Group Interventions For The Prevention of Injuries in Young Children: A Systematic Review

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Group interventions for the prevention of injuries in young

children: a systematic review
B Bruce, P McGrath
Injury Prevention 2005;11:143–147. doi: 10.1136/ip.2004.007971

Objective: This systematic review examined group based injury prevention interventions that targeted
young children to determine the effectiveness of such strategies in enhancing children’s safety behaviors.
Methods: A comprehensive (manual and electronic) search of the literature was performed using the
following study selection criteria: (1) intervention engaged children under the age of 6 years; (2) included
a control group; (3) used a group intervention approach; (4) study written in English language; (5)
addressed unintentional injuries; and (6) outcomes included injuries, knowledge, or safety behaviors. Data
abstraction was performed independently by two researchers using a standardized approach.
Results: Nine studies met the criteria that included safety interventions of road crossing (4), car restraint
See end of article for (2), spinal cord safety (1), poison safety (1), and 911/stranger danger/street crossing (1). The types of
authors’ affiliations interventions included videos, interactive activities, cartoons, stories, puppets, singing, coloring, games,
simulation games, demonstrations, modeling/role playing, and rehearsal practice using seat belts,
Correspondence to: models, and real street crossing. The intensity and duration of interventions varied substantially and only
Ms B Bruce, IWK Health two studies randomly assigned participants. The review revealed a positive effect (knowledge, behaviour,
Centre, 5850 University
Avenue, PO Box 9700, and/or attitude) for five of the studies, three had mixed effect, and one reported no effect.
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Conclusions: Although no clear conclusions can be drawn from the limited number of studies of diverse
Canada, B3K 6R8; beth. design and rigor, researchers should attempt to minimize shortcomings occurring in community based
research. Engaging community partners including teachers and parents who influence relationships and
Accepted 22 January 2005 outcomes could provide opportunity for more rigorous, comprehensive, and integrated approach to
....................... longitudinal research that could identify key factors of successful strategies.

hildhood injury remains among the leading causes for provided interventions in a systematic manner to a group of
childhood morbidity and mortality.1 2 Such injuries children, primarily in classroom or day care settings.
result in significant human and societal costs, with Interventions could include a broad range of strategies such
both short and long term consequences ranging from as skills training, interactive games, activities, modeling and
interruptions in school/sports activities to significant cogni- rehearsal, written material, and videos, but not a community
tive and behavior disorders, depression, and deterioration of component. Interventions that focused on children but may
family functioning, physical morbidity, and sometimes have also incorporated parents as secondary targets were
death.3–7 However, researchers have long advocated that as included. Individual interventions were not included as they
much as 90% of injuries could be prevented through are typically delivered under different circumstances, usually
coordinated and effective education, engineering, legislation, in a healthcare setting where parents are the primary target
and enforcement strategies.7 8 population (for reviews see DiGuiseppi & Roberts).2


CHILDREN Inclusion criteria
There has continued to be much debate about the effect of Studies were included in the systematic review if they met
injury prevention strategies targeted directly towards chil- the following criteria: (1) the intervention engaged children
dren, in particular, preschool age children. Some argue that under the age of 6 years; (2) included a control group; (3)
children in this age group do not possess the cognitive ability used a group intervention approach; (4) were written in
and attention to permit the integration of injury prevention English; (5) addressed unintentional injuries, and (6)
messages into their repertoire of skills.11 However, other outcome measures included injuries, knowledge, or safety
researchers advocate that taking advantage of early inter- behaviors. The decision to include all experimental studies
vention may provide a foundation for long term application whether randomized or not was due to the nature of group
of safety behavior in preventing injuries.12–14 level interventions that most often occur in natural settings
Systematic reviews have made it possible to formally and where it is often difficult to systematically assign participants
comprehensively assess the quality of studies and draw randomly. Only studies with control groups were included in
significant conclusions that permit further advances in the an effort to minimize bias. Only published English studies
area of inquiry. Systematic reviews not only provide were included due to the limitations of the researcher to
comprehensive and objective evidence to guide practice, access translation services. No studies of intentional injuries
often resolving controversies, but they can also direct future (violence, bullying, and abuse) were included as strategies
research efforts.9 10 The intent of this systematic review is to are often unique to this safety issue and may not be
explore group based injury prevention interventions that appropriate for unintentional injuries. Knowledge, safety
targeted young children (under age 6 years) to determine the
effectiveness of such strategies in enhancing children’s safety Abbreviations: CINAHL, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health
behaviors. Group level interventions refer to strategies that Literature.
144 Bruce, McGrath

