Vanya Fiona

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1. How to diagnose xerostomia?

Answer : your doctor will ask you question about your medical history and examine your
mouth and throat

2. What are the causes of decreased saliva production?

Answer : there are several causes including mouth breathing, health conditions, stress and
anxiety, injury or trauma, smoking, blocked salivary etc.

3. What are the symptoms of xerostomia?

Answer : mouth feel dry, thick saliva, “sticky” feeling in your mouth, halitosis, trouble
chewing and shallowing, dry nasal passage, raw or sore tongue, decreased appetite etc

4. What is xerostomia?

Answer : xerostomia or dry mouth is a common symptom caused by not having enough
saliva. Your mouth and thorat will feel dry and you may have other symptoms, especially
related to your teeth.

5. Can xerostomia cause complications? If possible what are the complications caused by

Answer : yes it can. in some cases, it can even cause complications. Dry mouth contributes
to a predisposition for developing cavities, gingivitis, and periodontal disease. Rarely,
infection may progress into a tooth abscess and develop oral thrush (a fungal infection of
the mouth)

6. What medicine your doctor usually prescribes for xerostomia?

Answer : evoxac (cevimeline) and salagen (pilocarpine) to stimulate the production of saliva.

7. How to prevent xerostomia?

Answer : consistent oral hygiene, chewing gum, hard candies, and lozenges can coax saliva
production, avoid smoking, alcohol, caffeine, regular brushing, flossing and rinsing your
mouth, sipping water regulary or sucking on ice chip, use a humidifier at night in the air in
your home tends to be dry.

8. What foods should be avoided if you have xerostomia?

Answer : salty foods, acidic juices, dry food, caffeine and alcohol

9. How is the right treatment for sufferers of xerostomia?

Answer : treatment for dry mouth mostly involves helping you manage your symptoms by
reducing discomfort, learning preventative strategies and possibly medications.

10. What is the cause of xerostomia?

Answer : decreased saliva production.


1. Swallowing : menelan
2. Mild : ringan
3. Bladder : kandung kemih
4. Interventional : intervensi, campur tangan
5. Suspect : dugaan
6. Humidifier : alat untuk menjaga kelembapan udara
7. Coax : berusaha, membujuk
8. Prescription : resep
9. Lubricate : melumasi
10. Counteract : menetralkan

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