the bench vise to hold the secondary shaft. Tighten
the locknut to 178 N-m (18.2 kgf-m, 131 Ibf-ft) using a
torque wrench (D).
NOTE: Use a torque wrench to tighten the locknut. Do
not use an impact wrench.

Secondary Shaft Reassembly Secondary Shaft Installation Height
(cont'd) Inspection/Adjustment
13. Stake the locknut into the shaft to a depth (A) of 1. Install the thrust needle bearing (A) on the secondary
0.7 —1.3 mm (0.028—0.051 in) using a 3.5 mm punch shaft bearing of the torque converter housing in the
(B). direction shown, and install the secondary shaft
assembly (B).
2. I nstall a new gasket (A) on the torque converter 4. Remove the 65 mm thrust shim (A) from the
housing. transmission housing, and measure its thickness.
Secondary Shaft Cutaway View
5. Calculate the thickness of the 65 mm thrust shim
using the formula.
65 mm Thrust Shim Thickness
= Secondary Shaft Installation Height Standard
— Measurement
Secondary Shaft Installation Height
228.04-228.13 mm (8 .9 7 7 9 -8 .9 8 1 5 in)

3. Measure the installed height (B) of the secondary

shaft installation between the surface (C) of the gasket
and the top of the ball bearing outer race (D), then
note the measurement.
Secondary Shaft Installation Height Intermediary Shaft Disassembly,
Inspection/Adjustment (cont'd) Inspection, and Reassembly
6. Select the 65 mm thrust shim from the following Disassembly
1. Remove the 26.5 mm washer, the snap ring, the cotter
THRUST SHIM, 65 mm retainer, and the 19.8 mm cotters from the
intermediary shaft.
No. Thickness
0A 0.80 mm (0.0315 n)
A 0.84 mm (0.0331 n) WASHER, 26.5 mm
Selecti ve part
B 0.88 mm (0.0346 n)
C 0.92 mm (0.0362 n) SNAP RING O
D 0 96 mm (0.0378 n)
E 1.00 mm (0.0394 n) COTTER RETAINER
F 1.04 mm (0.0409 n)
G 1.08 mm (0.0425 n) COTTERS,
1.12 mm (0.0441 19.8 mm
H n)
I 1 16 mm (0.0457 n)
J 1.20 mm (0.0472 n) SHAFT 4TH GEAR
K 1.24 mm (0.0488 n)
L 1.28 mm (0.0504 n) 30 x 52 k 3 mm SHAFT
M 1.32 mm (0.0520 n) THRUST NEEDLE 3RD GEAR
N 1.36 mm (0.0535 n) BEARING
0 1.40 mm (0.0551 n)
P 1.44 mm (0.0567 n)
Q 1.48 mm (0.0583 n) 30 x 52 x 3 mm
R 1.52 mm (0.0598 n) BEARING
S 1.56 mm (0.0614 n)
T 1.60 mm (0.0630 n) SPLINED WASHER,
53 mm
U 1.64 mm (0.0646 n) Sel ective part
V 1.68 mm (0.0661 n)
w 1.72 mm (0.0677 n)
X 1.76 mm (0.0693 n)
Y 1.80 mm (0.0709 n)
z 1.84 mm (0.0724 n) O-RINGS
AA 1.88 mm (0.0740 n) Repl ace.
AB 1.92 mm (0.0756 n)
AC 1.96 mm (0.0772 n) INTERMEDIARY
AD 2.00 mm (0.0787 n) SHAFT
AE 2.04 mm (0.0803 n)
AF 2.08 mm (0.0819 n)
AG 2.12 mm (0.0835 n) SEALING RINGS,
AH 2.16 mm (0.0850 n) 35 mm
Al 2.20 mm (0.0866 n)
AJ 2.24 mm (0.0882 n)
AK 2.28 mm (0.0898 n)
AL 2.32 mm (0.0913 n)
AM 0.76 mm (0.0299 n) 2. Remove the intermediary shaft 4th gear using a press
(see page 14-307), to disassemble the shaft and gears.
7. Install the thrust shim in the transmission housing.
3. Remove the O-rings and the 35 mm sealing rings.
Intermediary Shaft 4th Gear
In spection 1. Place the intermediary shaft 4th gear (A) on press
bases (B), and pl ace a spacer (C) between the
4. Inspect the bearings for galling and rough movement. intermediary shaft (D) and the press to prevent
5. Check the shaft bearing surfaces for scoring and damaging the intermediary shaft.
excessive wear, and check the shaft splines for
excessive wear and damage.
6. Check the intermediary shaft 3rd gear axial clearance
(see page 14-308), and the intermediary shaft
installation height (see page 14-310).
7. Before installing new O-rings, wrap the shaft splines
with tape to prevent damage to the O-rings.
8. Lubricate all parts with ATF, and reassemble the shaft
and gears.
9. Install the press-fitted intermediary shaft 4th gear in
the direction shown using the 40 mm I.D. driver
handle and a press (see page 14-308).
10. Install new 35 mm sealing rings. 2. Support the bottom of the intermediary shaft with one
hand, then press the intermediary shaft out of the
press-fitted intermediary shaft 4th gear. The
intermediary shaft will drop down after pressing it out
of the press-fitted gear.
3. Remove the remaining parts from the intermediary
Intermediary Shaft 4th Gear Intermediary Shaft 3rd Gear Axial
Installation Clearance Inspection
S pecial T ools R equired Special Tools Required
Driver Handle, 40 mm I.D. 07746-0030100 Driver Handle, 40 mm I.D. 07746-0030100

1. Wrap the shaft splines with tape, and install new 1. Install the 3rd clutch (A), the original thickness 53 mm
O-rings in the 3rd clutch O-ring grooves, then remove splined washer (B), the 30 x 52 x 3 mm thrust needle
the tape. bearing (C), the needle bearing (D), the intermediary
shaft 3rd gear (E), and the 30 x 52 x 3 mm thrust
2. Install the 3rd clutch, the 53 mm splined washer, the needle bearing (F) on the intermediary shaft (G). Do
30 x 52 x 3 mm thrust needle bearing, the needle
not install the O-rings during inspection.
bearing, the intermediary shaft 3rd gear, and the
30 x 52 x 3 mm thrust needle bearing on the
intermediary shaft.
3. Install the intermediary shaft 4th gear (A) using the
40 mm I.D. driver handle and a press.
snap ring.
5. Install the 26.5 mm washer on the top of the
intermediary shaft.
5. Measure the intermediary shaft 3rd gear axial
clearance in at least three places while moving the
intermediary shaft 3rd gear. Use the average as the
actual clearance.
Standard: 0.005-0.045 mm (0.00020-0.00177 in)
2. Install the intermediary shaft 4th gear (H) using the
40 mm I.D. driver handle and a press.
3. Install the cotters (I), the cotter retainer (J), and the 6. If the clearance is out of the standard, remove the
snap ring (K). 53 mm splined washer and measure its thickness.
4. Set a dial indicator (A) on the intermediary shaft 3rd 7. Select and install a new splined washer, then recheck
gear (B). the clearance.

