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Summer Internship 2020: Weekly Progress Report

For the Week Commencing 16th MARCH- 21st MARCH

WPR 7 of 10 Enrollment No. : A90821615022

Program: B.Com,LL.B (H) NAME: Mohammed Arham Reza

Company Name: FOX & MANDAL

Faculty Guide’s Name: DR. PRATYUSHA DAS

Industry Guide’s Name: ADV. SOURAV BHAGAT

Project Title: INTERNSHIP

Targets for the week: Evaluation and discussion of documents and Research work

Achievements for the week: Research work, drafting

Future work plans: Evaluation, discussion of documents, drafting and research work

Week’s Summary

Days / Time
Monday  Continuation on research on Premises Tenancy Act under section 2(g) of the

Tuesday  Continuation on the given research work.

Wednesday  Continuation of the research work.

 Addition of new propositions to the research work (Tenants Rights in other

Thursday  Continuation of the research work.

Friday  Searching of case laws given in the favor of the tenant which is relevant to
the new propositions given.
Saturday  Continuation on the Research work ,searching of 5 case laws relevant to this.

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