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Stetson University Department of Education Daily Lesson Plan

Name: Courtney Pindjak Date: 3-3-20 Tuesday

UNIT Day 2 Time: 12:50-1:20pm

Big Idea/Topic: U.S. Symbols Grade/ Subject

CPALMS/ Resource link
Lesson Structure: Whole Group
Standards: (CCSS/NGSSS)
SS.K.A.2.5 Recognize the importance of U.S. symbols.

Instructional outcomes/objectives(s): (Clear objectives written in the form of student learning)

TSW apply what they watched in the video to participate in a reenactment.
TSW demonstrate knowledge of our national anthem by standing the proper way.
Language Objective(s): (Must include language skill/domain and function, may contain grammar, where appropriate)
Key Vocabulary (academic/content-defined in kid friendly terms) Instructional
Francis Scott Key- Wrote our national anthem (include hyperlinks to videos & websites)
National Anthem- a country’s song
Star Spangled Banner- our national anthem Cover page to their booklet 21
Cotton balls

H.O.T.S. Graphic Organizer/Thinking Map:

Bloom’s Taxonomy nizers/

Who is Francis Scott Key?

What is a National Anthem?
Why do you think Francis Scott Key wrote the National Anthem? N/A

Lesson Portions: Pacing ESOL Support

 How will you introduce the lesson, assess or activate For each level EL at each instructional step.
prior knowledge, motivate students to learn? (Add additional rows with Tab)
 How will the lesson develop or proceed? What steps will
you follow? What are the students expected to do?
 Highlight differentiated strategies.
 Underline higher order/high quality questions in lesson.
Introduction/Building Background: (Link to Prior Knowledge)

When students are finished with their snack, have them begin 5 min
coloring and writing their name on their cover of the unit’s little coloring
Tell students that this week we will be learning about different
American symbols.
Instructional Steps:

Begin by playing our national anthem. 10 min Listening to the song and standing the proper way.
Show students the proper way to stand when this song is playing.

Play this video which describes to the students what had happened
in order to create the song.
Rev. Spring 2019
Stetson University Department of Education Daily Lesson Plan

Watching the video’s visuals

Act it out:
Split the class into two: one side being the British and the other 10 min
side being Americans. Tell students that the British was attacking
the Americans with bombs, so have students throw cotton balls at Acting out the scene
the other side. Once the bombing stops, have a student (who is
Francis Scott Key) pretend like he is writing in a journal our
national anthem. Have the Americans act like they are raising up
their flag.

Have students go back to their seats and finish coloring their first
page to their booklet.

Closures Pacing ESOL Support

Content: 1 min N/A

Procedural: I would like ___ to grab the stack of folders and

give them to me. Release students by names on folders.

ESE Accommodations
(content, product, process, environment)
Assessment of Student Learning: (congruent with instructional objectives)  Listen to the national anthem
 Act out the scene where Francis Scott
Objective 1: TSW act out the scene from the video. Key wrote our national anthem

Objective 2: TSW say our national anthem.

Post Lesson Analysis

Lesson Adjustment: (How are you re-teaching objectives for mastery based on formative assessment? Include evidence.)

*My CT did not agree on telling the students about the bombs, so I took that part out of my lesson. I showed them the video
and then had them act it out by fighting instead of ‘throwing bombs’. The students were able to understand what happened in
the creating of our national anthem by being able to act it out. Students could not really grasp the deeper thinking that went
along with this but I helped push them by asking them, how do you think the Americans felt when they were hiding in their
homes with nothing to fight back with while the British were throwing cotton balls at you? This helped them understand the
deeper thinking- they were scared, had no idea they were coming, no preparation, etc.

Reflection on Teaching: (Analyze and evaluate your lesson and class management.)

*Students absolutely loved throwing the cotton balls at each other in battle. However, they did get out of hand a couple times
where we almost had to stop reenacting. I could tell that they were just starting to throw them at eachother and were not
thinking about what happened in the past so I wrapped it up for some discussion about why we were reenacting and how we
thought both sides felt. This helped the students connect the acting out with what really happened.

Rev. Spring 2019

Stetson University Department of Education Daily Lesson Plan

Rev. Spring 2019

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