No. Thickness
A 3.995 mm {0.15728 in)
B 4.015 mm (0.15807 in)
C 4.035 mm (0.15886 in)
D 4.055 mm (0.15965 in)
E 4.075 mm (0.16043 in)
F 4.095 mm (0.16122 in)
G 4.115 mm (0.16201 in)
H 4.135 mm (0.16279 in)
1 4.155 mm (0.16358 in)
J 4.175 mm (0.16437 in)
K 4.195 mm (0.16516 in) .
L 4.215 mm (0.16594 in)
M 4.235 mm (0.16673 in)
N 4.255 mm (0.16752 in)
Intermediarv Shaft Installation Height Inspection/Adjustment
1. Install the intermediary shaft (A) in the torque 2. Install a new gasket (C) on the torque converter
converter housing, and install the original thickness housing.
26.5 mm washer (B) on the intermediary shaft.
3. Measure the installed height (D) of the intermediary
Intermediary Shaft Installation Height shaft between the surface (E) of the gasket and the
Standard: surface of the 26.5 mm washer (F).
137.285-137.385 mm (5.40491-5.40885 in)
4. If the measurement is out of the standard, remove the
26.5 mm washer and measure its thickness.
5. Select and install a new 26.5 mm washer, then
recheck the installation height.

WASHER, 26.5 mm
No. Thickness
A 1.05 mm (0.0413 in)
B 1.13 mm (0.0445 in)
C 1.21 mm (0.0476 in)
D 1.29 mm (0.0508 in)
E 1.37 mm (0.0539 in)
F 1.45 mm (0.0571 in)
G 1.53 mm (0.0602 in)
H 1.61 mm (0.0634 in)
I 1.69 mm (0.0665 in)
J 1.77 mm (0.0697 in)
K 1.85 mm (0.0728 in)
L 1.93 mm (0.0760 in)
M 2.01 mm (0.0791 in)
N 2.09 mm (0.0823 in)
Intermediary Shaft Cutaway View
0 0.97 mm (0.0382 in)
Clutch Clearance Inspection

Special Tools Required 3. Measure the clearance between 1st-hold clutch plate
Clutch Compressor Attachment 07ZAE-PRP0100 B and the top disc using a feeler gauge (A) while
pressing 1st-hold clutch plate B down. Take
Ist-Hold Clutch measurements in at least three places, and use the
average as the actual clearance.
1. Remove the snap ring (A) with a screwdriver (B).
Clearance Between Ist-Hold Clutch Plate B and Top
Standard: 0.6—1.0 mm (0.024—0.039 in)
• If the clearance is out of the standard, replace the
1st clutch assembly.
• If the clearance is within the standard, go to step 4.
2. Remove the 1st clutch end-plate (A), the 1st clutch
discs (B) (5), the 1st clutch wave-plates (C) (5), the disc
spring (D) from the 1st clutch drum (E).
Clutch Clearance Inspection (cont'd)

4. Install the disc spring (A) on 1st-hold clutch plate B in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Clutches
the direction shown. Starting with the 1st clutch
1. Set a dial indicator (A) on the clutch end-plate (B).
wave-plate, alternately install the clutch wave-plates
(C) (5) and the clutch discs (D) (5) in the 1st clutch
drum (E), then install the clutch end-plate (F) with the
flat side toward the top disc.
2. Zero the dial indicator with the clutch end-plate lifted
up to the snap ring (C).
3. Release the clutch end-plate to lower it, then put the
5. Install the snap ring using the screwdriver to secure clutch compressor attachment on the end-plate (A).
the clutch end-plate.

6. Check that the clutch piston moves by applying air

4. Press the clutch compressor attachment down with
pressure into the fluid passage.
150-160 N (15.3-16.3 kgf, 33.7-36.0 Ibf) (B) using a
force gauge, and read the dial indicator (C).
5. The dial indicator reads the clearance (D) between the
clutch end-plate and the top disc (E). Take
measurements in at least three places, and use the
average as the actual clearance.
Clearance Between Clutch End-Plate and Top
1st Clutch: 1.15-1.35 mm (0.0453-0.0531 in)
2nd Clutch: 1.05-1.25 mm (0.0413-0.0492 in)
3rd Clutch: 0.8—1.0 mm (0.031 —0.039 in)
4th Clutch: 0.75-0.95 mm (0.0295-0.0374 In)
5th Clutch: 0.75-0.95 mm (0.0295- 0.0374 i n)
• If the clearance is out of the standard, replace the
clutch assembly.
• If the clearance is within the standard, the clutch is
OK. The inspection is complete.
Transmission Reassembly

Exploded V iew
Bolt Tightening Torque
.6 x 1.0 m m : 12 N-m (1.2 kgf-m , 8.7 Ibf-ft) ATF STRAINER
8 x 1.25 mm: 18 N-m (1.8 kgf-m, 13 ibf-ft)
6 x 1.0 mm,
One Bolt
6 x 1.0 mm,
Seven Bolts

6 x 1.0 mm,
11 B o lts REGULATOR



8 x 1.25 mm.
Three B o lts



8x62 mm
6 x 1.0 mm,
One Bolt
Two Balls
Two Pins
Two Pins

6 x 1.0 mm
Special T ools R equired 4. Install the main valve body (seven 6 mm bolts and
Mainshaft Holder 07GAB-PF50101 three 8 mm bolts). Make sure the ATF pump drive
gear (A) rotates smoothly in the normal operating
NOTE: direction, and the ATF pump driven gear shaft (B)
• Refer to the Exploded View as needed during the moves smoothly in the axial and normal operating
following procedure. direction.
• Apply a light coat of clean ATF on all tubes, O-rings,
and moving parts before reassembly.
1. Make sure that the ATF magnet is cleaned, and
installed in the torque converter housing. Clean and
install the ATF magnet, if necessary.
2. Install the main separator plate and the two dowel
pins on the torque converter housing. Then install the
ATF pump drive gear (A), the driven gear (B), and the
ATF pump driven gear shaft (C). Install the ATF pump
driven gear with its grooved and chamfered side
facing down.

