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Mechanics Of Structures-1

 Hooke’s law states that: “ When a body is loaded

within elastic limit, the stress is proportional to
strain developed” or “Within the elastic limit the
ratio of stress applied to strain developed is a
 The constant is known as Modulus of elasticity or
Elastic modulus or Young’s modulus
 Mathematically within elastic limit
σ= P/A; e =ΔL/L
 Young's modulus (E) is generally assumed to be
the same in tension or compression and for most of
engineering applications has a high numerical
value. Typically, E=210 x 10^9 N/m² (=210 GPa)
for steel
 Modulus of rigidity, G= τ/φ= Shear stress/ shear
 Factor of safety= Ultimate stress/Permissible stress
 In most engineering applications strains do not
often exceed 0.003 so that the assumption that
deformations are small in relation to orginal
dimensions is generally valid
stress is a physical quantity that expresses the
internal forces that neighboring particles of a
continuous material exert on each other
strain is the measure of the deformation
of the material.
The relationship between the stress and strain
that a particular material displays is known as
that particular material's stress–strain curve. It
is unique for each material and is found by
recording the amount of deformation (strain)
at distinct intervals of tensile or compressive
loading (stress).
Ductile Materials:
>Ductile materials will withstand large strains before the
specimen ruptures.
>Ductile materials often have relatively small Young’s moduli
and ultimate stresses.
>Ductile materials exhibit large strains and yielding before
they fail.
>Steel and aluminum usually fall in the class of Ductile

Brittle Materials:
>Brittle materials fracture at much lower strains.
>Brittle materials often have relatively large Young’s moduli
and ultimate stresses.
>Brittle materials fail suddenly and without much warning.
>Glass and cast iron fall in the class of Brittle Materials.
Steel generally exhibits a very linear stress-strain
relationship up to a well defined yield point
Typical regions that can
be observed in a stress-
strain curve are:
 Elastic region,

 Yielding,

 Strain Hardening,

 Necking and Failure

 If the specimen
returns to its
original length
when the load
acting on it is
removed, it is said
to response
 A slight increase in
stress above the elastic
limit will result in
permanent deformation.
This behavior is
called yielding
 The stress that causes
yielding is called yield
stress σy.
 The deformation that
occurs is called plastic
 When yielding has
ended, a further load
can be applied to the
specimen, resulting in a
cure that rises
continuously but
becomes flatter until it
reaches a maximum
stress referred to
as ultimate stress, σu.
 The rise in the curve is
called Strain Hardening
 After the ultimate
stress, the cross-
sectional area begins
to decrease in a
localized region of the
specimen, instead of
over its entire
length. The load (and
stress) keeps
dropping until the
specimen reaches the
fracture point.

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