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A humanoid species from the Merak star system.
- Males and females almost physically and anatomically indistinguishable
- there are no feminine looking Vashkirx
- The differences between them are the "energy halo" that they radiate,
reproductive systems, and (mostly) hair length (most female Vashkirx
have longer hair)
- Other than those, their looks range from godlike males (Klaatuesque) to
Tolkienesque elvenoids (All Vashkirx have pale complexion)
- They generally look unusually beautiful, yet masculine at the same time
- Hair colours are vary (black, blue, red (majority), blonde, silver)
- Have indefinite lifespan. Aging stop at around 25~37 Terran yrs
- Possess some powers, enhanced senses
- Is one of the most advanced race in the Interstellar Co-Prosperity
Sphere—they claim that they are the vanguard of the Sphere people
They reflect a sense of benevolence and altruism to all the people of the
Interstellar Co-Prosperity Sphere
In metaphysical stance this race would be a semi-"Service-to-Others" kind of
species—they invade civilizations to uplift them

The Vashkirx (singular: Vashkir) is an altruistic, exotic humanoid asexual
(they have a masculine-ish look and voice) species from a binary star system
7 light years from Terra.

- An average Vashkir can keep its young adult height (about 165cm) for
- A Vashkir's body is made out of light and looks more less like a
crystalline-based translucent human with colourful stormy looking
lights emitting from inside the crystalline-ish body.
- Its head looks like a viewplate-less translucent helmet that also emits
the stormy lights. The helmet head's shape resembles the shape of an
upside down straighened up water drop.
Most Vashkirx lives in 4 planets, all in a binary star system. These 4
planets are called the "Home System" by them. The society in the Home System
is a post-scarcity one; monetary systems and the base-and-superstructure
state are nonexistent. They love and have a symbiosis with nature; many of
the structures there are pretty much built in what Terrans would call the
streamline moderne architecture genre. (It's the most trending architectural
genre there by this time)
In every city in the Home System (called "sectors") there's a spaceport; and
usually buildings are less than 25 floors high.

The Vashkirx is one of the most advanced races in the galaxy. They mastered
nanotech, biotech, and many other things.

Most Vashkirx use portalcrafts: capsule-shaped spacecrafts, capable for FTL
speeds, which also function as "receiver" portals. They can also be used for
observation; most Vashkirx use portalcrafts in this way (and not as a
portal). They use portalcrafts as portals only in some occasions, for example

- telepathy (standard way to communicate between Vashkirx)
- brain-computer interface (they have converged with computers for eons)
o A Vashkir can put out a interactive computer display on its hand
because of this.
- limited undercover shapeshifting, in which a Vashkir can disguise as
another being by generating a suit from any given DNA (provided that
the DNA is for a biped); which shapeshifting process is disguised by a
bio-exosuit which it generates. They can shed the generated body *at


The Vashkirx believe that it is their duty to help and intervene with what
they call "corrupt civilizations"--civilizations that are so bad they are
destroying themselves. This is unlike many advanced civilizations in the
Chouverse, which adopts the non-interference principle instead.
They are the arch-enemies of the Kureenik Empire, which influences most of
the "corrupt civilizations."
The Vashkirx has several steps of intervention:
1. Examination. In this step they send a delegation to another planet and
command them to disguise into one of its natives and study their life
and nature. From there, a report will be made.
2. Publicity. Here they will send a delegation to appear publicly in a
public space.
3. Invasion. At the same time with Publicity they will initiate the
invasion sequence.

The Vashkirx care about our environment, they are planning to benevolently
invade us and then share us their tech to blast Terra to post-scarcity. Of
course, along the way they would designate the ruling elite to be
exterminated as they are one of the in-Terran population which contribute the
most to climate change


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