3. Install the torque converter check valve spring and the

valve in the torque converter housing.

Transmission Reassembly (cont'd)

5. if the ATF pump drive gear and the ATF pump driven 17. Install the intermediary shaft (A) into the main valve
gear shaft do not move smoothly, loosen the main body, and install the 26.5 mm washer (B) on the top of
valve body bolts. Realign the ATF pump driven gear the intermediary shaft.
shaft, and retig hten the bolts to the specified torques,
then recheck. Failure to align the ATF pump driven 6x1.0 mm
' 12 N-m (1.2 kgf-m, 9 Ibf-ft)
gear shaft correctly will result in a seized ATF pump
drive gear or ATF pump driven gear shaft.
6. Install the lubrication check valve in the main valve
body, in the direction shown in the exploded view.
7. Install the secondary separator plate and the two
dowel pins on the main valve body, and install the
secondary valve body (one bolt).
8. Install the two check balls in the secondary valve
9. Install the accumulator separator plate and the two
dowel pins on the secondary valve body.
10. Position the detent arm on the accumulator separator
plate, and install the detent arm shaft into the detent
arm through the separator plates to the main valve
11. Install the 8 x 6 2 mm ATF joint pipe in the main valve
body, and install the accumulator body (11 bolts).
12. Install the regulator separator plate and the two dowel 18.4WD: Install the transfer output shaft (C) in the torque
pins on the main valve body. converter housing, and install the thrust shim (D) on
the top of the transfer output shaft.
13. Install the stator shaft with a new O-ring, and install
the regulator valve body (seven bolts). 19. Install the differential assembly (E) in the torque
converter housing.
14. Install the stator shaft stop in the main valve body.
20. Install the oil catch plate (F), and make sure if the
15. Install the ATF strainer with a new O-ring (one bolt).
differential is clear of the oil catch plate.
16. Install the ATF passage pipe (one bolt) in the torque
21. Install the baffle plate (G), and make sure if the
converter housing.
intermediary shaft is clear of the baffle plate.
22. Install the selector control shaft and the park lever link
23. Assemble the mainshaft, the countershaft, and the
secondary shaft.
< & >

24. Install the thrust needle bearing (A) on the secondary 27. Secure the shift fork (A) to the shift fork shaft with the
shaft bearing of the torque converter housing in the lock bolt and a new lock washer (B), then bend the
direction shown. lock tab of the lock washer against the bolt head.
28. Install the park pawl shaft (A), the pawl spring (B), the
park pawl (C), and the park pawl stop (D).

25. Turn the shift fork shaft (B) so the large chamfered
hole is facing the fork bolt hole of the shift fork.
26. Engage the shift fork (C) with the reverse selector on
the countershaft (D), and join the mainshaft (E), the
countershaft, and the secondary shaft (F), then install
them in the torque converter housing while engaging
the shift fork on the shift fork shaft.

Transmission Reassembly (cont'd)

29. Align the control lever pin (A) with the manual valve 31. Install the 8 x 8 5 mm ATF joint pipe (A), the
guide (B). 8 x 151.5 mm ATF joint pipes (B) (two), and the 8 x
40 mm ATF joint pipe (C) in the accumulator body.
30. Hook the detent spring (A) to the detent arm (B).

32. Install the 8 x 57.5 mm ATF joint pipe (A) and the
10x 123 mm ATF joint pipe (B) in the torque converter

33. Install the two dowel pins (A) and a new gasket (B) on 36. While expanding the snap ring of the countershaft
the torque converter housing (C). bearing using snap ring pliers, install the
transmission housing onto the bearing part-way.
Then release snap ring pliers, and push down on the
transmission housing until it bottoms and snap ring
snaps into place in the transmission housing snap
ring groove.
34. Place the transmission housing (D) on the torque
converter housing.
35. Wrap a screwdriver tip with tape to prevent damage
to the reverse idler gear teeth. Engage the reverse
idler gear with the reverse gears by rotating the idler
gear using the screwdriver.
Transmission Reassembly (cont'd)

37. Install the transmission housing mounting bolts (A) 40. Install the mainshaft holder onto the mainshaft.
along with the transmission hanger (B) and the
ground terminal bracket (C), and tighten the bolts in at
least two steps in a crisscross pattern to 44 N-m
(4.5 kgf-m, 32 Ibf-ft).
41. Install a new lock washer (A) with the marked side (B)
up over the mainshaft (C), and apply ATF to surfaces
of the lock washer and the old locknut (D).

10 x 1.25 mm Replace.
44 N-m (4.5 kgf-m, 32 I bf-ft),
21 B o lts

10 x 1.25 mm
B 39 N-m (4.0 kgf-m , 29 Ib f-ft),

42. Install the old locknut, and tighten it to seat the lock
washer to 178 N-m (18.2 kgf-m, 131 Ibf-ft), then
remove the old locknut.

10 x 1.25 mm
44 N-m (4.5 kgf-m, 32 Ibf-ft),
2 0 B o lts

38. Install and tighten the two mounting bolts (D) to

39 N-m (4.0 kgf-m, 29 Ibf-ft). Keep the mounting bolts
free of grease or oil.
39. Install and tighten the 12 x 1.25 mm bolt (E) to 64 N-m
(6.5 kgf-m, 47 Ibf-ft).
43. Install a new locknut (A), and tighten it to 178 N-m 47. Install a new O-ring (E) on the shift solenoid wire
(18.2 kgf-m, 131 Ibf-ft), then stake the locknut into the harness (F).
shaft to a depth (B) of 0.7—1.3 mm (0.028—0.051)
6 x 1.0 mm
using a 3.5 mm punch (C). 12 N-m
YEL ORN (1.2 kgf-m , 9 Ib f-ft)
44. Install the end cover (A) with a new O-ring (B), the
dowel pins (C).

