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Cami Saenz Ruiz

La Familia Lesson Plan

· The students will identify members of the family in English and Spanish, through images and
pictures that show the different members of the family
· The students will grow their language knowledge in Spanish

Anticipatory Set
Hello everyone! Today we will be learning about the family in Spanish. I bet you know a
few words in Spanish, so today you will be learning more. At the end of this lesson, you will be
able to identify how to say the members of the family in English and Spanish.
To start, I want you to seat on the carpet while I read a very interesting book. I want you
to pay close attention to the members of Carmen’s family. What is the title of the book? What
about the author? Finally, can someone tell me who did the illustrations? (I will let the students
answer because they have been learning about the Title, author and illustrator) The book is “In
My Family” written and illustrated by Carmen Lomas Garza.

Now that we have read the book, we learned a lot about Carmen’s family right? Now we
are going to learn how to say the members of the family in Spanish. I have some flashcards with
pictures and images of members of the family. In the bottom part one side, the name of the
member is written in English and on the other side, it is written in Spanish. Once we master
them, we are going to complete a fun worksheet to practice the new words we have learned

Okay! After reading the book, I am going to teach the student each word in English and
then in Spanish. I will repeat this exercise a couple of times and then once I perceive that the
students can differentiate the majority of the words, I will proceed to hand in the worksheets.
Seating in their desks, each student will receive a worksheet and they will have time to
complete it. It is a matching exercise, where students are supposed to draw a line connecting the
word in Spanish, with the word in English. Another way to instruct the students is to tell them to
match the numbers in column one, with the letters in column two.
The worksheet will look like this:

Now that we know the members of the family in Spanish and English, we are going to
put our worksheets inside our folders and try to practice these words every day. Besides this,
students can challenge themselves and try to read “In My Family” in Spanish, since it is written
in both languages.

I will observe students being attentive while reading the book since it is fundamental for
them to understand Carmen’s biography for this lesson. This story talks about the family and its
importance. Moreover, while doing the worksheet, I am going to make sure that students
differentiate and identify the words in Spanish and English.

I must admit that before teaching this lesson, I was very nervous, but after

teaching, I think it went well and I enjoyed sharing my first language with the students. I

think that since it was my first time teaching a whole class, I did not feel confident

enough. Still, when I saw that the students were excited and motivated to learn, I felt

more confident.

Reading the book went successfully, however I think the level was a little higher

for the first graders and they did not appreciate the book that much. Nonetheless, they

were attentive and seating quietly while I was reading. I would change my “raising hand”

instruction and be more specific on talking if I say their name.

For the worksheet, I think it was more complicated than what I was expecting. I

thought the students would remember the words in Spanish and match them with the

picture with no problem. However, most of the students were asking for help and were

constantly saying “I don’t know” “I need help” “I don’t remember”. Maybe for future

lessons I will change the way I assess the students.

Overall, I think it went well but there are things I can work on for future lessons.

If I would have to reteach this lesson, I would change the worksheet and maybe choose

an easier book for the students to understand.

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