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Lakeside’s Virtual Learning Schedule--Revised

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

English* Math* English Math Make Up Day

World Language* Science* World Language Science Make Up Day

Social Science Fine Arts Social Science* Fine Arts* Make Up Day

CTAE PE/Health CTAE* PE/Health* Make Up Day

*Instruction Day *Instruction Day *Instruction Day *Instruction Day

April 13, 2020

Thank you for your patience as we navigate our coursework and instruction during this unprecedented time.
Starting this week, Lakeside’s Virtual Learning Schedule has been revised to align with DCSD, and is also
providing the least amount of disruption to our students as they receive instruction and assignments.

Content Days take place Monday through Thursday and consist of instruction, content, assignments, practice,
and materials posted by teachers online. Students will have a maximum of 30 minutes per subject per day for a
total of no more than 2 hours of school work each day. Students are encouraged to do the coursework for
those subjects on those specific days.
● Monday and Wednesday: English, World Language, Social Studies, and CTAE (CTAE consists of
Culinary Arts, Technology, Digital Media, AV, etc.)
● Tuesday and Thursday: Fine Arts, Math, PE/Health, and Science

Virtual Instruction Days were already established at Lakeside and we will be able to continue to offer
students connections with their teachers for content and instructions one day per week. This instruction may
consist of live texting, video conferencing, etc. between the teachers and students. The length of these
sessions and the start times will be based on the individual teacher’s schedules. These days are indicated by
the asterisk in the chart.

Make Up Days are on Friday. This is an opportunity for families and/or students to schedule virtual
conferences with teachers. Students will be able to catch up on any assignments as well as conference with
their teachers, and ask for additional help with a subject.

Please email your individual teachers if you have any questions. A Teacher/Counselor/Administrator Directory
is coming soon. I hope you all are staying safe and healthy and thank you again for your patience and support
during this time.

Warm Regards,
Dr. Susan Stoddard
LHS Principal

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