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Young learns ´kno wledge




PASTO 2020
Young learns ´kno wledge


 Read some information about what three people like reading.

 For questions 1 – 7, choose the person A, B or C.
 There is one example at the beginning.

A. Luis
I like to read in bed before I turn my light off. I don’t like science
fiction or comics. I’m really lucky because my parents buy me a lot
of books. My friends enjoy borrowing them. One book I enjoyed is
called “The Lake” by Tom Davis. It’s about a girl who lived a
hundred years ago and worked at a hotel. One day, a
guest is found in the deep, blue lake. Lena thinks she knows who killed her.

B. Joanna
I never buy books; I always go to my local library. I like stories
about modern life where boys meet girls, not about what happened
years ago. A book I enjoyed is called “The Dream“ by Dorrie
Williams. Lois has left school and is now a famous pop singer. Lois
meets Mike, a good - looking Australian guitar player in a band. Her
friends don’t like him but she does. Does she take her friends’ advice or does she go out with
Mike? Read
it and find out!
C. Sam
I don’t often buy books, I prefer to get comics, often ones that make
me laugh, not stupid love stories which send me to sleep. Anyway,
I read a good book called “Will” by Gary Hahn. It’s about a boy
who wakes up in someone else’s bedroom and has different face
and body. He remembers playing great, new
computer games with his friend Jack and then going home. This is an awesome story because
it’s really

0. Who buys more comics than books? C
1. Who enjoys reading funny stories? C
2. Who prefers love stories? B
3. Who reads before going to sleep? A
4. Who reads a book about something terrible happening? A
5. Who enjoyed a book because it was unusual? C
Young learns ´kno wledge

6. Who read a book about past? A

7. Who always borrows books? B


 Read the article about doing homework.

 Choose the best word A, B, or C for each space.
 For questions 1 – 8, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet.
 There is one example at the beginning.


It is good idea to (0) __start______your homework early. If you can do it (1)

___before_____ your evening meal, you are going to have (2) __more_____ time later to
do things that you enjoy, like talking (3) ___by_____ the phone.

It is also better to do homework as soon as possible after the teacher has given it to you.
Then, if the homework is difficult and you (4) _need_time to think about it, you are going
to (5) ____still____have time to do it.

Always turn off your mobile phone and the television when you (6) _are doing homework.
You will work a lot (7) __faster_ without them. Make sure you have a quiet place to work,
with (8) __too__ light and comfortable chair.

0. A. starting B. started C. start

1. A. since B. before C. until
2. A. more B. much C. most
3. A. by B. at C. on
4. A. should B. need C. must
5. A. still B. yet C. already
6. A. have B. are C. were
7. A. fastest B. fast C. faster
8. A. enough B. too C. many
Young learns ´kno wledge


I never buy books; I always borrow a book from a friend, I don't like science fiction or
comics. I have no preference for a particular type of book; I usually read self-improvement
books, love stories or suspense stories among others. One book I enjoyed is called “a life
without limits” by Nick Vujicic. This is a man who was born without limbs. But those
circumstances have not limited him. He is dedicated to traveling the world to motivate
millions of people to overcome adversity. He is a true example of life. My brother
recommended this book to me. is very good

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