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Chapt er 1P - Glossary 1p

One of the inputs fo r an object, rep- One of t he outp uts fo r an object.
resented g raphically as a small dark
rectangle on t he upper edge of the PA LETTE
object when in edit mode . A semi-t ransparent wi ndow, called
up via doub le-click on an empty
INSPECTOR part of a Patcher Wi ndow w hen in
A w indow used to set object att ri- edit mode, used for creating new
butes w hile in edit mode. objects. It contains icons correspond-
ing to all of t he Max/MSP objects.
A set of numbers, and/or words, PATCH
and/or arbitrary comb inations of A set of connected objects th at
characters, wh ich taken toge t her implements some pre-det erm ined
form a who le. f unction or algorith m.


The principal help w indow in the The cords used to connect objects
Max/MSP environment. w ithin a patch.


A window used by Max/MSP to A wi ndow t hroug h whic h it is pos-
commun icate w ith its user using sible to set various properties of a
short blurbs such as error messages, Patcher W indow.
pri nted lists, etc.
Double-clicking on such a message PATCHER WINDOW
wi t hin t he Max w indow causes A window in w hich you assemble an
the object t hat prod uced the mes- algo rith m (or a "v irtual machine") by
sage to be highlig hted in its Patcher using "pa tching" objects tog ether
Window. via patch cords.


Packets of infor mation, consisting See Presentat ion Mode / Patching
of nume rica l values, strings, or Mode
lists of the same, which are passed
between ob jects wi t hout regard for PERFORMANCE MODE
the sampl ing rate t hat is in eff ect See Edit Mode / Perfo rmance Mode
w ithin t he environment.
A list conta ining all of t he Max/MSP A display mode for patchers in
objects, organized by catego ry. It whic h only objects that have been
can be act ivated by hoveri ng wi t h explicit ly chosen to be visible appear.
t he mouse pointer over t he left The positions and dimensions fo r
edge of an empty objec t box, and t hese objects are independent from
click ing on t he b lue circle that t he positio ns and dimensions t hat
appears cont aining the equa ls sign t he same objects occupy wh ile in
(' ='). pa tching mode (non-presen t at ion

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