Habibie's Factor Formula

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Supposedly in the morning Habibie had to go to a far away place to visit.

After work,
he studied at night for his lecture. futhermore, Mrs. Hasri Ainun Habibie had to queue at a
public washing place to wash clothes to saved the family. From this marriage Habibie and
Ainun were blessed with two children named Ilham Akbar and Thareq Kemal.

Habibie's Factor Formula

What's interesting about BJ Habibie's inspiring story is the discovery of a formula for
calculating cracks or crack propagation on random to the atom by Habibie.
To appreciate his intelligence and his contribution, the equation was given the Habibie
Factor. Not only that, he was also dubbed as Mr. Crack by aviation specialists. In 1967, he
received the title of Honorary Professor or Professor at ITB (Bandung Institute of
Not only that BJ Habibie also got the highest degree at ITB, Ganesha Praja Manggala.
With all the intelligence he had, he got a lot of recognition from international class
institutions such as
Gesselschaft fuer Luft und Raumfahrt (German aviation institute), The Royal
Aeronautical Society London from England, The Academie Nationale de l'Air et de l'Espace
from Francis, The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences from Sweden and last
from The US Academy of Engineering in the United States.
In addition to awards from many overseas Institutions, Habibie also received several
prestigious awards namely the Edward Warner Award and the von Karman Award where the
award is almost equivalent to the Nobel Prize. In addition, Habibie also won the prestigious
Theodore van Karman Award in Germany.

Habibie's return to Indonesia

After studying for 10 years in Germany, Habibie returned to Indonesia to fulfill a call
from the President of Indonesia, at that time he was President Soeharto. In Indonesia, Habibie
was appointed as Minister of Research and Technology / Head of BPPT for 20 years. Not
only that, he also led the SOE Strategic Industries company for 10 years.
In 1995 he succeeded in leading the aircraft manufacturing project which was named
the N250 Gatot Kaca. The aircraft is the first aircraft made in Indonesia.
The aircraft that was designed by Habibie for 5 years was the only aircraft in the world
to use Fly By Wire technology. With this technology, the aircraft was able to fly without
excessive shocks. You could say the technology is the leading and sophisticated technology
at that time.
When the Gatot Glass N250 aircraft reaches its heyday and is one step away from
getting certified by the Federal Aviation Administration. President Soeharto at that time
stopped the industry of PT. IPTN for reasons of monetary crisis.
In his day, PT. IPTN has built factories in Europe and also America, but it is
unfortunate that it must be stopped and forced as many as 16,000 employees have to find
work abroad.
Appointment of Habibie Becomes President

After the closing of PT. IPTN, BJ Habibie who at that time was still serving as Minister
of Research and Technology was appointed as Vice President to accompany President
Soeharto on March 14, 1998.
After several months serving as vice president, political turmoil in Indonesia heats up.
President Suharto, who has served for decades, was asked to step down by the Indonesian
people. After reaching its peak, President Soeharto resigned on 21 May 1998.
The resignation of President Soeharto from his position at that time then automatically
Vice President BJ Habibie was appointed as the new President. But not long after taking
office BJ Habibie was forced to resign after the general assembly of the MPR in 1999. That
was due to the release of East Timor from the territory of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia
Although only 1.5 years he served as President of the Republic of Indonesia, Habibie
still tried to restore the condition of the country. Some of the decisions he took at that time
were the birth of the Law on Regional Autonomy. Then he gave the people freedom to aspire
so that Indonesia could create new political parties.
In addition, the Indonesian currency can be reduced from 15 thousand rupiah per dollar
to just under 10 thousand. He was also able to liquidate the banks that were problematic at
that time. After stepping down from his post as President, BJ Habibie became an ordinary
citizen and resettled in Germany.
After reading BJ Habibie's biography, are you still hesitant to work? Every young man
can make Indonesia proud by working on the national or international scene. Hopefully this
BJ Habibie Biography article will be useful for all of us.

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