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Y Sede Antonio Nariño
Nit. 801003931-1 - Registro DANE 163001000353
Resolución Reconocimiento Institucional No. 1469 de Mayo 14 de 2013
Resolución de ampliación de estudios N°. 3968 - noviembre 24 de 2014
Resolución de Reconocimiento Jornada Única N° 1333 - abril 27 de 2015


TEACHER’S NAME: Isabel Cristina Pinto WHATSAPP CONTACT: 3104589505 GRADE: 10A-B


1. Look at the example, then write 5 classroom expressions created by you:

Example: May I go to the bathroom please?
a. Could you repeat the song again please?
b. Could you go out and drink water please?
c. Could someone lend me a pen please?
d. Could someone lend me the notes from the last class please?
e. Could a teacher go out and buy something to eat please?

2. Identify what is the biggest problem at your school?

School flood due to heavy rains

3. Write a paragraph talking about this school problem. Describe the problem, give 1 or 2 examples and
write 1 possible solution you can give to this problem.

The school problem is the flooding of classrooms due to heavy rains and inadequate drainage
systems, since in this year various situations have arisen where important school hours have been
lost due to water, However, not only does this happen, since when the rain stops we must remove the
water and clean the classrooms to watch classes, a solution that could be proposed would be two,
one in the short term and another in the long term due to monetary factors, the first would be to place
deeper cinnamon and with good alignment for a good water flow and to keep them clean, since this
has been done in the long term, a project to expand the drains and clean them could be carried out,
and if it is the case, make more drainage areas in the sectors where it floods the most

4. Look at the adjectives in the following table, look for their meaning in the dictionary, and write an X
identifying if the adjective is positive or negative.


Annoying Molesto X
Busy Ocupado X
Friendly Simpático X
Boring Aburrido X
Active Activo X
Nice agradable X
Generous Generoso X
Mean Media X
Interesting Interesante X
Fun Divertido x
Y Sede Antonio Nariño
Nit. 801003931-1 - Registro DANE 163001000353
Resolución Reconocimiento Institucional No. 1469 de Mayo 14 de 2013
Resolución de ampliación de estudios N°. 3968 - noviembre 24 de 2014
Resolución de Reconocimiento Jornada Única N° 1333 - abril 27 de 2015

5. Complete the sentences with the adjectives in exercise number 4.

a. Jenny is a really interesting person. She knows so much about everything.

b. Brandy is really active. She never has any free time!
c. The Community First meeting will be boring. Everyone wants to go.
d. Some of my lessons are really boring and I can’t concentrate
I don’t like Laura- she’s really annoying to me and says horrible things.

6. Read the text and answer the following questions:

Every day people changing the world

Thulani Madondo started an educational programme to help children living in the slums of Kliptown,
South Africa. When Thulani left primary school, his father told him that he didn’t have enough money
for his high school fees. Thulani washed cars and carried boxes to earn his own money to pay to go to
school. The Kliptown Youth Program helps other young people in Kliptown to get an education and
improve their lives. It gives them uniforms, books and money for their school fees.

a. Look at the dictionary for the meaning of the underlined words:

- Children: Niños o niñas - Fees: Tarifa

- Slums: Tugurios - Earn: Gana
- Enough: Suficiente - Improve: Mejora

b. Where does Thulani live?

He lives in Kliptown, South Africa

c. Why did Thulani decide to help people?

Because an experience from his childhood where he worked hard to be in school since his father
did not have the money, and he decided to help low-income youth to have a basic education with
help in different factors.

d. How the Kliptown Youth Program does help People?

The Kliptown Youth Program helps other young people in Kliptown to get an education and
improve their lives. It gives them uniforms, books and money for their school fees.

7. Read the dialogue between Sara and Alex and answer the questions:

Sara: Hi Alex. I need to talk to you about the family who live next door.
Alex: Why? What’s up with them?
Sara: I think they are living in poverty.
Alex: Really? How do you know?
Sara: Sometimes the younger children go outside without shoes. Also, they often come to our house
and ask my parents if we have any food.
Y Sede Antonio Nariño
Nit. 801003931-1 - Registro DANE 163001000353
Resolución Reconocimiento Institucional No. 1469 de Mayo 14 de 2013
Resolución de ampliación de estudios N°. 3968 - noviembre 24 de 2014
Resolución de Reconocimiento Jornada Única N° 1333 - abril 27 de 2015

Alex: That’s awful.

Sara: What should I do?
Alex: Well, you can’t solve the problem alone. Why don’t you find out if there’s an organization that
helps people who are living in poverty?
Sara: That’s a good idea.
Alex: Also, this is just a small thing, but you could take food to them, if they’re hungry.
Sara: Another good idea. Thanks, Alex.
a. What is the problem?

