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Submitted By

Achico, Christian

Aguinaldo, Juan Miguel

Almario, Jericho

Bartilad, Richard Andrei

Narag, Ian Joseph

Submitted to:

Mrs. Raquel P. Bermudez

STS Professor



In today’s generation, the use of different technologies and access to the Internet is really a need

most especially to students. As the time passes by, there were already a lot of technological innovations

and upgrades that has been done to be able to serve our needs and wants. Internet usage is one of the most

popular necessities in terms of education for it helps us to browse and search different websites that we

need to gain and learn knowledge from it. In term of technological advancements, our mobile phones,

laptops, computers, etc. has already evolved prior to our current needs and satisfy our expectations. This

certain advancements has also produced different problems that challenges every individual, internet

addiction, which leads to different consequences just like health problems and being dependent to the

service of the internet and not to our own capabilities. This paper aims to provide solutions to certain

problems involved in terms of technological advantages and easier access of internet, as well as how an

individual promote a better lifestyle.

Development of the Technology and Internet

During the early ages, most of the things to be studied or discovered can only be seen through

reading books. Most of the things that we do in order for us to survive and cope to the different demands

of life is done thru a manual method. Manual in terms of doing it in way that it
Occupies a lot of our time just to accomplish it. But as the time passes by, there were certain people who

wanted to make our life easier and more productive. It is the time when the discovery and birth of

technological society starts to grow.

Nowadays, technology and internet are a common need for everyone especially for students.

According to Berson (2000), internet has become very useful and popular in many areas as well as in

education in the past years. Accordingly, Internet access in schools has greatly increased over the last 20

years. In some other cases, people tend to use this technological advances and easy access to internet on

the other way around. With the help of different technologies such as laptops, mobile phones, computers,

and many more education became easier and accessible in terms of gathering and learning different ideas.

Through internet and technology, students were able to widen their horizons as person as well as their

critical thinking. Advancement of technologies and easier access of internet has also led to students to

play different online games. It’s a fact that most of the online gamers here in our country are students

starting from the age of 16-35 years old. According to Sanchez (2019), millennial gamers (age 16-35)

spend most of their time playing online games than watching television. Technology and internet usage

nowadays is really a relevant need for every student to be able to accomplish different tasks that can be

assigned to them. It is a vital tool that helps students to become more productive and flexible in doing

their academic requirements.

Impacts of Technology to Students

Positive Effects of Technology to Students

In this era where technology is used all over the world and it has many effects to everyone today

but we will only focus to the effects to the Students. ]First, It can result in change in student and teacher

roles when students are using technology as a tool or a support for communicating with others, they are in

an active role rather than the passive role of recipient of information transmitted by a teacher, textbook, or

broadcast. The student is actively making choices about how to generate, obtain, manipulate, or display

information. Technology use allows many more students to be actively thinking about information,

making choices, and executing skills than is typical in teacher-led lessons. Moreover, when technology is

used as a tool to support students in performing authentic tasks, the students are in the position of defining

their goals, making design decisions, and evaluating their progress. Next is it will increase the students

motivation and self-esteem at it is the most common--and in fact, nearly universal--teacher-reported

effect on students was an increase in motivation. Teachers and students are sometimes surprised at the

level of technology-based accomplishment displayed by students who have shown much less initiative or

facility with more conventional academic tasks and Students clearly take pride in being able to use the

same computer-based tools employed by professionals. As one teacher expressed it, "Students gain a

sense of empowerment from learning to control the computer and to use it in ways they associate with the

real world." Technology is valued within our culture. It is something that costs money and that bestows

the power to add value. By giving students technology tools, we are implicitly giving weight to their

school activities. Students are very sensitive to this message that they, and their work, are important. It

also helps to increase the use of outside resources such as researches and more. This effect was most

obvious in classrooms that had incorporated telecommunications activities (see examples), but other

classes used technologies such as satellite broadcasts and the telephone to help bring in outside resources.