Table 1 Study demographics

Author (year), country Study population Interventions Outcome measures
Chang (1995), US Preschool age Car restraint Pre and post % car restraint behavior
14 schools 2 week intensive classroom activities Random knowledge interview (25% experimental
Intervention (402) Children—film, flannel board, singing group)
Control (427) Parents—workshop, home activities, written 2–3 weeks post intervention
Renaud (1989), Canada 5 year olds Pedestrian skills 1. Attitude—perception of risk
4 schools 3 hour sessions 2. Behavior—pictures and questions
Intervention (102) 1. Attitude simulation-role play 3. Behavior observations
Control (34) 2. Behavior simulation—model training 10 days post intervention
3. Attitude-behavior simulation—role play,
modeling, training
Bowman (1987), Australia Preschool age Car restraint Restraint observation
30 schools 2 week intervention 1 week post intervention
Intervention (231) Education—cartoons, songs, seat belt practice
Control (221)
Rothengatter (1984), Preschool age Street crossing skills Traffic knowledge
Netherlands All schools in community 3 week intervention Street crossing behavior
Intervention (parent trainers) 4615 minute session 1 week post intervention
(21) Model, practice, reinforcement
(Assistant trainers) (28)
Control (73)
Luria (2000), US17 5 year olds Stranger danger, calling 911 (North American Knowledge test
10 schools emergency number), street crossing 6 month post intervention
Intervention (90) One hour session
Control (91) Lecture, practice, games, songs, coloring
Richards (1991), US13 Preschool age Spinal cord injuries Knowledge test
3 schools Several sessions over 3 months Self reported seat belt use
Intervention (72) Rehearsal, practice, interaction, reinforcement 1 week post intervention
Control (36)
Thomson (1992), UK 5 year olds Street crossing Behavior observation
Random selection 6630 minutes over 3 weeks 1 week post intervention
Intervention (20) Model practice 2 months post intervention
Control (10) Road side training
Liller (1998), US14 5–6 year olds Poison safety Knowledge interview
6 schools 40 minute session 1–2 weeks post intervention
Intervention (84) Interactive—songs, puppets, stories
Control (71) Parents—home activities, written information
Thomson (1998), UK16 5 year olds Street crossing Behavior observation
3 schools 6630 minute sessions 1 week post intervention
Intervention (30) 3 weeks 40 days post intervention
Controls (30) Road side training
Model practice

behaviours, and injury events were included although Data extraction

knowledge and safety behaviors are known to be the Two researchers independently extracted the data after full
outcomes predominantly measured in these types of studies.9 articles were screened for inclusion. Data detailing study
design, participants, and types of injury and interventions
Identification of studies were documented (see table 1). Any disagreements were
The search strategy used an electronic search of several resolved by consensus. Quality assessments were not
databases including The Cochrane Library, CINAHL conducted due to the diverse study designs and the lack of
(Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health randomized control groups. Descriptive analysis was chosen
Literature), PUBMED, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, rather than meta-analysis as the data findings and statistical
Dissertation Abstracts, and PsycINFO for the years 1980– analysis reported for outcome measures varied considerably,
2002 in an effort to enhance comparability between study making the combining of results inappropriate. Primary
designs. Search strategy included terms ‘‘child’’, ‘‘risk outcome measures were compared for differences between
taking’’, ‘‘education’’, ‘‘evaluation’’, ‘‘prevention and con- pre and post intervention between the control and interven-
trol’’, ‘‘safety’’, and ‘‘injury prevention’’. In addition, biblio- tion groups. Variability in study findings was examined with
graphies of published studies and reviews were searched respect to study design and intervention characteristics.
for relevant studies that met the inclusion criteria. A review
of additional websites included; http://depts.washington. RESULTS
edu/hiprc/childinjury,, www.the- The areas of safety interventions included four road cross-, and ing,15 16 18 20 two car restraint,12 19 one spinal cord safety,13 one
websites.htm. Abstracts from the 6th World Conferences on poison safety,14 and one combination of 911 (North American
Injury Prevention and Control were also reviewed. Authors of emergency number)/stranger danger/street crossing.17 The
relevant studies and reviews were contacted as well as types of interventions included videos, interactive activities,
recognized experts in the field of childhood injury prevention cartoons, stories, puppets, singing, coloring, games, simula-
research. After screening titles and abstracts, 307 studies tion games, demonstrations, modeling/role playing and
were identified as potentially eligible for inclusion. rehearsal practice using seat belts, and model and real street
Potentially appropriate articles were further reviewed to crossing. The parent directed activities included workshops,
determine if they met the inclusion criteria, yielding nine home activities, and written information. In addition to the
studies for full review. variety of interventions delivered, the duration of delivery
Group interventions for the prevention of injuries in young children 145

