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Why are oil prices in negative terrain?

Sellers have to pay buyers to get rid of their crude, an unprecedented situation
Raghuvir Srinivasan contango trades in the oil off the British coast and is
market. What do they the accepted benchmark for
The story so far: Prices of mean? this part of the world. The
West Texas Intermediate market that it serves is con-
(WTI), the American bench- Simply put, contango kicks siderably larger than that of
mark for crude oil, fell to less in when prices of a commod- the United States and de-
than zero in Monday’s trade. ity in the futures market are mand is, therefore, higher.
The price of a barrel of WTI considerably higher for de- Transporting oil from the
fell to minus, yes, that’s liveries many months later, U.S. to Asia is not economi-
right, minus $37.63 a barrel. compared to prices for im- cal thus limiting the scope
What this means is that sell- mediate delivery. For in- for the WTI grade. Refineries
ers have to pay buyers to get stance, while May oil futures in Europe are configured for
rid of their crude! This is un- are negative and June is at Brent rather than WTI. Pric-
precedented in the oil mar- BACKGROUNDER $20.43 a barrel, November es of Brent are therefore al-
ket, even accounting for its futures for the same grade of ways higher than that of
notoriety for being volatile. oil ended at a hefty $31.66 a WTI. Importantly, unlike
So, speculators who did not barrel on Monday. Contango WTI futures on NYMEX,
Why did prices fall like this? want to take delivery in May trades happen when traders Brent futures traded in Lon-
proceeded to unwind their anticipate a surge or rise in don can be settled by cash
We need to understand a bit “positions,” leading to the demand and value the com- when the contract expires.
of oil market and trading dy- massive fall in prices. modity higher for the future. In other words, a trader who
namics here. WTI oil is trad- It could be that these were has bought oil for May deliv-
ed as futures contracts in the financial speculators who So, why can’t traders buy ery is not forced to take
NYMEX (New York Mercan- never take physical delivery cheap oil now and store physical delivery of the oil
tile Exchange) where traders and hence closed their con- them for release in future but can settle the contract in
buy and sell monthly futures tracts. Or, these could also when demand and prices cash. This big difference bet-
such as, for instance, May fu- be delivery-based traders rise? ween WTI and Brent has en-
tures, June futures and so backing out as the bottom sured that Brent futures will
on. The sellers of such fu- has fallen off demand for oil. That’s exactly what traders not crash like that of WTI.
tures will have to deliver a In reality, it would be a com- are now doing. Such a prac-
barrel of crude oil at the con- bination of both categories tice became famous during How is India benefiting from
tracted price in the contract- of traders. The bottomline, Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in this price crash?
ed month just as buyers will though, is that prices fell as 1990 when a trader took
have to take delivery at the demand for oil is falling and massive positions at cheap In two ways. First, the oil im-
contracted date. the world, especially Ameri- prices ahead of the invasion port bill will fall sharply this
As with all trading in com- ca, is running out of storage and sold them when prices fiscal year, giving tremen-
modities, there’s a huge space. rose after the invasion. Oil dous relief to the govern-
speculative participation in was stored in tankers float- ment on the external ac-
oil futures trading too. So May WTI futures prices ing on the sea and unloaded count front. With
speculators buy and sell con- went negative but June at considerably higher pric- merchandise exports from
tracts with no intention of futures prices are still at es. Traders are doing the India badly hit due to the
taking delivery (in the case $20.43 a barrel. Why? same now. Year-long hiring lockdown in the West, fo-
of buyers) or offering deliv- contracts for VLCC (very reign exchange earnings are
ery (in the case of sellers) of This could be due to two rea- large crude carriers) that can under pressure. With oil
the physical oil, on the con- sons. Traders expect de- store up to 2 million barrels prices falling and foreign ex-
tracted date. These specula- mand to recover by June as of oil are soaring through the change outgo reducing, the
tors have to unwind their lockdowns are lifted across roof. According to a report in pressure on the current ac-
“positions” on the contract the world and economic ac- the Wall Street Journal, count balance is off. In fact,
expiry date. If they fail to do tivity resumes. Second, trad- VLCC hiring charges for we may be looking at a posi-
so, they will have to take ers also expect that storage year-long contracts are now tive balance in the current
physical delivery of the space may be created as ex- at $72,500 a day, compared account if global economic
crude oil on the contracted isting inventory is drawn to $30,500 a day a year ago. recovery is quick and our ex-
date. down. America is also talk- ports recover. Second, India
What happened on Mon- ing of adding to their strateg- The prices of Brent grade is quietly building up its stra-
day was that speculators ic storage by taking advan- are still at $20.58 a barrel tegic reserves, taking advan-
who had taken large bets on tage of the low prices. This for May futures. What’s the tage of the cheap prices. In-
May futures began to un- could create demand for oil. reason for the difference? dia has a capacity to hold
wind their “positions”. This Finally, contract expiry for over 39 million barrels of oil
was because the futures con- June contracts is still a few Brent oil has traditionally qu- at its strategic reserves in Vi-
tracts are set to expire today, weeks away, giving specula- oted higher than WTI with sakhapatnam, Mangalore
Tuesday. Those not intend- tors that much more time to the gulf being about $6-7 a and Padur, near Udupi.
ing to take physical delivery speculate. barrel between the two. These are underground salt
have to square off their con- Brent is a superior grade caverns converted and built
tracts before the expiry date. Market reports talk about produced in the North Sea to store crude oil.

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