And in this effect it can also help to improve knowledge retention because Students who are engaged and

interested in things they are studying, are expected to have a better knowledge retention. As mentioned
before, technology can help to encourage active participation in the classroom which also is a very

important factor for increased knowledge retention. Different forms of technology can be used to

experiment with and decide what works best for students in terms of retaining their knowledge. And the

most helpful way of using technology in this way the students are able to find and learn and learn more

things related to their academics and interest with the help of PPT’s , Youtube Videos, PDF and more. In

the fast moving world many students don’t find time to read Newspapers… So they are using Play Store

Apps like THE HINDU, TOI, DailyHunt, BBC News etc., to keep them updated at all times. Using

technology to facilitate student learning has come with many positive benefits. Students can pick and

choose what mediums they prefer to learn content and maximize their study time. Students have

immediate access to anything they do not understand or want to learn more about. Students are no longer

solely dependent on teachers, parents, or other educated people to be their only source of information.

Students are in charge of their own learning and technology has leveled the playing field in many ways.

And common it can help you to access people that are far from you and can see their loved ones in video

or call or even chat with them.

Negative Effects of Technology to Students

Today’s world is crammed with technology. Almost every family owns a computer, laptop,

smartphone, tablet, television etc. All these make our lives easier. Originally created to serve faithfully to

humanity, digital devices have also revealed their harmful impact on our lives. Many studies have come

to the conclusion that our physical, social, and mental health suffers because of the excessive exposure to

technology. The most common is in terms of education because The Internet has become a great tool for

learning. You can Google any information you need rather than spend time in the library or attend the

course online without leaving home. Yet, tech involvement doesn’t always guarantee the quality of

education. Children sometimes overuse technology in the classroom, which obviously affects the learning

process in a negative way. Plagiarism and cheating have increased while analysis and critical thinking

have declined. This puts young generation thinking abilities in jeopardy. Various studies claim that the

more students use entertainment technologies like games or social media, the less they perform

academically. And in this time there are many cases of mental health that causes them to be depressed or

anything else so it can be a negative effect of technology because one of the most dramatic impacts of

technology is the decline of the quality and quantity of sleep. The sleep chemical melatonin is influenced

by the constant glow from screens. So keeping technology is likely to interfere with your sleep and affects

your general state. What is even more serious is that people become addicted to technology. This has a

detrimental effect on person’s health and social life, and destroys social and family bonds. Among other

mental problems caused by computers is a new type of stress called the chronic Smartphone Stress. It is

caused by notifications (or their absence), constant anticipation of a message or e-mail. If a person

doesn’t get enough attention, this can make you feel stressed or even depressed. And it can also affects

our ability to manage time because we are giving more time using technology than to focus on our

academic and it can really affect our leanings and in can also be a source of distraction because a message

from someone can really distract you whether it is important of not . Instead of studying, students spend

most of the time on social media sites and television shows. These days social media has become an
addiction for most students to the point where they prefer staying on Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, or

Twitter while in class instead of focusing on what’s being taught. And it can reduce the command over

language use age and creative writing skill because students mostly use slang words or shortened forms of

words on social networking sites. They start relying on the computer grammar and spelling check

features. This reduces their command over the language and their creative writing skills. It can also

reduce the motivation of the student using technology because the student’s motivational level reduces

due to the use of these social networking sites. They rely on the virtual environment instead of gaining

practical knowledge from the real world. And being dependent on the resources gathered and in the easy

access of information and it can result of reduction of learning and research capability because at some

point of time we can get some information that are not true so we but be more resourceful and we should

not be dependent on the easy access of technology.

Chapter 2

Technology and Internet in the Good Life Perspective

Technology is very important today because it is used for almost everything and it has good and

bad effect in people. Without technologies such as mobile phones, computers and other devices it is

already a basic necessity and helps our daily activity or jobs easier.

The Good life

The good life in philosophy is the kind of life a person can dream of living. The aspect of good

life in the ancient times was simple because it only involved having enough food on the table, a tribal

affiliation, a family, and shelter. It was simply the protection that .one would benefit from life's struggles.

Aristotle views on living well begin with a consideration of end and means. The end is the goal that wants

to achieve and the mean is depends on which to succeed faster and easier. Practical thinking to think

about the goal that aiming for and the means is the need to use to achieve that goal.

