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Pertemuan: 8 MATA KULIAH SKS : 2


Hari/ Tanggal:
Selasa, 31 Maret 2020 SKILLS 60 Menit

Respond these questions correctly.

1. How do you comprehend a reading and writing?
ANSWER: Reading and Writing are connected, we automatically reading while we are writing, but both of
this competence means not only read or write the text but also understanting the meaning contained in the text,
therefore to comprehend a reading and wiritng I must able to process the text, integrate and finding out the intent
of the author, the extensive of vocabulary is very important, not only that, I also use skills and strategies to help
me analyze and comprehend a reading such as re-read the text, use the context clues, summarizing, paraphrasing,
scanning, skimming, purposeful reading, activate my prior knowledge to gain more information, find the infer
meaning, read with sound, locate the keywords and make prediction, use the graphic organizer, evaluate my
understanding and many more

2. What is a paraphrasing? Mention some techniques for paraphrasing?

ANSWER : In my opinion, paraphrasing means Re-presenting, Re-create, and Re-word  and idea or the
meaning of a text or passage using your own words or other words or let’s say with different words, but without
change the point of message or ideas from the original source of someone else’s
Here are some techniques for paraphrasing :
 Change from passive voice to active voice or vice versa
 Written in your words using your voice and writing style
 Change clause to a phrase or vice versa
 Change from indirect speech to quoted speech or vice versa
 Take the author’s words and translate them into your own
 Change word forms
 Using synonim
 Avoid plagiarism

3. Find out the main ideas or themes from this short reading:
Since the invention of social media, many people have been better able to connect with each other and also to keep up
to date with the lives of their friends, families, co-workers and even celebrities, to such a degree which was previously
impossible. However, social media has its risks. As people of all ages have access to social media, children can be
exposed to adult content, and are themselves vulnerable to be approached by strangers with unknown intentions. Even if
children are sure of who they're talking to on social media, social media's issues are not completely eliminated. Cyber
bullying is frequently reported in the news, and occurs on social media between children and schoolchildren. This is
problematic, as it means even when children are at home, remote from their bullies they can still be bullied when they're
inside their own homes. Social media can be problematic for adults, too. People often feel comfortable posting things on
social media that they wouldn't say in real life. This can indirectly cause a bad impression on other people, and if
employers judge the nature of the content prospective employees post on social media to be inappropriate, it can affect
their chances of attaining or keeping jobs. As long as people are aware of the risks of using social media, and are careful
to post only respectful and respectable content, then the advantages of social media far outweigh the disadvantages, and
children and adults alike should be allowed to benefit from such technology. (technology for life).

ANSWER : After reading the text, the main ideas of this text is that at present, this invention of social
media, beside the benefits provided, this media also brings risks and disadvantages, even the risks are
higher than the benefits because many people still misuse this social media and not using it wisely.

4. Paraphrase this original text.

Universities also place the burden of understanding plagiarism and attribution conventions on students. There are myriad
information-laden web-based self-help tutorials and workshops on related sites for the universities in this study. Many are
excellent resources and can be helpful. Nevertheless, the lack of additional, detailed individual assistance about the
techniques of engaging in academic writing conventions, particularly for students studying in off-campus or distance modes,
raises issues of equity for plagiarism management policy makers." (Sutherland-Smith, 2010:9).

ANSWER : It’s a responsibility for learner to know how to reference correctly and to avoid plagiarism
usually passed from university to the students, as quoted from ."Sutherland-Smith, 2010:9,”, smith stated
that there are myriad information-laden web-based self-help tutorials and workshops on related sites for
the universities in this study there are also many helpful-excellent resources, but however, there is still
raises issues of equity for plagiarism management policy makers, due to the lack of additional, detailed
individual assistance about the techniques of engaging in academic writing conventions, particularly for
students studying in off-campus or distance modes.

5. Find out the main ideas or themes from this short reading:
Nowadays, supermarkets are stocked with food products from around the world. Some would argue that it would be
better if food produce was not imported. It believes that this view is correct, and will discuss the reasons why in this
essay. It is certainly the case that importing food can have a negative effect on local culture. This can be seen in
countries such as Japan where imported food has become more popular than traditional, local produce, eroding people's
understanding of their own food traditions. Although some would claim that this is a natural part of economic
development in an increasingly global world, it feels strongly that any loss of regional culture would be detrimental. A
second major reason to reduce imports is the environmental cost. Currently, many food imports, such as fruit, are
transported thousands of miles by road, sea and air, making the product more expensive to buy and increasing pollution
from exhaust fumes. Despite the fact that the trade in food exports has existed for many years, It is convinced that a
reduction would bring significant financial and environmental gains. However, many jobs depend on food exports and
some less developed countries may even depend on this trade for economic survival. In spite of this, the importance of
developing local trade should not be undervalued. In conclusion, reducing food imports would have cultural and
environmental benefits. What is more, the local economy should, in time, prosper commercially as the demand for local
and regional products remains high resisting the competition from overseas. (social life welfare)
The main ideas of this text is, it is stated that imported food brings negative effects to the country and the
people, just like loss of regional culture, the higher price of foods, increase the polution from exhaust
fumes when transported the foods and so many more, while in reduce the imported food will bring more
benefits to the environmental, the people and the country.
NIM : 2193321009
Prodi/ Fakultas : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris/ Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Paraf Dosen:

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