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 Drygunnerz Sequence
o rival planet of drygunnerz: kureen
o The story will continue to the distant future!
o Drygunnerz and Kureeniks war (maybe)...?
o Going between dimensions..?
 federation of AI planets
 Benevolent AI became benevolent dictator and tells its memoir on
managing a planetary nation
o The AI is managing a resource-based economy.
 Vashkirx Sequence First Draft
o First Contact with translucent biped. Intentions unknown until end of
story: They are planning a Benevolent Alien Invasion
 The alien implements “werewolf cycle”: disguise as human at
day, become translucent being again at night
o After the alien left, the alien race began to offer a number of people
to make a worldwide underground rebellion movement. This
movement's membership increased drastically; membership
includes both humans and aliens
o With alien tech this human-alien movement begins to plan a
worldwide revolution
o The revolution succeeded particularly in “strongholds of capital”
o The new order is a symbiosis between humans and aliens.
o Later Terra joined the greater interstellar federation
 The current Vashkirx Sequence
o Human aliens genetic engineering in Terra's past
o Left with a representative Emperor
o Returns after millennia, invasion
o Benevolent dictatorship uplifts Terrans
 Confederation of Independent Civilizations, or just: “the Confed”
 A community in a place which popular consensus on alien invasion is
"good" accepted aliens taking over its government--the aliens really
boosted their economy, exporting their politics and tech, etc, to it.
Equality between the races were inevitable!
o Later the same alien race tried to "invade" another place, which
popular consensus on alien invasion is "bad". Many of the place's
dwellers were ready for an invasion (the aliens wanted them to
disarm when they saw the weapons, they are a peaceful race!) but
the dwellers still attacked the aliens. A war was inevitable...
 Plus-K: Addressing Kantian ethics
 A story/novel completely written in code. YES, CODE.
o It’s written by a civilization that speaks in CODE.
 Annals of the Vashkirx: The solarpunk stories of the kind, benevolent alien
species that invaded Terra...
 The Jetpackerz: The nickname of the police force of the Interstellar Co-
Prosperity Sphere, wearing a super advanced spacesuit (for some, can be
interpreted as a “diver suit”) of either gray, blue or white colour (based on
rank), a futuristic helmet (think: 2008 DTESS Gort's face) and, as the name
implies, a jetpack (actually a mini-Alcubierre drive antigravitic backpack
engine) which current day inhabitants would call a right wing death squad

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