Monetary problems observed by Sara in her neighbors.

b. What are the solutions given by Alex?

He gave him the idea of looking for a social organization in charge of problems like these, and he
also proposed to bring them some food to help them


TEACHER’S NAME: Isabel Cristina Pinto WHATSAPP CONTACT: 3104589505 GRADE: 10A-B


Read the explanation and examples of Zero conditional and answer the questions:

El zero conditional es un tipo de condicional que se utiliza para expresar una relación de causa-
efecto en hechos que siempre son verdaderos (hechos científicos, hechos particulares, etc.) o para
dar instrucciones.


- If my dog sees the postman, he barks.

- You get orange if you mix red and yellow.
Hechos verdaderos: leyes
- If I eat peanuts, I get ill.
científicas, verdades generales.
- If you don't put sun cream on, you get burnt.
- If I eat peanuts, I get ill Or Water boils if it reaches 100ºC.

- If it rains, don't go to the playground.

- Don't open the door if someone knocks.
Dar instrucciones
- If you feel sick, go to the doctor.
- If you get a virus, call the IT specialist.

Solo en este condicional podemos sustituir if  por when sin alterar el sentido de la frase.

If you heat ice, it melts. When you heat ice, it melts.
Si calientas hielo, se derrite. Cuando  calientas hielo, se derrite.
Taken from
Y Sede Antonio Nariño
Nit. 801003931-1 - Registro DANE 163001000353
Resolución Reconocimiento Institucional No. 1469 de Mayo 14 de 2013
Resolución de ampliación de estudios N°. 3968 - noviembre 24 de 2014
Resolución de Reconocimiento Jornada Única N° 1333 - abril 27 de 2015

1. Write 5 sentences with Zero conditional about the school:

a. If I break the classroom rules, they will catch my attention

b. If I break many rules of the regulation, I will be suspended
c. If I don't do the assignments in class, I will get a bad grade
d. If I am absent from class without justification, I am placed wrong
e. If I arrive after 7:05 am, they won't let me into the first class

2. Write 5 sentences with Zero conditional about your house:

a. If I don't help with the housework, they won't let me go out with my boyfriend on weekends
b. If I disrespect my mom, she would punish me
c. If I don't follow the entry times, they will punish me with more housework
d. If I mess up my room, my mom scolds me
e. If I'm late home, they leave me outside

3. Write 5 sentences with Zero conditional about taking care of the planet:

a. If we save water in every home, we could reduce the number of waters used up unnecessarily
b. If we make more people in the world aware of recycling, it could contribute to the use of recycled
c. If we carry out a plan with the management of toxic gases, a high percentage of air free of
contaminants would be restored
d. If people separate their waste correctly, it would contribute to better recycling management.
e. If the major pioneers of the majority of pollution on the planet carried out an environmental plan
aimed at carrying out their functions without damaging the planet, it would have a favorable
environmental impact.

4. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box:

- Cry -Are -Eat -Get

-Don’t eat -Get -Are -Touch
-Get -Mix -Die -Bite

a. If people eat too much, they are fat.

b. If you get a fire, you are burned.
c. People die if they don't eat
d. You get water if you mix hydrogen and oxygen.
e. Snakes bite if they get scared.
f. If babies get hungry, they cry
Y Sede Antonio Nariño
Nit. 801003931-1 - Registro DANE 163001000353
Resolución Reconocimiento Institucional No. 1469 de Mayo 14 de 2013
Resolución de ampliación de estudios N°. 3968 - noviembre 24 de 2014
Resolución de Reconocimiento Jornada Única N° 1333 - abril 27 de 2015

Read the explanation and examples of First conditional and answer the questions:

El first conditional es un tipo de condicional que se utiliza para expresar una relación de condición-
resultado en situaciones particulares que se dan en un futuro (planes de futuro, amenazas,
advertencias, promesas, convencer a alguien, etc.).


If + sujeto + verb + complement, sujeto + will+ verb+ complement

If you study hard , you will get good grades


-If I try hard, I'll succeed.

Expresar planes de futuro,
-If you don't put on repellent, you'll get bitten.
amenazas, advertencias,
-If you study hard, you'll get good marks.
promesas o para convencer a
-If the weather is fine tomorrow, we will go cycling.
alguien acerca de algo.
-Your sister will go mad if you touch her things.

El orden de las dos frases que componen la estructura del condicional se puede cambiar. Si
empezamos por la condición (If) las separaremos con una coma. Si empezamos con la frase que
expresa el resultado no hace falta poner la coma. En el first conditional no se utiliza el when.

If the plane is delayed, she will be late. She will be late if the plane is delayed.

Si  el avión  se retrasa, ella llegará tarde. Ella  llegará  tarde si el avión se retrasa.