Aristotle argued that acting less purposely as mature. Trying to develop a living project that

unites all different purposes. The ultimate goal of human life is to survive, to live well, to have a good

life. All acts should be geared towards this end. Of course, we need food, clothing, and shelter to live at

all, but living itself is the means to the end of well-being. And what's a way to live well? Aristotle claims

that well-being is the ultimate end of humans; it's no other way. This is clear to Aristotle because few

people want to live badly.

Some people are in a better position in today's situation to acquire Aristotle's real goods. These are the

powerful. Does this mean that wealthy people are encouraged to live a good life? It brings us back to the

ultimate goal concept. As described above, life's ultimate goal is to succeed or become self-realized.

Happiness is the ultimate measure of a good life, something that every person can achieve from his or her

own perspective. Nonetheless, it should be noted that good life is not about the end; it is about the means

as well. All the world's major religions teach the means or actions of righteousness towards the end goal.

Technology and Internet in the Good Life

In the present era, it is difficult to keep the concentration of college students at its maximum

potential during the class time, as there are many distractions that negatively impact students’

concentration and prevent optimal learning. Technologies such as laptops and cell phones have invaded

the classroom, raising considerable concerns about their effects on college students’ attention in the


Technology is revolutionizing the world and everyday life. Technology has created incredible tools and

resources to provide useful information. Modern technology paved the way for multifunctional apps such

as the smart watch and the smartphone. Computers are quicker, more compact and more powerful than

ever before. Technology has also made their lives simpler, quicker, safer and more enjoyable with all

these revolutions. Throughout recent decades, innovation has also equipped us with brand new phones,

such as smart watches, laptops, and voice assistants. With these phones, they can make money.

Technology has changed the way we entertain, interact, and consume all media types. It's made enjoyable

progress, but when it comes to home protection and medical devices, it's also made significant progress in

Digital technology has changed what people call "media." As a media company is no longer necessarily a

news outlet, the impact of new technology on media is clear. A media company is now any company that

helps to transmit information around the world, including social media platforms such as Facebook and

Twitter. Social media is not the only big statement made by digital technology. Neither is social media the

only manner in which technology has had an impact on the life of all. In order to understand the meaning

of a word, they had to search through a dictionary before mobile technology.

Today, in a dictionary app, they can look up words and search the Internet easily. Besides terms,

we can use search engines such as Google or Bing to search for almost anything on the Web. The Internet

has impacted in all levels of education by offering limitless learning opportunities. The researchers think

education's future is a networked future. People can use the Internet to create and share information and

develop new ways of teaching and learning that at anytime, anywhere, use any computer, captivate and

stimulate the creativity of students. Through engaging students and teachers and inspiring them, they will

stimulate economic growth and improve the well being of society worldwide. To order to build the global

learning community, we must work together over a network.

According to the survey, Internet users are now spending an average of 2 hours and 22 minutes

per day on social networking and messaging platforms. Trended data is also suggesting that there may be

saturation in social media consumption. It has a large effect in good life of a human being he/she spend

more time in social rather than to his/her family and school. Base from the observed that many countries

that were previously showing growing signs of social media utilization are now plateauing. In fact, in 11

out of 31 countries analyzed, the time spent online has either stayed the same or decreased from the

previous analysis, because of more spending in technology it affect our condition in life like the health

condition Technology can have a large impact on users' mental and physical health. Being overly

connected can cause psychological issues such as distraction, narcissism, expectation of instant

gratification, and even depression. Besides affecting users' mental health, use of technology can also have

negative repercussions on physical health causing vision problems, hearing loss, and neck strain.