Table 2 Study descriptions

Author (year), country Intervention group Control group Weaknesses Strengths
Chang (1995), US Behavior Behavior 1. Blind observation not reported 1. Matched for baseline seat belt use,
Pre: 21.9% Pre: 22.1% 2. No randomization schools size, education philosophy
Post: 44.3% Post: 23.8% 3. No report intensity/dose 2. Minimum essential program
p,0.001 p = NS 4. Random knowledge pre and post—? activities
Knowledge Knowledge not Same children 3. Control group received intervention
Seat belt (4/4), p,0.02 tested post testing
Car seat (1/4), p,0.001
Practice (2/4), p,0.001
Renaud (1989), Canada18 Three intervention groups 1. Attitude and behavior tested 1. Children randomly assigned
(attitude, behavior, attitude/ immediately following session 2. Trained observer
behavior) v control 2. Blind observation not reported 3. Measure validated
Attitude mean difference 3. Post test only 4. Control for gender and school in
1. 0.60* analysis
2. 0.72*
3. 0.52*
Behavior mean difference
1. 0.33
2. 20.57
3. 0.94*
Observation mean difference
1. 0.83
2. 2.48
3. 2.22
Bowman (1987), Australia12 Pre: 60.6% Pre: 59.9% 1. Intensity/dose not reported 1. Schools randomized
Post: 75.0% Post: 60.3% 2. Pre/post observation? Same children 2. Trained observer
p,0.009 p = 0.93 3. Interrater reliability
4. Matched for baseline
5. Intervention materials provided
Rothengatter (1984), Knowledge (parent trainer) Knowledge 27.33– 1. Intensity/dose not reported 1. Program pilot tested
Netherlands20 26.80–28.71 29.32 2. No randomization 2. Trained interventionist
(Assistant trainer) 27.65– 3. Observation tool not reported 3. Minimum dose
31.82 4. Blind observation not reported 4. Control group received intervention
5. No group statistical test differences post testing
Luria (2000), US17 Crossing street m = 1.90, Crossing street 1. Community instructors—training not 1. Schools randomized
p = 0.29 m = 1.40, p = 0.29 reported
Calling 911 m = 4.15, Calling 911 2. Blind observation not reported
p = 0.41 m = 3.66, p = 0.41 3. Newly developed instrument—not
Stranger danger m = 1.33, Stranger danger tested
p = 0.57 m = 1.65, p = 0.57 4. Intensity/dose not reported
Richards (1991), US13 Knowledge m = 2.58, Knowledge 1. Blind observation not reported 1. Program pilot tested
p,0.05 m = 1.28, p,0.05 2. Intensity not reported 2. Instrument tested
Seat belt use 60–75%, NS Seat belt use 60– 3. Self report by preschoolers 3. Teachers trained
75%, NS
Thomson (1992), UK15 Demonstration Demonstration 1. Children randomly selected but no 1. Trained interventionist
Pre: 14% Pre: 4% report of random assignment 2. Observation assessment—interrater
Post: 37% Post: 12% reliability
t = 2.41, p,0.05 Post 2: 12% 3. Randomly selected
Post 2: 37% Road behavior 4. Control for gender
t = 2.83, p,0.05 Pre: 4% 5. Consistent intervention—dose
Road behavior Post: 12% monitored
Pre: 10% Post 2: 12%
Post: 35%
t = 2.17, p,0.05
Post 2: 34%
t = 2.36, p,0.05
Liller (1998), US14 Knowledge OR 2.2–144.5, 1. Post test only 1. Teachers prepared
p,0.05 2. School sited selected by School Board 2. Instrument pilot tested
3. No randomization
4. Blind observation not reported
Thomson (1998), UK Road skill Road skill 1. Matched sample for gender, school
Pre: 15% Pre: 16% 2. Trained parent volunteers
Post: 43% Post: 13% 3. Intervention previously tested
t = 24.95, 4. Interrater reliability established
p = 0.001 5. Blind observation reported
Post 2 Post 2 6. Consistency of dose monitored
Pre: 15% Pre: 16%
Post: 35% Post: 16%
t = 24.11, p = 0.001