Para la frase del futuro utilizamos mayoritariamente el futuro simple con will, pero también se puede
utilizar el futuro simple con going to o un verbo modal: can, might, should, o must.


If the weather is nice on Sunday, we'll go on a picnic.
(Will+ verb= future)

GOING TO If I don't have to go to work tomorrow, I am going to

(Going to+ verb= certain future) visit my parents.

CAN: Poder
If the meeting finishes early, we can go for a drink.

MIGHT: Podría
If I have time this afternoon, I might wash my car.

SHOULD: Debería
If they invite you, you should go.

MUST: Tener que

If you have any problems, you must call me.
Y Sede Antonio Nariño
Nit. 801003931-1 - Registro DANE 163001000353
Resolución Reconocimiento Institucional No. 1469 de Mayo 14 de 2013
Resolución de ampliación de estudios N°. 3968 - noviembre 24 de 2014
Resolución de Reconocimiento Jornada Única N° 1333 - abril 27 de 2015

1. According to the explanations given, write 5 sentences with the first conditional using will:

a. If I focus on my studies, I will be gotten a university scholarship

b. If I organize the suitcase, I will be gotten more time to rest before leaving
c. You will be delayed on your first day of internship if you don't get a quick trip.
d. The basketball team will be delayed to their presentation if they do not rush to organize.
e. If I drink too much alcohol, I will be gotten home very tired.

2. Observe the examples and write 1 sentence with the first conditional for each of the following:

Going to: If I shouldn't train tomorrow with the reservation, I'm going to visit my best friend in the
Can: If the class ends early, we can go to study for partials.
Might: If I have time this day, I might go out with my family in the car.
Should: If your friends invite you to that party, you should go with them.
Must: If you have any problems with your classes, you must call me.

3. Choose the word that best complements each sentence:

a. If we travel/ will travel to Spain, we will visit/ visit Granada.

b. She plays/ will play with us if she will come/ comes early.
c. If you cook/ will cook dinner, I wash/ will wash the dishes.
d. I will buy/ buy a new car if I will get/ get a good job.
e. If you have/ will have a cold, you stay/ will stay in bed.
f. She is/ will be very happy if you will give/ give her some flowers.

4. Choose the correct form of each verb to complete each sentence in first conditional.

1. If you ________ an apple every day, you'll be very healthy.

A. Eat B. Will eat

2. You ________ heart disease if you eat too much meat.

A. Will get B. Get

3. You ________ better if you turn on the lamp.

A. Will be able to see B. Are able to see

4. You'll pay higher insurance if you ________ a sports car.

A. Will buy B. Buy
Y Sede Antonio Nariño
Nit. 801003931-1 - Registro DANE 163001000353
Resolución Reconocimiento Institucional No. 1469 de Mayo 14 de 2013
Resolución de ampliación de estudios N°. 3968 - noviembre 24 de 2014
Resolución de Reconocimiento Jornada Única N° 1333 - abril 27 de 2015

5. If I ________ some eggs, how many ________?

A. Will cook / do you eat B. Cook / will you eat

6. If we don't protect the elephant, it ________ extinct.

A. Will become B. Becomes

7. If you don't put so much sugar in your coffee, you ________ so much weight!

A. Don't put on B. Won't put on

8. You won't pass the course if you ________.

A. Don't study B. Won't study

9. She ________ completely different if she cuts her hair.

A. Looks B. Will look

10. If a deer ________ into your garden, it ________ all your plants.

A. Gets / will eat B. Will get / eats


TEACHER’S NAME: Isabel Cristina Pinto WHATSAPP CONTACT: 3104589505 GRADE: 10A-B


1. Read the text and answer the following questions:

The Mice In Council

One day a group of mice decided to call a meeting to see what they could do about the cat which was
always trying to catch them. They talked about lots of plans but none of them seemed like they would
work. At last, a young mouse got up and said that a bell should be hung around the cat's neck so all
the mice would be able to hear when he was coming closer. All the mice thought this was an excellent
idea. However, an older mouse got up and spoke, "This is a really good idea but who is going to tie
the bell around the cat's neck?"

