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Additional Exercise – Reported Speech

1. “Don’t clap yet,” warned my friend. “She hasn’t finished. Singers loathe people who clap too
soon,” He added.

My friend warned not to clap yet because she hadn’t finished and that singers loathe people
who clap too soon.

2. “Let’s not tell the others,” said Tom, “Until we are quite certain about the report.”

Tom said not to tell the others until they were quite certain about the report.

3. The shop steward urged, “Let’s show that we are united by voting unanimously to continue the

The shop steward urged to let show and that that they were united by voting unanimously
to continue the strike.

4. The president said, “This situation is getting worse; Stay at home!”

The president said that this situation was getting worse and to stay at home.

5. “I hadn’t chosen the cake but the waitress took the cake just as I have chosen one.” Barton

Barton said that he hadn’t chosen the cake but that the waitress had taken the cake just as
he had chosen one.

6. The driver asked the police, “Can I pass this road? I want to take my passengers.”

The driver asked the police if he could pass that road and that he want to take his

7. “My father got fired from his office and my mother is still sad about being fired.” Said Mella.

Mella said that her father had gotten fired from his office and that her mother was still sad
about being fired.
8. Britney said that she had borrowed her friend’s pen and turn it back it her but that her friend
couldn’t find it.

Britney said, “I borrowed my friend’s pen and turned it back it her but my friend can’t
find it.”

9. They told me that, “I am being a weird person and doing strange things.”

They told me that you were being a weird person and doing strange things.

10. The police asked the lady, “Why do you still insist on going out of the city? Turn around and
go back home!”

The police asked the lady why she still insisted on going out of city and the police told the
lady to turn around and go back home.

11. The restaurant owner told his employees, “Keep working at home! I will pay your salary.”

The restaurant owner told his employees to keep working at home and that he would pay
their salary.

12. The director said, “This pandemic has spent all of my savings. When will this be over?”

The director said that that pandemic had spent all of his savings and when that would be

13. The shop assistant asked her boss, ”Can we still work here? How can we pay our expenses?”

The shop assistant asked her boss if they could still work here and how they could pay their

14. The chef asked his customer “is it delicious? Should I add more salt?”

The chef asked his customer if it was delicious and if he should add more salt.

15. The pianist asked the stage manager, “Can you turn the volume down? It is too loud.”

The pianist asked the stage manager if he could turn the volume down and that it was too
16. My father said that he went to Paris and had fun there for months.

My father said, “I go to Paris and have fun there for months.”

17. The teacher had been mocking all the bad students and that they had felt nothing about it said
my friend to me.

My friend said to me, “The teacher has been mocking all the bad students and we felt
nothing about it.”

18. I told to myself that I wasn’t angry to her but that she still thought that I was angry.

I told to myself, “I am not angry to her but she still think that I am angry.”

19. The manager asked the secretary to reschedule all his appointments because he had to stay at

The manager asked the secretary , “Reschedule all his appointments! I have to stay at

20. The dog owner asked his neighbor whether his dog had bothered him and whether he had to
put him in cage.

The dog owner asked his neighbor, “Has my dog bother bothered you? Did I put my dog
in cage?”

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