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Cinderella : Ella si cerobong Queen : Ratu

King : Raja
Evil Stepmother : Ibu tiri yang kejam
Prince : Pangeran
Ugly Stepsister 1 : Saudari tiri jahat 1
Herald 1 : Utusan 1
Ugly Stepsister 2 : Saudari tiri jahat 2
Herald 2 : Utusan 2
Fairy Godmother :Ibu peri baik hati
Narrator : Narator

Istilah ”The Ball” : Acara Perjamuan yang disertai dansa (tarian balet)

Scene#1 (5 people)

Narrator : It’s 7 a.m. and Cinderella’s family has just woken up. They are in the
sitting room.

Evil Stepmother : (berhenti dan memandang sekeliling) CINDERELLA!!

Cinderella : Yes, Stepmother?

Evil Stepmother : Come here and make us breakfast! And bring me my makeup while
you’re at it!

Cinderella : Yes, Stepmother. (Cinderella pergi untuk mengambil sarapan)

Ugly Sister#2 : Good morning, Mum. Where is my breakfast? I’m hungry.

Ugly Sister#1 : Have you heard about the big ball the King is throwing to find Prince
Charming a wife? Everyone will be there!

Ugly Sister#2 : Can we go, Mum, please, can we?

Evil Stepmother : Of course we are going to the ball. My daughters are the most
beautiful girls in the land.

Ugly Sister#1 : I hope he picks me to be the princess.

Ugly Sister#2 : No, I hope he picks me!

Cinderella : (To stepmother) here’s your breakfast. (To sister#1) here’s your
breakfast. (To sister#2) Here is your breakfast. (Pauses, in a sheepish
tone) May I go to the ball too?

Ugly Sister#1 : You?

Evil Stepmother : (Tertawa) Of course you may go, Cinderella, IF you finish all your
duty, and IF you help your sister get ready, and IF you can find some
beautiful clothes to wear! (Cinderella mendesah, meletakkan nampan
di depan the sisters dan pergi)

Ugly Sister#2 : No, he’ll be amazed by my beautiful hair!

Evil stepmother : Don’t be silly; the prince is known for liking older woman like me!

Ugly Sister#1 and #2: Mom!!!!

Scene#2 (6 people)

Narrator : Cinderella’s stepmother and ugly stepsisters are getting dressed for
the ball.

Evil Stepmother : Where is my dress?!

Ugly Sister#1 : And my shoes?

Ugly Sister#2 : And my purse?

Evil Stepmother : (marah pada Cinderella) Why can’t you find anything when I ask?

Cinderella : Your dress is there, stepmother (menunjuk). Your dresses are here.
(memberikan baju kepada mereka)

Evil Stepmother : Be careful, dear. Don’t spoil them with your dirty hands. But where
are our fans?

Cinderella : Oh, I can give you the fans, too. (berbalik, mengambilkannya, and
memberikan kepada the sisters)

Ugly Sister#1 : First, you must mend my socks. (memberi kaos kaki pada Cinderella)

Cinderella : Oh, yes, right away. (meninggalkan ruang)

Ugly sister#1 : Oh, mum, be quick!

Evil Stepmother : Ok, let’s go!! (senang) Bye, Cinderella! Don’t forget to sweep the

Narrator : Cinderella picks up the broom, but begins crying to herself.

Cinderella : I wish I could go to the ball!

Fairy Godmother : Sh-! (Cinderella memandang) What was that you just said?

Cinderella : (takut dan terkejut) who are you?!

Fairy Godmother : I’m your fairy godmother! Now, what was that I heard you say?
Cinderella : (masih sedikit menangis) Ju..just that I wanted to go to the ball.

Fairy Godmother : Is that all? I can manage that.

Narrator : The Fairy Godmother waves her wand. Cinderella looks at herself and
sees she is wearing a beautiful dress.

Fairy Godmother : (tersenyum) Goodbye, have a good time.

Cinderella : But I can’t go to the ball barefoot!

Fairy Godmother : That’s right! (mengayunkan tongkatnya lagi) There you are, beautiful
glass slippers! Remember that you need to be home by midnight or
the magic will stop working!

Narrator : Cinderella leaves for the ball in a beautiful car. But she has to
remember not to stay too late or the car will turn back into pumpkin.


Narrator : At the ball, the Queen and the King invite everyone to enjoy
themselves. Everyone begins dancing and having a good time.

Queen : The ball is on, please dance and play!

(para pasangan mulai menari)

Narrator : Suddenly, Cinderella appears and the music stops.

Queen (to the King) : Who is that girl?

King : She is so nice and smart…

Prince : may I dance with you? Let’s start…

Narrator : The music begins again and everyone is dancing. Then they hear the
clock strike 12. (Dong, dong, dong, 12x…)

Cinderella : It’s midnight and I have to run. Good-bye. I really had a great fun!

Prince : I will miss you! I hope we will meet again.

Narrator : As she is running, she loses one of her shoes. The prince goes, picks it
up, and looks at it. He decides to keep it so that he can find this
beautiful woman again later.

Scene#4 (7 people)
Narrator : The next day, Cinderella’s ugly sisters and stepmother are talking.
Cinderella is sitting to the side.

Ugly Sister#1 : A beautiful lady was at the ball. We really don’t know her at all.

Ugly Sister#2 : (melamun dan berharap) The prince wants to mary her.

Evil Stepmother : Stop! (sambil mendengar) Do you hear those men? The King’s

Narrator : Two heralds (messengers) enter the room.

Herald#1 : Please, try on this glass shoe.

Herald#2 : (melihat pada antrean panjang) we know you were at the ball.

Ugly Sister#1 : (mencoba sepatu) It’s too small.

Ugly sister#2 : (mencoba sepatu) It’s too small for me, too.

Herald#1 : What about you? (menunjuk Cinderella)

Evil stepmother : But she didn’t go to the ball. She is Cinderella and that is all!

Cinderella : I want to try it on, Mum.

Narrator : Cinderella tries on the shoe and everyone sees that it fits perfectly.
They are very surprised.

Ugly Sister#1 : How could you have been the beautiful woman at the ball?

Ugly Sister#2 : How could you even have gone to the ball?

Stepmother : What was happened? The king was supposed to choose one of you! I
am ruined!

Herald#1 : The Prince is waiting for you as you know.

Herald#2 : Be quick, let’s go!

Cinderella : I am so happy today. I forgive all of you. Good-bye!

Narrator : Cinderella and the prince lived happily ever after. She forgot about
her ugly sisters and evil stepmother and lived forever in the castle.

The end

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