varied substantially from a minimum of one 40 minute old). All studies had a control group. The majority of school
session to two weeks’ intensive classroom instruction of sites were chosen based on the cooperation of the school
unspecified session duration. board/community resource agencies or the school/teacher
The participants ranged in age from 3–6 years of age. Eight willingness to follow protocol and the suitability of school
studies engaged preschool students (3–5 years old) and one environments for intervention. Some study sites were
study14 was conducted with kindergarten children (5–6 years selected for their location, in high risk neighbourhoods or
146 Bruce, McGrath

in different socioeconomic communities. The number of DISCUSSION

children participating in each study was broad, ranging from This review suggests that group interventions could enhance
30 to 829 children. Several studies either matched for gender children’s safety behaviors during early childhood. The
and socioeconomic status or controlled for these potential studies were all conducted with children aged 3–6 years
confounding factors in the analysis phase. The interventions from a diversity of neighbourhoods and socioeconomic
occurred in classroom groups in all nine studies with teachers backgrounds. Although the diversity of samples makes
delivering the intervention in four studies,12–14 19 trained comparison of studies difficult it strengthens the external
parent/volunteer in three,16 17 20 the researcher in one,15 and validity of the consistent effect of the interventions in
unknown in one study.18 Most studies provided interventions different populations. In addition, regardless of the safety
to the entire class with only two studies using small groups of issue addressed, positive results were demonstrated providing
five15 and three.16 Table 1 includes descriptions of each study’s evidence that children may respond to such strategies. The
population, intervention, and outcome measures. rigor of the study designs were similar in that they all
Four studies reported random selection, two by school12 17 included a control group and all but two conducted baseline
and two by student.15 18 Measurement data were collected by testing for comparison. The weakness of the interventions
teachers for the most part, and in two studies by the was in the lack of control over the intensity and duration of
researchers themselves.15 16 Only one study reported blinded the intervention, and preparation of the interventionist. None
observations.16 Outcome measurement occurred anywhere included an adequate measure of fidelity of the intervention.
from immediately following the intervention to six months It is difficult to conclusively analyze the findings without this
after intervention. Overall, the review revealed a positive level of rigor that could significantly contribute to differences
effect for five of the studies;12 14–16 19 three had mixed in outcomes. In addition, no study attempted to measure
effects13 18 20 and one reported no effect.17 Of those studies rates of injuries, so it remains unclear whether such
demonstrating an effect, differences in behaviour,12 15 16 19 interventions have the potential to actually alter injury rates
attitude,18 and knowledge14 18 20 were reported. No studies among children. Furthermore, the potential for long term
measured changes in injuries. impact, particularly in relation to injury rates cannot be
Table 2 includes descriptions of the intervention and determined, as no study included a long term follow up.
control groups and the strengths and weaknesses of each Future efforts should focus on developing collaborative
study. research teams that include community partners such as
teachers and parents using studies of enhanced rigor. Such
Potential bias initiatives could strengthen opportunities to conduct long
Many of the schools were chosen based on convenience and term studies that measure key factors linked to injuries such
willingness of the school to permit research activities to take as parental involvement, teacher awareness and prevention
place, whereas other schools were chosen for their represen- strategies, school and community attributes, child behaviors,
