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CSR of Wipro

By Ayushi Shukla
CSR Activities of Wipro.

To study different activities undertaken by
Wipro Limited under CSR.
In recent years, a growing number of companies are adopting various corporate social responsibility (CSR)

CSR is an attempt to meet the needs and expectations of a range of stakeholders ( local community,
employees, environment groups, etc.),

Proponents argue that corporations increase long-term profits by operating with a CSR perspective, while
critics argue that CSR distracts from businesses’ economic role.

"People, planet and profit", also known as the triple bottom line form one way to evaluate CSR.

CSR can help build customer loyalty based on distinctive ethical values.
Introduction to Wipro
• Indian MNC IT Consulting company
• 154297 total employees across 61 countries
• The company has non IT businesses under the separate
Literature Review:
● 1. Dean Roy Nash (2012). “CSR: contributions of Maharatna Companies of India”. Asian Journal of
Research in Business Economics and Management
● 2. Gahlot Sushmita (2013) “Corporate Social Responsibility: Current Scenario”, Research Journal of
Management Science.
● 3. Rajeev Prabhakar and Ms. Sonam Mishre (2013) “A Study of Corporate Social Responsibility in
Indian Organization: An Introspection”
● 4. Swati Sharma, Reshu Sharma & Jugal Kishore (2013), “Emerging trends in Corporate Social
Responsibility in India-A Descriptive Study”
1. Research Design

● The research design done in the situation was

exploratory research to explore the scenario and the
situation. To find out the actual extent to which the
theory matches with the actual practices seen in the

Research organization.

Methodology 2. Source of Data:

● Secondary data collected from various sources

including books, research papers, newspapers,
magazines, and websites.





● Social Sustainability
● Wipro Applying Thought in Schools
● Strengthening the Wipro Education
Fellowship network

● Expanding the community of partner

● Mission10X
● Teachers Training Center - Parivartan
● Transplantation of trees in Bangalore
● Wipro put plenty of support money into building custom solutions and into building a strong after-
sales service network that was not very prevalent in those days.

● Wipro Cares is currently engaged in 16 projects across India.

● 7 of its health care projects in 4 states of India Wipro Cares is providing more than 75000 people in 53
villages access to primary health care.
● More than 47000 children benefit from the five education projects in five Indian cities.
● Project in social forestry has helped plant more than a lakh trees, and has at the same time provided
livelihood to around 80 farmers.
● Employee engagement is an integral part of Wipro Cares where they encourage employees to
volunteer with their partners
● Corporate sustainability is an evolving process and not an end.
● WIPRO may gain continuously in social image because of CSR activities
● To study the effects of CSR activities on the people, environment and the employee
● CSR in India is restricted to narrowly defined set of people (read as stakeholders), to fixed set of
roles (implementing community development projects) and to the approaches with tunnel vision
(community development in sectors of health, education etc.).
● In India, the approach of CSR remained corporate philanthropy and community development.
● There is need to augment the scope of CSR
● The approach of CSR is shifting from ethical to statist approach.
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