Taken from

a. Look at the dictionary for the meaning of the underlined words:

- Mice: Ratones
- Meeting: Reunión
- Catch: Captura
- Bell: Campana
- Tie: Corbata
- Neck: Cuello
Y Sede Antonio Nariño
Nit. 801003931-1 - Registro DANE 163001000353
Resolución Reconocimiento Institucional No. 1469 de Mayo 14 de 2013
Resolución de ampliación de estudios N°. 3968 - noviembre 24 de 2014
Resolución de Reconocimiento Jornada Única N° 1333 - abril 27 de 2015

b. Answer the following questions:

1. What is a council?

A. A meeting C. A party
B. A question

2. Who had the council?

A. The mice and the farmer C. The mice

B. The cat and mice

3. What was their problem?

A. The cat wanted to be friends.

B. They didn't have enough food.
C. The cat tried to catch them.

4. Who gave the idea for a plan that would work?

A. The young mouse C. The cat

B. The older mouse

5. What was the good idea?

A. Put a bell on the cat's tail

B. Hang a bell around the cat's neck
C. Put a trap out for the cat

6. The mice thought that this idea was ________

A. Excellent. B. Stupid. C. Exciting.

7. Who asked, "Who will tie the bell on?"

A. All the mice C. The younger mouse

B. The older mouse

8. What is the lesson of this story?

A. Mice are stupid animals and cats are smart.

B. It is easier to give ideas than to carry them out.
C. Don't propose good ideas?

2. Read the text and answer the following questions:

The wind and the sun

One day there was an argument between the wind and the sun. Both said they were stronger than the
other. They saw a man traveling on the road and decided to make a test to see which was stronger
and able to get the man’s coat off.
Y Sede Antonio Nariño
Nit. 801003931-1 - Registro DANE 163001000353
Resolución Reconocimiento Institucional No. 1469 de Mayo 14 de 2013
Resolución de ampliación de estudios N°. 3968 - noviembre 24 de 2014
Resolución de Reconocimiento Jornada Única N° 1333 - abril 27 de 2015

The wind began to blow and blow very hard. He nearly ripped the coat from the man’s back but the
man grabbed the coat and wrapped it even more tightly around himself and kept going. The wind got
tired because the man just kept his coat on.
Then the sun tried. He shone brightly and the clouds disappeared. Soon the air was warm and dry
and the sun kept on shining. Soon the man had sweat running down his face. He was so hot that he
finally took off his coat and carried it, looking for a shady spot to rest.

Taken from

a. Look at the dictionary for the meaning of the underlined words:

- Wind: Viento
- Road: Carretera
- Blow: Soplo
- Brightly: Brillantemente
- Warm: Calido
- Dry: Seco

b. Answer the following questions:

1. The wind and sun were having a

A. Fight. C. Argument.
B. Song time.

2. The sun and wind each said they were

A. Stronger than the other. C. Smart.

B. Nicer than the other.

3. The wind and sun decided to make a man

A. Take off his coat. C. Get mad.

B. Whistle a tune.

4. The wind tried but the man

A. Put his coat over his head.

B. Wrapped his coat around him tighter.
C. Threw his coat on the ground.

5. The sun shone brightly and

A. The wind blew harder. C. The rain fell.

B. The clouds disappeared.

6. The sun made the man

Y Sede Antonio Nariño
Nit. 801003931-1 - Registro DANE 163001000353
Resolución Reconocimiento Institucional No. 1469 de Mayo 14 de 2013
Resolución de ampliación de estudios N°. 3968 - noviembre 24 de 2014
Resolución de Reconocimiento Jornada Única N° 1333 - abril 27 de 2015

A. Sweat and get hot so he took off the coat.

B. Smile and sing.
C. Wrap his coat around him tight.

7. The winner of this test was the

A. Sun. B. Man. C. Wind.

8. It is more powerful to

A. Try to persuade them to understand you.

B. Give in to people all the time.
C. Force people to do as you like.

3. Read the text and answer the following questions:

The fox and the grapes

One hot day, a hungry fox made his way to a nearby vineyard. He knew there were plenty of grapes.
He could see them plump and juicy and could hardly wait to eat some. However, the vines were too
high and he could not reach them no matter what he did. At last, tired from all his trying, he turned
away in disgust. “Those grapes are too green and sour for my taste. I would not even eat them if
someone gave them to me. Let someone else eat them! I don’t want them.”

Taken from

a. Look at the dictionary for the meaning of the underlined words:

- Vineyard: Viña
- Plenty: Mucho
- Plump: Rechoncho
- Vines: Vides
- Disgust: Asco
- Sour: Agrio

b. Answer the following questions:

- What was the story about?

The fox and the grapes

- When did the story happen? (Time. Example: present, past, future, 10 years ago)

A hot day in September last year

- Who was in the story? (Main characters, secondary characters)

Y Sede Antonio Nariño
Nit. 801003931-1 - Registro DANE 163001000353
Resolución Reconocimiento Institucional No. 1469 de Mayo 14 de 2013
Resolución de ampliación de estudios N°. 3968 - noviembre 24 de 2014
Resolución de Reconocimiento Jornada Única N° 1333 - abril 27 de 2015

The fox as main character and the grapes as secondary

- Where did the story happen? (Place)

In a nearby vineyard

- What was the problem in the story?

However, the vines were too high and he could not reach them no matter what he did.

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