48. Route the shift solenoid wire harness through the

F transmission housing, and install the shift solenoid
49 N-m
wire harness.
49. Connect the shift solenoid valve connectors to the
shift solenoid valves:
• YEL wire connector to shift solenoid valve A.
• RED wire connector to shift solenoid valve B.
• GRN wire connector to shift solenoid valve C.
• ORN wire connector to shift solenoid valve D.
50. Secure the shift solenoid wire harness with the bolt
on the transmission housing.

45. Install the snap ring cap (D) with a new O-ring (E).
46. Apply thread lock sealant to the threads of the sealing
plug (F), and install the sealing plug with a new
sealing washer (G).
Transmission Reassembly (cont'd)

51. Install the solenoid valve cover (A) with the two dowel 53. Place a new gasket (C) on the shift solenoid valve
pins (B) and a new gasket (C), and secure it with the cover, then install the 8 x 102.8 mm ATF pipe (D) and
seven bolts. the 8 x 55.3 mm ATF pipes (E) with the filter end in the
transmission housing.
52. Clean the mounting surface and the fluid passage of
the A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve body 54. Install new O-rings (F) over the ATF feed pipes, and
and the shift solenoid valve cover. install A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valves A
and B.
55. Clean the mounting surface and the fluid passage of
the A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve body
and the transmission housing.
56. Install the 8 x 5 3 mm ATF pipe (A) with the filter end
into its mounting hole (B).
57. Check the height (A) of the 8 x 53 mm ATF pipe (B) 61. With a 6.0 mm wrench, turn the selector control shaft
between the top (C) of the pipe and the A/T clutch fully counterclockwise (viewed from the shaft end) to
pressure control solenoid valve body mounting the P position. Turn the selector control shaft
surface (D). The height is about 7 mm (0.28 in). If the clockwise two clicks to in the N position.
height is over 7 mm (0.28 in), install the pipe securely
until it stops the accumulator body.
62. Set the transmission range switch (A) to the N
58. Instal l a new gasket (A) on the transmission housing. position, by turning the selector control shaft hub (B)
Install the 8 x 3 6 mm ATF pipe (B) with the filter end in of the switch unit it aligns with the N position line (C).
the transmission housing, and install the 8 x 25.2 mm
ATF joint pipe (D).

63. Install the transmission range switch gently over the

selector control shaft (D), and install the bolts loosely.
6 x 1.0 mm
12 N*m
(1.2 kgf-m, 9 Ibf-ft)
59. Install new O-rings (E) over the ATF pipes.
60. Install A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C.
Transmission Reassembly (cont'd)

64. Install a new lock washer (A) over the selector control 67. Install the selector control lever (A), the spring washer
shaft (B) by aligning the indicator tab (C) of the lock (B), a new lock washer (C), and the locknut (D) on the
washer with the N positioning line (D) on the selector control shaft (E). Bend the lock tab of the lock
transmission range switch (E), and install the locknut washer against the locknut.
68. Install a new O-ring (A) on the input shaft (mainshaft)
65. Push the locknut (A) against the transmission housing speed sensor (B), and install the input shaft
to seat the transmission range switch into the selector (mainshaft) speed sensor.
control shaft, and tighten the locknut to 18 N-m
(1.8 kgf-m, 13 Ibf-ft) while holding the selector control
shaft (B) with a 6 mm wrench (C), then bend the lock
tabs (D) against the locknut

6 x 1.0 mm
12 N -m
(1.2 kgfm , 9 Ibf-ft) 69. Install a new O-ring (C) on the output shaft
(countershaft) speed sensor (D), and install the output
66. Tighten the bolt (E) securing the transmission range shaft (countershaft) speed sensor with the sensor
switch to 12 N-m (1.2 kgfm, 9 Ibfft). washer (E).
70. Install the 4th clutch transmission fluid pressure 71. Install transmission fluid pressure switch B (3rd
switch (A) with a new sealing washer (B). Tighten the clutch) with a new sealing washer (A). Tighten the
switch by gripping the metal part, not the plastic part. switch by gripping the metal part, not the plastic part.
20 N-m
B (2.0 kgf-m, 15 Ib f-ft)
72. Install the ATF cooler lines (C) with new sealing
washers (D) and the line bolts (E).
73. Secure the ATF lines with the 6.0 mm bolts (F).
Tighten the bolts to 12 N-m (1.2 kgfm, 9 Ibf-ft).
74. Install the ATF temperature sensor (G) with a new
O-ring (H). Install the harness clamp on the clamp
bracket, and install the connector on the connector
Transmission Reassembly (cont'd)

75. Install transmission fluid pressure switch A (2nd

clutch) with a new sealing washer (B). Tighten the
switch by gripping the metal part, not the plastic part.
20 N-m
(2.0 kgf-m, 15 Ibf-ft)

76. Install the ATF dipstick guide tube (A) with a new
O-ring (B).
Component Location Index

THRUST SHIM , 85 m m
Preload Inspection, page 14-334


Replacement, page 14-332

Replacement, page 14-330
Backlash Inspection, page 14-329
Replacement, page 14-329
Backlash Inspection, page 14-329
Replacement, page 14-330


