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Conteste a TODAS las preguntas de tipo test ÚNICAMENTE en la hoja de lectura óptica.
Entregue ÚNICAMENTE la hoja de lectura óptica y LA HOJA con la composición escrita (writing)
No olvide escribir sus datos personales en AMBAS HOJAS. 
El examen escrito se califica sobre un total de 100 puntos. La parte de opción múltiple vale 50
puntos y la parte de redacción vale 50 puntos. Para aprobar el examen se ha de conseguir un
mínimo de 30 puntos en la opción múltiple y obtener un mínimo de 25 puntos en las redacciones.
Hay que aprobar ambas partes. Las respuestas incorrectas NO restan puntos.
NO use lápiz, sólo bolígrafo azul o negro


NOMBRE Y APELLIDOS: _______________________________________________________

DNI: _______________________-_____ NÚMERO DE TELÉFONO: _____________________
CENTRO ASOCIADO:__________________________________________________________

PART 1: READING (two exercises)

EXERCISE A: Read the following text and answer the multiple choice questions.

“Wonderful weather, masses of interesting things to see and do, and superb comfort.” That
was what I told the travel agent when she asked what kind of holiday I was looking for. “How about
a Mediterranean cruise?” she said. And that’s how I found myself, two months later, aboard the
cruise ship Venus.
From the moment I set foot on the ship, I felt satisfied. The public areas were quite luxurious with
their elegant furnishings and wood-panelled walls. They reminded me of some of the scenes from
the film Titanic, and I half expected Leonardo de Caprio to appear at any moment. My own cabin
was the last word in luxury.
On the first day, I explored the ship to get my bearings and to find out about on-board entertainment
activities. I made a mental note of which ones to go for, and what to avoid. Most of the young
people seemed to be hanging around the gym and virtual-reality centre. I visited both briefly, but
quickly went back on deck. No way was I going back to England after this cruise without a tan that
would be the envy of my friends! I spent hours basking beside the swimming pool, taking an
occasional dip in the water for exercise, or briefly joining one of the aerobics sessions. I strolled
around the decks, stopping from time to time to lean on the rail and gaze out to sea.
And while I enjoyed solitary moments on the upper deck, don’t think for a minute that taking a cruise
by myself implied that I remained alone. Though men appeared to be in the minority, there were
plenty of singles on board and no lack of company. In fact, I made several casual acquaintances
and formed friendships with a couple of fascinating fellow passengers of both sexes, with whom I've
kept in touch.
Some of the more experienced cruise passengers I met told me that cruise ships are famed for the
quality of their cuisine, and the Venus was no exception. I sampled everything the chef had to offer.
My favourites were the English afternoon teas with dainty sandwiches, fresh pastries and hot
buttered scones. I can still hear the waitress, silver teapot in hand, asking, ‘Would you prefer milk or
lemon, madam?’
There was a dazzling variety of evening activities. In my 10 days on board I ‘only’ managed two
concerts, a Las Vegas-style cabaret, a magic show, a lecture on wines, a disco, and a 60s night of
NOMBRE Y APELLIDOS: _______________________________________________________

singing and dancing.

But the crowning glory of the cruise was undoubtedly the tours. The short stops we made at
historic ports of call satisfied my craving for travel and perfectly suited my temperament.
Other holidays that I’ve had were fun. Some were more restful, most considerably cheaper than a
cruise, but none were in any way comparable. It’s going to take a year of scrimping and saving to
pay off the cruise on the Venus but, for my idea of heaven, it was worth it.

In "FCE Practice Tests Photocopiable © Burlington Books".

Choose the right option according to the text:

1     Why did the writer book a holiday on the Venus?

           A     She had always dreamed of going on a cruise.
           B     It was the only cruise with places still available.
           C     It was the result of a suggestion made to her.
           D     She had been thinking about it for quite a long time.

2   From her first impressions of the cruise ship, the writer felt that the ship owners
           A     had had the vessel redecorated.
           B     had ordered an exact replica of another ship.
           C     understood the importance of atmosphere.
           D     were constantly looking for new staff.

3   The writer uses the phrase ‘no lack of company’ to show that she
           A     was used to being on her own.
           B     found lots of people to mix with.
           C     enjoyed meeting only the male passengers.
           D     preferred no company.

4   Why did the writer go to the swimming pool a lot?

A She loves all forms of sport and exercise.
B She met shipboard friends there.
C She prefers swimming to gymnastics.
D She wanted to lie in the sun.