tativeness of different geographic areas and socioeconomic peer relationships, and supervision. Such efforts may yield
demography. Although attempts to select schools represen- more accurate evidence of associations and lead to develop-
tative of the population are useful, the convenience sampling ment and measurement of causal relationships.
was one of practicality and consideration must be given to The elements of the successful programs included group
the potential for bias when convenience samples are used. sessions that incorporated multiple interactive learning
Cluster randomization is often considered to be the gold tools12 14–16 19 including group activities and rehearsal oppor-
standard in these types of studies but can be difficult to tunities. Typically, the leaders were well trained and could be
achieve and complex to implement in community settings.21 teachers, parents, or volunteers. The optimal dose is not clear
Only two of the studies used cluster randomization.12 17 and requires further assessment. Furthermore, it is not
Although most studies indicated that considerable effort obvious whether engaging parents as reinforcement has any
had been made to ensure the individual responsible for the significant effect. Practice appears key to positive outcomes in
delivery of the intervention was well prepared before that children need to be exposed to opportunities to develop
initiation of the intervention, some studies were vague about problem solving skills rather than content specific knowledge
preparation17 18 and monitoring for consistency of program alone.15 16 20 Equally important is the interactive component
delivery. In fact, most studies reported that the delivery rather than the traditional didactic approach to increasing
varied depending on the individual. Despite the reported children’s knowledge of safety behavior.13–16 18–20 A compre-
attempt to establish a minimum expectation, investigators hensive approach that integrates such learning approaches
did not report on the comprehensiveness of delivery beyond into curriculum in the early years may be worthy of further
the minimum nor did they monitor for fidelity of interven- research.
tion that ranged from one 40 minute session to two weeks of Regardless of the safety topic that was addressed, the
intense learning opportunities. Furthermore, some studies majority of studies demonstrated some positive effects. This
actively engaged parents whereas others did not report on the suggests that potential exists to positively influence the
level of parental involvement. In other respects, the follow up development of safety behaviors among young children using
measurement varied considerably from immediately follow- group interventions. The challenge remains as to whether
ing the intervention to six months after intervention. Clearly these behaviors are transferable and can be incorporated into
the intensity and duration of intervention follow up and a child’s repertoire of decision making skills about injury
preparation of the interventionist may influence the outcome risks. This could create the potential to influence the rate of
assessment.21 Outcomes were usually measured using obser- injuries.
vation techniques or knowledge tests based on the interven- Future research needs to standardize intervention strate-
tion content. Most assessments were primarily developed for gies in a variety of situations to better assess the ability of
the specific study and were not rigorously tested. Although such interventions to impact on children’s safety behaviors
observation is a useful strategy, it was not clear in the and ultimately on the risk of injury. Although the challenges
majority of the studies whether the observers were blind to are numerous and often discouraging in community settings,
the group assignment of the children. Lack of blinding could it remains important to establish scientific rigor through the
bias reporting. More generally, potential for publication bias random allocation of children or groups of children to
must be considered given that only studies published in treatment and control groups. Studies that incorporate
English since 1980 were included in this review. established data collection tools, blind observation, and long
Group interventions for the prevention of injuries in young children 147