Replacement, page 14-329
Replacement, page 14-330


Replacement, page 14-329
Replacement, page 14-330 Replacement, page 14-332

Backlash Inspection Differential Carrier, Final Driven Gear,
and Transfer Drive Gear Replacement
NOTE: To prevent damage to the inboard joint, always NOTE: Inspect and adjust the bearing preload whenever
use soft jaws or equivalent materials between the the carrier is replaced.
inboard joint and a bench vise.
1. If necessary, remove the carrier bearings (A) (see
1. Install the driveshaft inboard joint and the page 14-330).
intermediate shaft into the differential assembly.
2. Secure the driveshaft inboard joint (A) in a bench vise
(B) with soft jaws (C).
2. Remove the final driven gear (B) and the transfer drive
gear (C) from the differential carrier (D).
3. Place the intermediate shaft (D) on a V-block (E), then
hold the intermediate shaft using locking pliers (F). NOTE: The final driven gear bolts (E) have left-hand
4. Measure the backlash of the final driven gear (G)
using a dial indicator (H). 3. Replace the differential carrier or the final driven gear.
Standard: 1.4—2.0 m m (0.055—0.079 in) 4. Install the final driven gear on the differential carrier in
• If the backlash is within the standard, go to step 5. the direction shown.
• If the backlash is out of the standard, replace the 5. Install the bolts through the differential carrier to the
differential assembly. transfer drive gear.
5. Remove the driveshaft inboard joint from the bench 6. Tighten the bolts to the specified torque in a
vise. crisscross pattern in at least two steps.
6. Remove the driveshaft and the intermediate shaft 7. If you removed the carrier bearing for the differential
from the differential assembly. carrier replaced, install the carrier bearings (see page
14-330); replace it if it is damaged.
NOTE: Make sure the driveshaft inboard joint and the
inboard boot are not damaged. If any damage is
found, replace the driveshaft inboard joint or the
inboard boot as an assembly.
Differential Carrier and Final Driven Carrier Bearing Replacement
Gear Replacement
NOTE: Inspect and adjust the carrier bearing preload Special Tools Required
whenever the differential carrier is replaced. Installer Attachment, 45 x 55 mm 07MAD-PR90100
1. If necessary, remove the carrier bearings (A) (see NOTE:
page 14-330). • The carrier bearing and the bearing outer race should
be replaced as a set.
• Inspect and adjust the carrier bearing preload
whenever the carrier bearing is replaced.
• Check the carrier bearing for wear and rough rotation.
If the carrier bearing is OK, removal is not necessary.
1. Remove the carrier bearing (A) with a commercially
available bearing puller (B), a bearing separator (C),
and a spacer (D).
2. Remove the final driven gear (B) from the differential
carrier (C).
NOTE: The final driven gear bolts (D) have left-hand
3. Replace the differential carrier or the final driven gear.
4. Install the final driven gear on the differential carrier in
the direction shown.
5. Tighten the bolts to the specified torque in a
crisscross pattern in at least two steps.
6. If you removed the carrier bearing for the differential
carrier replaced, install the carrier bearings (see page
14-330); replace it if it is damaged.
Oil Seal Replacement

2. Install the carrier bearings using the 45 x 55 mm Special Tools Required

installer attachment and a press. . Driver Handle, 15 x 135L 07749-0010000
NOTE: -Oil Seal Driver Attachment 07GAD-PG40100
• Press the carrier bearing on until it bottoms. • Oil Seal Driver Attachment, 58 mm 07JAD-PH80101
• Use the small end of the 45 x 55 mm installer 1. Remove the oil seal from the transmission housing.
attachment to install the carrier bearings.
• Press the carrier bearing on securely so there is no
clearance between the carrier bearing and the
differential carrier.
2. Remove the oil seal from the torque converter
Oil Seal Replacement (cont'd) Carrier Bearing Outer Race
3. Install the oil seal flush with the transmission housing Special Tools Required
using the driver handle and the oil seal driver • Driver Handle, 15 x 135L 07749-0010000
attachment. • Attachment, 83 mm 07HAD-SG00100
• Attachment, 78 x 90 mm 07GAD-SD40101

• Replace the carrier bearing with a new one whenever
the bearing outer race is replaced.
• Do not use shim(s) from the toque converter housing
• Adjust the preload after replacing the bearing and the
outer race.
• Coat all parts with ATF during installation.
1. Remove the bearing outer race (A), the spacer (B), and
the 85 mm thrust shim (C) from the transmission
housing (D) by heating the transmission housing to
about 212 °F (100 °C) using a heat gun (E). Do not heat
the transmission housing more than 212 °F (100 °C).
NOTE: Let the transmission housing cool to room
temperature before installing a new bearing outer
4. Install the oil seal flush with the torque converter
housing using the driver handle and the 58 mm oil
seal driver attachment.
2. Install the 85 mm thrust shim (A), the spacer (B), and 4 . 4WD: Remove the oil catch plate (A), and remove the
the bearing outer race (C) in the transmission housing bearing outer race (B) and the spacer (C) from the
(D). torque converter housing (D).
3. Using the driver handle and the 83 mm attachment,
drive the bearing outer race securely into the
transmission housing so there is no clearance
between the bearing outer race, the spacer, the 85
mm thrust shim, and the transmission housing.

5 .2WD: Remove the baffle plate (A), the oil catch plate
(B), and remove the bearing outer race (C) and the
spacer (D) from the torque converter housing (E).

6. Install the spacer and the bearing outer race in the

torque converter housing.

Carrier Bearing Outer Race Carrier Bearing Preload Inspection
Replacement (cont'd)
7. Drive the bearing outer race securely in the torque Special Tools Required
converter housing using the driver handle and the . Driver Handle, 15 x 135L 07749-0010000
78 x 90 mm attachment. • Attachment, 83 mm 07HAD-SG00100
• Preload Inspection Tool 070AJ-0020101

• If the transmission housing, the torque converter
housing, the differential carrier, the carrier bearing,
the bearing outer race, or the 85 mm thrust shim were
replaced, the carrier bearing preload must be
• Replace the carrier bearing when the bearing outer
race is to be replaced.
• Do not use a shim on the torque converter housing
® Coat all parts with ATF during installation.
1. Remove the bearing outer race (A), the spacer (B), and
the 85 mm thrust shim (C) from the transmission
housing (D) by heating the transmission housing to
about 212 °F (100 °C) using a heat gun (E). Do not heat
8. Install the oil catch plate and the baffle plate (2WD) the transmission housing more than 212 °F (100 °C).
over the bearing outer race in the torque converter
housing. NOTE: Let the transmission housing cool to room
temperature before adjusting the bearing preload.
2. Install the 85 m m thrust s h i m (A) in the transmission 5. Install the differential assembly (A) in the torque
housing (B). If you install a new 85 mm th ru st shim , converter housing (B), and install a new gasket (C)
use the same thickness shim as th e old one. and the two dowel pins (D) on the torque converter
/IG x 1.25 mm
' 44 N m (4.5 kgf-m, 32 Ibf-ft),
4W D; 21 B o lts
2WD: 20 B o lts

12 x 1.25 mm
64 N-m
(6.5 kgf-m, 47 Ibf-ft)
3. Install the spacer (C) and the bearing outer race (D) i n
the transmission housing.
4. Drive the bearing outer race securely in th e
transmission housing using the driver handle and the
83 mm attachment so there is no clearance between
the bearing outer race, the spacer, the 85 mm thrust
shim, and the transmission housing.