5   According to the writer, the ticket for the cruise

            A     cost less than other holidays abroad.
            B     was unreasonably expensive.
            C     cost more than the writer had expected.
            D     has not yet been fully paid for.
6   Which statement most closely expresses the writer’s conclusions about her trip?
            A    The travel agent understood what I was looking for.
            B     I could have done with more shipboard activities and less sightseeing.
            C     It was not at all what I expected of a cruise.
            D     Many of the activities were unsuitable for older people.
NOMBRE Y APELLIDOS: _______________________________________________________

Text 2:

Read the text below and choose the correct word to fill in the gaps from the ones provided

Sophie still faced the way they had come, with her back to the other girls. She hooked the earpieces
of the glasses over her ears so that the lenses were under her chin. She knew (7) … … she only
wanted to put them on because she had been told not to, but at the same time she couldn´t believe
that looking (8) … … them for a short period of time could damage her big blue eyes.
She knew she had a mirror with her. She thought she would like to put the glasses on and (9) … …
take a quick look at herself, all wise and important in the owlish lenses. So she made an effort and
put the glasses (10) … … slowly and properly.

To her surprise everything was crystal clear, nothing blurred as she had expected it to. She
continued to look at the village surroundings and she saw it as clearly as before. The only
difference (11) … … that all round the edge of her vision the silver frames shone in the sun. She
was going about to ask the other two how she looked, but when she turned she saw that something
was moving towards (12) … … along the track from the farm.

Adapted from Cambridge Practice tests

7. a. where b. who c. when d. that

8. a. across b. through c. at d. for

9. a. before b. after c. then d. therefore

10. a. in b. at c. on d. down

11. a. is b. has been c. will be d. was

12. a. her b. she c. me d. they

PART 2: USE OF ENGLISH. Choose the right option.

13. “Who … … ? … … to get through to Mike”

a. do you phone/I try b. do you phone/I´m trying c. are you phoning/I´m trying
d. are you phoning/I try
NOMBRE Y APELLIDOS: _______________________________________________________

14. Your father … … me the other day that you are thinking of emigrating to the south.
a. told b. is telling c. tell d. will tell

15. After the operation you … … any activity for a while

a.- aren´t doing b. don´t do c. won´t to do d. won´t be doing

16. The sisters … … an interview at the retail center because they’d worked there before.
a. didn´t have to have b. needn´t have had c. didn´t need to have
d. both a and c are correct

17. ... … that we have to leave the apartment building

a.- They have inform us b. It has been informed c. It has been informed us
d. We have been informed

18. … … to do in San Diego besides going to the beach?

a.- What there are b. What is there c. What are there d. What there is

19. Reported Speech: Marge: "I hadn't travelled by underground before I came to London"
a.- She said she hadn't travelled by underground before she came to London
b.- She said I hadn´t travelled by underground before I came to London
c.- She said she travelled by underground before she came to London
d.- She said she would have travelled by underground before she came to London.

20. Reported Speech: Eider: “I was sleeping here when the burglar broke into my flat yesterday”
a. Eider said she had been sleeping here when the burglar broke into her flat the day before.
b. Eider said she had been sleeping there when the burglar broke into my flat yesterday
c. Eider said she had slept there when the burglar broke into her flat the day before.
d. Eider said she had been sleeping there when the burglar broke into her flat the day before.

21. The restaurant hasn´t got … … left.

a.- a bread b. any bread c. some bread d. b and c are correct.

22. That´s the guy … … I met at the warehouse, I think he still works there.
a.- no relative clause needed b. which c. what d. whom

23. The staff couldn’t decide … … it was worth re-sitting the exam
a. if b. whether or not c. whether d. all of them are correct

24. We … … the wrong bus if Martin … … the police officer

a. would not have taken/had asked b. would not have/hadn´t asked
c. would have taken/had asked d. a and c are correct.

25. Passive voice: They could have kicked the protester out of the auditorium
a. The protester could have been kicked out of the auditorium
b. They could have kicked him out of the auditorium
c. The protester has been kicked out of the auditorium
d. The protester could be kicked out of the auditorium
NOMBRE Y APELLIDOS: _______________________________________________________

PART 3: WRITING. (two exercises)

A: You have recently been abroad with an old friend for a few days. You hadn't seen each other for
a long time. Write an informal e-mail to him/her and refer to something enjoyable that you did
while staying with him/her. Invite your friend to visit you. 120 to 150 words.

B: Choose ONE of the following topics and write a well-structured essay of about
120 to 150 words. You must use grammatically correct sentences with accurate spelling.

OPTION 1: Young people are not as healthy as they were fifty years ago. Discuss.

OPTION 2: Are we too dependent on computers? Discuss.

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