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following pediatric traumatic brain injury: prevalence, predictors and
effects. correlates. J Pediatr Psychol 2003;28:251–63.
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children, parents and families. Crit Care Nurs Clin North Am
N A collaborative researcher and community partner 2000;12:227–35.
7 Rivara FP. Prevention of injuries to children and adolescents. Inj Prev
team approach is needed.
2002;8(suppl IV):iv5–iv8.
8 Rivara FP, Grossman DC. Prevention of traumatic deaths to children in the
United Stated: how far have we come and where do we need to go? Pediatrics
term follow up would be useful to further our understanding. 9 Klassen TP, Jadad AR, Moher D. Guides for reading and interpreting
It would be valuable to explore whether outcome assess- systematic reviews: I. Getting started. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med
ments are responsive to dose intensity, duration, or parental 10 Egger M, Davey Smith G, O’Rourke K. Rationale, potentials, and promise of
participation. If such strategies can be proved to be effective, systematic reviews. In: Egger M, Davey Smith G, Altman DG, eds. Systematic
it may be possible through early intervention to influence the reviews in health care. Meta-analysis in context. Vermont: BMJ Books,
development of more effective risk taking strategies for 11 Tabibi Z, Pferrer K. Choosing a safe place to cross the road: the relationship
young children. Developing partnerships between researchers between attention and identification of safe and dangerous road-crossing
and education and community agencies could provide for sites. Child Health Care Dev 2003;29:237–44.
12 Bowman JA, Sanson-Fisher RW, Webb GR. Interventions in preschools to
future collaborative opportunities and help researchers to increase the use of safety restraints by preschool children. Pediatrics
conduct more rigorous, long term studies. 1987;79:103–9.
13 Richards J, Hendricks C. Prevention of spinal cord injury: an elementary
education approach. J Pediatr Psychol 1991;16:595–609.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 14 Liller K, Craig J, Cranem N, McDermott R. Evaluation of poison prevention
We thank Laura McPhee for her assistance in data retrieval and lesson for kindergarten and third grade students. Inj Prev 1998;4:218–21.
assessment. Dr McGrath was supported by a Canada Research Chair. 15 Thomson J, Ampofo-Boateng K, Pitcairn T, et al. Behavourial group training of
children to find safe routes to cross the road. Br J Educ Psychol
..................... 1992;62:173–83.
16 Thomson J, Ampofo-Boateng K, Lee D, et al. The effectiveness of parents in
Authors’ affiliations promoting the development of road crossing skills in young children. Br J Educ
B Bruce, Dalhousie University, Faculty of Graduate Studies, IWK Health Psychol 1998;68:475–91.
Centre, Canada 17 Luria J, Smith G, Chapman J. An evaluation of a safety education program for
P McGrath, Dalhousie University, Department of Psychology, IWK kindergarten and elementary school children. Arch Pediatr Adoles Med
Health Centre, Canada 18 Renaud L, Suissa S. Evaluation of the efficacy of simulation games in traffic
safety education of kindergarten children. Am J Pub Health 1989;79:307–9.
19 Chang A, Dillman A, Leonard E, et al. Teaching car passenger safety to
REFERENCES preschool children. Pediatrics 1985;76:425–8.
1 Canadian Institute of Child Health. In: The health of Canada’s children, 3rd 20 Rothengatter T. A behavioural approach to improving traffic behavior of
edn. Ottawa: Canadian Institute of Child Health, 2000. young children. Ergonomics 1984;27:147–60.
2 DiGuiseppi C, Roberts IG. Individual-level injury prevention strategies in the 21 Dannenberg AJ, Fowler CJ. Evaluation of interventions to prevent injuries: an
clinical setting. Future Child 2000;10:53–82. overview. Inj Prev 1998;4:141–7.

LACUNAE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
US child restraint use in 2004

nfants and toddlers in America continue to be restrained at high use levels when riding in
motor vehicles, while use among children aged 4–7 has declined. This result is from the
National Occupant Protection Use Survey (NOPUS), which provides the only probability
based observed data on child restraint use in the US. The NOPUS is conducted by the
National Center for Statistics and Analysis in the National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration (NHTSA). Specifically, 98% of infants and 93% of children aged 1–3
observed in passenger vehicles stopped at a stop sign or stoplight in 2004 were restrained in
some type of restraint, whether a rear or front facing safety seat, a booster seat, or a safety
belt. In contrast, only 73% of children ages 4–7 were restrained, down from 83% two years
ago. Drivers who restrain themselves continue to be more likely to restrain their child
passengers. In 2004, 86% of 0–7 year old children driven by belted drivers were restrained,
compared with 50% of children with unbelted drivers. This suggests that getting adults to
buckle up may also result in more restrained children. For detailed analyses of the data in
this publication, as well as additional data and information on the survey design and
analysis procedures, see Child restraint use in 2004 – analysis, available at

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