6. Install the transmission housing (E), and install the

mounting bolts (4WD: 24 bolts, 2WD: 23 bolts) with
the transmission hanger (F) and the ground terminal
bracket (G), then tighten the bolts to the specified
7. Rotate the differential assembly in both directions to
seat the bearings.
Carrier Bearing Preload Inspection (cont'd)

8. Measure the starting torque of the differential 9. If the starting torque is out of the standard, remove
assembly using the preload inspection tool, a torque the 85 mm thrust shim and select a new 85 mm thrust
wrench (A), and a socket (B). Measure the starting shim from the following table. Install a new 85 mm
torque at normal room temperature in both thrust shim, and recheck. To increase the starting
directions. torque, increase the thickness of the 85 mm thrust
shim. To decrease the starting torque, decrease the
Standard thickness of the 85 mm thrust shim.
New Bearing:
3 .9-5.1 N-m (40—52 kgf-cm, 3 5 -4 5 Ibfin) Changing the 85 mm thrust shim to the next size will
Reused Bearing: increase or decrease the starting torque about 0.5—
3.6—4.8 N-m (3 7 -4 9 kgf-cm, 3 2 -4 3 Ibf in) 0.6 N-m (5—6 kgf-cm, 5—5 Ibfin)

No. Thickness
A 1.350 mm (0.05315 n)
B 1.375 mm (0.05413 n)
C 1.400 mm (0.05512 n)
D 1.425 mm (0.05610 n)
E 1.450 mm (0.05709 n)
F 1.475 mm (0.05807 n)
G 1.500 mm (0.05906 n)
H 1.525 mm (0.06004 n)
I 1.550 mm (0.06102 n)
J 1.575 mm (0.06201 n)
K 1.600 mm (0.06299 n)
L 1.625 mm (0.06398 n)
M 1.650 mm (0.06496 n)
N 1.675 mm (0.06594 n)
0 1.700 mm (0.06693 n)
P 1 725 mm (0.06791 n)
Q 1.750 mm (0.06890 n)
R 1.775 mm (0.06988 n)
S 1.800 mm (0.07087 n)
T 1.825 mm (0.07185 n)
U 1 850 mm (0.07283 n)
V 1.875 mm (0.07382 n)
w 1.900 mm (0.07480 n)
X 1.925 mm (0.07579 n)
Y 1.950 mm (0.07677 n)
z 1.975 mm (0.07776 n)
THRUST SHIM, 85 m m (cont'd)
No. T hickness
AA 2.000 mm (0.07874 in)
AB 2.025 mm (0.07972 in)
AC 2.050 mm (0.08071 in)
AD 2.075 mm (0.08169 in)
AE 2.100 mm (0.08268 in)
AF 2.125 mm (0.08366 in)
AG 2.150 mm (0.08465 in)
AH 2.175 mm (0.08563 in)
Al 2.200 mm (0.08661 in)
AJ 2.225 mm (0.08760 in)
AK 2.250 mm (0.08858 in)
AL 2.275 mm (0.08957 in)
AM 2.300 mm (0.09055 in)
AN 2.325 mm (0.09154 in)
AO 2.350 mm (0.09252 in)
AP 1.250 mm (0.04921 in)
AQ 1.275 mm (0.05020 in)
AR 1.300 mm (0.05118 in)
AS 1.325 mm (0.05217 in)

10. Install a new 85 mm thrust shim, then recheck the

starting torque.
Transfer Output Shaft

Component Location Index
Transfer Output Shaft Bearing Oil Seal Replacement
S pecial T ools R equired Special Tools Required
Driver Handle, 40 mm I.D. 07746-0030T00 . Driver Handle, 15 x 135L 07749-0010000
• Oil Seal Driver Attachment, 65 mm 07JAD-SH3010A
NOTE: Refer to the Exploded View as needed during the
following procedure. 1. Remove the oil seal (A) from the torque converter
1. Remove the transfer output shaft bearing (A) from the
transfer output shaft using a commercially available
puller (B), a bearing separator (C), and a spacer (D).
Place the spacer between the transfer output shaft
and the puller to prevent damaging the transfer
output shaft.
2. Install a new oil seal flush to the torque converter
housing using the driver handle and the 65 mm oil
seal driver attachment.
2. Install the bearing (A) on the transfer output shaft (B)
using the 40 mm I.D. driver handle and a press.
Transfer Output Shaft

Transmission Housing Bearing Replacement

S pecial T ools R equired 3. Drive the bearing until it bottoms out in the housing
• Driver Handle, 15 x 135L 07749-0010000 using the driver handle and the 72 x 75 mm bearing
• Bearing Driver Attachment, 72 x 75 mm 07746-0010600 driver attachment.

1. Remove the transmission housing bearing (A) from

the transmission housing (B) by heating the
transmission housing to about 212 °F (100 °C) using a
heat gun (C). Do not heat the transmission housing
more than 212 °F (100 °C).
2. Install the bearing in the transmission housing in the
direction shown.
Transfer Output Shaft Installation Height Inspection/Adjustment

NOTE: If the transfer output shaft, the transfer output 4. If the measurement is out of the standard, remove the
shaft bearing, the transmission housing bearing, the 28.5 mm thrust shim and measure its thickness.
transmission housing, or the torque converter housing
5. Select and install a new 28.5 mm thrust shim, then
were replaced, adjust the transfer output shaft
recheck the installation height.
installation height with the 28.5 mm thrust shim.
1. Install the transfer output shaft (A) in the torque THRUST SHIM, 28.5 mm
converter housing, and install the 28.5 mm thrust Ng . Thickness
shim (B) on the top of the shaft. If you replace the A 1.82 mm (0.0717 in)
28.5 mm thrust shim with a new one, use the same B 1.84 mm (0.0724 in)
thickness shim as the old one. C 1.86 m m (0.0732 in)
D 1.88 m m (0.0740 in)
Standard: 46.31 -4 6 .3 5 mm {1.8232-1.8248 In)
E 1.90 m m (0.0748 in)
F 1.92 mm (0.0756 in)
G 1.94 mm (0.0764 in)
H 1.96 mm (0.0772 in)
I 1.98 mm (0.0780 in)
J I 2.00 mm (0.0787 in)
K 2.02 m m (0.0795 in)
L ' 14 mm (0.0803 in)
M 2.06 m m (0.0811 in)
N 2 08 mm (0.0819 in)
0 2.10 m m (0.0827 in)
P 2.12 mm (0.0835 in)
Q 2.14 mm (0.0843 in)
R 2.16 mm (0.0850 in)
S 2.18 mm (0.0858 in)
T 2.20 mm (0.0866 in)
U 2.22 mm (0.0874 in)
V 2.24 mm (0.0882 in)
w 2.26 mm (0.0890 in)
X 2.28 m m (0.0898 in)
Y 2.30 mm (0.0906 in)
z 2.32 m m (0.0913 in)
AA 2.34 mm (0.0921 in)

