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Note Vocabulary & Use Of English Module 11: Nutrition

+ intake: amount sb constumes

+ culinary: to do with food and cooking
+ feast: large meal
+ mouth – watering: looking delicious
+ polish off: eat all of sth
+ square meal: meal which makes you feel satisfied
+ intolerance: negative physical reaction to a certain type of food
+ substitutes: replacement
+ wean: start feeding a baby solid food gradually
+ purse/ mashed up: crush food
+ on offer: available
+ in season >< out of season
+ divine: connected to God = extremely delicious
+ tobe in spolited for choice: having so many things to choose
+ in a real quandary
+ indulge in: let yourself enjoy sth you like
+ deservedly: about/ over
+ seize: grab/ take
+ closeness: sự thân thiết // closure: act of closing
+ quench your thirst: stop being thirsty by drinking water
+ whet your appetite: make sb what to eat/ have more
+ fed: feel s bad feeling, cause
+ heat: round
+ stir: move
+ eat up: finish // eat one’s word: câm nín
+ splash sth over/ across sth/sb
+ pre`servative: chất bảo quản
+ conservative: bảo thủ
+ legible >< illegible
+ eligible: suitable
+ unlike: different from
+ cough up: pay for sth unwillingly
+ sponge off: try to get money from sb without paying back
+ liquidate: sell sth for some cash
+ go under: go bankrupt
+ slice of the market
+ stay afloat: survive
+ down the drain: công sức đổ sông đổ bể
+ trade in: give sth you have already used as a payment of sth new
+ make up: account for // account for: explain
+ pour out >< bottle up
+ dry up: have nothing to say, have no idea

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