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A. Stress
B. Strenuous activity (work related)

CHIEF COMPLAIN 1. Urinary Tract Infection at her 12th-

13th week
Premature rupture of membrane 2. High physical and emotional stress
3. 35 years old

1. Uncontrollable gush of fluid coming
from vaginal area.
2. Positive pain at perineal area
3. Internal Examination revealed
premature rupture of membrane as
verbalized by the doctor.

1. Anhydramnios
2. Risk for Infection
3. Fetal Distress


I. Gordon’s Functional Health Pattern
A. Health Perception/Heath Management History
According to mother (x) during
her pregnancy, she frequently
experienced back pain and leg
cramps. Due to her work, she
travelled everyday from Cavite to
Makati and vice versa.To ease the
pain she managed it by stretching
her legs. There was no minor
health problems (colds, fever)
that was experienced during her
pregnancy but she had urinary
tract infection during her12th to
13th week. But it only last for few
weeks. The mother followed the
recommended vitamins of the
physician. The mother also stated
in order to maintain her health,
she performed exercises like

During patient’s interaction, she is
attentive and willingly expresses her
thoughts. As to her general appearance,
she still looks pale because according to
her she feels the pain on her stitch.

E. Nutritional and Metabolic Pattern History

The patient became sensitive and picky
on her food during her pregnancy. She
also had an additional intake of
nutritious food for better health of her
baby. She eats more fruits and
vegetables and claimed to have a good
appetite. She also experienced
discomfort in eating chicken at
restaurants. There is darkening and
discoloration of the skin during her
pregnancy that appears on her
underarms and neck. She also
experienced gum bleeding but there’s no
action taken.
There is no presence of lesions. The
patient has no dentures and missing
I. Elimination Pattern History
The patient mentioned that both of her
urinary and elimination pattern has no
problem in control. She usually moves
her bowel every morning with brown
and formed stools. She also eliminate
everyday and there’s no any excessive
perspiration noted. There is no pain

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