2. Install a new gasket (C) on the torque converter

3. Measure the height (D) of the transfer output shaft
installation between the surface (E) of the gasket and
the top (F) of the 28.5 mm thrust shim in at least three
places. Use the average as the actual height.
Component Location Index
Exploded View


Replacement page 14-355
8 x 1.25 mm
27 N-m
(2.8 kgf m, 20 Ibf ft)



Replacement page 14-351




27 x 1.25 mm ^COMPANION
Transfer Assembly Fluid Replacement

1. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature 5. Remove the filler plug (A) and the sealing washer (B).
(the radiator fan comes on), then turn the engine off.
20 x 1.5 mm
2. Raise the vehicle on a lift, and make sure it is securely
3. Remove the drain plug (A), and drain the transfer fluid
(hypoid gear oil).
2 0 x 1 .5 m m
6. Refill the transfer assembly with the recommended
44 N-m (4.5 kgf-m , 32 Ib f-ft) fluid (hypoid gear oil) through the filler hole (C) until
4. Reinstall the drain plug with a new sealing washer (B). the fluid flows out. Use a SAE 90 viscosity hypoid gear
oil, API classified GL4 or GL5 only.
SAE 90
Transfer Flui d (Hypoid Gear Oil) Capacity:
0.41 L (0.43 US qt) at change
0.45 L (0.48 US qt) at overhaul
7. Install the filler plug with a new sealing washer.
Transfer Assembly Inspection

T ransfer G ear B acklash M e a su re m e n t on V ehicle 7. Install the No. 1 propeller shaft (A) to the transfer
companion flange (B) by aligning the reference mark
1. Raise the vehicle on a lift, and make sure it is
supported securely.
8 x 1.25 mm
2. Move the shift lever to N. 32 N-m (3.3 k g fm , 24 Ibf-ft)
3. Make a reference mark (A) across the No. 1 propeller
shaft (B) and the transfer companion flange (C).
4. Separate the No.1 propeller shaft from the transfer
companion flange.
5. Set a dial indicator (A) on the transfer companion
flange (B); position the dial indicator tip (C) on the
direct extension of the bolt hole center (D).

6. Measure the transfer gear backlash.

Standard: 0.06—0.16 mm (0.0024—0.0063 in)
• If the backlash is out of the standard, replace the
transfer assembly.
• If the backlash is within the standard, and the
inspection is complete, go to step 7.
< ■ &

Total Starling Torque Measurement Fluid Leak Check

NOTE: To prevent damaging the transfer housing, 1. Check for fluid leaks between the mating surfaces of
always use wood blocks or equivalent materials the transfer assembly and the transmission.
between the transfer housing and the bench vise. • If there is a leak, remove the transfer cover, then
replace the transfer cover oil seal and the O-ring
1. Remove the transfer assembly (see page 14-346).
(see page 14-355).
2. Secure the transfer housing (A) in a bench vise (B)
2. Check for fluid leaks between the transfer companion
with soft jaws.
flange and the transfer oil seal.
• If there is a leak, replace the transfer oil seal and
O-ring (see page 14-351). Do not replace the oil seal
with the transfer assembly on the transmission.
3. Rotate the transfer companion flange several times to
seat the tapered roller bearings.
4. Measure the total starting torque at the companion
flange (G) using a torque wrench (D) and a socket (E).
Standard: 2.38—4.01 N-m (24.3—40.9 kgf-cm, 21.1 —
35.5 i b f i n)
• If the total starting torque is out of the standard,
replace the transfer assembly.
• If the total starting torque is within the standard, go
to step 5.
5. Install the transfer assembly (see page 14-347).
Transfer Assembly Removal

1. Raise the vehicle on a lift, and make sure it is 7. Disconnect the breather hose (A) from the breather
supported securely. pipe (B) on the transfer assembly.
2. Move the shift lever to N.
3. Remove the drain plug (A), and drain the automatic
transmission fluid (ATF).

1 8 x 1 .5 m m
8. Make a reference mark (A) across the No. 1 propeller
4. Reinstall the drain plug with a new sealing washer (B). shaft (B) and the transfer companion flange (C), then
remove the bolts (D). Separate the No. 1 propeller
5. Remove the self-locking nuts (B). shaft from the transfer companion flange.

6. Remove exhaust pipe A and the gasket (C).

< & >

Transfer Assembly Installation

9. Remove the transfer assembly (A) and the dowel pin 1. Install the transfer breather hose bracket (A) on the
(B) from the transmission. transfer assembly.
2. Clean the areas where the transfer assembly contacts
the transmission with solvent, and dry with
compressed air. Then apply ATF to the contact area.
3. Install the 14x 20 mm dowel pin (A) in the
transmission, and install the transfer assembly (B) on
the transmission.

10. Remove the transfer breather hose bracket from the

transfer assembly.

Transfer Assembly Installation (cont'd)

4. Install the No. 1 propeller shaft (A) to the transfer 6. Install exhaust pipe A with the new self-locking nuts
companion flange (B) by aligning the reference mark and new gaskets (B) (C) (see page 9-12).
8 x 1 .2 5 mm
32.N-m (3.3 k g fm , 24 Ibf-ft)
Repl ace.
5. Connect the transfer breather hose (A) over the
breather pipe (B) with the dot mark (C) facing the rear
of the vehicle, then install the hose on the clamp (D) at
the dot mark (E).
(3.4 k g fm , 24 ib fft)

7. Refill the transfer assembly with transfer fluid (hypoid

gear oil), if necessary (see step 6 on page 14-343).
8. Move the shift lever to P.
9. Refill the transmission with ATF (see step 6 on page
Transfer Breather Hose Replacement

1. Disconnectthe transfer breather hose (A) from the 4. Disconnect the transfer breather hose (A) from the
transfer breather box (B). breather pipe (B) on the transfer assembly.
2. Remove the transfer breather hose from its clamp.