Fortunately, there are steps that can be taken to help alleviate these health issues. If a students/ teenagers

of Barangay 169 Pasay City has negative effect of technology in their life like bad health and no more

time spending in school, family and etc. don’t have a good life to say.
Chapter 3

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the thorough and in-depth search done

by the researchers. This will also present facts and opinions from other research and authors that will help

readers to fully understand the research to be done and lastly the definition of terms for better

comprehension of the study

Related Literature

A number of researches indicate that the use of gadgets or devices by students during a class or

lecture can be a disadvantage. While some research demonstrates that gadgets can be an important

learning tool, anecdotal evidence suggests more and more faculty are banning using of mobile phones

from their classrooms because of perceptions that they distract students and affect learning. One

disadvantage of wireless networks in the classroom and students’ increasing access to and use of gadgets

and mobile phones is the distraction that these devices can create. Unless the lecturer specifically

prohibits the use of mobile phone or any kind of devices in the classroom, the wireless networks will

inevitably provide a source of distraction for students who bring their devices to class.
A study to examine the use of devices or laptops for promoting active learning in lecture halls

was carried out by (Barak, Lipson &Lerman, 2006). The study examined students’ behavior in class and

their perceptions of the new learning environment throughout three consecutive semesters. An online

survey revealed that students have highly positive perceptions about the use of wireless laptops, mobile

phones and other gadgets but less positive perceptions about being active in class. Class observations

showed that the use of wireless laptops enhances student-centered, hands-on, and exploratory learning, as

well as meaningful student-to-student and student-to-instructor interactions. However, findings also show

that mobile phones can become a source of distraction, if used for non-learning purposes. As noted by the

researcher in their discussion, “however, the use of gadgets also has disadvantages. A fraction of the

students (12%) used their phones for non-directed (i.e., non-learning) purposes, such as surfing the Web

or sending e-mail messages. A similar fraction of students (15%) indicated that the wireless laptops

distracted their attention in class. This leads to the conclusion that wireless laptops should be employed in

class only when the instructor requires the students to do so.

One group was allowed to use computers, connect to the Internet and browse the web while attending a

lecture. The other group attended the same lecture, but was not allowed to use computers. A log of the

activity of the group of students with the computer showed that they looked at sites related to the lecture

but also visited unrelated sites, checked their emails, shopped online, watched videos and did all the other

things that people do online. Immediately after the lecture both groups took a test measuring how well

they could recall the information from the lecture. The web surfers “performed significantly poor on

immediate measures of memory for the to-be-learned content of the lecture”, according to researchers.

The researchers further reported that “it didn’t matter, whether they surfed information related to the

lecture or completely unrelated content – they all performed poorly. When the researchers repeated the

experiment with another class, the results were the same.

The division of attention demanded by ICT devices further strains the students’ cognitive

abilities, diminishing their learning and weakening their understanding. In 2003, researchers (Hembrooke

& Gay, 2003) of Cornell University conducted research into distraction of ICT devices in the classroom.

In an experiment, they divided a class of students into two groups.

Kansas State University scholars (Bergen, Grimes & Potter, 2005) conducted a similar research

on distracted attention. They had a group of university students watch a typical CNN broadcast in which 4

new stories were broadcast while various multimedia elements flashed on the screen and a textual news

crawl ran along the bottom. They had a second group of college student’s watch the same program but

with no multimedia elements flashing and no textual news crawl. Subsequent tests found that students

who watched the multimedia version of the news remembered significantly fewer facts from the stories

when compared to those that watched a simpler version. “It appears that this multimedia message format

exceeds viewers attention and absorbance capacity”, reported the researchers.

Educational institutions as well as parents have made significant investments and students in

purchasing computers and laptops on the pretense that this equipment is as much part of the teaching and

learning environment, as are pens, books and teachers. The issue as to the ‘impact’ of this new innovation

upon educational practices has generated mixed findings. Teachers at all levels of the education sector are

now using (and being expected to use) computers and laptops in their classrooms. Awan(2012), in order

to assess the effect of computers/laptops on the dynamics of the teaching and learning environment

circulated a questionnaire to teachers undertaking a Masters in Education degree program in UAE in

order to gather teachers opinions and experiences regarding the use of computers and laptops in their

classrooms. One of the main finding was that teachers found computers and laptops in class as creating a

barrier to the teaching and learning process.

An analysis of teachers’ comments suggested that the use of computers and laptops in class

tended to distract students and created a greater number of classroom management issues for teachers to

deal with. Similar findings have been observed in other studies that have noted the negative effect of

laptops and computers on students learning, with researcher observations and teachers comments

highlighting that students appeared to spend more time multitasking on their laptops and were therefore

distracted from the primary lesson itself.

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