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Leriza Averilla.

3rd year BSED


Final requirement in Teaching of Speaking

Make a narrative essay on how you are going to execute your plan.

First I will greet them and do the prayer. I will ask them to
pick up the pieces of paper under the chair oaround them before
going to their proper seat as part of my everyday routine activities.
Then for the motivation part ,I will let my students read the words
on the board. I will let them read and pronounce the word with
proper stressing. I will emphasize the words with different stress on
different syllables that convey a different meaning. I will Direct
students’ attention to the visuals of the “mouth” posted on the
board, emphasize that the mouth is used in verbal communication
directing the use of proper word stress on communication. And for
the proper lesson part under my presentation ,I will present the
lesson through the posted words on the board. I will then divert
students to the question, “Are they the same words?” and “Do they
have the same meaning?” .I will Direct students on how to
syllabicate a word. For the discussion part I will discuss the Rules in
Word Stress and provide example for stress drills, I will then asked
to give their examples of each rule. For the application part if they
really understand the lesson ,I will group them now into 2 groups. I
will facilitate (group activity) the next word stress drill activity
“BESS - STRESSED AKO” , they need to classify words given to
each group, giving emphasis on the syllable that receive the
strongest stress, or the primary stress and they should be able to
classify the words based on the given rule. Then Presentation and
recitation of words/outputs will follows.

For the generalization part ,I will call students and they need to.
cite the significance of proper word stress in their daily communication
with others. I will Call a student to recite and answer questions raised.
For the evaluation part they need to identify the stress on the flashed
words on the PowerPoint presentation. They need to identify the
stress on each word. Lastly for the assignment part they need to Write
at least 5 examples of each rule of stressing.

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