5. Connect the transfer breather hose over the breather

pipe with the dot mark (C) facing the rear of the
vehicle, then install the hose on the clamp (D) at the
dot mark (E).
6. Lower the vehicle.

3. Raise the vehicle on a lift, and make sure it is

supported securely.

Transfer Breather Hose Replacement (cont'd)

7. Connect the transfer breather hose (A) to the transfer 9. Check that the transfer breather hose (A) is properly
breather box (B). installed on the breather pipe on both sides.
NOTE: Make sure to install the transfer breather hose
with the dot marks as shown.
8. Install the transfer breather hose (A) on its clamp (B)
with the dot mark (C) facing the left of the vehicle.
Transfer Breather Box Replacement Transfer Oil Seal Replacement

1. Remove the transfer breather hose (A) from the Special T ools Required
transfer breather box (B). • Oil Seal Driver Attachment, 64 x 72 mm
• Holder, Companion 07PAB-002G000
• Driver Handle, 15 x 135L 07749-0010000

• To prevent damage to the transfer housing, always
use soft jaws or equivalent materials between the
transfer housing and a bench vise.
• Refer to the Exploded View as needed during the
following procedure.
1. Remove the transfer assembly (see page 14-346).
2. Drain the transfer fluid (hypoid gear oil) from the
transfer housing (see page 14-343).
3. Remove the transfer cover (A) from the transfer
housing (B).

2. Remove the transfer breather from its bracket (C).

3. Replace the transfer breather box, then install the
transfer breather box on the bracket.
4. Connect the transfer breather hose to the pipe (D) of
the transfer breather box.

4. Remove the transfer hypoid drive gear/shaft

assembly (C).
5. Remove the O-ring (D) from the transfer cover.

Transfer Oil Seal Replacement (cont'd)

6. Using a chisel, cut the lock tab (A) on the locknut (B). 10. Remove the locknut (A), the conical spring washer (B),
the back-up ring (C), the O-ring (D), and the
companion flange (E) from the transfer output shaft
(hypoid gear) (F).
7. Secure the transfer housing (A) in a bench vise (B)
with soft jaws. 11. Remove the transfer output shaft (hypoid gear) (A)
from the transfer housing (B), then remove the thrust
washers (C) and the transfer spacer (D) from the
transfer output shaft (hypoid gear).

8 x 1.25 mm
32 N-m (3.3 .kgf-m, 24 Ibf-ft)

8. Install the companion holder on the companion

flange, then loosen the locknut
9. Remove the companion holder.
12. Remove the oil seal (A) from the transfer housing. 14. Install a thrust washers (A) and a new transfer spacer
(B) on the transfer output shaft (hypoid gear) (C), and
install them in the transfer housing (D).
Repl ace.
13. Install the oil seal in the transfer housing using the
driver handle and the 64 x 72 mm oil seal driver
attachment. 15. Coat the threads of the locknut and transfer output
shaft (hypoid gear) with transfer fluid (hypoid gear
16. Install the companion flange (A). Coat a new O-ring
(B) with transfer fluid (hypoid gear oil), then install the
O-ring, the back-up ring (C), a new conical spring
washer (D), and a new locknut (E) on the transfer
output shaft (hypoid gear) (F). Install the conical
spring washer in the direction shown.
Transfer Oil Seal Replacement (cont'd)

17. Secure the transfer housing (A) in the bench vise (B) 21. Stake the locknut into the shaft to a depth (A) of at
with soft jaws. least 0.7 mm (0.028 in) using a 3.5 mm punch (B). Be
careful not to make a crack on the locknut when
07PAB-0020000 staking.
8 x 1.25 mm
32 N-m (3.3 kgf-m, 24 Ibf-ft)

18. Install the companion holder on the companion

19. Tighten the locknut while measuring the starting
torque of the transfer output shaft (hypoid gear) so
the starting torque is within 0.90—1.38 N-m
(9.2-14.1 kgf-cm, 8.0-12 .2 Ibf in).
Tightening Torque:
132.4-294.0 N-m
(13.50-29.98 kgf-m, 97.6-216.8 Ibf-ft)
Starting Torque:
0 .90-1.38 N-m
(9.2-14.1 kgf-cm, 8 .0-12 .2 lbf-in)
• Rotate the companion flange several times to seat
the tapered roller bearings, then measure the
starting torque.
• If the starting torque exceeds 1.38 N-m (14.1 kgf-cm,
12.2 lbf-in), replace the transfer spacer and
reassemble the parts. Do not adjust the torque with
the locknut loose.
• If the tightening torque exceeds 294.0 N-m
(29.98 kgf-m, 216.8 Ibf-ft), replace the transfer
spacer and reassemble the parts.
20. Remove the flange holder.
Transfer Cover Oil Seal
22. I nstall the transfer hypoid drive gear/shaft assembly Special Tools Required
(A) in the transfer housing (B). • Oil Seal Driver Attachment, 65 mm 07JAD-SH3010A
• Driver Handle, 15 x 135L 07749-0010000

1. Remove the transfer assembly (see page 14-346).

2. Remove the transfer cover (A) from the transfer
housing (B), then remove the O-ring (C) from the
transfer cover.
23. Install a new O-ring (C) on the transfer cover (D), then
install the transfer cover on the transfer housing.
3. Remove the oil seal (A) from the transfer cover.
24. Check the total starting torque (see page 14-345).
25. Install the transfer assembly (see page 14-347).
26. Refill the transfer fluid (hypoid gear oil) (see step 6 on
page 14-343).
27. Check the transfer gear backlash (see page 14-344).

Transfer Cover Oil Seal Replacement (cont'd)

4. Install the oil seal (A) in the transfer cover (B) to a

height (C) of 0 —1 mm (0—0.04 in) above the transfer
cover surface using the driver handle and the 65 mm
oil seal driver attachment.

5. Install a new O-ring (A) on the transfer cover (B), then
install the transfer cover on the transfer housing (C).

6. Install the transfer assembly (see page 14-347).

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